Ask The Council

What will you ask Spirit?

Why Do People Believe in Divine Retribution for Abortion?

This post answers a question from a reader named, Pakt, in response to a post we published titled, Life Feels Over After An Abortion. Pakt asks why so many people believe there will be divine retribution if you have an abortion when The Council says there isn’t any divine retribution and you won’t be struck down by God.

The Council starts by saying God or whatever you believe in has granted you free will and you will never be punished for what you choose to create in your life. Everything is allowed. You learn from everything you do, either during your current lifetime or when you return to spirit. In spirit you’ll review this life and learn what you’ve gone through, how you handled it, and the lesson is always learned.

The Council says you believe in divine retribution because from almost the beginning of time, man was afraid of this all powerful God, and if you didn’t please this God you’d have to pay. The priests and people in authority made rules that when you don’t follow the law, you’ll suffer. Man made these rules, including the rule that God gave you life and if you ended that life, God would punish you. But The Council says this isn’t the way things are; it’s only the way man believed it would be.

The Council says there is a contract between two or more souls to have a child or to abort the child. This contract allows you, according to what you want to learn, to have the child or abort the child. When you learn there is a gentler God who is only love and not some monster that will punish you if you don’t follow his laws, you’re free to make choices. When you learn you are spirit, when you learn God is love, when you learn everything is allowed, then you’re closer to who you truly are as a spiritual being in a physical body.

The Council says what you believe will show up in your life. If you believe you’ve done something horrible, you’ll find ways to punish yourself. There isn’t any God that will punish you for what you’ve done. You believe God will punish you because you’ve been taught this in other lifetimes and your current lifetime, and you’ll believe this until you find the truth that works for you.

Listen to the entire audio recording of our session with The Council (below) to hear all their guidance for Pakt and the rest of us, and let us know what you feel about it.

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July 23, 2018 - Posted by | Audio Content, Beliefs, Channeling, Choice, Free Will, God, Love, Questions & Answers, Spirit | , , ,

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