Ask The Council

What will you ask Spirit?

Who Do I Address a New Soul Contract To?

This post answers a question for The Council from a reader named, Brenda, who wants to write a new soul contract and asks who she should address it to. She says she doesn’t know how to start writing it, how to word the contents, and she’d really like some help.

The Council says a soul contract written by a human is really a letter to your higher self to help you decide what you want to experience in your lifetime. And if you’re able to go into great detail in your contract it can also describe how you want to experience it.

The Council says if Brenda would like a sense of humor about her soul contract she can start it, Dear Me. This soul contract is to my higher self who has a higher understanding of what’s going on in my life, who knows only love, who knows what I’m trying to put on paper to help me on this path and help me decide what I desire to experience.

Help me create what I desire in the most delightful way. Let me find joy on this path. And when I do experience what I desire, let it stay in my mind so I can help and teach others. And when I return to spirit, let me bring all these experiences that my higher self and my physical self wanted with us so all souls can learn and advance from these experiences.

If possible, Brenda can go into great detail about the way she’d like her life to be and what experiences she wishes to have. If you want a partner, if you want to travel, if you want to teach, or if you just want to relax and watch the people around you and give them a helping hand, put it in the paper you are writing. Put it in a beautiful box with a crystal on top and put the box in the sunshine to feel the energy of all the elements. And every day take your soul contract out and look at it. As you do this, you’ll quickly bring these experiences into your life.

Bob asked The Council if there was evidence of a soul contract written by Brenda  when she was in spirit before she incarnated into her current lifetime. The Council says Brenda wanted to bring the love of dance and music into this lifetime, even if she does this as a hobby rather than a profession. Put music on when you’re home and dance around, even if it’s with yourself. The memory of being in dance mode from other lifetimes will help you experience joy and be more attuned to what you desire in your current life.

The Council advises Brenda to get in the vibration of joy first and then write, or feel, or imagine what you desire. If you allow yourself to dance, or even just sit and listen to the music at first, this will raise your vibration.

Brenda closes by saying she’s been having the same patterns appear in her life regarding her finances, she’s learned her lessons, and she now needs to ask for a new soul contract.

The Council tells Brenda she can ask for a new soul contract regarding her finances, but they ask if she’s learned how to plan with the finances she has? And has she learned not to be in fear of having joyous things with her finances?

Many people feel, when they learn about finances, they have to save everything because they have in their mind the feeling of shortage, which you need to eliminate. Balance needs to be learned when there are lessons to be learned about saving and spending.

The Council understands Brenda sees a pattern with her finances and they say to her, don’t be in fear. Go forward with your finances. When you’re not in fear, your finances will increase. When you come into this lifetime it is to experience joy, not to struggle and have to do without. Find your balance and you’ll see an increase in your finances.

Listen to the entire 6-minute audio recording of our session with The Council to hear all their guidance for Brenda and the rest of us, and let us know what you feel about it.

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October 22, 2018 - Posted by | Audio Content, Channeling, Desire, Questions & Answers, Spirit | , , , , , , , ,


  1. Hi, Wonder. We’ll be happy to ask The Council about whether a past life is influencing your difficulty maintaining a normal weight when we have time and we’ll post an audio recording of their response when it’s ready. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | August 20, 2020

  2. Hi Bob, Cynthia and the council
    Once again I need some advice from the council. I have been underweight my whole life and I have tried to gain weight many times and sometimes I am successful but something always comes along to disrupt my weight gaining journey and bring me back to my previous weight. Can the council see if theres any past life that is affecting me regarding this or what else I can do to become healthier and gain a weight proper for my age and sustain it this time because I keep losing my appetite everyday. Thankyou again. Love and light.

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Wonder | August 19, 2020

  3. Hi, LoveHealsAll. We’re pretty sure a person can rewrite their soul contract if they desire. We’re not sure what you mean by “closeout early”. The Council seems to say you can revise your mission. We’ll be happy to ask The Council your questions when we have time and we’ll post an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s ready. Love and light, Bob & Cynthhia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | August 11, 2020

  4. Can a person rewrite their soul contract and closeout early, so that their mission is revised and completed at an earlier age?


    Comment by Lovehealsallhhp | August 10, 2020

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