Ask The Council

What will you ask Spirit?

Why Can’t I Plan a Life Where Everything Falls Into Place?

This post answers questions for The Council about choices and consequences from a reader named, Audrey. She begins by saying that in our physical reality we have many opportunities to make a variety of life-changing choices. The Council interjects here that having choices is your main power and you have choices in everything.

Audrey goes on to say that once a decision is made, the consequences can be difficult and long-lasting. To this The Council responds that they can also be joyful. The consequences are only long-lasting if you allow them to be.

Audrey continues, “Examples can range from marrying the wrong person, to taking a crappy job, or saying the wrong thing even if it’s the truth and the surrounding people choose only to deal in fiction.”

The Council says coming into this reality you knew you’d have choices and life wouldn’t be perfect. When you’re making the wrong decisions, or you made a decision that now feels wrong, you have the ability to change these decisions and correct what you’ve done. You don’t have to stay in a bad situation.

In spirit, you think you’ll try something in your physical reality and if you don’t like it you’ll try something else. When you’re on the Earth path, whatever your choices are and they aren’t bringing you joy, then you change your choice. You change how you act in that situation and you bring love into it. If the situation doesn’t change, then you make a another decision, and another decision.

The important thing is to consider what you’ve learned from each of your choices. If you choose an abusive spouse and you get out of this relationship but don’t understand how you got into this relationship in the first place, if you don’t ask yourself what you’ve learned in this relationship and move on to another relationship, somewhere in that new relationship you’ll find more abuse. Each thing you’d like to change, it’s important to ask yourself why you don’t like this situation. How can I make this situation better. You have the ability to make these changes.

Audrey says she doesn’t like that pain, hardship, and difficulty from our choices can last for years in some instances. The Council replies this is always your decision.

Audrey writes that this blog says these experiences are for learning and soul growth, but this is difficult for her to accept. The Council says when you’re hurt or upset and you look at your situation in the moment it happens, try to pull back from the situation and look at it, realize you’re responsible for creating this situation, and ask yourself why you’ve brought it into your life. You have a choice to change your circumstances.

Audrey says she’s tried to make the right choices in her life and with hindsight these choices now seem wrong and she wonders what her life would have been like if she made different choices. The Council advises Audrey to focus on what she wants and can create now rather than think about what her life would have been like if she made different choices. Her life was what it was, and thinking about what it would have been won’t change that. Learn from what her life was and start focusing on on how she wants to move forward.

Audrey says if she’s learned her lesson from the choices she’s made, in this lifetime she can’t apply those lessons again because she’s not faced with the same opportunities. The Council says there will be similar opportunities, and if you’ve truly learned your lessons, you’ll make different choices.

Audrey closes by saying she doesn’t understand why we can’t just plan a peaceful, simple life where everything falls into place. The Council says when we’re in spirit, we know our physical reality isn’t a perfect place and we’ll make mistakes, but we want to jump into our reality and experience it. This is exciting for our spiritual being.

If life was perfect it would be like laying on a beach every day of your life – never leaving the beach, just laying there. After awhile this would get very boring. Where is the soul growth? Where is the learning? How do you experience what you can create?

You have complete control over how you create your opportunities, good and bad, and how you move forward in your life. In spirit this is very joyous and exciting for you. You ask yourself how you’ll jump into this life, make these opportunities positive, and bring love into them so you can feel that you’ve changed your perspective and your understanding. That’s why everything isn’t like laying on the beach or just falling into place.

Listen to our entire 7-minute session with The Council to hear all their guidance for Audrey and the rest of us, and let us know how you feel about it.

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June 5, 2018 - Posted by | Audio Content, Choice, Decision Making, Love, Pre-Incarnation Planning, Questions & Answers, Spirit, You Create Your Reality | , , , , ,

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