Ask The Council

What will you ask Spirit?

You’re Here To Learn To Use Your Thoughts To Create The Life You Want

This post answers questions for The Council from a reader named, Rebekah.

Rebekah: I’ve been feeling a bit paranoid recently. I’m afraid of being powerless, I’m afraid of losing control of my mind, and I’m also afraid of developing schizophrenia.

Council: So many people in your reality right now are feeling powerless and are wondering what’s going on in this world, forgetting that you are the one that’s creating your world. Feeling powerless and worried and confused, that vibration is all around. And so how you counteract this is by thinking about the way you’d like this world to be, the way you’d like to be, and the way you’d like your friends and family to be. Ask to see it. Ask to see more people experiencing joy. Put that out there and then just watch and see what the universe brings to you. You are not powerless, and you are not out of control. You are just here to learn how to use your thoughts to create the life that you want.

Rebekah: My cousin has been diagnosed with schizophrenia and I wish I could know how to help him.

Council: Your cousin’s journey is different from yours, and by helping him you can not change what he’s created for himself. There are reasons he wants to go through this. And so all you can do is show him love, show him understanding, and show him kindness at all times. That’s your only role here. You can’t change another person. Look at him as a spirit. Respect him for whatever reason he’s chosen this path. Part of it is to get you to accept it.

Rebekah: Anyway, I was diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) a few years ago. The diagnosis makes sense to me. My therapist said I seem to be currently experiencing some kind of trauma response, but the trauma is unknown. I did psychedelic mushrooms for the first time on New Year’s Day this year and had a frightening experience of being a baby and being afraid.

Council: When you’re in this condition of being afraid of losing your mind, do you feel it’s wise to experiment with mushrooms?

Rebekah: My boyfriend called my Mum and she helped me settle down and reframe what I was experiencing. But I do wonder if that triggered me in some way because I started becoming paranoid and obsessed with doing the right thing and making the right decision for my higher self.

My therapist said my ADHD was making those intrusive thoughts 100 times worse because I’d start overanalyzing everything and struggle to snap out of it. I’m currently on anxiety medication that has helped a lot, but right now I feel myself slipping a bit and I just feel a bit on edge. I had a bit of an energy drink today and also some wine last night, so maybe there’s my answer.

Council: So again we ask, do you think that was wise? Did it work out positively for you? Or are you now having an experience where you don’t feel that good?

And so when you make choices, just sit back and see how they affect you. Did it make it better, or did it make it worse? And then there is your answer. And then in the future, you have the choice to do it or not to do it again.

Rebekah: But I feel different, and feel all the pressure to save the world.

Council: And that is impossible.

Rebekah: I feel powerless and powerful at the same time. I have so much restless energy and so many ideas, but no follow-through. I’m so afraid of losing the people I love and something bad happening. I guess I’m just hoping for some guidance from The Council.

Council: We’d ask you to do the chakra meditations. And for you we’d say to be outside more, to be among the trees, to be around nature, and that will help the way you feel. Reconnect to the Earth. Learn how to ground. And then work on finding happy thoughts, whether it’s something you fantasize about, or whether it’s a memory you have, like a happy childhood or a holiday. Think about that. When you use the discipline of your mind to choose your thoughts, to choose happy thoughts, your energy will change. It’s the law of your universe.

Rebekah: I’ve started a counseling course in an effort to have a career in something I enjoy, but I’m worried I won’t be able to handle it with my mindset.

Council: So how do you go into this course when you are already worried? The thing before you go into this course is to change your vibration by thinking this course will be wonderful for you. It will give you more understanding of what goes on. It will help you bond with people and understand what they go through. And that sort of thinking will change how you feel.

Rebekah: How do I become comfortable with powerlessness?

Council: You are not powerless. That’s the first thought. If you let your mind and your thoughts rule you, then you’re not in control, but you have the choice to have better thoughts. And once you get in line with that, you will see how strong you truly are.

Listen to the entire 8-minute audio recording of our session with The Council (below) to hear all their guidance for Rebekah and the rest of us, and let us know what you feel about it. You can also ask The Council your own question by typing it into one of the Comment boxes that appear at the bottom of most of our blog pages and we’ll answer it as soon as we can.

If you like this post, please click the LIKE button in the section following the recording to let us and other readers know. Thanks.

June 19, 2023 Posted by | Acceptance, Audio Content, Chakras, Channeling, Choice, Love, Meditation, Questions & Answers, Spirit, You Create Your Reality | , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

How Can My Positivity Outweigh Other People’s Negativity?

This post answers questions for The Council from an anonymous reader, and it’s a little different from our usual posts because the day after we did the session to answer Anonymous’s questions, The Council told Cynthia they had a few things they wanted to add. So we did a follow-up session the next day and added its transcription after the transcription of Anonymous’s session, which starts immediately below.

Anonymous: There’s a lot of chaos in our world right now which I understand from you is a series of challenges that we chose in order to turn it around.

Council: And we’ve all decided to be here on Earth in this chaos. In spirit we knew this chaos had a great possibility of happening according to how people think and what they created. As a group, this is what we’ve created.

Anonymous: But a lot of people are convinced that humans are fundamentally flawed, greedy, prejudiced, etc., and basically that we and our Earth are doomed.

Council: You, the people here, and the Earth aren’t doomed. The Earth has a long, long life ahead of it. Not everybody is greedy. Not everybody is negative. This negativity is here for us to see it, and then to look at what you’re learning from this. Do I want to be like this? Watch how other people react and how they talk, but then go back into yourself. How do you want to act? Are you being judgemental? Or are you allowing these people to be who they are? And are you allowing the part of yourself that you want to come forward to come forward?

Anonymous: The scorching temperatures around the world are only making people feel more negative. I understand everyone has their own path and timeline for understanding we are powerful spirits who can manifest what we desire.

Council: You can manifest absolutely anything you want. There’s no question of that.

Anonymous: Sometimes I wonder if my positivity is enough, though, when so many others are feeling so negatively.

Council: Do you know that one little candle can erase so much darkness? One positive thought can undo hundreds of negative thoughts.

The people that are here and seeing this negativity but are being positive, there’s a reason you’re here. You’ve come here to try and change this. If you see the negativity and you judge it, or you hate people for being like that, then you’re becoming part of that negativity. It’s your place to see the negativity and continue to have positive thoughts.

There are always people that are negative, and there are always people that are positive. But at this time the positive people in your reality have a lot of work to do. Unfortunately there are many, many more positive people than we hear about. And those thoughts and those desires of how you wish it could be, and how you saw how it was before, and can we go back to being happy and simple? The answer is yes. And you are here to keep thinking about this, to keep feeling it, and to keep being positive, no matter what is going on around you. That is your purpose. Together all of us will change that.

And we here in spirit help you every day to find that positive thought, to find that positive feeling. If you allow it in, you’ll begin to see a change in yourself. And then you’ll see a change in the people around you because as you change, your energy will touch the people around you. And then you’ll see it reach out into the world. You’ll start hearing more positive things on the news. It’s so important at this time to stay with that positivity. It’s more powerful than you can even imagine.

Anonymous: Can the positivity of one person override or outweigh the negativity of many in one’s own reality?

Council: Yes, it can.

Anonymous: It feels a bit scary to ask this question because it feels like asking, Is the weight of all the world’s problems really on me to solve?

Council: The weight of everyone’s problems, or the world’s problems, are not for you to solve. Your job is to shine. Shine that light, those positive thoughts, because the people that are around you, you will not change them. They will see how you are, they will be in your energy, and all of a sudden, on their own, they’ll start looking at things differently. They will have a little bit better outlook, and then that will grow.

And so as you’re around people, it’s good to remember you can’t control or change anyone. You can only be yourself, as bright and shining a light as you can be, and as positive as you can be. And as these other people get ready, they’ll see it. They’ll want to be part of what you represent. They’ll start thinking to themselves: How come you’re feeling good and you’re so positive? I want some of that. And they’ll watch you. And all of a sudden little changes will become real inside of them.

That’s why we say it’s so important to be yourself. Don’t fall into that negativity. It’s your job to be loving, to be the spirit that you are that’s shining and holding the light for this reality, to stay in that. That’s your job. That’s the only job you have, to bring more happiness, more calmness, more stability, into this world. Be that light.

Anonymous: But I’d like to clarify how effective being positive, meditating, and manifesting is when we live in a world with other people with different beliefs and desires.

Council: It’s your job to let these people have their beliefs and their desires until they get to a place where they realize they want something different.

Anonymous: Sometimes oppositional beliefs and desires all clamoring for attention.

Council: This is where you stay positive. Let people talk the negative talk, or worry, or complain, or be angry. You stay in the light. You show compassion, show some understanding, and you don’t try to change anyone. Know that it’s your place to allow everyone to be. And as you stay positive, guess what? You’re helping these people grow. You’re putting your positivity out there, and then it’s up to them to take that change and to let it in. Your job is to send it out, and let it be their job to accept it.

Anonymous: This also relates to politics, which shapes our world in big ways. If I want a law passed that I think is just, humane, and will bring happiness to more people, but there are other people who are against it, how does my positive thinking counter their negative thinking? Can it overcome their repression?

Council: Yes, it can, but stay in that positivity.

Anonymous: It’s hard to not get stuck in the place of anger and even hatred when it comes to politics.

Council: Yes, exactly, but when you do get stuck, when you realize you hate this person or that person, you hate what they believe, you now have come down to their level. Their negativity has reached you instead of your positivity reaching them. And so when you feel negative, all you have to do is say, “Oh, I recognize what I’m doing. I’m falling into negativity.” And change your thoughts. Don’t beat yourself up. Don’t get mad. You say, “Aah, I recognize this. This negativity is so strong that it’s getting through to me. Well I’ll just shine my light. I will come from my heart. I know I have a job to do, and it’s to be positive. And you’ll see things change.

Anonymous: When it comes to politics, and I don’t just mean the United States, I mean globally. Having a new way to think about my own power and agency would be very helpful and would allow me to escape that trap.

Council: So sit and meditate, and go into your heart, and let a green light shine from your heart, and watch it get bigger and bigger and fill up the room. Then see it fill up your street, your neighborhood, your state, your country. Put it around the whole globe, and fill that green with love. That’s your job.

Additional Council material recorded the following day

Council: And so we wanted to add this little bit of information because there are many questions about being positive, staying in the light, and showing compassion. And we’d like to say here that in many of the questions, when we answer, we give the same answer. We give it differently, we say it differently, but it all means the same thing. Different people understand our answers in different ways because we’re not all the same and our thinking isn’t the same.

And so we’d like to say here that all of the answers to why we’re here and what we need to do are simple. The answers are simple and they will always be the same. This doesn’t mean that it’s easy to do, but if you’ll reflect on past readings and information, you will say it is simple. There’s no message that has many difficult things you have to do. It is simple.

And it’s simple because you are the one, and the only one, that’s in charge of your life. You create your own world. You create it with your thoughts. We all volunteered to be here, or we wouldn’t be here. And we know there will be times of peace and there will be times of chaos, but we are here for one reason only. And that is to take the love that we experience in spirit and bring it forward into the reality that we are creating.

How do you do this? You don’t need a lot of money. You don’t need to travel. You do it with your thoughts. And why is that? Because at this time in the history of what you’re creating, we want to take a step forward. We want to know that we are in charge of our lives, and what you say in your thoughts is the most important thing. Your thoughts are such wonderful tools – your choice, whether to be negative or whether to be positive. And so the whole world that you create wants to step forward. You’ve all chosen to do this with your mind and with your thoughts.

And so we say, be positive. At all times try to think positive. The negative will come in, that is true. And there’s no reason to beat yourself up, but to recognize it and say, “No. Alright, there it is again. I’m being negative. I’m falling into the negative energy. But now I’ll change my thoughts. I’ll replace it with something better.”

When you’re angry with someone you think a better thought. You find a way to accept who they are and go on being positive, sending love. And if all you can do is stand in the middle of a circle of light and send it out, then that’s good. That’s a beginning. Stay in the light. Stay positive.

Remember, we’ve all agreed to this life. We all agreed to take this humankind and let it advance, not with hard work, not with struggle, but with thoughts. How simple that is. Is it easy? It’s up to you, but it is simple. Stay in the light. Stay positive. Send good thoughts out everywhere in your reality. You will see the change. This is the reason you’ve come to the Earth path and we thought it would be helpful to just add this on and clarify it a little bit.

Listen to the entire 16-minute audio recording of our two sessions with The Council (below) to hear all their guidance for Anonymous and the rest of us, and let us know what you feel about them. You can also ask The Council your own question by typing it into one of the Comment boxes that appear at the bottom of most of our blog pages.

If you like this post, please click the LIKE button that appears in the section following the recording to let us and other readers know. Thanks.

August 10, 2022 Posted by | Audio Content, Beliefs, Challenges, Desire, Life Purpose, Love, Questions & Answers, Spirit, You Create Your Reality | , , , , , , , , , , , | 7 Comments

Help Me With My 3-Year Relationship With A Lying Drug Addict

This post answers questions for The Council from a reader named, Carovana.

Carovana: I’m in a 3-year relationship with a drug addict, but the real problem is that he constantly lies.

Council: What have you learned about this drug addict and his lying? How do you handle this? Are you trying to change this person? You can’t do that. Can you be more understanding? Yes, you can understand, but there’s a time when you need to just watch this person and let them be who they are and then decide what you’ll do with this knowledge.

Carovana: He wants to appear different from what he really is, what he really does, and what he thinks. He twists facts and reality for his own benefit, and no matter how smart I am, he continues to try and deceive me.

Council: Are you tiring yourself out by trying to show this person you’re really smart and you know what he’s doing? We’d suggest you just let this person be, and then decide if you want to be around him. That’s all. You won’t change this person.

Carovana: I developed panic attacks due to the frequent state of restlessness and anxiety in which I’m thrown by his behavior, and we constantly fight. He doesn’t act this way solely to cover his drug abuse. His game spreads much wider and deeper. He’s also obscenely incoherent. His words go South and his actions go North.

Council: You can stay with this man if you can understand how he is and not believe what he says. Offer love and understanding. But to be in the relationship and saying to yourself, “I must show him that I know what’s going on, I must show him that I’m smart,” that’s not the purpose of this relationship.

The purpose of this relationship is to allow someone to be. It’s for you to allow others, and not just this person, but look at the years when you were growing up with your friends and family. Did you allow them just to be and then learn from it? And did this allow you to be just as you want to be, being in a place of love and peacefulness? Can you do that for yourself?

This was your mission, so to speak, in your current lifetime. Just to accept everyone and what they’re doing, and sending love and light to them to help them grow. But not to forcefully try to show them, “I know what you’re doing. You can’t fool me,” and tire yourself out. It’s just the purpose of being there, and most of all, just being yourself. That’s what this relationship is supposed to teach you.

When you see that someone is really one way and pretending to be another, do you do that? Do you do that to please people and to have them think of you differently? It’s a mirror effect. And so we say, just allow.

Carovana: The reason I stayed in this relationship so long is that another side of him, very prominent, is that he’s incredibly loving and sweet. He chose me as the woman of his life, tells me I’m the woman of his dreams, and is extremely attached and devoted to me. It’s almost morbid. This makes it really difficult to break up with him and in fact, all my attempts have failed. I’m also in a very lonely phase of my life so I lack the social support and the favorable environment that would make it easier to move on.

I can’t explain or comprehend this duality in him. He lost his mother when he was nine years old, but it’s not a good excuse to act this way now that he’s 36 years old. I hope The Council can shed some light on him, on us, and on me. I’d be very thankful.

Council: There are lessons for this man to learn, starting with his childhood and moving into adulthood. Not feeling safe enough for him to be who he really wants to be, he doesn’t know how, the role model wasn’t there, and the understanding of just being wasn’t there. Instead he chose to pretend because there’s no acceptance of himself.

With you there, if you can accept this man the way he is, you are the role model. You’re the role model by setting your boundaries, by not believing everything that’s said, but by understanding that everything that’s said is out of fear and nonacceptance of yourself. Once you can do that and not knock yourself out to understand it or change this person, it will change, because now you’re looking at it differently. And when you look at something differently, it will change.

See the relationship the way you want it to be. First concentrate on yourself. Accept yourself, and then look around you, and not at just this person, but others that come in and out of your life. And when you learn you have choices, you have the ability to bring into your life what you want. When you focus on that, it must happen.

Listen to the entire 7-minute audio recording of our session with The Council (below) to hear all their guidance for Carovana and the rest of us, and let us know what you feel about it. You can ask The Council your own question by typing it into one of the Comment boxes that appear at the bottom of most of our blog pages.

If you like this post, please click the LIKE button in the section following the recording to let us and other readers know Thanks.

June 10, 2022 Posted by | Acceptance, Audio Content, Channeling, Love, Questions & Answers, Relationships | , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

What Is The Origin Of My Soul And My Life Purpose?

This post answers questions for The Council from a reader named, Lisa.

Lisa: Lately I’ve been on a new journey and I’m starting to remember the God source, but I’m curious about the origin of my soul and its life purpose.

Council: Not everyone comes in with a specific life purpose. You just come here to live and try to create a life of fun. But your main purpose is to bring the feeling of love that’s in spirit, into this lifetime.

Do you reach out and make other people happy? Do you laugh? Do you have good memories?

Everything that will bring joy, whether it’s listening to someone that has a problem and sharing it with them, or whether it’s going to a movie with a friend. Anything that brings you together where you feel good is your main purpose. You came here to feel good and to have such fun that you’ll create, step by step, along the way. That’s your purpose. Just to live, just to be, and see what you come up with.

Lisa: Was I a lightworker before this lifetime?

Council: Or course, and we’re all lightworkers. We all bring the light of spirit with us when we come into any reality we create. We all come in to help others, to help ourselves, to help the planet, to help the animals, to help the environment. That’s what we’re all here for. To bring joy. To bring love. To show trees and flowers that you love and care for them. Isn’t it wonderful the different ways you can express love?

Lisa: Was I a grid keeper?

Council: We would say, a watcher. You watched from spirit. You watched from other realities. We’ve all done this. This is nothing new. We’re all watchers. We’re all lightkeepers. We’re all on the journey of bringing that love into any reality we create.

Lisa: Am I part of the new wave of souls coming in to make the Earth vibrate higher for the new Earth?

Council: We all are. Many don’t stay on that path and get lost in the chaos that’s being created, but we’ve all agreed to be here at this time. And the more chaotic it gets, the more important it is for us to show light and to show love to ourselves and to others. We’re all here to take the chaos and change it, and to help each other when they’re in need. We’re here to show love and show support for each other. That’s why we’re here. We’re all here to raise the vibration on this reality.

