Ask The Council

What will you ask Spirit?

Can I Manifest Something If It’s Not Meant For Me?

This post answers questions for The Council from a reader named, E.

E: Hi, Council. I love your blog. Thank you for what you do. It’s inspiring and helpful. I was hoping you could kindly answer my query if, or when, you have the time.

I’ve read your posts on free will and destiny, and how we are the creator, but I’m just wondering. I’m trying to manifest something specific. I keep imagining that I have it, and feeling the joy that would come with it, but I keep getting mixed messages, which I think might be from my guides. These messages are saying that some things aren’t meant to be, or that they’re going to bring me something better than what I’m trying to manifest. Or messages that whatever is in my destiny will come to me in divine timing, and there are some things I can’t control. What does this mean?

Council: It means that you are doing the work and feeling what it is that you want, but you think that your guides are telling you it may not be and that there’s something better. Your higher self, your guides, will always show you what you have planned. If another part of you is changing that plan, you can get this message, “This may not be for you. This is changing. There will be something better.”

And that is because somewhere you believe there is something better, and there’s a reason for that. And so that kind of message will open you up to the thought: Let me just see what’s coming, but my guides cannot change it for me. If I want something, and I am doing the work, and I really want it, and I believe it, it will come.

The guides could say, “Well, maybe there’s something that…” to see how you handle it. It can change in a minute, where all of a sudden, bing, you’ve got all kinds of beliefs and all kinds of understanding. This is what I want and this is it. Bing.

Or why would a guide say there’s something better unless I want something more? And I’m not in a place where I can believe that I deserve something more, or there is something better. And it just makes you think. Is it possible that somewhere part of you is thinking: Let me expand what I wanted. Let’s see. Let’s change this. Let’s change that.

So it’s just your higher self playing, and showing you it can change, but not because your guides are telling you there’s something better. It’s because there’s a belief somewhere that tells you, “Maybe there is something better.”

And so you need to play with what you want, how you see your life, and to say, “Yeah, this is what I want,” and it will come. And then you will see what your thinking begins to change, and how you will, again, pull in, quickly this time. What it is that you want?

So it’s just the part of you that’s playing with the thought, “Oh, I want this, I want this, but maybe I won’t get that. Maybe I’ll get something better.” And it’s kind of exciting, and sometimes confusing, but always remember, you are in charge. What you want, you see, you feel, you work on it, and it will come.

E: I feel like the thing I’m trying to manifest would be a good experience for me, and doesn’t harm anyone else, but can it not be manifested is it’s not “meant” for me?

Council: It’s meant for you if you want it. No one else will make it happen. No one else can tell you when it’s meant for you, if it’s meant for you, and when it will come. You decide. You feel it out. You are in control.

Bob: So it sounds like you’re saying it’s unlikely that what E. wants to manifest, their guides are suggesting that it’s not meant for them to have what they want.

Council: Exactly. It’s just giving you room to think about it. Maybe there were a lot of things you wanted and now they’re just saying, “Well, there’s this, also. You know, maybe if this doesn’t happen, you can have that.” Just play with it.

E: Why am I getting these messages? Thank you again. E.

Council: To expand your experience, and let you think of what else you may want.

Blessings to all, and have fun with your creations.

Listen to the entire 6-minute audio recording of our session with The Council (below) to hear all their guidance for E. and the rest of us, and let us know what you feel about it.

You can also ask The Council your own free question by typing it into one of the Comment boxes that appear at the bottom of most of our blog pages, and we’ll answer it when we have time. For the time being you don’t have to attach your name to the comment, but there have been a lot of anonymous comments lately and it can be confusing for us to keep track of these. It would help us if you made up a name rather than using no name.

If you prefer to keep your comment private, you can pay $60 to speak with The Council on the telephone for a half-hour by clicking this link. Once we receive your payment, we’ll contact you by email to arrange a mutually convenient day and time for your phone call and your questions.

If you like this post, please click the LIKE button in the section following the recording to let us and other readers know. Thanks.

March 25, 2024 Posted by | Audio Content, Beliefs, Channeling, Feelings, Pre-Incarnation Planning, Questions & Answers, You Create Your Reality | , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Please Help Me Strengthen My Connection To Spirit

This post answers questions for The Council from a reader named, Al.

Al: I just stumbled across your site today and I was wondering if The Council had any advice for me currently that could assist me on my journey, or anything to strengthen my connection with my guides and spirit?

Council: Meditate, meditate, meditate. It is so important at this time to get into that state of meditation and calmness so that your vibration expands, and you will become more aware, and have clarity for what’s going on around you.

And so at this point the meditation will also let you become aware of the guides that are here, that are willing to work with you to bring you forward on the path.

And so we would say at least a half an hour every day would help you strengthen that connection.

Bob: Any particular meditation for Al?

Council: Any meditation where you’d concentrate on beauty. What does beauty look like? What does it feel like? And be grateful for all the beauty around, on the planet, what you see in your environment, and that will help push you into a vibration of being more connected to spirit.

Lovely question. And we send everyone loving energy, and support from the spirit world to love yourself, to learn how to walk down that path. and be kind to each other.

Listen to the entire 2-minute audio recording of our session with The Council (below) to hear all their guidance for Al and the rest of us, and feel free to let us know what you feel about it.

You can also ask The Council your own question for free by typing it into one of the Comment boxes that appear at the bottom of most of our blog pages, and we’ll post an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s ready.

You can also have a half-hour telephone conversation with The Council by paying $60 into our PayPal account using the following link:

If you like this post, please click the LIKE button in the section following the recording to let us and other readers know. Thanks.

August 27, 2023 Posted by | Audio Content, Channeling, Connecting With Spirit, Guidance, Meditation, Questions & Answers, Spirit | , , , , , | Leave a comment

What Is My Mission And Purpose In Life?

This post answers the second installment of questions for The Council from a reader named, P.

P: What is my mission here and my life purpose?

Council: Your mission and purpose are just to be. Find a path you wish to follow, to explore, to learn, to grow, and to meet the challenges you pick. Nothing specific was picked while you were in spirit because you wanted to come here and just have fun and play life along as it goes.

It’s just your wish from spirit to exist in this reality. You wanted to help people. You wanted to learn about spirituality, how you feel about it, and which path you wanted to take in this particular life. You wanted to explore the people you met and let into your life. Spirituality and beliefs are something you dealt with in many of your past lives. You wanted to learn about people, what they believe, and why they believe it. And then you wanted to look at yourself and see what path are you following? What do you believe?

P: Who was I before this lifetime?

Council: Many, many people. In one particular lifetime you truly enjoyed you were in Nazareth during the time of Jesus. You sold cloth, home goods, and rugs in the market and you were interested in following Jesus. You didn’t know whether to believe in him or not, but you did follow him until he ascended from that reality, and this was a great pleasure for you.

You lived many lifetimes by the shore and fished. At another time you had a farm, a wife, and children. You liked growing your own food. With these lives does it ring a bell in your current life? Are you interested in growing food? How it’s prepared? Are you interested in fishing for relaxation? Are you interested in different religions? That was some of what you wanted to follow.

P: How can I personally connect with the loving spiritual realms, the invisible things, spirit guides, angels, etc.

Council: You’re always connected to spirit. In every reality you’re always connected. In your current life, to make it very simple, the best way for you to connect is to be out in nature, sit among the trees, and meditate. And if you don’t like to meditate, just sit quietly and feel the air around you. Listen to the noises around you. You will feel your vibration raising. You will feel a difference in your physical body.

When you decide to believe your vibration is really rising, you’ll hear the voices of guides, and you’ll be able to do automatic writing if you’d like to try that. The best way for you to connect is through meditation, or quietly sitting in the open, whether it be in the forest or on a beach, as long as you have complete quietness. Be very aware of the sounds that go on around you.

In one life you were deaf, and it was always a wish to feel whole by hearing. In your current lifetime what would bring you peace and heal what you wanted to heal from your deaf lifetime was to sit quietly and listen to the sounds. And you can even do this where you live: in your house, outside your house, anywhere. Be aware of the sounds and that will heal what was missing from the lifetime where you were deaf. You’re on the right path.

Listen to the entire 6-minute audio recording of our session with The Council (below) to hear all their guidance for P and the rest of us, and let us know what you feel about it. You can also ask The Council your own question by typing it into one of the Comment boxes that appear at the bottom of most of our blog pages.

And if you like this post, please click the LIKE button in the section following the recording to let us and other readers know. Thanks.

June 7, 2022 Posted by | Audio Content, Beliefs, Challenges, Channeling, Life Purpose, Meditation, Other Lifetimes, Questions & Answers, Spirit, Vibration | , , , , , , | 2 Comments

How Can I Overcome My Fear Of The Sea?

This post answers questions for The Council from a reader named, Mystik Mermayde, in response to our post, Why Am I So Obsessed With Mermaids Since Childhood?

Council: Many people who’ve lived past lives in Lemuria are fascinated by mermaids.

MM: Thank you so much for this great question and answer. As you can see by my screen name, I also love mermaids and the sea. I have a related question for The Council about this which I’d love help with, please. I absolutely adore the sea and everything to do with it, but paradoxically I also have a debilitating phobia of the sea.

Council: You’ve had many lifetimes that were connected to the sea. As a fisherman in one life you worked on the shores and helped build boats. You went out into the ocean to fish. That’s part of your connection to the ocean and the water. These are pleasant memories. There were lifetimes of playing and swimming in lakes that brought you happiness. Then there were other lifetimes.

There are two very traumatic lifetimes where you drowned. One on a fishing boat where there were storms. It was evening and getting dark. During that storm you left that life in a lot of fear.

But there’s another very important lifetime where you were young and experiencing many different ways to create joy and fun in your life. You had many friends. On one particular day, going on a shortcut to another part of the beach and villages, a place you’d never gone before because it was so desolate, you drowned.

But what brought you to this end in this lifetime wasn’t drowning by water, but drowning in quicksand. Ending that life was so traumatic, trying to pull yourself out of the quicksand, and swallowing grass and weeds in a panic to save your life. And at that time thinking this quicksand would cover your mouth, your nose, and your eyes. You thought about this step by step at the end of that life.

That life is what’s coming up for you now. That life was the traumatic one that brings up all the other memories of life near the oceans and the lakes. Some lives were joyful and some lives weren’t, but this one is the one that holds you in fear in your current lifetime. And you’ve created the fear to deal with it, to try and find the answer, and to connect the dots from this lifetime about what’s bothering you and where it came from.

MM: Obviously it’s impossible to enjoy the sea when I have this phobia. I’d love to swim, dive, kayak, surf, and enjoy underwater sports and activities, but I can’t do any of those though I live at one of the world’s most beautiful beaches. The phobia also extends to any deepish body of water, particularly if the water is dark or murky. I can’t even look at a photo taken underwater without severe fear. The smell and taste of seaweed also makes me gag. I feel like it’s related to the phobia somehow. However, the fear isn’t present when the water is clear and brightly lit.

Council: So can you see how here you’re having both memories, good ones when the water is lit, and the frightening ones when the water is dark and murky?

MM: I’ve happily swam in deep water in tropical areas where the sea is brightly lit, and those were some of the best and most memorable experiences of my life.

The phobia is now affecting my relationship also, as I’m with a merman who loves the sea even more than I do, but he has no phobia. He wants to share his joy of exploring the sea with me, but he can’t. I’ve tried one session of hypnotherapy last year, but I couldn’t afford to continue. I’ve had a number of past life regressions over the years and death by drowning is a common memory that comes up. However, unfortunately, simply having these regressions doesn’t help reduce the phobia at all.

Can you please offer any advice to help me overcome this phobia, and also offer any explanation about my love of the sea as well as my phobia?

Council: You know there’s the love of water and you know there’s the fear. It’s one thing to have past life regressions and to see this, but how far did that regression take you? We’d advise that in your meditations sit quietly and try to imagine the good times in the water. What do you imagine it felt like? And what do you know it feels like in your current reality? Connect the dots between the two lives.

Then we ask, when you’re able, to go into the life with the quicksand and picture yourself walking and playing that morning, walking through this area and then being trapped in the quicksand. Imagine little bits at a time because it’s traumatic. What happened to you at the end of that lifetime? But now you take it a step further.

When you know you’ve passed from this lifetime, where are you? Who is with you? Is there a guide? What do you see? Realize you’ve passed from that life, but you’re still very much yourself. There wasn’t any ending. The fear of death wasn’t there because now you’re out of your body and you’re having other experiences. Who has come to talk to you? What do you see around you?

Sit and meditate on that and see who you see. See how you feel, and feel the joy you experience when you’re in spirit and there isn’t any ending, and you’ve gone beyond who you were. Experience the joy. Experience meeting other souls that you knew. Experience guides coming through as well as angels, and animals that you knew. The joy will overcome the fear.

When you realize that, the fear from this past life will begin to leave you because you’re still here. You’ve still created other lifetimes, and you’ll go on to create more lifetimes. That, in time, will erase the fear.

