Ask The Council

What will you ask Spirit?

How Can I Stop Feeling So Depressed?

This post answers questions for The Council from a reader named, Sunshine73.

Sunshine: I was hoping The Council could help me. You and The Council helped me once about sickness. I have another problem I’ve always dealt with ever since I was a small child. It’s depression. As a young child I didn’t know what it was. I just knew I felt sad a lot and didn’t know why.

Council: You felt very sad. And this comes from the life you lived in ancient Rome where you lived in Pompeii and you were there A.D. 79 when Mount Vesuvius erupted. You lost your whole family and everyone you knew, and eventually you succumbed to these ashes that covered many bodies. Many people drowned. And that is staying with you, and your subconscious remembers that past life, and now it helps you go through this depression.

And so knowing where it came from, look around you. See what your family is like. Do you have them in your life? Does it make you feel good? Are you appreciating that whoever you have in your life, you reach out to show kindness, to show love, and to help when it’s needed? That’s your lesson from your lifetime in Pompeii. So when it was time to leave, it was already too late to help yourself and your family.

And so now experiencing depression and experiencing sadness are leftover feelings from that life. And you brought this in so you could learn to be there for yourself, be there for others, and let go of the depressed feelings.

There is no ending. We’re all spirits, and we come in life after life. And so you’ve chosen this time to be there before something horrible happens to show love and to reach out. And that’s what you desired to do in your current lifetime. But we see here what you’re feeling – the depression and the sadness – is so strong that reaching out to others will help erase the depressed feeling.

Sunshine: I’m now almost 50 years old and nothing has changed. I still deal with depression on a regular basis. I try different things and sometimes they help for a little while. Is there anything in a past life that’s causing this?

Council: Yes. And knowing it (and it takes a little time for your present mind to accept it), knowing where the sadness and the depression are coming from, that alone will help you release it.

Sunshine: How can I stop feeling this way so much?

Council: You can read about that time in Pompeii. Look at pictures of the city that was dug up, knowing that you were there and that was your home. And just sometimes going back to that life you can experience how wonderful it was before the end came. And that will also help you let these depressed feelings go. And remembering, even though you transitioned in that life, here you are again. You are safe.

Sunshine: I’ve been trying to do some work with crystals to help, but I don’t really know if I’m doing that right either. I just know I can’t go on living my life in sadness. I want to be happy and enjoy my life and my family.

Also, is it depression that takes all of my energy?

Council: Of course. Depression makes you feel a loss of wanting to do anything in this life, taking your energy, and making you feel fatigued all the time. Depression is a heavy energy. So accepting where it comes from and thinking eventually: Oh, the depression is from this past life and I don’t need to feel this way now. There’s nothing in this lifetime that’s causing me to feel this way. It’s just something I wanted to heal, and now with this understanding, I will heal it.

Bob: Anything to add about Sunshine’s working with crystals?

Council: Crystals are always good. Some people, when they meditate or just sit in a chair for 15 or 20 minutes, surround themselves – north, south, east, west – with clear quartz. Hold one in your right hand and one in your left hand, and that moves the energy.

Listen to the entire 6-minute audio recording of our session with The Council (below) to hear all their guidance for Sunshine73 and the rest of us, and let us know what you feel about it. You can also ask The Council your own question by typing it into one of the Comment boxes that appear at the bottom of most of our blog pages.

If you like this post, please click the LIKE button in the section following the recording to let us and other readers know. Thanks.

June 11, 2023 Posted by | Acceptance, Audio Content, Channeling, Healing, Helping Others, Other Lifetimes, Questions & Answers, Spirit | , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

You Are Your Higher Self, And Your Higher Self Is You

This post answers questions for The Council from a reader named, M.

M: My soul or higher self has “revealed” herself through me two times. And I’ve also seen her face-to-face during meditations.

Council: I love when you say, “My higher self has revealed herself to me.” And in that statement alone there’s still the thought that there’s a separation. There’s no separation. You are your higher self. You are focusing on your current lifetime that you are creating and what you want to experience, but you are your higher self.

And this higher self knows what you want to learn, what you want to have fun with, and what you want to experience in this lifetime. And it will, through this reality, show you the direction to go in, give you ideas that you think are your own (which of course, they are) on how to do things, what feels good, and what doesn’t feel good.

But it’s so important at this point that everyone learns they are spirit. And this other higher self that they speak of is you. It’s the larger part of you that’s partaking in this lifetime, and you, in this lifetime, are just the personality, the human going through whatever it is that you choose. And yet we see for so many, that understanding hasn’t come to fruition yet.

And so we just wanted to remind everyone that in meditations, or sitting quietly, or praying every day, or every other day, or whenever you have time, that the first thing to tell yourself is: I’m connecting now to my higher self. If you do that every day, your life will become clearer. When you have questions, the answers will be clearer and they will feel right because you’re not just a personality in this life. You’re connecting to the larger part of who you really are. And so we ask everybody to think about that.

M: I’ve also seen my higher self face-to-face during meditations. Once walking into a garden where she was talking with others.

Council: Where you were talking with others. And you are seeing this because you are ready to connect to who you really are. You are ready to connect with the larger part of you. And so the larger part of you knows that this personality in this reality is ready to go further and to learn there is so much more than what you think you are. And that’s why you are allowing yourself to connect with your higher self.

M: I’d like to know who I am, and who she is, and the purpose of each reveal or meeting.

Council: You are your higher self and your higher self is you. That’s who you are. This higher self that you’ve seen in dreams or meditation is you.

Bob: And the purpose of each meeting?P

Council: Is to connect you, is to get you comfortable with seeing this, and then eventually the knowledge of that will begin to take place within you.

M: One reveal was when another species summoned her. I’d like to know what that was about.

Council: That was just another lifetime, not on the Earth, but in another dimension. And so, again, for whatever purpose you are working towards, your higher self is allowing you to see that.

M: The other reveal was during a class where we meditated and my higher self thanked Archangel Michael. Why did Michael kneel before her, and did my higher self thank him?

Council: It’s just something you’ve brought forth to see, and Michael will become even more important to you in your current lifetime.

So you are connecting on other levels, to other dimensions, to other forms of existence, and that’s what your higher self (which is you) is bringing forth for you right now. So you were allowed to see this. You were allowed to see Michael. You were allowed to see yourself in another form.

This is just things to experience and feel when you think of it over and over again, to take that feeling and ask yourself what does it feel like? What does it make you think of? Does it bring joy to you? How is it affecting you?

So this is just things you are creating. Little bits and pieces at a time, you will get more revealed to you as you connect and as you stay with your feeling. And this is how you evolve and enlarge your reality at this time. It will just bring you further along in what you want to learn. And it’s all about finding out who you are.

M: How was I allowed into the garden to see my higher self face to face?

Council: Because you allowed it. Because you were ready, and you thought it was time to see your higher self. And you gave it the appearance that it showed to you. You could have given your higher self the appearance of being a dog or a horse. You chose this form.

Energetically, who you really are is light. You are light and the vibration of love. And so you can choose in this lifetime and other lifetimes to see yourself and to experience reality in the form that you choose.

M: Thank you for any answers to these questions that you may be able to provide.

Council: Keep connecting.

And so, as always, it made us very happy to help. It is so much fun for us to give answers to help people move forward. That is our purpose right now.

And so we wish you all love, and joy, and wonderful, happy experiences.

Listen to the entire 8-minute audio recording of our session with The Council (below) to hear all their guidance for M and the rest of us, and let us know what you feel about it. You can also ask The Council your own question by typing it into one of the Comment boxes that appear at the bottom of most of our blog pages and we’ll answer it as soon as we have time.

If you like this post, please click the LIKE button in the section following the recording to let us and other readers know. Thanks.

April 24, 2023 Posted by | Audio Content, Channeling, Connecting With Spirit, Love, Other Lifetimes, Questions & Answers, Soul, You Create Your Reality | , , | 6 Comments

Did My Partner Pre-Plan His Prostate Cancer?

This post answers questions for The Council from a reader named, Lizzy.

Lizzy: My life partner was recently diagnosed with localized Stage 4 prostate cancer, which was a huge shock for both of us because we didn’t expect anything like this. I’ve been interested in topics like pre-birth agreements for some time and I’d like to ask: Is this a disease my partner wanted to experience?

Council: This disease wasn’t specifically called for, but it was some sort of disease, some sort of malady that would bring the both of you together, to work together to find a way to deal with it. And so at this time what was created was the prostate problem.

And so a Stage 4 prostate cancer in your reality is a time where they would suggest surgery, and if you’re comfortable with this, then it’s fine to go in that direction. If you’re not comfortable with it – and the choice is always yours – then you should explore other modalities, other things that can help.

And so you will create this now, step by step, how you want it to go, how you want to experience it. But it was specifically to bring the two of you to work together as you look for a way to heal, a way to show other people that will hear your stories or know what’s going on.

So you’re out there on the leading edge deciding which way to go and then to see it working, without doubt, to see, yes, this will work, this sounds right. This feels good. Follow what feels good. It’s now the time in this reality where everyone is learning how to follow their feelings. And so we would say, explore that.

Lizzy: Is there another reason why my partner has prostate cancer at such a young age?

Council: It’s just that the time was right for both of you to experience some sort of episode where there was a medical problem, and it has gone to prostate cancer.

Lizzy: What message is this disease supposed to be telling my partner?

Council: The message is to explore, to learn more, not to be frightened by a medical diagnosis, but to know in your heart that when you believe, when you research and you find something that feels right, to follow it and know that it will work. And so it’s learning with your feelings, learning from the knowledge you have, and to learn how not to doubt, but to go forward.

Lizzy: We talk about this disease openly because I know he needs it and I try to be supportive.

Council: Wonderful.

Lizzy: I’m reading a lot on the internet about prostate cancer and I’m looking for ways to help him even more. I started helping by cooking him healthier and lighter meals.

Council: How does that make you feel? Is that working?

Lizzy: I’ve read that cauliflower, broccoli, and celery are good for the prostate. Am I on the right track?

Council: If you were to read and believe that drinking soda every day would help it, if you truly believe it, it will work. So the point here is to find what you believe. Ah ha, this will work, this sounds good. When you have that ah-ha moment, follow it.

Lizzy: Are there any other superfoods that could help him to heal?

Council: Well if you continue to read in your reality, what’s been created is tomatoes are wonderful for the prostate. The zinc vitamin is excellent for the prostate. Large amounts of Vitamin C are good for the prostate. And yet if you were to read that and not believe that could work, it won’t. The lesson here is to feel what feels right. Acknowledge what feels right no matter what it is that you want to try. When it feels right and it gives you hope, and you know this can work, you should follow whatever it is.

And so continue to read up on it and maybe there will be more that you will feel will work. But we’d say at this point to do the color breathing, not only of the first chakra but all the chakras, and Bob will send that to you.

Lizzy: In general I try to stay positive because I know it’s important. But the more I think about it, I feel like I’m struggling because I don’t know what to do to help him heal.

Council: Ah ha. Just the word, struggle, brings on doubt and brings on the feeling of being helpless. And so now you should think: I know what to do. I’m searching for it and I will get the answer by reading and feeling what gives me more hope. What’s the thought that gives me more hope? What is it that we should do? And follow that.

Lizzy: Is there anything you would recommend?

Council: Of course, meditation every day. And the part of the body – in your reality there’s an explanation for this – the prostate is moving forward, going forward in your life. So if there’s a fear about the future, it could cause prostate cancer. If there’s a fear of money or career it would also cause this prostate problem. So look at what’s not working, or what’s causing you the most trouble in this life, and work on that.

Lizzy: His Urologist has recommended that my partner have surgery. That would mean we wouldn’t be able to have the children we want so badly. Is there any other option?

Council: Well there’s always the adoption option. But again we’d say research this, and if it’s possible, and you feel the only way to go forward now is to work with the sperm and have it frozen so that you can use it in the future, then by all means do that. You must follow what feels good to the two of you. That’s what’s being taught by all of us spirits that are out there channeling and teaching everyone that’s ready, everyone that’s wanting to grow, that now is the time when you need an answer, follow your feelings.

Lizzy: The only thing we could think of right now is sperm cryopreservation. Is that the path we should take?

Council: It’s not necessary right now while you do the research. If you feel, after trying other things or looking for other methods that feel right, if nothing feels right, then go in the direction of cryopreservation.

Lizzy: My life so far has taught me that every unpleasant situation has a hidden gift.

Council: And this will show the both of you are the creator. How you think about things, what you choose to focus on, you will see coming into your life. So no one can create for you. You will learn how to create by your research, by your thoughts, by your feelings, and you will learn that, yes, we are creating what happens in our lives.

Lizzy: Is there some gift for our relationship hidden in this disease?

Council: Always to bring you closer, always to learn how to rely on the spirit, rely on that you both have chosen this, and to go forward. There’s a great adventure in front of you. As long as you get rid of the fear, go on this adventure. You’ve chosen to do this together, and so you are fulfilling it. And now create the outcome that you want.

Lizzy: Is this disease meant to push us in a different direction in this life?

Council: It’s to help you become more of who you really are.

Listen to the entire 11-minute audio recording of our session with The Council (below) to hear all their guidance for Lizzy and the rest of us, and let us know what you feel about it. You can also ask The Council your own question by typing it into one of the Comment boxes that appear at the bottom of most of our blog pages.

If you like this post, please click the LIKE button in the section following the recording to let us and other readers know. Thanks.

March 20, 2023 Posted by | Agreement, Audio Content, Beliefs, Chakras, Channeling, Creation, Feelings, Healing, Pre-Incarnation Planning, Questions & Answers, Relationships, Spirit, You Create Your Reality | , , , | Leave a comment

What Can I Do About My Temper Towards My Child?

This post answers questions for The Council from an anonymous reader who’s having difficulty with her temper towards one of her children.

Anon: I’ve been loosing my temper terribly lately with one of my children and it’s stressful for the whole family. Many of their behaviors trigger me and I can’t seem to regain my composure once I’ve lost it. I’m generally not a volatile person, just with this child.

Council: In one life we see this child was your father and he was very strict with you growing up. And so it was an intention of both of you to switch roles this time, but instead of you being the strict parent, you would be the understanding parent. You would be the parent who watches the child , sees what it does, and then teaches it along the way.

In another life you were living in an orphanage and there was no way for you to do anything you wanted to do. You were living the Cinderella story, the part where she works and works, and is always told what to do.

So things that go on in your life now when people don’t behave the way you want, or people do things that upset you, it will trigger these memories. And so now is the time to realize these feelings are brought forth from another life and they wish to be healed.

When your children get on your nerves, think of how you would have been in an orphanage, constantly working, being told what to do, no freedom, and no understanding. Imagine what it would be like to have a father that’s so strict and allows you to do nothing.

And so you, with these other souls, have come together to have a better life, to face some of the similar lessons, but to turn this situation around.

Anon: What can I do and where does this come from?

Council: You can ask before you go to bed at night to have memories of these lives, or to have dreams, or just imagine. Use your imagination. What would that have been like? And as you do this you’ll get more understanding.

Anon: Things feel busy right now and I’m stretched thin. I’m often parenting alone. There are activities, school, work, visitors, and neighborhood dramas, but it feels like an excuse to link my behavior to any of that.

Council: But can you imagine when you’re an older child in this orphanage having to take care of many of the little ones that were there? It’s the same scenario.

Anon: I guess I’m wondering how to be more resilient, more present, and less triggered. I’m very interested in The Council’s thoughts.

Council: It’s so important for you to try and tune into these other lives, as we say with a meditation, or asking for dreams, or even just using your imagination.

When your children annoy you, or something happens and you’re stressed, and you’re tired, and there’s so much to do, if you can stop at that point and remember: I can handle this now. It’s not the same scenario. It’s not as bad as it was in this other life.

And as you realize that, you will become calmer, you’ll find a better way to handle each situation instead of going into those feelings that are brought forth from these other lifetimes. Just remember, this is information to guide you. And with this information you can change how you feel, and that’s what’s important.

Listen to the entire 6-minute audio recording of our session with The Council (below) to hear all their guidance for this anonymous reader and the rest of us and let us know what you feel about it. You can also ask The Council your own question by typing it into one of the Comment boxes that appear at the bottom of most of our post pages and we’ll answer it as soon as we have time.

If you like this post, please click the LIKE button in the section following the recording to let us and other readers know. Thanks.

October 28, 2022 Posted by | Audio Content, Channeling, Healing, Imagination, Questions & Answers, Reincarnation, Relationships | , , , , , | Leave a comment

How Can I Overcome My Fear Of The Sea?

This post answers questions for The Council from a reader named, Mystik Mermayde, in response to our post, Why Am I So Obsessed With Mermaids Since Childhood?

Council: Many people who’ve lived past lives in Lemuria are fascinated by mermaids.

MM: Thank you so much for this great question and answer. As you can see by my screen name, I also love mermaids and the sea. I have a related question for The Council about this which I’d love help with, please. I absolutely adore the sea and everything to do with it, but paradoxically I also have a debilitating phobia of the sea.

Council: You’ve had many lifetimes that were connected to the sea. As a fisherman in one life you worked on the shores and helped build boats. You went out into the ocean to fish. That’s part of your connection to the ocean and the water. These are pleasant memories. There were lifetimes of playing and swimming in lakes that brought you happiness. Then there were other lifetimes.

There are two very traumatic lifetimes where you drowned. One on a fishing boat where there were storms. It was evening and getting dark. During that storm you left that life in a lot of fear.

But there’s another very important lifetime where you were young and experiencing many different ways to create joy and fun in your life. You had many friends. On one particular day, going on a shortcut to another part of the beach and villages, a place you’d never gone before because it was so desolate, you drowned.

But what brought you to this end in this lifetime wasn’t drowning by water, but drowning in quicksand. Ending that life was so traumatic, trying to pull yourself out of the quicksand, and swallowing grass and weeds in a panic to save your life. And at that time thinking this quicksand would cover your mouth, your nose, and your eyes. You thought about this step by step at the end of that life.

That life is what’s coming up for you now. That life was the traumatic one that brings up all the other memories of life near the oceans and the lakes. Some lives were joyful and some lives weren’t, but this one is the one that holds you in fear in your current lifetime. And you’ve created the fear to deal with it, to try and find the answer, and to connect the dots from this lifetime about what’s bothering you and where it came from.

MM: Obviously it’s impossible to enjoy the sea when I have this phobia. I’d love to swim, dive, kayak, surf, and enjoy underwater sports and activities, but I can’t do any of those though I live at one of the world’s most beautiful beaches. The phobia also extends to any deepish body of water, particularly if the water is dark or murky. I can’t even look at a photo taken underwater without severe fear. The smell and taste of seaweed also makes me gag. I feel like it’s related to the phobia somehow. However, the fear isn’t present when the water is clear and brightly lit.

Council: So can you see how here you’re having both memories, good ones when the water is lit, and the frightening ones when the water is dark and murky?

MM: I’ve happily swam in deep water in tropical areas where the sea is brightly lit, and those were some of the best and most memorable experiences of my life.

The phobia is now affecting my relationship also, as I’m with a merman who loves the sea even more than I do, but he has no phobia. He wants to share his joy of exploring the sea with me, but he can’t. I’ve tried one session of hypnotherapy last year, but I couldn’t afford to continue. I’ve had a number of past life regressions over the years and death by drowning is a common memory that comes up. However, unfortunately, simply having these regressions doesn’t help reduce the phobia at all.

Can you please offer any advice to help me overcome this phobia, and also offer any explanation about my love of the sea as well as my phobia?

Council: You know there’s the love of water and you know there’s the fear. It’s one thing to have past life regressions and to see this, but how far did that regression take you? We’d advise that in your meditations sit quietly and try to imagine the good times in the water. What do you imagine it felt like? And what do you know it feels like in your current reality? Connect the dots between the two lives.

Then we ask, when you’re able, to go into the life with the quicksand and picture yourself walking and playing that morning, walking through this area and then being trapped in the quicksand. Imagine little bits at a time because it’s traumatic. What happened to you at the end of that lifetime? But now you take it a step further.

When you know you’ve passed from this lifetime, where are you? Who is with you? Is there a guide? What do you see? Realize you’ve passed from that life, but you’re still very much yourself. There wasn’t any ending. The fear of death wasn’t there because now you’re out of your body and you’re having other experiences. Who has come to talk to you? What do you see around you?

Sit and meditate on that and see who you see. See how you feel, and feel the joy you experience when you’re in spirit and there isn’t any ending, and you’ve gone beyond who you were. Experience the joy. Experience meeting other souls that you knew. Experience guides coming through as well as angels, and animals that you knew. The joy will overcome the fear.

When you realize that, the fear from this past life will begin to leave you because you’re still here. You’ve still created other lifetimes, and you’ll go on to create more lifetimes. That, in time, will erase the fear.

Do this very slowly so you’ll be able to handle it. When you go into this and you begin to have the fear at the end of that life, you can stop it and replace those fearful thoughts with more uplifting thoughts. You’ll get stronger as you’re able to say to yourself over and over again, “But I’m here. I’m still alive. I’m still a person.”

Knowing that will bring you the courage to see it so you can connect to that life and see how it’s affecting your current life. But that life is over. That was then, this is now. You’re a brand new person in your current reality. You’re creating different experiences, but you’re creating this because it was a great desire when you were creating your current lifetime, to heal it.

Listen to the entire 12-minute audio recording of our session with The Council (below) to hear all their guidance for Mystik Mermayde and the rest of us, and let us know what you feel about it. You can also ask The Council your own question by typing it into one of the Comment boxes that appear at the bottom of most of our blog pages.

If you like this post, please click the LIKE button in the section following the recording to let us and other readers know. Thanks.

May 28, 2022 Posted by | Audio Content, Channeling, Healing, Other Lifetimes, Questions & Answers, Spirit | , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

How Can I Bring More Friends Into My Family’s Life?

This post answers questions for The Council from an anonymous reader who asks: Can The Council advise me on bringing more friends into my family’s life? I’m not lonely, but I’d love a stronger community and other families to share experiences and friendship with. Is manifesting a matter of meditation, or visualization?

Council: Manifesting first begins when you can raise your vibration. The easiest way to do this is to think of things you have and enjoy, or things you’ve experienced that you’re grateful for. And the more you’re grateful, the lighter your energy becomes. Your energy becomes a magnet for what you wish to attract. Manifesting first begins in happiness, gratitude, and joy, and then just focusing on what makes you feel this way.

We can tell you to go out and join groups and you’ll meet a lot of people, and that does work. But before you run anywhere, start doing the work in your mind. Meditate on it. See it. See yourself happy and with new friends. Create in your mind what you want to experience in your physical reality. Your physical reality must follow your thoughts. Focus on bringing in more friends for yourself and it will happen.

Anonymous: Can I manifest friends for my husband and children, or is that not allowing them to be on their own path?

Council: You can’t create for anyone else. You can hope they get to a place where they’ll create it. All you can really do is send them lots of love so they can take that love in and then create something they wish to create. Maybe they don’t want more friends, or maybe they do. You can support them just by sending them love, and then concentrate on what you want for yourself.

We wish you all love, and light, and happiness, and gratitude on your path, and to be supportive of one another, and to love yourself as well as others in your life. Remember every single day, you are all spirits in a physical body, and you’ll create everything you focus on. Even if you focus on something negative, you will create that.

Have positive thoughts, laugh as much as you can, have fun, remember the wonderful and happy memories, and stay in the positive.

Listen to our entire 3-minute session with The Council (below) to hear all their guidance for Anonymous and the rest of us, and let us know what you feel about it in the Comment box below. Or you can ask The Council your own question by typing it into any of the Comment boxes that appear at the bottom of most of our blog pages.

If you like this post, please consider clicking the LIKE button in the following section to let us and other readers know. Thanks.

March 20, 2022 Posted by | Audio Content, Channeling, Creation, Love, Questions & Answers, Relationships, Spirit | , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Why Do I Keep Having One Health Problem After Another?

This post answers questions for The Council from a reader named, Sunshine73, who says, For years I’ve had one medical problem after another. Each problem seems bad and I think I’ll die from it. Why do I continuously have these issues? As soon as one health problem goes away something else pops up. I’m dealing with a health problem now and I’m very stressed. Why is this happening to me? Did I agree in spirit to this, or is it something in my life I’m doing wrong and it’s keeping me in this never-ending cycle of health problems and worries? Is there something I can do?

The Council says there were many, many lifetimes where you were a healer, a doctor, or a person who assists sick people when they’re unable to get around. With each lifetime you saw people suffer, people go through agonizing diseases, people not being able to take care of themselves and dying, and sick people being abandoned because no one compassionate was around them who tried to understand their illness.

In each of these lifetimes you did everything you could to be of service. In every lifetime you tried to imagine how each person went through their illness. You always wanted to be someone who could help a sick person turn around their illness.

For over 100 lifetimes you continued in this role of wanting to heal, wanting to help people, and wanting them to know they weren’t alone as they went through illness. As you went through these lifetimes with these people and didn’t understand how you could help them, you began to become afraid, and this fear grew in each lifetime. Every time you saw someone who was sick and needed help, the fear grew within you.

You started to imagine what you’d do if it was you who was sick. But as your lives went on and you saw so much pressure put on these sick people, and the pressure you put on yourself to try and relieve them in some way, this pressure began to stay in your vibration and turned into fear.

In each lifetime when you created your reality, you wanted more understanding. You wanted to know why people were getting sick. You wanted to know how to deal with this sickness. And most of all you wanted to know how to stop the illness. In each lifetime when you weren’t able to turn the illness around, you kept the frustration within you. You thought you didn’t do enough. This began to show up in other lifetimes and depressed you.

When you’d go back into spirit and work on this frustration with your guides, you always wanted to understand it and care for people with goodness and love in your heart, and to go through that healing without the fear. In each lifetime, even this present one, you want to understand what was wrong and deal with it in any way you can, but you wanted to let go of the fear.

For the fear to grow within you in your current lifetime, you created a life where you’d experience a lot of what you’ve seen in your past lives and a lot of new things that need medical and emotional help. As you go through this, hopefully you’d keep asking yourself, Why is this happening? Am I really safe? How can I make this illness go away? That’s why you’re experiencing all of these symptoms.

Any time in your present life you can begin to imagine yourself with one ailment after another somehow getting better on its own. You don’t have to know how this happens. You are spirit and you came into this life to turn this sickness around slowly, with meditation and going into the state of joy. Just know this is possible if you feel the love and if you feel the healing can be done.

You don’t need to suffer through illness to see that you and the people around you can feel better. Start to imagine what it’s like to go through these illnesses and try to understand this is why you created them. But it’s not necessary for you to hurt, to suffer, to feel alone, and to have the fear of abandonment. It’s not necessary for you to go through this.

What’s necessary for you is to find love within yourself and feel it grow. Work with your heart chakra. Visualize the green light from your heart chakra spreading through your entire body, knowing there are so many guides helping you to finally feel satisfied this is no longer needed. Then you’ll no longer have these illnesses in any of your other realities. You won’t be pulled to create this again.

Your fear is coming from your unconscious memories of how you felt in many of your lives when others were suffering, and seeing the hardships these people went through. It’s the memory inside you that’s creating fear. And this fear gets larger and larger until you can make the correction and know your greatest power in this reality is choice. And your greatest power is with your mind to focus. And your greatest power is the feeling of love. Turn this love towards yourself and you’ll notice a change in your life.

There were many lifetimes where you were in the healing profession in one way or another and saw so much illness happening to people around you. You were always around sickness and death and trying to help these people. But when you go through this the memories and the energy of illness stay with you.

Because there’s so much of this illness, and your great desire to heal, after a while in many of your lives this illness is all you see. And that stays with you and you bring it forward in future lives. Your subconscious remembers sickness, dying, pain, being abandoned, and having no one to rely on. It stays with you. And these thoughts create emotions like fear. And we’re saying it’s no longer necessary to have these thoughts and create this fear.

The continuous exposure to people who need healing produced a fear that came through many, many lifetimes. And so this fear is something you strongly desired to have in your current life so you could get some understanding of where it came from.

But you need to know that whatever the problem is, and in spirit you know what it is, you’ll take love and heal it – the love you have for yourself and the love you get from others. You need to surround yourself with joy and love and then your spirit will know it’s on the right path. And you will take this love and heal your illnesses and they will no longer be necessary.

Sit by a lake or under a tree. Water, elements of earth, and trees have healing qualities. Any meditation you can do that makes you feel good is recommended. And know that all of this is creating the love and the healing that’s needed.

You are all so much more than you think you are. You’re all on this wonderful path of growth, of understanding, and of realizing there are many lives that you’ve experienced, and many more that you’ll create when you’re ready. Focus on being the creator. Focus on bringing joy and laughter into your life and everything will come to you. Everything will be shown. When you’re feeling happy you’ll see the connections that are being made. There will be more understanding. Stay in the feeling of joy.

Listen to the entire 13-minute audio recording of our session with The Council (below) to hear all their guidance for Sunshine73 and the rest of us and let us know what you feel about it. Or you can ask The Council your own question by typing it into one of the Comment boxes that appear at the bottom of most of our blog pages.

If you like this post please consider clicking the LIKE button in the section following the recording to let us and other readers know. Thanks.

November 27, 2021 Posted by | Audio Content, Chakras, Channeling, Healing, Health, Love, Other Lifetimes, Pre-Incarnation Planning, Questions & Answers, Spirit | , , , , , | 5 Comments

Why Would I Create a Life that Contains So Much Agony?

This post contains questions for The Council from an anonymous reader after they read our post, Have My Past Lives Influenced My Suffering in My Current Life? This reader says, I’ve recently begun my spiritual path and I’ve always had questions and spiritual doubts. I’ve mostly been around Christianity, so I don’t have much guidance outside of that religion. I’ve begun to believe in reincarnation, spirit guides, and the idea that we have control over our lives instead of an outside being like a Christian god. These new beliefs were triggered by the loss of my stepmother, who was the first person to tell me about astral travel. At this point The Council interjects that they like to think it’s not that you’re starting to believe in these things, but that you’re beginning to remember them.

Since learning about this spiritual path I’ve experienced significant losses. I’ve asked The Council a question before about soul mates and twin flames and I found their answer very helpful. I often listen to your audios at work to receive their good energy, but I’m recently struggling with the will to go on. My life seems in shambles. I keep losing people close to me and I wonder if I really have this much control over my life, why would I choose a life that contains so much agony?

The Council says your lesson in your current lifetime is to learn about loss, and that there’s no such thing as loss. When so many people who’ve agreed to leave your life depart from this reality, they’re emphasizing what you wanted to learn.

If you’re on this path and you’re beginning to believe you’re spirit, if you believe in astral travel, and if you believe in reincarnation, we advise you to read about these things and sit quietly and think about them. If there’s reincarnation, then there’s no ending and there’s no loss. You’ll meet these people again in another adventure that you plan.

You say you’re learning about these ideas, but your belief isn’t there yet. When you have this belief there could be sorrow that you miss these people in your life, but along with that comes the knowledge you’ll be together again, that your life was planned, that you’re in complete control, that everyone in your life has played their part the way you set it up, and they’re all there in spirit watching to see if you’re learning from this experience.

These people have left this reality after learning what they needed to learn. It’s your turn to learn the part they played in your life and learn the part you played in their lives. Perhaps through dreams, meditation, and imagination, you can think of other lives you’ve had with these people. You can easily do this by sitting in a chair and imagining. Some people may say it’s just your imagination, but your imagination helps you remember (even though it may not feel like remembering), your imagination helps you create, and it’ll teach you to feel what these other lives are like.

In your quiet time can you see and talk to these people you feel you’ve lost? There will be a response from them. At first it may be just a feeling of getting close to them again, or your energy feels much lighter. When you speak to spirits that have been in your life and have passed on, they will respond to you. Are you quiet enough to hear this response? Don’t expect it to come in a certain way. These spirits will reach out to you, and when you can distance yourself from feelings of loss, sadness, and depression, you’ll begin to feel their answers. Being depressed and feeling lonely will block the energy these spirits are trying to send you. And believe us when we say they’re all around you.

Going forward, read about astral travel and give this a try. Read about reincarnation and imagine what it would be like. If you’re drawn to a certain time period, or certain types of food you enjoy, or certain places you want to go to, imagine you were there. As you ask yourself to remember more and more, the memories will come, and that’s how you’ll learn.

The anonymous reader asks, Can the Council provide me with some clarification on what I’m supposed to be learning, or how to make it through these difficult times? The Council repeats that Anonymous is learning about loss and that there isn’t any loss. Being sad, wanting to go home, and wanting to leave this life are all part of the human condition, but when you feel connected to your spirit and to these other people who’ve left this life, you know there are things you want to learn. You know there are experiences you want to have. The wanting to go home is to be with them again and feel the love that’s in spirit, but you want to finish what you’ve come here to learn. You’ll find the connections and move forward with that. Focus on being with these people again. Imagine where they are now and what they’re doing. Play with these thoughts and you’ll learn many different things.