We’ve created the chaos because we knew we could have fun and change it, and be full of awe and wonder at how we’re able to change the chaos. To turn it from violence to understanding so that each one of us will realize they want that feeling of love for themselves, and they want to share it. That’s why we’re all here.

Lisa: What is my soul supposed to do in this life?

Council: There isn’t any supposed. There’s just having as much fun as you can, showing as much love as you can, and being grateful for everything that makes you happy. The more grateful you are, the more you’ll bring grateful things into your life. And it grows and grows.

And the people around you will see that you’re grateful and all wonderful things are happening for you. That’s how you teach others, by your example. Be grateful. Let other people know you’re grateful, and you’ll set the tone for others to have the ability to learn.

Listen to the entire 5-minute audio recording of our session with The Council (below) to hear all their guidance for Lisa and the rest of us, and let us know what you feel about it. You can also ask The Council your own question by typing it into one of the Comment boxes that appear at the bottom of most of our blog pages.

If you like this post, please click the LIKE button in the section following the recording to let us and other readers know. Thanks.

May 10, 2022 Posted by | Audio Content, Channeling, Creation, Gratitude, Helping Others, Life Purpose, Love, Questions & Answers, Spirit | , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

What’s The Purpose Of These Latent Childhood Talents I’m Experiencing?

This post answers questions for The Council from a reader named, Heather.

Heather: I’ve been recently having a revival of some latent abilities that I used to have as a child. I’m confused what the purpose or reason is for this and what I’m supposed to be doing with these talents and energy.

Council: When you find yourself having this revival, how does it make you feel? One of the ways to know if it’s something you should pursue is how it makes you feel. If it’s confusing, if it’s something you don’t want, then  you can always let that go. But if you’re interested in this and wondering how this can take you forward in this lifetime, then we’d suggest that you pursue these abilities. When you make decisions, how does the decision make you feel? Is this interesting?

You are what we call one of the Crystal Children. You came into this reality wanting to bring in healing energy and psychic energy. You wanted to bring understanding and the ability to hear people and help them when they have concerns. You wanted to listen and learn from each person and tell a story from your life – something that corresponds with what a person is telling you so that they know you understand. That’s what you wanted to go for in this lifetime.

If you want to know about energy, that’s wonderful. If you want to learn about healing, that’s wonderful. If you want to learn about your psychic ability and what a person is about without them telling you so you can dive in and help them in a conversation, that’s all possible. You also have writing abilities. If that doesn’t agree with where you want to go, then we’d advise you to use your listening skills. Come from your heart. Develop your heart chakra and just be there for people. Show them you have an ear to talk about the simplest things or more troubling things. You have the ability to take these skills wherever you want to go.

Heather: Am I suppose to work on developing these latent abilities further, or is this not my path or purpose?

Council: There’s nothing you’re supposed to do. If this is something you’re interested in, then we advise you to develop it. Go with it. Try it for a while. There’s nothing that you have to do. There are ideas you had when you were in spirit that you wanted to play with when you’re here. It’s all up to you.

Believe in the power of your higher self because it’s you. And you’re the only one that’s creating in your reality.

Listen to the entire 4-minute audio recording of our session with The Council to hear all their guidance for Heather and the rest of us, and let us know what you feel about it. You can also ask The Council your own question by typing it into one of the Comment boxes that appear at the bottom of most of our blog pages.

If you like this post, please click the LIKE button in the section following the recording to let us and other readers know. Thanks.

April 26, 2022 Posted by | Audio Content, Channeling, Feelings, Helping Others, Life Purpose, Psychic Ability, Questions & Answers, Spirit, You Create Your Reality | , , , , , , , | 5 Comments

What Can My Family Do To Help My Brother Overcome Drug Addiction?

This post answers questions for The Council from a reader named, PE, who says, I recently found out my younger brother has been abusing drugs. What can my family do to help him overcome this addiction?

The Council says #1, don’t blame him or be angry with him for this addiction. This is something he chose to go through. Be supportive in every way you can. Make suggestions on what he can do, and then leave it up to him to follow them. When your brother gets tired of being in this situation, he’ll change. We see he’s planned in this life to have this drug experience, but also to overcome it.

There are lessons for all concerned. There are lessons for you, your family, and your brother on going through this, how to handle it, and how to have patience, love, and understanding. Stay away from blame and anger. Be supportive and suggest any kind of help you can find. Part of the lesson is finding help and letting go. Your brother must find his way out of this addiction.

While this addiction is going on, constantly ask yourself, How do I feel? What would I do if it was me? How can I understand this? What would I want? When you have these questions answered, you’ll know how to move forward in this situation. Above all, have patience and compassion.

PE asks, Is there a purpose for this drug addiction? The Council says: Yes, there is a purpose. Your brother chose to experience drug addiction to go through it, and to feel what it would be like. He chose it to feel how strong he’d be when he finds a way out of this addiction. He chose it to see how the spirits around him, including you and your family, would respond to him when he’s in his addiction and when he gets better.

There is a purpose. Your brother wants to go through this addiction to learn. Everyone concerned agreed to go through this experience to learn. Search your feelings to see how you’ll respond to him.

When you come into this reality your purpose is to take every situation and change it with love. That’s your answer to your question about the purpose of your brother’s addiction.

The Councils says they send everyone blessings, love, and happiness. And we ask you all to search for joy and find it any way you can, every day.

Listen to the entire 4-minute audio recording of our session with The Council (below) to hear all their guidance for PE and the rest of us, and let us know what you feel about it. If you’d like to ask The Council your own question, you can type it into one of the Comment boxes that appear at the bottom of most of our blog pages and we’ll answer it as soon as we can.

If you like this post, please click the LIKE button in the section following the recording to let us and other readers know. Thanks.

January 15, 2022 Posted by | Audio Content, Channeling, Helping Others, Life Purpose, Pre-Incarnation Planning, Questions & Answers, Relationships, Spirit | , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Have My Past Lives Influenced My Suffering in My Current Life?

This post answers questions for The Council from a reader named, Mari, who asks which of her past lives has influenced her suffering in her current life?

The Council says you wished to have a life where you could learn from the suffering in a past life. The one big past life we see affecting your current life was when you were Polish and were put into Nazi concentration camps.

In these camps you saw much suffering. You tried to help the people, but you weren’t successful. In that particular lifetime you were overwhelmed and depressed from seeing the suffering around you. You didn’t want to continue living because you were concerned you were unable to help anyone else.

In your current life you wanted to bring in all the emotions you went through and all the suffering you saw in that past life in the concentration camps so you could understand, on a much smaller level, what these people felt. You wanted to have that feeling so you could try to heal yourself while you were going through what these people went through in that life. Because you were unable to help these people and you felt you didn’t grow and you weren’t supportive in that life, you chose to go through emotions where you’d have suffering and more control in the healing of it.

This is the experience you wanted to have in your current lifetime. You want to do everything in this lifetime to heal your depression and the physical infirmities and to have more understanding and compassion for yourself as you go through this.

In that past life you had lots of compassion and a lot of feeling for these people that were suffering. And in that life you always had the hope that maybe you’d get out of the camps and maybe these people would survive. You had hope. In your current life you want to find that hope again, but have it for yourself.

Now you’re experiencing the other side of the coin. On this level, when you go through all the things you go through, do you understand how it makes you feel? What can you do, in any small way, to change your experience for the better rather than stay in it? Do you grab onto the hope you had in that past life and brought with you into your current life? Are you using this hope? Are you learning about healing with your mind and with energy? What are you doing to help yourself? This is the experience you wanted.

Know that you have the ability to heal yourself. We ask you to find the hope and don’t give up. You didn’t give up in the past life in the concentration camps, which was a tremendous thing. In your current life, because you’re going through similar things, the hope you’re supposed to have is for you. Your challenge is to have confidence in yourself and know that you are the healer and you are the creator in your life. Don’t stay in a state of hopelessness. Do everything you can, even in the smallest ways, to begin helping yourself, and you will see things change for the better.

Begin with the chakra breathing. Read books on spirit. Read books on life after life and life between lives to get ideas about how you planned your life. Know that you set all of this up. In spirit you were sure you’d be able to change your depression. We want to tell you that you can. Try and feel the courage you had in the concentration camps. Try and feel the love you had for all those people and yourself in that lifetime, and how you willed yourself to get through it and help everyone else. You can change your current life. You can turn it around. It’s not hopeless. You didn’t plan for a hopeless life.

Listen to the entire 7-minute audio recording of our session with The Council (below) to hear all their guidance for Mari and the rest of us and let us know what you feel about it. Or ask The Council your own question by typing it into the Comment box that appears at the bottom of most of our post pages.

If you like this post please consider clicking the LIKE button in the section following the recording to let us and other readers know. Thanks.

July 24, 2021 Posted by | Audio Content, Channeling, Feelings, Healing, Other Lifetimes, Pre-Incarnation Planning, Spirit | , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

What Can I Do To Serve Love?

This post answers questions for The Council from a reader named, Venus Trine Jupiter, who says they met a glowing blue-skinned woman on the street the day they submitted their comment. They say, After doing some Googling I’m almost sure she was a Starseed. I felt divinely inspired and touched. Perhaps this was a sign for me. As a result I’d like to ask The Council what I can do now to serve the name of love.

The Council says it’s interesting what you’ve created to bring you to a place where you want to serve and show love. You’ve created this glowing skinned person to make you feel there’s a sign. Many people need a sign before they go off in a healing direction or show love, compassion, and kindness to others. What you brought into your life is a person that had a condition with their lungs that affects the color of their skin because there isn’t enough oxygen.

