Ask The Council

What will you ask Spirit?

How to Improve Relationship with Your Family

This post answers follow up questions for The Council from a reader named, Kali, who previously asked questions that were answered in our post, Problem Being Estranged from Her Family. Kali says she’s been working hard on this issue, taking The Council’s earlier advice on acceptance, compassion, allowing, and self-examination. She feels like she’s making progress and was able to attend her family’s holiday celebration recently. She says it wasn’t horrible, but she wasn’t able to enjoy herself. She asks if The Council has any more advice on how she can improve her family situation further?

The Council suggests asking why you didn’t enjoy yourself at your family party. What was it about each person you didn’t enjoy? It’s a great experience to be somewhere and not enjoy yourself, but realize you got through it.

It’s wonderful you went to the party and realized it wasn’t that bad. The reason you’re in this situation is to learn more about yourself. What do you expect from these people? How would you have liked the party to be? Did you go to the party expecting it to not work out? Or hoping it will work out, but not having a detailed image in your mind of how it would work out? Did you try to create a happy occasion with your thoughts? Or did you just grumble and go and see what happened?

Kali asks if it’s important that she like her family members. The Council says we’ve come to bring love into this reality. There are things people do that we may not like, but can you love them as another soul? Yes, it’s important to bring love in for your family even if you don’t really like them.

Kali says she feels giving up a desire to be validated by her father has helped her spiritual growth and she asks if The Council can confirm this. The Council says this is true and it’s one of the things you wished to do in this lifetime. You wanted to see everyone as they are and learn to allow them their opinion. But you wanted to have your own opinions about things and yourself and to stand strong in your opinions so that you don’t need to be validated by anyone else.

The Council suggest meeting with your family one on one a little at a time. If this isn’t possible, then do your best to show up at another family gathering and think of each person as a spirit. Meditate on the idea that they’re here with their challenges. They are here to learn from you and you’re here to learn from them.

Listen to the entire audio recording of our session with The Council (below) to hear all their guidance for Kali and the rest of us and let us know what you feel about it, or ask your own question.

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January 12, 2020 - Posted by | Audio Content, Challenges, Channeling, Love, Questions & Answers, Relationships, Spirit | ,


  1. Hi, Worried Mom. We’ll be happy to ask The Council if it’s a good idea to send you son to boarding school in your home country as soon as we have time and we’ll post an audio recording of their reply as soon as it’s ready. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | January 30, 2020

  2. Hi Bob and Cynthia I hope you are doing well. Once again I have some questions for the council. I know that they won’t tell me what to decide but I still want some guidance from them. It is about my 4 yr old son. I want to send him to my home country to go to school and study there at a all boys private school. It is a boarding school. He is very sensitive though and does not want to part with me. Do you feel he will be able to adjust there without much trouble and if the transition will be easy for him to leave me and settle there. Also if this journey of him growing up would be better for him there or here in the United States. I want him to have a good experience growing up and I am in a dilemma whether I should send him there or keep him here with me. Thankyou love and light.

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Worriedmom | January 27, 2020

  3. Glad you liked it.


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | January 12, 2020

  4. Great post😀

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Passport Overused | January 12, 2020

Let us know what you think about this post, or ask The Council a question