Ask The Council

What will you ask Spirit?

Spirit Is Always Showing You the Way

Spirit is always leading you
on your journey.

Because of free will
you do not always choose
to follow on this path.

You sometimes pick another road
with different experiences.

But spirit will always
keep showing you the way.

It knows exactly
what you want to do.

It will always
find an easier way.

It will always reroute you
and get you were you want to be.

—The Council

April 21, 2013 - Posted by | Choice, Free Will, Thought for the Day | , ,

1 Comment »

  1. This made me smile.
    I’m a non-driver, but last week I had to travel in my brother’s car to some unfamiliar places in the wilds of the countryside in my part of England. Confidently, he put on his GPS and followed its directions. It claimed to know where we wanted to go, but constantly led us down farm tracks and unmade roads that came to dead ends. Lots of rerouting but the ways were far from easy!
    SPS (spiritual positioning service) works so much better, and the ‘recalculating’ is instant and effortless.
    Thank you to The Council for these words of encouragement 🙂


    Comment by janonlife | April 21, 2013

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