Ask The Council

What will you ask Spirit?

Why Do I Get Up And Down Mood Swings?

This post answers questions for The Council from an anonymous reader.

Anonymous: Why do I get up and down mood swings all the time? It’s like I try so hard to see the magic in life, but somehow I always get pulled back into the reality of things. When I get these low moods, I feel heavy in my chest and can’t seem to enjoy life.

Council: And do you know why, when you get these mood swings, you feel heavy? You feel heavy because you are not connected to your higher self. You are not having positive thoughts. And it is the discipline that is needed at this time where, as soon as you know you are feeling this way, to change your thought. And sometimes it’s very difficult to start this sort of practice, but you are only feeling heavy because you are not listening to your inner self, which is telling you you’re not thinking the right things. You are concentrating on feeling bad, on whatever upsets you, whatever is not going your way.

So it’s very easy to say, but sometimes it’s difficult to do. Change the thought. You have to raise that vibration. It is the key to everything. When you can make yourself laugh by your thoughts, by your memories, by your fantasies, by a TV show, or anything that makes you happy, that gives you a chuckle and changes your vibration, when you change and feel that happiness, now start thinking of what you want for your life, how you wish it would be, how it would be to feel happy all the time, which because of what we go through in this reality, you’re not happy all the time. But once you know you have the power to acknowledge this is how you’re feeling, now I have to do something about it. And when you do it, and you constantly do it, you will begin to see how this works, and that is the miracle of creating your life.

Anonymous: I’ve tried meditation, but it hasn’t really worked for me.

Council: Then try fun stuff. Does something make you laugh? Play a game. Draw. Sing. Dance around your house. What makes you feel good?

Anonymous: What can I do to allow my default state to be joyful and happy?

Council: Exactly what we told you. The default will change. The more you do it, the longer it will last. So it’s the constant going for this feeling of happiness, and recognizing it, will make it stay longer, and longer, and longer. And you will see your moods then will begin to change easily and you will feel more of what you want to feel.

Anonymous: How can I consistently feel warmth in my heart, especially during these low moods?

Council: Recognize when you feel in the low mood. Okay, my higher self is telling me to get on this. Change your thoughts. Make something happy and you will feel connected to me, to us. We are the same, the higher self and the human self. The human self is to learn how to connect, and you will do this through positive thoughts.

Again, this has been a joy. And we wish everybody the happiness they look for, the strength to acknowledge what is working and what is not, and to bring themselves more and more into alignment with their higher self by looking for that feel-good feeling going through them. Even if you feel it for five seconds, recognize it, acknowledge it, thank yourself that you were able to do it, and try again, and again, and again, and you will be pleasantly surprised.

Listen to the entire 3-minute audio recording of our session with The Council (below) to hear all their guidance for Anonymous and the rest of us, and let us know what you feel about it.

You can also ask The Council your own free question by typing it into one of the Comment boxes that appear at the bottom of most of our blog pages, and we’ll answer it when we have time. For the time being you don’t have to attach your name to the comment, but there have been a lot of anonymous comments lately and it can be confusing for us to keep track of these. It would help us if you made up a name rather than using no name.

If you prefer to keep your comment private, you can pay $60 to speak with The Council on the telephone for a half-hour by clicking this link. Once we receive your payment, we’ll contact you by email to arrange a mutually convenient day and time for your phone call and your questions.

If you like this post, please click the LIKE button in the section following the recording to let us and other readers know. Thanks.

March 29, 2024 Posted by | Audio Content, Channeling, Connecting With Spirit, Desire, Feelings, Questions & Answers | , , , , , , | 2 Comments

What Am I Here To Do?

This post answers a question for The Council from an anonymous reader about their life purpose.

Anonymous: What am I here to do?

Council: Great question. What do you think you’re here to do? You’re here to do whatever you want, whatever you’ve brought into your life. Do you like it? Do you not like it? Do you want to change it? Is it perfect? You’re just here to create.

You jump into this reality to see what you can do, how to have fun with it, and to meet other spirits that you usually have known before (in other lives). And that’s it. There’s no, you must do this, you must do that.

Many spirits believe, “Am I doing my life purpose? Am I meeting it?” It’s whatever you want it to be. If you only wanted to work in a McDonald’s for the rest of your life, if that’s what you want, then that’s what you do if it makes you feel good. You’re here to have fun. You are here to create things that make you feel good. You are here sometimes to help others on their path. They are here to help you. It’s just experiences.

And then when you leave this reality and you come back into spirit you tell us, “Remember when I did this. And this is what I thought. And this is what I learned. And next time I’m going to do it this other way.” You share with all the spirits what you have done and what you have learned.

There’s not any supposed to do. You have freedom. Your greatest tool when you come into this reality is choice. Choose to do something. If you don’t like it, okay, choose again. It’s as simple as that. Be the creator. Have fun with it and do whatever you want. Find what makes you excited, what makes life interesting, whether it’s working at McDonald’s, picking up garbage off the street, or being a millionaire. Whatever it is, go for it.

Start with your vibration. Start with what you focus on. Stay in that good feeling. Anything you want, you can create.

These are fun questions. We love being part of this, we love watching you, we love giving you supportive energy, and we love seeing you grow. And when you come back here (to spirit) we’ll have a great parade, we’ll have a dinner, we’ll have happiness and dancing, and we’ll all be together again.

And it might help, when you do something that makes you happy, or you help someone, to say to yourself, “Wow, wait till I get back home. Wait till I share what I did with this.” And that’s part of the fun.

And we wish you all love and light, and take out your crayons and your paint brushes, and create the colors, the happiness, and the feelings. Create anything you want.

Listen to the entire 4-minute audio recording of our session with The Council (below) to hear all their guidance for Anonymous and the rest of us, and let us know what you feel about it.

You can also ask The Council your own free question by typing it into one of the Comment boxes that appear at the bottom of most of our blog pages, and we’ll answer it when we have time. For the time being you don’t have to attach your name to the comment, but there have been a lot of anonymous comments lately, and it can be confusing for us to keep track of these. It would help us if you made up a name rather than using no name.

If you prefer to keep your comment private, you can pay $60 to speak with The Council on the telephone for a half-hour by clicking this link. Once we receive your payment, we’ll contact you by email to arrange a mutually convenient day and time for your phone call and your questions.

If you like this post, please click the LIKE button in the section following the recording to let us and other readers know. Thanks.

February 7, 2024 Posted by | Audio Content, Channeling, Choice, Creation, Feelings, Helping Others, Life Purpose, Love, Other Lifetimes, Questions & Answers, Spirit, Vibration, You Create Your Reality | , , , , , | 3 Comments

What’s Blocking Me From Attracting A Romantic Relationship?

This post answers questions for The Council from an anonymous reader who wants to know what’s blocking them from attracting a romantic relationship in their life.

Anonymous: Could you please give me some insight into what’s blocking me from attracting a romantic relationship.

Council: You are.

Anonymous: I feel like I’m at a great place in my life and I’m generally very happy, but I’d love to experience a healthy romantic partnership and create a family with someone. I’ve been single for many years and I’ve done a lot of self-work, and I truly feel I have a lot to offer.

Council: Are you enjoying being single? Are you doing all sorts of things to make yourself happy? Because when you’re in that vibration of making yourself happy, you can bring more and more things into your life that will make you happy.

Anonymous: So I’m curious if there’s a block there that’s preventing me from attracting a life partner?

Council: The only block is you. No one can create a block in your life. You are the creator. So what’s stopping you is that maybe you don’t always believe that you’ll get a partner. Maybe you’re not being grateful enough for the life you have being single. What do you find that brings you happiness being single? Think of those things and the universe has no choice but to match what you’re thinking.

So if you’re thinking of things that make you happy, the universe will give you more things to make you happy. It’s like the universe says, “Oh, she likes to feel like that. Let’s do more things to help her stay feeling like that.”

And in the same respect, when you feel miserable the universe will go, “Oh, okay. She likes feeling miserable so let’s give her some examples of feeling miserable.

Pay attention to how you feel. Take your life in the direction that you want. Again, you are the creator. It will come if you do the work. Do you have the discipline to bless everything about being single? Think of things you’ve enjoyed being single. It’s that simple.

We wish you all love, happiness, and excitement on your journey, and think of wonderful, wonderful things to experience. It could be the littlest thing, but focus on that. And be in a state of gratitude for everything that you have and everything that you’ve passed through. And that vibration of gratitude, little by little, will begin to change your life.

And so we send you love.

Listen to the entire 4-minute audio recording of our session with The Council (below) to hear all their guidance for Anonymous and the rest of us, and let us know what you feel about it.

You can also ask The Council your own free question by typing it into one of the Comment boxes that appear at the bottom of most of our blog pages and we’ll answer it when we have time.

Or you can pay $60 for the opportunity to speak with The Council on the telephone for a half-hour by clicking on this link. Once we receive your payment, we’ll contact you by email to arrange a mutually convenient day and time for your phone call and your questions.

If you like this post, please click the LIKE button in the section following the recording to let us and other readers know. Thanks.

December 15, 2023 Posted by | Audio Content, Channeling, Feelings, Gratitude, Relationships, Vibration, You Create Your Reality | , , , | 3 Comments

Tell Me About The Guide I’ve Been Communicating With

This post answers questions for The Council from a reader named, Liza.

Liza: I’ve been interacting with a non-physical being for over two years now. It’s been wonderful and still is, but we have limitations on how we communicate. I’d dearly like to know more about this being, and why this being has chosen to be in my life at this time.

Council: Because you’ve made an agreement with this spirit, and at this time you’ve pulled it in.

And so it takes time to learn how to work with your guide. And you should treat this guide as you would any friend. When you communicate, if you don’t understand, tell this guide to slow down and explain what they’re trying to communicate. Tell your guide if you don’t really understand what’s happening. Ask them how else you can reach them.

We’d say #1 is to meditate more because this opens your psychic ability. When you communicate, do you get blocks of information? Do you just get words? Do you hear things or feel things? And so you can ask your guides if you should put paper and pen in front of you, and hold it, and your guide will write the words? Should you sit in front of a computer? Should you just play soft music and sit quietly and your guide will talk to you? But on your end, the ability to relax and meditate opens up your centers so that you can have more communication, and the communication is there for you if you do this.

Play with your chakras. Learn to keep them strong and working. And know that when you talk to this entity, tell them you need more communication. Tell them you need to make the communication stronger. Does your guide talk to you through the alphabet? Does it talk to you using numbers? Ask this guide how it wants to communicate with you. Your guide will always try and find a way that it knows you’ll understand.

Some people with guides only see pictures. There are no words or information. Communication comes in pictures. If they give you a rose and it feels good, it’s a sign of love. If your guide shows you paper, sit in front of a computer or with a pen and paper and they’ll talk to you that way. And it takes time. But always question and tell your guide they need to make this clearer. That will come from the other side.

But be aware, do your work here. Always surround yourself with white light. Surround your chakras with the proper colors and symbols, and you will increase this communication. Some people work with their guides for years before they ever get some sort of system that works.

But it’s up to you to tell your guide if you don’t understand. Tell them you need it clearer. Give it to me another way. And maybe you’ll see your guide. Maybe you’ll see pictures. But be aware it’s up to you to do the chakra work, to do the meditation, and to ask questions.

Wonderful, wonderful questions. This has been such a joy for us. And we’ll send everybody love and happiness on their journey, and remind everyone to stay with the positive thoughts. For what is going on in your reality, a lot of positive thoughts are needed. And when you tap into this, and more and more of you do this, the whole reality that you exist in right now will change. The course of your world is up to you. It all comes with the right thinking.

You’ve created your lives with the special people in them for a purpose. You’ve agreed to do things together. And always the agreement was to think happy thoughts, positive thoughts, finding things that don’t work right and have them work right. Help each other, help animals, help the trees, help the ocean. You’re all here to make this reality better and better.

And so we wish you joy. And remember, coming into this life, you came in with the thought of having a joyous time and to find happiness everywhere. That is the purpose. Have a happy life. Enjoy it. Create fun. Create love. You can all do this.

Listen to the entire 6-minute audio recording of our session with The Council (below) to hear all their guidance for Liza and the rest of us, and let us know what you think about it. You can also ask The Council your own question by typing it into one of the Comment boxes that appear at the bottom of most of our blog pages.

If you like this post, please click the LIKE button in the section following the recording to let us and other readers know. Thanks.

August 22, 2023 Posted by | Agreement, Audio Content, Chakras, Channeling, Love, Meditation, Questions & Answers | , , , , , | 2 Comments

Did I Miss A Date With Destiny?

This post answers questions for The Council from a reader named, Anonymous #3.

Anon #3: I’ve been experimenting with these techniques and I’ve seen how much of my body I’ve ignored in my decision-making processes. It’s been really useful and insightful, so thank you.

Bob: I assume Anonymous #3 is referring to The Council’s meditation techniques.

Anon #3: I had a strange experience connected to this which has thrown up related questions which I thought I’d ask. A couple of months ago I felt compelled, almost moved beyond my control,  to apply for a job in another country, as jobs in my sector are scarce.

Council: Your strong sense of doing this lets you know that it comes from your higher self and that it was something you pre-planned in spirit before you were born.

Anon #3: Afterward I decided I didn’t really want this job. What was I thinking? When I was offered an interview, I was full of fear and a feeling I shouldn’t take this job, so I withdrew my application after journaling and finding nothing positive about it.

Council: So you created going further, an interview with someone interested in you. And yet what we see here is that out of fear you didn’t go in the direction of this job. And that, of course, is always your choice.

Anon #3: I don’t really understand what happened, and now I’m afraid I missed a date with destiny. Is this true? Did I?

Council: Never. Whenever there’s something that’s strongly wanted that perhaps you planned for in spirit, you’ll get the opportunity. When you miss it, you miss that particular opportunity. You don’t miss your destiny, or you don’t miss going on the path that you wish to go on. You will have other opportunities. It will come in other ways. It will always take you to where you want to go.

But we’d say to work on fear. What happens if you take a chance and do something very different? Do you go with love, or do you go with fear? If you go with fear, okay, you’re still not ready. Another opportunity will come along. It will always be there. And if, for some reason, you turn down everything that you create that will help you get there, you’ll have an opportunity to do it in another life. So there is no wrong answer.

The answer for you is to learn how to look at things with love instead of fear, to imagine the good that could come out of it, and that you are always protected. Your higher self, which is you, is taking you down this path.

Anon #3: Does the opportunity you’re destined for come around again?

Council: Of course.

Anon #3: Do we ever miss our calling?

Council: No.

Anon #3: And what happens to the soul contracts with the people I missed by not taking this opportunity? Do other people and experiences come in and take their place?

Council: Of course. It’s always planned in spirit. If I do this, what happens? And then a spirit will say, “Then I’ll jump in.” Or we’ll create something different and we’ll make ourselves be there. There are always backup plans. You are never left high and dry.

Anon #3: I also wonder about that strange, being moved to apply for the job, feeling.

Council: That was your higher self. When it comes with such force and you start thinking, “Am I nuts? What am I thinking of this for? Why would I want to do this?” It’s your intuition. It’s your higher self saying, “This is what I wanted. This is what I wanted. Come on. Come on.” And sometimes that feeling is overwhelming, and the choice is yours.

Anon #3: Was that my higher self moving through me, or spirit aligning me to my purpose?

Council: Definitely.

Anon #3: Or was I just wishful thinking and panic applying, as I really need a job?

Council: Wishful thinking doesn’t come with the force of a feeling that says, “I must do this. I don’t know why,” and doubting, and questioning. But the feeling that’s there is more than wishful thinking, and that’s how you know there’s something going on here. This is something I must want and my higher self is guiding me.

Anon #3: Does spirit ever move through us like that…

Bob: …meaning the panic applying for the job…

Anon #3: …and if so, how do we know it’s that and not us or our higher self?

Council: When it’s fear, you’ll feel it in your body. It’s a different feeling. It’s not overwhelming. There’s a lot of doubt and a lot of thinking going on with your brain, why you should or why you shouldn’t do something.

When it’s your higher self, the feeling is there and you know this is something that you need to follow, but it feels good. And you don’t have to know how it’s going to happen, or when, or where. But that feeling, that really overpowering feeling that sometimes you can just giggle about it, like am I crazy? What is this? It’s a good, happy feeling.

Anon #3: Also, I was wondering how I could have been moved to do something that I first changed my mind about and then felt so much fear around.

Council: Because being in the human body and thinking with the human brain, sometimes it’s very difficult to accept that your higher self can come through so strong, and there’s a lot of success and happiness waiting for you, but it’s the doubt and fear that holds you back.

And so you will go through two feelings. It will feel great, then it will feel horrible. What am I thinking? Oh, but imagine if this happened. A lot of going back and forth, but you always go with the feeling that feels good. When you doubt, that’s not your higher self. Your higher self will never take you down that road. Anything coming from your higher self will feel great.

Anon #3: I’d really love to feel clarity around this, so any light that you can shed that will help me move forward in my understanding would be appreciated. Hopefully there are others out there that will also find this information helpful.

Council: So when something comes so strongly and you don’t know whether to believe in if it’s right or if it’s not, and you have those back and forth feelings, just sit. Sit quietly for 10 minutes and think of it and the feeling that came with it. Will it bring you happiness? Is it something you could never imagine happening and that it could be so wonderful? Concentrate on the wonderfulness of it and imagine what it would be like. Play with it and you will bring it forward, and you’ll start feeling better and better about it.

And so the choice is to feel that good feeling. Imagine what it would be like and just take a chance. You can even go on an interview and if you’re still afraid, turn it down. You will get other opportunities.

Have fun on your journeys. Everyone is on their journey. Find the good feeling and continue on that path.

Listen to the entire 10-minute audio recording of our session with The Council (below) to hear all their guidance for Anonymous #3 and the rest of us, and let us know what you feel about it.

If you like this post, please click the LIKE button in the section following the recording to let us and other readers know. Thanks.

July 16, 2023 Posted by | Audio Content, Career, Channeling, Choice, Decision Making, Feelings, Love, Pre-Incarnation Planning, Questions & Answers | , , , , , , , , | 7 Comments

What Can I Do About My Obsessive Thoughts?

This post answers questions for The Council from a reader named, DivineMaha.

DivineMaha: I have a question about thoughts that go through my head and how it affects me a lot. I feel like the peace I’m having is temporary and I’m always feeling I’m in survival mode, and separated from others at times.

Council: Just thinking like that will help you feel nervous, upset, and tired – almost waiting for the other shoe to fall.

DivineMaha: I’m not sure if it’s my self-worth, my anxiety, or my deep-seated beliefs about myself. I also feel I can’t hear my higher self. Whenever I want to meditate I always worry if my energy would affect the people around me in negative ways because I’m feeling negative or in resistance mode.

Council: Everyone around you has their own energy and what they allow to come into them or not come into them isn’t your problem.

When you are negative you are to take care of yourself. Sit and meditate. If you can’t meditate, listen to music that soothes you. Think good thoughts. When you begin to meditate for yourself, the people that are around you, when they’re on the same level as you and wanting to grow, wanting to feel better, they will feel that peaceful feeling that you get from meditation.

When you truly meditate, you will not have negative feelings. If you think that by sitting here and meditating, you can get negative and people will feel that, you will create that.

Everyone at this time in this reality is here to learn the discipline that needs to be worked on and needs to be controlled some more so that you can be more positive. But anything that you think or that you meditate for will not affect another person unless they’re at a very low level and picks up negativity, or they are at a very high level and pick up the happiness, the peace, and the feeling good from meditation.

What you feel is around you, but what you attract to yourself only has to do with your thoughts and where you are.

DivineMaha: I’m saying this because I’m aware of what’s happening in my surroundings and the people around me. I always make sure I radiate good energy or just be neutral, but sometimes my thoughts are overpowering me and I’m the type of person that pays attention to details.

Council: And so this is normal. And when you get these negative thoughts, just acknowledge them. “Oh, there it is again, but I don’t want to think like this.” So then you use the discipline and the strength you have to change your thoughts.

DivineMaha: Every little thing matters, so it easily affects me, and I’d be in judgment mode and start remembering all the past things that get heavier.

Council: And of course that will bring your energy down. And so, again, recognize it. Look what you’re thinking of. Look what you’re remembering. Well that’s gone. You’re here right now. How do you focus? How do you take the power you have in the present? Do you want to stay thinking about the past and things that upset you, or think of the future and how you’re creating thoughts to make you feel better?

DivineMaha: The thoughts will always be in a loop, over and over. I feel trapped in my thoughts every day, non-stop obsessively thinking.

Council: You are not trapped. As a spirit you came in, and one of the greatest tools you have is choice. So it’s to learn what’s going on, be aware of it, and then you have the choice. Change your thought, or go around, and around, and around. Only you can do this.

DivineMaha: I always had to come up with a solution for each problem thought that pops up each time, and it’s too tiring.

Council: Of course it is.

DivineMaha: Am I controlling?

Council: You just aren’t using your thoughts the way it’s meant for you to use them. You’re not supposed to concentrate on something to try and find the solution. You’ll never find the solution while you are worried, while your energy is down, and there’s nothing but chaos and confusion. The way you find the solution to a problem is to change your thought. Get yourself in a higher vibration, feel loving feelings, and just know that the answers will come.

DivineMaha: I’ve watched a lot of near-death experience stories. I do feel I want to have that glimpse of that pure unconditional love, even for just a minute so I can remember this pure love in this lifetime of mine, that it stays clear within me, and that nothing in this world could shake me. I feel so low right now.

Thank you, Bob, Cynthia, and The Council for everything you do. It means the world to me. Thank you for being there, Bob and Cynthia, to share The Council’s message.