Do this very slowly so you’ll be able to handle it. When you go into this and you begin to have the fear at the end of that life, you can stop it and replace those fearful thoughts with more uplifting thoughts. You’ll get stronger as you’re able to say to yourself over and over again, “But I’m here. I’m still alive. I’m still a person.”

Knowing that will bring you the courage to see it so you can connect to that life and see how it’s affecting your current life. But that life is over. That was then, this is now. You’re a brand new person in your current reality. You’re creating different experiences, but you’re creating this because it was a great desire when you were creating your current lifetime, to heal it.

Listen to the entire 12-minute audio recording of our session with The Council (below) to hear all their guidance for Mystik Mermayde and the rest of us, and let us know what you feel about it. You can also ask The Council your own question by typing it into one of the Comment boxes that appear at the bottom of most of our blog pages.

If you like this post, please click the LIKE button in the section following the recording to let us and other readers know. Thanks.

May 28, 2022 Posted by | Audio Content, Channeling, Healing, Other Lifetimes, Questions & Answers, Spirit | , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

When I Die, How Long Can I Stay In Heaven?

This post answers questions for The Council from a reader named, Adrian, who wants to know about reincarnation. He says: When I die, I heard you can choose to stay in heaven for a while or return to Earth right away. How long can you stay in heaven before you reincarnate, if you choose to stay?

Council: You can stay in heaven as long as you like. No one will force you to come back to Earth. No one will keep you in heaven if you want to come back to Earth. It’s entirely up to you. When you go into the spirit world you’re still in control. You make the decisions and create your life the way you want it to be. You can stay in heaven as long as you want.

Adrian: In my human form I’m a 25-year-old male and I’m very happy as I am. I don’t want to be forced to reincarnate as some random, grumpy, cruel grandmother without charisma or humor. I don’t want to offend anyone. You can appreciate a lot of people, but I’m not sure I want to be them or walk in their shoes.

Council: When you decide to come back to Earth, you’ll decide what you want to be, what you want to look like, the family you’ll be born into, and the lessons you want to learn. If there’s something you want to experience by being grumpy to learn how that person feels, then you’ll create a life where you’re grumpy. But you’ll never go through something you haven’t created. You can come back as anything you like.

Adrian: Is it possible to be reincarnated as a person who I’m more in touch with? Something I personally prefer in my human form, if that makes sense.

Council: What you desire to reincarnate as now, you may not desire that when you’re back in the spirit world. There could be something completely different that you’d like to experience.

Adrian: I don’t even know what I’d wish to be reincarnated as. I just know I like my grandmother, but I don’t want to be her.

Council: (Laughs) You won’t be your grandmother. You may be a grandmother, but you won’t be your grandmother.

Adrian: I only recently became aware of the spiritual world. Does The Council work in a way similar to a genie in a lamp, where you rub the lamp and the spirit comes out and you get three wishes? If that’s the way it works, can I have three wishes?

Council: (Laughs) I know that we’ve never jumped out of a lamp. I don’t think it works that way. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if you could just say, “I’d like these three things, Spirit Guides, so please give that to me.” And poof, we could do that, but things don’t work that way. You will receive everything you desire and everything you want to create.

We’re just here to congratulate you when you finish a lifetime, and go over your lifetime with you, and plan something new. But we can never give you wishes. We can’t grant anything for you. We can support you, raise your energy, and help you get to that state where you understand that you are the creator of everything.

Bob: Can you elaborate a little bit on what you mean when you say, “You’ll get everything you desire?”

Council: You’ll set up what you want to learn in your current lifetime. If your life goes one way you’re going to learn one thing, if it goes another way you’re going to learn something else. You’re still creating day by day and minute by minute. What you think of, what you focus on, you will create.

Bob: How would you respond to people who feel they’re focusing on something and they’re having difficulty creating it?

Council: It’s because the person has a belief somewhere that they can’t have what they want. Or they may want to experience a life where it’s a hardship for them and they can’t create what they want. Or they may want to go through a period where they learn how to create by focusing. There are many different ways you can create. What you want to learn in that particular lifetime will be what you set up and go through.

We wish you all love, and light, and happiness, and gratitude on your path, and to be supportive of one another, and to love yourself as well as other people in your life. Remember every single day, you are all spirits in a physical body. You’ll create whatever it is that you focus on. Even if you focus on something negative, you’ll create that.

We urge you to have positive thoughts, to laugh as much as you can, to have fun, to remember the wonderful and happy memories, and stay in the positive.

Listen to our entire 6-minute audio recording of our session with The Council (below) to hear all their guidance for Adrian and the rest of us, and feel free to let us know what you feel about it in the Comment box at the bottom of the page. You can also ask The Council your own question by typing it into a Comment box.

If you like this post, please consider clicking the LIKE button in the section following the recording to let us and other readers know. Thanks.

March 19, 2022 Posted by | Audio Content, Beliefs, Channeling, Emotions, Questions & Answers, Reincarnation, Spirit, You Create Your Reality | , , , | 4 Comments

Why Do I Keep Having One Health Problem After Another?

This post answers questions for The Council from a reader named, Sunshine73, who says, For years I’ve had one medical problem after another. Each problem seems bad and I think I’ll die from it. Why do I continuously have these issues? As soon as one health problem goes away something else pops up. I’m dealing with a health problem now and I’m very stressed. Why is this happening to me? Did I agree in spirit to this, or is it something in my life I’m doing wrong and it’s keeping me in this never-ending cycle of health problems and worries? Is there something I can do?

The Council says there were many, many lifetimes where you were a healer, a doctor, or a person who assists sick people when they’re unable to get around. With each lifetime you saw people suffer, people go through agonizing diseases, people not being able to take care of themselves and dying, and sick people being abandoned because no one compassionate was around them who tried to understand their illness.

In each of these lifetimes you did everything you could to be of service. In every lifetime you tried to imagine how each person went through their illness. You always wanted to be someone who could help a sick person turn around their illness.

For over 100 lifetimes you continued in this role of wanting to heal, wanting to help people, and wanting them to know they weren’t alone as they went through illness. As you went through these lifetimes with these people and didn’t understand how you could help them, you began to become afraid, and this fear grew in each lifetime. Every time you saw someone who was sick and needed help, the fear grew within you.

You started to imagine what you’d do if it was you who was sick. But as your lives went on and you saw so much pressure put on these sick people, and the pressure you put on yourself to try and relieve them in some way, this pressure began to stay in your vibration and turned into fear.

In each lifetime when you created your reality, you wanted more understanding. You wanted to know why people were getting sick. You wanted to know how to deal with this sickness. And most of all you wanted to know how to stop the illness. In each lifetime when you weren’t able to turn the illness around, you kept the frustration within you. You thought you didn’t do enough. This began to show up in other lifetimes and depressed you.

When you’d go back into spirit and work on this frustration with your guides, you always wanted to understand it and care for people with goodness and love in your heart, and to go through that healing without the fear. In each lifetime, even this present one, you want to understand what was wrong and deal with it in any way you can, but you wanted to let go of the fear.

For the fear to grow within you in your current lifetime, you created a life where you’d experience a lot of what you’ve seen in your past lives and a lot of new things that need medical and emotional help. As you go through this, hopefully you’d keep asking yourself, Why is this happening? Am I really safe? How can I make this illness go away? That’s why you’re experiencing all of these symptoms.

Any time in your present life you can begin to imagine yourself with one ailment after another somehow getting better on its own. You don’t have to know how this happens. You are spirit and you came into this life to turn this sickness around slowly, with meditation and going into the state of joy. Just know this is possible if you feel the love and if you feel the healing can be done.

You don’t need to suffer through illness to see that you and the people around you can feel better. Start to imagine what it’s like to go through these illnesses and try to understand this is why you created them. But it’s not necessary for you to hurt, to suffer, to feel alone, and to have the fear of abandonment. It’s not necessary for you to go through this.

What’s necessary for you is to find love within yourself and feel it grow. Work with your heart chakra. Visualize the green light from your heart chakra spreading through your entire body, knowing there are so many guides helping you to finally feel satisfied this is no longer needed. Then you’ll no longer have these illnesses in any of your other realities. You won’t be pulled to create this again.

Your fear is coming from your unconscious memories of how you felt in many of your lives when others were suffering, and seeing the hardships these people went through. It’s the memory inside you that’s creating fear. And this fear gets larger and larger until you can make the correction and know your greatest power in this reality is choice. And your greatest power is with your mind to focus. And your greatest power is the feeling of love. Turn this love towards yourself and you’ll notice a change in your life.

There were many lifetimes where you were in the healing profession in one way or another and saw so much illness happening to people around you. You were always around sickness and death and trying to help these people. But when you go through this the memories and the energy of illness stay with you.

Because there’s so much of this illness, and your great desire to heal, after a while in many of your lives this illness is all you see. And that stays with you and you bring it forward in future lives. Your subconscious remembers sickness, dying, pain, being abandoned, and having no one to rely on. It stays with you. And these thoughts create emotions like fear. And we’re saying it’s no longer necessary to have these thoughts and create this fear.

The continuous exposure to people who need healing produced a fear that came through many, many lifetimes. And so this fear is something you strongly desired to have in your current life so you could get some understanding of where it came from.

But you need to know that whatever the problem is, and in spirit you know what it is, you’ll take love and heal it – the love you have for yourself and the love you get from others. You need to surround yourself with joy and love and then your spirit will know it’s on the right path. And you will take this love and heal your illnesses and they will no longer be necessary.

Sit by a lake or under a tree. Water, elements of earth, and trees have healing qualities. Any meditation you can do that makes you feel good is recommended. And know that all of this is creating the love and the healing that’s needed.

You are all so much more than you think you are. You’re all on this wonderful path of growth, of understanding, and of realizing there are many lives that you’ve experienced, and many more that you’ll create when you’re ready. Focus on being the creator. Focus on bringing joy and laughter into your life and everything will come to you. Everything will be shown. When you’re feeling happy you’ll see the connections that are being made. There will be more understanding. Stay in the feeling of joy.

Listen to the entire 13-minute audio recording of our session with The Council (below) to hear all their guidance for Sunshine73 and the rest of us and let us know what you feel about it. Or you can ask The Council your own question by typing it into one of the Comment boxes that appear at the bottom of most of our blog pages.

If you like this post please consider clicking the LIKE button in the section following the recording to let us and other readers know. Thanks.

November 27, 2021 Posted by | Audio Content, Chakras, Channeling, Healing, Health, Love, Other Lifetimes, Pre-Incarnation Planning, Questions & Answers, Spirit | , , , , , | 5 Comments

Why Did My Boyfriend Stop Communicating With Me?

This post answers questions for The Council from a reader named, Momof3, who’s following up on our post, What Can You Tell Me About This Man In My Life? She says thank you so much for your response. I’ve been practicing what you suggested and was taking it slow and following my boyfriend’s lead. The signs I was getting from the universe were positive and I really felt like I was connecting deeply with this person. Was I wrong, because he ghosted me? He basically stopped communicating with me out of the blue and didn’t answer when I asked why. I thought everything was perfect and he just stopped. Do you have any idea why he did that?

The Council says at this time, a relationship with you isn’t what this man wants. Not knowing how to handle this, which is part of the lessons he wishes to go through, he just pulls away. We feel he can go back and forth on this issue until he realizes what he wants in his life. For you, knowing that he’s not ready for a relationship with you at this time, can you let this go? Or do you still want to do the inner work to create this relationship?

Momof3 says, I’m devastated and I feel disappointed and hurt for opening my heart to him. I don’t understand why he did this, especially since I felt we were so spiritually and deeply connected in a positive way. I don’t have any hard feelings towards him. On a soul level I feel he’s a good person and I still want to pursue a relationship with him. The Council says the way to pursue this relationship is to send this man love, wish him well in his life, and not try to bring him back. Wish him the happiness he’s searching for with the understanding that he needs to go through his own private challenges. In doing this the energy becomes lighter and more loving.

If this man is afraid to be trapped in something, this energy you’re sending him will change this feeling of fear. If he’s afraid you want more than he’s able to give you, this energy you’re sending him will also change this feeling. This is the way you move forward in this particular part of your life. If you still want a relationship, send him loving energy, wish him happiness, and always be thinking about how you wish the two of you can be together. If that’s now what you need at this time, send him love, light, and happiness. And hold in your heart the image of how you’d like this relationship to be. Make sure there’s no pressure. This is the message you give going back and forth while this situation continues.

Momof3 says, I know he has his free will whether he wants to pursue a relationship with me or not. And I guess he doesn’t want one even though I did want a relationship and I tried to manifest it. I’m wondering what I did wrong, or what I need to change so this doesn’t happen to me again. The Council says you didn’t do anything wrong. There’s the experiences you had together, and this man is learning from them, and hopefully you’ll learn from them. What do you want? Do you wish to go through this experience again? Do you wish to change this experience? Do you wish to let this experience go and create a relationship with someone new? The choice is always yours.

Momof3 says, I don’t want to go through repeat situations if it’s my lesson or if I need to change. Can you shed any light on this? The Council says you need to decide what you want and work with this energetically. There’s the challenge of you look at your behavior in the relationship. Decide what you think was positive and what you think was negative. What would you change to look at the relationship and see and hear clearly what this man put out to you in his words and behavior? Learn from this, then move on with your life and see which way you want to go with this relationship.

Momof3 asks if there was a miscommunication or does he just not want me? I followed my heart and my intuition. I thought we were awesome together, that we wanted the same thing, and that we could actually even complement each other. I was wrong. Now I’m doubting my own intuition and my spiritual guides, which upsets me because I can’t trust any feeling I have now. I felt like I listened to my intuition and was confident in the signs that I trusted were from the universe and my spirit guides regarding the relationship and moving forward with it, but it turned out to be wrong.

The Council asks what you learned from this? What are these signs you’ve seen, and how does that help you move forward? Look at the signs. Did you read them correctly? Everything is there when you go back into the relationship and, step by step, look and see what went on for both of you. What went on for you? What did you think? What are the words and actions this man used with you? As you learn from this you won’t have to repeat this experience.

Momof3 says, I don’t know how to let go of this situation. Can you give me any help? The Council says you let go by wishing this man love and light, and then with your imagination create a new relationship and the way you want it to be.

Listen to the entire 7-minute audio recording of our session with The Council (below) to hear all their guidance for Momof3 and the rest of us and let us know what you feel about it. Or you can ask The Council your own question by typing it into one of the Comment boxes that appear at the bottom of most of our blog pages.

If you like this post please consider clicking the LIKE button in the section following the recording to let us and other readers know. Thanks.

October 27, 2021 Posted by | Audio Content, Channeling, Questions & Answers, Relationships | , , , , , , | 2 Comments

What’s the Best Way for Me to Connect with My Spiritually?

This post answers questions for The Council from a reader named, Christiana, who wants to know the best ways to connect to her spiritually? The Council says you’re already connected spiritually. Step 1 is to acknowledge that you are a spirit in human form even if you don’t remember it, and you’re always connected. As many times as you can during your day, just stop and think that you are a spirit having a human experience. You’re here by your own choice. See what you’re creating. Have a look around at your life and see what’s going on.

Christiana says, I feel there are many ways to connect with spirit and I want to know which are the ones that are best suited for me? The Council says there are many forms of meditation. There’s just sitting in a chair for five minutes and relaxing. Thinking happy thoughts will always help you feel more connected.

For you to start seriously meditating and feeling a stronger spiritual connection, go out in nature. Walk in the countryside, or down a path in the woods, or on the side of a lake. You’ve done this before in other lifetimes and it will help you to connect to spirit in your current life. The easiest way is to find a tree. A pine tree is best, but any tree will do. Sit on the ground with your back against the tree, close your eyes, and just wait and see what thoughts and images come to you. Do this for a while and feel the tree’s energy.

When you’ve done this for a while we suggest you visualize you are walking down a path and in front of you is a little mountain which you start to walk up. Follow it around and around until you reach the top. When you reach the top, look out and be aware of what you see. Every time you do this you may see something different.

While standing on this hilltop, connect with the Earth, connect with the mountain, with the sky, with the sun, and with the moon. This is a Native American ritual. These people were very attuned to nature. Since you’ve had these lifetimes before, you’ll find it easier to connect again as you practice.

In Native American life it was very important to be part of a tribe and a family. There was a belief in being honest and good with everyone and to support each other. If you can find a way to do that in your current life, you’ll be bringing your past lives into your current life to help you move forward and connect spiritually.

The Native Americans were great worshipers of the elements, of rain, of nature, of lakes, and trees, There was also a belief in one great God.

Many of the Native American tribes knew when it was time for them to pass on. They would sit by themselves under a tree and the others in the tribe would know that this was the time for this person to transition to spirit and they’d leave that person alone. They’d just sit under a tree and will themselves to go back into spirit. There would be dancing and chanting and the tribe would celebrate that another of their kind has gone to be with the great spirit.

It’s good for you to be around birds, hawks, and eagles because you knew how to talk to them in a past life.

Doing these things isn’t a regular sit-down meditation. Being in nature and visualizing will help you feel more connected. More and more this will open up for you and eventually you can connect with spirit guides and spirits that have passed on. This will take practice. We feel that you planned in spirit to take this path and you can achieve it.

Christiana says, I’ve been superficial with regard to connecting to spirit and I’ve also been a bit confused as to how to go about it. When I’m faced with too many options I often choose none of them. I’d like to start somewhere and have something I could practice regularly with confidence.

Christiana continues, Lately I’ve felt an attraction to Native American wisdom and spirituality. Is there a reason for this? The Council repeats that you had several lives among the Native Americans and they were happy lives. They were lives where you grew spiritually and in your community. And you’re calling those lives into your current life.

Listen to the entire 5-minute audio recording of our session with The Council (below) to hear all their guidance for Christiana and the rest of us and let us know what you feel about it. Or you can ask The Council your own question by typing it into the Comment box that appears at the bottom of most of our blog pages.

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July 20, 2021 Posted by | Audio Content, Channeling, Connecting With Spirit, Meditation, Other Lifetimes, Pre-Incarnation Planning, Questions & Answers, Spirit | , , , , , | 2 Comments

How Can I See and Hear My Spirit Guides?

This post answers questions for The Council from a reader named, Susan, who says, During Covid I became very spiritual. I now practice meditation on a daily basis and read many books by ascended masters. I’m doing many things to raise my vibration, but I can’t seem to hear or see my guides or masters.

The Council begins by asking Susan to read the book, St. Germain, The Mystery of the Violet Flame, by Elizabeth Clare Prophet. Then they say that many people think as soon as they begin meditating and reading spiritual books, all the guides and masters will come right out in front of you and give you all the answers you want. It doesn’t work that way. It’s the discipline of quietly meditating, asking for peace, and being there when and if your guides decide to appear in your meditations. You can get all your answers from your guides without seeing or hearing them just by things happening that you wish to happen.

If you believe your guides aren’t communicating with you unless you can see and hear them you’ll be very disappointed. When you’re open to the information coming to you in any way that allows you to realize who you really are as a spiritual being and that you’re very much connected to spirit guides, magic begins to happen.

Susans says, I’ve asked many times for my guides and ascended masters to let their presence be known to me. The Council says if you’re so focused on seeing and hearing your guides, and asking why isn’t this happening when your guides could be showing themselves to you and giving you answers. If you’re only focused on seeing them one way, that won’t help this happen. What will help is the meditation on peace and connecting with the spirit you truly are.

Susan says, I’d love to know who my spirit guides are and make contact with them. The Council says when you do the things we’ve recommended your guides will make contact in whatever way is helpful for you to learn and grow. Be open because guidance can come in many different ways. Then the ways the guidance comes to you will advance and grow as you accept the little ways it comes to you in the beginning.

Susan asks, Is there anything The Council can suggest that my guides would want me to do to raise my vibration enough for me to see and hear them? The Council says laughing and playing will raise your vibration. Having good thoughts and doing fun things raises your vibration. If you do that, and in your meditation you ask for peace and love, and at the same time you connect with your heart and send out love to everyone in your reality, your whole life will begin to change for the better and you’ll connect with more of what you’re asking for. It all comes when the student is ready.

Listen to the entire 5-minute audio recording of our session with The Council (below) to hear all their guidance for Susan and the rest of us and let us know what you feel about it. Unfortunately the quality of this recording isn’t up to our usual standards and we apologize for that. If you’d like to ask The Council your own question, just type it into a Comment box that appears at the bottom of most of our blog pages.

If you like this post please consider clicking the LIKE button in the section following the recording to let us and other readers know. Thanks.

July 15, 2021 Posted by | Audio Content, Channeling, Connecting With Spirit, Meditation, Questions & Answers, Spirit | , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Why Aren’t My Guides and Deceased Mother with Me?

This post answers questions for The Council from a reader named, Mazy, who says for quite some time I haven’t felt my spirit guides or the spirit of my deceased mother around me. In the past I experienced detailed lucid dreams with important symbolism. I also experienced astral projection and astral travel where I briefly met a few of my spirit guides as well as the spirit of my deceased mother. The dreams and astral travel decreased in frequency and now I haven’t experienced either one in about a year.

The Council begins by telling Mazy she’s chosen in spirit to have this experience. How do you feel about having these wonderful experiences and then not having them? Do you feel disconnected? Do you feel abandoned? Do you think there’s something wrong? Somehow you’ve closed yourself off from having these experiences to learn how to be courageous. You wanted to go on with the belief your guides and your deceased mother are with you, that you are capable, and you are connected.

When you realize they’re still with you and you can relax into this thought, the energy will flow again. You can use the chakra breathing meditation we recommend in another post and work on your third eye and your crown chakra. When you do this you can re-experience the astral projection.

The Council adds that Mazy is still doing the astral projection, but you don’t remember it because this is a challenge you created for yourself. You wanted to find out how powerful you are and how you can change this situation even though you may temporarily believe you’ve lost this ability.

Mazy says she found herself having doubts and wondering why my spirit guides and the spirit of my deceased mother are no longer with me. The Council says they are still with you. The doubts are just created so you can learn from this experience.

Listen to the entire 3-minute audio recording of our session with The Council (below) to hear all their guidance for Mazy and the rest of us and let us know what you feel about it, or ask The Council your own question.

If you like this post please consider clicking the LIKE button in the section below the recording to let us and other readers know. Thanks.

December 1, 2020 Posted by | Audio Content, Chakras, Channeling, Connecting With Spirit, Doubt, Feelings, Meditation, Questions & Answers, You Create Your Reality | , , , , , , , | 4 Comments

What Is the Purpose of My Life?

This post answers questions for The Council from a reader named, Denisa, who’s looking for clarity about her life purpose. She says as a child I went through emotional and physical abuse from my father and step-mothers, which led me to search for the meaning of life and my life purpose. This searching led me to spirituality and angels from whom I learned my life purpose is to help people on their journey and show them the way, but I’m not entirely sure what this means. I would love if The Council could provide more clarity, guidance, and insight into this subject.

The Council says this path should feel very familiar to you. In a past life in France you were a nun in a convent who helped lost, abandoned, and abused children. In that life you weren’t able to truly understand what these children felt like. You were very concerned and very loving. You prayed all the time for guidance on how you could help these children. You would ask your angels, the saints, and God to help them and help you to help them.

In your current life you want to understand abuse. You didn’t want to have an abusive life and have it destroy you. You wanted to get an idea of what the abuse felt like and then you wanted to help people again who were mistreated.

In your current life you pre-arranged to have a great connection with spirit to call in angels and higher entities to help you understand your life purpose even more. You have a connection and you can call on it and expect answers and help. It will be there for you.

Denisa says she’s also recently begun to meditate with the intention of connecting with my spirit guides and allowing them to speak to me and through me. Am I on the right track? The Council says you are definitely on the right track.

As a nun in your earlier life you kept a journal of what you saw and how it made you feel, and you made up little prayers and wrote them down. Learn to meditate and then sit quietly with a pad and something to write with, or even in front of a computer. But the paper will bring back memories of other lives and your answers will come through quicker that way. Ask for guidance. Ask questions. See what you begin to write.

The Council closes by repeating that Denisa is definitely on her path and you’ll be guided even more now. You’ll learn more and you’ll be led to the right books to read and the right things to say to people. You’ll get clarity on your thoughts about problems you have or things you don’t understand. You’ll begin to work at a higher level. And of course prayer will be very familiar to you.

Listen to the entire 5-minute audio recording of our session with The Council (below) to hear all their guidance for Denisa and the rest of us and let us know what you feel about it, or ask your own question.

If you like this post please consider clicking the LIKE button in the section following the recording to let us and other readers know.

October 9, 2020 Posted by | Audio Content, Channeling, Connecting With Spirit, Helping Others, Life Purpose, Meditation, Other Lifetimes, Pre-Incarnation Planning, Questions & Answers, Spirit | , , , , , , , | 6 Comments

Should I Contact My Dead Father Through a Medium?

This post answers questions for The Council from a reader named, JERL, who says lately in my spiritual journey I’ve been drawn to my painful past and memories of my early childhood when I was neglected by my father and step-mothers. The Council says this is wonderful because you pre-planned in spirit to do this and it means you’re ready now. You’re ready to look at these memories, to go over what’s happened, change how you think about it, change how you understand it, change how you feel about it, and how to figure out how to let it go.

JERL says, I’m trying to sit with the sadness, but I keep feeling drawn to meeting with a medium to talk with spirit about my father who I was happily estranged from for ten years before he killed himself last year. The Council says there’s light and joy on the other side of the sadness. Just sit with it. The more you can sit with your sadness you’ll see it won’t kill you or hurt you. You’re remembering an emotion and you’re remembering it in order to go through it and heal it.

JERL says his father was very negative and part of JERL is afraid that even in spirit he’ll cause me painful memories if I speak with him. The Council says if you truly connect with your father’s spirit, and you don’t need someone else to help you do this, there won’t be a single negative thought, or negative word, or anything that would be said that can hurt you.

Unfortunately, in your reality people feel they have to go to someone else in order to speak with someone who’s passed into spirit. Meditate. Talk to your father in your mind and this other person won’t be necessary. Many of these mediums and psychics are very good, but what isn’t commonly understood is that they often don’t connect with the spirit of the person you want to connect with. These mediums are connecting with these people’s essence of who they were when they were alive.

When a medium gives you negativity or tells you something horrible that this spirit says to you, it isn’t who the spirit truly is. The medium is just connecting with who the person was when they were alive. When you connect with spirit it will be beautiful. If you feel you need someone to connect you with your father, keep searching until you find the right medium. All good mediums that give you messages from spirit will be helpful, they’ll make you laugh, there will be talk of love, and there will be great understanding.

JERL continues, on the other hand I’d like to understand what my father’s life goals were and be able to forgive him so I can pray for his well-being every day. The Council wants you to know that you chose your father to play this role in your life. You both got together in spirit and planned how your life would be and how you could learn from it. How your father behaved was part of the act he put on. It was like being on stage. He played a part. He lost track of who he truly was as a spiritual being. He was hurt as a child and this negativity and hurt carried through to his adult life. Unfortunately it affected you.

Know there are reasons your father was the way he was. It wasn’t your fault. This was something you both agreed in spirit to experience. When you think of your father, what did he teach you? What kind of person did it make you? When you understand that in reality he had his problems and they caused him to be the way he was. There were lessons your father wanted to learn.

When you think of your father, can you think of him having his own challenges? Think of how he was hurt and suffering inside. How you were treated doesn’t make it right. It was part of the deal you made with your father in spirit. When you think of him being negative and suffering, what did this teach you? What did you learn? When you can repeatedly look at your father’s negativity, no matter how many times it takes, and not feel sadness, even if you go numb, if you no longer hurt from it, you’re starting on the path of forgiveness. Know you’ve come through what you’ve experienced. What have you learned? The purpose of experiencing this neglect is to understand what you’ve learned.

JERL continues, I understand I chose my father in order to learn my lessons and that we were friends and enemies in other lives. In my current life, putting a boundary between him and me has been healthy for me. The Council says it’s wonderful you knew exactly what you had to do to make your life better. There’s no guilt in that.

JERL says he’s wary and a little scared of his thoughts that it’s time to reconcile with his father. The Council says if you truly want to reconcile, this will happen when you begin to understand your father had his challenges. He played the part he was supposed to in your life, and he did this to help you grow and learn because that’s what you wanted. All this thinking about your past will help you move forward. Then you’ll be ready to forgive. It’s not that someone is telling you it’s time to forgive. You’ll know it’s time because you’ll have more understanding.

JERL asks if he should trust his urges and meet with his father in spirit through a medium? The Council says if you go to a medium who gives you scary or angry messages, or any message that makes you feel bad, don’t go back to this person. Find someone else and you’ll see the difference in the messages that come through.

Your father has reviewed his life and knows he did his part. He’s sending you light to help you get to a place of forgiveness. When you’re ready, you’ll let this light in.

Learn to meditate. Sit quietly in a chair, even if it’s for five minutes a day, and picture your father’s face. This may be difficult in the beginning. Then begin to speak to your father. You can tell him how you feel and what your experience with him has done to you. Ask your father to let you know it was all part of your spiritual plan. Ask for information and your father and your spirit guides will help you get it. Somehow you’ll just know the answers to your questions. It’s not like you’ll hear a word for word explanation. It will come all at once in a block of feeling. Everything will lift and you’ll realize you’re surrounded by guides, angels, and beautiful light energy.

Since you’ve gone through this painful history it’s now helping you move past it. Before you go to bed you can ask for information or ask to feel forgiveness. When you feel this forgiveness you’ll be able to connect with your father, because the negativity between you and spirit will prevent this from happening. If you do the work and take the time, you’ll find the answers you seek. No one else is needed.

Listen to the entire 12-minute audio recording of our session with The Council to hear all their guidance for JERL and the rest of us and let us know what you feel about it, or ask your own question.

If you like this post please consider clicking the LIKE button in the section following the recording to let us and other readers know. Thanks.

September 12, 2020 Posted by | Agreement, Audio Content, Challenges, Channeling, Connecting With Spirit, Forgiveness, Healing, Meditation, Pre-Incarnation Planning, Questions & Answers, Relationships, Spirit | , , , , , , , , , , | 5 Comments

What Should I Do with My Life?

This post answers a question for The Council from a reader named, Derek, who says, I’ve struggled a lot with depression in my life and have always felt out of place since I was very young.

The Council says the reason you feel this way is until the very last moment of your birth you weren’t sure you wanted to come into this life. You were appreciating how much wonder, beauty, and love is in the spirit world and you weren’t sure you wanted to come into this reality at that time. A feeling of not belonging or sometimes a feeling of confusion and not fitting in can occur under these circumstances.

Derek says I feel homesick often, even when I was a child growing up with my family. The emotions are so strong sometimes I just want to explode in sadness and frustration. The Council says this homesickness is for your life in spirit.

Derek says I’d just like to hear what I need from The Council. The Council says you need to meditate daily. This is the most important thing for you. Meditation is what you wished to do to help you on your spiritual path. Once you begin to meditate daily you’ll connect to your spirit guides, you’ll connect with and learn about who you truly are, you’ll be able to see life in the spirit world, and you’ll be able to connect with others who have passed on before you.

The Council suggests any form of meditation that’s comfortable. There are many ways of doing it. There’s sitting quietly and counting your breath. There’s walking barefoot in the countryside and just letting your mind wander. There’s chanting. There’s praying. Usually being out in nature helps. You’ll go from one form of meditation to another until you find what is comfortable for you. You’ll be led to this and you’ll know when you reach it.

Derek closes by saying, I always felt the need to progress spiritually and I feel very alone right now. The Council says we can promise when you meditate daily you won’t feel alone any longer.

Listen to the 4-minute audio recording of our session with The Council (below) to hear all their guidance for Derek and the rest of us and let us know what you feel about it, or ask your own question.

If you like this post please consider clicking the LIKE button in the section following the recording to let us and other readers know. Thanks.

August 13, 2020 Posted by | Audio Content, Channeling, Connecting With Spirit, Meditation, Questions & Answers, Spirit | , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Can The Council Provide a Meditation for Forgiveness of Oneself and Others?

This post answers a question from a reader named, Utah, who asks if The Council can provide a meditation for forgiveness of oneself and others.

The Council begins by saying forgiveness is difficult in our reality. When you’re interested in forgiving yourself The Council suggests the following steps.

  1. Sit quietly.
  2. Concentrate on your heart.
  3. Ask to see yourself as a spirit.
  4. Imagine a beautiful golden light around you.
  5. See some of the things you wish to forgive yourself for.
  6. Imagine your spirit guides coming up behind you.
  7. Imagine writing each thing you want forgiveness for on a piece of paper, hold the paper in your hand, and read it to yourself.
  8. Imagine putting this paper in a small box and handing it to your spirit guide.
  9. Imagine your guide smiling and taking this piece of paper and handing you a gift.
  10. See what appears in your hands. It will have a special meaning only for you. Whether it makes sense or not, take the gift and imagine placing it in your heart.
  11. Your healing begins with this process and you can repeat it as often as you like.

When you need to forgive another person The Council suggests following these steps.

  1. Picture yourself sitting on the ground with the person you want to forgive.
  2. Begin by holding hands and looking into each other’s eyes.
  3. Imagine all the things you wish to say to each other.
  4. Now imagine a green rope of vibrating energy coming out of your heart and goes across to the person you wish to forgive.
  5. Watch this green rope enter this person’s heart and make a loop and come back into your heart.
  6. Now just sit in your imagination of this beautiful green light vibration coming out of your heart and going to the person you wish to forgive and this person sending the green light back to you.
  7. Have whatever you wish to forgive this person for in your mind as you follow these steps.

This process will help you forgive this other person. You can do this for as long as you like and as many times as is needed.

Listen to the entire 4-minute audio recording of our session with The Council to hear all their guidance for Utah and the rest of us and let us know what you feel about this, or ask your own question.

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August 10, 2020 Posted by | Audio Content, Channeling, Forgiveness, Healing, Meditation, Questions & Answers, Relationships, Spirit | , , , | Leave a comment

What Happened During Our Strange Car Ride?

This post answers a question for The Council from a reader named, Ian, who says one day my wife and I went for a drive in our car and had an odd, eerie feeling we were traveling along a road that wasn’t how it should have been on our map. After several minutes of curious and anxious travel, we arrived at a house that my wife had seen in a recent dream. Subsequent visits to this area seemed to indicate we moved back and forth between points on the road that are several miles apart and out of sequence with a normal drive. During the ride we were both conscious, but it seemed eerie enough that later we thought maybe we were influenced by aliens or otherworldly forces.

The Council says this car trip involved a shift in dimension. Because of your thirst for knowledge and where you are on your path in your current lifetime, you allowed yourself to experience more than what’s in physical form. During this ride, you visited where you were in one of your past lifetimes. The life you had then, the thoughts you had, the way you spoke, the words you put out there is still in this area, but in another dimension. Going into this area you were able to connect with some of that other lifetime.

If you’re interested, we suggest you keep going back to this same area. But before you go, meditate for a few days or weeks and ask to see what this past life was like. In your meditations try and feel what it was like, see it, and remember it.

Sometimes when you jump into a dimension you remember very little of what you’re experiencing because there isn’t any time in this alternate dimension. You’d think you were there for a few minutes and then back to your ordinary reality, but it’s possible you were there much longer. If you meditate you’ll be able to hold on to the experience of this alternate reality longer and get more information.

To be able to go into another lifetime and quickly come back is a small piece of what you can experience. It’s like a gift from your higher self to give you a feeling of something different. As you keep reaching for answers about your experience, your guides will bring them to you.

Listen to the entire 5-minute audio recording of our session with The Council to hear all their guidance for Ian and the rest of us and let us know what you feel about it, or ask your own question.

If you like this post please consider clicking the LIKE button in the section following the recording to let us and other readers know. Thanks.

July 23, 2020 Posted by | Audio Content, Channeling, Meditation, Other Lifetimes, Other Realities, Questions & Answers, Spirit | , , , , , | 7 Comments

Can I Discover My Spirit Guides Through Meditation?

This post answers a question for The Council from a reader named, Thomas, who asks if he can meditate to discover his spirit guides so he can get life guidance and information about his past lives.

The Council says you have to believe in your ability to do this. When you learn you’re so much more than your human body that you’ve settled into for this lifetime, you’ll be able to connect with your spirit guides.

Meditation works differently for different people. Start by taking a few moments every day to sit quietly and allow whatever thoughts you have. Allow your thoughts to gradually quiet down. Some people use this time to pray. Others just sit quietly and wait for sounds. Ask yourself whatever questions you’d like an answer to. What do my spirit guides look like? Can I get signs they’re around me?

Start slowly. Everyone has the ability to connect with their spirit guides. When you know you’re a spirit in a physical body, which is what you came here to learn, it makes believing you can meditate more possible. The limitations of thought and doubt are what prevent you from believing in your ability to meditate.

When you’re serious about your meditation practice, perhaps by meditating at a certain time each day, or by lighting a candle, or burning incense, you’re telling your mind and your body it’s time to slow down and reach for a different energy.

Sometimes results are slow to come in the beginning, but you can definitely connect with your spirit guides through meditation. Your guides know what you’re trying to do and as you keep doing your meditation practice, your guides will reach out to you. All you have to do is take the time, whether it’s 5 minutes a day, 20 minutes a day, or an hour a day. Your guides will make your energy change within you. They’ll make it possible for you to reach different states of consciousness. You’ll feel peacefulness at first, and as you continue to ask questions you’ll receive your answers.

Listen to the entire 4-minute audio recording of our session with The Council to hear all their guidance for Thomas and the rest of us and let us know how you feel about it, or ask your own question.

If you like this post please consider clicking the LIKE button in the section following the recording to let us and other readers know. Thanks.

July 21, 2020 Posted by | Audio Content, Beliefs, Channeling, Connecting With Spirit, Meditation, Questions & Answers, Spirit | , , , , , | Leave a comment

How Can I Heal My Addiction?

This post answers questions for The Council from a reader named, Michael, who starts by asking, “If a person has paid off his karmic debts…,” at which point The Council interrupts the question. They say for centuries many people believed there’s a karmic debt you have to pay off and they add, there’s no such thing as a karmic debt.

There are experiences you choose in spirit to relive in order to experience it again, but you relive these experiences differently. For example, you can heal a situation, you can choose to help others through a similar situation, and you can give yourself more understanding. But there is no karmic debt that says you must do this thing to pay back for something you did in a past life. You choose what you create in each lifetime because you’re learning from it and you’re being helpful to others.

Michael goes on to say, “…and has learned so many lessons from his addiction and it has completely ruined his life…” Again The Council interrupts and says maybe you look at it as ruining this one particular life, but according to your spirit, what’s happening is exactly what you want. You can gain additional understanding of a situation or show others what it’s like to be in your situation.

Michael continues, “…but he is now completely ready to fight it with all his might and heal himself. Can The Council suggest how he’d go about this?” The Council says Michael’s idea of fighting his addiction will get him nowhere in terms of his healing. The idea of fighting is negative and there’s too much pressure there.

If you don’t want to experience addiction anymore and you’re ready to heal your life, acknowledge what you’ve gone through. It’s your choice to change your life now and not to go through addiction anymore. There’s less pressure and more love in this approach. Just the fact there isn’t a war between you and your addiction will make all the difference it the world in terms of how you come through this.

If you believe you have to fight your addiction and you don’t heal this part of your life in this lifetime, when you transition you get more understanding. There will be spirit guides to go through this with you and remind you that when you came into this life, you don’t come to fight anything. You don’t come to push anything away. You came into your physical life to learn from it and choose how you want to go further with it. You’re always reminded to bring love into every situation.

Just acknowledge what you’ve gone through, where you are now, and how you want to move forward. Knowledge came with your addiction. Acknowledge you’re a spirit who picked this difficult challenge, but you’ve had enough and you wish to change your life. Your higher self will show you the way to get through your addiction. You should always have compassion for yourself and what you’ve gone through. You can change anything in your life.

Michael closes by saying The Council must release him and he asks how they can do this. The Council says they’re unable to release anyone from anything. You’re in charge of your life. We can only tell you to bring love into it for how brave you were to choose the difficulty of addiction. Now you can have another choice for your life, and that’s you releasing yourself.

Listen to the entire 5-minute audio recording of our session with The Council (below) to hear all their guidance for Michael and the rest of us and let us know what you feel about it, or ask your own question.

If you like this post please consider clicking the LIKE button in the section following the recording to let us and other readers know. Thanks.

June 29, 2020 Posted by | Audio Content, Channeling, Choice, Healing, Love, Pre-Incarnation Planning, Questions & Answers, Spirit, You Create Your Reality | , , , , , | 5 Comments

How Can I Deal with these High-pitched Tones in My Ears?

This post answers a question for The Council from a reader named, Jay, who says he’s struggling with bouts of debilitating tinnitus (ringing in the ears) that he’s been unable to solve himself. I’m a person who can appreciate silence, but there’s no silence in my experience now – just high-pitched feedback-like tones. When I have these episodes it’s so distracting that I feel unable to use my brain. How can I address this problem? It’s wearing me out emotionally and leaving me feeling hopeless.

The Council sees that Jay has created this tinnitus, not as a distraction, but as something to tune you in to your inner voice, to guidance, and to connecting to spirit. You haven’t spent enough time meditating or sitting silently and patiently asking questions and listening for answers. This tinnitus was created by you to bring your attention to sound and hearing.

When you do have these tinnitus attacks, sit for a short period of time and listen to the tone. Imagine walking into it and through it. What do you see? What do you hear?

When you’re able to experience silence The Council asks you to meditate, to picture any sort of colors in your mind’s eye, then go back to listening. Begin by listening to tones, and then it will turn into words, and you can think of questions, and just listen. This tinnitus is your way of stopping yourself from everyday life so you can give time and attention to this problem of not tuning into your inner voice.

When you can go into this silence we see this will last longer and longer because you’re fulfilling what you’ve created to help you get to a higher vibration, which also causes this sound in your ears. This is the way your higher self has stopped you so you can begin to listen and not run away from these sounds. Listen and work with these sounds while it leads you on a path that connects you to your higher self.

We realize it’s difficult to listen to these sounds and you feel like you want to escape them, but they can’t hurt you. For a short period, even if it’s only a minute, listen to these sounds and imagine they have a color. Imagine walking into a room that’s filled with this color and the sound you hear until you no longer feel you need to escape. The more you can do this the sounds will change. It will change your vibration and you’ll connect to your higher self and your spirit guides.

When you don’t hear these sounds and there’s quiet, take five minutes if you can to sit and appreciate the silence. Go into the silence. Create another room. What color is in the room with silence in it? Go into it and listen. When you’re comfortable, ask questions. Don’t be afraid to listen. The more you listen, the answers to your questions will come to you.

This will take time. Persevere.

Listen to the entire 5-minute audio recording of our session with The Council (below) to hear all their guidance for Jay and the rest of us and let us know what you feel about it, or ask your own question.

If you like this post please consider clicking the LIKE button in the section following the recording to let us and other readers know. Thanks.

June 10, 2020 Posted by | Audio Content, Channeling, Connecting With Spirit, Imagination, Meditation, Questions & Answers, Spirit, You Create Your Reality | , , , , , | 4 Comments

Is it Possible for Me to Exist in Several Places at One Time?

This post answers questions for The Council from a reader named, Over The Wall, who says it seems that in spirit, travel is instantaneous, but is it also possible to be in multiple locations at one time? The Council says yes. In spirit, travel is as quick as a thought.

Over The Wall asks if they can live in the astral counterparts of both London and Paris at the same time? The Council says you can do this. The astral is a twin part of what you’re experiencing now. With your focus on the astral plane you can have knowledge of many other timelines.

Over The Wall says they hear stories about souls being shown many different options when it comes to pre-planning a new life, particularly as this relates to choosing parents and locations for the new life. Would it be possible to say yes to all the options because we’re multidimensional?

The Council says when you’re planning a life, and the lessons you wish to learn, and the things you want to help others with, you work with your spirit guides on how to go about doing this. They and you will suggest different ways to handle the kind of parents and family you want to pick and the kind of work you want. You’ll be given options and you’ll always be granted the options you choose. Your spirit guides can’t choose for you, but they can help by showing you different options.

If you want to experience more than one option you would create different lifetimes and then choose a different option. You can experience all of your options. You’ll have an option for one lifetime, for example, to be in an abusive family. And then there’s the part of you that wants to live in grandeur and being very rich with a loving family. You’d create two different incarnations to experience both of these options.

Over The Wall says would someone incarnating in 1945 select multiple timelines where the outcomes of World War II are different so they could experience multiple situations? Or would they just pick one outcome to incarnate into? The Council says you can incarnate into two different lifetimes. Each part of you would focus in and know only the one lifetime you’ve chosen. There’s the other part of you that’s in another lifetime with a different outcome. This is possible.

You can choose about the war or any subject in many lifetimes, remembering that you’re part of source. A small part of you as source would go into each lifetime. And as you are the creator, you’ve planned in spirit in one lifetime to win the war. In another lifetime your side looses the war. In a third lifetime aliens will come and save you. You are the creator of these lives. You can create as many lifetimes as you desire with as many different outcomes.

Listen to the entire 6-minute audio recording of our session with The Council (below) to hear all their guidance for Over The Wall and the rest of us and let us know what you feel about it, or ask your own question.

If you like this post please consider clicking the LIKE button in the section following the recording to let us and other readers know. Thanks.

April 25, 2020 Posted by | Audio Content, Channeling, Other Lifetimes, Pre-Incarnation Planning, Questions & Answers, Spirit, You Create Your Reality | , , | 3 Comments

Do My Dreams Have Significance I Don’t Realize?

This post answers questions for The Council from a reader named, AustinMat, about snippets of dreams he’s had over the years and he’d love some insight into their significance. He says many of these dreams take place in what looks like an educational facility. I don’t remember much of what takes place during these dreams except for briefly seeing people I’ve known or perhaps people I’d like to know.

The Council says these people and this place comes to you as a dream, but it’s a way for you to travel back to the spirit world. Many people see this place as a classroom. You come back and see other souls you know in this lifetime and other lifetimes, and you’re there to learn and review what’s going on at that particular time in your life.

This is a place where you go to review your soul contract and the lessons you’ve chosen to learn. Sometimes you come here to learn how to handle different experiences you’re having in your current life. This is your higher self’s way of showing you there’s more for you to learn.

When you wake up you don’t remember what you experienced, but when the time comes that you need this information in your current lifetime you’ll remember what you dreamt and you’ll know how to handle experiences that you dreamt of.

In the most recent deam AustinMat remembers he appears to be a student back in Elementary School where he thinks he saw a student he calls, LH, who he doesn’t know very well in his waking reality and he asks why he saw her there. The Council says you know this person from various lifetimes and meeting in spiritual schoolrooms. Your higher self is giving you a brief glimpse of who you truly are as a spiritual being.

The significance of these dream-like experiences is that you are very in touch with your higher self, which is choosing to have you remember there’s a schoolroom you go to and ask why you’re in school? You’re there because you’re visiting with family, with friends, with guides, and you’re all learning and helping one another.

The Council applauds you for having these dreams and remembering them, but there’s so much more from these dreams that’s not remembered at this time. But you’ve gained more knowledge, experience, and ways to help yourself in your current lifetime.

Listen to the entire 5-minute audio recording of our session with The Council (below) to hear all their guidance for AustinMat and the rest of us and let us know what you feel about it, or ask your own question.

If you like this post please click the LIKE button in the section following the recording to let us and other readers know. Thanks.

February 19, 2020 Posted by | Audio Content, Channeling, Other Lifetimes, Questions & Answers, Spirit | , , , , , | 3 Comments

Spiritual Insight Into People We Consider Autistic

This post answers questions from a long-time reader named, Jan, who say that in her many years observing people on the autistic spectrum she’s noticed the following:

  • Sudden disorientation and panic for no reason
  • Sudden personality changes
  • Moving from very outgoing and friendly to insular for periods ranging from a few days to many months
  • Memory lapses is some areas, but highly detailed memory in other events
  • Extreme desire for anything predictable and and unchanging, which seems to comfort them
  • Levels of psychic ability beyond that of most other people

The Council say this different way of living that most of us call autistic is chosen by the spirit and the main reason is to teach the people around them. You’ll notice they live their lives very differently. What do you do to understand this difference? Do you accept how they are? Do you try to communicate with them in ways they’re trying to teach you?

When an autistic spectrum person goes into panic or withdraws it’s because they exist in several realities at the same time. Although all of us experience many different realities at the same time, we’re not usually aware of it except maybe in a dream or a meditation. A spirit that chooses to experience autism allows themself to be in more than one reality and to know it and remember it.

Sometimes these people jump from one reality to another and this can be frightening to them because their world can change in a moment. These souls require lots of patience and love and it’s your role to supply this. Understand that these people may not be present in your reality right now and at these times it’s not a good idea to touch them and try to bring them back into your reality. They’re experiencing something in another reality and can come back to this reality when they’re ready.

This type of behavior is confusing for most people who see it, but aren’t able to understand it. And it’s very challenging for the spirit that’s going through this experience. They’re mainly trying to teach people who just experience one reality that there’s more than one reality going on and how to look at it. Ask yourself what’s going on for this person? How can I communicate with this person when they’re experiencing this? How can I let them know they’re safe, even if they must jump from one reality to another?

The Council says the sudden personality changes in these people are caused by them experiencing these different realities, but their physical body is still here and it can take on the personality of what that spirit is focusing on in another reality. When an autistic spectrum person is in your reality, whatever you can do to help them see and feel familiar things will help them.

Jan says many years ago The Council suggested to her that when a close autistic spectrum friend of hers becomes uncommunicative for a while, she’d be able to communicate with him telepathically. She’s been doing this, but as they communicate there are often inconsistencies between his experience and memory of events and hers. The Council says when you try to communicate telepathically with this spirit, it’s felt in whatever reality he’s experiencing in that moment and that’s the reason for these inconsistencies.

Jan asked her own spirit guides for guidance on her autistic spectrum friend’s situation and was given information similar to what The Council has described, but Jan says she has difficulty understanding this guidance or even believing it, although she says it does offer an explanation for much of his behavior.

The Council advises Jan to learn a little more about the realities her friend experiences when he’s back in their shared reality. Ask him in a non-threatening way what’s been happening in his life lately. See what he says and don’t think it’s crazy or it doesn’t make sense. In this way you can learn about where he goes and what he’s experiencing. It was part of your purpose to learn there is more to life than the reality you experience. You’re also here to learn about other realities.

Listen to the entire 12-minute audio recording of our session with The Council to hear all their guidance for Jan and the rest of us and let us know what you feel about it. It’s a little longer than a lot of our sessions, but there’s a lot of information here and we feel it’s definitely worthwhile.

If you like this post, please consider clicking the LIKE button in the section following the recording to let us and other readers know. Thanks.

November 10, 2019 Posted by | Audio Content, Channeling, Pre-Incarnation Planning, Psychic Ability, Questions & Answers, Relationships, Spirit | , , , , , , , | 5 Comments

How Can We Change the Life We Pre-Planned in Spirit?

This post answers questions for The Council from a reader who goes by the name, PE, who wants to know how to change the pre-birth plans they made when they were still in spirit, and they give the following example. If you’re very sick, can you decide you’d rather not deal with the issue of sickness in your current lifetime and your body will heal itself?

