Ask The Council

What will you ask Spirit?

Will The Spirit Of My Unborn Child Return To Me?

This post answers questions for The Council from a reader named, Zumza.

Zumza: I had an abortion a couple months ago. My boyfriend and I wanted a child, and the feeling of someone wanting to come through us was very, very strong. I was ready to have a baby, but he wasn’t ready financially. I got pregnant very quickly after five or six months of knowing each other, so there was also a doubt that the timing was good. We decided to have an abortion, although I was convincing my boyfriend we’d make it through and the timing was good. I felt a very strong connection to the spiritual world and a lot of love for the fetus. We were communicating in my mind. I apologized for the abortion and asked the spirit to come back.

Council: We see here there’s a lot of doubt around the time you were thinking of having a child, where you wanted the child, but you doubted the timing was right. There was doubt about the finances. And then doubting the pregnancy, or having an abortion, and the regret. That vibration will not bring you what you want. And so we’d say if you choose to get pregnant again, and there are the same concerns about timing and about money, it’s wise to do everything you can to change the way you look at your situation. Be more positive about how it will work out, and stay away from thoughts that are doubtful.

Zumza: I had an abortion and the next day I broke my leg. It was a tough period. I prayed a lot for the baby and for good karma. Later on a baby came into my dream. He was playing in the spiritual world with guides. He was happy and I felt so much love.

Council: Right there by paying attention to this dream and what you’ve seen, this spirit has allowed you to see that it’s healthy, that it’s happy, and there’s no need for regret, blame, or guilt. Once again, it’s a wonderful thing that the spirit has shown you that.

And so if you can change the way you think of it and say, “How wonderful. The spirit heard me talking to itself and came to me. I was open enough to receive that dream, and now how do I handle it? Am I happy for this spirit?” The spirit is happy, so why should I torture myself?

And so, always what you’ve been shown is to be more positive. Know everything is okay. Whether or not there was an abortion, everything is okay. All is well.

Zumza: Since the abortion I’m feeling so much regret. I thought, “I just started a new role and if I leave, how will that look?” But after my decision, my two colleagues told me they are pregnant and I thought, “That could have been my happiness.”

Council: And so the concern here – again take a look at your thoughts – if you got pregnant and had to leave your job, how would it look? It doesn’t matter how it would look. Is it what you want? Are you going forward with appreciating you are pregnant and having the dream that you want? So once again, rethink how you look at your situation.

Zumza: Also, we’re not married yet. I was thinking I wanted the baby to come into a married family.

Council: Okay, so if you’re preparing, if you’re creating that you’re pregnant again, you’re thinking you’d like this child to come into a married family. Are you taking those steps toward marriage? Follow your feeling. If this is what you want, if this is what you need to be happy and to have a full pregnancy, and a wonderful baby, then take the steps toward what you want. And that would be to go ahead and do as you wish and be married.

Zumza: But now I want nothing else but the spirit of this child back in my life. In my dream it was a boy, and I felt it was a boy during the pregnancy. I just can’t live without him in this world.

Council: And that is such an unfortunate thought. When you think that you cannot live without this spirit, what do you think that does to your vibration? That is a very low vibration. It’s easy to change that. It’s like, I love the thought of moving on with my life and welcoming this spirit back if it chooses to come back to me. Do you see the different feeling of the different thoughts?

Zumza: I keep asking the spirit to come back, and he replies that he will, but maybe it’s only in my mind.

Council: And so instead of thinking maybe it’s all in my mind, change it to: How wonderful, let me trust this feeling. The spirit is telling me it will come back.

Again, you’re changing a thought of doubt to a positive thought in order to raise your vibration so it’s easy for you to create what you want.

Zumza: My boyfriend is working on getting stable with finances at the moment.

Council: That is a wonderful thing.

Zumza: Will this spirit come back to me?

Council: We do see here that there is a wonderful possibility of this happening. But once again, you must change the way you see things, the way you prepare for it, and know that when you’re in a higher vibration of joy and love and excitement of where you’re going in this lifetime that you are creating, then we see this spirit, or any other spirit that wants to come, will come to you.

There’s definitely a pregnancy, and if you change this vibration and the way you’re thinking, and you speak to this spirit, you both have a chance to come together and plan what’s wanted for both of you.

Is it a good experience for you to be with this spirit? This spirit will think of what kind of life you are planning. Is it good for me to become part of that family? Is it what I want to experience? And so we say the positive attitude and higher vibration will make this happen.

Zumza: Will I get pregnant again?

Council: Yes, we do see that.

Zumza: I was a career-driven person for some time, but I achieved what I wanted and there’s nothing else I want more than a family. I’m already over 30 and scared it will be too late if it will take too long.

Council: Ah, there we are. You are scared. You are doubting. Will it take too long? I’m too old. That will stop the way you create. So the thought is, I’m over 30. Well I know many people in their 40s and even some women in their early 50s have given birth. Oh, I want this. This is in my plans for my future, so this will happen. I’m not running out of time.

And so, again, the way you see it, being afraid of being too old, being afraid of not having enough time, will not help you create what you want. Do this inner work with your thoughts and how you feel, and when you focus, you are the creator. You will bring it in.

Listen to the entire 11-minute audio recording of our session with The Council (below) to hear all their guidance for Zumza and the rest of us, and let us know what you feel about it. You can also ask The Council your own question by typing it into one of the Comment boxes that appear at the bottom of most of our blog pages.

If you like this post, please click the LIKE button in the section following the recording to let us and other readers know. Thanks.

November 30, 2022 Posted by | Audio Content, Channeling, Doubt, Feelings, Love, Pregnancy, Questions & Answers, Relationships, Spirit, Vibration, You Create Your Reality | , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Is it Right to No Longer Yearn for a Partner and Babies?

This post answers questions for The Council from a woman who goes by the name, Merry Muse, who says she’s a 35 year old female who feels all her friends, family, and peers are committing to relationships and having children. For the longest time I yearned for the same thing. Now I find myself feeling so joyful being single and what I’m getting to do for our community, I no longer yearn for a partner or babies.

The Council says they love Merry Muse’s choice of the word “joyful”. When you believe there’s one road you’ve chosen and then your higher self brings you to experience something else and you find joy there, it becomes up to you to choose the joy and appreciate it and want more of it, or to commit to what everyone else is doing.

Merry asks The Council if this alternative path is right for her? The Council says when you think of a married life with children, how does that make you feel? When you think of what you’re doing with your community now, how does that make you feel? The right path for you will be how you feel. When the questions you’re asking are followed by a feeling, you’ll know what direction is right for you.

People around you are committing to having children and you thought you wanted that also. Now because of your journey it’s your choice whether to go on the new path where you feel joy, or do you just commit to a life where everyone else is having children and this is probably what’s expected? The Council suggests Merry Muse reach for the joy.

The Council says just because Merry Muse may choose to remain single and work in the community doesn’t mean she can’t change her path again at a latter date and go back to wanting a marriage and a family. Just enjoy where you are right now. And if what you’re doing right now brings you joy, you’re moving in the right direction and doing what will bring you growth.

Merry Muse says this alternative path feels right to her, but from society’s viewpoint I’m not fulfilling my reproductive role. The Council asks if Merry Muse is married to society? And is society bringing her joy with what they expect from her? What do you feel, and follow this path.

Listen to the entire audio recording of our session with The Council (below) to hear all their guidance for Merry Muse and the rest of us, and let us know what you feel about it. Or ask The Council an unrelated question of your choosing.

If you like this post, please click the LIKE button in the section following the recording to let us and other readers know. Thanks.

August 6, 2019 Posted by | Audio Content, Channeling, Choice, Feelings, Questions & Answers | , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Did I Marry the Right Man?

This post answers questions for The Council from a reader named, Curious, who asks if she married the right man and if they pre-planned their marriage. She’s asking because when they got married they went through some difficult times even though things seem to be working out fine now. She sometimes thinks that something will pop in out of nowhere and they’ll be going through those bad times again.

The Council says of course Curious married the right man and they pre-planned this in spirit. The Council asks if Curious is able to appreciate that things are working out now and focus on these happier times rather than worrying about what happened earlier? Nothing will pop in out of nowhere and create bad times. What creates bad times is your thoughts.

The lesson is being in the present and know that if something comes into your life, you now know you can both work through it. And this is a clue where you want to go in this lifetime. Everything isn’t always happy. Life happens, but you’ll be able to work through whatever happens.

The Council suggests Curious avoid thinking something bad can happen again. Concentrate on the fact that she and her husband have changed the bad times they experienced. You’re in happy times now, and no matter what comes along, you’ll be able to work through it again.

The Council sees this should be a good marriage for everyone involved – a marriage with some easy lessons. As you learn to appreciate each other and stay in the vibration of joy and love, you’ll move through whatever problem you need to create and work through it. You both created this life, you both planned for this life, but you planned for it to be easy.

Curious asks if The Council sees her and her husband having a long happy married life and are they meant to have any more children. The Council says you can create a long and happily married life if that’s what you wish to create. And they do see another child for Curious and her husband.

The Council congratulates Curious and reminds her to be in the present and appreciate what she and her husband have already worked through. They are two spirits that have come together to learn together and enjoy together. Stop thinking something will pop in unless you wish some happiness to pop in.

Listen to the entire 4-minute audio recording of our session with The Council (below) to hear all their guidance for Curious and the rest of us, and let us know what you feel about it.

If you like this post, please consider clicking the LIKE button in the section following the recording to let us and other readers know. Thanks.

May 28, 2019 Posted by | Audio Content, Channeling, Marriage, Pre-Incarnation Planning, Questions & Answers, Relationships, Spirit, You Create Your Reality | , , , , , | 1 Comment

A Better Feeling Thought about a “Failed” Marriage

When any of us isn’t feeling as good as we’d like, the spirit guides known as Abraham frequently recommend looking for a better-feeling thought and they remind us that what we focus our attention on determines to a large extent how we feel.

Sometimes it can be a challenge to find a better-feeling thought. At a recent weekly meeting that we organize on the law of attraction and manifesting the life you desire, someone expressed the belief that their marriage had failed. This person is currently separated from their spouse and in the process of getting a divorce.

Later in the meeting Cynthia agreed to channel The Council, and the person getting a divorce had an opportunity to ask The Council questions. At one point I (Bob) asked The Council if they were aware of any previous lifetimes this couple shared, and how those experiences may have influenced the time they spent together in their current lifetime.

This is an introduction to this post. Click here to read the full post→

July 19, 2011 Posted by | Marriage, Reincarnation, Relationships | , , , , | 2 Comments

Marriage Council-ing

K’s Request for Guidance

This post is a response to K’s request for guidance from The Council on how she can tune into who she really is as a spiritual being so she can experience the purpose of her 22-year relationship with her husband, find her way beyond the pain of their ten years of marriage, and re-connect with the joy of their first eleven years together. Here’s a slightly edited version of K’s request:

“I need some guidance. Let’s see if I can express it a way that makes sense.

“I am in the first stages of getting divorced from a friend of 22 years (10 years married and the father of my son) who I quiet firmly believe came to my life (and I in his) because we had lessons to learn, debts to pay, other unfinished business…something like that.

“Somehow as I try desperately to move on, I often get the feeling that the lessons had to be learned and the challenges were/are there for growth and divorce need not be the solution, at least not after a lot has been cleared out recently.

“Is there a way I can tune in more to my real self, my soul, and remember what the purpose of this marriage was, and what my path ahead is beyond the pain? We both care for each other, but somehow…something that seemed flawless for 11 years before, never worked from the minute we got married. It almost got jinxed and we took turns in not being able to get out of negative thinking to face problems head on.

“Any thoughts on the mystery our life has been and some hints of where it needs to go for the two individual souls? Tall order…huh? Thanks a lot.”


This is an introduction to this post. Click here to read the full post→

May 16, 2011 Posted by | Marriage, Questions & Answers, Relationships, You Create Your Reality | , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments