Ask The Council

What will you ask Spirit?

The Secret to Manifesting What You Desire


Recently The Council suggested to Cynthia that we write a post to help people who are feeling frustrated in their attempts to use the teachings of the law of attraction and deliberate creation to manifest what they desire in their lives. As two people who have experienced these frustrations, we liked The Council’s idea and during a session on Saturday, May 5, 2012 we asked for their suggestions for this post.


In this section we’ve gathered The Council’s comments from throughout the session that represent for us the essence of their guidance for manifesting what you desire. In the sections that follow, these comments are presented in the context of the entire discussion, to give you a better idea how these ideas developed during the session.

“We see that many [who] are incarnated in your physical world have many questions about manifestation.”

“We see that many are trying to create specific things – whether it is relationships, whether it is material abundance, whether it is health – [and] that there is trouble in creating it.”

“Many do not know what it means when they hear the phrase, ‘line up with what it is you are trying to create.’ And many are out there teaching ‘to match the vibration of what you are trying to create’. Many do not know how to do this because if you’re trying to create something you’ve never had, or never lived, there is a doubt [about] what it would feel like [and] what it would be like to have this thing or situation.

“So how do you create with your thoughts when you do not have the experience of having whatever it is that you are calling forth? And we believe what many are missing… the secret is: you do not have to line up with that particular thought; you do not have to imagine – even though it is wonderful to imagine – what it is that you want, [and] that you already have it.”

“So if you cannot line up with the vibration of what it is that you want because you have no idea what it would look like in your imagination, or what it would feel like, the answer to this – and this is the answer to manifesting – [is] raise your vibration with happy thoughts, that is the answer.

“When you raise your vibration, everything that you have desired – whether you know how to create it or not –will come to you.”

“It is so simple that many will have a hard time believing this, but we can tell you it’s what you might call the shortcut or the easier way to manifesting. It doesn’t have to be so difficult as seeing that you have it, feeling that you have it, [and] what would it be like? Some cannot do this.

“And so just be happy about anything; stay in the feeling of happiness and spirit will bring in everything that it wants.”

–The Council
(The formatting above throughout this post represents The Council’s comments during our session. Text [in brackets] in these quotations has been added to improve readability and clarity when this seems useful.)

The Rest of the Story

If you agree with The Council that their advice may seem overly simplistic and difficult to believe, I [Bob] had the same feelings during the session (as the following details of our discussion indicate) and for at least the next 10 days. But after listening to the recording of the session every day, meditating on it, and giving The Council’s advice a try, I’m beginning to see evidence there’s something to what they’re saying, and we’re both looking forward to seeing what manifests as we practice reaching for happier thoughts and feelings.

Most of our discussion with The Council during this session is presented in the following sections. Headings have been added to organize the material in logical and manageable blocks of thought.

You are Spirit in a Physical Body

“We see that many [who] are incarnated in your physical world have many questions about manifestation. And we say it goes back to [our] #1 [teaching]: When you believe you are spirit, and when you start to feel you are spirit in that physical body, you begin to accept that you know much more; you can create, [and] that you have this power that you did not believe you had when you thought you were just this human form.

“So again we always say: go back to learning, experiencing, reading about, understanding, [and] remembering you are spirit in a physical body.”

You are the Creator of Your Experience

“And then there are many who do not believe that you create your own experience, and that you are creating all the time.

“Whether you are (what they call) a deliberate creator, or just going along with unconscious (and sometimes conscious) thoughts, and creating that way with those emotions that come with those thoughts, you are creating; you are always in the mode of creating. Every single day, every single moment, you are sending out a vibration that will create the similar situation in your life that matches that vibration.

“And so many do not understand that at all times you are creating.”

Ask and It is Given

“But we see that many are trying to create specific things – whether it is relationships, whether it is material abundance, whether it is health – [and] that there is trouble in creating it.”

“Of course, as we’ve learned, when you ask for this, or you believe in one way or another with your thoughts that you wish to have this particular thing in your life, [when] you want to experience this situation in your life, in the wanting, in the desire for it, you already create it. And yes we know, you have created it in another reality.

“And so of course that is not good enough. [There are] people who want it in their reality right now. And so we understand that.”

Go Back to Thoughts and Feelings

“And what is the secret to creating in your reality, of bringing what you’ve created in another reality instantaneously into your incarnated life-on-Earth reality? So how does one do that? And again we go back to the thoughts [and] the feelings.

“Many do not know what it means when they hear the phrase, ‘line up with what it is you are trying to create.’ And many are out there teaching ‘to match the vibration of what you are trying to create’. Many do not know how to do this, because if you’re trying to create something you’ve never had, or never lived, there is a doubt [about] what it would feel like, [and] what it would be like to have this thing or situation.

