Ask The Council

What will you ask Spirit?

Why Is My Son Estranged From Me?

This post answers questions for The Council from a reader named, Lon.

Lon: It’s taken me so long to ask this question because I wanted to ask it wisely and from an enlightened perspective.

My beloved 27-year-old son chooses to be estranged from me. The only explanation I have is that his father brainwashed him against me, especially after my separation from his father 10 years ago. But I suspect his father had been brainwashing him all during my son’s life, as I was often humiliated or invalidated by his father in our son’s presence.

Council: What should be remembered here is that even now at the age of 27, this is his choice to not have you in his life, even if the father brainwashed him and was very negative with what he said about you. It is still your son’s choice whether to bring you back into his life or to just let you go.

And so going through this, the lesson you learn is to accept him the way he is and send him light. Don’t try to force this reconciliation to happen, but in a loving heart and loving energy, send him energy. The energy of love will reach him and it will be his choice whether to accept it.

And we can say here you are in his thoughts, but can you learn the lesson of letting him be who he is? He has to work out his issues around everything that happened. And you, before coming into this incarnation, agreed to be part of this so that you would both learn.

Lon: I only learned two years ago that there was such a thing as parental alienation. My son was my joy and fulfillment in life, and we were truly bonded and always got on well. I thought by now,  after a bit of a break, and now that his father passed on two years ago, that he would reach out to me. He’s now living in another country and I found out on social media that he’s married, which broke my heart because even that milestone didn’t cause him to think of me.

Council: And once again these are his issues to work through, and by trying to connect with him or have any sort of communication would not work at this time. If he’s in a place where he doesn’t want to have you in his life, by you trying to force it, it will only push you away.

So we would say work with the vibration of love and do not worry, do not focus on what the father did or what the father said about you. That only brings that energy in and will keep the two of you apart. Just in your mind picture beautiful energy and love going to your son from you. That will change things faster than any letter, any phone call, or anything where you try to make it happen.

Just keep the thoughts positive. Focus on him calling you, or writing you, or coming to see you, and then you have the chance to heal it. That’s what you should focus on. Not what the father did and how hurtful it was. And we understand how hurtful it is at this point. It can be changed if you do the work.

Lon: The only means I have of contact is his email and I don’t know if he blocks the ones I send regularly.

What caused me to bring this heartbreak to myself in this life?

Council: Because you both agreed to it so you could learn to stay in the vibration of love, even when you’re hurting and things aren’t going your way, and that you lost your son right now. And for your son to learn forgiveness for whatever was said to him about you, and to want you in his life. So the both of you agreed to do this.

Lon: And what amends can I make for us to get back together in harmony?

Council: No amends are needed, only the energy of love, thinking of him positively, thinking of him appearing in your life, hearing from him, and that you now have the opportunity to fix this rift and heal it.

And so we wish you love, and happiness, and fun in creating your lives. You are the creator in your life. No one else is.

Listen to the entire 6-minute audio recording of our session with The Council (below) to hear all their guidance for Lon and the rest of us, and let us know what you feel about it.

You can also ask The Council your own free question by typing it into one of the Comment boxes that appear at the bottom of most of our blog pages, and we’ll answer it when we have time.

Or you can pay $60 to speak with The Council on the telephone for a half-hour by clicking on this link. Once we receive your payment, we’ll contact you by email to arrange a mutually convenient day and time for your phone call and your questions.

If you like this post, please click the LIKE button in the section following the recording to let us and other readers know. Thanks.

January 2, 2024 Posted by | Acceptance, Agreement, Audio Content, Channeling, Choice, Love, Pre-Incarnation Planning, Questions & Answers, You Create Your Reality | , , , , , , , | 4 Comments

What Can You Tell Me About The Tension In My Husband’s And Son’s Relationship?

This post answers questions for The Council from a reader named, Kristi, after she read our post, Why Don’t I Have A Good Relationship With My Mother?

Kristi: Great post on family dynamics. This raises a couple questions of my own that I’d like to ask The Council.