The Council explains that the experiences we wish to go through once we enter our physical lifetime are chosen by us in spirit to help us grow. During your spiritual pre-birth planning, sometimes you pick a lesson that will be very difficult once you enter physical reality, although in spirit it doesn’t feel like it will be difficult. The spirit chooses to have the experience because it wants to learn from it and grow. When you pre-plan something in spirit, your higher self knows why you want to go through this. But in your physical lifetime as you face these difficulties you may say, “I’ve had enough. I don’t want to deal with this.” But your spirit knows better; it knows how much it wants to go through this experience to learn and grow from it.

When you’re going through an experience and find it too stressful and it prevents you from experiencing other things you desire to experience in that lifetime, you can go through part of it and decide to continue it in another lifetime instead. But that’s the human part of you making that decision. The spiritual part of you will help you get through a difficult experience and when you finally learn the lesson, the body will instantaneously heal.

Sometimes all you need to realize is that the healing comes from within you. When you realize you’re a powerful spiritual being in a physical body, you can change your life. Many people who go through an illness don’t feel powerful and go through it without understanding this is something they chose in spirit. They think let me ease this experience and continue it at another time. The Council says it’s possible to do this.

But The Council adds that what you experience is what you believe. If you believe you’ve chosen this difficult illness in spirit, you can speak to your spirit in meditation and prayer and ask for this difficulty to change. If your faith and your belief are strong enough, you can do this. You, as a human being, are always in control with your thoughts, with how you look at each experience, and how you try to understand the lesson behind the difficulty.

The Council says whatever lesson we choose to go through in this physical reality we always come for one reason and that’s to figure out how to bring love into the lesson we’re going through? How can I learn to love in this situation? How do the people around me learn to love in this situation? Always know you can reach out to your higher self in meditation or prayer and ask to be shown the lesson you wished to learn. Ask to see this lesson the way you presented it to your spirit guides when you pre-planned it. And ask to remember who you truly are as a spiritual being and that you have a choice in your physical life.

As a human being having an uncomfortable experience you can say, I’ve had enough, I don’t want to deal with this difficulty any more. But who you are as a spiritual being knows it has to push you through this difficulty. It was your desire to get through this experience. But if it seems too much for you right now, you can ask to let yourself learn from what you’ve experienced so far, and continue this lesson in another lifetime.

When you meditate and connect with your higher self, a dialogue begins and your higher self will know how to get you through this difficulty, how to make it easier, or how to change it. You are your higher self. You have access to your higher self when you meditate, whether you feel it consciously or not. You have access to your higher self when you pray. You have access to your higher self when you dream.

When you learn you are your higher self, which creates the human part of you that’s going through this difficult experience, that spirit part of you is coming with you on this journey and is seeing how you handle each experience. Your higher self understands what was agreed upon before you came into your physical reality and it knows how the human part of you can handle the difficulty.

Meditate and visualize healing energy around you. Know your connection to your higher self is there, even if you don’t feel it consciously. The more you think of the way you want your life to be, your life will adjust to these thoughts. Take time to meditate and speak with your higher self. You may not remember what you planned. Your life may be difficult and you think you can’t learn from it. Can you find a way to change your life? Can you make it less traumatic? But you have to reach out with your thoughts, knowing that you’re connected to your higher self.

Many people believe there’s the human part of you, and your spirit part is way off somewhere else. It’s not. You are that spirit part of you. When you think you bit off more than you can chew, the higher part of you knows what you planned and why you planned it. If you believe your higher part can ease your difficulty, it can. If you believe your higher part can cure your illness, it can. Each lesson you go through brings you to the understanding you’re not a victim. When you know there is an answer to your questions – and you don’t have to know how your answer will come –  the answer will come when you’re open to it. But you have to think, “I am the one who will change this. I am the one that will connect with the part of me that has all the answers.” And when you let go of the fear and the discouragement the answers will come.

Play with the reasons you could have planned your difficulty. Many people use illness or a disability as a punishment. The Council says that’s only a thought in the human mind that you’ve carried with you into this world, and you’ll create the disease or the disability if you feel there’s a reason for this. When you connect to spirit, you’ll know that everything you think you should be punished for was just an experience for you to learn from. There’s no one here keeping track of how far you’ve come or if you’ve been punished long enough. The answer comes in prayer and meditation. In your quiet time your answers will come.

The Council ends by saying they think some who hear the guidance in this post won’t find it easy to understand, and they say this is fine. Listen to it again and again and do the mediations, and talk to your spirit, and you’ll see the difference in your lives.

Listen to the entire 17-minute audio recording of our session with The Council (below) to hear all their guidance for PE and the rest of us. A session like this one is particularly difficult to recap with just the highlights, as we’ve attempted to do in this written summary. And let us know what you feel about this session.

April 2, 2019 Posted by | Audio Content, Beliefs, Challenges, Channeling, Connecting With Spirit, Love, Meditation, Pre-Incarnation Planning, Questions & Answers, Spirit | , , , , , , , | 4 Comments

Are the Wind Whispers in My Ear a Message for Me From Spirit?

This post answers questions for The Council from a reader who goes by the name, Soul Seeking Peace, who says they sometimes hear wind whispers in their ear and she asks The Council if this means there’s a message for her from spirit. The Council says there’s no particular message, it’s just that Soul Seeking Peace is now opening up to hear spirit. The Council advises her to concentrate on the feeling when they hear these wind whispers and from this feeling they can create questions as if they were talking to this wind spirit. This is you reaching out and trying to connect to your higher self and the guides around you.

Sit quietly by a computer or with paper and a pencil or pen and when you hear and feel the wind whispers, write down what you’re thinking of. When you get a feeling of knowing an answer to a question it won’t come to you in words at first, but it will come in what The Council refers to as “the knowing.” It won’t be like you’re hearing a voice, but you’ll just have a complete answer and that’s how you’ll develop.

Soul Seeking Peace also says she has an extreme phobia of the dark and of being alone and asks The Council for guidance how to heal this phobia. The Council says this phobia comes from another lifetime where they were left in a cell, not fed, no water, underground, in the dark, and they passed away in this cell. The Council advises Soul Seeking Peace know this is where this fear of darkness and aloneness are coming from and also to realize that was then and not now.

The Council suggests sitting in a dark room at night for 30 seconds and just see what she feels. Do you get anxious? Do you feel like you’ll die? And when you turn on the light, breathe deeply and realize this was a feeling from another time that you’re trying to release. Realize you’re still alive and okay. Be aware of what you feel and speak kindly to yourself.

You don’t need to do this every day, but do it once in a while. The more you’re able to concentrate on being still here and still okay when you turn the lights back on, the phobia will decrease. If you’re still anxious or hyperventilating or terrified when you turn on the lights, slowly talk yourself down from these feelings. Remember you’re okay. Remember you’re still here and you’re healing something from a past life.

Listen to a 5-minute audio recording of our session with The Council (below) to hear all The Council’s guidance for Soul Seeking Peace and the rest of us, and let us know what you feel about it.

If you like the post, please consider clicking the LIKE button in the section following the recording to let us and other readers know. Thanks.

February 11, 2019 Posted by | Audio Content, Channeling, Connecting With Spirit, Feelings, Other Lifetimes, Questions & Answers | , , , , | 3 Comments

How Can I Connect with My Spiritual Guides?

This post answers a follow-up question for The Council from a reader named, Fuschia, who says not being able to directly communicate with her spirit guides is frustrating for her and contributes to her isolation and despair. She’s tried various techniques, but isn’t making any progress.

The Council says sometimes when you want something so badly and you try so hard and you are so frustrated by not getting what you desire, that you don’t allow what you want to happen. The Council suggests Fuschia ease up on how she goes about connecting with her spirit guides.

Go outside on a nice day, sit or lay down in the grass, find a tree you can look up at, and relax your eyes as you look at a particular branch. In a very short time you’ll see an aura around the branch. This is the energy of the tree. Next pick a sleeping animal and relax your eyes again as you look at it. Soon you’ll see energy around this animal and the energy will begin to move. Next you can pick a house or a building and relax your eyes so you can begin to see its energy. Then you can begin to look at other human beings and begin to see their energy.

After you practice this for a while you’ll begin to realize you can see the vibration of everything that has energy, including other spirits. Then when you sit quietly to meditate and begin to hear sounds and feel feelings that come with these sounds, you can begin asking your guides questions. In this way, knowing that you’ve been able to see energy, you’ll then be ready to connect and hear communication from your guides.

Go slowly with this process. As you try so hard there isn’t the relaxation that’s needed to perceive these different modes of communication. Relax into meditation, relax into daydreaming, and you’ll make your connection with your guides.

The Council closes by saying that Fuschia’s guides are always there with her (as all our guides are) and they’re communicating on many different levels that you’re not aware of. When you need answers to experiences you have, the answers are always there. On some level you already have this information. As you relax the answers to questions will come to you. In Fuschia’s case it’s all about relaxing.

Listen to the 5-minute audio recording of our session with The Council (below) to hear all their guidance for Fuschia and the rest of us, and let us know what you feel about it.

If you like this post, please consider clicking the LIKE button in the section following the recording to let us and other readers know. Thanks.

February 10, 2019 Posted by | Audio Content, Channeling, Connecting With Spirit, Meditation, Questions & Answers | , , , , , | 1 Comment

What to Do If You’ve Created a Spiritual Void, and How to Create Your Way Out

This post answers questions from a reader named, Nandawu, who says this year they feel they’ve lost their motivation and the dreams in their life. They feel frustrated and annoyed no matter what they try and they don’t know what to do with their life. Everything seems difficult for them and they don’t feel like they belong in this material life. They can’t have a job, friends, lovers, or money, and they ask The Council for their help.

The Council says Nandawu has put themself into what they call the great void. You’re at a point in your life where you’re changing what you want to accomplish. And with this change you can go through a period of weeks, months, or even years sometimes where you’re in this void and you feel nothing is happening. This is because you, your spirit guides, and higher self are rethinking what you want to accomplish in this lifetime.

In this void, which feels horrible but truly isn’t, there is what The Council calls – the waiting. Think about your wildest dreams of what you’d like to do and what you’d like your life to be like, even if you think there’s no way for you to achieve this. Information will come to you in dreams. Have the craziest and most wonderful thoughts of where your life can go. In your happiness as you begin thinking anything is possible, you’ll bring into this lifetime what you need to move forward.

Prayer, meditation, yoga, and reading spiritual books are wonderful for you while you’re in this void. The Council particularly recommends, Emmanuel’s Book: A Manuel for Living Comfortably in the Cosmos, by Pat Rodegast & Judith Stanton. This book will give you ideas and will strengthen your connection to your higher self.

The Council says this is a wonderful time for you because the spirits around you are helping you go down a new path and form a new life. All you have to do is play with your thoughts. And the more you can do this and the happier you feel, the information you need will come to you quickly.

The Council says many people, as they plan in spirit what they want to do in the coming lifetime, pick several things – talents and experiences they’ve had in previous lifetimes, or something brand new. As you come into this lifetime the circumstances and the spirits you’ve called in to be part of your life will help you shape your direction. But many people are sometimes unsure what they want to do in their life and there’s a concern whether they’ll like what they’ve chosen. Then all the spirits involved in your life agree to create what feels like a stagnant period for you to go through so you can realign with something you’d like to do. This is what you’ve chosen.

Please listen to the entire 6-minute audio recording of our session with The Council (below) to hear all their guidance for Nandawu and the rest of us, and let us know what you feel about it.

If you like this post, please take a moment to click the LIKE button in the section below the recording to let us and other readers know. Thank you.

December 19, 2018 Posted by | Agreement, Audio Content, Channeling, Connecting With Spirit, Other Lifetimes, Questions & Answers | , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Questions About A Very Satisfying Past Life Regression Session

This post answers questions for The Council from a reader who goes by the name, She’s A Maineiac, about a past life regression therapy session she had last summer. During this session she traveled to another dimension that she assumes was the place we go when we experience what it’s like in between our lives we incarnate into on Earth.

She felt like she was floating in vast space, but it was incredibly peaceful and full of love and light. She felt her spirit expanding and all encompassing, like she was near the Source of all that is. During the session her spirit guides or higher spirits spoke through her and gave her advice. Her first questions for The Council are, who were these beings? Are they just my higher self?

The Council says these beings are your spirit guides that have been with you for many lifetimes and they’re here to help you plan the experiences you want to have during your next incarnation. They also help bring in other souls that would be interested in being part of your life. You get to speak with these guides in your dreams as well as when you leave this lifetime. Your higher self is there with your spirit guides, communicating with you in any way necessary to allow you to see, feel, and hear this connection with your spirit guides.

She’s A Maniac asks why she experienced this apparent time between lives rather than experiencing past lives like she expected to. The Council says at this time in her life she wanted to know what it’s like when you pass over to the other side. You also wanted to know the feeling of peace. She experienced this because it’s something her higher self knew the physical part of her wanted to experience.

Where you went many souls can go at night while they sleep. It’s a place you experience between your Earthly lives. You go there to become refreshed and to re-energize yourself. You are in the highest spiritual energy when you’re there. You can learn more about this place between lives by reading books by Michael Newton. If you wish to return to this place between lives and remember being there you don’t have to be regressed. You can ask to go there before you go to sleep and ask to remember it.

She’s A Maineiac asks if her spirit guides see whether she’s heading down the right path in her life or if she’s stuck? The Council says there’s never a wrong path for you to go down and there isn’t any stuckness. Sometimes you’re waiting for additional information or new ideas to come through from spirit and help you further down your path. This is where you were at the time of this session. You’ve come to the point where you wanted to open up more spiritually and have more understanding of the spirit world.

Incorporate that loving feeling into your everyday life and you’ll see positive changes in your life. Things that bothered you before will no longer bother you. Your higher self is telling you this experience is needed at this time so you can go further on your path and become more enlightened.

Whatever path you choose, you’ll learn the lessons you planned in spirit. You’ll get to where you want to go in this lifetime and have the experiences you wanted. Whether you choose to learn from these experiences, enjoy happy things and invite more of them into your life, or whether you wish not to learn the lessons from the harder experiences, how you learn to accept what you create will bring you down one path or another. There are easier paths and harder paths, but you are on the right path. We don’t see any stuckness.

For all of us there is one path or another and you choose what path you go down. And when you choose and you don’t like the path you’re on you can change your mind and choose again. Your guides are always with you. You receive information every night, whether you recall it consciously or subconsciously, it will come to you when you’re at a point in your life where you need this information. It will come to your conscious mind as an idea, or something you see or read, or some other way.

She’s A Maineiac closes by asking what was this dimension I went to during this session? The Council says it’s Nirvana, it’s Heaven, it’s a place of holiness, it’s a place where you experience only good. You connect with spirit strongly there. It’s a place of light and love. The name you give this place doesn’t matter. What matters is that you remember the feeling you had while you were there.

Listen to the entire 8-minute audio recording of our session with The Council (below) to hear all their guidance for She’s A Maineiac and the rest of us, and let us know what you feel.

If you like this post, please consider clicking the LIKE button in the section following the recording to let us and other readers know. Thanks.

October 27, 2018 Posted by | Audio Content, Channeling, Love, Pre-Incarnation Planning, Questions & Answers, Reincarnation, Spirit, You Create Your Reality | , , , , , , , , , , | 8 Comments

Spiritual Guidance for a Difficult Relationship

This post answers questions for The Council from a reader named, Gabriela, who says The Council told her in a post over a year ago that she and lover of hers from a past life named, Lara, agreed to have a friendship in their current lifetime.

Question #1

If that’s true, why does Laura treat me poorly and wants nothing to do with me?

The Council says the greatest power you have in your physical life is choice. Even if Gabriela and Lara made an agreement to come into this life and be friends, the situations they created with each other has put Lara in a position where she feels uncomfortable with this friendship. Even though the two of them had a pre-planned spiritual agreement, Lara still has the choice to follow or not follow that agreement. And The Council adds if Gabriela and Lara don’t heal what they intended in this agreement in their current lifetime, they will choose to heal it in another lifetime.

The Council advises Gabriela to accept everyone the way they are. All signs indicate Lara has no interest in a friendship with Gabriela because Lara doesn’t feel comfortable with this and there’s something missing from this relationship for Lara to take it further. Did Gabriela want a relationship so badly that she pushed for it, and that reminds Lara of how Gabriela mistreated her in the past life they shared?

The best thing Gabriela can do is think loving thoughts for Lara. When you send the vibration of love to anyone, they must change how they feel about you. Even if Gabriela doesn’t have a romantic relationship with Lara, there can be a softening to the point where a friendship is available.

Question #2

Gabriela asks, if souls are so enlightened, why hasn’t Lara’s soul forgiven me for how I treated her in the previous lifetime and given me another chance for a relationship, if Lara’s soul knows I need this relationship in order to move on?

The Council says Gabriela doesn’t understand that her and Lara’s soul have already forgiven each other, but the circumstances Gabriela has created in this lifetime in relationship to Lara doesn’t allow what she wants to accomplish to happen. A soul can give you clues to what you want to create, but your soul can’t change your life for you. On a human level, what Gabriela has continued to create between herself and Lara is causing Lara to be uncomfortable. You can’t blame the soul for what the human chooses. With the soul there’s always love and forgiveness, but the soul cannot step in and change your human choices.

Question #3

Gabriela asks, why does it seem like my guides are punishing me for what I’ve done to Lara in the previous life?

The Council says Gabriela’s guides aren’t punishing her. Both she and Lara have the ability to choose what they wish to create in this lifetime. Gabriela is angry because things aren’t turning out the way she wanted. There will always be love between the two of them in spirit. The more loving thoughts Gabriela can send Lara and wish their life had gone in the direction of their agreed relationship, the more Gabriela will be able to forgive herself and Lara, and the more she’ll be able to create better feeling experiences moving forward.

The way Gabriela is thinking, feeling, and focusing now, she’s bringing herself more depression, more unhappiness, and more undesired experiences. Because she’s in the vibration of anger, disappointment, and blaming, she’ll only attract more of that to herself. When you’re in a lower vibration you can’t bring better experiences, understanding, and love to yourself.

You are the creator of your life, not your guides, but your guides are there to help you. Ask for help from them, but not from a place of blaming. Ask from a place of being lost, depressed, and confused. This is a better place to come from than the place where you think no one is helping you and you blame everyone for not stepping in and changing your path and Lara’s path.

Your feelings are your magnets; what you feel, you’ll bring to you. You’ll draw in what you’re focusing on and what you’re feeling.

Question #4

Gabriela asks, why was my path in this lifetime changed, and why do I feel it was against my wishes?

The Council says Gabriela’s path was never changed against her wishes. The only one who changed her path is herself, by her feelings and your focus.

Gabriela says she feels like she’s a hostage to her spirit guide’s plans.

The Council says her spirit guides know what she wants to create, but they cannot create it for her. She must take responsibility for her life and for her choices. If she can get in the vibration of hope and knowing she’ll have a chance to work out some sort of relationship with Lara. So far, her life is not going in that direction.

Suppose Gabriela frees herself from her anger and the negative thoughts, and she forgives Lara and herself and she wants to have a better life. She doesn’t have to focus in great detail. Only focus on the thought that there’s happiness there for her. If Gabriela can do that, her relationship with Lara can still change. She has to do the inner work to bring in this happiness.

Question #5

Gabriela says she’s been asking every day for her guides to allow her to die. She says even if there’s another lover for her, which she doesn’t believe because no one has ever expressed interest in her.

The Council says Gabriela can’t find someone to express interest in her when she’s in the vibration of leaving this lifetime. Ending this life will only bring another life where she has to return to where she is in her current life, and still learn how to change what she’s experiencing into something she desires more. Dying doesn’t release you from what you want to create. She’ll create it again in another lifetime until she gets to the point where she’s able to free herself from whatever is going on with Lara.

You are the creator. You must learn to take responsibility for what you’re creating. If you don’t like what you’ve created so far, you have the power to change it.

The Council is convinced if Gabriela is able to find the love and happiness within herself and in her mind offer this to Lara, there is the possibility of some sort of relationship developing. Even if this relationship is not a romantic one, there can be a friendship.

Whether or not Gabriela is able to take The Council’s advice, we hope our readers can benefit from The Council’s guidance. The Council says it’s for all of us in our human reality. For those people who are sad, follow this advice. The Council guarantees you will change your life and create what you want.

Listen to the entire 25-minute audio recording of our session with The Council to hear all their guidance for Gabriela and the rest of us. We realize this session is longer than other recent sessions, but there’s important guidance in the recording we haven’t included in the the written post. Let us know how you feel about this session.

If you like this post, please consider clicking the Like button in the ‘Tell Others About This Post’ section beneath the audio recording of the session below. Thanks.

June 13, 2018 Posted by | Agreement, Audio Content, Channeling, Choice, Creation, Death, Feelings, Law of Attraction, Love, Pre-Incarnation Planning, Questions & Answers, Relationships, Spirit, You Create Your Reality | , , , , , , | 3 Comments

Does a Physical Body Kept Alive By Artificial Means Have a Soul?

This post answers some interesting questions for The Council from a reader named, Jhendi, who asks if people who are brain dead and being kept alive by artificial means still have their soul attached to their body.

The Council begins by saying bodies that are being kept alive by ventilators are the result of wishes of people around that person. When a body has a brain that’s not working on it’s own, it’s a sign the soul within the body has completed what it needed to do in this lifetime and is ready to leave. Part of the soul remains with the body until there is closure for everyone involved and family or friends are able to take the body off artificial life support, but part of the soul is also able to travel outside the body. The soul has the ability to revisit the current lifetime or past lifetimes in order to begin creating a new life.

Jhendi asks if the soul is able to reincarnate while the body is being kept alive, but the brain is considered dead? The Council says the soul is able to have part of itself go into a new body while a part of the soul remains with the body being kept alive by artificial means to help people handle their grief.

Jhendi asks what types of lessons are learned in these situations where a body is kept alive artificially?

The Council says whatever needs to be learned for each individual involved. Sometimes the soul of the person being kept alive artificially wants the experience of being in one body and creating a different life. Sometimes a body is kept alive artificially so that people around it can learn to deal with death in different ways. Often the soul is there to teach other souls how to release and move closer to their faith. Some souls hang around because there are people involved who don’t understand what’s going on and they’re angry, and until these people begin to work through this anger the soul will remain with the body.

The Council adds that while a body is kept alive artificially the soul is able to return to spirit (while the soul is still attached to the body) and visit with their guides and begins to send healing energy to the humans involved in this passing.

And The Council ends by reminding us there is no death or final ending, only a different way of living. As you leave the life you’ve created, you open to so much more, whether it’s experiencing more love than you ever had in that life, or it’s perceiving colors, tastes, and smells you’re not able to experience when you’re in the human body. There’s no ending to the consciousness of that life or all the lives you had before that life. You’re just going on to another reality that you wish to create.

Listen to our entire 6-minute session with The Council to receive all their guidance for Jhendi and the rest of us, and let us know how you feel about it.

May 9, 2018 Posted by | Audio Content, Channeling, Death, Other Lifetimes, Questions & Answers, Reincarnation, Soul, Spirit | , , , | 9 Comments

What Happens Spiritually When Someone Commits Suicide?

This post answers questions for The Council by a reader who goes by the name, Lone Creator, who asks what happens when a spirit prematurely exits its incarnation because it doesn’t like the lessons it’s chosen?

The Council says you never stop learning, even if you don’t understand your situation while still in your physical incarnation. If you choose to end your current lifetime by suicide or by creating an incurable disease, The Council says this isn’t a problem.

Sometimes because your life and the lessons you chose involve other people, another spirit can come in and take your place so that these other people can continue their lessons. This is agreed upon in spirit before you come into this reality. When Bob asked for clarification on this point, The Council said in spirit you discuss with your guides what you’d like to create in your lifetime so they can help you with this. Sometimes your guides will advise you that you’ve planned too much, but they have to step back and let you create what you desire.

When you plan a lot and your guides question whether you’ll be able to accomplish what you intended even with their help, and you decide to prematurely leave your body, there’s the question of what happens to the other people in your life that are counting on you to help them finish their lessons. In this situation you are needed and so another spirit comes in to take your place and allows these people to continue with their lesson.

The Council says this doesn’t happen very often, but spirit substitution is a possibility. The spirit enters the same body, other people won’t know there’s been a change, and you won’t remember another spirit has come in to finish your life.

The Council says you always have the choice to complete this life early. When you desire to give up a particular lifetime, you’ll create something in your life that will end it prematurely. You can develop a disease, have an accident, or create a suicide. You can find a way out of your life, but The Council adds that most of the time you try and finish what you originally intended.

Listen to our 7-minute session with The Council to hear all their guidance for Lone Creator and the rest of us, and let us know how you feel about it.

April 5, 2018 Posted by | Audio Content, Channeling, Pre-Incarnation Planning, Questions & Answers, Spirit, You Create Your Reality | , , , , , | 3 Comments

Astral Travel, and Communicating with Spirit for Others

This post answers questions from a reader named Dee, who asks The Council why her ability to astral travel began, and also if she’s meant to communicate with spirit for other people.

Dee begins by saying she started to notice her connection with spirit about 3 years ago. It began as small coincidences or synchronicities, evolved into dream visitations, feeling spirit around her, and eventually astral traveling, which began spontaneously.

The Council responds by saying every spirit in this reality (the Earth path) astral travels at night while they are asleep. Sometimes there’s a memory and sometimes there isn’t. Everyone is helping others, visiting others, seeing others who have passed on, learning to set up new lessons for themselves, and more. While the body rests the spirit is experiencing so much more.

Dee says she went through a period where she remembered astral traveling fairly regularly, meeting with her deceased mother and with her spirit guides. She’s also had dreams of people who feel familiar in the dream state but are unknown to her in her waking reality. The Council says in Dee’s waking reality she doesn’t know these people, but they are part of her soul family that she’s worked with in many other lifetimes.

Dee says in the last 6-8 months she hasn’t been recalling her astral travel like she did before. The Council says there’s less need right now to remember what’s being experienced in Dee’s astral travel, but this can easily come back.

Dee says she’s always wondered why (remembering) her astral travel started in the first place since it happened so abruptly. The Council said this projected her into understanding and opening up to so much more than she was open to before. Dee wanted to get into the spiritual realm with more understanding of who she is and what can be done at a quicker level.

Dee says she’s met with her spirit guides in dreams. The Council says many people meet with their guides and spirits that helped them plan their current lifetime. The Council adds that it’s possible to change things we wish to change in our current lifetime during these meetings. In other words, what we planned in spirit isn’t written in stone.

Dee asks if she’s meant to communicate with spirit for other people in addition to herself. The Council says for right now, learn as much as she can for herself and others will come to her with questions, and she can help them out by getting information for them.

The Council closes by saying Dee should go forward and explore, and know that caring for others and showing love and compassion will bring the people to her that need her experience and advice. Work on herself and what she’s experiencing and the rest will come.

Listen to our entire 5-minute session with The Council (below) to hear all their guidance for Dee and the rest of us, and let us know how you feel about it.


January 25, 2018 Posted by | Audio Content, Channeling, Connecting With Spirit, Helping Others, Other Lifetimes, Questions & Answers, Spirit | , , , , | 5 Comments

Opening to the Love All Around

This post is inspired by questions from a reader who goes by the initials, PE, who asks The Council how they can give and receive love. PE says they are very closed and there’s a lot of grief in their heart.

The Council says they see the grief in PE’s heart and they recommend working on the heart chakra by sitting a few moments twice each day and picturing a little flame in the heart area. Picture this flame getting bigger and bigger and eventually tuning in to what this increasingly larger flame feels like. This will begin to open your heart.

PE says they struggle with being warm and open with people and this makes them feel lonely and friendless. The Council says PE has abandonment and trust issues and there was a lot of hurt, grief, and sadness from past experiences and past lives. In this lifetime they made a decision to turn these emotions around and feel love and trust again, but it is difficult to do this quickly when you have gone through as much as PE has.

The Council says if PE is uncomfortable giving and receiving love and trusting people, then buy a beautiful plant to take care of. Play music for this plant, water it, sing to it. Show kindness and love to this plant. After you’ve done this for a while perhaps you can have a favorite tree that you can visit every day. Sit with this tree, talk to it, feel the energy the tree gives back to you. Then you can get an animal to express love to. Slowly you’ll begin to trust and let the energy of love in.

PE has heard there are guides and angels around us, but she doesn’t feel their presence and says they don’t know how to connect to it. The Council says PE would connect by doing the exercise with the light in the heart. As you show love to anything – the plant, the tree, the animal – you open your heart and you will begin to feel this connection.

PE says there’s a deep and painful emptiness in their heart, but they really want some kind of connection with other people. PE adds that sometimes they cry for no apparent reason because of so much sadness in their heart that they are unable to explain.

The Council says just by asking this question, PE is in the part of their path where they’ve discovered what they want – the connection with other people and the healing of their heart – so they are exactly where they need to be. And if they follow the steps The Council has suggested, their life will begin to change.

The Council says the vibration you carry attracts people that are a match to that vibration. With a heavy heart, and grief, and sadness, and not trusting, it’s more difficult to bring in the more trusting and gentle souls. As PE does this daily meditation on the heart, they will begin to accept love from the people that want to show it to them, and they will attract more of the kind, loving people they need to help them along their path.

Listen to our entire 6-minute session with The Council (below) to hear all their guidance for PE and the rest of us, and let us know your feelings.

August 28, 2017 Posted by | Audio Content, Chakras, Channeling, Feelings, Love, Meditation, Other Lifetimes, Questions & Answers, Spirit | , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Are There Spirit Realms?

This post is inspired by questions from an appreciative reader named Vacha, who’s been reading about spirit realms and asks The Council’s opinion about these realms. Vacha also asks what she intended, as spirit, to learn in this lifetime.

The Council says they don’t see the existence of the spiritual realms Vacha is speaking of. Instead they see expanding and learning from each incarnation and growing from challenges, happiness, what you learn from the people around you, and how you handle situations and treat people. You keep creating until you feel you no longer need to experience these Earthly realities.

In between these Earthly realities The Council doesn’t perceive any realms. But there are different ways you can help your spirit expand. You can be a guide or helper to people who are experiencing Earthly realities. You can be in spirit and help other spirits create their new Earthly realities. There are many things you can do in the spirit world, but The Council says it’s not like climbing a ladder. The main purpose of everyone’s life is to take the love from spirit and bring it into whatever reality  you are focusing on.

On Vacha’s question about what she intended to learn in this lifetime, The Council says one of her lessons is to be very independent and on her own, but also to expand her learning about many different subjects in addition to the spirit world. She wanted to acquire more intelligence and understanding, and The Council feels she is doing this.

Based on her reading, Vacha expresses the idea we can either expand or come down in a realm. The Council repeats there are no realms and says if you think you either expand or get demoted, they say you can never move backwards.

Vacha asks how we can expand the learning experiences in this lifetime and The Council says the way we learn is by repeating the challenges and lessons we pick for ourselves until we understand them.

Listen to our entire 7-minute session with The Council (below) to hear all their guidance for Vacha and the rest of us, and let us know what you think.

May 10, 2017 Posted by | Audio Content, Challenges, Channeling, Expansion, Life Purpose, Love, Questions & Answers | , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Why Did I Get Pregnant and What Can It Teach Me?

This post is inspired by a question from a reader who uses the name Bundle of Emotions. She recently found out she was pregnant and immediately knew she would terminate this pregnancy. She says her spirit guides previously told her if she continued to be intimate with her partner, she’d get pregnant and end the pregnancy, and this is what happened. And The Council suggests the reason for this pregnancy is that she planned it in spirit.

While Bundle says she feels overwhelmed with shame about her decision to abort, she also feels relief knowing her decision is right for her. And the more she understands a reader named Beth’s questions and answers from one of our earlier posts, the less guilty she feels.

Part of the reason for this pregnancy was to connect with her higher self, and The Council feels she’s done this. Bundle wanted to go through this experience no matter what the people around her said or expected from her. The Council advises her to stay with this good feeling about terminating the pregnancy rather than the feeling of shame. And they ask her how she could feel ashamed of something she planned to experience in the first place.

The Council asks Bundle to think about how she plans to use this experience as she goes through others where she has decisions to make. They advise her to remember the feeling of making a correct decision, believing in what she desires to create, and believing in the direction she wants to take her life. The experience of this pregnancy is a catalyst to remind Bundle of these feelings.

The Council says if Bundle begins to meditate, or just sits quietly and speaks with her higher self so she can be guided daily, she’ll experience additional desirable adventures. And knowing she’s connecting with her higher self and moving forward with what she wants to experience, she will open to intuitive feelings about the people around her and herself.

You wanted to experience the part of yourself that’s much more powerful and intuitive than you normally believe. And if you listen to your higher self you’ll feel more stable, more confident about the direction you desire to take your life, and you’ll have more trust in yourself.

Listen to the entire 6-minute session with The Council (below) on Bundle of Emotions’ question to receive the full benefit of their guidance for her and the rest of us. And let us know what you think about this session.

October 30, 2016 Posted by | Audio Content, Channeling, Connecting With Spirit, Intuition, Pre-Incarnation Planning, Pregnancy, Questions & Answers | , , , , | Leave a comment

Angels, Spirit Guides, and Other Non-Physical Beings

This post answers a question from a reader named Jan about angels, guides, spirits, channeled entities, and other non-physical beings who watch over and interact with human beings. Jan  understands she’s an eternal soul here to bring love from spirit, but she’s fascinated by The Council’s take on these other non-physical beings.

The Council begins by mentioning that angels are spiritual beings that haven’t had a physical life as a human being. But many other spirits and guides have lived physical lives in human bodies and come back to us in the form of channeled guidance. The Council also mentions that although angels are made from light and energy, they can appear to humans in any way we believe they will look.

The Council says when these spirits and guides leave their human bodies they often volunteer to help the humans that remain by coming to us with healing or channeled information that’s brought to us by people who allow this information to come through them.

The Council says it’s the energy and the feeling of love that comes through the words rather than the words themselves, and they promise if you read or listen to it, the understanding will come to you a little at a time.

The Council reminds us that even though we may be in a human body, part of us is still simultaneously in the spirit world. This can be a surprise for those of us who think when we come into a human body we leave spiritual reality behind.

When Bob asked The Council about non-physical beings who might be interested in spreading fear instead of love, they respond that many people have a need to believe there’s something evil ‘out there’ that’s creating all this horrible stuff  that’s going on. The Council says we’ve created this to turn it around – to realize the fear and evil do not exist.

The Council says spirit is working very hard to constantly send love and supportive energy to us humans, and they are answering our questions, whether we get the answer in a dream or a feeling.

Listen to the entire 9-minute recording of our session (below) to hear all The Council’s guidance for Jan and her question on non-physical beings.

December 10, 2015 Posted by | Audio Content, Channeling, Guidance, Helping Others, Love, Questions & Answers, Spirit | , , , , , | 3 Comments

Bringing Love Into Negativity

This post answers several questions from an anonymous reader named D, who says it’s been a while since she last spoke to us, but feels she’s moved mountains since then and is finally learning to heal from within. D continues that once she opened her heart and started asking questions, she discovered a new world that taught her about life and her purpose on Earth.

D’s has worked in New York for 16 years and says she never realized how negative an environment it was until she became a more positive person. The Council says D speaks of negativity as if it’s something unwanted, but there are many many people who can’t get to a positive place until they experience negativity. And when they become positive there’s great appreciation for what the negative has taught them.

D finds it’s easier to connect with her higher self when she’s in her comfort zone. And The Council says it’s in this quiet time you can hear your guides, stay connected to source, and get help with what you experience as negativity. They go on to say that you create this negativity to see how you can bring the love you are in spirit into these situations. They advise sitting for 5-10 minutes a day in this quiet and she will hear what she needs to hear, feel what she needs to feel, and connect to who she truly is.

The Council says many people don’t understand what most people call negativity is really something we as spirit have brought into our reality. What we consider annoying people or situations are really wonderful souls who choose to be part of our negativity and allow us to see these situations differently, bring love into them, and grow.

D asks if prayer, meditation, and guidance are the best ways to communicate with spirit guides when we need advice, and The Council says yes. When I asked the difference between the three The Council said prayer is asking and talking, meditation is listening to your higher self, and intuition is the voice of your higher self.

D asks how she can teach others when they’re so close-minded. The Council says people aren’t close-minded; they are searching and growing at their own pace. Teaching is more than words, and some people aren’t ready to hear what you say. You teach by your actions and by example. When you show love, when you show how you’ve grown and how you handle things differently, that teaches more than words.

D says her heart keeps pointing her to Ireland, a place she’s never been and knows nothing about, and asks if there’s a reason her spirit keeps pointing her in that direction. The Council says if she feels this in her heart, this is her intuition and why wouldn’t she go.

The Council suggests D move forward with the main reason she came into physical reality: to bring the love she is in spirit into it. Her negativity is there to teach her to turn it around and help her grow. It may be hard for her to believe that when she looses patience or is angry with someone, it is another part of her in this other person, coming forward to give her more understanding. We are all connected.

Listen to the entire 26-minute session with The Council to hear all their guidance during this wonderful session.

July 26, 2015 Posted by | Audio Content, Beliefs, Connecting With Spirit, Helping Others, Love, Questions & Answers, Spirit, You Create Your Reality | , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

What is the Name of My Spirit Guides?

This post is inspired by a question from Wendy who asks what are the names of her spirit guides and how many does she have?

Many people desire the name of their spirit guides, but The Counsel says spirit guides and angels don’t assign themselves names. They only come up with them when it’s something needed by you, but that isn’t what this is all about. They say what’s important is the feeling of connection you have with angels and guides and the information that comes through to you.

Can you accept that spirit is with you to help you? Go with the feeling. Stay in the vibration of connection and the information will become more important as time goes by. But if it’s really needed, ask for the name of your guide or guides. You can even specify how it will come to you.

The Counsel reminds Wendy and the rest of us that in the end we are all one and asks if it’s really necessary to name your guides. When Wendy says she believes she’s gone through the appropriate steps to communicate with her guides she gets nothing, but The Council says they feel she has gotten much information.

The Counsel suggests Wendy meditate on her spirit guides names if this is important to her and they give her a brief meditation for this.

Listen to the 7-minute session to hear The Counsel’s full answer to Wendy.

Copyright ℗ 2015 Bob & Cynthia Dukes

February 7, 2015 Posted by | Audio Content, Connecting With Spirit, Feelings, Imagination, Meditation, Questions & Answers, Spirit, Vibration | , , , , , | Leave a comment