Your time here isn’t finished, and so we ask you to enjoy it. And the way you enjoy it is by thinking of happy memories, creating happy thoughts of your future, and trying to imagine what it feels like that all these souls who have left you are sending you energy to help you go forward with what you want to learn.

Anonymous asks, Have I had past lives where I didn’t learn my lessons, so I forced myself to go through it again? The Council says all of us in physical reality have gone through things, not learned, and repeated it. Yet when we repeat these lessons there isn’t any struggle. There’s the thought that I didn’t quite get the lesson, or I’d like to have done this differently. We all have many lives where we don’t learn what we intended and we repeat it over and over until we’re satisfied we’ve learned everything about the subject, whatever it is.

It doesn’t matter if you didn’t learn your lessons in a past life. There’s no ending. You’ll go on and on. You’ll choose if you want to repeat a lesson. Nothing is forced on you. The way you perceive your situation you’ll set up your next life, or the life after, or the one after that to learn what you need to learn.

Anonymous asks, Can I spiritually connect with the people I’ve recently lost – my mother, my step-mother, my grandmother, and my baby sister – to try and get some closure? Or can The Council show me how to get this closure in other ways?

The Council says this closure you ask for isn’t something permanent. It’s believing, knowing, and acknowledging that in this particular life the relationships you had with these people are only finished in this particular lifetime. You’ll never be without these souls. If you need closure, you can sit and talk to these departed souls before you go to bed at night. You can talk to them in your meditations. The easiest closure we can give you is to thank these souls for the parts they played in your life, and hoping the part you played for them helped them move on and learn. That’s the only closure you need.

And then speak to these souls about how you’d like to create with them in another lifetime. They will respond to you. At first you’ll feel it in your emotions. All of a sudden you may feel happy for no reason because your higher self is still in touch with these souls.

Don’t think so much about closure, but think of these people with gratitude that whatever was planned, everyone pulled it off in your current lifetime. You can think that you’ll all be together again. You’ll plan other things in other lifetimes. That’s the only thing that can come close to closure because there isn’t any closure. There’s only being grateful, thanking these people, and sending them your love so that you all move forward.

The Council says they send Anonymous their love and tells them we’ll always be there to support you on your journey through all your lifetimes. As you grow, we grow. As you experience things, we experience those things and we all move forward together.

Listen to the entire 12-minute audio recording of our session with The Council (below) to hear all their guidance for this anonymous reader and the rest of us and let us know what you feel about it. Or you can ask The Council your own question by typing it into a Comment box that appears at the bottom of most of our blog pages.

If you like this post please consider clicking the LIKE button in the section following the recording to let us and other readers know. Thanks.

August 10, 2021 Posted by | Audio Content, Channeling, Gratitude, Imagination, Other Lifetimes, Pre-Incarnation Planning, Questions & Answers, Reincarnation, Spirit | , , , , , , , , | 8 Comments

Please Help Me Heal My Trust Issues with Women

This post answers questions for The Council from a reader named, Clare, who is asking for help with her trust issues with women. Clare says, As far as I can remember I’ve never felt full trust in women. It’s as if I know they’ll betray me or hurt me. I had some close friends, but the relationships always ended without an explanation. What happened that I can’t have closer and beautiful relationships with women?

The Council says there’s one lifetime where you had a twin sister who received all your parents’ attention. She was a bright and beautiful child and you were in her shadow. In that life you always felt less than everyone else. There were many other lives where you chose to have lessons about trust, about being your own individual, and about believing in yourself.

There was also a life where a very good friend that you’d trusted, died from a disease. With that woman taken from you, there was always the fear of other friendships and close people in your family, particularly women, would be taken from you.

There were two other lives where you wanted to experience the other end of the coin and you became very competitive. You enjoyed taking men away from the women they were with, which made you feel powerful. There were times where you had other people get in trouble for things you did. This isn’t anything for you to feel guilty about. It was just the experience you needed. In your current life you’re trying to bring in a lot of women to heal all those lifetimes where there were trust issues, where there was hurt that came from family and friends, and where there were abandonment issues.

Clare asks, Is there something I can learn from this? The Council says to first acknowledge that this is something you’re trying to heal in your current lifetime. It started from one particular experience with parents, but it continues in one form or another in other lives where you didn’t understand because you felt hurt when women were taken away from you. And then you decided to be what you’d consider the evil person and cause trouble for others. That was just the experience that you, in spirit, wanted. In your current life it’s good for you to connect and realize it’s just a healing that you’re looking for with women.

You created a space in your life where this doesn’t happen for a time, there are trust issues with women, and relationships with women don’t work out. In going through this you learn how other people in your past lives felt when you betrayed them, when you caused trouble for them, or when you took a loved one away from them. Just by understanding these things and realizing that was then, this is now, you’re ready to heal this.

Work on one relationship at a time. Don’t feel desperate. Don’t doubt it will work. Don’t go into fear. Just let the relationship flow. Concentrate on how you want each and every relationship to be. Go into detail about what you want. Think about how you’d like each relationship to develop. With the ease and the love inside of you and the pride you get from trying to heal this, things can begin to change.

Clare says, I’m asking for advice because I want good friendships. The Council says that’s very possible in your current lifetime. Remember that you are the creator. When you connect all those lifetimes, and you realize why you’re going through all this now, and that this is a healing process, this will make things much easier.

The Council says don’t wait for your situation to explode. Just flow with it. Meditation would be a great help. Even if it’s sitting in a chair for five minutes, just resting, thinking loving thoughts, thinking about anything that would make you happy, thinking about future goals, and thinking about things you’d like in your life and bring you joy.

Listen to the entire 7-minute audio recording of our session with The Council (below) to hear all their guidance for Clare and the rest of us and let us know what you feel about it. Or you can ask The Council your own question by typing it into the Comment box that appears at the bottom of most of our blog pages.

If you like this post please consider clicking the LIKE button in the section following the recording to let us and other readers know. Thanks.

July 19, 2021 Posted by | Audio Content, Channeling, Healing, Other Lifetimes, Questions & Answers, Relationships, You Create Your Reality | , , , | Leave a comment

Why Would I Choose This Life and How Can I Have Hope?

This post answers questions for The Council from a reader named, Mari, who wonders why she’d choose the life she’s living and how she can have hope? Mari says, I had a very unhappy childhood. I’ve been depressed all my life and I discovered I wasn’t able to practice a profession I prepared for because of a cognitive impairment, which could be due to the long-lasting depression. I’m currently working in an unfulfilling job. I’m on medication that isn’t working after trying many. I’m unhappy and feel trapped in my marriage. I don’t have many friends or much support except for mental health professionals. Sometimes life seems like it’s too much. Can you advise what to do? It just seems so hopeless.

The Council says for you, because of your depression and hopeless feeling, we’d suggest reading the three Emmanuel books by Pat Rodegast and Ask And It Is Given, by Esther and Jerry Hicks. This will lighten your vibration a little.

We feel the depression you’re going through can be changed if you learn to do the chakra breathing we recommend in other posts, learn to meditate, and start reading more spiritual books. Do these every day. We feel that in time when you start to understand who you truly are as a spiritual being and what you can create, your depression will lessen and in time you won’t need the medication you’ve been taking. But you must take the step of working on yourself first.

Find thoughts that make you happy, even if you make these thoughts up and they haven’t really happened, but they are thoughts of things you want to happen. This will lighten your vibration and you’ll see, as you feel lighter and lighter, your life will begin to change for the better.

We see what you’ve created is finding another form of employment that would ideally be outside and more with nature, either working on a farm or in a nursery. If that isn’t possible, maybe working in a plant store. Be around nature. For you, walking barefoot in water would help. All of this will change how you feel. It will help your career and your marriage.

What keeps you down is the looking outward. You think the marriage and the job isn’t what you want, but it is what you want. And it will be more of what you want if you work on yourself with your good thoughts, meditation, chakra breathing, and reading the spiritual books. This will begin to turn your life around and turn it into more of what you want.

Listen to the entire 4-minute audio recording of our session with The Council (below) to hear all their guidance for Mari and the rest of us and let us know what you feel about it. Unfortunately the the quality of this recording and the recording in the next post isn’t up to our usual standards. We apologize for this and we hope to avoid this situation in the future.

If you’d like to ask The Council your own question you can type it into one of the Comment boxes that appear at the bottom of most blog pages.

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July 14, 2021 Posted by | Abraham-Hicks, Audio Content, Channeling, Marriage, Questions & Answers, Spirit | , , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

How Can I Help My Insecure Son?

This post answers questions for The Council from an anonymous reader who’s having difficulty watching her young son navigate this world. He’s a tricky kid, very bright and curious, but competitive and insecure, and it seems he’s unable to get a break.

The Council says it’s very interesting that your son is competitive because in many ways he needs that experience and the praise from that, yet he’s also insecure. At the moment your son doesn’t have a lot of belief in himself.

When you allowed your son to come into this reality by giving birth to him it wasn’t for the purpose of living his life for him and telling him how to be. You’re supposed to help your son come into this life and then watch what he does. Look for signs of what he’s going through and what his interests are, but in no way do you shape his life to live it the way you want, or force him to accomplish what you think he should accomplish.

He’s come into this life with his own lessons and ideas. As a parent the best thing you can do is to watch him and allow him to unfold. The best way to do this is to show him love every day. Give him praise. Make him feel important with your attention no matter what he does. This will bring out his ability to have confidence in himself and look for what path he wants to take.

Anonymous says, My son’s little brother seems to skate through life, but my oldest son often feels excluded in our neighborhood, his extended family, and at his new school. The Council says both your sons have come into this reality with different ideas of what they’d like to experience.

Anonymous asks, How can we help our oldest son feel loved and know close friendship? The Council replies that first you must show this love to him at home. When he feels worthy, then he’ll begin to step out of himself and reach out to other people. This begins with you and with love and attention in the home.

Anonymous says, I often wonder what my son carried into this life from other lives. The Council says his intention is to become very successful. This will unfold when he becomes older. Right now just observe him, see where his interests are, and praise him, praise him, praise him.

Anonymous says, If his journey is meant to be difficult I can’t change that, but I’m curious if I can help him experience more peace and kindness along the way. The Council says your older son’s life isn’t meant to be a difficult one. What you think can be a big challenge for him right now, it was all planned in spirit before he was born. Let him go through these challenges, but if he has the belief, the praise, the attention of parents and his brother, that will help him get through what he’s working on in the present.

Anonymous closes by saying, My son is very resistant to any sort of meditation or mindfulness. The Council advises Anonymous not to push these on her son even though they’d love him to do them. When it’s time it will unfold. If your son needs to go through life a different way in order to enjoy it, experience it, have fun, and be successful, he’ll create that way.

Listen to the entire 5-minute audio recording of session with The Council to hear all their guidance for Anonymous and the rest of us and let us know what you feel about it. Or you can ask The Council your own question by typing it in a Comment box that appears at the bottom of most blog pages.

If you like this post please consider clicking the LIKE button in the section following the recording to let us and other readers know. Thanks.

May 22, 2021 Posted by | Audio Content, Beliefs, Challenges, Channeling, Love, Other Lifetimes, Pre-Incarnation Planning, Questions & Answers, Reincarnation, Spirit | , , , , , | 4 Comments

Is This Life a Punishment for Failure in a Previous Lifetime?

This post answers questions for The Council from a reader named, Weston, who says, every since I can remember I’ve always been drawn to the constellation Pleiades. If the stars are visible at night I feel I have to see them before I go indoors. Why is that?

The Council says because of what’s being created in your reality, more and more people are drawn to learning about other lives from different dimensions, different planets, and stars. There will be more and more proof of these things that comes to light very soon. Our vibrations are now in a place where we can bring this information in by being more curious about it and feeling a connection to it. This is how your reality is expanding. You being pulled to the stars is a memory and an awakening of bringing more knowledge into your reality.

We’ll be finding more proof of other life. We’ll be able to go further in our journey of expansion of space. We’ll hear more talk of people believing there are what are called aliens in this reality. This topic will become more and more prevalent as everyone’s vibration expands to take this in.

Weston says, I feel in my soul this life is a punishment, possibly self-imposed, for a previous failure. And he closes by asking, Who am I?

The Council says you’re a spirit that jumped into this reality to have many different experiences. Your life is not a failure. You’re experiencing only what you’re creating. If you don’t like what you’re creating, then you must do the work of meditating, or at least visualizing in every detail how you want your life to be.

As we’ve said before, there isn’t any karma. There’s no punishment that you have to make up for something from other lives. It’s just what you’ve come in to experience and to change. Every lifetime you grow, either from joy or from challenges. There’s no failure. There may be something you wish you could have done differently. And you may come back and pick that to experience again differently, but there’s no failure. You never get it wrong. You have as many lifetimes as you want to experience something the way you want it to be. But to say your life is a failure, we don’t agree with that.

If you think your life is a self-imposed failure, it’s because you’re not are creating it the way you want it to be. As you create your life in some way other than the way you want it with your thoughts and visualizations, by changing the focus of what you’re thinking about this life, you can change it.

Listen to the entire 4-minute audio recording of our session with The Council (below) to hear all their guidance for Weston and the rest of us and let us know what you feel about it, or ask The Council your own question by typing it in a Comment box at the bottom of most of our blog pages.

If you like this post please consider clicking the LIKE button in the section following the recording to let us and other readers know. Thanks.

May 19, 2021 Posted by | Audio Content, Channeling, Creation, Other Lifetimes, Questions & Answers, Spirit, You Create Your Reality | , , , , , | 1 Comment

What’s My Life Purpose Now That My Husband Has Passed?

This post answers questions for The Council from a reader named, Grieving Widow, after she read our post, Why Did My Partner Crossover Sooner Than Expected?  She says I also have similar questions. My husband passed suddenly in a car accident and I’m unable to accept it. I’m constantly trying to connect with him and continue our relationship.

The Council asks Grieving Widow what she’d need to accept her husband’s death. You know he’s no longer in your physical reality, but he’s here in spirit. There are ways you can connect with him through meditation or asking for a connection in your dreams. You can ask for little signs he’s around that would give you the comfort he’s really gone nowhere. He’s still part of your life, being around you, seeing what you do. He left because it was his wish and his time to finish this lifetime. It was to give you a chance to explore more of who you are and what you want moving forward.

Grieving Widow says she doesn’t want to be here without her husband and asks The Council what is her purpose here without him? The Council says to find out who you are. What would make you happy? What ideas did you have while your husband was still here about things you wanted to do, but never had the chance? Now is the time to move forward and do these things.

Grieving Widow says we have three sons and my relationship with my oldest isn’t good. How can I help him with his life lessons and be the best mother to all my sons when I can’t even find joy in anything anymore?

The Council asks Grieving Widow if she’s saying she doesn’t find joy with her children? Do you focus at all on how to be with them, be part of their lives, and invite them into your life to give you some sort of comfort? Communication is needed here. There’s a coming together to bring you closer together.

What you need to remember is that your children will see how you’re carrying on now that your husband has passed on into spirit. How do you handle this? Do you show them that you’re aware your husband is now in the spirit world, and that you know at some point you’ll all go back into spirit, and that your husband is helping all of you from spirit? Do you talk to your children and uplift them in this moment?

The loss of a husband is traumatic, but your children have lost their father. Do you focus on that? This is a way for you to learn to be of service to others, and at this point it’s your children that need you. How will you be of service? The Council reiterates that much more communication is needed.

Grieving Widow says, I don’t believe I chose to be without my husband and I’m struggling to find a purpose to stay in this life. Do I have a purpose to remain here? The Council assures Grieving Widow that you did plan in spirit with your husband that he would pass. Your purpose, as we mentioned before, is to find out more about yourself and what you would like. What are your interests? Hold your children together. Bring your family closer. Be of service to others.

The Council understands in the human form this is a very difficult time for you. Give yourself more love by accepting you are sad at this moment, accepting this is a grieving time, accept all of that, but somewhere within that make time to help others through what they’re going through.

Grieving Widow says, I feel my sons will learn their life lessons better if I’m not here because I feel I hinder them. The Council reminds Grieving Widow that she is part of her children’s life lessons and they are very aware of how you speak and how you act. Remember that the way you do this, you are adding to their lessons and showing your children how to be and how not to be. They need you in their lives for many more reasons. Be aware of your behavior and your communication. This is part of what they agreed to learn and you have all agreed to this.

The Council understands Grieving Widow’s feeling that she’s hindering her children, but because you’ve all agreed to your husband’s passing, you don’t hinder them. And if you feel you hinder them now, how do you change that? If you can learn how to meditate and how to find things to be grateful for it will change your vibration and help you through this time.

Listen to the entire 6-minute audio recording of our session with The Council to hear all their guidance for Grieving Widow and the rest of us and let us know what you feel about it, or ask The Council your own question in a Comment box located towards the bottom of most of our post pages.

If you like this post please consider clicking the LIKE button in the section following the recording to let us and other readers know. Thanks.



March 7, 2021 Posted by | Acceptance, Agreement, Audio Content, Channeling, Death, Gratitude, Helping Others, Life Purpose, Pre-Incarnation Planning, Questions & Answers, Relationships, Spirit | , , , , , , , , | 9 Comments

How Can I Get Unstuck on My Divinely Inspired Project?

This post answers questions for The Council from a reader named, Taylor, who’s been working on a divinely guided project for a few months, but the project is stagnating. She’s still working towards this goal, but feels like she’s hit a block and she asks The Council where her focus and efforts need to be right now, and if there’s anything that needs to be addressed before she can move forward.

The Council says coming into this reality Taylor wanted to feel her own power. You wanted to feel you were connected to source and you could make wise decisions. Does your path make you feel good? Ask yourself if you get excited about what you’re trying to create now? In your wildest dreams, what would you add to your project?

Go into every detail of your project and take away what needs to be taken away. Add to your project what needs to be added. Always ask yourself if your plans are finished. Do you really like what you’ve created? Or is this just the beginning and do I want my project to bring me more? Do I want my project to change and am I open to that change?

The best thing you can do right now is to start asking yourself these questions. The answers are already within you, but you need to focus. Whether it’s meditation or sitting quietly, you need to focus and ask yourself these questions.

Writing is good for you. Perhaps you can sit at a computer or sit with paper and write a question about where you’re trying to go with this project, and then wait. Think about this question. Send it out to the universe. What kind of ideas come into your head? These ideas don’t need to make sense at first. Ask who you’d like to be working with on this new idea that’s coming to you.

Continuously ask yourself where you want to go and what do you want to do? Is there more than one thing that I want to do? That would be wonderful. Ask these questions with each topic you’re thinking about working on and bring your focus with the ideas into your conscious mind so you can allow yourself to make the right decisions.

This project is your purpose and it’s what you wanted to experience. You wanted to be creative. You wanted to have many ideas and you wanted to know how you could make decisions. Sit quietly and get these answers. When you get these answers and you move forward, you’ll feel that powerful feeling that you wished to have in your current lifetime.

Listen to the entire 4-minute audio recording of our session with The Council (below) to hear all their guidance for Taylor and the rest of us and let us know what you feel about it, or ask The Council your own question.

If you like this post, please consider clicking the LIKE button in the section following the recording to let us and our readers know. Thanks.

February 24, 2021 Posted by | Audio Content, Channeling, Connecting With Spirit, Decision Making, Life Purpose, Questions & Answers, Spirit | , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Tell Me About My Kundalini

This post answers a question for The Council from a reader named, Luana, who asks about her kundalini. She says the electricity she feels is very real and she feels she has to control all her emotions. Luana closes by asking for help.

The Council says the kundalini is an energy center in your first chakra you can awaken through meditation or visualization, working with different colors of each chakra. The electricity you feel won’t make your hair stand up or hurt you in any way. And many people believe working with kundalini energy requires controlling your emotions.

When you learn to work with kundalini energy you bring it about by visualizing your energy rising from one chakra to another. You do this slowly and visualize each step. You’ll get a tingling feeling, but there’s nothing to be afraid of.

Bring your kundalini up to the heart chakra and stop there. When your kundalini comes into your heart you’ll feel a lot of love, you’ll be able to forgive more, and you’ll be aware of accepting more love in your life for yourself and others.

There are myths that when you bring the kundalini energy all the way up your spine to the top of your head and beyond you can travel to other planes and other lives, but we want your to know you don’t have to work with your kundalini to do that. You can also accomplish this with meditation and visualization.

If you do the chakra breathing we recommend in another post, the kundalini energy will rise by itself without any special effort on your part.

Go slow with your exploration of your kundalini energy. In a past life you dabbled quite a bit in the occult, you were taken with its power, and did what you would consider some not very nice things. In your current life we recommend you go slowly with this energy and only do good.

Listen to the entire 4-minute audio recording of our session with The Council to hear all their guidance for Luana and the rest of us and let us know what you feel about it, or ask your own question.

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November 28, 2020 Posted by | Acceptance, Audio Content, Channeling, Forgiveness, Love, Other Lifetimes, Questions & Answers, Spirit | , , , , , , , | 5 Comments

Please Guide Me in My Relationship with a Friend

This post answers questions for The Council from a reader named, Maria, who has questions about her best friend, Carla, who’s been very magnetic and radiant lately and she’s also in a committed relationship. I’m deeply grateful for my relationship with Carla, but sometimes I feel tired or scared.

The Council says the reason you’re tired is your higher self is trying to show you what you’ve planned in your current life, and it’s not to be in a committed relationship with Carla. The strong feelings you have come from many of the other lifetimes the two of you have shared.

You planned in spirit for there to be some question about whether you’d meet up with Carla in your current life. You both wanted to see where you were at and if you could meet each other and have a different relationship where you were friendly, but not very close. You wanted to be independent, to experience a friendly relationship, but not a committed relationship. You planned to have a relationship for a while and then the two of you would move in different directions.

From what The Council sees, you’re stuck in feelings from past lifetimes where there was magnetism and a committed relationship between you and Carla and where there was great love. But this isn’t what you planned for your current life.

Maria says Carla’s magnetism has been pulling me recently, like there’s too much energy. The Council says the magnetism you’re talking about isn’t coming from Carla. It’s you being pulled toward Carla because of the energy around you that you’ve brought in from past lives. It was your desire not to be drawn into this energy. These feelings are all coming from within you.

It’ll take lots of meditation, or prayer, or focus, and the understanding that what you feel is what you brought into your current life. It’s your desire to go on another path to meet other people and have a different life away from Carla.

The Council says during the COVID-19 pandemic it’s a time for you and everyone else in this reality to go into oneself, to examine oneself, and move forward in the direction that brings happiness and joy.

The Council says you don’t need to dwell on what you’ve had in your past with Carla. You need to acknowledge that you’ve planned this path to meet and then go your separate ways. You need to learn from each other in a short period of time to have that familiar feeling of love and caring and then find this feeling within yourself. And you need to move independently to find a path that will take you in this different direction.

When you fight the willingness to go your own way, or you don’t have the quiet time to listen to your spirit, it will drain your energy. As your energy is drained your higher self sends you more of the feelings from the past lives to try and wake you up to what you originally wanted. You wanted the strength to get close to Carla and then move away.

Relax and begin to focus on a career you’d enjoy, living where you enjoy the environment, and begin to look for things that make you feel better. Read about spirits and about past lives. The simplest are the Emmanuel books by Pat Rodegast. These will give you a sense of connection and then you’ll be guided from there.

Maybe have a past life reading. Meditate for 10 minutes a day. Tell yourself that you understand where these uncomfortable feelings are coming from. You’ve created much more for yourself. Move forward in the direction of what you’ve created. This will begin to help.

Listen to the entire 8-minute audio recording of our session with The Council to hear all their guidance for Maria and the rest of us, or ask your own question.

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August 23, 2020 Posted by | Audio Content, Channeling, Connecting With Spirit, Feelings, Pre-Incarnation Planning, Questions & Answers, Relationships, Spirit | , , , , , , , | 4 Comments

Comparing Ideas of Abraham and Robert Schwartz on Learning

This post answers questions from a reader named, Lindsay, who’s reading Your Soul’s Gift, by Robert Schwartz and really enjoying it. Before reading this book she was reading Abraham as channeled by Esther Hicks, and was having difficulty reconciling these two points of view. Abraham says you can be, do, or have anything you desire, and Rob talks about a spiritual pre-life plan that includes suffering to help you learn and grow.

The Council begins by saying you don’t pre-plan every minute of your life while you’re in spirit. You plan some lessons you want to learn, and some of these are very pleasant and some are challenging. If you’ve chosen a lesson that causes a lot of pain and suffering, you have the free will to change this spiritual plan while you’re in human form.

Abraham says you can be, do, or have anything you want in this life and The Council agrees. They also say this can sometimes take a lot of work and focus. Many people have problems doing this because they figure if they focus for a day or a week that’s enough to change things. Sometimes it takes a lot more focus and time. During this time you’d be learning patience, researching what you want, and getting into it in more detail.

When you’re in spirit and planning to come into a physical body the challenges you wish to go through as a human are difficult, but in the spirit world you think you can handle this. You think, let me see how I can turn this situation around and bring more love into it. And we in spirit, guide you any way we can to help you get through whatever it is you want to learn. In your human form things can be challenging, but in your spiritual form you are learning and growing. When you return to spirit you’ll be able to bring what you’ve learned back with you and all spirits will learn from it.

Robert Schwartz’s books deal with why we pick challenging experiences, what we can learn from them, and how these experiences will affect the people around us. Abraham is lighter. He says you’re in control and you can change your life. Just imagine what you want, see it, feel it, and you can create it. Both of these points of view work, but they are coming from different directions.

Not everyone plans to suffer through their life and not everyone plans to be happy all the time. Life is about experiences. Everything you go through, whether it’s a happy life or a challenging life, is experience to learn and grow from.

When you choose an experience that’s difficult and you’re in pain, you can change this by meditating and remembering who you truly are as a spiritual being. You have all the tools you need to get through this life and change it. If you want a difficult experience there’s a way to get through it. Meditate on this and see your situation the way you want it to be.

The purpose of Robert Schwartz’s books are to demonstrate more understanding of why people suffer. People who are suffering want answers. They ask why they’re suffering and why are they going through what they’re going through. Robert Schwartz sheds light on this. His information is very important to the people who need to understand why life is so difficult for them when they think they would never chose to create these difficulties.

When you read some of Robert’s stories you begin to realize they make sense. At one time or another, in one of your many lifetimes, you will have challenges. It will be difficult for you, but it’s because you wished to experience these challenges.

Listen to the entire audio recording of our session with The Council to hear all their guidance for Lindsay and the rest of us and let us know what you feel about it, or ask your own question.

If you like this post please consider clicking the LIKE button in the section following the recording to let us and other readers know. Thanks.

April 8, 2020 Posted by | Abraham-Hicks, Audio Content, Challenges, Channeling, Free Will, Meditation, Pre-Incarnation Planning, Questions & Answers, Spirit, Suffering | , , , , , , , , , | 5 Comments

Struggling with Financial Prosperity, and Son’s Fear of Darkness

This post answers questions for The Council from a reader named, Sarah, who’s been struggling a long time trying to achieve financial prosperity, but without success. Most of my adult life it seems I’ve had difficulty getting to a place where I’m not struggling to pay my bills on time. This may be from a mindset I adopted as a child where thriftiness was valued. Both my parents, particularly my Mom, grew up in poor families and I think I learned life would be financially difficult.

I’ve enjoyed being creative and making things with my hands in the past. I thought maybe I could supplement my income by selling some type of handmade item, but lately my creativity seems blocked. And I don’t want to be so busy trying to make things to sell that I’m unable to spend time with my children.

The Council suggests it’s good to get creative and use more of your time to make things with your hands to sell. What gets in your way is a deep belief that things will be difficult and money will be scarce.

Find an hour or two each day to create things with your hands. As you create, think the thought that you are making something with love. Prosperity is love. What I create will bring joy to others. As you work it’s very important to have positive thoughts like these.

In the beginning you can give away some of what you’re creating, but do you go around to different retailers and show what you’ve done and see if there’s an interest? These steps must be taken.

There’s a lot of worry about lack of finances that get in your way. Meditate or pray that things will turn around. Focus on the good you’ve created. When you concentrate on love and positive thoughts you’ll allow more of what you want to come into your reality. Everything is currently coming from your belief that finances are difficult right now and this belief is holding up your prosperity.

Learning to meditate is a good idea. The easiest way would be for you to sit for 5-10 minutes a day and focus on your heart chakra. Just see the color green in the center of your chest and that green becoming larger and larger, spreading across and beyond your body several inches. This will change your energy and vibration and open up more doors to increasing your finances.

Picture in great detail what your life would be like if you had all the money you desired. Feel what it will be like to be creative and have the things you create bring in financial abundance. Imagine things the way you’d like them to be every day.

On a different subject Sarah says her teenage son doesn’t like being separated from our family when he goes to bed at night. Since he was young he doesn’t like his bedroom door closed and he prefers to have someone in his room as he goes to sleep. Sarah asks if there’s a reason for this and how can she help him deal with this situation?

The Council sees a past life back in the Fourth Dynasty in Egypt where your son was a young man training to be a high priest. There were several initiations that he needed to go through. One of these initiations was to be enclosed in a sarcophagus overnight. Unfortunately your son wasn’t able to handle the energy he experienced when he was in this sarcophagus and he died inside it.

That fear of the dark has come with him in his current lifetime. By having someone in the room with him he realizes he’s not alone and he believes he’s able to be rescued if something goes wrong like it did in that life in ancient Egypt. When you feel he’s able to understand you can tell your son a story about high priest training in Ancient Egypt and ask him to imagine what it would be like to spend the night in a sarcophagus, but there is someone to let him out if necessary. This feeling of safety will help him heal this fear in his current lifetime.

The Council also suggests asking your son about you leaving his room for around two minutes when he’s going to sleep and then coming back in. After a couple days you can begin to increase the time to three minutes and so on until the feeling of safety comes back to him and he can go to sleep on his own.

Listen to the entire audio recording of our 9-minute session with The Council to hear all their guidance for Sarah and the rest of us and let us know what you feel about it, or ask your own question.

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March 7, 2020 Posted by | Audio Content, Beliefs, Channeling, Love, Questions & Answers | , , , , , , | 3 Comments

How Can I Cure My Binge Eating Disorder?

This post answers questions from a reader named, Taylor, who’s 24 years old and has been suffering from binge eating disorder since she was 15. She says I understand about soul contracts and for some reason my soul chose to go through this experience, but it’s putting me over the edge after nine long years of dealing with it. I’ve grown a lot since developing this disorder, but I don’t understand why I still have it. I’ve gone to therapists, done acupuncture, tried homeopathic and traditional medicine, gone to hypnotists, mediums, psychiatrists, and recovery centers, but I’m going broke trying to heal from this and it’s only getting worse.

The Council suggests reading books by Robert Schwartz on people’s past lives and why you go through such experiences. And read books by Michael Newton on how you plan your next life experiences in between each life.

The Council suggests very strongly you find a good past life regression therapist because during World War II you were a very attractive girl around 14 years old. Men were constantly looking at you. At a certain point some young soldiers raped you several times and this was very traumatic for you.

The rest of that lifetime you hated being beautiful and you wanted to make yourself unattractive so no man would want you. You did what you could to gain weight and become ugly. You were depressed much of the time.

You came into your current lifetime to heal that past lifetime, to be beautiful and proud of this. But it seems you were unable to get to this point without having this memory of your past life. When you truly understand your binge eating from reading these books and from doing therapy with a past life regressionist, your binge eating will slowly go away. You’ll understand it was a trauma you brought into this life to heal it.

Taylor says she can go from 120 lb to 220 lb in three months consuming 15,000 calories a day and I can’t stop eating. The Council says this is because the personality you brought into your current lifetime has a great desire to look right, feel right, and act right, and this is your dilemma. There a part of you that remembers what happened in that past life and a part of you that wants to change how you respond to that and be different from the way you were in that past life.

Taylor says she doesn’t like traditional medicine and doctors, but holistic medicine hasn’t worked for me. Now I feel I’m left with no choice but to try another psychiatrist and go back on medicine, which scares me. Can The Council tell me if I’m doing the right thing? The Council says they feel more than anything you need the past life regression therapist they mentioned earlier. An ordinary psychiatrist and medication isn’t the answer.

If you have difficulty finding a regressionist then in meditations and before you go to sleep ask for the memory of that past life. Understand that past life and love the child you were and what you endured, and understand there’s no need to hide and make yourself ugly in your current life. When you understand this you’ll begin the healing process and your binge eating will end. You have a great capacity to love yourself and others.

The Council closes by saying we see your spirit is so strong and so happy there’s an answer to your binge eating problem and there’s another path for you to take. We see if you read the books we recommend and can find a past life regression therapist you will heal.

Listen to the entire 10-minute audio recording of our session with The Council (below) to hear all their guidance for Taylor and the rest of us and let us know what you feel about it, or ask your own question.