My husband and I have a great relationship and we’ve been married 20 years this November. My husband treats me like any woman would ever want to be treated, and I have almost no complaints in this department. I’m so very thankful for him.

We have one child together, a son who’s 18 years old. My husband’s and my son’s relationship is a strained one, unfortunately. My husband sets extremely high standards for our son, which are often unattainable. And even if they were attainable, my husband wouldn’t be happy then either. I feel like my son could wrangle the moon and my husband wouldn’t care.

When standards aren’t met, a child often feels like they’re not good enough and I see this playing out before me. My son is a sweet guy, very smart, and stays out of trouble, but he has low self-esteem.

My husband makes no attempt to foster a close relationship with our son. We all live together in the same house, but my husband and son can go without talking to each other for weeks at a time. And when they do talk to each other, it’s usually my husband telling my son what he hasn’t done properly.

Council: This is so wonderful. We have such advice for you. We see it so clearly.

Your husband and son were husband and son in a previous lifetime. In that lifetime they were wonderful together. Whatever your son did, your husband praised him. Everything was okay and everything went along beautifully.

At the end of that life, your son said to his dying father, “I wish I could have done more. I wish you would have pushed me more so that I could have given you more, and so that I could have become more in this lifetime.”

And so, in the wonderful past life they experienced together, both wished they had done more. Your son wished he’d become more. Your husband wished he didn’t settle for what your son was in that past life, and he wished he did push your son more.

So going back into spirit they asked each other if they wanted to try this again, but this time the son wanted the father to push him. The son wanted to become so much more in the new life they create. Whatever way the father can find to push the son, to get him to do more, to not settle, the son wants the father to do that with him.

That will be our lesson, to become more as a father and be even more proud of his son than he was. And the son wants to be important. He wants to feel that. He doesn’t want to feel there’s so much more he could have done. He wants to know there’s a strong father behind him that won’t let him settle.

And so your husband creates a family where there weren’t good role models for him to follow. He becomes a stern father who, out of love, whether he can admit that or not, isn’t going to settle for what your son does, no matter how good it is. He’ll ignore your son and not give him any confidence or any hurrahs for what he does. And this is your husband’s way of pushing your son to want his father’s attention,  and to want more, and more, and more.

The most wonderful little book for you to read is, The Littlest Soul and the Sun, by Neale Donald Walsch, about two angels. One angel asks the other angel to come back into a new life, and if the first angel does something mean to the second angel, can the second angel still remember the first angel is a soul and forgive him. We suggest you read that book. That’s exactly what’s going on with your husband and your son.

They’re being tough with each other, but underneath they want so much more for each other. Your husband wants to leave this life thinking he was a wonderful father, and he pushed his son so much that, look what his son accomplished. And your son wants to think at the end of this life, my father never complimented me enough, he pushed me and pushed me, but I see it now, it was out of love because look at what I’ve become.

Bob: Is it a good idea for the son or the father to read, The Littlest Soul and the Sun, as well?

Council: They may not be open to it, but I’d leave the book around and see who gets drawn to it first and who reads it. It’s perfect for what’s going on, and it’s the wife’s job not to judge or step in because she can’t fix this. This is between your husband and your son. They’ll find a way. Their lessons and challenges in this reality is to find a way to come back to love. That’s the reason we’re all here, to come back to the state of love.

Bob: Was the father in this life the father in the past life, and the son in this life the son in the past life?

Council: Yes. And so they brought that role into their current life to work it through.

Kristi: I try to step in and talk to my husband about how difficult he’s being, but he doesn’t seem to understand where I’m coming from.

Council: Yes, he doesn’t understand, not at this time.

Kristi: He’s not abusive at all, but he doesn’t offer the love and acceptance a parent should provide.

Council: You provide love and acceptance to your husband and your son for the way they are. Always send them light so they can find a way to work out this challenge they wanted to go through in this lifetime, and they’ll find the path that will bring them to the state of love.

Kristi: My husband’s father was absent most of my husband’s life, so my husband didn’t have the best role model for parenting. Whereas I had the best father in the world and I only want the same thing for my son. I’d love for them to have a better relationship, but I understand this isn’t my battle. I’d love more insight into their dynamic, whether or not this was planned in spirit before coming to this Earthly plane, and why?

Council: It was definitely planned. And their higher selves know why they created this situation, what they’re trying to do, and will take them along their path until they understand and find a way to bring more love into their lives.

Kristi: Do you see my husband’s and son’s relationship getting better with time?

Council: It can always get better, but they are the creators. The best thing you can do is to accept what they create. They can create a change in a year if they want, or it could take 20 years. You must let them go through whatever it is they need to see, understand, and feel, and they’ll find a way.

Kristi: What can I do to help this situation?

Council: Send love, and have fun watching your husband’s and your son’s journey.

Listen to the entire 10-minute audio recording of our session with The Council (below) to hear all their guidance for Kristi and the rest of us, and let us know what you feel about it. You can also ask The Council your own question by typing it into any of the Comment boxes that appear at the bottom of most of our blog pages.

If you like this post, please consider clicking the LIKE button in the section following the recording to let us and other readers know. Thanks.

April 19, 2022 Posted by | Acceptance, Agreement, Audio Content, Challenges, Channeling, Forgiveness, Love, Other Lifetimes, Pre-Incarnation Planning, Questions & Answers, Relationships, Spirit | , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

How Can I Processes My Childhood Abuse?

This post answers questions for The Council from a reader named, Denisa, who asks about her childhood trauma. She says, I learned from The Council I chose this experience, but no matter how hard I try, I don’t know how to process it. The Council says, So you’ve learned about the trauma. Learning what you’ve gone through is enough to let the trauma go. Just knowing you created it to feel what it was like to go through it and change it to make it better.

Many people will ask, How do I process this trauma? And every day they think about it over and over in order to process it. Thinking about your trauma over and over only keeps you locked into it. We suggest not thinking about your trauma. You may feel this is strange advice, but when you don’t have those traumatic thoughts and pictures in your mind, it’s easier to go through it. It’s easier to process it by understanding you created this trauma for whatever reason and that’s it – the end. Don’t stay in your trauma thinking there’s some long drawn out purpose to it or process in it. There isn’t.

Instead of thinking about your trauma and how to get rid of it, leave it alone. Let it go. Take your mind and focus on other things, joyful things, things you wish to create in your life because thinking about that, you’ll create it. That’s the way you get through this trauma.

Denisa says, I’ve been working on myself a lot and sometimes I’m grateful for that experience, and sometimes I feel lost and don’t know what to do next. The Council says working on yourself doesn’t mean you go looking for all the things that are wrong with you. We suggest working on yourself by taking a positive attitude. When you have these positive thoughts, and when you can smile and feel good, that’s how you’re creating a better life for yourself.

Denisa says, I’d like to heal the pain I experienced as a child and move on. The Council sees you’ve gotten through this experience. The only pain you still experience is what you cause yourself by thinking about the trauma and remembering it over and over. You’re now creating more pain for yourself, which is keeping you in that painful situation. Change your thoughts. That’s how you let the pain go.

Denisa says, I haven’t spoken to my father in over 10 years because of the way he treated me. I’ve tried to connect with him in the past, but he’s very self-centered and manipulative, so I completely cut off contact with him. Do you think it’s okay that I don’t want to be in touch with him? The Council says of course it’s okay. He’s showing you what you need right now about how he is, and there’s no joy for you in that relationship. It’s what you’ve worked out in spirit. He’d create more uncomfortable feelings so you could walk away and let it go. This is part of him helping you to let go of that part of your life. Being around him wouldn’t make it easier. For what the two of you have worked out, communicating with your father will keep you in the trauma. It’s fine to let your relationship with him go.

Denisa asks if she and her father agreed go through this trauma on a spiritual level and The Council says, Of course. The agreement was to bring this trauma in and create an uncomfortable situation to learn from it and to see if you’re both in a place to heal it, or because of what’s going on in your lives, the healing wasn’t possible by staying together. And so one or both of you would create a situation where you can’t get along, and that’s the way you let go of this trauma, by not being around it. Stop keeping this in your mind and actively thinking about it. This is a gift that you give to each other to move on now.

Denisa asks what lessons did my father and I want to take from this experience? The Council says to learn about abuse, to learn about forgiveness, to learn about boundaries, and to learn creating joy in your life is what your life is all about. You don’t come here to suffer and be miserable. You come here to find a way to experience joy in this lifetime, to create it for yourself, and to help others find the joy they want. Help others in little ways to feel this joy. That’s your purpose.

Denisa asks if she and her father shared any past lives together. The Council sees a past life in Ireland where you were male cousins running an inn, and that was a very good life for both of you. You went through hardships. At one time there wasn’t enough food or enough money. There was a lot of community fighting. You learned to stick together and work through these diffuculties.

In your current life you wanted to understand how you’d handle another difficult situation, which was created by the abuse. Could you work through this? And does working through this abuse mean it’s okay to let it go and experience your life differently and seperately? That’s what’s going on now.

When Denisa finds herself focusing on the abuse that took place in her life, it’s a good idea to find something more pleasant to focus on. She can even think about the past life in Ireland where she had a very good life with the man who was her father in her current lifetime. Completely let go and know you’ve gone through this challenge of abuse. This separation is the way you both spiritually found to handle it. Now stop thinking about it and focus on creating how you want the rest of your life to be.

Listen to the entire 9-minute audio recording of our session with The Council (below) to hear all their guidance for Denisa and the rest of us and let us know what you feel about it. Or you can ask The Council you’re own question by typing it into a Comment box that appears at the bottom of most of our blog pages.

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October 13, 2021 Posted by | Agreement, Audio Content, Channeling, Helping Others, Life Purpose, Other Lifetimes, Pre-Incarnation Planning, Questions & Answers, Relationships, Spirit, You Create Your Reality | , , , , , , , , , , | 4 Comments

What Can My Father Do to Improve His Kidney Condition?

This post answers questions for The Council from a reader named, Love&Health, whose father has been recently diagnosed with a kidney condition and he was also born with one kidney. We can’t do anything about this condition from a medical perspective. What can my father do to improve his health? Please let me know if there are any natural remedies, medicines, yoga, or meditation that can help his condition.

The Council says they’re trying to make it clear that everyone on Earth is a spirit and a vibration. Whether you lift your vibration or get depressed and your vibration goes down, you are still a vibration and a powerful creator.

Rather than looking for natural remedies and medicines, which always seem to have side effects, we’d like you to know that to cure or change the condition of anything it has to begin with the vibration of healing. It has to begin on an energy level first. This is the direction your world is going toward. This is what everyone here has agreed to. Everyone wants to learn more about who they are. They want to learn how they are in charge of their life and they are powerful and can create anything.

On a physical level lemon water is always good to purify the kidneys. But rather than going toward chemical healing, go into your chakras, which must all be working correctly, in order for your body to accept the healing energy that’s needed to change what’s been created in the body.

Someone can have many things wrong with them, but if their vibration is constantly lifting and your thoughts are constantly positive and you’re constantly thinking of being well, no matter what shows up on a diagnosis, you may have a wonderful and long life.

Begin with aligning the chakras, making sure the energy comes into these places. On a physical level massage is always good. It helps relax the body, which will affect each of your organs. But it’s most important to go into a meditative state or just sitting in a chair and thinking how you are well. In reality, you are well. If you look at yourself and understand you are a spirit being, you’ll know you are well. There’s absolutely nothing wrong.

No matter what’s created in this lifetime – having one kidney, a disease, a broken bone, whatever is going on – you are well. So it’s important to see yourself as well. Let go of your difficulties. Don’t hold onto how this hurts or that hurts or this is wrong and that’s wrong. Go into the vibration of being positive and believing in yourself. On a subconscious level you know how to make yourself feel well and that’s what’s needed at this time.

The real help will come from the belief you are well. And a belief is just something you think about over and over again. Believe you’re well and everything in your body is working correctly. No matter what the diagnosis is, you are fine, and you’ll begin to feel fine. Then you’ll see you are the creator and you’ll create more. This is the catalyst that will set you off into the correct path of working on a higher level.

Listen to the entire 6-minute audio recording of our session with The Council (below) to hear all their guidance for Love&Health and the rest of us and let us know what you feel about it, or ask The Council your own question in one of the Comment boxes at the bottom of most blog pages.

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April 27, 2021 Posted by | Audio Content, Beliefs, Chakras, Channeling, Healing, Meditation, Questions & Answers, Spirit, Vibration, You Create Your Reality | , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Why Do I Feel This Connection to a Man I Work With?

This post answers questions for The Council from a reader named, Loving Star, who was introduced to a man 10 years ago and from the moment I met him I felt a connection on a deeper level. Even though I feel his affection for me, I didn’t show my own affection because I was surprised by the connection itself. Why do I feel this connection?

The Council says this connection is from a lifetime where this man was your father. During most of that life he was caring for you and you had your father up on a pedestal. When you were ready to marry and leave your father it was difficult for him to let you go. In your current lifetime there was a pre-birth spiritual agreement to come back and care for each other again like you did in that former life.

In your current life do you notice the way this man cares? Do you notice if he’s there to guide you in different ways? Does he help you when there’s a problem? Does he help you get ahead? It’s that fatherly feeling that’s coming through in your current life, even though this time around the two of you aren’t father and daughter.

Loving Star says, the reason I’m asking is I started working in his law firm and I feel our connection is much stronger than before. I feel like we’re on a similar wave, but can’t explain why. I feel like this connection is mutual. Why did we meet and what did we agree on as spirits when we entered this life?

You worked for your father in this past life. He ran a bar and you served drinks and food and cleaned up. You brought this aspect of your past life into your current reality where you work for this man again. You’re on the same path as before. Working with this man should make you feel very comfortable.

Loving Star says, I see this man cares about me and helps guide me in my career. Is that why we met? The Council says, yes. Loving Star asks, what other gifts can we pass on to each other? The Council says even though the two of you don’t share a romantic pre-birth plan, there was a plan to be in each other’s lives, to be comfortable with each other, and to help each other. That closeness was wanted. You both wanted to be together again and not leave each other like you did in the past life when you were his daughter and got married. What was spoken about in spirit before the two of you came into this life was that you’d always sort of know where the other person was, and that was enough. That was the comfort that was needed.

Loving Star asks if there’s anything important I should know about us. For example, did we agree that a romantic relationship will develop between us? The Council tells Loving Star you didn’t plan for a romantic relationship, but life always comes along and gets in the way and gives you additional experiences.  If a romantic relationship is something you both feel you want and you both think about this constantly, you’ll create this, and that’s fine. A romantic relationship wasn’t something you planned for, but you can create it.

Listen to the entire 5-minute audio recording of our session with The Council (below) to hear all their guidance for Loving Star and the rest of us and let us know what you feel about it, or ask The Council your own question in one of the Comment boxes at the bottom of most pages.

If you like this post please consider clicking the LIKE button in the section following the recording to let us and other readers know. Thanks.

February 25, 2021 Posted by | Agreement, Audio Content, Channeling, Other Realities, Pre-Incarnation Planning, Questions & Answers, Relationships, Spirit | , , , , , | 2 Comments

What is the Purpose of “Announcing Dreams”?

This post answers questions for The Council from a reader named, Kenneth, who asks the purpose of “announcing dreams” where a soul presents itself to a living person, often declaring that soul’s intention to be reborn to the person or even just engaging in random parent-child activities.

The Council says you can have other souls come to you in dreams or visualizations and tell you what they want, ask you about your current lifetime, or if you’d consider accepting them into your current life as a child, a friend, or acquaintance. Souls will come to you and ask you what you’ve learned or ask you to show them what you’re going through. Souls don’t have to come to you based on a parent-child relationship.

Kenneth asks why some souls who come to humans appear as children and others appear as someone elderly from a prior incarnation? The Council says sometimes if the soul has known you before as a child or an adult, they’ll appear as a child or an adult. Or the soul will consider what you’re going through in your current lifetime and see whether you’d be more open to get information from a child or an adult. It’s always the spirit’s job to see where you are in your current life and figure out the easiest way to reach you.

Kenneth asks why some people have these announcing dreams while they’re still young themselves. The Council says it’s because you’re more open when you’re a child. You’re still very connected to spirit and what you go through in your life hasn’t changed your beliefs or somehow made you disbelieve what you hear.

Kenneth asks if souls who engage in this sort of communication with humans can declare their desire to individuals who they’ve had no prior incarnations with. The Council answers that they definitely can.

Kenneth closes by asking if he, as a spirit, thought it was necessary or desirable to communicate with a potential mother or father. The Council says not only a mother or father, but you’ve helped people many times. You’ve helped by coming in and giving the person ideas on how to get through something or spark some creativity in someone.

Listen to the entire 3-minute audio recording of our session with The Council to hear all their guidance for Kenneth and the rest of us, or ask your own question.

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November 29, 2020 Posted by | Audio Content, Beliefs, Channeling, Questions & Answers, Reincarnation, Soul, Spirit | , , , , | Leave a comment

How Can I Release Feelings of Anger and Disrespect?

This post answers questions for The Council from a reader named, Cartico, who had a difficult relationship with his father. When my father died five years ago I had been avoiding contact for quite a while. I’m aware he did his best to be a good father and his absence earlier in my life and our conflicts are the result of what he experienced in his life. The Council says it’s wonderful you understand this and it will go a long way toward healing your relationship.

Cartico says he has a lot of understanding for his father, but he also feels angry. He has similar feelings about his ex-girlfriend and this seems like a theme in his life. I feel stuck between love and understanding on one side and anger and feeling disrespected on the other side.

The Council says Cartico has a right to feel angry. It’s an emotion you shouldn’t feel afraid to have. If you feel disrespected or hurt, or someone has done something unfair to you, have these angry emotions. Look at them. Stay in that anger. You won’t be punished for this. Think of what’s happened over and over until you see that as you do this more and more, it will bother you less and less. These emotions are what you in spirit wanted to experience and to pass through in your current lifetime.

While you understand certain things and were able to make boundaries, what’s coming through with these people in your life who agreed in spirit to push your buttons, let you feel disrespected, let you feel angry, and let you feel hurt, is the lesson to stay in these feelings. When you look at these feelings instead of running away from them or burying them, they will disappear. These are just emotions that you chose for this life to feel and then let go.

Cartico says I feel sort of guilty and sorry, and I have difficulty letting go of times that have passed. Does The Council have guidance on how I can embrace the peaceful aspects of this situation and let go of the emotions in these relationships that get me stuck in the past?

The Council says to visualize yourself sitting in a chair across from the person you feel has upset you and imagine yourself being surrounded by beautiful pink energy. And constantly say to this person that you hurt me or you made me feel this way, but thank them for doing it because on a higher level I know I asked for this and you agreed to behave this way for me out of your love for me to help me grow from this. Stay in the beautiful bubble of pink light and keep doing this over and over and your feelings toward this person will change.

Listen to the entire 6-minute audio recording of our session with The Council (below) to hear all their guidance for Cartico and the rest of us and let us know what you feel about it, or ask your own question.

If you like this post please consider clicking the LIKE button in the section following the recording to let us and other readers know. Thanks.

October 20, 2020 Posted by | Agreement, Audio Content, Channeling, Feelings, Healing, Questions & Answers, Relationships, Spirit | , , , , , , , | 3 Comments

Should I Contact My Dead Father Through a Medium?

This post answers questions for The Council from a reader named, JERL, who says lately in my spiritual journey I’ve been drawn to my painful past and memories of my early childhood when I was neglected by my father and step-mothers. The Council says this is wonderful because you pre-planned in spirit to do this and it means you’re ready now. You’re ready to look at these memories, to go over what’s happened, change how you think about it, change how you understand it, change how you feel about it, and how to figure out how to let it go.

JERL says, I’m trying to sit with the sadness, but I keep feeling drawn to meeting with a medium to talk with spirit about my father who I was happily estranged from for ten years before he killed himself last year. The Council says there’s light and joy on the other side of the sadness. Just sit with it. The more you can sit with your sadness you’ll see it won’t kill you or hurt you. You’re remembering an emotion and you’re remembering it in order to go through it and heal it.

JERL says his father was very negative and part of JERL is afraid that even in spirit he’ll cause me painful memories if I speak with him. The Council says if you truly connect with your father’s spirit, and you don’t need someone else to help you do this, there won’t be a single negative thought, or negative word, or anything that would be said that can hurt you.

Unfortunately, in your reality people feel they have to go to someone else in order to speak with someone who’s passed into spirit. Meditate. Talk to your father in your mind and this other person won’t be necessary. Many of these mediums and psychics are very good, but what isn’t commonly understood is that they often don’t connect with the spirit of the person you want to connect with. These mediums are connecting with these people’s essence of who they were when they were alive.

When a medium gives you negativity or tells you something horrible that this spirit says to you, it isn’t who the spirit truly is. The medium is just connecting with who the person was when they were alive. When you connect with spirit it will be beautiful. If you feel you need someone to connect you with your father, keep searching until you find the right medium. All good mediums that give you messages from spirit will be helpful, they’ll make you laugh, there will be talk of love, and there will be great understanding.

JERL continues, on the other hand I’d like to understand what my father’s life goals were and be able to forgive him so I can pray for his well-being every day. The Council wants you to know that you chose your father to play this role in your life. You both got together in spirit and planned how your life would be and how you could learn from it. How your father behaved was part of the act he put on. It was like being on stage. He played a part. He lost track of who he truly was as a spiritual being. He was hurt as a child and this negativity and hurt carried through to his adult life. Unfortunately it affected you.

Know there are reasons your father was the way he was. It wasn’t your fault. This was something you both agreed in spirit to experience. When you think of your father, what did he teach you? What kind of person did it make you? When you understand that in reality he had his problems and they caused him to be the way he was. There were lessons your father wanted to learn.

When you think of your father, can you think of him having his own challenges? Think of how he was hurt and suffering inside. How you were treated doesn’t make it right. It was part of the deal you made with your father in spirit. When you think of him being negative and suffering, what did this teach you? What did you learn? When you can repeatedly look at your father’s negativity, no matter how many times it takes, and not feel sadness, even if you go numb, if you no longer hurt from it, you’re starting on the path of forgiveness. Know you’ve come through what you’ve experienced. What have you learned? The purpose of experiencing this neglect is to understand what you’ve learned.

JERL continues, I understand I chose my father in order to learn my lessons and that we were friends and enemies in other lives. In my current life, putting a boundary between him and me has been healthy for me. The Council says it’s wonderful you knew exactly what you had to do to make your life better. There’s no guilt in that.

JERL says he’s wary and a little scared of his thoughts that it’s time to reconcile with his father. The Council says if you truly want to reconcile, this will happen when you begin to understand your father had his challenges. He played the part he was supposed to in your life, and he did this to help you grow and learn because that’s what you wanted. All this thinking about your past will help you move forward. Then you’ll be ready to forgive. It’s not that someone is telling you it’s time to forgive. You’ll know it’s time because you’ll have more understanding.

JERL asks if he should trust his urges and meet with his father in spirit through a medium? The Council says if you go to a medium who gives you scary or angry messages, or any message that makes you feel bad, don’t go back to this person. Find someone else and you’ll see the difference in the messages that come through.

Your father has reviewed his life and knows he did his part. He’s sending you light to help you get to a place of forgiveness. When you’re ready, you’ll let this light in.

Learn to meditate. Sit quietly in a chair, even if it’s for five minutes a day, and picture your father’s face. This may be difficult in the beginning. Then begin to speak to your father. You can tell him how you feel and what your experience with him has done to you. Ask your father to let you know it was all part of your spiritual plan. Ask for information and your father and your spirit guides will help you get it. Somehow you’ll just know the answers to your questions. It’s not like you’ll hear a word for word explanation. It will come all at once in a block of feeling. Everything will lift and you’ll realize you’re surrounded by guides, angels, and beautiful light energy.

Since you’ve gone through this painful history it’s now helping you move past it. Before you go to bed you can ask for information or ask to feel forgiveness. When you feel this forgiveness you’ll be able to connect with your father, because the negativity between you and spirit will prevent this from happening. If you do the work and take the time, you’ll find the answers you seek. No one else is needed.

Listen to the entire 12-minute audio recording of our session with The Council to hear all their guidance for JERL and the rest of us and let us know what you feel about it, or ask your own question.

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September 12, 2020 Posted by | Agreement, Audio Content, Challenges, Channeling, Connecting With Spirit, Forgiveness, Healing, Meditation, Pre-Incarnation Planning, Questions & Answers, Relationships, Spirit | , , , , , , , , , , | 5 Comments

Should My Son and I Leave My Husband?

This post answers questions for The Council from a reader who goes by the name, SoulSeekingNirvana, who says she’s had issues with her husband in the past and they’ve remained together in spite of these issues. Currently he’s changed from his past behavior, but SoulSeekingNirvana can’t seem to forget when she needed him the most and his behavior was the worst at those times.

The Council says there’s a problem when SoulSeekingNirvana can’t forgive her husband and let go of these issues. And they ask how she can move on from that?

SoulSeekingNirvana says she’s been thinking about living independently with her son for some time now, but she’s worried about her son not having his father around. She sees two options. One is to continue living the way she does now and try to forget the past. The other is to live with her son separated from her husband.

The Council asks SoulSeekingNirvana if she can stay with her husband and not focus on how he wasn’t there for her. Can you focus on staying with your husband, making things more pleasant, and your son will have his father. Can you be loving and compassionate with your husband? Can you be caring for this man?

If you’re unable to do this, your son will always feel the disharmony between you and your husband. If you think you’re staying with your husband because of your son, and there’s fighting or negative feelings in your relationship, this isn’t a good solution and it’s time for you to move on. Your son will learn different lessons without a father.

As the creator of what goes on in your life, what do you want? Do you want to stay with your husband or do you want to be independent and live with your son without your husband? This is the question you need to ask yourself.

The Council says when you come into this reality and create challenges in your lives to grow from, it’s all about your ability to repeatedly experience forgiveness and show love. When you look at your husband, know he’s a spirit who’s come into this reality to learn lessons. Can you send love to your husband, one spirit to another, and help each other overcome the issues in your marriage? Can you have a nice relationship? If you’re going to continue being angry with your husband and go over and over how he wasn’t there for you, you’re not moving in the right direction.

SoulSeekingNirvana closed by asking if she decides to leave her husband, should she live alone or with her parents who can help with her son? The Council asks how the relationship is with her parents. Is it a safe, happy environment? If you don’t like your parents and your quarrel with them, you’re putting yourself and your son in a bad environment. If you need to be on your own, how do you see this? Can you create a loving relationship between you and your son?

The Council says coming into this reality with these choices, you’re looking for a way to get to a higher vibration. Not forgiving your husband doesn’t get you to this higher vibration. Forgiving, trying again if you can, and loving your husband, your son, or your parents will get you to this higher vibration.

Don’t ever blame your decision on whether to leave your husband on your son. This is your choice. You’re the one who has put yourself in the position to learn and grow more. Your son should be free from blame. He is a spirit who agreed to be part of your experience and help you grow. And we grow by showing love and compassion.

The Council closes by saying SoulSeekingNirvana’s husband has his own lessons to learn, but they believe he’ll make progress in the area of showing love, but the choice is his. Where he is on his path now, he’s headed in this direction.

Listen to the entire 7-minute audio recording of our session with The Council (below) to hear all their guidance for SoulSeekingNirvana and the rest of us and let us know what you feel about it, or ask The Council your own unrelated question.

If you like this post, please consider clicking the LIKE button in the section below the audio recording to let us and other readers know. Thanks.

September 20, 2019 Posted by | Audio Content, Channeling, Choice, Love, Marriage, Questions & Answers, Relationships, Spirit, Vibration | , , , | Leave a comment