Ask The Council

What will you ask Spirit?

What are the Typical Soul Origins of People on Earth?

This post answers a question for The Council from a reader named, Wanu, who asks: What are the typical soul origins of people on Earth?

The Council says we all come from spirit and depending on what each soul wants to learn in it’s upcoming lifetime, it will choose an appropriate reality to learn this. There are realities with no name. There are realities where there are only emotions and no words. And there are different star systems that people originate from like Pleiades and Sirius.

Wanu is a very old soul from a place we don’t known much about called Leeman (sp?). Her soul has passed through Pleiades at least three times, twice as a man and once as a woman. The Council asks Wanu if she loves being in the water because of her lives on Pleiades.

The Council suggests Wanu read about the different star systems and to use her intuition to determine what feels familiar to her. In her meditations or before going to bed at night, ask for information or dreams of these places. Open your mind to these places and see what it takes you to.

Wanu says she’s had readings where she’s been told she has three souls living in one body and she asks The Council about this.

The Council says in each incarnation you have one soul, not three, but just as you can send part of yourself to a past life to get information, for a short time there are two parts of your soul in this past life. You get what you need from being in this past life and then you return to your current lifetime. It’s possible for there to briefly be three souls in your one body, but this is a temporary situation lasting maybe overnight and then the souls return to the body and the lifetime they came from.

Wanu says some books explain that one soul can incarnate into multiple bodies at the same time to learn lessons faster. The Council says who you truly are as a spiritual being is a very small part of who you are as a human being. The larger part of you is able to send pieces of itself into other realities, so you can be in eight or ten realities at one time. Everyone is able to do this.

Wanu asks if there are more twin flame connections reuniting in our current lifetime. The Council says, yes, they see a lot of twin flame connections at this time because of the help that’s needed now. Many people have called their twin flames in to help them make the learning easier because the lessons are harder in our current reality. A twin flame is like a best friend; it’s a soul you’ve incarnated with many times and you come together to help each other.

Listen to our entire 10-minute session with The Council (below) to hear all their guidance for Wanu and the rest of us, and let us know how you feel about it.

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June 15, 2018 - Posted by | Audio Content, Channeling, Intuition, Other Lifetimes, Soul, Spirit | , , ,


  1. Thanks so much for answering ! Yes I do like water, I’m clairsentient, and the most common manifestation of spirit for me is raindrops on my etheric body

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by wanwu spirit library | June 18, 2018

  2. This is both interesting and confusing. I have such a hard time wrapping my mind around this.

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by importantornotblog | June 15, 2018

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