Ask The Council

What will you ask Spirit?

Will a Move to My Country of Origin Be Positive for My Family?

This post answers questions for The Council from a reader who goes by the name, SoulPeace, who’s thinking about moving from the USA to the country where her parents live, and she asks if this move will be a positive one for her and her family.

The Council says the positive change SoulPeace is looking for would have to come from within her. Your attitude and hopes for this move, what you focus on from the moment you make the decision to go, if you see this move as peaceful and loving, then you will create the move this way. If you go with fear there will be discontent and relationships where you don’t get along, then you’ll create this sort of move instead. The Council feels this would be a wonderful move if SoulPeace can go with the correct thoughts and feelings. If you go knowing the move will work it will be a wonderful move.

SoulPeace is also thinking about retiring from her current Information Technology job and starting another profession like investment banking or something to do with the stock market because she believes this might give her more time with her child and her family. The Council says this would also be a wonderful change and they see this working out for SoulPeace, but it depends on how she creates this in her life. They say a change all around will be very beneficial. If SoulPeace thinks of these changes as a new beginning and keeps seeing her life the way she wants it to be, The Council says it will manifest.

SoulPeace asks about the timing for this move and The Council says to get back into meditation. It’ll change the way you think, bring in a positive attitude, bring clarity, and it will open the proper doors for you. Think about the decision to move, give yourself a little time, and then start the wheels in motion.

Listen to the entire audio recording of our session with The Council (below) to hear all their guidance for SoulPeace and let us know how you feel about it, or ask your own question.

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January 6, 2020 Posted by | Audio Content, Career, Channeling, Meditation, Questions & Answers, Spirit, You Create Your Reality | , , , | 2 Comments

Trust Your Feelings About a Move

This post is a short question and answer from an anonymous reader who says they’ve felt for at least four years they don’t belong in their hometown and they ask The Council for guidance about moving.

The Council starts by saying they can see this person move if they can see it themselves. They encourage this person to trust their feelings and move anywhere the desire comes up within them. When you feel unhappy where you are and there’s a feeling it’s time to leave, ask yourself what you are drawn to and visit these places.

You will know where to move because an opportunity will open up for you. Perhaps it will be a job offer or a place to live. Learn to trust and follow your feelings. The Council says when you go somewhere and even though you are desperate to move, if it doesn’t feel right, follow your feeling and go with what pulls you and makes you smile when you think of it.

The Council says they see a move for you and you will create this move when your are ready as long as you let fear get out of the way. And it will be a good move as long as you follow your feelings. Your feelings will show you the way.

This 5-minute recording is testimony to the creative power of the individual when you allow the love you are as spirit into your life and follow these feelings. Listen to the session for The Council’s entire message. (The recording that follows is an excerpt from a session that answers several questions.)

September 25, 2015 Posted by | Audio Content, Emotions, Feelings, Love, Questions & Answers, You Create Your Reality | , , , , | Leave a comment