Ask The Council

What will you ask Spirit?

Fires Burning in the Amazon are Tearing Me Apart

This post answers a question from a reader named, Utah, who says they feel very sad about the fires burning in the Amazon rainforest. The Council wants to know besides the way you feel, what are you learning? What can you do to turn this around?

The Council says when there’s a massive experience in our reality, many souls have agreed to experience this and to somehow change it. It’s about taking care of the Earth. It’s about honoring the trees, the animals, the grass. What can you do where you live right now? How can you help the environment? The planet wants our help. Do you take care of your garden if you have one? Do you honor the trees where you live? How do you honor the piece of Earth that you’re on? If there are organizations that are against these fires in the rainforest, you can join them.

Look for ways to focus your attention on the fires in the rainforest so you can feel better about it. When you focus on the destruction and those horrible feelings, you’ll create more of these feelings. You’ll hear about more things like the fires happening. The best way to handle this situation is to focus on honoring the Earth.

In your home what do you do to keep the air clean? What do you do to keep your property clean? Is your house run with safe products in it? How do you care for your environment, inside and outside, in the gentlest way?

Everything has energy. Everything has a soul. Everything develops. A blade of grass can come back as a tree or an animal. Everything learns on the scale of where they are. Love everything. Take care of everything and you’ll notice a change for the better.

Man’s burning the rainforest is a difficult lesson that’s brought on spiritually for people to learn about it, perhaps get outraged, and once they’ve gotten to this point try to figure out how they can change it. How can you bring love into this situation?

If you were to sit in your chair and meditate on any place in the world and send energy there, you improve this place. Things will change for the better. Do this if you feel you can’t do anything else. Everyone creates their reality with their thoughts. Send energy to the rainforest and send energy to your house and your neighborhood. Work with energy and the intention behind it. It’s not only good for healing someone who comes for a healing. It’s for the whole planet.

Listen to the 10-minute audio recording of our session with The Council (below) to hear all their guidance for Utah and the rest of us and let us know what you feel about it, or ask your own question.

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October 3, 2019 Posted by | Audio Content, Channeling, Questions & Answers, Soul, Spirit | , , | Leave a comment