“So how do you create with your thoughts when you do not have the experience of having whatever it is that you are calling forth? And we believe what many are missing,  the secret is: you do not have to line up with that particular thought; you do not have to imagine – even though it is wonderful to imagine – what it is that you want, [and] that you already have it.

Raise Your Vibration and Everything You Desire Will Come to You

“The answer is (when you are imagining what you want, when you are picturing and feeling what you really want) that feeling of joy, of happiness that is creating it [your desire]. The answer is: When you are imagining what you want… when you are picturing and feeling what you really want… [it] is that feeling of joy, [that feeling] of happiness, that is creating [what you desire].

“So if you cannot line up with the vibration of what it is that you want, because you have no idea what it would look like in your imagination, or what it would feel like, the answer to this [is] – and this is the answer to manifesting: raise your vibration with happy thoughts, that is the answer.

“When you raise your vibration, everything that you have desired – whether you know how to create it or not – will come to you, and that is our bottom line. Is that understood?”

When I mentioned to The Council that their advice didn’t seem like an obvious improvement over the suggestion to align with and match the vibration of what is desired, they replied:

Don’t Worry – Be Happy

“Do you remember there was a saying: ‘Don’t worry, be happy.’ That is the answer. In what ever way you can, in any way at all, feel happy. Get into that vibration, and by getting into that vibration we mean: feel being happy. That is the easiest and quickest way to bring in your desire.

“It is so simple that many will have a hard time believing this, but we can tell you it’s what you might call the shortcut, or the easier way to manifesting. It doesn’t have to be so difficult as seeing that you have it, feeling that you have it, [and] what would it be like? Some cannot do this.

“And so just be happy about anything; stay in the feeling of happiness and spirit will bring in everything that it wants.”

Bob: “It may be a challenge for a lot of people to just feel happy. If someone is in chronic pain, happiness seems pretty far off.”

Everyone Can Create a Feeling of Happiness

“But at one point in everyone’s life there has been some happiness. So even if you have to go back and remember when you were happy, or think of something you feel might make you happy, anything at all, even if it’s going to the store and getting an ice cream soda – anything at all. Everyone has the ability for creating this feeling of happiness.”

Feeling Happy Speeds Up Creating What You Desire

Bob: “Do you mind going into a little detail, for people who are curious about how this works? How does feeling happy bring everything they desire?”

“Frustration, sadness, depression, doubt; these are what we would call denser vibrations and they are closer to the Earth. They are all around your body. They are all around your environment.

“And so when you are trying to create, it’s almost like your wishes or your thoughts have to fight their way through this heavy fog, this heaviness of these unhappy feelings.

“When you become happy, your vibration gets less dense – lighter and lighter and lighter. It’s almost like the sun shining through the heavy, dense fog. And so because it is so pure and so clear, your vibrations move faster. You create faster. Is that understood?”

Bob: “I understand the vibrations move faster, but I’m sort of missing the link between feeling better, lighter, faster vibrations, and what I’m guessing people are going to be focused on: the creating and manifesting in their physical reality. People are going to what to know, ‘If I feel happy, how is that going to…'”

Love Creates Everything

[The Council interjects:]

“Because love creates everything, and when you are in (what some would call) these negative feelings, it is not easy to touch upon the feeling of love. And so it’s like trying to swim through quicksand or mud. Your vibration slows down… slows down… and it is harder to get to that state of the lighter feeling, the happier feeling, and the love, which will create everything.

“When people are frustrated, or they are depressed, or they are sad, at those particular moments they are not feeling the love that is there. So you need to reach that lighter feeling.”

Human Thoughts vs. the Intention of Spirit

Bob: “The way that I tend to think about it is that people who are trying to create with their thoughts and feelings may have a tendency to think they are creating with their human thoughts and their human feelings.

“And it sounds like what you’re emphasizing is that it’s not so much the human thoughts and feelings that are creating in our physical and human reality, but it’s the love we are as spirit… the vibration… the energy of love we are as spirit… that creates everything.

“And when we are more in harmony with that energy and vibration of love, then we are allowing what we (as spiritual beings) desire in our lives – both [our] spiritual lives and physical lives – to come more into being… to be created.

“And so there’s a lot of emphasis – a lot of this, I think, comes from Abraham’s teachings – there’s a lot of emphasis on what you think of, you will create.

“But if what you’re thinking of isn’t in harmony with the love you are as spirit, it seems like it’s not going to be as easy to create something with your thoughts and feelings if it’s not in harmony with who you are as a spiritual being. Is that an important factor?

You Don’t Have to be a Better Person

“That is a good way to get that message across.

“It is knowing you are spirit in a physical body and reaching for that feeling of love, which is all that you truly are; you are all perfection.

“There are many that wish to manifest, and somewhere believe that they do not deserve it. And we are here to say: Everyone deserves everything that they wish to manifest because you are all perfection already. You don’t have to be a better person to receive what it is you are trying to create.

We love this idea about not having to behave like some kind of better person in order to receive what we desire. It feels like a reminder the love that creates everything is unconditional and doesn’t require anything from us other than our desire in order to vibrationally create what we want to experience.

Stop Working So Hard with Our Thoughts

I asked The Council if they suggest we stop working so hard with our thoughts and feelings to manifest our desires, and focus more on connecting with the feeling of who we are as spirit and love.

“Just that thought alone is so heavy and so tiring – working, working to make this happen. Just reach the state of making yourself happy; feeling that wonderful, warm, fuzzy feeling of love… feeling that glow… and everything you wish to manifest will come to you.”

Is It Practical?

Bob: “[For] a lot of people the focus of their attention is far enough away from happiness, even if they’ve experienced it sometime in their life, [suppose] that they’re not close enough vibrationally to happiness to get there? They don’t believe they can.

“They’re so vibrationally focused on something that’s unhappy, that it [feeling happy] almost doesn’t seem practical. It seems like practical advice to people that are close to being happy, but it doesn’t seem like practical advice to people that feel miserable. Logically it [The Council’s advice] makes sense, but from a practical…” [The Council interjects:]

“It is a little easier for people to try and find the feeling of happiness than to try and find the feeling [of] lining up with what it feels like to already have what you want when it’s difficult to imagine what it would be like to have what it is you want. It is very frustrating to try and try and can’t reach it.

“It is much easier to try and find a feeling of happiness, some joy, some love, some caring. It is much easier to go for that feeling than a specific feeling of what it is that they want.”

Bob: “And so can you go back over how somebody, thinking about something that happened that gave them a feeling of happiness, how does that help them to…”

Just Reach for a Feeling of Happiness

[The Council interjects:]

“Your vibration changes, it becomes lighter, it moves quicker. When your vibration increases and moves quicker, and quicker, and quicker, that is how you manifest. The desires go out in that vibration instead of getting stuck in the mud. A package trying to be delivered to the universe, trying to get through mud, is one thing, but when it is carried on a light wave of happiness and love and joy, it is out there and it is being created.”

“It is important that you explain to just reach for the feeling of happiness.”

Bob: “Do you think that happiness is so much more an important focus than just finding the next better feeling thought?”

“If that creates the happiness, then that is what you do.”

“And so, many will find this [advice] of great help and much easier.

“Just remember that love creates everything.”

Bob: “So the purpose of the post is to help people that feel like they are working hard and concentrating with their thoughts and feelings…” [The Council interjects:]

“And getting nervous because they’re trying to create, and they’re doing a good job, and then all of a sudden they see they’re not having it. So they start getting doubtful and they get frustrated, and they’re already into: ‘This is not working and this is never going to happen.’ So instead of putting oneself off with that, just reach for happiness with a better-feeling thought or a better-feeling memory or something in the imagination.”

By this point in the session I felt I understood what The Council wanted us to write about in this post, even if I wasn’t completely convinced of their message’s practicality at that time. As The Council mentioned during the session, their advice is so simple that many people will have difficulty believing it will help them manifest more of what they desire in their lives.

If you’re interested in the law of attraction and deliberate creation, and you’ve experienced some difficulty manifesting, you may find yourself pleasantly surprised if you give The Council’s advice a try.

Let Us Know What You Think

We hope you’ve benefited from the information in this post. We’d love to know what you think of this material. Please consider leaving a comment in the Leave a Reply section below. If you have any questions for The Council about ideas mentioned in this post or other posts, the Leave a Reply section at the bottom of any post is a good place to submit your questions. We will be notified by email. (If you’re reading a post on our Home page you won’t see the Leave a Reply section, but each post on the Home page has a Comment link at the end that will take you directly to the Leave a Reply section for that post.)

May 21, 2012 - Posted by | Connecting With Spirit, Desire, Law of Attraction, Love, Questions & Answers, Spirit, You Create Your Reality | , , , , , , , , , ,


  1. Hi, Lindsay. Thank you so much for your appreciation of one of our earlier posts. This goes back to the days before we included the audio recording. We’re so glad you feel this post will help you explain the difference between lower vibration and higher vibration to your sons. There’s a lot of nuggets of precious information in those early posts and we’re happy you’re finding them.

    We are well. Thanks for thinking of us and for your love and gratitude. We send you love, gratitude, and light in return. Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | April 25, 2022

  2. Hello Bob & Cynthia! I know this post is nearly 10 years old but it’s such a good one! The examples of energy- like mud or dense fog when you’re experiencing a lower vibration feeling vs happiness and love with its quickening energy- is such a valuable take away. It’s a great way to help explain energy and manifestation to my young sons.
    This post is exactly what I needed to hear to remember to reach for happiness and don’t worry about the how or if I’m deserving.
    Don’t worry, be happy. Thank you again!
    I hope you guys are well, we are thinking of you all the time! Sending love and gratitude 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Lindsay | April 24, 2022

  3. Hi Freddy,
    Your questions seems like one that The Council can really sink their teeth into (if they had teeth). We look forward to The Council’s answer and publishing it in a post. We imagine many readers will benefit from the answer to your question.

    We’re currently working on a post to answer a question from Joe about how he, as a spiritual being, may have planned with other souls to have a difficult personal relationship in this lifetime in order to experience bringing love into those relationships and experience the spiritual expansion that occurs when this happens.

    Please be patient. It can take several weeks to post The Council’s answer, particularly when we’re working on other posts. If you sign up to follow our blog (by clicking on the Follow button in the bottom right corner of your browser window) you will automatically be notified by email when we publish the post to answer your question (and other people’s questions). It’s easy to unsubscribe if you decide you want to stop receiving notifications. Thank you for your question.


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | June 14, 2012

  4. Dear Council,
    I was wondering if you could help me answer the following question;How do better feeling thoughts affect your life? Is it really possible to change your day to day life and your future with just a change in your thoughts?
    Thank you,


    Comment by Anonymous | June 13, 2012

  5. Hi Jaqueline,
    Our apologies for not replying to your wonderful comment sooner. Thank you for the link to the Michael Teachings.

    We’re so glad our blog seems to be exactly what you were looking for and that you love the way we attempt to make this (sometimes difficult to understand) information as easy to understand as we can. We love your enthusiasm for the opportunity to ask The Council questions in public and we look forward to reading your questions whenever you feel inspired to ask.

    Thank you so much, Jaqueline, for your appreciation and encouragement. It feels really good to hear that this material is helping you.


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | June 4, 2012

  6. Hello Bob and Cynthia…
    I’m Jaqueline, I am Brazilian and I live here in US for a little more than a year now. I started reading your blog not long ago. I’ve been studying about spirituality by myself for a while now and I’m surprisingly discovering a whole new world. My very first great discover came across with The Michael Teachings ( and since then I’ve been feeling such a strong desire to keep studying it and getting more in touch with my inner self through another teachers/philosophies. I think it is such a beautiful thing what you guys are doing here. I felt drained to search for a more intimate teaching and I found your blog, what seems to be exactly what I was looking for. I love that Bob is always concerned with the text to be easily understandable, this helps a lot.
    I really enjoy to read The Council’s teachings and I love the idea of the possibility of asking public questions. This is just awesome.
    I have a few questions I’d like to ask in the future, but for now I just wanted to leave this comment and let you know that the work you are doing here is surely gonna help a lot of readers just like it is helping me. 🙂
    Thank you very much!



    Comment by Jaqueline | May 30, 2012

  7. Hi Bari,
    It feels good to hear about your excitement for The Council’s recent guidance to reach for a feeling of happiness to help manifest more of what is desired. We are also appreciative of this guidance, and we’re adjusting to the idea that manifesting what we desire might be considerably simpler than we previously expected. It occurs to us that simple doesn’t necessarily mean easy, particularly if we’ve been in the habit of going about things less simply. We look forward to hearing how you and your friends, and other readers are putting this guidance to use. It feels good to imagine we can help each other by sharing our experiences.


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | May 24, 2012

  8. Hello, again, Bob, Cynthia and Council…I am writing a quick (yet enthusiastic) note as I run out of the door to get the kids after having read and reread your latest entries on Manifesting. I am one of a group of friends who have written to your site for information from the Council and I wanted to let you know that I/we get very excited when we see new posts! 🙂
    I am particularly excited by this entry on Manifesting as it really seems to make the process much easier and much more concise. I no longer have to worry about trying desperately to “feel” that vibration I’m reaching for (Yeah!!!!) as that process was very frustrating for me. I am very intrigued by the notion that it could really be that simple!!! I/we will get back to you on how we are doing, but for now…THANK YOU!!!!!!


    Comment by Anonymous | May 23, 2012

Let us know what you think about this post, or ask The Council a question