Council: We’d like to say to you here that you don’t need a near-death experience to feel the love, and the joy, and the happiness that is felt by the people that have had this near-death experience. Begin to sit and ask to feel love. What does love feel like? Let me feel peace. What does peace feel like? And imagine, just stretch your imagination, what will they feel like? And you will be surprised by the feelings that come up. It will be wonderful.

Listen to the audio recording of our entire session with The Council (below) to hear all their guidance for DivineMaha and the rest of us, and let us know what you feel about it. You can also ask The Council your own question by typing it into one of the Comment boxes that appear at the bottom of most of our blog pages.

If you like this post, please click the LIKE button in the section following the recording to let us and other readers know. Thanks.

June 13, 2023 Posted by | Audio Content, Channeling, Choice, Imagination, Meditation, Questions & Answers, Spirit, You Create Your Reality | , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Does The Council Answer Questions So Others Can Also Benefit?

This post answers questions for The Council from a reader named, Amanda.

Amanda: Many times the answers The Council offers one of your readers seems like it’s exactly what I might need to hear.

Council: Of course.

Amanda: Or more likely, it’s the answer to a question I haven’t asked out loud before. Does this make sense?

Council: Yes, because that vibration, that question, and the answer that’s needed will reach you. And so there are many times you can read something and say, “That’s for me. That’s what I was looking for.”

The level of understanding, the level where you are in your vibration to hear the answer, you will hear it, but you will hear it differently than the answer that’s addressed to the person who asked the question. You will hear exactly what you need to hear, and that’s how this works. And so, in your search for an answer, you will find it.

Amanda: Is The Council answering questions in a way that’s also excellent advice and observation for others on here.

Council: Always.

Amanda: It’s just amazing.

Council: It’s very amazing that you are all together in this reality, and on a spirit level you know you’re helping each other with the questions. Even though consciously you don’t know this, it’s an agreement with souls to come in, to support each other, to love each other, and to help by your examples, by what you’ve gone through. It could be similar, or even different from another person, but the answers will help you. And that’s how you plan your reality.

And so we send you love, we send you happiness, we send you energy to raise your vibrations, and the ability to look inside yourself and around you, and appreciate yourself and everything you have around you, and to go forward and look for the fun and the happiness.

Listen to the entire 3-minute audio recording of our session with The Council (below) to hear all their guidance for Amanda and the rest of us, and let us know what you feel about it. You can also ask The Council your own question by typing it into one of the Comment boxes that appear at the bottom of most of our post pages.

If you like this post, please click the LIKE button in the section following the recording to let us and other readers know. Thanks.

May 20, 2023 Posted by | Agreement, Audio Content, Channeling, Helping Others, Love, Questions & Answers, Soul, Spirit | , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Did I Have Past Lives In Atlantis?

This post answers questions for The Council from a reader named, Bluestar Child.

Bluestar: I’ve always been attracted to Atlantis, and I want to know if I had a life or lives there? If the answer is yes, I would like to know my work in those lives.

Council: You had two lives in Atlantis, that we see. In one life you took care of growing plants and food. You set up different areas with a grid of crystals around them to help the plants grow. You played music over the crops, and you tended to take care of these plants, some to put in a house to take care of the environment, some were crops to eat food, and some were just to be around the outside of the home for the energy that came forth from these plants.

And so you did a lot of that work in that particular life. You were in charge of many of the people there, teaching them how to grow and take care of the spirit in each plant. And by touching on that spirit, that’s how you maintained that every plant, every vegetable, everything that grew, was healthy and never turned brown and died. It was always perfect. And that was that one particular life.

In another life when Atlantis did sink, you were there working in the health field. You worked in the temples to take care of the people that came with injuries, or some sort of sickness in some organ that you would be able to identify just by touching the person. And with that information, you would know what healing room to put them in.

And you were there in the end and you didn’t survive the sinking of Atlantis. You were helping many of the children, the adults, and the elderly try to get away, but you did go down with the sinking of Atlantis. In that particular life you were a woman, and in the life where you took care of the crops, the plants, and the food, you were a male.

Bluestar: Did I incarnate with my twin flame in Atlantis?

Council: In Atlantis, they never had a mindset of a twin flame. The belief was, you were all connected and you were all of one. And so, whoever you got together with in each of those two lifetimes, was a choice of both of you to be together, but there was no soulmate or twin flame. In Atlantis you were all connected.

And so we send you love, we send you happiness, we send you energy to raise your vibration, and the ability to look inside yourself and around you so you can appreciate yourself, and appreciate everything you have around you, and to go forward and look for the fun and the happiness.

Listen to the entire 5-minute audio recording of our session with The Council (below) to hear all their guidance for Bluestar Child and the rest of us, and let us know what you feel about it. You can also ask The Council your own question by typing it into one of the Comment boxes that appear at the bottom of most of our blog pages.

If you like this post, please click the LIKE button in the section following the recording to let us and other readers know. Thanks.

May 11, 2023 Posted by | Audio Content, Channeling, Healing, Love, Other Lifetimes, Questions & Answers, Spirit | , , , , , , | 4 Comments

What Can I Do To Attract Funding To My Dream Business?

This post answers questions for The Council from a reader named, Wendy.

Wendy: I’ve been guided and reassured by The Council a handful of times and it seems I am in question once again. This time it refers to a subject that’s very new to me, which is the subject of creating my dream business. I’ve held onto this vision for 15+ years and it’s finally moving to fruition. Many times in my life I’ve begun something that excited me and quit before ever really getting started, and I’m afraid of repeating that pattern. And I’d like to know if The Council sees this business becoming a reality?

Council: Yes, it is a pattern. And it’s the pattern to stop you from realizing how powerful you are, which many are learning in this reality, and that you can have what you want. And even if you get close there’s always that doubt, that fear that comes up that makes you think your business would fail or you can’t have that.

And that’s just something you need to turn around with your thoughts, with your focus, and acknowledge, yes, I am afraid, yes, I do sometimes think that it will not work, but I know better. I am a spirit. I am the creator in my life. I can have what I want, and this time I will have it because I know how to do it. I know how to have the image. I know how to feel that it’s already mine. And that’s how I’ll do it.

Wendy: I’m well into the process of building this business, and still every day I catch myself turning to distractions, or doing the minimum of what needs to be done.

Council: It’s that same pattern of fear.

Wendy: I’m at the stage where I’m in need of a large sum of money to really make this happen, and I think the fear of not finding the funds is causing me to drag my feet.

Council: And that’s what stops you from finding the funds. You can go the way of finding backers, you can go to a bank, and you can get little loans from those that believe in you. You can start small. You don’t need a huge sum of money in the beginning, but be grateful for whatever you can have and work with that. When you’re grateful and work with what you have, and love what you have, the universe will go out of its way to give you more.

So don’t let the amount of money you need, or things that can get in the way, don’t let that stop you. But acknowledge these fears and these thoughts and turn your situation around. I will get this off the ground. I will find the right people that will help me get this business off the ground. And by knowing that, and seeing it, and feeling it – and we will underline the word, feeling, many times – feel it, feel it like you already have it. Feel it in your heart how happy you are with this business. And that’s how you create.

Wendy: I deeply believe in this business and this path, and I feel its success. Yet I struggle to accept that I’m capable and worthy of doing something so big. I’ve spoken with many logical brain professionals who tend to caution me against that which I seek, specifically financial, and how much I can handle.

Council: No one can tell you what you can handle. You can jump right in there and decide whatever comes along, I will handle it. So these people are playing the role of feeding you with some fear to help you overcome it.

Wendy: I’ve never done anything like this before, and yet I know this is my highest calling.

Council: Excellent.

Wendy: I’d love to ask The Council: How can I shift my mindset, and what I might be able to do to call this business and the needed financing toward me?

Council: Meditate on it. Constantly see it, constantly feel it, and expect something wonderful to happen every day. The answer is coming. This is wonderful. I’m on my way. I have a brand-new business. I’m an entrepreneur. I’m living the life that I want. And that’s how you change it.

Wendy: I’d also like to know if The Council is able to see if I’m meant to take a conventional route or seek out alternative funding.

Council: We’d say try both. And the one you believe in the most is the one that you will create. Try both. Try everything. Any idea that comes into your head, even if it sounds silly or it doesn’t make sense, if the idea comes to you, it’s coming for a reason. And it’s probably coming because you want to try many ways. And then you want to succeed. And be thrilled that you finally succeed, that you found a way with persistence. And that is important for you – with persistence. Without giving up you can make this happen.

Wendy: Any and all guidance is welcome. I thank you for your time and wish you all so well.

Council: We wish you happiness on your path, and the power to do this, and fun. Get in the spirit of fun and excitement, like a little child. I’m going to have this business. I’m going to make it. I don’t have to know how, but it’s coming. It’s there for me. I am the creator.

Listen to the entire 7-minute audio recording of our session with The Council (below) to hear all their guidance for Wendy and the rest of us and let us know what you feel about it. You can also ask The Council your own question by typing it into one of the Comment boxes that appear at the bottom of most of our blog pages.

If you like this post, please click the LIKE button in the section after the recording to let us and other readers know. Thanks.

March 25, 2023 Posted by | Audio Content, Career, Channeling, Desire, Doubt, Feelings, Gratitude, Questions & Answers, You Create Your Reality | , , , , , , , , | 4 Comments

Will I Have The Baby I Desire With My Partner?

This post answers questions for The Council from a reader named, Momof 3. in response to a post we wrote called: Will I Have A Child With My Current Partner?

Momof 3: We want to say here that we don’t have a turban on our head. We don’t look in a crystal ball and say, yes you will have a child, or no you won’t. It’s all your choice. If you want this child with your partner, if your partner wants a child with you, then see it, feel it, and do the inner work. And when the doubts come up just say, no, and see it the way you want it to be. If this will bring you happiness, if you can see you both having a child and experience the feeling of joy, and seeing what your life would be like living this, you will create it. No one else will create in your life.

So if you want this and your partner wants the same thing, how wonderful. You don’t need anyone else to tell you it will happen. Your thoughts and where you focus will or will not make it happen. So go into the feeling of joy and see it, and we promise you it will happen. It must happen if you see it as real as you can. Go into every detail you want. It will happen.

So we send you all blessings, and thoughts of happiness, and thoughts of love and joy, and seeing the energy around you growing and becoming more beautiful, and you feel lighter than you ever felt before because you are light. Let it shine.

Listen to the entire 3-minute audio recording of our session with The Council (below) to hear all their guidance for Momof 3 and the rest of us, and let us know what you feel about it. You can also ask The Council your own question by typing it into one of the Comment boxes that appear at the bottom of most of our blog pages.

If you like this post, please click the LIKE button in the section following the recording to let us and other readers know. Thanks.

March 10, 2023 Posted by | Audio Content, Channeling, Choice, Questions & Answers, Relationships, You Create Your Reality | , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Did I Set Up A Difficult Time As A Test Of Faith?

This post answers questions for The Council from a reader named, Anonymous Number 3.

Anon 3: Your posts lately have been incredible. Thank you so much. To keep the conversation going I have a question that ties in with your post, Coming From Your Heart, Connecting To Your Higher Self, And Feeling Good, and your post, What Are The Limits To Positive Thinking?

Council: Oh, there are no limits to positive thinking.

Anon 3: I had a huge leap in my spiritual awareness around 2013 when I found Abraham’s Law of Attraction.

Council: Oh, wonderful. Yes, it’s so helpful, and it’s leading many people to see things differently.

Anon 3: I had this incredible experience of seemingly pulling things out of thin air. It was exhilarating. Some years later disaster struck and my entire life crashed around me. Within a couple months I found myself homeless, unwell, and without my beloved partner.

Council: Look how you created the other side of the coin. And so you created it to learn from it, experience it, and change whatever you wish to change.

Anon 3: The Abraham System didn’t work for me then. I don’t think I’ve understood why that happened yet. I usually learned the lesson from an experience, but this one has consistently evaded me, and I think I’m still scarred by it even though it was six years ago.

Council: You’ve created this experience, (we’ll use Abraham’s words) you’ve created this contrast in your life to see how it was wonderful, and now experiencing the other side of the coin. And it’s your wish at this point to change it back. And you feel the Abraham material isn’t working for you because now what your higher self is showing you is you must find another way. Abraham took you so far, you see it works, and if you stop doubting it would work again.

But now you seem to be looking for something else. And many of the souls right now, what they’re looking for is a way to connect with their higher selves and to get the answer themselves. And what we’ve all agreed on before coming into this reality is that at a certain stage of your life, you’d get your answers by the way you feel, and that’s by connecting with the Heart Chakra.

So whatever it is that you want – success, more money, a new lover – go into your heart chakra and see the beautiful green or pink light, and picture what you want. And then sit and ask your higher self, how do I get there? You’ll be surprised how you will get ideas and how things will automatically come to you because every day you’ll say: “I want to come from my heart. I want to connect with my higher self. I want that guidance in my life.” And so when you do that, you’ll begin to see how in control you are to put yourself on the path you want, and have a life of joy, which we all planned for when we came into this life.

And so we experience the opposites and then we find a way to change it. And we bring in the good, and sometimes we go back into what Abraham describes as contrast, and then we change it again. Life goes up and down, up and down. And that’s what we all want because we figure: Coming here, this will be a lot of fun. Let’s see what I create. Let’s see who comes in to help me in this life. And so that is where you are right now.

You are to rely on yourself by taking the time every day to tell your higher self you want to connect with it because you are your higher self. But you want to find a way to create things beautifully and easily in your life. So when you have to make a decision, ask your higher self, and sit and wait. And don’t wait for the words. Think of which way you want it to go. Then how do you feel? How does it feel in your chest? in your stomach? How does your body feel? And that is what we all, at this time, are learning. How to make decisions and create a better life by what we feel. Not logically, not with words, but by what we feel. That’s what we mean to get across: How we feel. And that’s why you are now on a new way of learning.

Anon 3: Since my life fell apart six years ago I’ve felt it almost impossible to align to my highest timeline or do the Abraham work because when I do, I remember what happened to me and I think there’s no point.

Council: And so, right there, that belief, that thought, will never make it work.

Anon 3: Did I set this catastrophic time up as a test of faith?

Council: Of course. You set it up for a lot of reasons, but mostly so that you would grow, and you will learn how to guide yourself.

Anon 3: Around then I started asking my higher self for guidance, but I’m not sure whether I can trust it.

Council: Of course you can trust it, but you must learn to work with the feelings. Go into the heart chakra, picture what you want in there and ask the question. Ask your higher self: Show me, and then forget about the doubt. And of course, when you do doubt, just acknowledge it and say: “No, No. I will wait. I am my higher self. I am connecting to me. I am connecting to what I have planned and what I want to go through in this life.” And you will see the difference.

Anon 3: At the time, I asked for and thought I saw signs that my partner was returning, but they never did. Since then I’ve asked for guidance about several other things and it was spot on.

Most recently I have finally, after all these years, felt ready to be in another relationship and really want to be married.

Council: And if that is what you really want, and you work with your higher self, and you work with being in joy and happiness, and aligning with that higher vibration, you will bring that in.

Anon 3: I’ve asked my higher self if this new person in my life is the one, and it’s continually and consistently sent me signs saying: Yes, yes, yes.

Council: Okay, so then when you sit down and you meditate, thank your higher self and ask to be shown more signs that this person is for you. It’s that simple. The doubts are what changes the outcome. And so with faith in your intuition, in your higher self, ask for the signs and wait until you see them.

Anon 3: But because I thought I saw these same signs about my ex-partner, I’m doubting them.

Council: Of course, but now you have another way to do it. Now you have another way to ask. And you have another way to find the answers, and that is with your feelings.

Anon 3: I also did this thing where for a long time I followed angel numbers and synchronicities thinking they must be my path.

Council: Oh, it helps many, many people. And then again after a while that doesn’t seem to work because you want more. Your higher self wants you to learn you can do it easily. You can do it from your own knowledge, and the answers will come from you.

Anon 3: But most of the time I just landed in hot water by following the angel numbers and synchronicities…

Council: Ah, there’s a sign.

Anon 3: …where they were indicative that something bad was going to happen, which adds to the mistrust I now feel of the signs I receive. I’d love to know what happened there.

Council: You don’t need the angel numbers and synchronicities anymore. That’s why you created it not to work the way it did before. It’s only your way of finding a way to get guidance for yourself, a way to grow and learn how powerful it is when you can ask your higher self and get the answer from your higher self, not from anywhere else.

Anon 3: How do I know if and when I can trust the signs I’m being sent by my higher self?

Council: Because your higher self will only send you positive answers, and it will always feel good. And the outcome – whatever it’s showing you to do, or say, or the direction to go in – will always bring you experiences that are positive, that make you feel good, and help you grow more in a positive direction.

And so we send you all blessings, and thoughts of happiness, and thoughts of love and joy. And seeing the energy around you growing and becoming more beautiful. And you feel lighter than you have ever felt before because you are light. Let it shine.

Listen to the entire 12-minute audio recording of our session with The Council (below) to hear all their guidance for Anonymous Number 3 and the rest of us, and let us know what you feel about it. You can also ask The Council your own question by typing it into one of the Comment boxes that appear at the bottom of most of our blog pages. We’ll answer it as soon as we are able.

If you like this post, please click the LIKE button in the section following the recording to let us and other readers know. Thanks.

March 9, 2023 Posted by | Abraham-Hicks, Audio Content, Chakras, Challenges, Channeling, Connecting With Spirit, Feelings, Guidance, Law of Attraction, Marriage, Pre-Incarnation Planning, Questions & Answers, Relationships, Soul, Spirit, You Create Your Reality | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Will My Brother And I Heal Our Relationship?

This post answers questions for The Council from a reader named, Diana.

Diana: Thank you for your amazing work. My question is: Will my brother and I ever have healing in this lifetime? He denies the emotional abuse I experienced from our narcissistic parents, and he’s been pushing me away my whole life.

Council: Did it ever cross your thoughts that he denies this because it’s very painful for him to realize what you’ve gone through? And perhaps he’s gone through some things that he’s not ready to deal with? It’s not about wanting to push you away or not believing you, but about the uncomfortable feelings that it stirs within him.

Diana: On some level he does care though and wants to have some contact, but only if I never mention my experience or pain.

Council: We’d like to ask you at this point, are you constantly bringing this abuse up with him? It’s like he has a wound in his heart and you keep sticking your finger in it. He’s heard what you have to say and it makes him very uncomfortable. Yes, he’d like to have a relationship with you, but are you basing it on that you must talk about your abuse many times? Why aren’t you letting go of it?

If it’s you that wants this relationship, then it’s good for you to get to a place where you can realize it’s best, for now, not to speak of abuse, and to build your relationship without that part coming forth. And we say that this is for right now. If you can begin a relationship slowly and have it grow, then your brother doesn’t have to be afraid all the time that you’re going to bring up the abuse. When he’s ready he will bring it up, but he has to get to a place where he is ready. Can you allow your brother to grow at his own pace? Can you show compassion? Can you show love and have a relationship with him?

Diana: This doesn’t feel authentic to me so I’ve slightly distanced myself and I’m grieving a lot because I love him so much.

Council: Why do you think it’s not authentic to stay away from a painful subject right now? Why must it be authentic only if you can talk about this abuse? There’s pain involved in this, pain that you went through, and pain that he goes through.

And again we say it’s very important for you to look at yourself. Why must you bring up this abuse? You are keeping yourself in a painful situation. You are creating the distance because you need to talk about it and your brother doesn’t. You are ready, but he is not. So can you come together and start to build a relationship without talking about the abuse? You are keeping yourself in that relationship, in that situation that you went through, that was painful.

And this is all for your own growth to realize, what is your part in this? Why is it so important to speak about the abuse to someone who’s not ready? Perhaps you can find someone that will help you and talk with you about this, but if you truly want this relationship with your brother, you can leave out the abuse. And you can both come together and heal, and feel loving feelings for each other in time. The choice is always yours.

Diana: Will he ever understand, accept, and acknowledge my truth?

Council: Yes, eventually this can happen, but for now, can you let go of the subject of abuse?

Diana: Or will I also have to detach from him like I’ve detached from my parents? This leaves me completely alone.

Council: Detaching at this point will keep you alone and keep you feeling hurt. So why must you detach? It’s just a simple choice of, right now we will not talk about this abuse. Right now we’ll build a loving, caring relationship with each other by talking about other things and experiencing other things, and finding happy things to share. If this is what you want, then go in the direction of love. Go in the direction of joy. Go in the direction of compassion for yourself and your brother. When you choose this you’ll have the relationship you want.

We send you all blessings, and thoughts of happiness, and thoughts of love, and joy, and seeing the energy around you growing and becoming more beautiful, and you feel lighter than you’ve ever felt before because you are light. Let it shine.

Listen to the entire 7-minute audio recording of our session with The Council (below) to hear all their guidance for Diana and the rest of us, and let us know what you feel about it. You can also ask The Council your own question by typing it into one of the Comment boxes that appear at the bottom of most of our blog pages.

If you like this post, please click the LIKE button in the section following the recording to let us and other readers know. Thanks.

March 6, 2023 Posted by | Audio Content, Channeling, Healing, Love, Questions & Answers, Relationships | , , , , , , , | 4 Comments

How Can I Overcome Stage Fright With My Dancing Hobby?

This post answers questions for The Council from a reader named, Bluestar Child.

Bluestar Child: I want to know why I’m in a toxic circle for so many years with my dancing hobby. I don’t know why I have so many emotional problems with it. All my life dancing has been my biggest hobby. It’s made me feel happy, free, and alive when I dance just for myself or with other students, and I’m not bad at all.

Council: And that’s a wonderful thing. You’re doing something, whether it’s for work or a hobby, if it brings you pleasure, if it makes you feel good, that is a wonderful thing. And you’re on the right path

Bluestar Child: But I stopped going to classes many times because I have a stage phobia and I hate dancing in front of an audience. It makes me anxious, I get mentally and emotionally blocked, my mind goes blank, and I forget the choreography.