This was brought into your life and created by you so you’d feel there’s something special about your seeing this blue-skinned woman. It’s wonderful that you created this person because it got you to a place of wanting to be of service and wanting to show love.

Venus Trine Jupiter closes by saying, I work for Jesus Christ and love is my mission. I’d love to hear a message coming from this source. The Council says your belief that you work for Jesus Christ is a wonderful thing. We advise you to study his words and what he taught while he was here on Earth. He wanted you to learn to love one another as you love yourself, not instead of yourself.

Always show yourself love in the things you do. When you look in the mirror, love the image that you’ve created for this lifetime. Speak words of kindness. Be supportive of people when they need it. Send beautiful energy to people you don’t know that you pass on the street. That is being of service.

When someone around you is negative, try to find the words to change the subject, or come at it from a different perspective. This is what Jesus taught. Show love in everything you do – compassion, support, understanding, and being a good listener – and then you’ll be doing what Jesus taught.

Listen to the entire 4-minute audio recording of our session with The Council (below) to hear all their guidance for Venus Trine Jupiter and the rest of us and let us know what you feel about it. Or you can ask The Council your own question by typing it into a Comment box that appears at the bottom of most of our blog pages.

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June 25, 2021 Posted by | Audio Content, Channeling, Love, Questions & Answers, You Create Your Reality | , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

What Unfinished Business Do I Still Have in My LIfe?

This post answers a question for The Council from a reader named, Sam, who says he doesn’t understand what to do anymore. He says, I need answers. What is this unfinished business I still have?

The Council says in Sam’s current lifetime it’s very important to bring in peace. You lived in many wars in past lives and saw lots of destruction.

Counseling is a good role for you. Look at your friends and family. When it’s apparent there’s a lack of understanding or tension, you can step in and find a way to bring people together. This is the direction you want to go in, but it doesn’t mean your whole life has to be devoted to this. You didn’t create your life this way in spirit. But you did want it to come into your life and when it does it’s good not to ignore it. As a loving spirit, come in and try to bring some agreement and understanding into these people’s lives.

If you go in this direction you also planned to teach children about kindness, how to get along, and how to be helpful. We don’t see this as a career for you. Not all lessons come from something you have to be employed at. If you haven’t been able to work with this counseling you can start looking for it now in your life.

In your meditations and prayers you can ask for people to talk to you about their difficulties, whether it’s finances, relationships, health, work, or no matter what it is so you can learn to be an understanding ear for these people.

People need to be heard. And even though you might not have the words to fix everything, sit, listen, and try to understand and this will provide a healing for these people that find their way to you. This is something you’ve wanted to do for many lifetimes.

Be very sensitive when people’s energy doesn’t feel right. Maybe they’re upset and keeping something inside. Just by offering love with your thoughts these people will open up to you and that’s where you can step in and be of help.

Listen to the audio recording of our session with The Council (below) to hear all their guidance for Sam and the rest of us and let us know what you feel about it, or ask The Council your own question.

If you like this post please consider clicking the LIKE button in the section following the recording to let us and other readers know. Thanks.

December 30, 2020 Posted by | Audio Content, Channeling, Healing, Helping Others, Other Lifetimes, Questions & Answers, Reincarnation, Relationships, Spirit | , , , , , , , | 4 Comments

Is My Family Trauma More Spiritual Than Psychological?

This post answers questions for The Council from a reader named, Gloribet, that were prompted by her reading of our post, What is the Purpose of My Life?  Gloribet says she experienced much pain as a child because of emotional abuse and hard discipline from my father. This seems to be a theme in my father’s family where there’s a lot of trauma that’s passed down through generations.

The Council says the reason your family is experiencing this trauma is that each person wanted to work with this trauma and learn from it. You came together as a family to experience this trauma so that each person can realize it’s in the family and ask why this is going on? Just having this thought will provide each of you with support.

Gloribet says this trauma had a great effect on me. I put my life and health at risk constantly, but I’ve always been very protected. Now I’m healing and growing spiritually from what I lived. Is there a spiritual component to the pain in my father’s side of my family? Is the cause of this generational trauma more spiritual than psychological?

The Council says it’s always spiritual. It comes into your human life as a psychological problem or challenge, but your spirit chooses this challenge in order to work its way through it. Every member of your family has a different reason for going through this trauma, but you all came together to offer support you can feel on an energy level.

Gloribet asks: How can I help my family break from this trauma and give my aunt’s children a chance at a life filled with love and light rather than anger and pain? The Council says you can’t change anyone else. Your cousins will go through what they need to go through until they come to a place of understanding and learning. How you can help others in your family not have to go through this trauma is by treating everyone with kindness, empathy, understanding, and love. Don’t always focus on this problem in your family and talk about it. You’ll teach the younger generations through your actions and let these people know there’s someone there for them to speak about this trauma if they choose.

Gloribet asks if her helping with this family trauma is part of her chosen spiritual path and will help her with her personal growth. The Council says if your path has been difficult, it was chosen by you in spirit. Of course you’re on the right path. Will you get to where you want to go? Yes, when you show kindness and love and accept people for the way they are.

Listen to the entire audio recording of our session with The Council (below) to hear all their guidance for Gloribet and the rest of us and let us know what you feel about it, or ask The Council your own question.

If you like this post please consider clicking the LIKE button in the section below the recording to let us and other readers know. Thanks.

December 2, 2020 Posted by | Acceptance, Audio Content, Challenges, Channeling, Healing, Helping Others, Life Purpose, Love, Pre-Incarnation Planning, Questions & Answers, Relationships, Spirit | , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

How Can I Release Feelings of Anger and Disrespect?

This post answers questions for The Council from a reader named, Cartico, who had a difficult relationship with his father. When my father died five years ago I had been avoiding contact for quite a while. I’m aware he did his best to be a good father and his absence earlier in my life and our conflicts are the result of what he experienced in his life. The Council says it’s wonderful you understand this and it will go a long way toward healing your relationship.

Cartico says he has a lot of understanding for his father, but he also feels angry. He has similar feelings about his ex-girlfriend and this seems like a theme in his life. I feel stuck between love and understanding on one side and anger and feeling disrespected on the other side.

The Council says Cartico has a right to feel angry. It’s an emotion you shouldn’t feel afraid to have. If you feel disrespected or hurt, or someone has done something unfair to you, have these angry emotions. Look at them. Stay in that anger. You won’t be punished for this. Think of what’s happened over and over until you see that as you do this more and more, it will bother you less and less. These emotions are what you in spirit wanted to experience and to pass through in your current lifetime.

While you understand certain things and were able to make boundaries, what’s coming through with these people in your life who agreed in spirit to push your buttons, let you feel disrespected, let you feel angry, and let you feel hurt, is the lesson to stay in these feelings. When you look at these feelings instead of running away from them or burying them, they will disappear. These are just emotions that you chose for this life to feel and then let go.

Cartico says I feel sort of guilty and sorry, and I have difficulty letting go of times that have passed. Does The Council have guidance on how I can embrace the peaceful aspects of this situation and let go of the emotions in these relationships that get me stuck in the past?

The Council says to visualize yourself sitting in a chair across from the person you feel has upset you and imagine yourself being surrounded by beautiful pink energy. And constantly say to this person that you hurt me or you made me feel this way, but thank them for doing it because on a higher level I know I asked for this and you agreed to behave this way for me out of your love for me to help me grow from this. Stay in the beautiful bubble of pink light and keep doing this over and over and your feelings toward this person will change.

Listen to the entire 6-minute audio recording of our session with The Council (below) to hear all their guidance for Cartico and the rest of us and let us know what you feel about it, or ask your own question.

If you like this post please consider clicking the LIKE button in the section following the recording to let us and other readers know. Thanks.

October 20, 2020 Posted by | Agreement, Audio Content, Channeling, Feelings, Healing, Questions & Answers, Relationships, Spirit | , , , , , , , | 3 Comments

Should I Contact My Dead Father Through a Medium?

This post answers questions for The Council from a reader named, JERL, who says lately in my spiritual journey I’ve been drawn to my painful past and memories of my early childhood when I was neglected by my father and step-mothers. The Council says this is wonderful because you pre-planned in spirit to do this and it means you’re ready now. You’re ready to look at these memories, to go over what’s happened, change how you think about it, change how you understand it, change how you feel about it, and how to figure out how to let it go.

JERL says, I’m trying to sit with the sadness, but I keep feeling drawn to meeting with a medium to talk with spirit about my father who I was happily estranged from for ten years before he killed himself last year. The Council says there’s light and joy on the other side of the sadness. Just sit with it. The more you can sit with your sadness you’ll see it won’t kill you or hurt you. You’re remembering an emotion and you’re remembering it in order to go through it and heal it.

JERL says his father was very negative and part of JERL is afraid that even in spirit he’ll cause me painful memories if I speak with him. The Council says if you truly connect with your father’s spirit, and you don’t need someone else to help you do this, there won’t be a single negative thought, or negative word, or anything that would be said that can hurt you.

Unfortunately, in your reality people feel they have to go to someone else in order to speak with someone who’s passed into spirit. Meditate. Talk to your father in your mind and this other person won’t be necessary. Many of these mediums and psychics are very good, but what isn’t commonly understood is that they often don’t connect with the spirit of the person you want to connect with. These mediums are connecting with these people’s essence of who they were when they were alive.

When a medium gives you negativity or tells you something horrible that this spirit says to you, it isn’t who the spirit truly is. The medium is just connecting with who the person was when they were alive. When you connect with spirit it will be beautiful. If you feel you need someone to connect you with your father, keep searching until you find the right medium. All good mediums that give you messages from spirit will be helpful, they’ll make you laugh, there will be talk of love, and there will be great understanding.

JERL continues, on the other hand I’d like to understand what my father’s life goals were and be able to forgive him so I can pray for his well-being every day. The Council wants you to know that you chose your father to play this role in your life. You both got together in spirit and planned how your life would be and how you could learn from it. How your father behaved was part of the act he put on. It was like being on stage. He played a part. He lost track of who he truly was as a spiritual being. He was hurt as a child and this negativity and hurt carried through to his adult life. Unfortunately it affected you.

Know there are reasons your father was the way he was. It wasn’t your fault. This was something you both agreed in spirit to experience. When you think of your father, what did he teach you? What kind of person did it make you? When you understand that in reality he had his problems and they caused him to be the way he was. There were lessons your father wanted to learn.

When you think of your father, can you think of him having his own challenges? Think of how he was hurt and suffering inside. How you were treated doesn’t make it right. It was part of the deal you made with your father in spirit. When you think of him being negative and suffering, what did this teach you? What did you learn? When you can repeatedly look at your father’s negativity, no matter how many times it takes, and not feel sadness, even if you go numb, if you no longer hurt from it, you’re starting on the path of forgiveness. Know you’ve come through what you’ve experienced. What have you learned? The purpose of experiencing this neglect is to understand what you’ve learned.

JERL continues, I understand I chose my father in order to learn my lessons and that we were friends and enemies in other lives. In my current life, putting a boundary between him and me has been healthy for me. The Council says it’s wonderful you knew exactly what you had to do to make your life better. There’s no guilt in that.

JERL says he’s wary and a little scared of his thoughts that it’s time to reconcile with his father. The Council says if you truly want to reconcile, this will happen when you begin to understand your father had his challenges. He played the part he was supposed to in your life, and he did this to help you grow and learn because that’s what you wanted. All this thinking about your past will help you move forward. Then you’ll be ready to forgive. It’s not that someone is telling you it’s time to forgive. You’ll know it’s time because you’ll have more understanding.

JERL asks if he should trust his urges and meet with his father in spirit through a medium? The Council says if you go to a medium who gives you scary or angry messages, or any message that makes you feel bad, don’t go back to this person. Find someone else and you’ll see the difference in the messages that come through.

Your father has reviewed his life and knows he did his part. He’s sending you light to help you get to a place of forgiveness. When you’re ready, you’ll let this light in.

Learn to meditate. Sit quietly in a chair, even if it’s for five minutes a day, and picture your father’s face. This may be difficult in the beginning. Then begin to speak to your father. You can tell him how you feel and what your experience with him has done to you. Ask your father to let you know it was all part of your spiritual plan. Ask for information and your father and your spirit guides will help you get it. Somehow you’ll just know the answers to your questions. It’s not like you’ll hear a word for word explanation. It will come all at once in a block of feeling. Everything will lift and you’ll realize you’re surrounded by guides, angels, and beautiful light energy.

Since you’ve gone through this painful history it’s now helping you move past it. Before you go to bed you can ask for information or ask to feel forgiveness. When you feel this forgiveness you’ll be able to connect with your father, because the negativity between you and spirit will prevent this from happening. If you do the work and take the time, you’ll find the answers you seek. No one else is needed.

Listen to the entire 12-minute audio recording of our session with The Council to hear all their guidance for JERL and the rest of us and let us know what you feel about it, or ask your own question.

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September 12, 2020 Posted by | Agreement, Audio Content, Challenges, Channeling, Connecting With Spirit, Forgiveness, Healing, Meditation, Pre-Incarnation Planning, Questions & Answers, Relationships, Spirit | , , , , , , , , , , | 5 Comments

Can I Create My Next Life While I’m Still in My Current Life?

This post answers questions for The Council from a reader who goes by the initials, SG, who says they’ve had a spiritual awakening, learned about soul contracts and reincarnation, learned how amazing heaven is, and learned that the soul never dies. SG says they’re a gentle soul in the middle of extremely difficult people, including members of my family.

The Council says you desired to be a kind of role model of peace, understanding, and positivity in your life, and in your desire for this you’ll attract some chaos and people with problems. By your actions and words you can teach these people to think and behave in different ways than they’re used to.

SG says, I tried to help everyone around me, but I learned they’re on their own journey and I have to allow them to learn their own lessons. The Council says this is excellent. Once you have that understanding the rest of what you create in your current life should come easily.

SG says, I know exactly the life I want in my next incarnation. Am I able to create it so it becomes my reality when I’m in heaven planning my next lifetime? The Council says your current life isn’t finished, so are you sure you know exactly what you want in your next life? They advise SG to live out their current life and create your next life when you return to spirit. You can imagine right now how you’d like your next life to be, but we suggest you concentrate on living every moment of this life. Be aware of who you’re pulling in to your circle of friends and how you are with your family.

You can begin to think about something you’d like in another life instead of your next life. Be open to creating what you want some time in your future. If you think, in my next life I’d love to have five children, when you get back to spirit and see what you’ve learned, you may change your mind and want no children. But you can think, in one of your future lives I’d like to experience having five children. I don’t know when I’ll be ready to create that life, but that’s something I’d like to experience. The Council encourages SG to be flexible in terms of which life they experience their desires because this automatically happens when you return to spirit.

We’re giving you a hint that more things are coming into your life you’d like to include. Some things are also coming you wouldn’t want to include in your life. Enjoy this and you can make a running list of what you think you’d like in another life, but not necessarily your next life.

The Council says when you review your life in spirit you see things differently. There may be situations in your current life that were meant to be created and these situations may change the idea of what you want in a future life. When you go back to spirit things are very different. You’re always surrounded by love. You learn very quickly. And you can help people on Earth while you’re there or choose to return to Earth right away.

The Council says of course you can begin to create what you want in another lifetime, but we guarantee you’ll change that thought when you return to spirit. You can create what you want your heaven to be like. Whatever you imagine is not even half of how wonderful it is when you get there. Just enjoy your present moment and you’ll be wonderfully surprised when you get there.

Listen to the entire 6-minute audio recording of our session with The Council (below) to hear all their guidance for SG and the rest of us and let us know what you feel about it, or ask your own question.

If you like this post please consider clicking the LIKE button in the section following the recording to let us and other readers know. Thanks.

September 3, 2020 Posted by | Audio Content, Channeling, Other Lifetimes, Questions & Answers, Reincarnation, Soul, Spirit, You Create Your Reality | , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

What Lessons Can I Learn From My Deteriorating Marriage?

This post answers questions for The Council from a reader who goes by the name, Heartbroken, who says her marriage is in shambles because of an individual. She wants to separate from her husband, but he wants to be in the marriage. Heartbroken wants to know what lessons she’s supposed to learn from this experience because she doesn’t understand what to do.

The Council says they see a lifetime not to long ago in Germany that relates to Heartbroken’s current life. In that life Heartbroken was a female who didn’t have any compassion, commitment, or understanding of the people around her and she expected perfection from these people. There was no patience with other people. Heartbroken had many suitors in that life and if they didn’t meet all her standards she’d leave them heartbroken.

In your current life try to understand where the other person is coming from and what they’re experiencing. Have patience and commitment with other people. At the end of your life in Germany you were very lonely and you had a lot of regret for how you treated people. In your current life you want commitment to people so that you don’t experience the loneliness you experienced in Germany. You want family and love. In your current life you want to learn about understanding, emotions, and commitment.

If there’s another person in your life and you think it would be better to get out of your marriage and be with this new person, if the lesson of patience and understanding hasn’t been learned, you will find fault with this person and want to move on to a new person. And this scenario will continue in your life until you stay still and try to understand where the other person is coming from.

What makes your husband behave the way he does? Is he asking for forgiveness? Is there a true desire to come together? Instead of throwing your marriage away is it possible for you to understand your husband better and move forward?

You need to get to the lesson in your experience. Do you understand why your marriage is in shambles? Is there a point where forgiveness can be given to your husband and then move on if you feel this is necessary? The main thing here is to understand your husband because in your past life in Germany you never bothered to understand people.

What is your role in the marriage? Why is it in shambles? What is your responsibility for your actions? Understand why your husband did what he did. Look for compassion, understanding, and forgiveness and then move on from your marriage if this is what you want.

Listen to the entire 6-minute audio recording of our session with The Council (below) to hear all their guidance for Heartbroken and the rest of us and let us know what you feel about it, or ask your own question.

If you liked this post, please consider clicking the LIKE button in the section following the recording to let us and other readers know. Thanks.

November 3, 2019 Posted by | Audio Content, Channeling, Forgiveness, Marriage, Other Lifetimes, Questions & Answers, Relationships, Spirit | , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Why Does My Brother Hate Our Parents?

This post answers questions for The Council from a woman who goes by the name, Peace, who asks if her brother has unfinished business from past lives and that he seems to hate their parents. The Council says sometimes this experience of hate comes from the present rather than the past. Perhaps it’s something he saw in another life and decided he wanted to experience it in this lifetime.

Peace asks the reason for her brother’s anger at their parents and sometimes at her. The Council feels Peace’s brother came into this life wanting to experience anger and then be able to find times when he  experiences kindness and understanding. Peace’s role in her brother’s life, which was her pre-birth agreement with him, is to be patient and and understanding of him. Try to express uplifting and loving thoughts to him. By understanding this is something your brother wished to experience you’ll be able to let go of his anger.

Peace asks if she’s supposed to support her brother as a loving sister? The Council says, yes. Your brother wanted to learn about feeling anger he wasn’t able to understand and he needed several people in his life to show him kindness when he felt this anger. As you’re able to show him this kindness, a new understanding will come to him and he’ll begin to see there’s an effort by you and others to be empathetic.

Peace says her brother has an incurable disease and asks why he created this and will he ever overcome it? The Council says there’s a slight possibility her brother will overcome his disease, but he created it as part of what would help him experience anger and not feeling as good as others.

Peace says her brother has a short temper and she’s worried about the person he’ll marry or if he’ll find a suitable wife for himself and be able to stay in this relationship. The Council reminds Peace it’s not her job to worry about a future wife for her brother. Your job is to be understanding, uplifting, and comforting to him.

If your brother creates a life with a wife, and The Council says there’s a slight possibility this will happen, then he’ll need to experience other lessons with his wife. If her brother does take a wife, Peace needs to stand by and watch, not take sides. Send them love and understand whatever they create, whether discord or harmony, it’s part of their pre-birth plan.

Peace says she wants her brother to become a better person and The Council says in order for this to happen she must also become a better person. Become more loving, supporting, uplifting, and understanding. This will help both of you become a better person.

Listen to the entire audio recording of our session with The Council (below) to hear all their guidance for Peace and the rest of us, and let us know what you feel about it. Or ask The Council your own question.

If you like this post, please take a moment to click the LIKE button in the section after the recording to let us and other readers know. Thanks.

August 5, 2019 Posted by | Agreement, Audio Content, Channeling, Pre-Incarnation Planning, Questions & Answers, Relationships, Spirit, You Create Your Reality | , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Why Do I Have a Negative Relationship with My Stepmother?

This post answers questions for The Council from a reader who goes by the name, Distressed, who asks why they have such a negative relationship with their stepmother. It seems she’s always filled with anger and negative energy toward everyone and I always feel fear when I’m around her.

This situation is familiar for both of you because you were brothers in another lifetime. In that lifetime your stepmother was your older brother, was quite angry and violent, and took it out on you and you would run away from him. Although your brother cared for you in his own way in this other lifetime, he didn’t understand his behavior wasn’t positive and didn’t understand why you wouldn’t be close with him.

In your current lifetime the two of you decided to come back in and your stepmother would be angry again and you wanted to see if you were able to show kindness to your stepmother and try to understand. All that was wanted in spirit from both of you was to be in each other’s presence and try to understand what the other person was going through.

That doesn’t mean you need to be abused in this relationship, but knowing there was anger from another lifetime should be helpful. Know you’re trying to help your stepmother work through this anger and learn that even though someone is angry and negative with everyone, you would still be kind.

Distressed asks what lessons they’re meant to learn from each other. The Council says acceptance and love. No matter what, show love and try to turn the situation with your stepmother around. But don’t show love with expectations. Just show love. Whether your stepmother choses to grow and learn from your love is her spirit’s job. How does your spirit grow from the love you try and show? It was planned that you’d discover love no matter what else happened in your relationship. Allow the other person to be who they are and just accept them that way.

Distressed asks how they can improve their relationship with their stepmother? The Council advises not to expect the stepmother to change right away. But instead of running away in fear, which is how you handled this situation in your other lifetime, stay short periods of time and try to be pleasant. Listen to what your stepmother says and try to understand how her words affect her and how she sees her circumstances. All you need to do is try and understand and eventually your stepmother will notice what you are doing.

The Council says perhaps learning about what you experienced in this other lifetime will help you  be more patient and understanding in your current lifetime. As you become more patient and understanding, your stepmother will change.

You are on your path and will find your way by being excited you’re in this lifetime. And no matter what you created – whether it’s something you’re grateful for or something that’s challenging – you wanted to experience all of it. Help will be there for you, you’ll find your way through it, and you’ll grow.

Listen to the entire 6-minute audio recording of our session with The Council (below) to hear all their guidance for Distressed and the rest of us, and let us know what you feel about it, or ask your own question.

If you like this post, please click the LIKE button in the section following the recording to let us and our readers know. Thank you.

July 20, 2019 Posted by | Audio Content, Channeling, Love, Other Lifetimes, Questions & Answers, Relationships, Spirit | , , , , , | Leave a comment

What Is The Council’s Spiritual Perspective on Donald Trump’s Presidency?

This post answers a question for The Council from a reader named, Audrey, who asks for a spiritual perspective on Donald Trump’s presidency.

The Council begins by saying our collective consciousness has decided to bring the lessons of contempt, dishonesty, and manipulation, and there are others who are trying to bring in honesty, goodness, and love. And this was chosen by everyone on the planet at this time.

The Council says the man who will come as the correct president will be intuitive, honest, and able to point out his mistakes and laugh at himself. He will be president to teach the idea we are all one in this country and on this planet rather than teach competition, separation by boundaries, skin color, and organization. The way he’ll do this is by working with others to show more love, understanding, and compassion.

The Council says after Donald Trump there will be another president and they wonder if it will be time to for this new president to swing the pendulum the other way and teach love and happiness and working together. And they say even when this happens there will be people who love this, but there will always be people who see this a different way.

The way things are will continue until we reach a state where we’re closer to spirit, tired of fighting, and tired of lying and manipulation. A new lesson will be born on this planet for all of us. And when we realize our purpose for being on Earth is to raise the energy of this planet, things will begin to change.

The Council advises not being against one president or another, but see which president you align more with and picture what that president stands for more and more until peace comes into this reality and the vibration of everyone on this planet will raise.

The Council says one of the purposes of Donald Trump’s presidency is to bring a certain kind of awareness to the people of this country and the world and to pave the way for a new president who exhibits different qualities. Then it’s up to each person to decide what they want in their lives. What are the new candidates bringing into our reality? Is there turbulence? Is there disturbance? Or are people now beginning to want a president with a more peaceful nature who is able to find ways to work together, remove boundaries, and realize we’re all one?

The Council closes by saying it doesn’t do any good for individuals to get upset with Donald Trump’s policies. You are here to see these policies, decide how you feel about them, and when you decide, do the inner work of focusing on the kind of leader you want for your country.

Listen to the entire 5-minute audio recording of our session with The Council (below) to hear all their guidance for Audrey and the rest of us, and let us know what you feel about it.

If you like this post, please click the LIKE button in the section following the recording to let us and other readers know how you feel. Thanks.

November 17, 2018 Posted by | Audio Content, Channeling, Questions & Answers | , , , , , , , , | 7 Comments

Who Was I In My Past Lives?

This post answers a question for The Council from a reader named, Mona, who’s been fascinated by the idea of reincarnation for many years and is interested in learning who she was in her past lives.

Mona was the wife of a Roman soldier who had many servants and she was very popular in the courts of the high rulers. But no matter what she did in that lifetime and no matter how she advanced in her standing, it was never enough. The Council asks if Mona is satisfied and grateful for what she has in her current lifetime, or are you always looking for more?

The Council sees Mona was a teacher in the early 1800s and they ask her if she’d like to teach or help people in her current lifetime. Do you like to reach out and be there for people when they have problems? These lives were very good for you and you were very close to spirit and taught love and kindness.

Because these two lives jumped out at The Council they ask in your current life if you experience people that are difficult to be around, can you find the compassion for forgiveness, for understanding, and for helping these people?

The Council adds there was a life where Mona was involved in medicine and helping others. And because she enjoyed this, these emotions, thoughts, and desires are very much with her in her current life to reach out and help in any way. Helping others is the path you wish to be on in your current incarnation.

The Council also sees a lifetime where Mona was a woman who drove a truck and delivered food and donated items to poverty-stricken people. And The Council laughs that Mona loved driving that truck.

Listen to the entire 3-minute audio recording of our session with The Council (below) to hear all their guidance for Mona and the rest of us, and let us know what you feel about it.

If you like this post, please click the LIKE button in the section following the recording to let us and other readers know. Thanks.

November 14, 2018 Posted by | Audio Content, Channeling, Helping Others, Life Purpose, Other Lifetimes, Questions & Answers, Reincarnation | , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Is My Boyfriend Interested In Marrying Me?

This post answers questions for The Council from a reader who goes by the name, Curious, who says she’s been with her significant other for about 12 years. Curious has been married twice before and her partner has never been married. In the early years of their relationship she didn’t want to get married again because of her experience in her two earlier marriages.

At this point The Council emphasizes that Curious has made clear by her actions and her words that she doesn’t want to get married, and her partner has taken this point in.

Curious goes on to say that about 3 years ago her feelings about marriage changed and she told her partner in what she considered a no pressure way that even though she wasn’t interested in marriage before, she was interested now.

The Council says because Curious changed her mind about getting married and she let her partner know, she expected her partner to accept this new idea before he was ready. The Council says what Curious is hopefully learning from this experience is to allow her partner (and everyone else) to be who they are. The Council adds that while it’s wonderful that Curious is aware of this change in her thinking and is able to express her desires to her partner, part of her lesson is to allow her boyfriend to have a different opinion at this time and accept that maybe he doesn’t want to move forward as fast as she does.

The Council says there’s nothing in the way of an eventual marriage, and asks what Curious has done in her visualizations to create this change she seeks? Is she working on seeing the marriage happening? Is Curious putting happy feelings into the thought that the marriage will occur at some point, rather than focusing on why her partner hasn’t changed his mind yet? The inner work to create this marriage is very important.

The Council feels Curious’s partner is comfortable with the relationship the way it is and he’s not ready to change the relationship at this time. Both souls have agreed in spirit to create this situation. For both of you this is a lesson in patience, understanding, and allowing. When these lessons have all been learned, there will be movement towards the marriage Curious desires.

Is Curious enjoying being with her partner, or is she stuck thinking when will this marriage happen? Enjoy every part of the relationship like you did before you told your partner you wanted to get married. The more Curious is able to find things to be grateful for in the relationship and do the inner work of thinking how she wants the relationship to evolve, the easier it will be to create the marriage she desires.

Curious says a month ago someone introduced her partner as her husband and he commented, “No, just boyfriend,” and laughed. This hurt Curious’s feelings, but she didn’t say anything because she didn’t want to pressure her partner. The Council says Curious’s partner is speaking the truth and they ask why this hurts her feelings? They suggest it’s because the marriage isn’t happening at the exact time she wishes it to happen.

Curious asks if she and her partner are meant to take their relationship to the next level, and The Council says, “In time.” She asks if her partner is interested in marriage and The Council says, “Cautiously, yes.” If Curious falls into feelings of impatience and has negative feelings about the relationship, this can change the path of the relationship into something that causes problems she has to learn from before she can move forward.

The Council’s parting thoughts are for Curious to bring more love into the relationship with her partner and create happy experiences along the way. And they emphasize again the importance of her doing the inner work necessary to create this marriage.

Listen to the entire 8-minute session with The Council to hear all their guidance for Curious and the rest of us, and let us know what you feel about this.

If you like this session, please consider clicking the Like button in the section following the recording to let us and other readers know. Thanks.

September 12, 2018 Posted by | Audio Content, Channeling, Gratitude, Marriage, Questions & Answers, Relationships, You Create Your Reality | , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Does This Man in My Life Have Romantic Feelings for Me?

This post answers questions for The Council from an anonymous reader who says she’s had feelings for a man she’s close to for about a year and a half and she’s too afraid to tell him. She knows he’s attracted to her, but she doesn’t know if he has romantic feelings for her. Sometimes she thinks he cares and sometimes she thinks he doesn’t. Sometimes he purposely says things to hurt her feelings. Anonymous asks The Council what past lives of ours affects this current life? Are we ever going to be together?

The Council says you were with this man in a past life, but he was the woman and you were the man. In that lifetime you had a harem and this man was one of the women in your harem. You didn’t like this woman, didn’t choose to be with her, were cruel to her, and she was heartbroken. In your current lifetime you’ve decided to see how you can get along and heal what was done in this previous life. This man is caring and has affection for you, but there’s an underlying anger coming from the past life in your harem that he doesn’t understand.

Whether you can be together depends on what you’re able to create in this lifetime. Is this man able to grow and look at himself and his behavior toward you and have an understanding of why he’s unable to be kind all the time. Are you willing to be patient and help him grow? If it’s too difficult for you to be around his anger, then it’s your choice and your right to leave this relationship.

It’s one of his lessons in his current life to learn about his anger from this previous life. Your lesson is to give him the opportunity to create happiness in your relationship. Are you showing this man understanding? Even if you do show understanding, if you feel there’s too much mental abuse, you have the right to decide the relationship isn’t going in the direction you both thought it would and you can complete this relationship in another lifetime.

You can explain to this man what we’ve told you about this past life even if he’s not willing to understand this now. You will be planting a seed, so to speak, and he’ll be able to think about this and perhaps it will help him change and grow.

You are both supposed to learn kindness in your relationship and find whatever you can to appreciate about each other. The Council says this is much deeper than just having a relationship. They say it’s finding the good feeling by being around the other person. This is what you both are trying to accomplish in this lifetime.

Even if your relationship is not a romantic one, are you able to show love to each other? Can you experience joy, understanding, and be supportive to each other? This will heal what has happened in your past life.

The Council says there isn’t a specific intention in your pre-life spiritual plans to have a romantic relationship with this man, but a romantic relationship is possible if you both desire it and you do the inner work to make this happen.

Listen to our entire 5-minute session with The Council to hear all their guidance for Anonymous and the rest of us, and let us know how you feel about it.

If you like this post, please consider clicking the Like button in the ‘Tell Others About This Post’ section beneath the session recording below. Thanks.



June 7, 2018 Posted by | Audio Content, Channeling, Healing, Other Lifetimes, Questions & Answers, Relationships, Spirit, You Create Your Reality | , , , , , , , | 3 Comments

What Past and Present Life Choices Cause Chronic Pain?

This post answers questions for The Council from a reader who goes by the name, InDespair, who says The Council mentions (in a different post) that we choose chronic pain to heal our beliefs from past lives that we’ve chosen to bring into our current lifetime. And InDespair asks, “What beliefs from a past life or lives would cause us to choose enduring chronic pain in our current life.”

The Council begins by saying that chronic pain isn’t always brought in from another lifetime. Sometimes it’s just an experience that’s wanted in your current life.

In another lifetime perhaps you’ve seen someone suffering and didn’t understand it, or didn’t show compassion and help the person who was experiencing it. You may choose to experience this chronic pain in this lifetime so you have more understanding of it, and going forward in this life and future lives, you’ll bring more love to any situation where suffering is involved.

Many people suffer sometimes and they wonder why, and question what they’ve done to deserve this suffering. The Council says they’ve come into this lifetime to have the people around them learn patience and compassion and to understand what you are going through. This pain is chosen to help another soul or family of souls learn from your suffering.

The choice to go through extreme pain, hardships, or anything difficult is always the choice of the individual. Each person planning their reality in spirit will plan what they desire to experience, or they’ll experience something to help another soul go through suffering and have more understanding of it. The experience of suffering is never something  that’s forced on an individual.

Some people choose suffering to learn patience and love and to have some understanding of this experience. Many souls choose suffering to teach others, and there’s still learning on your part as you go through this. Is there a wish to turn the suffering around and heal it?

Perhaps you’ve agreed with other spirits that want to learn about someone going through pain and suffering, and you’ll tell them that you’ll go through this suffering for them. And they’ll learn from this to give you such love and understanding that you’ll have the strength and understanding to turn the suffering around and realize that love conquers everything.

The Council says you could’ve experienced pain in a prior life and didn’t know how to change it and make it better. And you wish to go through this pain in your current life to try and change it this time around. Sometimes in other lifetimes the others around you had this pain and you didn’t understand it or didn’t have patience for it. And so you want to experience this pain in your current lifetime to bring in more love and understanding about this.

The Council says it’s up to the individual whether they choose to heal this pain they’ve chosen. Many times a person will heal this pain when the spirit of another person has learned what it needs to learn from this suffering.

Bob asked The Council what’s in it for the person who chooses to experience chronic pain their whole life so others can have the experience of this. The Council says you are showing love to others by helping them experience what they need to learn and grow. In spirit when someone wishes to learn about suffering, and someone volunteers to go through this so others can experience it, it’s because we all love one another. You volunteer to go through this out of love for these people, even if this love isn’t conscious on a human level. And there’s always spiritual growth involved, even if the person going through the suffering isn’t aware of this growth at the time they’re experiencing it.

The Council say sometimes the person going through suffering becomes wiser about being a spirit in a physical body, having choices, and having the power to create in your life what’s necessary for you to also grow. It’s always a two-way street. Everyone learns from the experience of suffering. That’s the plan.

Listen to our entire 8-minute session with The Council to hear all their guidance for InDespair and the rest of us, and let us know how you feel about it.

May 18, 2018 Posted by | Audio Content, Beliefs, Channeling, Choice, Helping Others, Love, Other Lifetimes, Pre-Incarnation Planning, Questions & Answers, Spirit, Suffering | , , , , , , , | 10 Comments

Is There A Chance for a Relationship with a Past Flame?

This post answers questions for The Council from a reader named Miss Energy, who recently connected with someone she had a relationship 20 years ago, but every now and then he gets really angry with her and tries to blame her for something.

The Council asks Miss Energy what the feeling is that she’s aware of. If the relationship makes you uneasy, if you have doubts, if there’s something you’re not understanding, then The Council says they believe it’s in her best interest to be aware of these feelings. Keep talking with this person and be aware of what’s being created between the two of you. Is it satisfying for you? Or is it showing you it’s best to leave this relationship in the past and not get involved?

The Council says Miss Energy has the ability to see the journey this other soul is on. What she wants is to have some understanding and compassion for this person and the trials he goes through without judging them, but be aware of the difference between the two of them. This man’s journey is much different than her own.

The Council says perhaps this person doesn’t understand Miss Energy’s beliefs. And this is carried over from another lifetime where she was very much into the healing arts and many people came to her for help. In that lifetime this man was also there and thought maybe there was something evil in what she was doing.

Recently after traveling out of state to visit this person he told her she was his dream girl, but he doesn’t share her beliefs. She believes in energy and he’s a Christian who thinks this is forbidden. Miss Energy says she respects that this man has different beliefs from her, but he’s pretty much cut her off now.

Miss Energy asks The Council if this man will ever accept her for who she is and will he want more of a relationship? The Council says as the situation stands now, from what they see, part of this man’s journey is also to not judge, and allow her to be who she is and believe in what she believes. And she’s to allow him to be on his journey and believe what he believes.

At this point The Council doesn’t see the two of them coming together? But they add that they’re able to create and have whatever they want. It takes focus on the positive and how they want the relationship to be.

But The Council asks if Miss Energy is able to accept this man the way he is? Or will it be too difficult to go into this relationship at this time when there’s still so much for the both of you to learn?

Listen to our entire 7-minute session with The Council to hear all their guidance for Miss Energy and the rest of us, and let us know how you feel about it.

February 5, 2018 Posted by | Audio Content, Beliefs, Channeling, Feelings, Other Lifetimes, Questions & Answers, Relationships, Spirit | , , , , | Leave a comment

What Can I Do to Have Good Health?

This interesting post contains questions from a reader named Marie, who asks The Council about issues with her health. Marie’s been healthy most of her life, but starting over six years ago she’s experienced breast cancer, lymphoma, and skin cancer, one after the other.

The Council says Marie needs to fully understand that going through these different illnesses doesn’t have anything to do with being a bad person, and has nothing to do with what she believes as karma (her illnesses aren’t payment for things she’s done in other lifetimes). She’s experiencing these illnesses so she can balance her energy.

In this lifetime and other lifetimes it’s the intent behind Marie’s words and actions and what she wishes for other people that creates this imbalance of energy when these words, actions, or thoughts are negative. As Marie came into this lifetime, her focus was on what she desires to bring into balance.

Next The Council said something about Marie not having to experience what she’s created, but she needs to understand it and learn the reality she’s living is the most important one because it’s creating the energy that needs to be balanced, and it’s creating an easier lifetime when she goes forward into other lifetimes.

At this point in the session, The Council asked Bob (as they frequently do) if this is understood, and Bob said, “No”. After a little laughter on both The Council and Bob’s part, they attempted to re-explain.

The Council said if you don’t understand when people go through poverty in another lifetime, you would experience going through poverty at some point in your future lives to try and understand it better. As you grasp that you’re going through this poverty, The Council says you can experience compassion for yourself.

When you can accept the experience of poverty (or in Marie’s case, illness) without judgement (whether you judge yourself for creating it or you judge it as a horrible situation that you’re angry about), you are balancing this energy, and when you do this with understanding and love, the poverty or illness will cease to exist.

The Council says there were a few lifetimes for Marie where there was no patience on her part for being around people who were sick. There was a time where there was a loss of a limb and there was a lot of sadness and judgement against what Marie experienced as her God. In another lifetime Marie was angry for experiencing bad luck.

Now Marie is setting up her life to go through these illnesses, not to judge them or be angry for going through them, but to simply understand this is what it’s like and to work through it. And in that understanding and peacefulness of wanting to learn and grow and take the next leap on her spiritual path, future illness will not be necessary.

Marie asked if she planned these illnesses before she incarnated into this physical life, and The Council says, definitely yes.

Marie asks what more she can do to get on a stable path of good health? She feels like she’s on some kind of a loop. The Council says this feeling of being on a loop is because she’s trying to balance many other lifetimes in her current lifetime. They suggest she think of all the health issues she’s experienced in her current lifetime and in a peaceful way, accept that she’s created this to understand it, feel what this is like, and to keep moving forward.

The Council adds that this situation of illness after illness is able to easily turn around for Marie, and if she is able to calmly come to a place of understanding what the illnesses feel like, these illnesses will disappear.

The Council closes by saying that in the greater scheme of things the experience of these illnesses is a good thing for Marie because as she accepts this and wonders about it in a calm way without judging it, she is creating wonderful energy for future lifetimes.

Listen to our entire 10-minute session with The Council to hear all their guidance on balancing and understanding illness for Marie and the rest of us, and let us know how you feel about this, or ask a different question.

January 23, 2018 Posted by | Audio Content, Channeling, Health, Other Lifetimes, Pre-Incarnation Planning, Questions & Answers, Spirit, You Create Your Reality | , , , , , , | 5 Comments

Overcoming Challenges, and Purpose in this Lifetime

This post is inspired by questions for The Council from a reader named Kate who says she has no idea what her purpose on Earth is, which causes her much anxiety. She can’t seem to relax and enjoy being here.

The Council says Kate needs to meditate and needs to perform some grounding exercises to bring her more into this reality. Any meditation will do. Walking outside on grass or dirt in her bare feet will help her ground and pull in the energy of the Earth. Dancing will also help ground her.

Kate says she’s concerned about her future because she believes she’s unable to escape her bad habits and faults when it comes to work situations. The Council says there are never any bad choices, just choices that will bring you quickly to where you want to go, or choices that will take you a longer roundabout route.

The Council asks Kate what she’s learning? If she’s feeling stuck, what would make her feel unstuck? The Council recommends watching other people live their lives, seeing how this feels to her, and deciding what she feels she would like for herself.

When Kate says she sees the possibilities in life, but doesn’t have the courage or self-discipline to pursue them, The Council points out this is a choice that Kate is making. And as long as she believes she doesn’t have the discipline to pursue these possibilities, that is what she’ll keep creating in her life. Her thoughts and beliefs are creating what she brings into her life.

The Council says of course Kate has the courage and ability to change her life and discover what she wants because she is more spirit than she knows, with limitless power, understanding, and love to create what she wants. With meditation her beliefs will begin to change, the courage to try many things will come, and the feeling of being stuck will gradually decrease.

In past lives Kate’s desires were taken away and it’s difficult in this life to believe there aren’t authority figures that will put her down. But that was then and this is now, and she’s here to see how much she can create and take her life in the direction she wants. Meditation will give her clarity. She will feel the answers more than think them. And she will grow and know which direction she wishes to take her life.

Listen to our entire 13-minute session with The Council to hear all their answers for Kate and the rest of us. And let us know what you think.

February 5, 2017 Posted by | Audio Content, Beliefs, Challenges, Channeling, Choice, Feelings, Life Purpose, Meditation, Other Lifetimes, Questions & Answers, Spirit | , , , , , , | 1 Comment

A Pre-Birth Plan With a Manic-Depressive Mother?

This post is inspired by questions from a reader named Susan about her and her mother’s pre-birth spiritual plan for this lifetime. Susan says her relationship with her mother was often painful, especially when she was younger, because her mother was a bi-polar manic-depressive. And she asks why didn’t family members step in to protect her.

The Council says Susan planned it this way. And her planning comes from another life she and her mother shared as orphan boys living on the streets and stealing to survive, maybe around the early 1800s. They both experienced a lot of violence and hate in that lifetime with no understanding and no love, just a will to survive.

When they both left that reality, as spirits they thought it would’ve been good if they learned how to forgive and understand. And so they decided to create this life together where her mother would be harsh and she would experience a desire to care for her and learn to forgive her. And what she learned about forgiving she would share with her mother when they returned to spirit.

The Council says knowing about this past life will help Susan a great deal with her relationship with her mother in this lifetime. And they ask, can she forgive her mother for the manic-depression she created so Susan could have an experience of that. Can she love her mother because she was willing to go though this disease to push Susan to understand and find forgiveness in her heart? That is what Susan wanted to experience in this lifetime. And if they follow through with their intentions, they will reverse the roles in a future lifetime and Susan will be harsh so her mother can learn to forgive.

Listen to the entire 9-minute session (below) to hear all The Council’s guidance for Susan. We find this session to be particularly fascinating.

August 2, 2016 Posted by | Audio Content, Challenges, Channeling, Forgiveness, Helping Others, Love, Other Lifetimes, Pre-Incarnation Planning, Questions & Answers, Relationships, Spirit | , , , , , | 3 Comments

Will My Upcoming Abortion Affect My 1-Year Old Son?

This post is inspired by questions from a reader named Tracy who’s about 2 months pregnant and scheduled to have an abortion the week after she posted her comment. After reading our post on Beth’s abortion she felt at ease, but has difficulty believing that karma won’t get her or her 1-year old son and asks about that. This will be Tracy’s third abortion and she asks if these souls have come back into her life. And she asks for advice on her spirituality, which she struggles with.

The Council starts by saying Tracy’s abortion won’t have a negative impact on her son. They say karma is what you believe and wish to create in your many lifetimes. They say there isn’t any monster karma that will make life miserable for her or her son, and ask Tracy to let go of the fear something in the future will affect them.

The Council says each of Tracy’s three abortions was pre-planned by her in spirit before she was born. They were created so she could learn about the gift of life and how wonderful it is to allow souls to come into this life and create the reality that soul chooses. And they ask Tracy what she has learned from each of these abortions.

The Council says these aborted souls have not returned to Tracy’s life, but have helped her understand her part in creating her son’s life. And they say she wants to understand the spirituality of becoming a parent and to be supportive of what her son creates rather than being a controlling mother.

The Council asks Tracy to meditate on the gift she and her son have given each other. And when she realizes she is a spirit helping another spirit move forward on his path she’ll experience great joy and love, not only for her son, but also for the souls she aborted.

The Council finishes by counseling Tracy to bring love into every situation and ask herself how she feels with each experience she creates. And they say to always ask for more understanding, more acceptance, and more allowing.

Listen to the entire 9-minute session (below) to receive all The Council’s guidance for Tracy.

July 31, 2016 Posted by | Audio Content, Channeling, Feelings, Helping Others, Karma, Love, Pre-Incarnation Planning, Pregnancy, Questions & Answers, Soul, Spirit | , , , , | Leave a comment