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March 1, 2020 Posted by | Audio Content, Channeling, Healing, Love, Other Lifetimes, Pre-Incarnation Planning, Questions & Answers, Spirit | , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

How Can I Heal My Sore Lips After Freezing Off a Pre-cancerous Area?

This post answers questions for The Council from a reader named, Karen, who says: I recently had a pre-cancerous area on my lip frozen off and now my lips are somewhat inflamed, sore, very dry, and red. Should I use a castor oil pack on this or what do you suggest?

The Council definitely recommends using the Edgar Cayce castor oil pack on Karen’s lips, but not to heat the castor oil as is sometimes recommended. Don’t just put some castor oil on the wool flannel. Soak the wool flannel in the castor oil and apply it to your lips. The castor oil pack helps spirit concentrate on what needs to be healed.

While you’re applying the castor oil pack for 15-20 minutes a day, think of this area healing. Think of your higher self taking over and reminding the cells in this area they can rebuild themselves. Do this especially while you have the castor oil pack on your lips, but it’s good to think about anytime.

It’s good for you to take Vitamin B and it’s also good to take Lysine for a short time, maybe two weeks. Don’t put any heavy grease, oil, or gel on your lips. Eating lots of greens would be good for you, avoid citrus and carbonated drinks, and drink lots and lots of water.

Use the castor oil pack for a week, then stop for a week, then resume for a week, and so on. Do this for a month and you should notice an improvement. Then you can rest a couple weeks and repeat this procedure if the lips aren’t totally healed. Don’t do anything drastic with your eating habits and don’t put anything else on your lips. Your lips are in shock. The area is dormant and not doing anything to heal. Prayer, meditation, and talking gently to your lips that it’s safe to regenerate will help. As Edgar Cayce said, mind is the builder.

Karen asks if diluted cider vinegar is good for her lips along with honey and coconut oil. The Council says don’t use cider vinegar. They advise putting honey in your tea because honey has many healing qualities. Karen says she was putting a vaseline-type cream on her lips and The Council says definitely not to use this cream on her lips. Karen asks if she needs to go on a fast and The Council says no.

The Council closes by recommending the use of the castor oil pack just before bedtime, or if it’s done during the day not to eat for at least an hour after the treatment.

Listen to the entire 5-minute audio recording of our session with The Council (below) to hear all their guidance for Karen and the rest of us and let us know what you feel about it, or ask your own question.

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February 28, 2020 Posted by | Audio Content, Channeling, Healing, Questions & Answers, Spirit | , , , , , | 2 Comments

Will a Move to My Country of Origin Be Positive for My Family?

This post answers questions for The Council from a reader who goes by the name, SoulPeace, who’s thinking about moving from the USA to the country where her parents live, and she asks if this move will be a positive one for her and her family.

The Council says the positive change SoulPeace is looking for would have to come from within her. Your attitude and hopes for this move, what you focus on from the moment you make the decision to go, if you see this move as peaceful and loving, then you will create the move this way. If you go with fear there will be discontent and relationships where you don’t get along, then you’ll create this sort of move instead. The Council feels this would be a wonderful move if SoulPeace can go with the correct thoughts and feelings. If you go knowing the move will work it will be a wonderful move.

SoulPeace is also thinking about retiring from her current Information Technology job and starting another profession like investment banking or something to do with the stock market because she believes this might give her more time with her child and her family. The Council says this would also be a wonderful change and they see this working out for SoulPeace, but it depends on how she creates this in her life. They say a change all around will be very beneficial. If SoulPeace thinks of these changes as a new beginning and keeps seeing her life the way she wants it to be, The Council says it will manifest.

SoulPeace asks about the timing for this move and The Council says to get back into meditation. It’ll change the way you think, bring in a positive attitude, bring clarity, and it will open the proper doors for you. Think about the decision to move, give yourself a little time, and then start the wheels in motion.

Listen to the entire audio recording of our session with The Council (below) to hear all their guidance for SoulPeace and let us know how you feel about it, or ask your own question.

If you liked this post, please consider clicking the LIKE button in the section following the recording to let us and other readers know. Thanks.

January 6, 2020 Posted by | Audio Content, Career, Channeling, Meditation, Questions & Answers, Spirit, You Create Your Reality | , , , | 2 Comments

How Do I Develop an Understanding of My Subconscious?

This post answers questions for The Council from a reader named, Juan, who wants to develop an understanding of the subconscious. He’s looking for information on its nature and purpose, and he wants to talk to the subconscious and know how it can improve his life.

The Council begins by telling Juan he brought what he’s calling the subconscious with him into this lifetime. They say there isn’t a place for the subconscious; it doesn’t exist in the brain or anywhere in the body. The subconscious is thoughts you want to block out and not deal with that you’ve had in prior lifetimes and this lifetime. The subconscious is you.

The subconscious can show up in your dreams, usually in symbols. Your dreams are you trying to reach the questions you have in your subconscious.

The subconscious is your deep beliefs and questions that your spirit, which also is you, would like you to find answers to. It’s there to help you grow and help you question. Don’t be annoyed or discouraged you’re unable to reach your subconscious.

The best way you can connect with your subconscious is through meditation. Learn more about spirit. There’s no separation where you’re here and your spirit or your subconscious is somewhere else or something else. It’s you coming into different realities with questions that need to be answered.

When you don’t get the answer to a question, it’s still with you and it’ll come up in other parts of your life. It’ll come up in your dreams. It’ll bring you a similar experience so you can find an answer to your questions. What you call the subconscious, which is you, is here to help you.

When you feel you’re having difficulty connecting with your subconscious, write it down. Writing is very powerful. If you want to know what’s in your subconscious, write it a letter. Dear Subconscious, what’s in there I need to know? What thoughts are you holding for me that I can find answers to? How can you show me the way to bring these experiences up again and have the answers clearly shown to me? When you put your questions in writing and read it before you go to bed and in the morning when you wake up, you’re subconscious will open up to you and you’ll begin to see your answers coming through.

If you have a dream you don’t understand write: Dear Subconscious, there’s something in this dream I feel I should know. It didn’t make any sense. What are you trying to tell me? Read your letter several times until your subconscious slowly begins to reveal itself. The reason we say “slowly” is there’s part of you that doesn’t believe you’ll get the answers, or that the subconscious is this strange and mysterious place that won’t help you out.

We’d even suggest when you write to your subconscious instead of saying, Dear Subconscious, you can say, Dear Me, because that’s who it is.

Listen to the entire 7-minute audio recording of our session with The Council (below) to hear all their guidance for Juan and the rest of us, or ask your own question.

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October 5, 2019 Posted by | Audio Content, Channeling, Questions & Answers | , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Healing Panic Attacks

This post answers questions for The Council from a reader named, Wendy, who says she has a long history of anxiety and panic attacks that she’s already managed to grow and heal a great deal from. She says there’s a lot of fear behind her anxiety and when it turns into a panic attack the situation gets ugly quickly. She says she’s unable to function, she shakes, becomes nauseous, paces for hours, and becomes terrified she’s going to die. Family and maternal responsibilities are a huge trigger for these attacks, which saddens Wendy because there’s nothing more important to her than being joyfully present with her children.

The Council says the anxiety and panic is a familiar feeling for Wendy from her past lives. They see three past lives where Wendy has lost children. The panic that she’s going to die she experienced in Egypt where her children were taken away when she was a slave. The most recent life was in World War II where Wendy was separated from her three children in a concentration camp and died never knowing what happened to her children. She didn’t know how to stay calm in that environment and so the anxiety and panic she experiences in her current lifetime comes from this life during WW2. There was also a lifetime where there was a loss of children in a fire.

The Council says Wendy’s lesson in her current life is to get in touch with who she is as a spiritual being in a physical body. Many of these unconscious memories come back into this lifetime because they want to be healed. For Wendy, her current lifetime incorporates these unhealed feelings from these past lives.

Wendy’s children have come into her current life so she could learn to love them and to know she doesn’t need to be with them all the time. Her job was to bring her children in and give them the opportunity to live a life the way they need to create it. These children have agreed to be in this lifetime for Wendy to watch them grow, appreciate them, get in touch with her feelings, and ask why she’s afraid of not having enough time with them. The Council says she’ll have all the time in the world to be with her children in her current life.

The Council suggests Wendy think that she hasn’t created a path in her current life that involves loss. This panic, depression, and anxiety is a great teacher and Wendy has created this in her life to bring these unhealed memories forward so she can heal them. Your children are safe and you are safe. There isn’t a need in this lifetime for pacing and being nervous. These past life feelings are here to teach you to look at yourself and think how wonderful it is that you have these children that you can be with and you can also have time away from them. You aren’t here to stay in panic, die early, and be without your children. Your children won’t be taken from you in your current lifetime.

The Council suggests daily meditation on the fact that you and your children are spiritual beings in physical bodies. Imagine sitting with the souls of your children before you came into your current life and thinking how you can help each other grow and what will you teach each other? Your children are here to show you happiness, to show you the light within them, and to show you that you also have that light within you.

The fear Wendy experiences from her past lives is what keeps her from enjoying her children in her current life. Appreciate your children. Look at the joy they bring into this life and choose to concentrate on that. When you can change your thoughts, one thought at a time, the panic will lessen. The thought of losing your children will slowly disappear. It’s your choice how you look at your situation. This lifetime you can choose to heal the past lives with the loss of children, with the loss of companions, with the loss of family. How brave you are to bring all of these feelings in and decide to heal them and feel better in this life.

The Council suggests in addition to meditating or sitting and watching your children and thinking how wonderful they are, perhaps getting some massage to help your body relax. As you relax the areas in your chest and solar plexus this will bring more peace and you’ll be able to change the way you feel physically and mentally.

Your children are with you to help you heal. That was their spiritual agreement so you could experience a wonderful life with them. And they’re here to learn their lessons of seeing you the way you are and seeing the change you can bring about. As you change, your children will learn they have the power to change things in their lives. It’s a beautiful circle of healing.

Listen to the entire 11-minute audio recording of our session with The Council (below) to hear all their guidance for Wendy and the rest of us, and let us know what you feel about it.

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May 26, 2019 Posted by | Agreement, Audio Content, Channeling, Choice, Feelings, Healing, Love, Other Lifetimes, Pre-Incarnation Planning, Questions & Answers, Spirit, You Create Your Reality | , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

How Can I Receive Spiritual Gifts if I’m Afraid of Them?

This post answers questions from a reader who calls themself, Bumble Bee, who enjoyed our post, How Do I Interpret My Dreams and Enhance My Psychic Gifts, because it caused them to think about their own spiritual path and gifts. Recently Bumble Bee has been exploring emotional and mental challenges related to their past traumas and realized they haven’t allowed themself to feel pain in order to protect themself from this trauma. But this strategy also prevented Bumble Bee from experiencing joy and pleasure. As Bumble Bee explores these challenges they feel they’ll experience spiritual gifts and they’ll be able to communicate with beings in other realms, but they’re frightened by this possibility and they’d like to be better prepared for what may come.

The Council reminds Bumble Bee the reason they chose to go through these traumas was to have the experience of it, learn from it, and then help others who are going through something similar. And they say the only thing to be frightened of is whatever they can create in their mind. If you continually fear evil spirits, you’ll bring this into your experience. Focus on what you desire and reach out to spirits that are in the light.

The Council recommends reading as much as you can about life forms you’ve heard about to bring it more into your awareness and into your reality. If you want to reach life forms from your past or even your future, any sort of regression work will help.

Bumble Bee asks what spiritual gifts may emerge? The Council says be aware of ideas and dreams of different places and write about them. If you need help writing it’s good to take writing courses. If you wish to connect with the life forms of trees or plants, that’s possible for you to do. Read about these and feel their energy. You’ll get visions and you’ll know things about this sort of life form.

Bumble Bee asks how they can allow their spiritual gifts to manifest even though they have fears about this? The Council advises knowing you are a powerful spirit who’s alway in control of what you let into your reality. Stay in a positive reality. Positive thoughts and the energy of love will bring you only what matches this vibration. Think about other life forms out there that are wanting to give and receive love.

Bumble Bee asks how they can grow their gifts and their relationship to spirit? The Council says meditation is a good way. In other lifetimes when you were connecting to spirit you’d eat plants, light candles as offerings, and burn incense. You can try something similar in your current lifetime. Your higher self will remember how you connected before and will make it easier for you.

Listen to the entire 8-minute audio recording of our session with The Council (below) to hear all their guidance for Bumble Bee and the rest of us, and let us know what you feel about it.

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January 16, 2019 Posted by | Audio Content, Channeling, Connecting With Spirit, Meditation, Other Lifetimes, Questions & Answers | , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

What to Do If You’ve Created a Spiritual Void, and How to Create Your Way Out

This post answers questions from a reader named, Nandawu, who says this year they feel they’ve lost their motivation and the dreams in their life. They feel frustrated and annoyed no matter what they try and they don’t know what to do with their life. Everything seems difficult for them and they don’t feel like they belong in this material life. They can’t have a job, friends, lovers, or money, and they ask The Council for their help.

The Council says Nandawu has put themself into what they call the great void. You’re at a point in your life where you’re changing what you want to accomplish. And with this change you can go through a period of weeks, months, or even years sometimes where you’re in this void and you feel nothing is happening. This is because you, your spirit guides, and higher self are rethinking what you want to accomplish in this lifetime.

In this void, which feels horrible but truly isn’t, there is what The Council calls – the waiting. Think about your wildest dreams of what you’d like to do and what you’d like your life to be like, even if you think there’s no way for you to achieve this. Information will come to you in dreams. Have the craziest and most wonderful thoughts of where your life can go. In your happiness as you begin thinking anything is possible, you’ll bring into this lifetime what you need to move forward.

Prayer, meditation, yoga, and reading spiritual books are wonderful for you while you’re in this void. The Council particularly recommends, Emmanuel’s Book: A Manuel for Living Comfortably in the Cosmos, by Pat Rodegast & Judith Stanton. This book will give you ideas and will strengthen your connection to your higher self.

The Council says this is a wonderful time for you because the spirits around you are helping you go down a new path and form a new life. All you have to do is play with your thoughts. And the more you can do this and the happier you feel, the information you need will come to you quickly.

The Council says many people, as they plan in spirit what they want to do in the coming lifetime, pick several things – talents and experiences they’ve had in previous lifetimes, or something brand new. As you come into this lifetime the circumstances and the spirits you’ve called in to be part of your life will help you shape your direction. But many people are sometimes unsure what they want to do in their life and there’s a concern whether they’ll like what they’ve chosen. Then all the spirits involved in your life agree to create what feels like a stagnant period for you to go through so you can realign with something you’d like to do. This is what you’ve chosen.

Please listen to the entire 6-minute audio recording of our session with The Council (below) to hear all their guidance for Nandawu and the rest of us, and let us know what you feel about it.

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December 19, 2018 Posted by | Agreement, Audio Content, Channeling, Connecting With Spirit, Other Lifetimes, Questions & Answers | , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

What Message Can I Give My Children?

This post answers questions for The Council from a reader named, Wendy, who asks what spiritual gifts her children have in this lifetime and what they’ve come into this reality to do.

The Council says if the older son continues on the path of meditation and spiritual growth that Wendy has encouraged him on, he’ll work with people who have emotional problems.

The Council encourages Wendy’s older son to read, The Littlest Angel, by Charles Tazewell, about angels before they come to this life on the Earth path and how they choose the people who’ll be around them. And according to what the angel wishes to learn, other spirits agree to fill that role for them, whether it’s a good role or a difficult one. And The Council encourages Wendy to get her older son to talk about this book.

The Council says in Wendy’s role as mother, it’s good if she can ask her eldest son throughout the week who he’s spoken to, perhaps what games he’s played, and  what his friends talk to him about. Wendy will see he’s interested in how his friends’ minds work. If his friends have problems, he may sometimes discuss this with Wendy to get advice he can pass along to them.

The Council says if Wendy’s older son doesn’t choose to help people with emotional problems, he might go in the direction of medical research, which is something he did in another lifetime, working with plants and understanding how they help the body and the mind. Have plants in your home and casually explain their names to him and what they’re reputed to be able to do.

As your older son develops, there will be people he meets that will pull him away from the path he was on, but there’s no need for Wendy to worry about this. She should always be available to talk about what’s going on in his life. If he chooses the more difficult path, he’ll come back to one of the two paths he’s shown interest in. But this more difficult path will introduce him to spirits that have agreed to show him more drama and difficulty so he could learn this and have a greater understanding when he returns to the path he originally chose. This will occur when your oldest son is about 16-18 years old.