Council: And so at this point in your reality you’re aware enough of these feelings, and so we’d ask you to ask yourself, if you feel this way then why do you do it? Is there a person with a gun to your head? Are they going to throw you into a cell if you don’t perform in front of an audience?

It’s important to know how you feel and to follow your feelings because your feelings come from your higher self, which is you. And so your feelings are trying to tell you that you love dancing. It’s giving you that answer, but you don’t like doing it in front of an audience. And so your higher self, again which is you, is telling you that you don’t need to do it this way. So ask yourself, why do you force yourself to do it?

You’re in a place in this reality where you’ll create your future. You have choices. You are free to make decisions that make you happy. Always go for the happy feeling. That is your guidance.

Bluestar Child: Do I have past lives that are affecting me in developing my hobby?

Council: There was one particular life in India with dancing that you would do with other women and you’d also perform on your own. At the age of no more than 25 years old the people that owned you or took care of you would take the girls that reached that age and no longer have them dance. And either they would make them be concubines or they would kill them. And so there’s a subconscious memory you have of when you don’t dance, when that time is up and you don’t do what they ask, you’ll then lose your life. And that’s where your fear comes from.

Bluestar Child: Does my problem come from the lack of self-esteem as a woman from my childhood in this current lifetime?

Council: Not at all. You are working through that.

Bluestar Child: Although my teachers know about my problem dancing in public, they ask me or pressure me to dance at galas and events, even if they have nothing to do with my classes, and always for free.

Council: Do you see the connection, how in this past life you’d be told to dance, whether you wanted to or not? You weren’t paid for it. This was just something you had to do. And so this time you’re trying to find another way to handle your situation and enjoy the dancing, but have the choice of whether you want to perform in front of an audience or not, and have a good ending for you, have a good ending to this problem, to this fear, and to move on.

Bluestar Child: They never want to pay me for this job and it seems to me that they abuse me.

Council: Ahh, bingo, another connection with your past life. Do you see it now?

Bluestar Child: And when I tell them, no, that causes problems for me, and my teachers, and with the other students. Is what I’m doing correct, or should I perform in front of an audience?

Council: We feel you know this answer, but we tell you if it’s not bringing you happiness, then dancing for an audience isn’t correct, and that you have the ability to change how you handle this. You have a choice.

Bluestar Child: I’m stressed and I don’t know how to handle this situation that causes me suffering. And since I don’t know how to solve it in another way, in the end I always end up leaving classes to avoid having to dance in public.

I feel very attached, in particular, to Arabic belly dancing…

Council: Ahh, yes.

Bluestar Child: …and Egypt, and I feel that I’ve already danced this dance in another life. I’d like to know if this is the case, or why I have this deep feeling since I learned about this dance.

Council: This is because you have done it before and you did have pleasure from it. And you have pleasure, you’ve created it again in this reality where this dance would bring you joy. And so we say, do it, but do it only for yourself if that’s what gives you joy.

Bluestar Child: I’d like to know how I can approach ancestral belly dance for spiritual development because I feel that I have a spiritual mission to fulfill with it, but I don’t know what it is or how to achieve it.

Council: So what you’d do here would be to dance, to sit and meditate after you dance, or even meditate before you dance, and ask for the feeling, ask for the visions of how you had it before and what you loved about it. And you’ll link into this other life and then when you decide in your current reality to handle the situation your way, the joy you get from this dancing will increase a hundredfold and you will find other ways to use this dancing.

So you don’t have to know how this will happen now, but with the meditation and using your imagination, what would that have been like in India, what would that have been like in Rome, what would that have been like in Egypt, When you dance and you ask for this, the answers will come. And why the answers will come is because this dancing brings you joy. When it brings you joy, the answers will come.

Remember to have fun on this journey that you’ve created for yourself, to have fun with the spirits around you that you’ve welcomed into your life, and always show kindness, and love, and compassion.

Listen to the entire 9-minute audio recording of our session with The Council (below) to hear all their guidance for Bluestar Child and the rest of us, and let us know what you feel about it. You can also ask The Council your own question by typing it into one of the Comment boxes that appear at the bottom of most of our blog pages.

If you like this post, please click the LIKE button in the section following the recording to let us and other readers know. Thanks.

January 24, 2023 Posted by | Audio Content, Channeling, Choice, Feelings, Imagination, Meditation, Other Lifetimes, Questions & Answers, Spirit, You Create Your Reality | , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Did I Plan To Get Married And Have Children In This Lifetime?

This post answers questions for The Council from a reader named, Anonymous N.

Anon N: My primary question is: What is my purpose or goal in this lifetime?

Council: Just to be, to jump in here and create a life and create one with love, create one that’s fun, to create things where you can help others and help yourself. It’s all to learn now, in this time of your life, to work with your mind and find a happy, loving space.

Anon N: In recent years I’ve struggled with understanding if marriage and children are planned or supported for me in this life.

Council: How does it make you feel? Question yourself. When you have the imagery in your mind of being married and having children, how does it feel? Your feelings will not lie. You’re here to learn how to work with your feelings, which is your higher self giving you the direction of which way to go.

If you love the feeling of being married, having children, and you can see a happy home, then yes. If the idea of getting married brings you doubt and not wanting to be married, not that you have to be married, but you always have a choice. Does it feel uncomfortable? If it doesn’t bring you joy, then we would say for now, marriage isn’t something you wish to create.

Anon N: But I”ve also felt that I’m not sure how much of an interest I’ve had in marriage and children and what I should focus on otherwise. At the same time, I feel I’ve cultivated a solitary life out of convenience and comfort.

Council: And if you’ve created this life, which of course you have, are you happy? Does this feeling of what you do on a daily basis bring you joy? Do you need to add something to it? Your feelings will answer you, but ask the questions.

Anon N: But I’m not sure if it makes sense for me to remain in this solitary life.

Council: You may want a solitary life for a while and then be married. Or you may love the solitary life with the freedom it will give you and you don’t want to be married. There’s no right or wrong answer. There’s no: I’m supposed to do this. You’re supposed to do what you create, what makes you feel good?

Anon N: What do I need to know or hear right now for any kind of direction?

Council: Sit and imagine each scenario. Imagine them over and over again and then always see how you feel. It will lead you in the right direction.

Look at the people around you. Are they happily married? Are they not happily married? Do you look at the people around you and say, Oh, I’d like that. I’d like to have a life like that. Or do you look at the people around you and say, No way. I don’t want to be in a steady relationship, in a marriage to one person forever. That’s not what I want. I feel I want the freedom. And follow these feelings.

See what goes on around you. There will be clues. Your higher self will bring the right people to you to show you, to give you examples, and then you’ll know what to do. It’s your job to pay attention.

Happiness and blessings to everyone. Enjoy yourself. Find your power. Every day create happiness, even if it’s for the littlest thing. Because when you’re in the vibration of happiness you’ll be able to bring into your life at any time what will give you happiness on a longer-term basis. So have fun with it.

Listen to the entire 5-minute audio recording of our session with The Council (below) to hear all their guidance for Anonymous N and the rest of us, and let us know what you feel about it. You can also ask The Council your own question by typing it into one of the Comment boxes that appears at the bottom of most of our blog pages.

If you like this post, please click the LIKE button in the section following the recording to let us and other readers know. Thanks.

January 13, 2023 Posted by | Audio Content, Channeling, Choice, Feelings, Helping Others, Imagination, Life Purpose, Love, Marriage, Pre-Incarnation Planning, Questions & Answers, Spirit, You Create Your Reality | , , , , , | 1 Comment

What Is The Source Of My Mood Swings, Anger, And Rage?

This post answers questions for The Council from a reader named, Elizabeth.

Elizabeth: I continue to go through a major shift in perception. I feel as though I’m learning so much about life, self-healing work, etc. However, while trying to heal, I’ve yet to understand my mood swings and the source of my anger and rage.

Council: This happens now at a time in your reality where many people are dealing with emotions: anger, happiness, depression, and feeling very uplifted. It’s the time with a mass agreement for people to go through this because it will take your planet, your reality, to a higher level.

And so it’s important right now to pay attention to your feelings. Do not fear them. Let your feelings come up and then always try to focus the energy of love on every emotion. You’ll begin to feel different. It’s a way you’ll learn to control your emotions. Accept them when they come, acknowledge them, and then always put the stamp of love on each emotion.

And so follow the ups and downs that your higher self is showing you and you’ll move forward and you’ll learn much more about your life and purpose here. You’ll have more confidence and we can guarantee you’ll move forward.

Elizabeth: I want to learn to control my anger and rage, and how to release it in a healthy way.

Council: Not so much to control it, but to let it come and then say to yourself, “Anger is here again. Anger is paying me a visit. What does it remind me of? What could it be that causes this anger? Is it here just for me to change it?” And many times that’s the reason. It just comes up and you need to do the work where you don’t say, “Go away.” You say, “Hello, anger. You’re part of this life, but now we’re going to make you feel better.”

And you’ll put love and pink light all over yourself and all over the thought of anger. Try to picture what it looks like. What shape does it have? Put pink light on it and you’ll see and learn many things. Just accept it.

Elizabeth: I realize anger is disguised sadness. It seems so ingrained in me and comes at times I don’t even understand. Is it a loss of control?

Council: Of course it’s loss of control, but it comes from other lifetimes which aren’t important to delve into. Just know: Okay, I’m carrying this, I created this in spirit to be happening so I could learn how to change it.

Elizabeth: If it is loss of control, where did I learn the need to want it, and the fear of losing it?

Council: In other lifetimes when there was loss of control, when there was too strenuous a life for you, when there was no ifs or buts, you wanted things a certain way and they wouldn’t happen. And so you bounced around each side of the coin. What does it feel like to have control? What does it feel like not to have control? It doesn’t matter when this happened. Only that you look at it now and you think: Okay, these feelings, they may be coming from other times, they may be coming now only because I’ve asked it to come forward so I could heal it.

Elizabeth: If the anger and sadness are from childhood trauma, what’s the event I need to look at to understand and allow myself peace and grace?

Council: There’s nothing in your current particular life you need to look at. What you called forth is feelings from other lives. You called forth the lesson to learn how to change these feelings. And many, many in your reality want to learn how to work with their mind on a great scale to change things. And that’s why the feelings are so powerful. It’s now on a great scale all over your reality, people trying to learn how to work with their mind because that’s how you create.

Elizabeth: I know love is the answer…

Council: Yes it is.

Elizabeth: …yet sometimes the rage consumes me. Can you help?

Council: Feel your rage, say hello to it, get ahold of your thoughts, your mind, and say, “I’ve created this because I want to learn how to become more of the spiritual person I am, and I’m now going to infuse this thought and this feeling with love. And I’ll do it with my mind.

Happiness and blessings to everyone. Enjoy yourself. Find your power. Every day create happiness, even if it’s for the littlest thing because when you’re in that vibration, you’ll be able to bring into your life at any time what will give you happiness on a longer basis. So have fun with it.

Listen to the entire 7-minute audio recording of our session with The Council (below) to hear all their guidance for Elizabeth and the rest of us, and let us know what you feel about it. You can also ask The Council your own question by typing it into one of the Comment boxes that appear at the bottom of most of our blog pages.

If you like this post, please click the LIKE button in the section below the recording to let us and other readers know. Thanks.

January 12, 2023 Posted by | Acceptance, Agreement, Audio Content, Channeling, Feelings, Healing, Love, Other Lifetimes, Questions & Answers | , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Chakras, Astral Travel, Sacred Geometry, And Spiritual Growth Questions

This post answers questions for The Council from a reader named, Hanah.

Hanah: I have awakened and my spirituality and love for humanity grows each day.

Council: This is wonderful. That’s what you’re here for.

Hanah: I’d love to know how I can feel more energy in my body.

Council: Constantly work on the chakras. Constantly bring in energy with your mind. See your chakras spinning. See yourself feeling good and more powerful.

Hanah: I want to learn how to astral travel so I can communicate with beings of light on other planets.

Council: You do astral travel at night, but you’re not aware of this. If you want to have that experience during the day and to be able to do it on purpose, it takes a lot of practice. Give yourself time every day to lie down somewhere or sit in a comfortable chair and picture yourself as spirit coming out of your body.

Sometimes it helps to imagine the silver chord that comes out right below the navel, and follow that silver chord. See yourself going with it and flying up into the air. Concentrate on that silver chord and know that whenever you think about it, you’ll come back into your body. Practice this simple technique and it will happen. When you go to bed at night you can practice this again and see it happening, and your body and your mind will follow what you create with your thoughts.

Hanah: I’d love to learn more about sacred geometry and the masters.

Council: The best way is to learn the symbols, and there are many. You can get books on this and you can find information on the internet. But carefully look at the symbol, draw the symbol, and then as you create this symbol, stare at it and see how it feels. What is that symbol telling you? And then you can read more about that symbol and what others think it means. But it’s important to focus on the symbol, draw it, and let the symbol speak to you. There are many, many books on this. It will be a great learning experience for you and then you’ll use it in your life whenever you need it.

Hanah: What do you see for me as my next step toward my spiritual growth?

Council: It looks like what your higher self is telling you is to learn about sacred geometry. From learning about this we eventually see you’ll travel to Europe. You’ll find sacred spots you’d like to visit. You’ll be off on a wonderful adventure and you’ll learn more about your life and what is happening to you when you start these travels.

Happiness and blessings to everyone. Enjoy yourself. Find your power. Create happiness every day, even if it’s for the littlest bit, because when you’re in that vibration, you’ll be able to bring into your life what will give you happiness on a longer basis at any time. So have fun with it.

Listen to the entire audio recording of our session with The Council (below) to hear all their guidance for Hanah and the rest of us, and let us know what you feel about it. You can also ask The Council your own question by typing it into one of the Comment boxes that appear at the bottom of most of our blog pages.

If you like this post, please click the LIKE button in the section following the recording to let us and other readers know. Thanks.



January 8, 2023 Posted by | Audio Content, Chakras, Channeling, Questions & Answers, Spirit | , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

What Can I Do About My Problems With A Work Colleague?

This post answers questions for The Council from a reader named, A Frustrated Worker.

Frustrated: I have a question about a work scenario. I’ve had a special and intricate working relationship with a colleague for nearly a decade. While they have an anxious disposition, they were always supportive and followed through when it counted. But for the last few years they’ve really let me down. There have been delays after delays, they’ve continuously moved deadlines, put other peoples’ work before mine, told little white lies, dismissed my feelings about the work being delayed, and this sort of thing.

Council: Why have you stayed in that situation for a couple of years? It’s a situation that’s presenting itself to you. When you look at it, it makes you turn and look at yourself for the growth to see why you stay in that situation when everything is showing you that it’s not working and there is a problem here.

Frustrated: It’s left me in a very tricky situation. I recently had to confront them. They took offense and it looks as though our working relationship may be over.

Council: Taking this step and confronting them is good. When they take offense you have to realize either it’s something they’re going through or it’s something to do with their thinking. When it goes that far it’s very plain for you to follow your feeling. It can’t be comfortable being in this. Your feelings, which is your higher self’s way of talking to you, is saying, “It was good, but now it’s time for a change. And the change comes because you are ready for growth.

Frustrated: Separating the work we’ve done together and the work I have planned for us will be like undressing a salad. And because the work they do is very excellent and idiosyncratic, I can’t see who I’d replace them with.

Council: It’s time, when you make the salad and you make the same dressing for many years, that you tire of it, or your taste buds want something new. So now it’s time to dress your salad with something new.

Frustrated: Can this relationship be saved, or am I supposed to let this go?

Council: There’s nothing to save. It was wonderful. Hopefully all involved have learned from it and now have different paths to travel, and this includes yourself. There’s nothing to save. You’re supposed to follow your feeling and get excited about something new that you can bring into your life. And you do this by writing it down, thinking over and over about the new people that could come into your life, and the way you want it to be. So you start that inner work and you begin to bring in the new people.

Get yourself in a happy mood and excited mood where you’re thrilled to be going forward. When you do that you must bring in these new people. Make up your mind instead of thinking, should I try and fix it, should I hold on? If you make up your mind to move forward, there’s a new path, there are new things to learn, and there are new people to bring into your life. Once you start imagining that, making that your intention, these people will definitely come along.

Bob: Just to be clear, to answer the question, “Am I supposed to let this person go?” The answer is, yes?

Council: That’s what’s happening around you. It’s pointing to that. Is your higher self showing you this? And you feel the loss of the relationship. You feel it’s not working. You know they’re putting you off and putting others before you. The answer is so simple. You can hang on to this relationship, but it won’t get better. You can try to create it, but why would you want to create this where your feelings are pushing you to move in another direction?

Frustrated: What would I have to do to save this relationship, or how do I find their replacement?

Council: If you want to save this, then you would see these people understanding what you’re saying, you’d see them wanting to work with you and put your work first, and coming through for you. You can see that. You can create this.

And yet we must say here that even if you create this for a while, what you’ve created in spirit is that now it’s time to move on.

Frustrated: Are there other souls who are lined up to take the place of this person if they decide with their free will to leave?

Council: Definitely, but it’s your work to call it in, to imagine it, to see it, to be open and excited about this wonderful new part of your journey.

Frustrated: Why did this happen? Is there a higher purpose for why this has occurred?

Council: Of course there’s a higher purpose. It’s your higher self that wants to go forward, that you’ve planned in spirit other things you want to do. So of course there’s a higher purpose, and guess who created it? You did. You created it in spirit. Remember that you are a spirit, that you create everything that happens, and move towards what you want.

Bob: It sounds like you’re saying that the higher self of A Frustrated Worker has created one direction and the higher self of the colleague maybe created another direction.

Council: Everyone has created their own direction. What’s important here is the direction you want to go in. How does it feel in the situation you are in? Is it satisfactory to you? Does it bring you joy? If not, follow your feelings. There’s something new, there’s something different. These other people have created what they want and they’ll go in their direction. And so it’s just for you to accept and let flow what’s being presented to you.

Frustrated: I’d really appreciate your insight, as I feel I’m in complete limbo at the moment.

Council: Imagine what you wish for. Start creating with your mind. It’s a wonderful time to do this.

Happiness and blessings to everyone. Enjoy yourself. Find your power. Create happiness every day, even if it’s the littlest bit, because when you’re in the vibration of happiness, you’ll be able to bring into your life at any time what will give you happiness on a longer basis. So have fun with this.

Listen to the entire 10-minute audio recording of our session with The Council (below) to hear all their guidance for A Frustrated Worker and the rest of us, and let us know what you feel about it. You can also ask The Council your own question by typing it into one of the Comment boxes that appear at the bottom of most of our blog pages.

If you like this post, please click the LIKE button in the section following the recording to let us and other readers know. Thanks.

January 6, 2023 Posted by | Acceptance, Audio Content, Channeling, Feelings, Imagination, Questions & Answers, Relationships, Soul, Spirit, You Create Your Reality | , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Questions About How We Manifest Our Own Realities

This post answers questions for The Council from a reader named, Firefly.

Firefly: I have some questions regarding manifesting our own realities. Are things like cigarettes and alcohol only bad for my health if I believe they are?

Council: Yes.

Firefly: I hear people warned that these things will lower one’s vibration.

Council: If you believe it will lower your vibration, it will. If you believe it will hurt your body, it will. You must be very sure of your thoughts around this because you’ll create it. And sometimes wondering if it’s bad for you, because you have that thought, it will be bad for you. So we’d suggest if you want to do this, you create yourself having a wonderful life, having a healthy life, and feeling great.

Firefly: Is there a good reason to be thinking about whether one’s vibration is lower or higher?

Council: You will know immediately by how you feel. When you’re depressed or when you’re angry, you know your vibration is low. And so you question: Why are you depressed? Why are you angry? Why are you sad? What’s going on? When you’re laughing, when you’re thinking of memories that have made you happy, when you’re planning the future things that will make you happy, your vibration automatically lifts. So you’re very much in control, and you’ll feel it.

Bob: So you’re saying there is a good reason to think about whether your vibration is lower or higher?

Council: We’d say you don’t have to focus on whether your vibration is high or low. Just focus on how you feel in the moment. What’s going on? And then the way you feel, or what thoughts made you feel that way? And you’ll know exactly how to lower or raise your vibration. It’s that simple.

Firefly: Does it really matter if we think about whether our vibration is lower or higher?

Council: What matters is that you have thoughts that make you feel good. And the more you can do that, you’re automatically in a raised vibration. You are automatically living a good life. And so stay in joy. We say this all the time. The answer to everything is: find the joy and you’ll feel the happiness. Find the love and you’ll feel the happiness. You’ll feel that lift in your vibration and that is the answer. Everything you look at, love it. Show compassion and happiness, and think thoughts that bring you joy, even if it’s something from when you were five years old, if it makes you laugh or if it makes you smile.

We can even say when you meditate or just sit in a chair for five minutes, smile. Sit there and smile. Don’t think of a thing, just smile. You’ll find that you feel better.

Firefly: Do people like me ever decide to indulge in alcohol and cigarettes before coming into this life just for the purpose of having fun?

Council: Yes, of course. And then you can perhaps experience having fun and not needing these things. Or having a life with drugs and alcohol and loving every part of it. It’s how you think about it. You are in control.

Firefly: If I feel like I’d like a better income and more money very quickly, what’s the best way to align with these resources?

Council: Play games, walk into stores, look at expensive stuff, see yourself buying it, see yourself winning the lottery, see yourself with a large bank account, look at your checkbook and write numbers in it that give you much more money than you have. Play the game and experience it. You can buy whatever it is. If you want a house, picture the house. What does it look like? Picture every detail of it and that it’s yours. And the more you practice having the things you want that are expensive, the universe will bring that to you. Actually it’s you that’s putting out into the universe, “This is what I want.” And when you realize this is what you want, and you have fun with it, it must come to you.

Firefly: I’m in a loving relationship with a man who’s a good friend. By imagining how I’d like the relationship to expand and go in beautiful directions, am I creating this relationship?

Council: Of course. You create with your thoughts

Firefly: Is he creating a completely different reality or relationship, or are we creating one together?

Council: What he’s creating can be different, but if you do come together, then that part of you that’s creating it, you’ll both create it and come together. And there are so many different parts of you that part can go off and create something very different, but you won’t experience it because the part of you that’s in your current reality wanting this, because you want it, and you focus, and you create it, you will have it.

Firefly: Does this creation stretch over many of our lifetimes?

Council: Anything you can create, you can create in any lifetime, over and over again if that’s what you wish.

Bob: Do you see Firefly and the man she’s in a relationship with have shared previous lifetimes?

Council: Most of the lifetimes were as siblings, and so that has no bearing on what’s created in your current lifetime. Focus on what you want now.

Firefly: I sometimes want another child with this man who I love. I have three children from a previous relationship. Is it outlandish to want to manifest a baby that’s ours, but have the pregnancy be delightful and non-damaging to my body at age 43?

Council: Why is that outlandish? Just that thought will keep you from creating it. You can create anything you want. If this is what you want at this time of your life, of course you can create it, but the doubts will get in the way. And so it doesn’t matter. There are women that are older that have created pregnancies. Think of what you want and why you want it. Does it bring you happiness? Then go off and create it. See it and feel it like it’s already yours.

Firefly: By doing my best to visualize getting pregnant, can we really create an outcome that defies what we believe we’ve learned from scientific observation?

Council: You can create a future that has nothing to do with scientific information. You can create something that’s way off the charts. There’s no limit. If 100 people say you can not create this because of reasons A, B, C, etc., it doesn’t matter. What matters is what you believe. And so take the limits off and create whatever it is.

Firefly: My child is worrying me and I want this child to be safe and well. How can I help them best?

Council: See it. Connect with the spirit that has agreed to come into your life. If it’s something you both want, if you agreed upon it in spirit and the spirit said, Well, let’s look at your life at the time I want to come in. Is it something I want to experience? Is it something I want to share with you? Everything is possible. Connect to the spirit, offer it a home, offer it safety, offer it help, offer it happiness, and most of all offer it love.

Firefly: How much power do I have to create change for others?

Council: You can not create change for others. Everyone is their own creator. You can help them. You can create what you know they want and see it for them to give them more support, more energy, and strength to stay with the thought of what they want, but you can not create it.

Firefly: Is it possible, in imagining all that one wishes to manifest, to be asking too much or employing greed?

Council: There’s no greed. There’s no limitation on what you can ask for. Everybody can have everything they want. There’s no limit to anything. And so if you want 100 different things, you are not taking them away from another person. There’s enough for everyone. Use your power of manifestation.

And so we send you blessings, and joy, and love, and the ability to have wonderful memories, to laugh, and to hope, and to stretch out your hand and help each other, and enjoy this life that you’ve created. Remember, no one creates for you. It’s all up to you. The people around you that you’ve chosen to be in your life have agreed to come and help you. They’ve agreed to learn from you. There are things that they need from this.

And so you’re all there, everything is planned with love, and when you go back into spirit you’ll go, “Wow, what a trip.” So enjoy and have fun.

Listen to the entire 13-minute audio recording of our session with The Council (below) to hear all their guidance for Firefly and the rest of us, and let us know what you feel about it. You can also ask The Council your own question by typing it into one of the Comment boxes that appear at the bottom of most of our blog pages.

If you like this post, please click the LIKE button in the section following the recording to let us and other readers know. Thanks.

December 29, 2022 Posted by | Audio Content, Beliefs, Channeling, Creation, Feelings, Helping Others, Imagination, Love, Other Lifetimes, Pre-Incarnation Planning, Pregnancy, Questions & Answers, Relationships, Spirit, You Create Your Reality | , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

How Can I Stop My Adopted Cat’s Itchiness?

This post answers questions for The Council from a reader named, Kristine.

Kristine: I adopted a beautiful cat last year and she’s been itching on the sides of her head and behind her ears and neck the whole time I’ve had her, which would have started prior to the adoption. The vet thought she had a food allergy and put her on a hypoallergenic diet.

Council: It’s a sound vibration. The cat is feeling a tingle or a vibration from a sound. Apparently, we see this cat, as a kitten, fell and there was some movement. We would put this as easily as possible for you to understand. There was some movement in the ears, so this cat is sensitive to sound and hears and feels some sounds.

This cat needs a lot of loving care and a lot of attention. It should always have a quiet atmosphere. You can do some healing on this cat. You don’t have to know anything special. You can just put your hands on the cat and send love from your heart We see, in time, if you keep doing this, the sound will become less and less, and there’s a possibility of it fading.

There’s no medicine that’s needed. Massage is needed for the cat’s neck, under the ears, and around the body to make it feel comfortable. That’s what we see and what we recommend for this wonderful kitty.

Bob: If a human was having this problem might you recommend craniosacral therapy?

Council: That’s also wonderful if you can find a craniosacral therapist that works on animals, and they are out there. But no loud music, no loud noise, and no yelling. This cat must be in a calm atmosphere.

And of course, the spirit of the cat, just like a human, has choices. When it begins to feel safe and it no longer wants to hear this noise, when it’s used to being in the quiet, it will choose not to hear this noise anymore.

Kristine: The vet thought she had a food allergy and put her on a hypoallergenic diet, which she was on for at least five months, and she continued to itch and bleed.

Council: We don’t see that’s the problem.

Kristine: Friends suggested the cat might have fleas, but the treatment for fleas didn’t work. I kept her inside and stopped using any fragrances and perfumes and that hasn’t worked.

Council: The cat is feeling the vibration of this sound in her head.

Kristine: I’ve taken her to the vet four times and they want her on medication for the rest of her life, even though they have no idea what the cause is, and I won’t do that to her. I’m so horribly stressed and feel awful for her, but I don’t know what else to do.

Council: It’s important for you to meditate and not add to the cat’s stress. The cat will feel your vibration. And so, you have to come with love to this cat, with confidence, with the feeling that the cat is well, and telling the cat it’s well. And that all your love, together with the cat, will help it feel better. Come from your heart. Put your hands on the cat, and send love daily, at least for 10 minutes.

Kristine: Council, please, what can you see? Why is she itching all the time? I want her to have the best life with me. I adore her and I just want her to be happy. She’s all I have.

Besides the scratching, is she happy I adopted her?

Council: Oh yes. There’s great happiness there, so bond closely and just tell her that together you’ll help her feel better.

Kristine: Is there anything else I can do to make her feel loved and happy?

Council: It’s the massage every day. It’s the quietness. No loud surroundings and no tension. The tension also adds to the vibration she hears and feels. Calmness, which will help both of you, we see you both need it. So you’ve come together to both learn to be calm.

Bob: And as far as the hypoallergenic food is concerned, she can feed the cat whatever she wants?

Council: Exactly. If the cat likes the hypoallergenic food, then, yes, continue it.

Kristine: Your love and guidance is beyond appreciated. Love and appreciation, Kristine.

Council: Love to you and your cat on your journey.

Listen to the entire 8-minute audio recording of our session with The Council (below) to hear all their guidance for Kristen and the rest of us and let us know what you feel about it. You can also ask The Council your own question by typing it into one of the Comment boxes that appear at the bottom of most of our blog pages.

If you like this post, please click on the LIKE button in the section following the recording to let us and other readers know. Thanks.

December 16, 2022 Posted by | Agreement, Audio Content, Channeling, Choice, Healing, Love, Questions & Answers | , , , , , , , , | 3 Comments

Questions About Our German Shepard Who Passed Recently From Cancer

This post answers questions for The Council from a reader named, Teddy’s Dad.

Teddy’s Dad: We lost our beautiful 8-year-old German Shepard dog, Teddy, two days before Thanksgiving. He had undetected metastatic cancer and there was blood around his heart making it difficult to breathe. No surgery could have saved him, and we lost him within 6 hours of detecting he was ill.

Council: How wonderful that he was able to leave this reality so quickly.

Teddy’s Dad: Does Teddy know we had no way to save him?

Council: Yes, of course, he’d know that now that he’s in spirit. And there’s always love between you and this wonderful dog. You can feel him around if you allow yourself to relax, if you speak to him as if he was still here, because he is. He’s not in the same form as when he was in this physical reality, but he is here. And when he’s ready, he’ll let you know that he is around. How wonderful is that?

But there is no suffering where he is, and when the time comes he’ll reincarnate, and in what form will be up to him. Will he come again, as a dog, as a cat, as a mouse, as a human, as a tree? Reincarnation is always up to the spirit and what it would like to experience.

But know that Teddy is around you. There is no loss. You haven’t lost him. You have lost Teddy’s physical body, but everything else is the same. So you’ll feel his love, and the more you talk to him and send love to him, the bond between the two of you is still there. It’s a wonderful thing.

Teddy’s Dad: Who is there to look after Teddy in heaven, and will he come to visit us, if possible?

Council: He is still around you. He’ll come to visit you if that’s what you need, but he hasn’t gone anywhere so he doesn’t need to come to visit. And no one takes care of him in heaven. When you are spirit, you are pure joy, you are health, you are happiness, and that’s all you experience. And you’re with other souls and you’re all together in joy and happiness. And so there’s no need to be taken care of because nothing will go wrong.

Bob: Would you say that other souls look after each other?

Council: They are together, yes, but there’s no need to take care of each other. You can be together, you can hang out together, but you don’t need to take care of each other. You just be. You are in pure love. That is the state you are in.

Bob: The question Teddy’s Dad asks was: Who is there to look after him? That’s not exactly the same thing as taking care of him, but…

Council: Who is there to look after him? Many other souls. They are hanging out together. They are trading their experiences. They’re planning for new lives. They’re just resting. They’re communicating with the people that they’ve left in that reality. They are busy, but they are all well.

Teddy’s Dad: Will Teddy reincarnate, or was he an incarnation of another dog we had before him, as he accepted us right away?

Council: We don’t see Teddy was a reincarnation of another animal you had before, but yes, he has experienced other lives. And when he is ready he will experience more lives.

Bob: Can you say whether Teddy has experienced any other incarnations as a human before?

Council: We feel Teddy’s essence has experienced being human, but the physical form in a reality hasn’t been experienced yet.

And the answer to all questions about how to improve your life and your reality is to be grateful for everything, have positive thoughts, and send yourself and others love.

Listen to the entire 6-minute audio recording of our session with The Council (below) to hear all their guidance for Teddy’s Dad and the rest of us, and let us know what you feel about it. You can also ask The Council your own question by typing it into one of the Comment boxes that appear at the bottom of most of our blog pages.

If you like this post, please click the LIKE button in the section following the recording to let us and other readers know. Thanks.

December 8, 2022 Posted by | Audio Content, Channeling, Love, Questions & Answers, Reincarnation, Spirit | , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

How Can My Positivity Outweigh Other People’s Negativity?

This post answers questions for The Council from an anonymous reader, and it’s a little different from our usual posts because the day after we did the session to answer Anonymous’s questions, The Council told Cynthia they had a few things they wanted to add. So we did a follow-up session the next day and added its transcription after the transcription of Anonymous’s session, which starts immediately below.

Anonymous: There’s a lot of chaos in our world right now which I understand from you is a series of challenges that we chose in order to turn it around.

Council: And we’ve all decided to be here on Earth in this chaos. In spirit we knew this chaos had a great possibility of happening according to how people think and what they created. As a group, this is what we’ve created.

Anonymous: But a lot of people are convinced that humans are fundamentally flawed, greedy, prejudiced, etc., and basically that we and our Earth are doomed.

Council: You, the people here, and the Earth aren’t doomed. The Earth has a long, long life ahead of it. Not everybody is greedy. Not everybody is negative. This negativity is here for us to see it, and then to look at what you’re learning from this. Do I want to be like this? Watch how other people react and how they talk, but then go back into yourself. How do you want to act? Are you being judgemental? Or are you allowing these people to be who they are? And are you allowing the part of yourself that you want to come forward to come forward?

Anonymous: The scorching temperatures around the world are only making people feel more negative. I understand everyone has their own path and timeline for understanding we are powerful spirits who can manifest what we desire.

Council: You can manifest absolutely anything you want. There’s no question of that.

Anonymous: Sometimes I wonder if my positivity is enough, though, when so many others are feeling so negatively.

Council: Do you know that one little candle can erase so much darkness? One positive thought can undo hundreds of negative thoughts.

The people that are here and seeing this negativity but are being positive, there’s a reason you’re here. You’ve come here to try and change this. If you see the negativity and you judge it, or you hate people for being like that, then you’re becoming part of that negativity. It’s your place to see the negativity and continue to have positive thoughts.

There are always people that are negative, and there are always people that are positive. But at this time the positive people in your reality have a lot of work to do. Unfortunately there are many, many more positive people than we hear about. And those thoughts and those desires of how you wish it could be, and how you saw how it was before, and can we go back to being happy and simple? The answer is yes. And you are here to keep thinking about this, to keep feeling it, and to keep being positive, no matter what is going on around you. That is your purpose. Together all of us will change that.

And we here in spirit help you every day to find that positive thought, to find that positive feeling. If you allow it in, you’ll begin to see a change in yourself. And then you’ll see a change in the people around you because as you change, your energy will touch the people around you. And then you’ll see it reach out into the world. You’ll start hearing more positive things on the news. It’s so important at this time to stay with that positivity. It’s more powerful than you can even imagine.

Anonymous: Can the positivity of one person override or outweigh the negativity of many in one’s own reality?

Council: Yes, it can.

Anonymous: It feels a bit scary to ask this question because it feels like asking, Is the weight of all the world’s problems really on me to solve?

Council: The weight of everyone’s problems, or the world’s problems, are not for you to solve. Your job is to shine. Shine that light, those positive thoughts, because the people that are around you, you will not change them. They will see how you are, they will be in your energy, and all of a sudden, on their own, they’ll start looking at things differently. They will have a little bit better outlook, and then that will grow.

And so as you’re around people, it’s good to remember you can’t control or change anyone. You can only be yourself, as bright and shining a light as you can be, and as positive as you can be. And as these other people get ready, they’ll see it. They’ll want to be part of what you represent. They’ll start thinking to themselves: How come you’re feeling good and you’re so positive? I want some of that. And they’ll watch you. And all of a sudden little changes will become real inside of them.

That’s why we say it’s so important to be yourself. Don’t fall into that negativity. It’s your job to be loving, to be the spirit that you are that’s shining and holding the light for this reality, to stay in that. That’s your job. That’s the only job you have, to bring more happiness, more calmness, more stability, into this world. Be that light.

Anonymous: But I’d like to clarify how effective being positive, meditating, and manifesting is when we live in a world with other people with different beliefs and desires.

Council: It’s your job to let these people have their beliefs and their desires until they get to a place where they realize they want something different.

Anonymous: Sometimes oppositional beliefs and desires all clamoring for attention.

Council: This is where you stay positive. Let people talk the negative talk, or worry, or complain, or be angry. You stay in the light. You show compassion, show some understanding, and you don’t try to change anyone. Know that it’s your place to allow everyone to be. And as you stay positive, guess what? You’re helping these people grow. You’re putting your positivity out there, and then it’s up to them to take that change and to let it in. Your job is to send it out, and let it be their job to accept it.

Anonymous: This also relates to politics, which shapes our world in big ways. If I want a law passed that I think is just, humane, and will bring happiness to more people, but there are other people who are against it, how does my positive thinking counter their negative thinking? Can it overcome their repression?

Council: Yes, it can, but stay in that positivity.

Anonymous: It’s hard to not get stuck in the place of anger and even hatred when it comes to politics.

Council: Yes, exactly, but when you do get stuck, when you realize you hate this person or that person, you hate what they believe, you now have come down to their level. Their negativity has reached you instead of your positivity reaching them. And so when you feel negative, all you have to do is say, “Oh, I recognize what I’m doing. I’m falling into negativity.” And change your thoughts. Don’t beat yourself up. Don’t get mad. You say, “Aah, I recognize this. This negativity is so strong that it’s getting through to me. Well I’ll just shine my light. I will come from my heart. I know I have a job to do, and it’s to be positive. And you’ll see things change.

Anonymous: When it comes to politics, and I don’t just mean the United States, I mean globally. Having a new way to think about my own power and agency would be very helpful and would allow me to escape that trap.

Council: So sit and meditate, and go into your heart, and let a green light shine from your heart, and watch it get bigger and bigger and fill up the room. Then see it fill up your street, your neighborhood, your state, your country. Put it around the whole globe, and fill that green with love. That’s your job.

Additional Council material recorded the following day

Council: And so we wanted to add this little bit of information because there are many questions about being positive, staying in the light, and showing compassion. And we’d like to say here that in many of the questions, when we answer, we give the same answer. We give it differently, we say it differently, but it all means the same thing. Different people understand our answers in different ways because we’re not all the same and our thinking isn’t the same.

And so we’d like to say here that all of the answers to why we’re here and what we need to do are simple. The answers are simple and they will always be the same. This doesn’t mean that it’s easy to do, but if you’ll reflect on past readings and information, you will say it is simple. There’s no message that has many difficult things you have to do. It is simple.

And it’s simple because you are the one, and the only one, that’s in charge of your life. You create your own world. You create it with your thoughts. We all volunteered to be here, or we wouldn’t be here. And we know there will be times of peace and there will be times of chaos, but we are here for one reason only. And that is to take the love that we experience in spirit and bring it forward into the reality that we are creating.

How do you do this? You don’t need a lot of money. You don’t need to travel. You do it with your thoughts. And why is that? Because at this time in the history of what you’re creating, we want to take a step forward. We want to know that we are in charge of our lives, and what you say in your thoughts is the most important thing. Your thoughts are such wonderful tools – your choice, whether to be negative or whether to be positive. And so the whole world that you create wants to step forward. You’ve all chosen to do this with your mind and with your thoughts.

And so we say, be positive. At all times try to think positive. The negative will come in, that is true. And there’s no reason to beat yourself up, but to recognize it and say, “No. Alright, there it is again. I’m being negative. I’m falling into the negative energy. But now I’ll change my thoughts. I’ll replace it with something better.”

When you’re angry with someone you think a better thought. You find a way to accept who they are and go on being positive, sending love. And if all you can do is stand in the middle of a circle of light and send it out, then that’s good. That’s a beginning. Stay in the light. Stay positive.

Remember, we’ve all agreed to this life. We all agreed to take this humankind and let it advance, not with hard work, not with struggle, but with thoughts. How simple that is. Is it easy? It’s up to you, but it is simple. Stay in the light. Stay positive. Send good thoughts out everywhere in your reality. You will see the change. This is the reason you’ve come to the Earth path and we thought it would be helpful to just add this on and clarify it a little bit.

Listen to the entire 16-minute audio recording of our two sessions with The Council (below) to hear all their guidance for Anonymous and the rest of us, and let us know what you feel about them. You can also ask The Council your own question by typing it into one of the Comment boxes that appear at the bottom of most of our blog pages.

If you like this post, please click the LIKE button that appears in the section following the recording to let us and other readers know. Thanks.

August 10, 2022 Posted by | Audio Content, Beliefs, Challenges, Desire, Life Purpose, Love, Questions & Answers, Spirit, You Create Your Reality | , , , , , , , , , , , | 7 Comments

Do I Pursue My Ex-Partner Or Try To Move On?

This post answers follow-up questions for The Council from a reader named, Lee. We previously published the post, Should I Continue My Relationship With My Current Partner? in response to Lee’s original questions.

Lee: Following up on the answers to my questions in the post above, I unexpectedly and completely fell in love with this man. He makes me feel loved and safe, and I would spend the rest of my life with him if he asked.

Council: He’s here to show you what you can experience, but not with him.

Lee: But he told me he doesn’t want a relationship anymore.

Council: And this is true.

Lee: We live in different states and he was supposed to move to be with me, but now he’s changed his mind and doesn’t even want to carry on the relationship long distance. I’m confused and heartbroken, of course. He seemed so cold and defensive toward me. I’m trying my best to stay away and not contact him, but my heart hurts. It’s so hard, and it brings back the pain of losing my husband and I don’t want to feel like that again.

Council: Losing your husband and finding this person, it would be normal to think that this relationship would be forever because it feels so good again. But it was a transitional stage to make you feel happiness again, to give you some joy, and to point out all the things you like in a relationship, and then move forward and create that in someone new.

Lee: I guess I’m just looking for why he feels he doesn’t want me anymore.

Council: At this time he doesn’t feel that he’s ready to commit to anyone. These are the challenges that he faces – wanting someone then not wanting someone and being afraid of permanency. At this point it’s very loving for you to just let him go and for you to let him deal with what’s on his plate, so to speak.

Lee: What do I do? Should I pursue him? Or should I try my best to forget him and move on, which I don’t really want to do? But if I’m forced, I have no choice.

Council: We advise you not to forget this man, but don’t pursue him either. When someone doesn’t want a relationship, and someone pursues them and pursues them, it only pushes them further away because they feel that what they want isn’t being heard or isn’t being honored. We say do not pursue, but also don’t forget.

Find all the things you loved in that relationship and start focusing on those things, and how you’d like them in a partner that’s looking for a commitment and looking to be with someone permanently. You will create that.

We do see there’s someone for you if you do the work and you focus more on the positive. You’ll bring this in.

Listen to the entire 4-minute audio recording of our session with The Council (below) to hear all their guidance for Lee and the rest of us, and let us know what you feel about it. You can also ask The Council your own question by typing it into one of the Comment boxes that appear at the bottom of most of our blog pages.

If you like this post, please click the LIKE button in the section following the recording to let us and other readers know. Thanks.

July 23, 2022 Posted by | Audio Content, Channeling, Creation, Questions & Answers, Relationships | , , | 2 Comments

How Can I Divorce My Abusive Husband?

This post answers questions for The Council from a reader named, LovePeace.

LovePeace: I’ve been wanting a divorce from my abusive husband, but he’s reluctant to give it. He’s doing this on the premise of our son because he doesn’t want me to get married again. Can The Council please guide me how I can come out of this situation? Any suggestions will be welcome and appreciated.

Council: You can’t change the way your husband thinks or control the way he acts. The only thing that can make this change is if you create a life where you don’t interact with your husband as much as you do now. Start living your life as if you are single and without your husband. The more you can focus, and pretend, and find experiences you can have as if you’re single, you’ll start bringing this to you.

It’s always good to wish your husband happiness so he can move on, whether he can see that he’s created a new love interest, or that you’re serious about not wanting to stay with him. It’s up to you in your daily living to have less and less connection with your husband.

This is difficult when you co-parent, but even the littlest improvement, the littlest moving away, and in your mind you constantly think you’re moving forward to your new life, to a new partner if that’s what you want, to a new job, or to a new place to live. Go in that direction.

When you keep connecting, and thinking, and getting annoyed with what you don’t want, your attention to it will create this and give it more power. Take your thoughts and your imagination away from your husband and put it on you and the happiness you can imagine you create moving forward. Everything that’s created must be created in thought first.

LovePeace: I’d like to co-parent with my husband, but I don’t want him to be my husband because for almost 10 years our relationship has never been successful, and I don’t wish to continue living a lie anymore.

I also have a question about a suggestion The Council made for me in a past session. After moving to a different state I met a person during our company gathering. We haven’t talked a whole lot, but it seems there’s a connection between us. I’d like to ask The Council if my next partner will be from my current workplace, or will he manifest later at my potential next workplace?

Council: Enjoy this connection with this new person. Focus more and more on it. Create thoughts in your mind that you talk with this person more and more, that there’s a joy you experience with this person. That happiness and that feeling of pleasure will bring more of this to you. When you can get to a place of happiness, of excitement how your life is changing, and how you’re available to meet someone else, you’ll bring that in, whether you bring it in where you work now or if you change where you work.

If you love where you work and are happy about going there, it’s easier to create a partner that will fulfill what you want. It’s harder to create a partner that will come along in an environment where you don’t want to be there. If you’re not happy where you work, the first thing would be to create a new job in the environment that you like. Because of that environment, and it’s pleasing, and it makes you feel good, you’ll be able to create a partner that you wish to be with.

We send you all blessings, and all the wonderful thoughts that would help you, the positive thoughts and the feelings that come with them, and the love that’s within you that you can experience at any time when you focus on your heart and ask for signs of who you really are. And when you do this, you’ll experience more joy and more love in your life.

Listen to the entire 6-minute audio recording of our session with The Council (below) to hear all their guidance for LovePeace and the rest of us, and let us know what you feel about it. You can also ask The Council your own question by typing it into one of the Comment boxes that appear at the bottom of most of our blog pages.

If you like this post, please click the LIKE button in the section following the recording to let us and other readers know. Thanks.

June 23, 2022 Posted by | Audio Content, Channeling, Marriage, Questions & Answers, Relationships, Spirit, You Create Your Reality | , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

How Can I Heal Past Traumas And Lead A Full Life?

This post answers questions for The Council from a reader named, P.

P: I’ve been traveling for ten years and I wish to find a place and people where I feel at home. I wish to heal myself and find my way and my mission so I can live my life fully – a lightful, meaningful life that radiates love and light to others.

I have many connected questions. Please feel free to answer one or more, or all of them if you wish.

How can I fully heal myself psychologically, physically, emotionally, and energetically, and my past traumas so I can live this life fully?

Council: The main thing for you to do is lots of sitting quietly. Whether you meditate or just sit still, even if it’s ten minutes a day, and think of what it would feel like for you to be out of your body and experience yourself as just energy. You’re floating along and you have the power to create anything you want in this reality.

Everything you manifest and every feeling you have must come from energy first. We advise you to do the energy work, to sit and create that feeling, and just sit and wait. Ask for that feeling and it will come. That’s the beginning.

Then energetically reach for the feeling of joy, whether it be something you remember from your past that gives you joy, or something in the future that you fantasize about. When you’re in the state of feeling like pure energy, reach for the joy, and in that state you can create what you want.

And how do you do this? Think of every part of your life, physically, mentally, and energetically. If you don’t know how to do this, have the intention that you want to heal all of this. Then let go, be in that joy, and imagine your life in any way you wish it to be.

There’s nothing you can’t create with your thoughts. When you’re constantly in joy, and you’re constantly thinking of what you want your life to be like, it must come to you. There’s no struggle involved. There’s nothing you have to do physically to heal, What you have to do is get into the level of energy and joy. And when you’re in that state, everything you want must come to you. There’s no doctor or counselor you have to run to.

You’re here now, as all are in this reality, to learn how to heal whatever it is with your mind. It’s a big leap at this time how we, as spirits, are going forward. You must use your mind to create, to pretend like a child would pretend, and see your life the way you want it to be. There’s no stopping what you want. The thing that stops it is not believing what you want, and doubting because what you want isn’t coming fast enough. You must take your mind and switch it to a place of joy and the perfect life you’d like to create. That will bring everything you need. The universe will supply you with the right people, the right situations, and everything you need. Get into a state of joyful energy.

P: And how can I manifest my full potential and my higher self in this lifetime?

Council: You are your higher self. You don’t have to manifest it, you need to connect with it. You do this through meditation. When you’re going through your day and there’s a period where you’re laughing and feeling good, you’ve connected to your higher self. Your higher self will take you in the direction you need to go. There’s no separation between you and your higher self. You are your higher self. It’s just that you need to get into a state where you feel connected.

What connects you to your higher self? Joy does. Again we remind you to get into that state.

If you don’t know what you want to do in this lifetime, if you’re confused about what direction you want to go in, when you meditate every day, when you work to be grateful for what you have, and when you do the work to want more joy, to see your life loving and fulfilled, when you keep doing this it must come to you. It’s the power of your mind. With your mind you can move mountains. You may laugh and say that’s not true, but in the future, people will see that it is true. The mind is powerful.

You’ve volunteered to come into this life to have challenges. And with your mind, with the power of light, with the power of joy and happiness, you planned to change your life and bring whatever you want into it.

P: How can I manage the darkish energies that sometimes manifest strongly in me?

Council: How do you see this dark energy? Do you see it as something evil? Do you see it as depression? Do you see it as fear? This darkish energy you speak of is only thoughts you connect with that you’re afraid are around you, thoughts you feel some uncomfortableness with, and so you feel it is dark energy.

When you feel this uncomfortableness, it’s because whatever you’re thinking, whatever you’re doing, doesn’t agree with your higher self. Your higher self will have you feeling uncomfortable. And when you feel this way what can happen is you say: What am I thinking of? Let me let go of that and go back and search for the feeling of joy.

The dark energy is just your higher self saying: Okay, you’re going off your path right now. Come back to the joy. Come back to seeing yourself surrounded by light. Come back to seeing yourself as a spirit with so much power, and the thought of coming here to have the fun of changing everything. When you do this you won’t feel the dark energy. It’s only your thoughts you need to change.

Have fun on your journey. We’re here to support you, help you, and cheer you on. Have fun. That was your idea coming into this reality. Enjoy the adventure.

Listen to the entire 9-minute audio recording of our session with The Council (below) to hear all their guidance for P and the rest of us, and let us know what you feel about it. You can also ask The Council your own question by typing it into one of the Comment boxes that appear at the bottom of most of our blog pages.

If you like this post, please click the LIKE button in the section following the recording to let us and other readers know. Thanks.

May 22, 2022 Posted by | Audio Content, Challenges, Channeling, Creation, Healing, Questions & Answers, Spirit | , , , , , , , , , , , | 9 Comments

Why Am I Obsessed With Mermaids Since Childhood?

This post answers questions for The Council from a reader named, Bluestar Child.

BlueStar: I’m very curious to know which star or stars of the Pleiades I come from.

Council: Have you heard of the Seven Sisters (another name for the Pleiades constellation)? We see you’ve been to many of these seven stars, but you visited the star, Merope, and the star, Electra, many times. There’s a love of being there that makes you want to connect with the peace and the light you felt in those two stars.

Even though there are many other places you’ve been, asking about the Pleiades is a good idea. We advise you to read about the Pleiades and find out as much as you can about it. Imagine what you think it would be like and that will bring you closer to the feeling of being there, which is what you desire.

BlueStar: I want to know if there’s any reason why I’ve been obsessed with mermaids since I was a child.

Council: That has nothing to do with the Pleiades. Thinking of mermaids has to do with your life in Lemuria, where you were a mermaid. You experienced yourself as one because you wanted to know what that felt like. There was great happiness there and a great atmosphere of peace and love.

Within you, your higher self remembers the joy of playing in the water and of being connected to family. It was the lightness and the peace that you experienced. No pressure, just a joyful being. This is why you’re so connected to these times.

Look for stories of Lemuria. They were a very peaceful people.

Keep clear quartz crystals around you, which will remind you of your time in Lemuria. There’s also a beautiful crystal, and it’s blue. Anything light blue will be good for you, like an aqua aura quartz or topaz. This will remind you of the waters and your home in Lemuria.

Living close to the water would be beneficial to you, would help you feel good, and give you a sense of peace. If that’s not possible, then visiting the ocean as often as you can will be good for you and will bring you a sense of peace. When you go into the water you’ll feel the cleansing of those waters. You’ll feel any heaviness you’re carrying with you just sort of wash and melt away. This is a good experience for you. Do it as often as you like.

BlueStar: In a recent dream someone called me “water princess”. I didn’t tell anyone about this dream and a few days later someone in my family called me “sea princess”. I don’t know what to think. I don’t know if all this is just a product of a fantasy I’ve created in my mind over the years, or if it’s a memory and the mermaids have something to do with me. I’m confused.

Council: It isn’t a fantasy, it’s a memory. It’s wonderful that you’ve brought this memory with you. You now have information that ties you to these past lives and helps you create the same loving feeling you had in Lemuria in your current reality. Enjoy the path you’ve chosen and that you’re already so connected to it.

Have fun on your journey. We’re here to support you, help you, and cheer you on. Have fun. That was your idea coming into this lifetime. Enjoy the adventure.

Listen to the entire 5-minute audio recording of our session with The Council (below) to hear all their guidance for Bluestar Child and the rest of us, and let us know what you feel about it. You can also ask The Council your own question by typing it into one of the Comment boxes that appear at the bottom of most of our blog pages.

If you like this post, please click the LIKE button in the section following the recording to let us and other readers know. Thanks.

May 19, 2022 Posted by | Audio Content, Channeling, Other Lifetimes, Questions & Answers | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 7 Comments

What Can I Do To Find A Partner To Love and Who Loves Me?

This post answers a question for The Council from a reader named, ACuriousSpirit, who asks: What can I do to find a partner to love, who loves me, and to have a happy and long-lasting relationship?

Council: Become like a child and pretend. The more pretending you can do, the better it is to create what you want.

Be specific in your thoughts. What kind of person would you like in your life? Think of this often. Do you need someone handsome? Do you need someone with a lot of money? Do you need someone that’s beautiful and caring? Do you want a tall person? A short person? Do you want someone with a good sense of humor?

When you do this, the mistake most people make is thinking of all this, but thinking of it from a place of frustration that this is what they want, but they don’t have it. The minute you go into, “I don’t have it yet, but this is what I want,” that but this is what I want and I don’t have it yet, slows down the process of what you’re trying to create.

We advise you to create from the beginning of your relationship. You meet this person. Can you imagine your phone is now ringing and you’re getting a call from this person? This person is asking you out. Are you laughing on the phone? What does your first date look like? What are you wearing? How does the relationship develop? Do you go on trips together? When you marry, how does that happen? Who asks who to get married?

Bring the relationship along in every detail you can imagine. Do you buy a house? What does that house look like? Go in every room and design it, feel it, and pretend like a little child that you have it. And in that pretending and make-believe you know you’re just starting to create what you desire.

The more you can get yourself happy, and laugh when you think: Let me go into this visualization, let me fix this, I saw this last time, but I’ll change it and make it better. And continuously do this and know what you desire is there for you. The more you do this, the quicker you’ll create it. But you have to do this from a place of happiness, and a place that it’s something that’s yours, that it’s available to you. Get away from the thought of, it’s taking too long, and will I ever be able to do this?

You must create what you desire out of faith, and know that you’re the creator. And along with that, you can create anything else you want. But you have to come from a place where you see what you desire, and you feel it. Feeling what you desire is the key. Visualizing what you desire sends those thoughts out into the universe. What brings it back to you and is the magnet is feeling what you desire.

Like a little child creates, they are a spaceman and they’ll see the whole thing in their head. And they’ll be excited because they’re going to the moon, or they’re going to Mars. You must feel the excitement that this is true. You’re in charge and you’re the creator. The more you can do this from a place of happiness and a place of belief, you will create what you desire. There’s nothing you cannot create. It’s all there for you.

Listen to the entire 4-minute audio recording of our session with The Council (below) to hear all their guidance for ACuriousSprit and the rest of us, and let us know what you feel about it. You can also ask The Council your own question by typing it into one of the Comment boxes that appear at the bottom of most of our blog pages.

If you like this post, please do us the favor of clicking the LIKE button in the section following the recording to let us and other readers know. Thanks.

May 13, 2022 Posted by | Audio Content, Beliefs, Channeling, Desire, Feelings, Love, Questions & Answers, Relationships, You Create Your Reality | , , , , | 2 Comments

What Is It About Nordic Countries My Soul Finds So Appealing?

This post answers questions for The Council from a reader named, Jaden.

Jaden: I was once told by an intuitive that almost half of my past hundred lifetimes were in the Nordic countries. What is it about this part of the world that my soul finds so appealing?

Council: It wasn’t half of these lifetimes, but we see what you created in those lifetimes was simplicity and community. You liked the feeling of working together. In that lifetime there was balance in everything that was done. There was a great love of what you did for work, but there was always time for play and family. There wasn’t the feeling of competition, but there was a feeling of coming together. Everyone saw themselves and others growing and creating in that life. There was a lot of simplicity and happiness in that lifetime.

In your current lifetime you’re drawn to the family and community life you had in several of those Nordic lives. You were interested in finding something you were interested in doing, and doing it well, but without pressure, and to just enjoy the life you were creating here. It was important to have a partner and have that love and commitment.

Jaden: When I read about Nordic culture, a number of aspects such as sustainability, simplicity, and modesty seem appealing, but I feel like there’s something more than that. I also was previously told I had a Viking lifetime. Are there other lifetimes here that are interesting to know about?

Council: You had several lifetimes as what we would call now a Viking. You loved being on the sea. You loved the travel. You loved the power of when you could go in and conquer a city. You love being able to take whatever it was you wanted. You loved the power in this. And yet you weren’t cruel, but you wanted the adventure of traveling and conquering. These were lives you also enjoyed.

You also had a life in Ireland that you loved, where you raised sheep and grew your own food. In this life it was also the simple and peaceful life you enjoyed.

In a lifetime in Greece you performed and traveled. You performed in arenas in different towns. The performance was something you loved. You loved taking your personality and what you knew of life, and putting it into each character.

There was also a lifetime when you were a female dancer, and you loved the movement and the creativity. Look at your current life and see if you go to dances. Do you love to dance? Do you watch performances? Do you like walking on paths in the woods? Do you like the simpleness and the quietness? This is also something you wished to create in your current life.

Listen to the entire 4-minute audio recording of our session with The Council (below) to hear all their guidance for Jaden and the rest of us, and let us know what you feel about it. You can also ask The Council your own question by typing it into one of the Comment boxes that appear at the bottom of most of our blog pages.

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May 12, 2022 Posted by | Audio Content, Channeling, Creation, Other Lifetimes, Questions & Answers, Soul | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 3 Comments

Do My Partner and I Share Any Past Lives Together?

This post answers questions for The Council from a reader named, Newlove, who says: I currently find myself in a relationship that happened a bit unexpectedly, but it is very welcome. My partner feels we may have shared past lives together and we’re merely continuing a previous life because we came together so easily. Have we had past lives together and can you tell me more about them?

Council: We see a past life in Athens, Greece where you were both born into slavery, you were cousins, and you were both household servants together who had a wonderful life. The family you were in service to treated both of you very well. You could work in the home, but you had time to go out on your own in the villages. Everything you did, you did with your cousin.

As cousins you worked in the home together, you went out and explored the towns together, and everything was so easy and so loving for both of you. You used to say to each other that all you need was to get married, but you couldn’t because you were cousins and you were both males.

You were so happy in that life that you wanted to come together again and have the joy you had before, with a little bit more independence, but to continue the happiness that you experienced in your past life. So the feeling of knowing each other and wanting to be together is coming from this lifetime in Athens.

Bob: Any other lifetimes that have a bearing on their current life?

Council: This Athens lifetime is the one that’s affecting their current life. So we ask Newlove, what do you want to do with this information? Are you comfortable with this? Do you feel there’s more that you want in your current relationship? When you think about it, does it make you feel good? Or is this something you maybe don’t wish to go into in your current life?

Look at where you are, what you’ve come through in your current life, and what you’ve learned from your past relationships. Does this person have the characteristics you want? You can’t base what you’re creating now on what you created in your lifetime in Athens. It’s different. You’re different people. There are different lessons you want to learn.

Look at this relationship as something brand new. And look at how this person is in this relationship. If it’s going too fast, you have the power to slow the relationship down.

Don’t go into this relationship thinking: this is wonderful, we had a wonderful life together, this is going to be great, and this is going to be easy. There are new lessons you want to learn in your current life, and you’ll know by watching your partner if he’ll be able to go along with what you want. And can you support what your partner wants in your current life, not in the past life?

You’ve come here to have fun, to find each other, to have a good relationship, but then to look around and ask yourself if this relationship meets your needs, and go in that direction.

Remember you are the creator. If you want a lasting relationship, of course you begin with visualizing how you want the relationship to be.

If there’s something you’re worried about that’s holding you back, it would be your higher self knowing what else you want to create in this lifetime, and you will create it. What you see in this other person, is that going to be good? There’s no reason to rush. You’ll get exactly where you’re supposed to be.

Newlove: He’s all in the relationship, but I may be a bit hesitant to go all in.

Council: So we ask you to ask yourself why you’re hesitant? What do you see in the relationship that’s going on? Why do you have that feeling? Search these thoughts and meditate on them. Remember your past life was a beautiful one, and somewhere in your subconscious you both know that, but what’s going on now? Your current life is a whole new life.

Newlove: Do I have cause to be hesitant and worried?

Council: This is what you need to figure out. And you’ll learn if you have cause to worry by watching the relationship, and just living your life day to day and seeing where it goes. It’s a learning process. There’s a lesson in this. Most important is to follow your feelings. If there’s a bit of hesitancy, follow that feeling. Keep your eyes open and just watch. There’s no rush. You are the creator.

Newlove: Or is this the relationship that will last and bring us the most happiness for the rest of this life together?

Council: It did this in your past life. Will your relationship bring you lasting happiness in your current life? If that’s what you want and you do the work to create it. If you can visualize it, and see it, and feel good about it, then you can create it. It’s all up to you.

Listen to the entire 7-minute audio recording of our session with The Council (below) to hear all their guidance for Newlove and the rest of us, and let us know what you feel about it. You can also ask The Council your own question by typing it into one of the Comment boxes that appear at the bottom of most of our blog pages.

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April 18, 2022 Posted by | Audio Content, Channeling, Feelings, Other Lifetimes, Questions & Answers, Relationships, Spirit | , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

How Can I Bring More Friends Into My Family’s Life?

This post answers questions for The Council from an anonymous reader who asks: Can The Council advise me on bringing more friends into my family’s life? I’m not lonely, but I’d love a stronger community and other families to share experiences and friendship with. Is manifesting a matter of meditation, or visualization?

Council: Manifesting first begins when you can raise your vibration. The easiest way to do this is to think of things you have and enjoy, or things you’ve experienced that you’re grateful for. And the more you’re grateful, the lighter your energy becomes. Your energy becomes a magnet for what you wish to attract. Manifesting first begins in happiness, gratitude, and joy, and then just focusing on what makes you feel this way.

We can tell you to go out and join groups and you’ll meet a lot of people, and that does work. But before you run anywhere, start doing the work in your mind. Meditate on it. See it. See yourself happy and with new friends. Create in your mind what you want to experience in your physical reality. Your physical reality must follow your thoughts. Focus on bringing in more friends for yourself and it will happen.

Anonymous: Can I manifest friends for my husband and children, or is that not allowing them to be on their own path?

Council: You can’t create for anyone else. You can hope they get to a place where they’ll create it. All you can really do is send them lots of love so they can take that love in and then create something they wish to create. Maybe they don’t want more friends, or maybe they do. You can support them just by sending them love, and then concentrate on what you want for yourself.

We wish you all love, and light, and happiness, and gratitude on your path, and to be supportive of one another, and to love yourself as well as others in your life. Remember every single day, you are all spirits in a physical body, and you’ll create everything you focus on. Even if you focus on something negative, you will create that.

Have positive thoughts, laugh as much as you can, have fun, remember the wonderful and happy memories, and stay in the positive.

Listen to our entire 3-minute session with The Council (below) to hear all their guidance for Anonymous and the rest of us, and let us know what you feel about it in the Comment box below. Or you can ask The Council your own question by typing it into any of the Comment boxes that appear at the bottom of most of our blog pages.

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March 20, 2022 Posted by | Audio Content, Channeling, Creation, Love, Questions & Answers, Relationships, Spirit | , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Will I Find A Partner To Love And Who Loves Me?

This post answers questions for The Council from a reader named, In This Lifetime, who read our post, Can Your Desire for Something Create It in Your Life? She says: I learned from this post there could be different experiences going on for myself that I came to this world to have. And she asks: What experiences is it that I’m here to have and learn from?

Council: You very much wanted to be independent. You wanted to be a creative person. You wanted to learn about your spiritual path. You wanted a family with the right person that would be there for you. But most of all you wanted to learn to be independent. You wanted to feel confident in your intelligence, how you tuned into different people, and how you treated people. Then you wanted to recognize how people treated you. It was these characteristics you wanted to learn about in yourself and in other people.

Lifetime: A counselor who can hear spirit led me to believe I came into this world to break free from a controlling and narcissistic husband who I shared many lifetimes where I was unable to break free successfully.

Council: You created these lives and that would be a big part of learning to be independent. If you feel you created this person and wanted to break free, there’s your challenge of independence.

Lifetime: I ended the marriage six years ago, have taken many years to let go, reconsider my beliefs, and relocate across the country.

Council: There you are. You’re on the right path.

Lifetime: Yet am I able to experience a committed partner in this lifetime who I can love as fully as I know I’m capable, and who can and will love me deeply?

Council: You’ve pre-planned this meeting also. Keep focusing on independence, keep focusing on feeling good about yourself, and know that everything you want, you will create.

Lifetime: I carry the herpes virus and although it hasn’t been active for a long time, I feel this is shameful and limits my opportunities for love.

Council: We suggest you let go of this shame and know you also created this.  Even though you’ve had herpes, this touches on your challenge of making you focus on the fact that no matter what’s in your life, you deserve love and you’re a wonderful person. Always make sure you’re kind. You wanted to bring out compassion and kindness in this lifetime.

Lifetime: Many people say my ex-husband didn’t treat me well and I’m worthy of being treated so much better. I haven’t found love with a partner, but I’ve reconnected with things about myself that I lost in my marriage. Will I find happiness in this lifetime?

Council: If you believe you deserve a partner who loves you, you can create this. There’s no question that you can have a good partner and happiness in your life, but you must believe you deserve this.

Lifetime: Or is this a lifetime of independence and finding love in myself, but not the pleasures of a shared life with a partner, as I had hoped would eventually happen after leaving my abusive marriage?

Council: You’ll find this person when you believe you deserve this relationship, when you love yourself, and are proud of yourself and what you’ve accomplished. Then you’ll bring in the right person for you.

Lifetime: Please let me know what my intention was for my current lifetime.

Council: Your intentions were independence, feeling good about yourself, creating what you want, and learning more on your spiritual path.

If you don’t meditate now, learn how to meditate. Stay with good thoughts. You wanted to be kind to others as well as yourself. When you do all these things you’ll be on the right path for you, for what you wanted to experience in this lifetime. Work on loving yourself first and you’ll attract the partner you’re looking for.

Listen to the entire 6-minute audio recording of our session with The Council (below) to hear all their guidance for In This Lifetime and the rest of us, and let us know what you feel about it. You can also ask The Council your own question by typing it into one of the Comment boxes that appear at the bottom of most of our blog pages.

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March 11, 2022 Posted by | Audio Content, Beliefs, Challenges, Channeling, Creation, Life Purpose, Love, Meditation, Pre-Incarnation Planning, Questions & Answers, Relationships, Spirit | , , , , , | 2 Comments

Please Elaborate On Water, Sun, And Electricity Curing COVID

This post answers a question for The Council from a reader named, LilyDaisy, who says: I was listening to your post, The Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) From a Spiritual Perspective, because I’ve been feeling sad about the divide between people who are vaccinated and people who are unvaccinated, and I was looking for some peace. I realized I heard something in that session I didn’t catch the first time I listened to it, and it was incredibly interesting. In that post The Council mentioned water, sun, and electricity as the source of the cure.

Cynthia and Bob went back and listened to that post and found that The Council doesn’t actually say water, sun, and electricity will be the source of the cure for COVID. During that earlier COVID session when Bob asks The Council how we’ll know when the virus has passed, The Council says: The scientists and doctors will say the virus is under control – that electricity, or the sun, or water, or something is putting an end to the virus. This is immediately followed by The Council saying this (meaning electricity, sun, water, or something else) doesn’t matter. What matters is your thoughts. Stay in the vibration of love. Stay in the vibration of happiness and the feeling we’re all safe and working on this, and the virus will pass.

Coming back to our session on LilyDaisy’s follow-up question, The Council is quick to re-emphasize that thoughts will be the cause of the cure for COVID. Then they say, In Atlantis they had great temples of healing. They knew how to heal with vibration, with the sun, and with water. We feel that will not be done in this lifetime.

The Council continues: There were dome-shaped temples in Atlantis that were made out of crystals, and a crystal would be placed in the area of the temple where the sun would hit for the longest period of time during the day. The sun going through the crystals, and the sound that was played while the people were in this healing dome, created cures for all these peoples’ diseases.

They took crystal domes and put them over the water, and the vibration of the sun would purify the water and give these domes healing powers. They used color, vibration, and sound in ways that were very advanced compared to today, but we feel right now this form of healing isn’t available in your current reality.

COVID was created so people could have time to be at home, appreciate their lives, appreciate their families and friends and realize how much they want to be together, and to be kind to each other. And when the vibration of these kind and loving thoughts takes over, there will no longer be the COVID virus. COVID was created out of fear, out of violence, and out of upset feelings. It was created with wrong thinking.

The thinking that’s needed now is thoughts of love. Grow plants, love the trees, honor the oceans, and believe everything has a vibration. Everything overcomes a bad vibration with the vibration of love. Love your home. Love every part of it. Love everyone in it. Love everyone you know. Be kind. Think happy thoughts. Find ways to have fun and laugh. With these thoughts you’ll see COVID disappear.

The Council repeats that water, sun, and electricity were sources of healing in the past, but they won’t be the source in this lifetime. But they add that this can be changed with the right thinking. In Lemuria and Mu, as well as Atlantis, they were very advanced. And yet with the feelings of love and appreciation for the scientists and the doctors, someone can come up with some sort of cure in that way. But we say don’t worry about that. Concentrate on the vibration of love.

In closing, The Council asks everyone to search for joy and to find it in any way you can.

Listen to the entire 6-minute audio recording of our session with The Council (below) to hear all their guidance for LilyDaisy and the rest of us, and let us know what you feel about it. You can ask The Council your own question by typing it into the Comment box that appears at the bottom of most of our blog pages.

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January 14, 2022 Posted by | Audio Content, Channeling, Healing, Love, Questions & Answers, Spirit, Vibration | , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Is It A Good Idea To Buy A Home?

This post answers a follow-up question from a reader named, Starseed_Lightworker, to questions we answered in our post, Should I Stay Married To My Husband? Starseed says, I’m very thankful for The Council’s guidance and I’ve taken the job in a different state that I mentioned in my previous question. I’m also planning to move there next year. I’m thinking of buying a house there before I move. Can The Council please guide me if buying a home is a good idea?

The Council says, Isn’t it wonderful that you have the opportunity to move and to buy a home? Buying a home should be focused on with your thoughts to show yourself that you’ll be successful, and that you can plant seeds and have roots to build a whole new lifestyle for yourself.

Buying a house is a step in the right direction, showing yourself you’re on the path to being successful, whether you stay with this job, or for whatever reason move to another job that’s a better opportunity. Buying a house is saying, “I can do this. I will be successful in my life. I will be able to handle this.” Buying a house is a wonderful idea and when you’re ready to do this, you should follow that thought and feeling, and it will bring you lots of pleasure.

Starseed says, My concern at this point is that I’m on a work visa and it’s a new company I’m starting to work for. My heart is telling me to go ahead and buy, but I’d also like The Council’s opinion on this because it’s a big step for me. And considering my husband might not be living with us eventually, it’s all going to be my responsibility.

The Council says now is the time to visualize this house. Visualize what you’d like it to look like on the outside and on the inside. Decorate it in your mind and feel the happiness of doing these things.

Whether your husband is with you or not, see yourself paying the bills, moving forward in your life, and being successful. It’s all there for you, but start now with your thoughts. Remember, taking that leap of faith and buying that house is putting out into the universe, “I can do this. I deserve this. I will be successful.”

The Council closes by wishing Starseed_Lightworker joy in her new move. And they ask all of us to search for joy and find it in any way you can.

Listen to the 4-minute audio recording of our session with The Council (below) to hear all their guidance for Starseed_Lightworker and the rest of us and let us know what you feel about it. You can ask The Council your own question by typing it into one of the Comment boxes that appear at the bottom of most of our blog pages.

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January 13, 2022 Posted by | Audio Content, Channeling, Imagination, Questions & Answers, Spirit | , , , , | 4 Comments

Is Mediumship The Path For Me?

This post answers a question for The Council from a reader named. Audrey. She says, I had an abusive childhood and when I grew up I was abused by partners also.

Audrey says, I met the love of my life in 2012 and he passed away in 2018, which almost destroyed me. I was numb and for a long time I wanted to join him. About a year after he passed away I had visions of him and heard him talk to me. I still feel him around and sometimes he gets into bed with me.

Audrey continues, I attended a circle this past year and started to feel more and more like my mental and physical health took a dive, and I don’t feel spirit like I used to. The Council says since you attended this group if you feel that your mental and physical feelings are on a downward spiral, we’d say that’s a sign you need to work on your own and not put yourself in a relationship that makes you feel unwell.

You need to read more books on spirit. The easiest one we always recommend is Emmanuel, by Pat Rodegast. Read that and you’ll connect with this spirit, and this book will lead you to others. You need to meditate and be with your thoughts. Learn to feel the energy. A nice technique is The Reconnection. We believe a book was written about this by Eric Pearl called, Heal Yourself, Heal Others. Play with this energy and you’ll advance. It’s simple. You’ll begin to know how to move energy and how to create with it. It’s a wonderful beginning for you.

Audrey continues, Is my path mediumship, or is it something else? The Council says if this is something you want, you can go in this direction. We don’t see where you created this life to be a medium. Learn about spirit so that you understand it and you can connect, and then tell other people how they can do this. You can be a medium and connect with spirits that have passed, and do this for other people, but it’s not what you planned.

Audrey closes by saying, I want to be able to help people with proof because I needed it after my boyfriend died. The Council says you have the proof because you truly have a connection with this person who’s passed on. And this proof is for you. By sharing your experiences you plant the seeds in others that they can also connect with spirit and you offer them ways to try this. This is how you’ll help other people open up to connecting in that way.

The Council closes by wishing us all peace, love, and light. And they say have fun on your path. Always look for the fun. Happiness will bring in everything you wish to create, whether you know what it is now or not. Your higher self knows. And when you stay happy, your higher self can bring what you desire into your life.

Listen to the entire 5-minute audio recording of our session with The Council (below) to hear all their guidance for Audrey and the rest of us and let us know what you feel about it. You can also ask The Council your own question by typing it into one of the Comment boxes that appear at the bottom of most of our blog pages.

If you like this post please feel free to click the LIKE button in the section following the recording to let us and other readers know. Thanks.

December 30, 2021 Posted by | Audio Content, Channeling, Connecting With Spirit, Helping Others, Meditation, Pre-Incarnation Planning, Questions & Answers, Spirit | , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Is There a Long-Term Relationship in My Future?

This post answers questions for The Council from a reader named, Core, who asks for advice on her romantic relationships. She says, For the past few years I’ve been experiencing brief connections that never lead to anything long-term. While these experiences have taught me a lot, they’ve also been heartbreaking for me. I recently went through another one of these brief relationships and it’s really bringing me down. I’m starting to feel a loss of hope because I don’t understand how I can get out of this pattern. I feel each time this happens, I learn many things and I’m trying my best, but I’d like to experience being in a relationship and building a foundation for something that lasts longer than a month or two.

The Council says in a past life you lived in a farming community. You were alone most of the time working, unable to get away and be with other people. In your current lifetime you wanted to be able to flit around from relationship to relationship, whether it’s an intimate one, a friendly one, or family. You wanted the freedom to experience a lot of these relationships.

Now that you’ve done that and you desire to turn your path to a more permanent relationship, the first step would be to appreciate every relationship you’ve had. Think about this and outline in your mind all the things you liked about each one.

When you’re in a new relationship, instead of worrying if it will last or not, appreciate what you have. Tell yourself you’ll love this relationship and appreciate everything that goes on, no matter how long the relationship lasts. Being in the present and being appreciative will change the energy of worrying if your current relationship will last or not, to: this is wonderful, I love being in this relationship and I appreciate it. Now I’m ready to find a permanent relationship. If you put that energy out there, things will begin to change.

Core asks, Is there a longer-term romantic relationship between me and a partner there for me in the future? The Council says you’ve planned in spirit that there will be one. To bring this relationship in now you should constantly think you’re ready for it, and not be upset about the relationships that didn’t last. Appreciate them. Appreciate that you could experience so many different relationships and now you’re ready and waiting to find a relationship that will work just for you. You’ll bring in the right person to have a relationship with.

Core asks, What can I do to make finding a long-term relationship easier on myself. The Council says to meditate, and keep seeing down to the tiniest detail, what you’d like a permanent relationship to look like. As you keep meditating and visualizing this, you’ll begin to bring in the energy of the right person for you.

Core asks, Can you provide any insights on my situation and why I’ve been experiencing these brief connections. The Council reminds Core how she wanted the different experiences because in a past life that you want to heal differently, you went from having minimal relationships with others to having many relationships in your current lifetime. You’ve now had a balance. You’ve had almost no relationships and you’ve had a lot of them. Now you can steer your life in the direction you want. When you make the connection to a past life that you’re working on now, the connection becomes easier to make, and the change is easier to make.

Core says, There’s a similar pattern around other aspects of my life. Living situations, career, friends, and circumstances come into my life and then leave so fast for me. The Council agrees and says it’s because it’s all energy and it comes in many different forms.

Core says, I know I’m growing and transforming rapidly because of these brief relationships, but I’m beginning to burn out. Any help would be greatly appreciated. The Council advises Core to visualize and feel as if you’re already in the relationship you desire and you’ll create this relationship.

The Council closes by saying to have fun on your path. Always look for the fun. Happiness will bring in everything you wish to create, even if you know what it is now or not. Your higher self knows. When you stay happy, your higher self is able to bring in what you want to create.

Listen to the entire 6-minute audio recording of our session with The Council (below) to hear all their guidance for Core and the rest of us and let us know what you feel about it. You can also ask The Council your own question by typing it into one of the Comment boxes that appear at the bottom of most of our blog pages.

If you like this post please consider clicking the LIKE button in the section following the recording to let us and other readers know. Thanks.

December 29, 2021 Posted by | Audio Content, Channeling, Meditation, Other Lifetimes, Pre-Incarnation Planning, Questions & Answers, Relationships, Spirit, You Create Your Reality | , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Is It Time To Separate From My Husband?

This post answers questions for The Council from a reader named, Confused and Sad, who says, I’ve been married for close to 30 years. The last few years have had me reflect on how different my husband and I are, and how much we’ve grown apart. It seems our history and our finances are the main reason we’re still together. My husband is a good man, but we have very little, if anything, in common. We rarely agree on anything and this makes me very sad. I feel in my heart we’d both be happier apart, and perhaps have a chance to find a true partner who can make us happy.

The Council says the pre-planning of this marriage in spirit comes from a lifetime where you were both married to other people and you were very mean and selfish with your partners. You felt stuck in these marriages. You didn’t know each other in that life, but there was always the thought to find someone better. You thought you were with people who weren’t pretty, weren’t handsome, weren’t intelligent, people that made you feel closed in, or had nothing in common with you. And both your spirits were willing to work on the same issues so you decided to do it together in your current lifetime.

When you came into your current life it was to come together and learn how to accept who the other person is, whatever their issues were. You wanted to learn how to allow someone to be different. You don’t have to have all these things in common. You wanted to learn how to love yourself and not to look for someone new that would make you happy and feel loved. You must love yourself.

And then you took it a step further and you decided that because you were so selfish and mean in your past life, in your current life when you learned how to accept your spouse for who they were, you were going to try to help them feel good about themself. You were going to take the focus off of you and how miserable you felt, and how this person wasn’t making you happy, and try to do something for this other person,. and give of yourself. And in that you’d feel the change within yourself, and you’d feel better and more love for yourself.

At first we imagine this may be difficult, but when you see you’re focusing on the other person and allowing them to take in this beautiful energy you’re sending by trying to do something for them, or just the energy of letting them be who they are, what you’re looking for in other people you’ll find in yourselves. When you find it in yourselves, you’ll realize both of you created this situation in this marriage. You’re exactly where you need to be to realize: How can I fix this? I love this person, but I don’t, because there’s someone who’d be prettier or handsomer, someone that would give me more attention, someone that would make me feel happier than I am. All of this love comes from within you, not from another person.

When you ask yourself to be nicer, to be understanding, to say to yourself, Today let me do this for this person or with this person, knowing it’s something that person likes, you will be so proud of yourself, and the feeling you want to have in a marriage will return. It will not only return, but it will be better than it was.

Confused says, We’ve both tried to make each other happy for the sake of the children and family, but we’re just two very different people. The Council says, Isn’t that wonderful. Look at what you can learn from being two totally different people.

Confused says, We’re both scared to leave because we’re all each other has known for so many years. The Council says of course the feeling of being scared will come up because you know this isn’t what you wanted. You don’t want to flee your marriage. You didn’t plan to go off and find something else. You both created this situation so you could grow within yourself and for each other.

Confused says, I know we’re both confused and scared because separation or divorce can be just as difficult as staying together. The Council says if you were to do this and move on, the happiness you’re looking for you won’t find somewhere else. It’s within this marriage, it’s within yourselves that you wanted to grow and learn, and you will feel this.

Confused says, I’ve tried to figure out why we would have chosen each other, what lessons we were supposed to learn. Is it finally time to move on and co-create the life we’d both like to live? And perhaps find true love with a partner more suited for each of us that can make us happy?. The Council says this other partner you’re looking for will be no different because you both planned to live your life this way.

Confused says, We do try and communicate and work things out, but our thought processes are just so completely different. The Council says, Isn’t it wonderful?. Do you stop and wonder what your spouse is thinking of? Do you try to understand it? Do you try and see it? And you don’t have to agree with each other. That’s the most wonderful thing. You can still have your beliefs and your ways of thinking, but how interesting it would be to see how your spouse’s mind works. And you can learn much from this. Let go of being rigid and thinking we have different ideas. What can you learn from this? Maybe it would be fun for you to think this way. Or maybe you can learn from thinking this way. It’s all opportunities in front of you.

If you feel you don’t want to stay in this marriage, it’s always your choice. You’ll create it again because the lessons you want to learn are right here. All the opportunities are right here for you.

Confused says, Our thought processes are just so completely different that it never ends well. We just seem to see things completely differently. The Council says, And so you argue and you fight because you don’t agree because you think differently. When you go to school the teacher thinks differently than a student. The student in the back of the room could be thinking differently than a student in the front. You don’t fight over this. You listen and learn from it. But most important, you allow the person to be who they are. And that’s the most wonderful gift you can give anyone.

Confused closes by asking, Have we learned all we can from each other, and is it finally time to move on? The Council says we’ve given you the answer. We wish you so much fun on your journey. Take your focus off your disagreeing, your not having things in common, off the fighting and difficulty communicating. Take your focus and say, This is another spirit who’s agreed with me to come into this reality to create this situation. While we go through it we’re going to learn about each other.  Most importantly we’re going to learn about ourselves. Are we able to accept others if they’re not like us? Because your purpose in this life is to bring love into this reality.

Listen to the entire 11-minute audio recording of our session with The Council (below) to hear all their guidance for Confused and Scared and let us know what you feel about it. You can also ask The Council your own question by typing it into one of the Comment boxes that appear at the bottom of most of our blog pages.

If you like this post please consider clicking the LIKE button in the section following the recording to let us and other readers know. Thanks.

December 6, 2021 Posted by | Acceptance, Agreement, Audio Content, Channeling, Choice, Helping Others, Love, Marriage, Other Lifetimes, Pre-Incarnation Planning, Questions & Answers, Relationships, Spirit | , , , , | Leave a comment

Requesting Guidance for a Never-Ending Divorce

This post answers questions for The Council from a reader named, Amy. She says it’s a full year since I asked The Council about my divorce and it’s as if time has stood still. My divorce is no further along than it was then. I’ve tried everything to move the divorce forward, but my husband is intent on going to trial, and he has so much to lose. The challenges he’s faced with emotional abuse and substance abuse will now play out publicly in court and it’s possible he might lose custody of our children.

The Council says this is the way your husband wants the divorce to go. How would you like the divorce to go? If you put the thought in your mind that your husband is intent on going in the direction of court, does it bring up fear? Does it bring up frustration? Or are you satisfied with this and think we’ll go to trial, but I know his behavior and abuse will come out and the trial will go in my favor?

Find thoughts that bring you satisfaction and joy. The timing of when your divorce is finalized doesn’t matter. What will make the divorce move forward is if you take your thoughts away from frustration and appreciate your life. Go about your business and do what you want with your children and know that this divorce will eventually happen when you accept the way it’s going and know for sure, without a doubt in your mind, that everything will come out okay for you and your children.

Your husband has his lessons to go through. At this point your lesson is to accept what’s going on. Don’t think of the divorce as a battle and you’re going to war. Your husband is bringing on this challenge. You can accept it with peace in your mind and things will turn out in your favor.

Amy says, Losing custody of our children isn’t what I wanted for my husband, but he watches TV all day long and on TV you don’t see reasonable people gracefully dismantling their lives with their children at the center. I feel I’ve been fair and I’ve tried to settle this divorce fairly and quietly for the sake of our children, but there’s something blocking this divorce. The Council says the block is what you and your husband have come together to do and the lesson to be learned in it. You may not realize that spiritually your husband may have decided he wants to lose his children and learn what that’s about. You don’t have to know the reason, or what your husband is creating. This will show itself to you.

Amy says, We still live together, I still support him, and he refuses to work. The Council asks Amy why her husband should work if she lets him live with her and supports him? This doesn’t seem sensible. If you want to keep him living in your home and supporting him, that’s fine, but know you’re agreeing to this. You’re allowing this to happen. If you want something different you’d handle the situation differently.

Amy says, I can see so clearly what my life looks like with my children when I get to the other side of this divorce. I’ve deepened my relationship with myself over the last year and I’m anxiously awaiting the change and the experience it will bring to my family overall. The Council reminds Amy to do the inner work, keep seeing the pages of a calendar flying by, and the time has passed and your divorce is happening.

Amy says, I’ve been getting ready to get ready, as Abraham-Hicks teaches, and I feel good. It’s surprising to most people that I feel no animosity toward my husband. The Council says this is wonderful because animosity isn’t necessary and that in spirit you both created this situation.

Amy says, Our life is far more peaceful than it ever was before, living without the emotion and intensity our marriage held. We’re co-parents living in the same house and it feels a little like a dress rehearsal. The Council says without saying too much about your husband, some of what he’s created is to go through life easily and have things done for him. What he’s creating and will continue to create is to have people come into his life and make it easier.

Amy says, I’ve recently come to the point where I stopped trying to control the outcome and I’ve even given up on the timeline for the divorce. Right now I get to be with my children every day while the divorce works itself out and I’m grateful for every minute with them in the same house. Having said that, it’s time for me to move on. I feel a strong pull towards something else and I have no idea what that is. This is exciting – nervous excitement. There’s not another love interest or even a thought of one, or a friend or a family member pulling me along so I know this is a different calling.

The Council says it’s wonderful that you’ve stopped trying to control the outcome. This is the way to make the divorce happen. Stay in that feeling of excitement. Stay in the feeling of being pulled toward something new and wonderful. Even if you don’t know what you’re excited about, stay in that excited, happy feeling.

Amy says the universe takes care of my husband. Life just happens for him. He just seems to walk through life carelessly without consequences. No matter how badly he treats people or screws up, someone picks up the slack. It’s as if you can see him being carried. I know we all have a higher power watching over us. It’s just easy to see with my husband that he’s always taken care of no matter how bad his behavior is or how much he alienates friends and family. The Council says this isn’t any part of what you need to experience. He’ll go through all the emotions and all the experience he needs on his path.

Amy says, I can’t be the person I’ve been for my husband anymore. I need to move on, but I feel a block and I can’t seem to clear it. The Council says there isn’t any block. Think of the divorce moving forward. You’re on the correct path. All that you wish, if you continue to focus on it, will come to you. Let go of the time factor. It’s not necessary. Stay in a vibration of happiness and love and you’ll see your divorce come quickly.

The Council says you’re all so much more than you think you are. You’re all on this wonderful path of growth, and understanding, and realizing there are many lives you’ve experienced and many more you’ll create when you’re ready. Focus on being the creator. Focus on bringing joy and laughter into your life and everything will come to you. When you’re happy, you’ll see the connections that are being made. There will be more understanding. Stay in that feeling of joy.

Listen to the entire 10-minute audio recording of our session with The Council (below) to hear all their guidance for Amy and the rest of us and let us know what you feel about it. Or you can ask The Council a question by typing it into one of the Comment boxes that appear at the bottom of most of our blog pages.

If you like this post please consider clicking the LIKE button in the section following the audio recording to let us and other readers know. Thanks.

December 1, 2021 Posted by | Abraham-Hicks, Acceptance, Audio Content, Channeling, Pre-Incarnation Planning, Questions & Answers, Relationships, Spirit, You Create Your Reality | , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Should I Give This Man Who’s Come Back In My Life A Second Chance?

This post answers questions for The Council from a reader named, Eva. She says, After one year without any contact, this man who The Council told me (in a previous session) was my son in a previous life, has come back into my current life. He’s a father now, but he claims he can’t be with his wife and he’s asked me for a second chance. My common sense is stopping me from getting involved with him again. I’m not really happy in my marriage, but I haven’t made a decision to get a divorce.

The Council says if you’re thinking this person would be the answer to finding happiness, we would say this isn’t the way to find it. This man won’t bring you a deeper and truer relationship than what you have with your husband. Find ways to feel good about yourself.

If there’s no rush for a divorce from your husband, there’s a reason for this. Pay attention to this and look for the goodness you can find in your marriage. Be grateful. As you look for this gratitude, more will appear in your life. You’ll still be able to make the choice in the future whether to leave the marriage or not. Being with the other man isn’t the answer to what you’re trying to achieve.

Eva says, I’m always trying to do the right thing for everyone. The Council says it’s time to do the right thing for yourself. Eva asks if The Council has any advice on how she should move on. The Council advises meditation. If you can’t meditate, just sit quietly for ten minutes and see what thoughts come to you and what direction it takes you in. It’s the quieting down of your mind that will give you a stronger direction and answers to your questions.

Now is the time to focus on what you’d like your life to look like. The more you can focus on this while being grateful for what you already have, the universe will deliver more loving and happy situations to you. Meditate. Do chakra breathing to align yourself and you’ll see your life get more clarity. Ideas will come to you through your intuition, which you’ll immediately know are the right directions for you.

Eva says, I’d really like to help this man with his little girl. I’d really love to be part of his life, but at the same time I don’t want to hurt anybody. The Council asks Eva, Can you seriously think about being in this man’s life and helping him with his daughter, and not being pulled into trying to make that relationship what’s missing in the relationship you have with your husband?

If you truly want a relationship with this man, we say take your time about it and focus on the way you want this relationship to be. But there’s a lot you need to look at now in your life with your husband. Look at it, learn from it, find the gratefulness, find the love, and then create with your mind what you want your life to be like. Your marriage was something that was preplanned in spirit and you need to focus on this first.

Listen to the entire 5-minute audio recording of our session with The Council (below) to hear all their guidance for Eva and the rest of us and let us know what you feel about it. Or you can ask The Council your own question by typing it into one of the Comment boxes that appear at the bottom of most of our blog pages.

If you like this post please consider clicking the LIKE button in the section following the recording to let us and other readers know. Thanks.

November 16, 2021 Posted by | Audio Content, Channeling, Gratitude, Questions & Answers, Relationships, You Create Your Reality | , , , , | Leave a comment

Why Did My Boyfriend Stop Communicating With Me?

This post answers questions for The Council from a reader named, Momof3, who’s following up on our post, What Can You Tell Me About This Man In My Life? She says thank you so much for your response. I’ve been practicing what you suggested and was taking it slow and following my boyfriend’s lead. The signs I was getting from the universe were positive and I really felt like I was connecting deeply with this person. Was I wrong, because he ghosted me? He basically stopped communicating with me out of the blue and didn’t answer when I asked why. I thought everything was perfect and he just stopped. Do you have any idea why he did that?

The Council says at this time, a relationship with you isn’t what this man wants. Not knowing how to handle this, which is part of the lessons he wishes to go through, he just pulls away. We feel he can go back and forth on this issue until he realizes what he wants in his life. For you, knowing that he’s not ready for a relationship with you at this time, can you let this go? Or do you still want to do the inner work to create this relationship?

Momof3 says, I’m devastated and I feel disappointed and hurt for opening my heart to him. I don’t understand why he did this, especially since I felt we were so spiritually and deeply connected in a positive way. I don’t have any hard feelings towards him. On a soul level I feel he’s a good person and I still want to pursue a relationship with him. The Council says the way to pursue this relationship is to send this man love, wish him well in his life, and not try to bring him back. Wish him the happiness he’s searching for with the understanding that he needs to go through his own private challenges. In doing this the energy becomes lighter and more loving.

If this man is afraid to be trapped in something, this energy you’re sending him will change this feeling of fear. If he’s afraid you want more than he’s able to give you, this energy you’re sending him will also change this feeling. This is the way you move forward in this particular part of your life. If you still want a relationship, send him loving energy, wish him happiness, and always be thinking about how you wish the two of you can be together. If that’s now what you need at this time, send him love, light, and happiness. And hold in your heart the image of how you’d like this relationship to be. Make sure there’s no pressure. This is the message you give going back and forth while this situation continues.

Momof3 says, I know he has his free will whether he wants to pursue a relationship with me or not. And I guess he doesn’t want one even though I did want a relationship and I tried to manifest it. I’m wondering what I did wrong, or what I need to change so this doesn’t happen to me again. The Council says you didn’t do anything wrong. There’s the experiences you had together, and this man is learning from them, and hopefully you’ll learn from them. What do you want? Do you wish to go through this experience again? Do you wish to change this experience? Do you wish to let this experience go and create a relationship with someone new? The choice is always yours.

Momof3 says, I don’t want to go through repeat situations if it’s my lesson or if I need to change. Can you shed any light on this? The Council says you need to decide what you want and work with this energetically. There’s the challenge of you look at your behavior in the relationship. Decide what you think was positive and what you think was negative. What would you change to look at the relationship and see and hear clearly what this man put out to you in his words and behavior? Learn from this, then move on with your life and see which way you want to go with this relationship.

Momof3 asks if there was a miscommunication or does he just not want me? I followed my heart and my intuition. I thought we were awesome together, that we wanted the same thing, and that we could actually even complement each other. I was wrong. Now I’m doubting my own intuition and my spiritual guides, which upsets me because I can’t trust any feeling I have now. I felt like I listened to my intuition and was confident in the signs that I trusted were from the universe and my spirit guides regarding the relationship and moving forward with it, but it turned out to be wrong.

The Council asks what you learned from this? What are these signs you’ve seen, and how does that help you move forward? Look at the signs. Did you read them correctly? Everything is there when you go back into the relationship and, step by step, look and see what went on for both of you. What went on for you? What did you think? What are the words and actions this man used with you? As you learn from this you won’t have to repeat this experience.

Momof3 says, I don’t know how to let go of this situation. Can you give me any help? The Council says you let go by wishing this man love and light, and then with your imagination create a new relationship and the way you want it to be.

Listen to the entire 7-minute audio recording of our session with The Council (below) to hear all their guidance for Momof3 and the rest of us and let us know what you feel about it. Or you can ask The Council your own question by typing it into one of the Comment boxes that appear at the bottom of most of our blog pages.

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October 27, 2021 Posted by | Audio Content, Channeling, Questions & Answers, Relationships | , , , , , , | 2 Comments

What About the Strong Emotions in My Recent Dream?

This post answers questions for The Council from a reader named, Core, who had a recent dream where they woke and felt strong emotions. It felt like the dream actually happened. Maybe not in the exact form of the dream, but a similar scenario.

The Council says there was a lot coming from your subconscious, which is trying to deal with your emotions. It almost feels like your heart, where you store emotions, sort of exploded. A mish-mash of emotions and ideas that were coming through the subconscious in this dream.

These emotions are for you to feel, then release, and see what energy it’s bringing up for you in this particular life. What images do these feelings bring up? Where are they taking you?

There were other emotions in that dream that were also trying to come through. Some emotions from past lives, some from your current life, but more than a message from another life or from spirit, it was your subconscious trying to grab onto some idea and some feeling you could work on. There were many feelings that were trying to come up in this dream – love, abandonment, relationships, and self-doubt.

The best advice we can give you is to find the feeling from that dream and meditate on it. In your meditation ask for images. Pay attention to how these images make you feel. Go into that feeling. When you go into the feeling, different ideas and images can pop up. But because there was an intertwining of so many emotions, we suggest working with one emotion at a time.

And rather than going by the emotion in the dream, go by what’s going on for you in your everyday life. What emotion do you feel? Why do you feel it? What kicked the emotion off? It’s as if the emotions you have inside you that you want to deal with in your current lifetime are exploding all over the place.

Your job in your current life is to take stock of what you’re feeling on a daily basis because there’s so much going on. What are you feeling? Go into that emotion. Why are you feeling that way? Where do you think this feeling could be coming from? How would you like to feel? Do you want more of this feeling or less of it?

As you go through each emotion, picture yourself letting it go so your energy can become lighter. You make room for more clarity and more love to come in. It’s the lesson of searching. It’s the lesson of acknowledging and accomplishing what you wanted in your current life. And because there are so many emotions that you’ve gone into in other lifetimes, it’s all coming up at one time and you’re having difficulty handling it. As we said, there was such an explosion of ideas, emotions, and images that wanted to come through. The only way you can start to go through this is to understand how you feel on a daily basis.

At some point in your day if you feel anger, ask yourself what set that off? If you feel love, what set that off? Think about what you want and what you don’t want. Ask yourself how you can replace what you don’t want. Say the words, “I’m releasing energies from past lives that are hindering this life. I’m healing them and letting them go.” As you think of this, clarity will come and one emotion at a time you’re life will move forward. It’ll put you in a place where you can absorb the lighter energy and create happiness. That is what you and your subconscious are trying to get you to do in this lifetime.

Core says, I’m wondering if this dream is just a story created from my subconscious doing its normal processing, or perhaps it actually happened to me in some form, maybe as a past life or a parallel life? The Council says it’s definitely part of the normal processing. The story is from your many pasts. There are lives that touched on this dream, but we have to say here, it’s not the lives that are important. It’s the feeling.

We always bring you to a place where whatever you’re going through, you better understand what you’re trying to do, and how it affects your current life? Emotions are what you’re trying to heal in your current lifetime. You went through something similar in other lifetimes, but that’s not important. What’s important is the feeling you woke up with. Work on that.

Every day take time to examine what you’re feeling, even if it’s only ten minutes. What are you feeling? Why am I feeling that? It helps your subconscious to try and pull everything together, and it helps you know what’s affecting your life and the way you feel. You want to grow. By examining your feelings you are acknowledging yourself, understanding yourself, and healing. This is what’s important right now.

Core says, I’m also curious to know about the person who appeared in my dream. The Council says this person that appeared in your dream is a combination of many people you’ve dealt with in other lifetimes. Your subconscious brings this through as one person to make it easier for you, but this one person represents many. The Council repeats, forget the person and forget the past lives. What are you feeling? It’s your job to understand your feelings, your emotions, and your thoughts that bring the feeling into your awareness.

The Council closes by saying they can promise if Core does the meditations, and acknowledges their feelings, and tries to figure out what causes these feelings, there will be much growth moving forward and the life Core creates will become better and better.

Listen to the entire 9-minute audio recording of our session with The Council (below) to hear all their guidance for Core and the rest of us and let us know what you feel about it. Or you can ask The Council your own question by typing it into one of the Comment boxes that appear at the bottom of most of our blog pages.

If you like this post please consider clicking the LIKE button in the section following the recording to let us and other readers know. Thanks.

August 24, 2021 Posted by | Audio Content, Channeling, Emotions, Other Lifetimes, Questions & Answers, Spirit | , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

How Can I Get Into Alignment with My Purpose?

This post answers questions for The Council from a reader named, Angela, in response to a post we wrote called, Feeling Like I Want to Go Home, Even When I Am Home. Angela says, I’ve also always felt like I want to go home even when I am home. It’s nice I’m not the only one who feels this way. I feel like my soul is hurt and that’s part of the reason I feel this way. Can you ask The Council what I’m supposed to be doing? I’m so lost. How can I get into alignment with my purpose so I can find some peace?

The Council recommends creating with your imagination, the way a child does, in order to get into alignment with your purpose. Your answer is within you. There are many things you choose to do in spirit when you create a new reality. Eventually you may pick one of those things and you go in that direction. Or you want to have fun and you check off many different things that you want to do in your current reality. The way to get there is to really not be so serious about it and not worry that you’re not doing what you’re supposed to be doing.

The main thing you’re here for is to show compassion and love to yourself and others. Be supportive and help others around you that maybe aren’t having an easy time of it. Every day when you show kindness, when you can make a person smile or feel better even for a few moments, that’s your purpose. When you can do this, everything else will come to you.

For you right now we don’t advise much prayer. Just sit quietly and think about what you want. Think of yourself as a spirit and you’re the creator of what happens in your life. Think great thoughts and have dramatic imaginations. When you do this and have some fun with it, you’ll align with your purpose.

You must be in the vibration of happiness to create what you want. You’ve already created with your thoughts many things that are there for you that you want. What you have to do is line up with these creations. See them as if you already have these things and are living with them. But before you can do that you need to find a way to be happy.

Some people might say that sounds simple, but maybe it’s difficult for you to be happy. You’re depressed. You’re lost. You don’t know what to do. That feeling of depression, that feeling of being lost, is because you’re not lining up with the many, many things you’ve already created and are waiting for you in an accessible dimension. Your higher self is trying to tell you to change the way you’re thinking. Change the way you see things.

Try to have fun. Find a way to laugh. And always use your imagination. Whether you believe something can happen or not, if you play like a child with your imagination, you’ll create it. It’s as simple as that.

On the subject of going home, many people want to feel this way because on an intuitive level they remember what it’s like to truly be home in spirit. Each of us at one time or another wants to go home. Maybe it’s because you feel lost and you’ve forgotten how to create. Maybe it’s because you want your life to be easier. It’s a feeling that you need the love and peace that’s here in spirit. You can bring this love and peace to you in your reality and then you’ll feel happy with where you are. And you can truly know you will come home when you finish creating what you want to do.

Listen to the entire 5-minute audio recording of our session with The Council (below) to hear all their guidance for Angela and the rest of us and let us know what you feel about it. Or you can ask The Council your own question by typing it into a Comment box that appears at the bottom of most of our blog pages.

If you like this post please consider clicking the LIKE button in the section following the recording to let us and other readers know. Thanks.

August 5, 2021 Posted by | Audio Content, Channeling, Creation, Helping Others, Imagination, Life Purpose, Questions & Answers, Soul, Spirit | , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Why Would I Choose This Life and How Can I Have Hope?

This post answers questions for The Council from a reader named, Mari, who wonders why she’d choose the life she’s living and how she can have hope? Mari says, I had a very unhappy childhood. I’ve been depressed all my life and I discovered I wasn’t able to practice a profession I prepared for because of a cognitive impairment, which could be due to the long-lasting depression. I’m currently working in an unfulfilling job. I’m on medication that isn’t working after trying many. I’m unhappy and feel trapped in my marriage. I don’t have many friends or much support except for mental health professionals. Sometimes life seems like it’s too much. Can you advise what to do? It just seems so hopeless.

The Council says for you, because of your depression and hopeless feeling, we’d suggest reading the three Emmanuel books by Pat Rodegast and Ask And It Is Given, by Esther and Jerry Hicks. This will lighten your vibration a little.

We feel the depression you’re going through can be changed if you learn to do the chakra breathing we recommend in other posts, learn to meditate, and start reading more spiritual books. Do these every day. We feel that in time when you start to understand who you truly are as a spiritual being and what you can create, your depression will lessen and in time you won’t need the medication you’ve been taking. But you must take the step of working on yourself first.

Find thoughts that make you happy, even if you make these thoughts up and they haven’t really happened, but they are thoughts of things you want to happen. This will lighten your vibration and you’ll see, as you feel lighter and lighter, your life will begin to change for the better.

We see what you’ve created is finding another form of employment that would ideally be outside and more with nature, either working on a farm or in a nursery. If that isn’t possible, maybe working in a plant store. Be around nature. For you, walking barefoot in water would help. All of this will change how you feel. It will help your career and your marriage.

What keeps you down is the looking outward. You think the marriage and the job isn’t what you want, but it is what you want. And it will be more of what you want if you work on yourself with your good thoughts, meditation, chakra breathing, and reading the spiritual books. This will begin to turn your life around and turn it into more of what you want.

Listen to the entire 4-minute audio recording of our session with The Council (below) to hear all their guidance for Mari and the rest of us and let us know what you feel about it. Unfortunately the the quality of this recording and the recording in the next post isn’t up to our usual standards. We apologize for this and we hope to avoid this situation in the future.

If you’d like to ask The Council your own question you can type it into one of the Comment boxes that appear at the bottom of most blog pages.

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July 14, 2021 Posted by | Abraham-Hicks, Audio Content, Channeling, Marriage, Questions & Answers, Spirit | , , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Are There Things We Ask For That We’ll Never Get?

This post answers questions for The Council from a reader named, Chris, who wants to find the meaning in giving up three years of her life to help her brother who was ill and eventually died. Then his son took his own life two days later in despair.

The Council says it was a wonderful thing that you were able to support your brother for three years. Instead of looking at your situation as giving up your life, you wanted to do this to learn to be there for others. You created exactly what you wanted.

Chris says she was beyond devastated while trying to pick up the pieces of her own life following this massive tragedy. The Council says it will help you to pick up the pieces if you look at how difficult the situation was for your brother, and your being there, whether you felt it at the time or not, was a great help to him. This help was something your brother wanted to feel. He didn’t want to feel alone. He wanted to feel support and you fulfilled that wish as well as your own wish to be there for someone else. This was three years of doing exactly what you pre-planned in spirit.

Chris says, My brother’s wife had sheltered her husband and their son from help and guidance from me and my sisters prior to their passing so there wasn’t any way for us to help them. After a year I was recovering and ready to get my life back. I was still hoping to develop a loving relationship of my own. Through my work in his office I attracted a wonderful man who was in a dead marriage. He was the most incredible man I ever met. It surprised me that I’d meet someone in my later years. We developed a close, non-physical deep friendship.

The Council says this was a time for you to realize what you loved about this relationship so that when you create something more permanent, you’d know exactly what you want. Your experience was to be in this relationship and feel the happiness as something different from the losses you experienced. What is it that you like? What is it that you feel was so important that helped you? Make a note that you’d like to experience these things when you create a new relationship.

Chris says, I thought finally this man was worth the wait, but this relationship seems like it’s going nowhere. I was hoping God was finally giving me a gift, but now it appears he’s not. The Council says you’re giving yourself the gift. You are the God in your life. If you want a permanent relationship, you should start now creating it with your mind. Feel what it would be like to be in a permanent relationship and have the kindness and interest you wish to experience. You are the creator.

Chris says she feels hopeless to ever have someone of her own, and The Council replies, This kind of thinking won’t get you what you want. Chris continues, After decades of looking and being open to love, I wonder if I’m meant to be alone? The Council asks Chris, Do you believe you can create the relationship you want? Do you believe you deserve it? Do you believe that you’re the one that will bring this relationship to you? If you can honestly answer yes to these questions, then this is what you’ll have. There’s no reason to wonder, Will I get this relationship? Will God bring it to me? Just by wanting this relationship, it’s there for you. Know that after everything you’ve come through, it’s your turn to experience happiness now, to experience the relationship you want, and move forward with your life.

Chris says, I’ve given everything in love and service and I feel completely empty. Thanks for your direction. Basically, are there things we ask for that we’ll never get?

The Council says if you don’t believe you can have what you want, and you don’t know that you are the creator of your life, of course there will be things you ask for that you don’t get. If you use visualization and the feeling of what it is you want, anything you ask for you’ll get. The only reason you wouldn’t get what you ask for is if you’re not working to create it.

Create in vibration first. See what you want in the dimension of vibration and then it must come to you.

Listen to the 6-minute audio recording of our session with The Council (below) to hear all their guidance for Chris and the rest of us and let us know what you feel about it. Or you can ask The Council your own question by typing it into one of the Comment boxes that appear at the bottom of most of our blog pages

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June 28, 2021 Posted by | Audio Content, Channeling, Creation, Feelings, Helping Others, Love, Pre-Incarnation Planning, Questions & Answers, Relationships, You Create Your Reality | , , , , , | Leave a comment

Why Don’t I Have a Best Friend or a Partner?

This post answers questions for The Council from a reader named, Diana, who says she’s struggled with deep loneliness most of her life. I have good friends, but I’ve always craved a best friend who’s always there and I can trust 100% for support. I’m 46 years old and single, and I’d also love to have a partner or a husband. Is there something I’m doing wrong?

The Council suggests instead of focusing on not having a best friend, look at your situation differently. If you have many friends, they can all be a best friend. There’s always something in each person that will make you feel close to them. You’re lucky to have many friends. If you had one best friend and they moved away, you’d have nothing.

Be grateful you have these best friends. The more you can focus on being grateful you have them, one of them will become the way you want a best friend to be. Or you’ll meet someone new and you’ll bring this person in and they’ll act the way you want a best friend to be. Be more grateful for the friends you have. The more grateful you feel, the more you’ll be able to bring your life closer to the way you want it to be. By focusing on not having a best friend you’re attracting more of not having a best friend into your life.

Diana says, I’ve been attracting the wrong people. What can I do to change this? The Council says to appreciate your friends. They’re not the wrong people. They are spirits that have come into your life to teach you to learn about each one of them, and to teach you to be grateful and feel happiness they’re in your life. When you do that it forces you to grow. It allows you to bring people in your life or new people to a point where you can allow closeness. This is with friends,  people at work, and with a relationship.

If you can’t be grateful for the friends you have, you’ll never bring in the right partner because you’re searching. You’re searching for a best friend. You’re searching for closeness. And this searching prevents closeness from coming. When you’re satisfied and grateful for what you have, your friends become closer and the partner you want will appear. It’s all from your gratitude.

Diana asks, Will I find my tribe and husband one day. The Council says it’s all there for you. Change your thinking and it will happen. She asks, Should I move locations and start a new life,  or is that just escaping my issues? The Council says your issues will follow you wherever you go. If there’s somewhere you’d genuinely like to move to and have a new start, that would be fine. But if your thinking doesn’t change, if you’re not grateful for what you have, what you want won’t come to you because you’re resisting it with your thoughts and you’ll stay searching.

Diana closes by saying the loneliness is really affecting my mental health and I’d be grateful for your advice. The Council says don’t focus on your loneliness even though you’re feeling lonely. Begin changing your thoughts. Get excited about new friendships and a new partner in your life. Imagine how it will be in every way you can and in every detail. Keep thinking these thoughts and everything will change.

Listen to the entire 5-minute audio recording of our session with The Council (below) to hear all their guidance for Diana and the rest of us and let us know what you feel about it, or ask The Council your own question by typing it in a Comment box that appears at the bottom of most of our blog pages.

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May 17, 2021 Posted by | Audio Content, Channeling, Gratitude, Questions & Answers, Relationships, Spirit | , , , , , | Leave a comment

How Do I Find My Way Home in My Recurring Dreams?

This post answers questions for The Council from a reader named, Juan, who’s disturbed by The Council’s reference to evil persons acting a role and us being responsible for our misfortunes as learning paths.

The Council asks Juan who he believes should be blamed for his misfortunes. There is no one else who creates in your reality. When you create misfortunes it’s what you’re allowing yourself to focus on. It’s what you’ve allowed to be around you in this reality so you can change it, so you can see it, and bring peace, which is very much in need right now in your reality.

Evil people have agreed to come in to play the part of evil, difficult, and angry people that stir up others if the others allow this to happen. These people that you consider evil are still spirits. They aren’t what you think of as horrible. They’re playing a role that everyone concerned has agreed to.

There’s no reason to be disturbed about wars or evil because it doesn’t really exist in spirit. It’s just something that’s created in the moment to see how you want to handle it. It was created to see if you can remember who you are as spirit. Your role in coming forward was always to bring understanding and love, and change the direction of this evil into something better.

When you’re disturbed about evil people, you’re only being upset about what you’ve decided to learn about, even if you’re not one of these so-called evil people. If you know people you consider evil, or people who want war, or cause discord among each other, when you see this how do you handle it? Are you pulled into this discord? Do you stand your ground and speak only of love and ways to calm others down?

There are many people in your reality that can be brought into a terrible place of forgetting who they are and they look to harm each other. When this goes on, what do you learn from it? Can you send light and love to these groups or individuals that aren’t remembering that all is peaceful? They aren’t bad. They’re just playing the part you’ve all agreed to.

Juan says for a long time he’s had lots of dreams of being absolutely lost. I see myself in strange places trying to find my way home. I walk, drive, go over bridges, ride buses, talk to people, and never get anywhere. I don’t know where I am. My firm desire is to find my way home, but I don’t know where my home is. These dreams last for some time while I search and end when I wake up feeling dissatisfied.

The Council says these dreams of being lost are you astral projecting in the sleeping state to other places you’ve been to before, or perhaps meeting up with people you’ve known in other lifetimes. You want to go home, but the home you’re looking for is the home of spirit. Many people are going through the same process at this time. You want to go back into spirit where you remember there’s only love. You want that feeling again. You want to feel the strength, the love, the support of when you’re in spirit, and to know that everything is truly all right no matter what. You’re feeling frustrated is because you want to go home to spirit, but you’ve got things to do in this lifetime and it’s not your time to go home.

You can meditate on what life in spirit would be like, what would it look like, what would it feel like? What would it feel like being in a place where there’s only love and happiness. The joy is overwhelming. In your meditations we ask you to try and reach for that. When you meditate and you connect to your higher self, you will have the feeling of absolute love of being in spirit.

Listen to the entire 8-minute audio recording of our session with The Council (below) to hear all their guidance for Juan and the rest of us and let us know what you feel about it, or you can ask The Council your own question in one of the Comment boxes found at the bottom of most post pages.

If you like this post please consider clicking the LIKE button in the section following the recording to let us and other readers know. Thanks.

April 10, 2021 Posted by | Agreement, Audio Content, Channeling, Love, Meditation, Other Lifetimes, Questions & Answers, Spirit, You Create Your Reality | , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Who or What is the Holy Spirit?

This post answers a question from a reader named, Keith, who wants to know who or what is the Holy Spirit? Keith says when I was born again 20 years ago I experienced miracles every day for about two weeks and felt a buzz that my new Christian friends said this meant I was filled with the Holy Spirit. Lately I’ve gotten away from religion and I’m on a more direct spiritual path. Even though God and Christ come up in my readings and discussions, I’ve yet to find mention of the Holy Spirit.

The Council says what we’ve created in our reality is: God, Christ, and the Holy Spirit, are all one. Some people will feel the Holy Spirit as energy, almost like a typhoon going through your system. Some people will hear a buzz. Imagine living the rest of your life hearing this buzz every day. This wouldn’t be beneficial. What is beneficial is that you’ve experienced the Holy Spirit and it hasn’t left you. Your physical body has learned how to accept it and use it. It doesn’t matter if you’re on a religious path or a spiritual path. It’s all one.

Being born again and experiencing this buzz is a wonderful thing for you. Some people experience the acceptance of Jesus as part of this trio and they don’t experience it with a buzz, but with a great feeling of love and happiness.

Many people experience God, the father, as a state of euphoria, seeing bright lights all the time. It’s how you’ve chosen to experience this in this particular lifetime. The Council says they want to assure Keith that this energy is still within you.

Think about if this Holy Spirit is within me, how do I use it? What does it mean to me? How can I spread this feeling, maybe without talking about the religious part, the Holy Spirit and God part, but how do I spread this wonderful feeling that is within me? The way you spread it is the reason we’ve all come into this reality: to show love. To bring love from the spirit world into your reality. Meditate on this. How would you use this Holy Spirit (or Holy Ghost as some call it)  to bring happiness and love into this world?

Listen to the entire 4-minute audio recording of our session with The Council (below) to hear all their guidance for Keith and the rest of us and let us know what you feel about it, or ask The Council your own question.

If you like this post please consider clicking the LIKE button in the section following the recording to let us and other readers know. Thanks.

December 14, 2020 Posted by | Audio Content, Channeling, Feelings, Love, Meditation, Questions & Answers, Religion, Spirit | , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

What Past Lives Do My Friend and I Share?

This post answers questions for The Council from a reader named, CuriousPisces, who asks if a friend and I have any significant past lives together, what were our roles, and how does it impact our current life? My friend asked me why someone like me has come into his life because he feels closer to me than others and feels a spiritual connection.

The Council says you shared many lives together. The most recent they see you were female he was male and you were both medical doctors during World War I. You worked very well together attending to the soldiers.

Look in your current life. The closeness you feel for each other, is it that you’re in sync with each other? That’s the closeness you had in this past life during the war. And you wished to experience this closeness again, but not during a war. You wanted to experience a lifetime during peacetime where you could see how much fun you could have together just knowing what each other thought. And you desired more happiness and free time in your current life. This is the most recent life and the lessons you want to experience in your current lifetime come from that lifetime.

The Council says it was part of your planning in spirit before you came into this life to have a romantic relationship together in your current life. You planned for your relationship to develop according to what else was going on in your lives. You allowed each other the freedom to have someone else come into your lives, but you wanted a close relationship and it could go into a permanent intimate relationship.

The impact of this past life on your current life is the intimacy between the two of you, but not under the pressure of war. There was a lot of tension in that life during World War I and not much time to enjoy life. Your friend died during the war. What you planned in this life was to be in a peaceful situation and not under pressure. You wanted to find things you both enjoyed and have the time and freedom to experience that together.

Listen to the entire 4-minute audio recording of our session with The Council (below) to hear all their guidance for CuriousPisces and the rest of us and let us know what you feel about it, or ask your own question.

If you like this post please consider clicking the LIKE button in the section following the recording. Thank you.

September 1, 2020 Posted by | Audio Content, Channeling, Other Lifetimes, Pre-Incarnation Planning, Questions & Answers, Relationships, Spirit | , , , , , | 2 Comments

What Happens When a Soul Learns All It’s Lessons?

This post answers questions for The Council from a reader named, Wonder, who asks what happens when a soul learns all the lessons there are to learn.

The Council says we are never finished learning. There are always more levels. When you feel you’ve had enough learning you’d come back into another life and work on those lessons with other people. You’d help them discover these lessons and the answers they’re looking for. You’d be the catalyst to bring these people to the point of learning about the many things you already know. There’s always another approach, whether it’s to learn for ourselves or to help someone else learn.

Next Wonder asks if souls have to repeat any lessons even if those lessons have already been learned. The Council says you can go through a lesson again if you choose to repeat it because you want to see this lesson from a different perspective or you want to repeat it to teach this lesson to someone else.

Lastly Wonder asks if souls ever quarrel over anything in spirit, or are they always about showing love no matter what? The Council says it’s always about showing love. There is no quarreling in spirit. There is sharing, there’s compassion, there’s happiness, and there are jokes. It’s the most loving place you can imagine. That’s what it’s like in spirit.

Listen to the entire 3-minutes audio recording of our session with The Council (below) to hear all their guidance for Wonder and the rest of us and let us know what you feel about it, or ask your own question.

If you like this post please consider clicking the LIKE button in the section following the recording to let us and other readers know. Thanks.

March 25, 2020 Posted by | Audio Content, Channeling, Helping Others, Love, Questions & Answers, Soul, Spirit | , , , | 6 Comments

Why am I Having Mental and Physical Health Problems?

This post answers questions for The Council from a reader named, Carl, who’s wondering why he’s increasingly having problems with his mental and physical health and vitality despite feeling more aware of God, and he wants to know what he’s doing to perpetuate this struggle. He also feels he has a big purpose in this lifetime and asks how the world will come to know him.

The Council asks Carl what routine he uses for getting to know God. Do you feel the joy and happiness from knowing God? Do you feel all is well? If you feel this way the mental and physical challenges you’re going through will decline. The Council says to read about God is one thing and to think about God is another, but they ask Carl to find the feeling of God. Go into your heart and look for the light, even if it’s just a pinpoint. Grow into this light and have it expand. In this light feel for God. God is within you.

The Council says any physical and mental problems always stems from the spirit being confused on it’s path. By bringing the focus of God back into your life and your body the physical and emotional challenges you feel, no matter what they are, will slowly disappear.

How quickly Carl is able to feel better depends on him. How often are you willing to feel the presence of God in your heart and sit in this vibration? Once you begin to do this, even if it’s just for one minute, you’ll begin to see the change. You’ll see how nice this feels and you’ll want to stay in this vibration. You’ll gradually meditate for longer periods of time to stay in this vibration longer and your life will begin to change.

The Council says by Carl not being enough in the light his thoughts aren’t appropriate for what he’s trying to achieve. Change your thoughts. Focus on the energy of love. Be kinder to yourself and do more things you enjoy. If you can get in the vibration of laughter you’ll begin to heal faster.

The Council says each spirit that’s here knows Carl. The fastest way to get people to know you and want to know more about you is to offer these people love, kindness, a service if you can help someone, or an ear to listen to them. As people begin to see you their idea of who you are also changes. The Council says you can take this into any part of your life. You can take this into relationships, you can take this into your career, and you can take this into family matters. By working on this level of love, kindness, and service, doors will open to you and people will want to be around you.

Listen to the entire audio recording of our session with The Council (below) to hear all their guidance for Carl and the rest of us and let us know what you feel about it, or ask your own question.

If you like this post please consider clicking the LIKE button in the section following the recording to let us and other readers know. Thanks.

January 10, 2020 Posted by | Audio Content, Challenges, Channeling, Feelings, Life Purpose, Love, Questions & Answers, Spirit | , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

How Can I Find Work I Feel Passionate About?

This post answers questions for The Council from a reader named, Rob, who asks about following your natural passion. He’s heard if you want to generate money, you just need to do what’s natural and money will be a by-product of that.

The Council replies that you must do what makes you happy. When you’re in the vibration of happiness, that vibration includes money, it includes abundant health, it includes growth in every direction, and it includes abundance of every kind. Everything must be done from the vibration of happiness.

Rob says he’s always been shy, physically weak, has concentration issues,  maybe he has an attention disorder, and all these things make a normal occupation seem unrealistic. The Council suggests rather than thinking less of yourself for creating these limitations, you created them for the purpose of working through them, changing them, being happy, and being successful. 

Rob says he chose an easy program in college because he was unsure what to do and he feels this has limited his success at getting meaningful jobs. The Council says every job is meaningful if you’re grateful you have it, you grow from it, and you can have more. It’s up to you to look at whatever job you create and make sure you love it and that it feels good to you. It’s not about what your parents or your friends think is meaningful. How does it feel for you?

Rob says he has no specific skills, experience, or connections and has a warehouse job he dislikes. He feels the universe is encouraging him to leave this job sometimes because it continues to get more difficult in various ways. The Council says this is a sign. If you don’t follow this sign the universe will step in and make your job a little more difficult. If you still don’t follow these signs the universe thinks you’re not getting the message and maybe you’ll have an accident and can’t go to work for a couple weeks. The universe wants to know what else it can do so you get the message to get out of this job and trust there will be something else.

Rob asks The Council’s advice for someone in his difficult position and The Council says you’re not in a difficult position. You’re in the exact position you wanted to be. You created your life so you’d be in this position. It’s time for you to make a change. We suggest you look for work outside. This is the next step you wanted. You’re in transition. Nature will give you a lot of new energy and bring you new ideas. When you’re grateful for what you have, when you accept the change and trust you can accomplish so much more, it will come. There are no menial jobs. Every job is needed. Believe in yourself and you’ll find a new job.

Rob says perhaps there are examples of what the Seth material refers to as probable selves that are more successful and I can get ideas from them. The Council says there are many you’s in different past, present, and future realities. If there’s something you’d love to do, meditate on it or write down what you’d like. In another life you’ve done it or this desire wouldn’t be here. Pretend to see what that life is like so you can connect with a part of your other self and bring that information into this reality so you can do that here. The information is there.

You are an intelligent being. You’re a spirit who came into this life creating all kinds of stuff and if you need help from angels, they will come. If you need to connect with your higher self, you will. If you need to connect to the many parts of you that are in other realities and on other planets, you will. You’ll raise your vibration. You’ll be excited about life. You’ll love that there’s a new part of you that’s waiting to develop and you’ll call it in.

The Council closes by saying Rob is on his path and asks him to be excited he’s in this reality. No matter what you created in this lifetime, whether it’s something to be grateful for or if it’s challenges, it’s all wanted. And you’ll find your way through it, help will be there, you’ll love yourself, and you’ll go on.

Listen to the entire 11-minute audio recording of our session with The Council (below) to hear all their guidance for Rob and the rest of us, and let us know what you feel about it. Or ask an unrelated question.

If you like this post, please do us a favor and click the LIKE button in the section after the recording to let us and other readers know. Thanks.

July 24, 2019 Posted by | Audio Content, Challenges, Channeling, Desire, Law of Attraction, Love, Questions & Answers, Spirit, You Create Your Reality | , , , , , , | 3 Comments

Am I On the Right Track with My New Relationship?

This post answers questions for The Council from a reader named, Sarah, who says she’d like to understand where she’s at with her spiritual development and current events in her life. Sarah says she’s done a lot of work on herself and feels very connected to herself and spirit. But she’s always concerned she’s coming from her ego, fooling herself, and making choices for the wrong reasons.

The Council asks Sarah if her concern is coming from her head or her heart. If you truly believe you’ve done a lot of work on yourself and you’re growing, your doubting would be an old pattern you’re here to learn about and let go of. When you need to make a decision get out of your head and into your heart, ask the question, then go into your solar plexus and see how you feel. Your higher self will communicate to you through the way your feel in your solar plexus. Was your doubting and the idea of being in your ego taught to you by someone? Why aren’t you relaxed enough to think, I’ve made a change and learned different things. It’s time for you to come to a place of trust and being at peace within yourself.

Sarah says a large change may be coming into her life due to a recent serendipitous meeting. She had feelings of home and recognition when she met this person although they’re very different. Creating a relationship will have many obstacles and she’s curious what’s happening here. Does she feel so sure about this person because the relationship is pre-planned?

The Council says the situation involves two spirits recognizing each other. That’s the familiar feeling. It was pre-planned to meet each other, to come into each other’s life and be helpful, but it wasn’t pre-planned to be a romantic relationship. A romance is still possible if you both wish to take your relationship in this direction. But The Council repeats what was pre-planned was to come into each other’s lives and be helpful to one another. You will recognize each other by a familiar deja-vu feeling. Sarah says she can’t see a way she’s fooling herself, but is she. The Council replies, not at all.

Sarah says she feels confident she wants to create a relationship with this person, but it’s going to be a little daunting due to the distance involved. She asks if they’re on the right track and if these obstacles will resolve themselves? The Council says you’re on the right track by meeting and recognizing a familiar feeling. In your friendship see where this takes you. What do you bring to each other? What are you learning? Then see if both of you want more than the friendship, or is it just a coming together to learn about life.

Your relationship will be what you want it to be, but it’s necessary for both of you to do the inner work. And it’s necessary, as you create whatever kind of friendship or relationship you desire, to come from the vibration of joy, of happiness, of positively knowing you can have whatever you desire by visualizing it. Go slowly with this relationship and enjoy what you have together.

You are on your path and will find your way by being excited you’re in this reality. And no matter what you created, whether it’s something to be grateful for or if it’s challenging, it’s all wanted and you’ll find your way through it and grow. Help will be there. You’ll love yourself and you’ll go on.

Listen to the entire 6-minute audio recording of our session with The Council (below) to hear all their guidance for Sarah and the rest of us. And let us know what you feel about the session, or feel free to ask an unrelated question.

If you like this post, please do us a favor and click the LIKE button in the section after the recording to let us and other readers know. Thanks.

July 21, 2019 Posted by | Audio Content, Channeling, Pre-Incarnation Planning, Questions & Answers, Relationships, Spirit | , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments