Ask The Council

What will you ask Spirit?

What Past Lives Do I Need To Know About?

This post answers questions for The Council from an anonymous reader about past lives.

Anonymous: Are there any past lives that I need to know about? I feel like I’m getting feelings about new people I’ve met. Maybe it’s a lot of healing and transmutation, but it’s all new to me.

Council: So we would say at this time it’s no particular life that you need to know about. All of your past lives affect you. There are different things that you call in and are needed at this time that want to be repeated or healed.

But the part that you say is, you’re getting a lot of feelings about new people. These are to help you grow. These people, there are some that will stay in your life forever in this lifetime with you, but it’s to make you question and learn more about why do they feel familiar. What is going on? So that will open you up to past lives. It will open you up to the idea that you are spirit.

Anonymous: We’d love to suggest to you to read any of the books by Brian Weiss. One particular one, Only Love Is Real, by Brian Weiss, is the perfect beginner book, and it will sort of keep you on the edge of your seat towards the end. But read his books, then perhaps listen to tapes, then go to a workshop that he does, if it’s possible. That’s going to open you up to knowing who you are. And he does this so that people no longer fear death, because you find out you go on and on. There is no ending. There’s just going from one life to another.

So when you feel close to new people, keep the friendships. See what you can find out about them, where they came from, where they grew up, what they like. And it’s going to set off little ideas in your head about you, and that’s what this is all about. So you’re at the part where you’re ready to learn and bring forth intuition, and new ways of dealing with people and learning about them on a much deeper level.

And so we wish all of you great happiness on your journey. You’ve all created this, and you all wanted to learn so much from what you have created. And we would say with that, have fun with it.

Listen to the entire 3-minute audio recording of our session with The Council (below) to hear all their guidance for Anonymous and the rest of us, and let us know what you feel about it.

You can also ask The Council your own question for free by typing it into one of the Comment boxes that appear at the bottom of most of our blog pages, and we’ll answer it when we have time.

If you prefer to keep your comment private, you can pay $60 to speak with The Council on the telephone for a half-hour by clicking this link. Once we receive your payment, we’ll contact you by email to arrange a mutually convenient day and time for your phone call and your questions.

If you like this post, please click the LIKE button in the section following the recording to let us and other readers know. Thanks.

April 22, 2024 Posted by | Audio Content, Channeling, Other Lifetimes, Questions & Answers, Spirit, You Create Your Reality | , , , , | Leave a comment

What About Barbara Marciniak’s Communication From The Pleiadians That We’re Governed By A Group Wants To Wipe Out Humanity?

This post answers questions for The Council from an anonymous reader who asks about communication from beings in the Pleiadian star system reported to come through a channel named, Barbara Marciniak.

Anon: With regard to the multi-dimensional revelation, there has been communication by the Pleiadians through Barbara Marciniak that we’re governed by a group that’s having their own power shift, and frankly wants to wipe out the current stock of humanity to create a trans-human race. How will we know who’s on our side in this new positive evolution you speak of versus the tricksters who want our demise?

Council: There are always entities that come in and are here to guide us and help keep us from destroying ourselves. And of course there are other powerful entities that want to take over. But again, you must remember who you are, what you think of, and that what you focus on will be created in your life.

And so the main reason other entities are here is to teach us and to show us, especially at this time, that a government, or any ruling class that keeps secrets from the people in this world, do it because of power they don’t want you to remember, or learn again how powerful you are, and how to use this power to create.

And so, many of the entities that are here are to help us learn, and not to follow people that are power-hungry. And that you can see by what they say and their behavior, they want to keep secrets and want to keep information that would be totally new and advance you. When you see this, then you know there’s more going on, and to be aware of those people, and watch what’s happening. And then create with your mind how you’d like it to be.

Anon: Or is all of what Barbara Marciniak is saying the Pleiadians are saying a bunch of BS (bullshit)?

Council: It’s true for Barbara Marciniak, and it’s true for the people who believe this. But if you didn’t believe any of this and had no interest in it, it wouldn’t appear in your reality. That’s how powerful you are.

Anon: Humans tend to be rather trusting when encountered by those who seem to be more powerful and have messianic traits. Is what’s going on now a sort of initiation process to get us to trust our intuition, or Source, and not look to others to save us?

Council: It’s not an initiation. It’s a learning process. And yes, you are here to learn what your intuition is beginning to tell you.

And so once again these are lovely questions. And we send everyone loving energy, and support from the Spirit world to love yourself, and learn how to walk down that path, and be kind to each other.

Listen to the entire 4-minute audio recording of our session with The Council (below) to hear all their guidance for this anonymous reader and the rest of us, and let us know what you feel about it.

You can also ask The Council your own question (for free) by typing it into one of the Comment boxes that appear at the bottom of most of our blog pages. We’ll answer it in a post as soon as we can.

Or you can pay $60 for a private half-hour live telephone session with The Council to ask them your questions by clicking on this link.

If you like this post, please click the LIKE button in the section following the recording to let us and other readers know. Thanks.

September 5, 2023 Posted by | Audio Content, Channeling, Questions & Answers, You Create Your Reality | , , | 2 Comments

Did I Miss A Date With Destiny?

This post answers questions for The Council from a reader named, Anonymous #3.

Anon #3: I’ve been experimenting with these techniques and I’ve seen how much of my body I’ve ignored in my decision-making processes. It’s been really useful and insightful, so thank you.

Bob: I assume Anonymous #3 is referring to The Council’s meditation techniques.

Anon #3: I had a strange experience connected to this which has thrown up related questions which I thought I’d ask. A couple of months ago I felt compelled, almost moved beyond my control,  to apply for a job in another country, as jobs in my sector are scarce.

Council: Your strong sense of doing this lets you know that it comes from your higher self and that it was something you pre-planned in spirit before you were born.

Anon #3: Afterward I decided I didn’t really want this job. What was I thinking? When I was offered an interview, I was full of fear and a feeling I shouldn’t take this job, so I withdrew my application after journaling and finding nothing positive about it.

Council: So you created going further, an interview with someone interested in you. And yet what we see here is that out of fear you didn’t go in the direction of this job. And that, of course, is always your choice.

Anon #3: I don’t really understand what happened, and now I’m afraid I missed a date with destiny. Is this true? Did I?

Council: Never. Whenever there’s something that’s strongly wanted that perhaps you planned for in spirit, you’ll get the opportunity. When you miss it, you miss that particular opportunity. You don’t miss your destiny, or you don’t miss going on the path that you wish to go on. You will have other opportunities. It will come in other ways. It will always take you to where you want to go.

But we’d say to work on fear. What happens if you take a chance and do something very different? Do you go with love, or do you go with fear? If you go with fear, okay, you’re still not ready. Another opportunity will come along. It will always be there. And if, for some reason, you turn down everything that you create that will help you get there, you’ll have an opportunity to do it in another life. So there is no wrong answer.

The answer for you is to learn how to look at things with love instead of fear, to imagine the good that could come out of it, and that you are always protected. Your higher self, which is you, is taking you down this path.

Anon #3: Does the opportunity you’re destined for come around again?

Council: Of course.

Anon #3: Do we ever miss our calling?

Council: No.

Anon #3: And what happens to the soul contracts with the people I missed by not taking this opportunity? Do other people and experiences come in and take their place?

Council: Of course. It’s always planned in spirit. If I do this, what happens? And then a spirit will say, “Then I’ll jump in.” Or we’ll create something different and we’ll make ourselves be there. There are always backup plans. You are never left high and dry.

Anon #3: I also wonder about that strange, being moved to apply for the job, feeling.

Council: That was your higher self. When it comes with such force and you start thinking, “Am I nuts? What am I thinking of this for? Why would I want to do this?” It’s your intuition. It’s your higher self saying, “This is what I wanted. This is what I wanted. Come on. Come on.” And sometimes that feeling is overwhelming, and the choice is yours.

Anon #3: Was that my higher self moving through me, or spirit aligning me to my purpose?

Council: Definitely.

Anon #3: Or was I just wishful thinking and panic applying, as I really need a job?

Council: Wishful thinking doesn’t come with the force of a feeling that says, “I must do this. I don’t know why,” and doubting, and questioning. But the feeling that’s there is more than wishful thinking, and that’s how you know there’s something going on here. This is something I must want and my higher self is guiding me.

Anon #3: Does spirit ever move through us like that…

Bob: …meaning the panic applying for the job…

Anon #3: …and if so, how do we know it’s that and not us or our higher self?

Council: When it’s fear, you’ll feel it in your body. It’s a different feeling. It’s not overwhelming. There’s a lot of doubt and a lot of thinking going on with your brain, why you should or why you shouldn’t do something.

When it’s your higher self, the feeling is there and you know this is something that you need to follow, but it feels good. And you don’t have to know how it’s going to happen, or when, or where. But that feeling, that really overpowering feeling that sometimes you can just giggle about it, like am I crazy? What is this? It’s a good, happy feeling.

Anon #3: Also, I was wondering how I could have been moved to do something that I first changed my mind about and then felt so much fear around.

Council: Because being in the human body and thinking with the human brain, sometimes it’s very difficult to accept that your higher self can come through so strong, and there’s a lot of success and happiness waiting for you, but it’s the doubt and fear that holds you back.

And so you will go through two feelings. It will feel great, then it will feel horrible. What am I thinking? Oh, but imagine if this happened. A lot of going back and forth, but you always go with the feeling that feels good. When you doubt, that’s not your higher self. Your higher self will never take you down that road. Anything coming from your higher self will feel great.

Anon #3: I’d really love to feel clarity around this, so any light that you can shed that will help me move forward in my understanding would be appreciated. Hopefully there are others out there that will also find this information helpful.

Council: So when something comes so strongly and you don’t know whether to believe in if it’s right or if it’s not, and you have those back and forth feelings, just sit. Sit quietly for 10 minutes and think of it and the feeling that came with it. Will it bring you happiness? Is it something you could never imagine happening and that it could be so wonderful? Concentrate on the wonderfulness of it and imagine what it would be like. Play with it and you will bring it forward, and you’ll start feeling better and better about it.

And so the choice is to feel that good feeling. Imagine what it would be like and just take a chance. You can even go on an interview and if you’re still afraid, turn it down. You will get other opportunities.

Have fun on your journeys. Everyone is on their journey. Find the good feeling and continue on that path.

Listen to the entire 10-minute audio recording of our session with The Council (below) to hear all their guidance for Anonymous #3 and the rest of us, and let us know what you feel about it.

If you like this post, please click the LIKE button in the section following the recording to let us and other readers know. Thanks.

July 16, 2023 Posted by | Audio Content, Career, Channeling, Choice, Decision Making, Feelings, Love, Pre-Incarnation Planning, Questions & Answers | , , , , , , , , | 7 Comments

Is This Man At Work Interested In Getting To Know Me Better?

This post answers questions for The Council from a reader named, Clueless. after she read our previous post on a similar subject, Is This Man Interested In Knowing Me Better?

Clueless: Wow, I’m experiencing the same thing. I haven’t asked the guy at work for coffee, but everyone says I should.

Council: So everyone knows what’s best for you, and what you should or should not do.

Clueless: So many people at work think he’s interested, but I see no signs at all.

Council: There’s your answer. That is what you have to learn. It doesn’t matter if one, two, fifty, or one hundred people tell you what to do. Do you see it? Do you feel it? Do you feel it’s right to go and do this? Does it make you comfortable? Does it make you uncomfortable? Forget what everyone else says. Learn to follow your intuition.

Clueless: I’d love to get to know him as a friend, as we have so much in common, but I fear the rejection.

Council: Everyone in your reality doesn’t like rejection. But you must remember that if you are rejected in this lifetime, that doesn’t mean you won’t create with this person in another lifetime.

But is this experience teaching you to ask for what you want? It might be good for you to become friends with this person, but how does it make you feel? That’s where your answer is. Forgetting what everyone else says, forgetting about the rejection, is the Earth going to explode if you are rejected? Are you going to walk down the street and get hit by a car, or better yet get hit by lightning because you’re rejected? No.

Can you take the chance of asking this man to have coffee with you, and if you get a, “No”, can you say, “Alright, so I was right and those other people were wrong.” And so I’ve had that experience, and let it go. It’s just an experience. But if there’s a part of you that wants to ask him to have coffee, that wants to be friends, take the chance. Nothing horrible will happen.

So what do you learn from rejection? It doesn’t feel good, but at least I took a chance. And the next time it will be easier to take a chance. Or someone will take a chance and ask you to have coffee.

So it’s all about following your intuition. And if everybody is thinking, “This guy is interested,” then you can always tell these people that he should ask you. And if they say, “Well, he’s shy,” you can just laugh and say, “Well he’ll get over his shyness if he wants to know me better. But be playful about it. Don’t take things so seriously.

You know we’ve all come here to learn and have fun. And jumping into this reality we knew whatever happens, I can handle it, but let’s see what I learn from this lifetime. Let’s see what I learn from this creating. Will it make me strong? Will it make me proud of myself? And that’s what this is all about. It’s not that if you are rejected the world comes to an end and you can never go forward. It’s taking a chance. Pat yourself on the back. It worked, I took a chance, it worked, or it didn’t work. Okay, that person is not ready. I was ready, but that person wasn’t, so this isn’t the time. That is all that it is.

Clueless: Whatever others are seeing, I’m not seeing it from him. He’s an awesome guy, but I don’t know if he’s shy, or purely just not interested.

Council: So you have a choice here to wait until you see some sign from him, or to just jump in and ask, or to just wait. Just follow your feeling if it tells you to wait. And that’s the answer. Do you take a chance? Can you stop relying on what everyone else is saying and wait it out, or take the chance? In your imagination, in your thoughts, you can always see him asking you out. Having the feeling: Oh, I’m so surprised, this feels so great, he’s asking me. Create it that way, from joy, from happiness, and you’ll get what you want.

It makes us very happy to help. It’s so much fun for us to give answers to help people move forward. That’s our purpose right now.

Listen to the entire 6-minute audio recording of our session with The Council (below) to hear all their guidance for Clueless and the rest of us, and let us know what you feel about it. You can also ask The Council your own question by typing it into one of the Comment boxes that appear at the bottom of most of our blog pages and we’ll post their answer as soon as we can.

If you like this post, please click the LIKE button in the section following the recording to let us and other readers know. Thanks.

May 4, 2023 Posted by | Audio Content, Channeling, Creation, Imagination, Questions & Answers, Reincarnation, Relationships | , , | 2 Comments

Did I Set Up A Difficult Time As A Test Of Faith?

This post answers questions for The Council from a reader named, Anonymous Number 3.

Anon 3: Your posts lately have been incredible. Thank you so much. To keep the conversation going I have a question that ties in with your post, Coming From Your Heart, Connecting To Your Higher Self, And Feeling Good, and your post, What Are The Limits To Positive Thinking?

Council: Oh, there are no limits to positive thinking.

Anon 3: I had a huge leap in my spiritual awareness around 2013 when I found Abraham’s Law of Attraction.

Council: Oh, wonderful. Yes, it’s so helpful, and it’s leading many people to see things differently.

Anon 3: I had this incredible experience of seemingly pulling things out of thin air. It was exhilarating. Some years later disaster struck and my entire life crashed around me. Within a couple months I found myself homeless, unwell, and without my beloved partner.

Council: Look how you created the other side of the coin. And so you created it to learn from it, experience it, and change whatever you wish to change.

Anon 3: The Abraham System didn’t work for me then. I don’t think I’ve understood why that happened yet. I usually learned the lesson from an experience, but this one has consistently evaded me, and I think I’m still scarred by it even though it was six years ago.

Council: You’ve created this experience, (we’ll use Abraham’s words) you’ve created this contrast in your life to see how it was wonderful, and now experiencing the other side of the coin. And it’s your wish at this point to change it back. And you feel the Abraham material isn’t working for you because now what your higher self is showing you is you must find another way. Abraham took you so far, you see it works, and if you stop doubting it would work again.

But now you seem to be looking for something else. And many of the souls right now, what they’re looking for is a way to connect with their higher selves and to get the answer themselves. And what we’ve all agreed on before coming into this reality is that at a certain stage of your life, you’d get your answers by the way you feel, and that’s by connecting with the Heart Chakra.

So whatever it is that you want – success, more money, a new lover – go into your heart chakra and see the beautiful green or pink light, and picture what you want. And then sit and ask your higher self, how do I get there? You’ll be surprised how you will get ideas and how things will automatically come to you because every day you’ll say: “I want to come from my heart. I want to connect with my higher self. I want that guidance in my life.” And so when you do that, you’ll begin to see how in control you are to put yourself on the path you want, and have a life of joy, which we all planned for when we came into this life.

And so we experience the opposites and then we find a way to change it. And we bring in the good, and sometimes we go back into what Abraham describes as contrast, and then we change it again. Life goes up and down, up and down. And that’s what we all want because we figure: Coming here, this will be a lot of fun. Let’s see what I create. Let’s see who comes in to help me in this life. And so that is where you are right now.

You are to rely on yourself by taking the time every day to tell your higher self you want to connect with it because you are your higher self. But you want to find a way to create things beautifully and easily in your life. So when you have to make a decision, ask your higher self, and sit and wait. And don’t wait for the words. Think of which way you want it to go. Then how do you feel? How does it feel in your chest? in your stomach? How does your body feel? And that is what we all, at this time, are learning. How to make decisions and create a better life by what we feel. Not logically, not with words, but by what we feel. That’s what we mean to get across: How we feel. And that’s why you are now on a new way of learning.

Anon 3: Since my life fell apart six years ago I’ve felt it almost impossible to align to my highest timeline or do the Abraham work because when I do, I remember what happened to me and I think there’s no point.

Council: And so, right there, that belief, that thought, will never make it work.

Anon 3: Did I set this catastrophic time up as a test of faith?

Council: Of course. You set it up for a lot of reasons, but mostly so that you would grow, and you will learn how to guide yourself.

Anon 3: Around then I started asking my higher self for guidance, but I’m not sure whether I can trust it.

Council: Of course you can trust it, but you must learn to work with the feelings. Go into the heart chakra, picture what you want in there and ask the question. Ask your higher self: Show me, and then forget about the doubt. And of course, when you do doubt, just acknowledge it and say: “No, No. I will wait. I am my higher self. I am connecting to me. I am connecting to what I have planned and what I want to go through in this life.” And you will see the difference.

Anon 3: At the time, I asked for and thought I saw signs that my partner was returning, but they never did. Since then I’ve asked for guidance about several other things and it was spot on.

Most recently I have finally, after all these years, felt ready to be in another relationship and really want to be married.

Council: And if that is what you really want, and you work with your higher self, and you work with being in joy and happiness, and aligning with that higher vibration, you will bring that in.

Anon 3: I’ve asked my higher self if this new person in my life is the one, and it’s continually and consistently sent me signs saying: Yes, yes, yes.

Council: Okay, so then when you sit down and you meditate, thank your higher self and ask to be shown more signs that this person is for you. It’s that simple. The doubts are what changes the outcome. And so with faith in your intuition, in your higher self, ask for the signs and wait until you see them.

Anon 3: But because I thought I saw these same signs about my ex-partner, I’m doubting them.

Council: Of course, but now you have another way to do it. Now you have another way to ask. And you have another way to find the answers, and that is with your feelings.

Anon 3: I also did this thing where for a long time I followed angel numbers and synchronicities thinking they must be my path.

Council: Oh, it helps many, many people. And then again after a while that doesn’t seem to work because you want more. Your higher self wants you to learn you can do it easily. You can do it from your own knowledge, and the answers will come from you.

Anon 3: But most of the time I just landed in hot water by following the angel numbers and synchronicities…

Council: Ah, there’s a sign.

Anon 3: …where they were indicative that something bad was going to happen, which adds to the mistrust I now feel of the signs I receive. I’d love to know what happened there.

Council: You don’t need the angel numbers and synchronicities anymore. That’s why you created it not to work the way it did before. It’s only your way of finding a way to get guidance for yourself, a way to grow and learn how powerful it is when you can ask your higher self and get the answer from your higher self, not from anywhere else.

Anon 3: How do I know if and when I can trust the signs I’m being sent by my higher self?

Council: Because your higher self will only send you positive answers, and it will always feel good. And the outcome – whatever it’s showing you to do, or say, or the direction to go in – will always bring you experiences that are positive, that make you feel good, and help you grow more in a positive direction.

And so we send you all blessings, and thoughts of happiness, and thoughts of love and joy. And seeing the energy around you growing and becoming more beautiful. And you feel lighter than you have ever felt before because you are light. Let it shine.

Listen to the entire 12-minute audio recording of our session with The Council (below) to hear all their guidance for Anonymous Number 3 and the rest of us, and let us know what you feel about it. You can also ask The Council your own question by typing it into one of the Comment boxes that appear at the bottom of most of our blog pages. We’ll answer it as soon as we are able.

If you like this post, please click the LIKE button in the section following the recording to let us and other readers know. Thanks.

March 9, 2023 Posted by | Abraham-Hicks, Audio Content, Chakras, Challenges, Channeling, Connecting With Spirit, Feelings, Guidance, Law of Attraction, Marriage, Pre-Incarnation Planning, Questions & Answers, Relationships, Soul, Spirit, You Create Your Reality | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

What Is My Life Purpose?

This post answers questions for The Council from a reader named LDavis1978, who says, I’m on a journey of self-awareness and manifestation. I know I want a lifestyle based on freedom and being with family and the ones I love. I know I want to be my own boss, spend my time how I wish, and do something I love. However, I’m stuck on my life purpose. How can I best serve and add value to humanity? Obviously I still need money, which I know is energy. Can The Council help me with my purpose in life?

The Council says your purpose and everyone else’s is to come into this reality and have fun, to bring love in, to have challenges and turn them around, to not take yourself too seriously, and most of all to learn there’s so much more in this reality than you’re aware of.

We see you planned to have the freedom to move around and to work for yourself. You say you’ve taken many courses, and this is a good thing. When you planned this reality you wanted to find something you really liked and then become a coach in this. You wanted to find a way to help people.

At first you thought you wanted to help people physically, but then you changed it because you knew the direction this reality was going and what everyone would face. You decided you wanted to help people develop their minds. You wanted to find out how to work with your own mind first, to manifest with it, be positive, connect with other people, and work with energy. You were very interested in bringing this in and coaching people on how to do this.

In your current reality have fun, but look at your life. Take many classes until you find something that works with the mind that you’re really interested in. And then, after you are well into this subject, come up with things you’ve changed in your own life and how you’ve gone about this. Perhaps you can teach people in small groups, or perhaps just starting with your family or a few friends, to look at things differently. Anything you choose to learn in this lifetime that has to do with expanding the mind and showing people how to do this was your goal in this reality.

You can turn this coaching into a way to make a living. At first you’d do whatever job you have at the moment, but while you were doing this, take your free time to learn more and more about the mind. That was your purpose for coming into this lifetime. You wanted to do this very lightly with a lot of fun and in ways that are easy to understand. When you learn something and it is difficult for you to understand, think of another way you could teach people how to understand this. Come up with your own ways that are more simplistic that can reach more people. This would give you the freedom and the time you desire.

LDavis asks, What are the skills I can use to serve and create a lifestyle for myself and my family based on freedom? The Council says your biggest skill is you know how to learn and you know how to listen and turn things around in your mind. The whole purpose of this particular lifetime is for you to learn to use your mind and pass this learning on to others.

LDavis says, I struggle to think of any skills I have or what brings me joy. The Council says being friendly, being a good listener, bringing fun into whatever you learn, having interesting questions that you can ask people, having a collection of interesting stories of what’s happened to you so far in this life, and sharing these things with others. You were a great storyteller in the Indian culture many lifetimes ago. You can tell stories. And the way you tell them will bring about the information that’s needed for people to have in this lifetime.

LDavis says, I’ve joined programs where I meditate, journal, do inner work, set goals, and visualize. The Council says this is wonderful and asks how you’d teach these things? How would you put your own creation into teaching these things and making them easier and more fun?

LDavis says, I can see the end result. I understand my why, which is my family, but I need guidance on my dharma, my purpose and the steps to take me there. The Council says you’ve already taken many steps with the journaling, with the meditation, reaching out, and learning different things. Do you see you already intuitively were putting yourself on the path of working with your mind? With your mind you’ve increased the ability to write, to journal, to put your understanding or questions into it. You use your mind to meditate, and then let go. You’re already doing what you planned.

Going forward just remember, anything that would reach people and teach them how to increase their ability with their minds, and know this is where we manifest with our thoughts and our visualizations, will give you a whole new career.

The Council wishes everyone fun on their path, happiness along the way, challenges you can overcome, creation of the manifestations you desire, and you can begin to learn it’s easier and easier to direct your life. Stay in joy, stay in love, and follow your path.

Listen to the entire 8-minute audio recording of our session with The Council (below) to hear all their guidance for LDavis1978 and the rest of us and let us know what you feel about it. And you can ask The Council your own question by typing it into one of the Comment boxes that appear at the bottom of most of our blog pages.

If you like this post please consider clicking the LIKE button in the section following the recording to let us and other readers know. Thanks.

January 7, 2022 Posted by | Audio Content, Channeling, Expansion, Helping Others, Life Purpose, Meditation, Other Lifetimes, Pre-Incarnation Planning, Questions & Answers, Spirit | , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Should I Give This Man Who’s Come Back In My Life A Second Chance?

This post answers questions for The Council from a reader named, Eva. She says, After one year without any contact, this man who The Council told me (in a previous session) was my son in a previous life, has come back into my current life. He’s a father now, but he claims he can’t be with his wife and he’s asked me for a second chance. My common sense is stopping me from getting involved with him again. I’m not really happy in my marriage, but I haven’t made a decision to get a divorce.

The Council says if you’re thinking this person would be the answer to finding happiness, we would say this isn’t the way to find it. This man won’t bring you a deeper and truer relationship than what you have with your husband. Find ways to feel good about yourself.

If there’s no rush for a divorce from your husband, there’s a reason for this. Pay attention to this and look for the goodness you can find in your marriage. Be grateful. As you look for this gratitude, more will appear in your life. You’ll still be able to make the choice in the future whether to leave the marriage or not. Being with the other man isn’t the answer to what you’re trying to achieve.

Eva says, I’m always trying to do the right thing for everyone. The Council says it’s time to do the right thing for yourself. Eva asks if The Council has any advice on how she should move on. The Council advises meditation. If you can’t meditate, just sit quietly for ten minutes and see what thoughts come to you and what direction it takes you in. It’s the quieting down of your mind that will give you a stronger direction and answers to your questions.

Now is the time to focus on what you’d like your life to look like. The more you can focus on this while being grateful for what you already have, the universe will deliver more loving and happy situations to you. Meditate. Do chakra breathing to align yourself and you’ll see your life get more clarity. Ideas will come to you through your intuition, which you’ll immediately know are the right directions for you.

Eva says, I’d really like to help this man with his little girl. I’d really love to be part of his life, but at the same time I don’t want to hurt anybody. The Council asks Eva, Can you seriously think about being in this man’s life and helping him with his daughter, and not being pulled into trying to make that relationship what’s missing in the relationship you have with your husband?

If you truly want a relationship with this man, we say take your time about it and focus on the way you want this relationship to be. But there’s a lot you need to look at now in your life with your husband. Look at it, learn from it, find the gratefulness, find the love, and then create with your mind what you want your life to be like. Your marriage was something that was preplanned in spirit and you need to focus on this first.

Listen to the entire 5-minute audio recording of our session with The Council (below) to hear all their guidance for Eva and the rest of us and let us know what you feel about it. Or you can ask The Council your own question by typing it into one of the Comment boxes that appear at the bottom of most of our blog pages.

If you like this post please consider clicking the LIKE button in the section following the recording to let us and other readers know. Thanks.

November 16, 2021 Posted by | Audio Content, Channeling, Gratitude, Questions & Answers, Relationships, You Create Your Reality | , , , , | Leave a comment

A Major Planetary Energetic Shift Will Happen in August 2019

This post answers questions for The Council from a reader named, Rosina, who asks if she has a connection to the constellation Pleiades. The Council says in August 2019 there’s a major energetic shift causing a planetary alignment that raises questions like this about lives on other planets, other stars, and where am I from? The Council notes these questions have been popular lately and says Rosina, like many others, have passed through the Pleiades.

The Council asks Rosina and the rest of us to meditate during August 2019 and feel the energy from the star systems Orion, Pleiades, Arcturus, and Sirius. Have these energies raise your vibration so you can be more intuitive, learn quicker, and be able to receive information from spirits that are working to help us through this time. There’s great growth coming for everyone.

The Council repeats that Rosina had one or more lifetimes on the Pleiades, but in bringing this question up what’s most important for her to know is at this time if you meditate you’ll receive more energy. You’ll be able to change old patterns in your life, learn more quickly, and there will be more clarity. This is for all of planet Earth. That’s why this question is asked at this time and this is the answer that’s most important.

Rosina adds that she’s connected with a man who she believes is her twin flame. She says they know each other so well and have been communicating on a pure heart level for two years, but haven’t met yet. The Council suggests Rosina keep this connection open. Ask this person to meditate at this time and you’ll see if you receive similar information and how this helps you grow. The Council closes by saying in the future if both Rosina and this man want to meet, they can create this.

Listen to the entire 4-minute audio recording of our session with The Council (below) to hear all their guidance for Rosina and the rest of us, and let us know what you feel about it. Or ask your own question.

If you like this post, please consider clicking the LIKE button in the section after the recording to let us and other readers know. Thanks.

August 12, 2019 Posted by | Audio Content, Channeling, Meditation, Questions & Answers, Relationships, Spirit | , , , , , , , , , | 6 Comments

Do I Have a Connection to the Pleiades Star System in Other Lifetimes?

This post answers questions from a reader who goes by the name, SoulPeace191689339, who says she’s read about the Pleiades star system and wonders if she has a connection to this system. She’s been having dreams, has been guided, has a lot of intuition, and sometimes she’s able to feel other people’s thoughts. She also has a thirst for knowledge about Egypt, Atlantis, and the purpose of incarnation. SoulPeace asks The Council if she has a connection to the Pleiades or any other extraterrestrial beings?

The Council starts by saying it’s interesting that so many questions lately on our blog are from the Pleiadians for more information. There are many Pleiadians here on Earth and their role is to guide Earthlings and help us grow. Some of this information comes in dreams. Some information comes with the realization you’re interested in certain historical time periods on Earth. The Council advises you to research these time periods on the internet, read books, see movies, and more information about these time periods will come to you.

The Council says SoulPeace has a connection to the Pleiades right now because the Pleiadians are trying to raise her energy and open her mind to other lifetimes.

The Council says the purpose of reincarnation is to come into physical reality as many times as we like with the choices of what we want to learn and the choices of what souls we want to come in with us. And The Council emphasizes we have the ability, at any time in this incarnation, to change what we experience.

The Council says now many people are here on Earth going through negative experiences because they are brave souls who desire to change their reality to something more positive. In each lifetime you bring spirits around you that agree to help you learn whatever you wish to make your lifetime about. And The Council says you are also helping these spirits learn.

Spirits think it’s such fun to come into the Earth path because other spirits you’ve known for many lifetimes will be with you again, changing roles, but you’ll all grow from what you’re trying to learn. That is also the purpose of incarnation, as well as to bring the love we experience in spirit into our current incarnation.

The Council says they see SoulPeace had a life on Pleiades where she was a young, adventurous spirit who wanted to go beyond the Pleiadian realm and help people. The Council asks SoulPeace if she feels people come to her with their problems? Or do you want to reach out and touch sick people? What SoulPeace learned in her brief time on the Pleiades was to help people in other lifetimes, even in the smallest way.

In addition to her Pleiadian lifetimes SoulPeace lived lives where no physical body was needed and only emotion was experienced. This should translate in her current lifetime into a great understanding of what people go through and the different emotions these people experience. By understanding these emotions and how they effect the way the body and the beliefs develop, there is a lesson for SoulPeace to heal not only the body, but also people’s emotional problems. This is the healing SoulPeace intends to do at this point in her life.

The Council says SoulPeace spent many lifetimes in Atlantis. There she learned to change form, work with elements (air, fire, water), she was a keeper of records, and a traveler to different parts of Atlantis bringing messages and new discoveries from one place to another. She was there when Atlantis sunk, and if there’s a fear of water in her current lifetime, it’s from when Atlantis sunk.

The Council closes by saying SoulPeace doesn’t need to become a doctor or a nurse to fulfill her desire to heal people. Just listening to people and feeling what they’re saying, with a simple touch or some well chosen words you can heal these people. You’ve done this before and can do it again.

Listen to the recording of our entire session with The Council (below) to hear all their guidance for SoulPeace and the rest of us, and let us know what you feel about it.

If you like this post, please consider clicking the Like button in the section following the recording to let us and our other readers know. Thanks.

September 23, 2018 Posted by | Audio Content, Channeling, Questions & Answers, Reincarnation, Spirit | , , , , , , , , | 10 Comments

Overcoming Fear and Achieving a Dream

This post is inspired by questions from a reader named Mariette, who started a website around a year ago as a dream to empower others with flower essences, energy healing, and counseling. She’s not really happy in her full-time job and instead wants to work helping others, but she’s having trust issues.

The Council says trusting in herself is something she’s picked as a challenge and that she needs to believe more in herself and have the courage to move forward with what Mariette feels is her desire.

The Council says it’s always when our path in life is close to changing that our fear will come to the surface and that’s what’s currently sabotaging Mariette. Will she be able to move beyond this fear and go on to her desired career? Her higher self is planning ways to get her where she wants to go. To get through the void she’s experiencing she needs to focus on what she desires. This will bring her past her fears. The Council sees she’d be very successful at this if she tries.

The Council doesn’t see a need to pause at this time. While the fear is from many experiences Mariette has had in other lifetimes, they feel focusing on this wouldn’t be productive. Instead they recommend focusing on how beautiful her life will be when she’s doing what she desires.

The Council says there isn’t a reason why Mariette has to stay in a job she’s not happy with. They recommend taking the chance and leaving to fully focus on what she wants.

The Council suggests as she moves forward with this part of her life, trust her feelings about what flower essences she thinks a person would need, even if it’s not in the books she’s reading. This will increase Mariette’s intuition.

Listen to our entire 9-minute session with The Council on Mariette’s questions to fully appreciate all their guidance, and let us know what you think.

March 12, 2017 Posted by | Audio Content, Channeling, Desire, Doubt, Questions & Answers, Spirit, Trust | , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Ask a Question and Spirit Immediately Answers

This session is inspired by a reader named Sam and her questions about a relatively recent pregnancy she terminated. She says there are a lot of loose ends around the termination, and The Council begins by saying these loose ends Sam is talking about are all part of the learning and moving forward.

Sam says ever since she  learned she was pregnant she’s been feeling a sense of wholeness and love for herself and she asks if this love is coming from the soul of her child. The Council says while the child’s soul is constantly sending her love, the love Sam is talking about is Sam loving herself because she has followed her pre-birth spiritual plan exactly the way she intended.This love is part of who Sam truly is as a spiritual being. The Council says Sam stepped forward to help this soul, who desired to briefly experience what it was like to be in a human body, and then leave Sam’s body quickly.

Sam says the father of this child wasn’t really there during this pregnancy and isn’t currently in her life. She asks if there’s any meaning to why he was never part of the pregnancy and termination. The Council says the father also agreed in spirit to help this soul experience a brief physical life, but it was never agreed he would stay with her and be a family. Sam says sometimes she thinks about the father and wishes she could tell him all she’s learned from terminating this pregnancy. She says part of her doesn’t think he deserves to know and part of her thinks she should tell him, and Sam asks The Council what she should do.

The Council says in Sam’s spiritual pre-plan, this soul would play the part of the child’s father and then leave Sam’s life. If she chooses to involve him at this point, they say she’d be drifting from what she originally pre-planned, but they add this is okay. This is part of the choice she has in her current lifetime and they advise Sam to think about this choice. She is able to communicate with the father non-verbally and she should know on some level this communication is received. When this information is needed by him, he will have the benefit of whatever she has spoken to him about.

Sam says she’s learned not to look at this experience as a mistake, but part of her feels sad and she wonders if this is from loosing the child or from what she describes as poor decisions she’s made in her life. The Council says if Sam feels she’s made poor decisions, has she learned from them. If she had the opportunity to make these decisions again, would she decide differently based on what she now knows. And they add that this is what life is about – learning and moving on. They also tell Sam it’s important to look at the choices she’s made that have worked out for her and that she feels good about.

When Sam says she feels like she’s running away from her true self, The Council replies there’s nothing wrong with the way she’s handling her situation and they advise her to be open, accepting, and move forward. She will learn from this experience. They advise Sam to feel good about herself, look forward to having more understanding, and feel that it’s safe to let her energy expand rather than holding it close to her physical body.

Sam asks if she shouldn’t feel ashamed for hiding this pregnancy from her parents, and The Council says she is here to experience the love of spirit and there is no purpose to feeling ashamed. There is nothing wrong with the choice she made to terminate this pregnancy.

At the end of this session The Council makes the point that they answered Sam’s questions long before she wrote them on our blog. But was she able to let the answers in? Was she able to sit quietly and understand that her thoughts and feelings or the things she suddenly understood, is spirit reaching out to her with the answers to her questions?

The Council points out that when you have a question, spirit provides you with answers instantaneously, but are you receptive to them? In Sam’s case she had these answers, but she needed them to come in a different way. So she created the answers through this blog. The Council explains we have yet to fully develop to the point where we trust our intuition, and our thoughts, and our feelings. And they add that this is why we are here in this physical reality.

The Council asks Sam to let go of any shame, any regret, or any thinking of wrong doing on this situation she is coming through. It was pre-planned by her in spirit and she executed it beautifully in her physical reality. And they remind Sam to hold on to the feeling of self love.

This session offers much guidance on many aspects of terminating a pregnancy. Listen to the entire 16-minute recording below to hear all of The Council’s advice for Sam and anyone interested in this subject.

March 20, 2016 Posted by | Audio Content, Choice, Creation, Decision Making, Expansion, Feelings, Love, Pre-Incarnation Planning, Pregnancy, Questions & Answers, Spirit, You Create Your Reality | , , , , , , | 5 Comments

Bringing Love Into Negativity

This post answers several questions from an anonymous reader named D, who says it’s been a while since she last spoke to us, but feels she’s moved mountains since then and is finally learning to heal from within. D continues that once she opened her heart and started asking questions, she discovered a new world that taught her about life and her purpose on Earth.

D’s has worked in New York for 16 years and says she never realized how negative an environment it was until she became a more positive person. The Council says D speaks of negativity as if it’s something unwanted, but there are many many people who can’t get to a positive place until they experience negativity. And when they become positive there’s great appreciation for what the negative has taught them.

D finds it’s easier to connect with her higher self when she’s in her comfort zone. And The Council says it’s in this quiet time you can hear your guides, stay connected to source, and get help with what you experience as negativity. They go on to say that you create this negativity to see how you can bring the love you are in spirit into these situations. They advise sitting for 5-10 minutes a day in this quiet and she will hear what she needs to hear, feel what she needs to feel, and connect to who she truly is.

The Council says many people don’t understand what most people call negativity is really something we as spirit have brought into our reality. What we consider annoying people or situations are really wonderful souls who choose to be part of our negativity and allow us to see these situations differently, bring love into them, and grow.

D asks if prayer, meditation, and guidance are the best ways to communicate with spirit guides when we need advice, and The Council says yes. When I asked the difference between the three The Council said prayer is asking and talking, meditation is listening to your higher self, and intuition is the voice of your higher self.

D asks how she can teach others when they’re so close-minded. The Council says people aren’t close-minded; they are searching and growing at their own pace. Teaching is more than words, and some people aren’t ready to hear what you say. You teach by your actions and by example. When you show love, when you show how you’ve grown and how you handle things differently, that teaches more than words.

D says her heart keeps pointing her to Ireland, a place she’s never been and knows nothing about, and asks if there’s a reason her spirit keeps pointing her in that direction. The Council says if she feels this in her heart, this is her intuition and why wouldn’t she go.

The Council suggests D move forward with the main reason she came into physical reality: to bring the love she is in spirit into it. Her negativity is there to teach her to turn it around and help her grow. It may be hard for her to believe that when she looses patience or is angry with someone, it is another part of her in this other person, coming forward to give her more understanding. We are all connected.

Listen to the entire 26-minute session with The Council to hear all their guidance during this wonderful session.

July 26, 2015 Posted by | Audio Content, Beliefs, Connecting With Spirit, Helping Others, Love, Questions & Answers, Spirit, You Create Your Reality | , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

The Difference Between Worry and Guidance

This post is inspired by a question from Ali, who asks the difference between intuition and worry. When she feels the loving source of well-being, she knows everything is okay spiritually, but she still worries about physical events, mainly with her child. She wants to know how to tell when to accept these feelings as guidance and when to ignore them as worries.

The Council says guidance always comes with a calmness while worry comes from fear. You may feel a tightening or nervousness with fear, but with guidance and intuition you generally experience how to move through a difficult situation. They give an example of feeling intuition about a car accident, but you feel calm about it and take extra care while driving to prevent the accident.

Ali asks if her chronic worrying affects her point of attraction even if she doesn’t express it out loud. Ali has a lot of fear about vaccines and waited until recently to have her daughter vaccinated. The Council says Ali’s fear created the difficulty using her leg that her daughter temporarily experienced as a result of the vaccination.

When I asked if the situation is okay now The Council answered that it depends on how Ali focuses her attention. They remind us we create future experiences with our thoughts and if Ali continues to worry, she’ll create situations that keep her worrying. They recommend she acknowledge her worries, try to look at the situation differently, and ask herself how she can turn this worry around.

The Council says if you change the way you think about something, when it’s time to experience what you’ve been thinking about you can have a better reality than if you stayed thinking more negatively. Have a listen to the 6-minute part of the session with The Council to hear their guidance.

March 18, 2015 Posted by | Audio Content, Beliefs, Choice, Guidance, Intuition, Law of Attraction, Love, Part of a Series, Questions & Answers, You Create Your Reality | , , , , , , | 1 Comment

How to Work with Crystals

This post is inspired by a question about working with crystals from a long time reader named Jan who’s particularly interested in glass-like Andara crystals.

The Council begins by advising you to buy Andara crystals from someone who’s reliable and knowledgeable about them because they look like glass and many are not the real crystal. And they say when you hold one of these crystals you should immediately feel a warmth in your hands.

They talk about the ways crystals were encoded with information and knowledge in Atlantis, where Jan experienced working with them in another life. And they talk about meditating with crystals to receive the knowledge held within them.

The Council says Andara crystals are excellent for healing and developing psychic abilities and they recommend a way of working with them on the body for healing and for grounding.

And they recommend a way to work with multiple clear quartz crystals placed on different parts of the body to enhance meditation, psychic ability, and intuitiveness. Listen to our 11-minute session with The Council to answer Jan’s question.

February 18, 2015 Posted by | Audio Content, Healing, Intuition, Meditation, Other Lifetimes, Psychic Ability, Questions & Answers | , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

When You Trust Yourself

When you trust yourself,
your intuition, your feelings,
you are beginning to know
who you truly are.

—The Council

March 24, 2013 Posted by | Thought for the Day, Trust | , , , | 1 Comment