The younger child will be more into organizing groups and planning events. He has the opportunity to go into politics. There is a choice where he may also go into building homes for the more needy to make life more pleasurable for them. Play with your younger son with anything where he can build so he can awaken to what he wishes to experience in this lifetime.

The Council says Wendy was an oracle and a shaman with American Indians in a previous lifetime. She would have images of what the tribe should do and she could see future events. Your older son in your current lifetime was part of your tribe in this past lifetime. That’s why in your current lifetime you’d like him to meditate, as it was done in this American Indian lifetime. In that past life you taught your son about having visions, medicine, and about the great spirit.

Listen to the entire 8-minute audio recording of our session with The Council (below) to hear all their guidance for Wendy and the rest of us, and let us know what you feel.

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October 6, 2018 Posted by | Audio Content, Channeling, Other Lifetimes, Questions & Answers, Spirit, You Create Your Reality | , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Why Am I Constantly Stuck in Negative Situations?

This post answers questions from a reader who goes by the name, cmw787, who says her life is on a downward trajectory and has been for years. She’s doing everything she can to fix her life, but she’s unable to do it. Cmw says it feels like every day will be worse than the day before, she’s living every day in misery, and she’s praying for death.

The Council begins by asking cmw how she thinks she can change her life when she expects every day to be worse than the day before and she’s praying for death? The Council says this alone will keep her vibration from raising higher so she can begin to change and bring in the sort of life that she would like.

Cmw says she’s sick of being lectured on the law of attraction. She says she’s practiced it and lived it, and it’s not working at all for her. She doesn’t understand why this is happening to her. The Council notes that cmw doesn’t want to believe in anything that’ll make her life better.

Cmw says she was contacted by people who came to Earth from the Pleiadian star system about 2 years ago, but she doesn’t understand what they want from her. The Council says Pleiadians are very loving and they’re trying to get cmw to focus her thoughts differently so she can raise her vibration.

The Council tells cmw it’s not wrong for her to want to know about herself, but she insists on looking only at what’s negative and trying to understand that. They say understanding isn’t necessary for cmw. What’s necessary is to change how she thinks about her life. She should ask herself if meditation will help you? Ask if helping other people will help? Will having a different perspective on your life help you? Will it help you to focus on something to be grateful for 10 minutes every day? If you do these things it will begin to change your vibration. The Council feels if cmw continues to focus on why her life isn’t working the way she wants won’t make her life any better.

The Council tells cmw she has the talent to become an oracle because in previous lifetimes she was a teacher in Atlantis, Lemuria, ancient Egypt, ancient Rome, and ancient Greece, and in her current lifetime she’s questioning these talents. Meditate on these time periods and ask for information. More information will come. As you tap into these past lives you’ll change your vibration without even knowing how you did this.

The Council says as cmw taught in these ancient places, there were some students that found it difficult to work with energy and change matter, and cmw had difficulty understanding this. So coming into her current lifetime she created a life where she has doubt and negativity to learn from it. She wanted to see how difficult it can be to change negativity into a higher vibration, and see how difficult it can be to go from expecting things to go wrong, to hoping they go right. The lesson was to go through these difficult times and when it seems the most difficult, to grasp onto the littlest thing and begin to change it with something more positive.

Cmw asks The Council what her soul purpose is, and why is she constantly stuck in negative situations. The Council says it’s because her belief is more negative than positive. Your purpose is to find a more positive way to live your life. The Council asks cmw to try to improve her life again, even if it’s with the tiniest seed of hopefulness, and she’ll find a difference.

The Council advises cmw to surround herself with a few crystals that she picks out for herself and begin to meditate, even if it’s just for 10 minutes. In Atlantis you worked with changing energy and taught with crystals. Familiarize yourself with this again and be patient. As you begin to change your thoughts the tiniest bit, you’ll notice experiences in your life will improve.

The Council says as cmw reads about these different ancient cultures she’s been part of, just by taking her thoughts off negativity and putting them on these better feeling times, she’ll connect with this higher vibration and her journey will turn in the direction she wishes.

The Council sees a positive outcome for cmw, but she needs the discipline she taught in these other lifetimes to concentrate on more positive thoughts. If she’s able to read about these ancient times, and surround herself with crystals and meditate, her life must change.

Listen to the entire audio recording of our session with The Council (below) to hear all their guidance for cmw787 and the rest of us, and let us know what you feel about it.

If you like the session, please consider clicking on the Like button in the section below the recording to let us and our other readers know. Thanks.

September 20, 2018 Posted by | Audio Content, Beliefs, Channeling, Doubt, Other Lifetimes, Questions & Answers | , , , , , , , , , , , , | 4 Comments

Is Soul Fragmentation Real?

This post answers questions from a reader who goes by the name, ImportantOrNotBlog, who asks about what they call soul fragmentation, which they describe as the soul breaking apart from the body during a traumatic event and remaining in that event while the body moves forward. ImportantOrNotBlog asks if soul fragmentation is real or something someone made up?

The Council says the soul will never break apart but if the body is traumatized, the soul will leave the body even though the soul continues to remain attached to the body. The soul watches the body day by day while floating nearby.

If a child is abused the soul can jump out. If there’s a lot of pain or sickness in the body, the soul will jump out so it can watch the body and help it figure out how to move through whatever is going on.

When the soul leaves the body, the person can go into a deep depression or not know what direction to go. The person may not understand what’s going on and feels quite empty and not themselves.

The soul can never leave you and go off somewhere. It will just come out of the body and watch what’s going on. There is always a connection between the soul and the body.

Bob asks The Council how to reintegrate the soul with the body. The Council says if the soul has left the body because of grief, sometimes as the person works through the grief they’ll allow the soul to come back into the body. If there’s abuse of some kind and the soul jumps out and watches this, if the abuser leaves the environment, the soul can come back and work through the abuse because there’s now a feeling of safety. The soul knows the lessons chosen by spirit, but if the mind is temporarily unable to handle an experience, there’s a brief period of time where you will experience what you’re calling soul fragmentation.

Some people like shamen who interact with the spirit world will say they’ll get your soul for you. Some people may need this ritual, but The Council says the only person who can reunite your soul with your body is you. The soul will come when you feel safe and when your mind begins to focus again and work out a way through the trauma it’s experienced. Meditation and prayer will always help with this reintegration. The soul can return as you call the light around and inside your body as a way of protecting yourself and filling you up with the feeling of spirit.

The Council says there are times when the soul will come back into the body and you’ll experience another traumatic episode. If your mind is unable to understand this trauma or deal with it, the soul will jump out again. If you’re in a place where your lessons are too much for you to handle at a particular time even though you’ve created these lessons, your soul knows what you want to learn and will leave your body, watch you develop, send you support, light, and love, and in this process your soul can come in and out of your body.

How long the soul remains out of the body is up to the soul, which knows what the person is trying to accomplish. The soul will continue to help while it floats near the body by sending energy so the mind begins to focus on the light. If this doesn’t happen, you can always go through this lesson in another lifetime. If you knew the way you planned your life was too much in a previous life, you can plan it a different way, but the lessons will always be there.

ImportantOrNotBlog asks if a professional is required to reunite the soul with the body and The Council repeats it’s not required. What’s required, even in what feels like this lost period, is to hold on to a higher vibration or focus on the light, and you can come together with the soul. At this point, if it’s understood and wanted, you can change some of your difficult lessons.

Listen to our entire 8-minute session with The Council (below) to hear all their guidance for ImportantOrNotBlog and the rest of us, and let us know how you feel about it.

If you like this post, please consider clicking the Like button in the Tell Others About This Post section beneath the session recording. Thanks.

June 3, 2018 Posted by | Audio Content, Channeling, Other Lifetimes, Questions & Answers, Soul, Spirit | , , , , , | 2 Comments

Do I Have a Connection to the Pleiades Constellation?

This post answers questions for The Council from a reader named, Marie, who asks if she has a connection to the Pleiades, which is a constellation in the night sky. Marie says she always felt an intuitive familiarity as she began learning about Pleiadian’s connection to humans.

The Council says Marie has been in contact with Pleiadians. In her current lifetime she planned to be part of their research and teaching about working from the heart and how to raise your energy.

Many Pleiadians have come to Earth and are very concerned about the evolution of people here. They’re here to try and teach more understanding about working with heart energy as opposed to the energy of the mind. They want to help us move forward and not experience the challenges they faced as they evolved.

Pleiadians come from the star cluster that’s closest to the Earth. Sometimes significant numbers of them visit Earth. Marie has agreed to work emotionally with Pleiadians, have them visit her in dreams, and work on her development. Any sort of meditation or practice that will raise Marie’s energy is needed right now.

When Marie was young there was a woman in her neighborhood who was from Pleiades and she watched Marie’s development. When Marie finishes this lifetime she’ll be going back to Pleiades to discuss her lifetime on Earth, how she helped others around her come to a more loving vibration, and make decisions from a place of joy in her heart.

The Council feels Marie will have additional contact with beings from Pleiades. Someone will briefly come along and correct her thoughts, or agree with her if she’s on the right path, or show her another perspective. Marie should be aware of this. The Pleiadians won’t announce who they are, but they’ll be around. The Council advises Marie to enjoy the next part of her life. She’ll learn a lot. The fact that Marie had the thought that she’s connected to Pleiades is part of her remembering.

Pleiadians can assume a human body while here on Earth, but they don’t live a full human lifetime. They come to fulfill a particular task and then they return to Pleiades.

The basic purpose of Pleiadians on Earth is to bring peace. They are aware of our problems and are concerned about peace for our planet. The Council asks all of us to ask for peace in our meditations and prayers, to look within ourselves and see how we behave. Is it always in a peaceful manner?

On a slightly different subject Marie says she’s learned recently that the Rh negative blood type represents approximately 15% of the human population on Earth and might indicate extraterrestrial DNA. She asks if there’s any truth to this.

At first The Council doesn’t answer Marie’s question directly. Instead they discuss the difficulties extraterrestrials with high energy have being in a human body. Many extraterrestrials that come to Earth have blood differences, lower back problems, sinus problems, and problems with their tailbone. And other extraterrestrials come and have no differences.

When Bob pressed The Council on the question of Rh negative blood types and extraterrestrials they said it’s not always an indication of an extraterrestrial. Some extraterrestrials have this blood type, but not everyone who has it is an extraterrestrial.

Listen to our entire 9-minute session with The Council to hear all their guidance for Marie and the rest of us, and let us know how you feel about it. If you like this post, please consider clicking on the Like button in the “Tell others about this post” section beneath the recording.

May 26, 2018 Posted by | Audio Content, Challenges, Channeling, Love, Other Lifetimes, Questions & Answers, Spirit | , , , , , , , , | 28 Comments

How Can I Develop My Psychic Sense?

This post answers questions from a reader who goes by the name, LearningSoulSite, who says she was advised in an earlier session with The Council that her soul would like her to develop psychic abilities and she’s not sure what will be a good starting point. She asks how she’ll understand her psychic gifts and how she should develop them. And finally she asks if there’s anything she should be careful about or protect herself from while working on her psychic sense.

The Council starts by saying that before LearningSoulSite begins developing her psychic ability she should protect herself from her own thoughts and beliefs. Because if you believe there’s something out there that’ll grab you when you meditate and you’re not protected, somehow you’ll create this. And if you believe there’s evil lurking about that you need to be protected from, you’ll create this.

The Council advises LearningSoulSite to work on who she truly is, which is love and light. That is what everything is made of. Within this realm of love, light, and pure energy she can begin to allow herself to connect with the spirit world, and with past lives and future lives. It’s important to know she’s in control of everything that happens and her beliefs will play a part in this.

The Council suggests meditation is the best way to start developing your psychic abilities, even if you sit quietly for 5-10 minutes a day.

But if you want to connect with spirit, a simple way to do this is by concentrating on beauty. When you eat, imagine what you’re eating is filled with love and light and ask yourself how it feels going into your body. When you’re around animals, look for their souls. When you’re in the garden, look with beauty and love at the flowers and connect with the belief you’re one with these flowers.

As you begin to connect with everything you’ve created in your reality, you now begin to open chakras you’ve never worked with before. Know there’s so much more within you and around you. As you accept this belief and it becomes true to you, you’ll automatically open to different energies and different visions. You’ll hear things you can’t hear right now.

Most of this lifetime there’s been a lot of confusion. So when you meditate, concentrate on the third eye center to receive the clarity you’re looking to experience. With this clarity you’ll find it’ll become easier to make decisions. You’ll have a better understanding of the people around you. This is what you wanted to accomplish in your current lifetime. And when you receive this clarity and understanding, you’ll find people will begin speaking to you about what’s going on in their lives, and you’ll know how to help these people.

Listen to our entire 6-minute session with The Council (below) to hear all their guidance for LearningSoulSite and the rest of us, and let us know how you feel about it.

May 11, 2018 Posted by | Audio Content, Beliefs, Chakras, Channeling, Connecting With Spirit, Helping Others, Love, Psychic Ability, Questions & Answers, Soul, You Create Your Reality | , , , , | Leave a comment

What if My Interest in Spirit as a Distraction from “Reality”

This post answers questions for The Council from a reader named Malia, who says her navel chakra feels weak, my will feels blocked, and I’m overly enmeshed with my family.

The Council says the reason for Malia’s blocked third or navel chakra is in many prior lives she had to do what she was told in her families. She had no say in what direction her life went. In her current lifetime it’s Malia’s intention to heal this situation. She wants to feel independent and make her own decisions.

The Council says Malia has created a situation where she’s enmeshed with her family and now she needs to figure out what’s going on in her day to day life rather than focusing so much on her navel chakra. Is there a way she’s able to handle her circumstances differently? Is she able to make protective boundaries so she doesn’t feel herself getting pulled into everyone’s world? The Council says the reason Malia’s having this experience right now is so she can learn from it and change it.

The Council says the reason Malia’s enmeshed with her family is her day to day choices. Her greatest power in the current lifetime she’s creating is her minute to minute decisions. Why does she allow herself to be pulled in to her family’s drama? Why does she create these experiences? By looking at her circumstances she’ll be able to find new ways to deal with them. She’s created these situations to learn independence, to speak for herself, make decisions, and make boundaries. Boundaries is a big lesson for her in this lifetime.

Malia says she feels insecure about her capacity to be independent. The Council says she has the capacity, the power, and the strength to be independent. That is what she’s chosen to learn in this lifetime. She’s created situations where she does’t feel independent so she can learn to overcome them.

Malia says she’s afraid she’s using her interest in spirit as a scapegoat rather than working on the reality she’s manifesting. The Council says spirit isn’t Malia’s scapegoat. As she meditates or intuitively pays attention to feelings and ideas that come to her, that is her higher self helping handle her challenges. This isn’t using spirit as a scapegoat. This is learning from her higher self.

Bob suggests Malia may mean she’s using her interest in spirit to keep from focusing on day to day choices The Council asked her to focus on. The Council says when you realize who you truly are as a spirit in a physical body, that is the most important thing. Your day to day choices becomes clearer when you understand this.

Bob asks The Council if they can think of a reason why Malia might be having this fear of working on her reality and having spirit as a scapegoat? The Council says the desire to stand up to people, be independent, face confrontation, and learn to say no are with Malia from other lifetimes. Rather than face these situations on a day to day basis she can believe that concentrating on spirit doesn’t allow her to change the experiences she’s having.

Intuitively Malia knows she has to face these challenges because this is what she’s created them for. The part of her that’s afraid to face these challenges will concentrate on what she thinks of as spirit and takes her away from what she has to do to have a different experience.

The Council recommends daily meditation, even if it’s only five minutes, and coming up with affirmations that remind her who she truly is as a spirit in a physical body. Read about spirit and the reason we’re here on Earth. As she feels more in tune with who she is, she’ll be able to handle her day to day experiences. Family and other relationships will become clearer.

Listen to our entire 11-minute audio session with The Council (below) to hear all their guidance for Malia and the rest of us, and let us know how you feel about it.

April 18, 2018 Posted by | Audio Content, Chakras, Challenges, Channeling, Choice, Decision Making, Intuition, Other Lifetimes, Questions & Answers, Spirit | , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Son’s Anger Issues Related to Lifetime in Ancient Rome

This post answers questions for The Council from a reader named Lavender, who has an 8 year old boy with anger issues and she wonders why. The Council says this boy is hurting very deeply inside and at this point he doesn’t know how to feel love. He has a lot of mistrust and believes he must be alone.

The Council says your son is deeply affected by a lifetime in ancient Rome and he’s got a lot to heal from this lifetime. He was a slave who was taken to the arena where gladiators fought and was picked to be in charge of other slaves. This gave him safety, but turned the slaves he was friendly with against him.

He carries a lot of guilt from this Roman lifetime that he’s going to try and work out in his current lifetime. Your son has an authority problem in his current lifetime related to the lifetime in Rome, he has difficulty following orders, and he doesn’t like being told what to do.

The way you ask your son to do things will either create anger or give him understanding. Explain why, when you ask him to do the littlest thing and thank him for being a helpful part of your family. He needs to know he’s included and not alone. In his current lifetime he wants to know he can survive by being himself and being part of a family.

Lavender feels guilty for having this son when she was young and The Council says there is no use for this guilt. She needs to take part in helping her son heal the issues he’s brought into this lifetime.

Lavender asks The Council for advice on how to guide her son and The Council says their pre-birth agreement was that she would give him confidence and accept him no matter how he behaves in the moment. He needs an explanation how some of his behavior upsets her and why. And follow these explanations with reminders of the good he does.

Lavender says she recognizes in her son the same internal struggles she went through growing up. She is also resistant to authority figures. The Council suggests she explain to her son that she also doesn’t like to be told what to do. Maybe you can work on this together and bond over it. With understanding his mind will open, acceptance of how different things can be will begin to flood in, and clarity will come.

Lavender says she’s tried to teach her son things like the law of attraction, self empowerment, chakras, and meditation, and she says from this he became an elaborate storyteller. The Council says children have a great ability to astral project, remember their dreams, and travel to different dimensions. In your son’s case these stories aren’t made up. He is very psychic and intuitive and these are important tools for him as he grows.

The Council says many times your son is able to see from his third eye and he imagines other people can also do this. Encourage your son to talk to you about what he’s seeing and you’ll be surprised how he changes.

Treat your son with kindness, understanding, and love. Explain everything that’s asked of him. Explain when things annoy you and how you think about it and change it. Let him know how you want to teach him why he and everyone else is  here: to handle whatever challenges he faces, to acknowledge them, to work on them, and to turn them around with love.

Listen to our entire 18-minute session with The Council to hear all their guidance for Lavender and the rest of us, and let us know how you feel about it.

March 20, 2018 Posted by | Audio Content, Challenges, Channeling, Healing, Love, Other Lifetimes, Pre-Incarnation Planning, Questions & Answers | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 4 Comments

Help With Depression

This post answers a question from an anonymous reader who asks The Council for guidance on overcoming depression. They have been using meditation, guided journals, therapy, and medication for years, but just can’t shake this condition. Typically they’re okay when they’re busy, but at other times like now, the situation is unbearably difficult.

The Council suggests when you start feeling depressed you should pay attention to your thoughts. Your thoughts will either lead you into depression or help you come out of it. In your case it’s good to keep as busy as possible. If you’re not working to keep busy, try taking classes, reading, and meditation.

When you meditate, ask to feel your heart energy. This will lift your spirits.

When you don’t feel as good as you’d like, acknowledge this feeling. Then take control by changing your thoughts to better feeling ones. Find something you like about yourself or something you’ve accomplished. Go into old memories that feel good. As you change these heavier thoughts you can begin to change the thoughts that bring on the depression. This will take work on your part, but you’re able to do it.

If you feel some relief from medication, this belief that medication is helping will assist you. You can use medication for a while to lift your energy and still begin to change your thoughts to better feeling ones. This medication would be until you feel better. Once you acknowledge these better feelings you’ll remember them. When you get depressed and change your thoughts and reach for these better feelings, this is how you’ll work your way out of depression.

Anonymous says they understand their negative emotions are creating the depression, but they have difficulty staying positive. The Council says in the beginning you’ll be able to change your thoughts only occasionally, and as you’re able to do this the thoughts will grow and you’ll not have to consistently feel depressed. You are retraining yourself how to focus your attention, and this focus is what you’ll create in your life.

Anonymous asks how they’re able to experience all the good things they’ve created for themselves? The Council says by naming them and being grateful for each one. As you find things to be grateful for, everything begins to change for the better.

The Council’s parting words are to look within yourself for your inner light and meditate on your heart. Picture a little light growing there. This is part of who you are. You are more than your physical body. You are also a wondrous spirit that is light and love. As you look within for this light, you will find it.

Listen to our entire 5-minute session with The Council (below) to hear all their guidance for Anonymous and the rest of us, and let us know how you feel about it.

March 1, 2018 Posted by | Audio Content, Beliefs, Channeling, Creation, Feelings, Gratitude, Love, Meditation, Questions & Answers, Spirit | , , , , , , | 2 Comments

How Can I Describe Kundalini Energy to Family & Friends

This post answers questions for The Council from a reader named Mariner2Mother, who’s experiencing a Kundalini awakening and would like help explaining the process to family and friends who don’t understand it.

The Council says Kundalini is a raising of energy in each chakra (or energy center in the body). It sits in the first chakra (or root chakra in the groin area) and through meditation, prayer, reading, and sometimes through no conscious effort on the part of the practitioner, slowly rises through each of the seven chakras along the spine.

Inside each chakra there are seven more chakras that correspond to the seven chakras in the body. The Council describes it as an awakening. It can take years for this energy to rise to the upper most chakra. This energy can heal fears, illness, and anything that keeps you from experiencing who you truly are. It helps you think differently and see things differently.

The Council says many people experience this rise of Kundalini energy and never know it. They just begin to feel better and have better thoughts because they are opening to energies that aren’t available when you’re worried, depressed, or your energy is heavy.

Many people say it’s a horrible experience to have your Kundalini open, and The Council says if you believe this, that is what you’ll experience.

The Council advises controlling Kundalini energy with your thoughts, know that it’s there, and if you’re interested in raising this energy you can do this slowly so that your body and your mind can handle it.

It’s a raising and expanding of energy so you can have deeper experiences while still in your human body.

Mariner2Mother says her Kundalini energy opened up in her somewhat spontaneously, but The Council says this isn’t the case. It’s happening because her higher self (spirit) is choosing to have this experience.

The Council says the simplest way to explain Kundalini is to describe the seven chakras and what each one does, and how you are learning there are seven more chakras inside each chakra. From deep inside you this energy slowly works it’s way up from one chakra to the next. The chakras gradually open and send out a much higher vibration and energy that you’re able to tap into.

The Council says raising your Kundalini is a normal process that can be very beautiful, and there’s nothing to be afraid of.

Mariner2Mother can pray on each chakra, learn the colors of each chakra, and meditate on the seven different chakra colors within each chakra; these seven chakras are the size of a pin head.

In response to Mariner2Mother describing her Kundalini process as challenging for her, The Council suggests asking her spirit (or higher self) to slow down this process so it’s not so exhausting. When she describes much of her experience as “Hell on Earth”, The Council says this experience of Hell on Earth isn’t necessary.

The Council finishes with guidance to send love to every chakra.

Listen to our entire 9-minute session with The Council to hear all their guidance for Mariner2Mother and the rest of us, and let us know how you feel about it.

January 18, 2018 Posted by | Audio Content, Chakras, Channeling, Connecting With Spirit, Meditation, Questions & Answers, Spirit | , , , , , , , , , , | 6 Comments

What is My Spiritual Purpose?

This post is about a question from a reader named Kristi, who asks The Council about her spiritual journey. She says it’s almost like she has a constant magnetic pull to the spiritual realm and when she tries to distance herself from spirit, she ends up right back at it.

The Council asks why she’d want to distance herself from spirit? Her spirit connection reminds her of who she truly is, which is part of why she came into this lifetime. It’s very much a part of Kristi’s life in this incarnation because in so many other lifetimes she’s walked the spiritual path and believed in love and compassion, which is what she came to bring into her current lifetime.

The Council advises daily meditation and for Kristi to read all the books she can find on spiritual channels because she has the ability to channel spirit if she wants to.

The Councils says it’s wonderful that Kristi feels this spiritual influence in her life and asks her to feel in what direction it’s pulling her. This is exactly what she wanted to experience in this lifetime. Don’t pull away from spirit. This journey can take her to many different places an help her meet many people who will be attracted to her vibration.

Kristi didn’t plan in spirit which way she wanted this spiritual pull to take her. She only knew that she wanted to be deeply connected to the spiritual realm.

The Council advises Kristi to use her imagination to visualize herself in many different situations and see what feels best to her and follow this direction. Begin with small steps. Each step will bring her to another and another and she’ll fulfill what she has planned for this lifetime. She wanted the excitement of being on a spiritual path and to discover her journey as she moves along her path.

Listen to our entire 6-minute session with The Council (below) to hear all their guidance for Kristi and the rest of us, and let us know how you feel about it.

December 3, 2017 Posted by | Audio Content, Channeling, Helping Others, Imagination, Life Purpose, Other Lifetimes, Questions & Answers, Spirit | , , , , , , | 2 Comments

How to Communicate with Autistic People

In this post a reader named EG asks The Council for advice on how to communicate with people who have Autism, after reading one of our previous posts on Autism.

The Council says to show these people love, compassion, and joy. Speak to them through your mind. In the beginning, if they allow you to touch them, it’s very helpful to reach out and touch their arm or their shoulder while communicating with them. When they’re feeling safe with you they’ll let you touch them.

When speaking with Autistic people it’s helpful for you to form pictures in your mind of what you are trying to communicate.

Meditation will raise your vibration and give you the support you’re looking for when communicating with Autistic people.

Autistic people are very wise and quick to pick up on your feelings. Surround yourself with the happiest, most loving vibration you can while you’re around people who have Autism.

EG closes by saying they guess they aren’t evolved enough to communicate with Autistic people, but they’d still like to try. And The Council laughs and replies that EG is more evolved than they believe.

Listen to our entire 3-minute conversation with The Council (below) to hear all their guidance for EG and the rest of us, and let us know how you feel.

November 12, 2017 Posted by | Audio Content, Channeling, Feelings, Questions & Answers, Spirit | , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Moving to Cambodia and Leaving a Cat Behind

This post is inspired by questions for The Council from a reader who goes by the name, Just Me Again. She’s planning a move to Cambodia next year and she has to leave her cat behind. She’s found someone who’s willing to take the cat and she asks if this is the right person. The Council asks her to search her heart to see if she’s comfortable giving her cat to this person and if there’s a loving vibration there.

She asks what she agreed to offer her cat in this lifetime, and The Council says when we come together with the soul of an animal, there’s no agreement or plan what you will do. You come together because you need each other. It’s a coming together to support each other in the feeling of love.

She asks about previous lifetimes with this cat and The Council says they can’t see a previous lifetime.

She asks if the cat understands why she has to leave her behind and if she’s ready to move on. The Council says the animal knows it is loved, but may not understand the reason she’s leaving the cat behind. The cat will know if it’s being left in a good place, and the love it feels for Just Me Again will continue.

She asks if she had a previous lifetime in Cambodia and if it’s the right move and time for her to go. The Council says within a year it will be a good time to move there, but they don’t see an immediate move.

She asks about a Cambodian woman who said Just Me Again was her doctor in a previous lifetime. The Council sees her aiding soldiers in a war in one lifetime. In another, back in Greece she was considered a doctor with very advanced healing abilities that she brought with her from Atlantis, and The Council believes she may have healed the Cambodian woman in this lifetime.

Lastly she asks The Council about a flower essence blend she feels guided to make for tourists in Cambodia. The Council says to meditate on the blends. They feel there will be 5 different ones that she’s already created in her spiritual reality. And they recommend she soften each blend with a bit of Rose.

Listen to the entire 6-minute recording of our session with The Council (below) to hear all their guidance for Just Me Again and the rest of us, and let us know how you feel about it.

September 4, 2017 Posted by | Agreement, Audio Content, Channeling, Other Lifetimes, Questions & Answers, Spirit | , , , , , , , | 6 Comments

Did I Know My Friend in Other Lifetimes?

This post is inspired by an anonymous reader who met someone they became friendly with and although the relationship was short-lived, this person made an impression in Anonymous’s life. They ask The Council to confirm their suspicion that they knew each other in other lives and if this is true, what was their relationship in these lives. Anonymous is also interested in whether they will reconnect with this person in this lifetime.

On a separate note Anonymous asks whether they were ever interested in herbs and healing in other lifetimes because they are drawn to this in their current lifetime and it feels familiar.

The Council says in the current lifetime it is the remembering of shared other lives that has brought you together for a short time like ships passing in the night.

The Council says in other lives you’ve been sisters, mother and child, a married couple, and peers who worked together, and they say to enjoy this familiar feeling you’ve identified with.

The Council says there’s a possibility you will reconnect with this person in the remainder of this lifetime as long as your life choices bring you in this direction.

The Council say Anonymous has dealt with herbs, oils, and mostly crystals in other lifetimes and they suggest Anonymous familiarize themselves with this. The Council also suggests Anonymous begin to meditate if they don’t already. This will connect them to a peacefulness and help them with the direction they want this lifetime to go in.

Listen to this brief 3-minute session with The Council on these questions to hear all of their guidance for Anonymous and the rest of us, and let us know what you think.

April 1, 2017 Posted by | Audio Content, Channeling, Healing, Meditation, Other Lifetimes, Questions & Answers, Relationships, Spirit | , , , , , , , | 3 Comments

Feeling Down After a Recent Energy Healing

This post is inspired by questions for The Council from a reader named Linda about a distant energy healing she received recently to clear her aura of negativity. Since the healing took place she’s felt down, not much joy, and seems to have lost her flow in life. She asks The Council if these feelings will pass, or is there something she can do to re-establish her joy and get unstuck from where she finds herself?

The Council begins by pointing out the ability to heal herself lies within Linda rather than within an external healer. Sometimes when you go to another person for a healing, that person will send you healing energy and your body and spirit will use this energy in the way that’s best for you. What The Council sees is that this healing stirred up a lot of Linda’s emotions and instead of getting the full clearing she wanted, these emotions have been brought up so she can learn to heal them herself.

The Council suggests meditation, prayer, working with crystals, and using her healing inner light. See the energy go into and around her body and lift out what needs to be removed.

Another exercise Linda can do is one she also used in a lifetime as an American Indian where she would stand on a hilltop on a windy day, raising her arms, and ask the Wind God to blow through her and remove whatever is negative or she doesn’t need.

The Council says the reason these emotions were stirred up is to get her to know she has the power to heal herself. And they add that the person Linda chose to do this energy healing did exactly what was necessary, with love, to push her forward in finding her true self.

Listen to the entire 6-minute session we did with The Council (below) on Linda’s questions to hear all their guidance for Linda and the rest of us. And let us know what you think.

December 13, 2016 Posted by | Channeling, Emotions, Exercise, Healing, Questions & Answers, Spirit | , , , , | 2 Comments

Remembering You Are Spirit – Free Will – Other Lifetimes – Reason for Poverty

This post is inspired by a comment from Tracy on a post we published in April 2013, which was before we made recordings of sessions with The Council available. That post answered one of four interesting questions from a reader named Jose about why we fail to remember who we are as spiritual beings in our physical life.

Tracy asks a few questions beginning with, “What if we don’t succeed on any level?” And ending with a comment about seeing the mistakes we’ve made, “but have no power left to sort it out, and already feel dead.”

As we re-read the post Tracy commented on, we decided to make a recording of it available in this post in the hope it might be helpful to Tracy and other readers, at least until we can publish a post to answer Tracy’s questions. While the earlier post answers only one of Jose’s questions, the following recording has The Council’s answers to all four of Jose’s questions. In case you’re interested, here are the five posts we published back in 2013 to answer these questions.

  1. Every Question Is Important
  2. Why Do People Appear Unable to Fulfill a Spiritual Intention to Have Fun and Remember Who We Are?
  3. Does Spirit’s Pre-Birth Planning Negate Human Free Will?
  4. Future Lives, Connecting with Famous ‘Dead’ People, & the Importance of the Present
  5. What Is Spirit Up To?

Thank you for your questions and comments, Tracy. We’ll do our best to get The Council’s answers and publish a recording of the session in the near future. In the meantime we hope our readers will listen to the following recording of our session which prompted those questions and let us know what you think.

February 27, 2016 Posted by | Audio Content, Challenges, Choice, Free Will, Love, Other Lifetimes, Questions & Answers, Spirit, You Create Your Reality | , , , , , , | 3 Comments

Bringing Love Into Negativity

This post answers several questions from an anonymous reader named D, who says it’s been a while since she last spoke to us, but feels she’s moved mountains since then and is finally learning to heal from within. D continues that once she opened her heart and started asking questions, she discovered a new world that taught her about life and her purpose on Earth.

D’s has worked in New York for 16 years and says she never realized how negative an environment it was until she became a more positive person. The Council says D speaks of negativity as if it’s something unwanted, but there are many many people who can’t get to a positive place until they experience negativity. And when they become positive there’s great appreciation for what the negative has taught them.

D finds it’s easier to connect with her higher self when she’s in her comfort zone. And The Council says it’s in this quiet time you can hear your guides, stay connected to source, and get help with what you experience as negativity. They go on to say that you create this negativity to see how you can bring the love you are in spirit into these situations. They advise sitting for 5-10 minutes a day in this quiet and she will hear what she needs to hear, feel what she needs to feel, and connect to who she truly is.

The Council says many people don’t understand what most people call negativity is really something we as spirit have brought into our reality. What we consider annoying people or situations are really wonderful souls who choose to be part of our negativity and allow us to see these situations differently, bring love into them, and grow.

D asks if prayer, meditation, and guidance are the best ways to communicate with spirit guides when we need advice, and The Council says yes. When I asked the difference between the three The Council said prayer is asking and talking, meditation is listening to your higher self, and intuition is the voice of your higher self.

D asks how she can teach others when they’re so close-minded. The Council says people aren’t close-minded; they are searching and growing at their own pace. Teaching is more than words, and some people aren’t ready to hear what you say. You teach by your actions and by example. When you show love, when you show how you’ve grown and how you handle things differently, that teaches more than words.

D says her heart keeps pointing her to Ireland, a place she’s never been and knows nothing about, and asks if there’s a reason her spirit keeps pointing her in that direction. The Council says if she feels this in her heart, this is her intuition and why wouldn’t she go.

The Council suggests D move forward with the main reason she came into physical reality: to bring the love she is in spirit into it. Her negativity is there to teach her to turn it around and help her grow. It may be hard for her to believe that when she looses patience or is angry with someone, it is another part of her in this other person, coming forward to give her more understanding. We are all connected.

Listen to the entire 26-minute session with The Council to hear all their guidance during this wonderful session.

July 26, 2015 Posted by | Audio Content, Beliefs, Connecting With Spirit, Helping Others, Love, Questions & Answers, Spirit, You Create Your Reality | , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Will This Be My Last Lifetime?

This post is inspired by a question from an anonymous reader who wants to know if The Council can confirm that this will be their last lifetime. (This question was asked on June 8, 2015, but was apparently not posted, so we’re posting it today.)

The Council is clear that this person is the creator of everything that they experience in their lifetime. So if they feel it is their last lifetime, they will create it that way. And yet when they return to spirit and see how much more there is to do, they may change their mind and come back to learn more and help others.

The Council says many who wish to return to spirit and not come back become guides and helpers to others who are here. And so if they feel this will be their last lifetime, when they return to spirit they will create that. Eventually they want to come back into physical form, but it’s entirely up to them. No one will tell them they have to come back.

The Council advises if it feels good to think this is their last lifetime, then they should stay with that thought and feel good in it. And The Council also says they can’t tell if this will be this person’s last life. This is entirely up to them, whether they come back or stay in spirit.

The Council says they will still be creating and there is no ending. And they remind us our greatest tool is choice, whether it is here or in spirit. And they encourage us to have fun in our choosing.

When asked if there’s anything else they want to discuss, The Council suggests we meditate on who you are, that all is well, that we have choices in everything, and that we are here to experience love. And they remind us to look at everything in our lives and know that we have created it.

Listen to the entire 10-minute session with The Council (below) to receive their full guidance.

June 16, 2015 Posted by | Audio Content, Beliefs, Choice, Love, Meditation, Questions & Answers, You Create Your Reality | , , , , | 4 Comments

Past Lives, Trust, and Future Reconciliation

This post is inspired by questions from an Anonymous reader who asks why the man she was seeing said they were together in a few past lives when she doesn’t believe this to be true, and why was he confused how he felt about her. She also asks if there’s a possibility of a reconciliation with her ex-best friend who she does feel a past life connection with.

The Council sees there have been several lives together with the man she was seeing and they ask why is this so hard to believe. They see there is a feeling of not trusting what she’s being told because this man does not have the best intentions. And they suggest the possibility of getting away from this relationship because this lack of trust is a red flag from her higher self.

The Council says by bringing love into this situation she can honestly speak about this lack of trust with this person. But because there’s a trust issue they ask her to look at other places in her life where there have also been these issues. The Council says this person is the one who is helping bring forward these trust issues in her life because that is something she wishes to heal in this lifetime. And they also say that just because they have been in several lives together, this is not a reason to be together in this life. His purpose in her life has more to do with getting her to face her issues with lack of trust.

On the subject of reconciliation with her ex-best friend The Council sees this situation coming full circle and there will be a reconnection in the future and more understanding what this relationship is about. But first she needs to work through her trust issues so that when this relationship comes around again there will be a different outcome with more understanding.

When Bob asked for any specifics on how this woman might look at her trust issues The Council used the metaphor of peeling an onion one layer at a time. When she feels this distrust they encourage her to ask what this reminds her of and see what memory comes from that. And then to ask again and again, going further back in her life, until she finds a pattern to what set off this distrust.

And once she gets to that point everything will begin to change. Her understanding of how these people came into her life to help her experience and work through these distrustful situations will allow her to be more comfortable with the people in her life.

The Council reminds her to meditate on the next step, ask why she feels this mistrust, and to remember she is spirit in a physical body. Ask herself what she was trying to experience and the answers will come.

Listen to the entire 12-minute session below to get all The Council’s guidance for this woman.

June 12, 2015 Posted by | Audio Content, Challenges, Healing, Love, Meditation, Other Lifetimes, Pre-Incarnation Planning, Questions & Answers, Reincarnation, Relationships, Trust | , , , , , | 2 Comments

Will I Have a Child, and Will It Be the Soul I Aborted?

This post is inspired by questions from an Anonymous reader who recently had an abortion and wants to know if she’ll ever have children. The Council says yes, this is planned for. And when she asks if the aborted soul will return to her as her child, The Council says there’s a great bond between these two souls from sharing many lifetimes and they see an agreement between the two of them for this soul to return to her.

When this soul returns The Council says it will be male, and sees them learning much from each other. But mostly this child will come to help Anonymous on her path, and guide her to be different from how she’s been.

Anonymous says she thought she’d find love and get married, and wants to know why her positive affirmations about this aren’t working for her. The Council points out that even though she is using positive affirmations, she doesn’t believe this will happen. They say until she has more positive beliefs, her negative beliefs will continue to create what she doesn’t want.

When I (Bob) ask The Council for advice on how to change her beliefs, they say her affirmations are good, but they advise her to meditate, read spiritual books, and start practicing the manifestation of small things at first. When she can create these small things by thinking of them, and feels grateful when they happen, she will know that’s how she also creates the bigger things she wants in her life.

The Council advises her to appreciate herself and feel a happy vibration as often as she can. And they say meditation will help with this. They advise her to never give up her dream of being married to a man she loves. And they remind her that by feeling this won’t happen, she’s defeating herself.

The Council asks her to focus on the kind of man she’d like in her life, and by feeling this, that kind of man will be drawn to her. They advise her to ask the question in her mind as men walk by, are you the one? And thinking, I’m ready. If she can play this game, this will help her attract the man of her dreams.

And she’s also asking how she can bring positivity and change to her health and her career. The Council says with her meditations, her being more focused on happiness and the kind of partner she wants, and knowing a child is waiting to come to her, there is a new beginning and staying in these happy thoughts will change her health.

The Council asks what she wants to be, and looking for what she is interested in she’ll find it. By putting it out there that she wants a new, interesting career and being ready for this, she can draw this in.

The Council says the changing of her vibration will quickly fix her situation, and they advise her to have fun reading spiritual books, have fun meditating and looking for a new career, and most of all have fun playing the game of are you the one? By believing she’s ready for abundance and happiness, and that she’s ready for a child, all of this is there for her.

Listen to the entire 10-minute session with The Council below for all the details.

May 1, 2015 Posted by | Audio Content, Beliefs, Career, Marriage, Meditation, Questions & Answers, Vibration | , , , , , | 4 Comments

How to Work with Crystals

This post is inspired by a question about working with crystals from a long time reader named Jan who’s particularly interested in glass-like Andara crystals.

The Council begins by advising you to buy Andara crystals from someone who’s reliable and knowledgeable about them because they look like glass and many are not the real crystal. And they say when you hold one of these crystals you should immediately feel a warmth in your hands.

They talk about the ways crystals were encoded with information and knowledge in Atlantis, where Jan experienced working with them in another life. And they talk about meditating with crystals to receive the knowledge held within them.

The Council says Andara crystals are excellent for healing and developing psychic abilities and they recommend a way of working with them on the body for healing and for grounding.

And they recommend a way to work with multiple clear quartz crystals placed on different parts of the body to enhance meditation, psychic ability, and intuitiveness. Listen to our 11-minute session with The Council to answer Jan’s question.

February 18, 2015 Posted by | Audio Content, Healing, Intuition, Meditation, Other Lifetimes, Psychic Ability, Questions & Answers | , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

What is the Name of My Spirit Guides?

This post is inspired by a question from Wendy who asks what are the names of her spirit guides and how many does she have?

Many people desire the name of their spirit guides, but The Counsel says spirit guides and angels don’t assign themselves names. They only come up with them when it’s something needed by you, but that isn’t what this is all about. They say what’s important is the feeling of connection you have with angels and guides and the information that comes through to you.

Can you accept that spirit is with you to help you? Go with the feeling. Stay in the vibration of connection and the information will become more important as time goes by. But if it’s really needed, ask for the name of your guide or guides. You can even specify how it will come to you.

The Counsel reminds Wendy and the rest of us that in the end we are all one and asks if it’s really necessary to name your guides. When Wendy says she believes she’s gone through the appropriate steps to communicate with her guides she gets nothing, but The Council says they feel she has gotten much information.

The Counsel suggests Wendy meditate on her spirit guides names if this is important to her and they give her a brief meditation for this.

Listen to the 7-minute session to hear The Counsel’s full answer to Wendy.

Copyright ℗ 2015 Bob & Cynthia Dukes

February 7, 2015 Posted by | Audio Content, Connecting With Spirit, Feelings, Imagination, Meditation, Questions & Answers, Spirit, Vibration | , , , , , | Leave a comment

Why Do People Appear Unable to Fulfill a Spiritual Intention to Have Fun and Remember Who We Are?

This post is the second in a series of posts describing a session with The Council on March 30, 2013 to answer questions from Jose, Michelle, and Deborah. Our first post in this series, Every Question is Important, described The Council’s point of view that every question a human being has for spirit is an important question because every human being is part of spirit and every question is worthy of spirit’s attention.

In this current post we describe the portion of the session that focuses on The Council’s answer to this fourth of Jose’s four questions:

“If we come to this incarnation to have fun and ‘remember’ who we really are, why do most people, if not all, fail at this attempt?

“If we are that powerful as spirits, why don’t we leave ourselves iron clad clues of who we are so we can retake our power during this incarnation, instead of being collective sheep following false idols while being subjected to the powerful few?”


We’ve wondered about variations of this question from time to time and it’s easy to imagine others interested in spirituality have had similar questions. The Council’s initial response to Jose’s question was:

“Because it is almost like a scavenger hunt. If you came in knowing everything you wanted to do and who you were, it would be quite boring.

“And so when you jump in, the experiences that you create for yourself are there to remind you who you are [and] to show you [that] you have the power of choice, you have the power of creation, [and] you have the power to bring love into every situation.”

—The Council
Click here to read the rest of this post→

April 7, 2013 Posted by | Challenges, Choice, Connecting With Spirit, Expansion, Feelings, Guidance, Love, Questions & Answers | , , , , , , , , | 6 Comments

Trusting You are Spirit in a Physical Body

Jaqueline’s Question

This is the first of two posts answering questions from Jaqueline, who asks The Council how to follow her inner guidance and find inner peace “even when things seem to be so messed up” in her life.

Jaqueline writes that she understands and sincerely believes in teachings like The Council’s and other teachers she’s familiar with who say, “We shouldn’t worry about anything ever because everything is gonna be just fine,” and, “We should enjoy life and think about whatever we want in our future in a positive vibration.” “But sometimes [it] is really hard to put this in practice.”

We like Jaqueline’s question because it frankly addresses a dilemma faced by many of us who are trying to follow teachings like The Council’s. In our saner moments these teaching make a lot of sense to us; they inspire us and lift our spirits. But sometimes, despite our best efforts, life can feel like an insurmountable challenge. When this happens it can feel equally challenging to remember and put in to practice these teachings about who we are as spiritual beings.

At the time Jaqueline wrote her questions for The Council she commented that, “All the time my head seems to be full of stressful thoughts about my future…about my present…if I’m going in the right direction…if I should do something…or nothing at all. Sometimes I get trapped in some drama and get very emotional about everything. Resuming, I have a hard time going with the flow.”

Stressful thoughts, feeling trapped, and feeling other unwanted emotions can be a challenge. When we feel this way and we also believe we’re not supposed to ever worry about anything and we should always be enjoying life, these expectations can sometimes add to the challenge of turning the situation around so we can ‘go with the flow’.

On July 24, 2012 we had a conversation with The Council (non-physical spiritual guides speaking through Cynthia) to get their advice on how to feel more in touch with well-being on a day-to-day basis when life seems to make this difficult.

This session contains many helpful insights, but for us the highlight is the reminder to meditate regularly on the idea that each of us is a spiritual being in a physical body. The Council advises that this type of regular meditation will help us feel more trusting that we really are spiritual beings, and this trust will help us through difficult times.

Interestingly, The Council says that as spiritual beings we actually look forward to these challenging human experiences because we view them as desirable opportunities to expand who we are as spirit into a physical reality.

This post relates the details of this session with The Council, and also includes some information on two meditation techniques they recommend. We plan to publish separate posts describing these meditations in more detail and eventually we plan to include audio recordings of these meditations as guided meditations.

This session also included The Council’s answer to Jaqueline’s question about whether she is going in the ‘right direction’ career-wise, and how career choices relate to experiences we have in other lifetimes. We feel this information is better suited to a separate post and we plan to publish that post in the near future also.


September 30, 2012 Posted by | Beliefs, Connecting With Spirit, Doubt, Guidance, Inspiration, Meditation, Part of a Series, Pre-Incarnation Planning, Questions & Answers, Trust | , , , , , , , , , | 3 Comments

Communicating with the Spirit of Loved Ones Who Have Passed

Bobby’s Question

This post is a response to a question from a reader named Bobby, who believes, “Spirit…[is], at times, available to us here on Earth when we want signs, information, a visit.” Bobby says, “I find it curious…, when I’ve had sessions with mediums/psychics/sensitives, my wish/want to have a visit or get information from specific relatives does not seem to manifest. …I have questions as to why some seem able/available, while others make no ‘effort’ to so much as send information to us?”

Bobby continues: “I have visited with more than a few reputable mediums/psychics who have given me very clear, relevant information/guidance, so I am fairly certain it is not the person(s) ‘translating’ the information in my situation. And I have most definitely had my fair share of crisis in my life well worthy of someone stepping in and sending me a shout out. But if Spirit is sort of out there willing and waiting to communicate in one form or another, why is it only some want to step forward?”

Bobby also wants to know: “At what time (if ever) is Spirit that has left this realm, available to us here for information? For example, Osama bin Ladin recently left our planet. Is he going to be a Spirit out there that someone, anyone, can speak with?”

They are Always Available

In response to Bobby’s comment that she believes spirit is available, at times, when she’s looking for spiritual guidance, The Council replies:

“They are always available.

Click here to read the full post→

May 12, 2012 Posted by | Connecting With Spirit, Guidance, Meditation, Questions & Answers, Spirit | , , , , , | 4 Comments

How to Create Harmony and Balance in a New Relationship

A Question from Sky

This post is a response to Sky’s question for The Council about how to find “the highest and most loving way to create harmony and balance in my new relationship.” Sky’s full question can be found here.

After reading Sky’s question to The Council, they expressed a desire to address it sentence by sentence to make sure they address each issue.

You Have Access to Higher Wisdom

The Council enjoyed Sky’s reference to them as “Beloved Council.” And they love that Sky is thankful for their higher wisdom, but they remind Sky and the rest of us that humans are spirit in a physical body and we have the potential to access the same wisdom, but we tend to forget we’re spiritual beings with this ability. The Council says it’s their desire to remind us of the wisdom we have within us, and they do this by “knocking us on the head a little bit, and opening the door of our heart a little bit” to help us access this wisdom within ourselves.

This is an introduction to this post. Click here to read the full post→

April 2, 2012 Posted by | Emotions, Feelings, Meditation, Questions & Answers, Relationships | , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments