Ask The Council

What will you ask Spirit?

Will My Upcoming Abortion Affect My 1-Year Old Son?

This post is inspired by questions from a reader named Tracy who’s about 2 months pregnant and scheduled to have an abortion the week after she posted her comment. After reading our post on Beth’s abortion she felt at ease, but has difficulty believing that karma won’t get her or her 1-year old son and asks about that. This will be Tracy’s third abortion and she asks if these souls have come back into her life. And she asks for advice on her spirituality, which she struggles with.

The Council starts by saying Tracy’s abortion won’t have a negative impact on her son. They say karma is what you believe and wish to create in your many lifetimes. They say there isn’t any monster karma that will make life miserable for her or her son, and ask Tracy to let go of the fear something in the future will affect them.

The Council says each of Tracy’s three abortions was pre-planned by her in spirit before she was born. They were created so she could learn about the gift of life and how wonderful it is to allow souls to come into this life and create the reality that soul chooses. And they ask Tracy what she has learned from each of these abortions.

The Council says these aborted souls have not returned to Tracy’s life, but have helped her understand her part in creating her son’s life. And they say she wants to understand the spirituality of becoming a parent and to be supportive of what her son creates rather than being a controlling mother.

The Council asks Tracy to meditate on the gift she and her son have given each other. And when she realizes she is a spirit helping another spirit move forward on his path she’ll experience great joy and love, not only for her son, but also for the souls she aborted.

The Council finishes by counseling Tracy to bring love into every situation and ask herself how she feels with each experience she creates. And they say to always ask for more understanding, more acceptance, and more allowing.

Listen to the entire 9-minute session (below) to receive all The Council’s guidance for Tracy.

July 31, 2016 - Posted by | Audio Content, Channeling, Feelings, Helping Others, Karma, Love, Pre-Incarnation Planning, Pregnancy, Questions & Answers, Soul, Spirit | , , , ,

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