Ask The Council

What will you ask Spirit?

Should I Contact My Dead Father Through a Medium?

This post answers questions for The Council from a reader named, JERL, who says lately in my spiritual journey I’ve been drawn to my painful past and memories of my early childhood when I was neglected by my father and step-mothers. The Council says this is wonderful because you pre-planned in spirit to do this and it means you’re ready now. You’re ready to look at these memories, to go over what’s happened, change how you think about it, change how you understand it, change how you feel about it, and how to figure out how to let it go.

JERL says, I’m trying to sit with the sadness, but I keep feeling drawn to meeting with a medium to talk with spirit about my father who I was happily estranged from for ten years before he killed himself last year. The Council says there’s light and joy on the other side of the sadness. Just sit with it. The more you can sit with your sadness you’ll see it won’t kill you or hurt you. You’re remembering an emotion and you’re remembering it in order to go through it and heal it.

JERL says his father was very negative and part of JERL is afraid that even in spirit he’ll cause me painful memories if I speak with him. The Council says if you truly connect with your father’s spirit, and you don’t need someone else to help you do this, there won’t be a single negative thought, or negative word, or anything that would be said that can hurt you.

Unfortunately, in your reality people feel they have to go to someone else in order to speak with someone who’s passed into spirit. Meditate. Talk to your father in your mind and this other person won’t be necessary. Many of these mediums and psychics are very good, but what isn’t commonly understood is that they often don’t connect with the spirit of the person you want to connect with. These mediums are connecting with these people’s essence of who they were when they were alive.

When a medium gives you negativity or tells you something horrible that this spirit says to you, it isn’t who the spirit truly is. The medium is just connecting with who the person was when they were alive. When you connect with spirit it will be beautiful. If you feel you need someone to connect you with your father, keep searching until you find the right medium. All good mediums that give you messages from spirit will be helpful, they’ll make you laugh, there will be talk of love, and there will be great understanding.

JERL continues, on the other hand I’d like to understand what my father’s life goals were and be able to forgive him so I can pray for his well-being every day. The Council wants you to know that you chose your father to play this role in your life. You both got together in spirit and planned how your life would be and how you could learn from it. How your father behaved was part of the act he put on. It was like being on stage. He played a part. He lost track of who he truly was as a spiritual being. He was hurt as a child and this negativity and hurt carried through to his adult life. Unfortunately it affected you.

Know there are reasons your father was the way he was. It wasn’t your fault. This was something you both agreed in spirit to experience. When you think of your father, what did he teach you? What kind of person did it make you? When you understand that in reality he had his problems and they caused him to be the way he was. There were lessons your father wanted to learn.

When you think of your father, can you think of him having his own challenges? Think of how he was hurt and suffering inside. How you were treated doesn’t make it right. It was part of the deal you made with your father in spirit. When you think of him being negative and suffering, what did this teach you? What did you learn? When you can repeatedly look at your father’s negativity, no matter how many times it takes, and not feel sadness, even if you go numb, if you no longer hurt from it, you’re starting on the path of forgiveness. Know you’ve come through what you’ve experienced. What have you learned? The purpose of experiencing this neglect is to understand what you’ve learned.

JERL continues, I understand I chose my father in order to learn my lessons and that we were friends and enemies in other lives. In my current life, putting a boundary between him and me has been healthy for me. The Council says it’s wonderful you knew exactly what you had to do to make your life better. There’s no guilt in that.

JERL says he’s wary and a little scared of his thoughts that it’s time to reconcile with his father. The Council says if you truly want to reconcile, this will happen when you begin to understand your father had his challenges. He played the part he was supposed to in your life, and he did this to help you grow and learn because that’s what you wanted. All this thinking about your past will help you move forward. Then you’ll be ready to forgive. It’s not that someone is telling you it’s time to forgive. You’ll know it’s time because you’ll have more understanding.

JERL asks if he should trust his urges and meet with his father in spirit through a medium? The Council says if you go to a medium who gives you scary or angry messages, or any message that makes you feel bad, don’t go back to this person. Find someone else and you’ll see the difference in the messages that come through.

Your father has reviewed his life and knows he did his part. He’s sending you light to help you get to a place of forgiveness. When you’re ready, you’ll let this light in.

Learn to meditate. Sit quietly in a chair, even if it’s for five minutes a day, and picture your father’s face. This may be difficult in the beginning. Then begin to speak to your father. You can tell him how you feel and what your experience with him has done to you. Ask your father to let you know it was all part of your spiritual plan. Ask for information and your father and your spirit guides will help you get it. Somehow you’ll just know the answers to your questions. It’s not like you’ll hear a word for word explanation. It will come all at once in a block of feeling. Everything will lift and you’ll realize you’re surrounded by guides, angels, and beautiful light energy.

Since you’ve gone through this painful history it’s now helping you move past it. Before you go to bed you can ask for information or ask to feel forgiveness. When you feel this forgiveness you’ll be able to connect with your father, because the negativity between you and spirit will prevent this from happening. If you do the work and take the time, you’ll find the answers you seek. No one else is needed.

Listen to the entire 12-minute audio recording of our session with The Council to hear all their guidance for JERL and the rest of us and let us know what you feel about it, or ask your own question.

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September 12, 2020 Posted by | Agreement, Audio Content, Challenges, Channeling, Connecting With Spirit, Forgiveness, Healing, Meditation, Pre-Incarnation Planning, Questions & Answers, Relationships, Spirit | , , , , , , , , , , | 5 Comments

Opening to the Love All Around

This post is inspired by questions from a reader who goes by the initials, PE, who asks The Council how they can give and receive love. PE says they are very closed and there’s a lot of grief in their heart.

The Council says they see the grief in PE’s heart and they recommend working on the heart chakra by sitting a few moments twice each day and picturing a little flame in the heart area. Picture this flame getting bigger and bigger and eventually tuning in to what this increasingly larger flame feels like. This will begin to open your heart.

PE says they struggle with being warm and open with people and this makes them feel lonely and friendless. The Council says PE has abandonment and trust issues and there was a lot of hurt, grief, and sadness from past experiences and past lives. In this lifetime they made a decision to turn these emotions around and feel love and trust again, but it is difficult to do this quickly when you have gone through as much as PE has.

The Council says if PE is uncomfortable giving and receiving love and trusting people, then buy a beautiful plant to take care of. Play music for this plant, water it, sing to it. Show kindness and love to this plant. After you’ve done this for a while perhaps you can have a favorite tree that you can visit every day. Sit with this tree, talk to it, feel the energy the tree gives back to you. Then you can get an animal to express love to. Slowly you’ll begin to trust and let the energy of love in.

PE has heard there are guides and angels around us, but she doesn’t feel their presence and says they don’t know how to connect to it. The Council says PE would connect by doing the exercise with the light in the heart. As you show love to anything – the plant, the tree, the animal – you open your heart and you will begin to feel this connection.

PE says there’s a deep and painful emptiness in their heart, but they really want some kind of connection with other people. PE adds that sometimes they cry for no apparent reason because of so much sadness in their heart that they are unable to explain.

The Council says just by asking this question, PE is in the part of their path where they’ve discovered what they want – the connection with other people and the healing of their heart – so they are exactly where they need to be. And if they follow the steps The Council has suggested, their life will begin to change.

The Council says the vibration you carry attracts people that are a match to that vibration. With a heavy heart, and grief, and sadness, and not trusting, it’s more difficult to bring in the more trusting and gentle souls. As PE does this daily meditation on the heart, they will begin to accept love from the people that want to show it to them, and they will attract more of the kind, loving people they need to help them along their path.

Listen to our entire 6-minute session with The Council (below) to hear all their guidance for PE and the rest of us, and let us know your feelings.

August 28, 2017 Posted by | Audio Content, Chakras, Channeling, Feelings, Love, Meditation, Other Lifetimes, Questions & Answers, Spirit | , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Why Do So Many Women Ask About Abortion?

This post is inspired by questions for The Council from an anonymous reader who’s curious why we get so many questions from women who struggle with abortion. This is a question we ask ourselves from time to time and we thought this would be a good opportunity to get The Council’s opinion on this subject. Anonymous also asks why abortions bring so much pain if they’re pre-planned in spirit.

The Council starts by offering an answer about pre-planning abortions. They say just because we pre-plan in spirit before we are born to have an abortion doesn’t mean we plan to remember this. The purpose of these pre-planned abortions is just to go through the experience and see how we handle it and grow from it.

The Council says many women who go through an abortion experience blame, grief, and heartbreak until they understand they intend to grow from this. And The Council points out many women go through one or more abortions and don’t experience these negative emotions. They go through it believing they made the right choice for themselves, the fetus, and everyone involved, and they move on. Everyone who experiences an abortion does not experience those heartaches.

Bob asks The Council about the first part of Anonymous’s question: why so many questions about abortion? The Council says the reason is that many women struggle with abortion. Maybe they thought it wasn’t a good time to have a child, or the finances weren’t good, or they weren’t in a good relationship, or the partner didn’t want the child. This brings up feelings of guilt and sadness.

Bob says he understands many women struggle with abortions, but he doesn’t understand why so many questions are abortion-related when readers are free to ask questions on any subject. The Council says there is a strong vibration from the two of us to help people through abortions because this is a big problem that causes lots of despair. They say Cynthia and Bob created this website to answer any questions, and yet as spirits we knew the time was coming where more questions needed to be answered about abortion. These questions come from many who need to learn about self love and acceptance.

The Council adds there are more abortions going on now than ever before. In other times there weren’t places where women could have a safe abortion. Women have more choices when they become pregnant now and so this question has grown. As more questions are written about abortion, people realize many others going through something similar and because they aren’t alone in their grief, sadness, and depression, it becomes easier to release these negative emotions.

Toward the end of the session Bob admits it’s still not not clear why there are so many abortion-related questions. The Council says the reason is because abortions are happening more frequently, it’s more out in the open, and because people want to understand that having an abortion is okay.

Listen to the recording of our entire 10-minute session with The Council to hear all their guidance for Anonymous and the rest of us, and let us know what you think.

July 21, 2017 Posted by | Audio Content, Channeling, Pre-Incarnation Planning, Questions & Answers, Spirit | , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Fear Inanimate Objects Feel Sadness Rather Than Love

This is an interesting post inspired by a question from a reader named Rob, who’s afraid inanimate objects have negative emotions. As an example Rob recently got rid of a possession he loved and he’s been distraught because he feels like he’s causing this object to suffer. He also feels bad for plates that don’t get used and food that doesn’t get bought. Rob adds he’s currently on medication for this problem.

The Council says it’s Rob’s beliefs and how he looks at things that determines how he feels about them. They say Rob has lived several lifetimes of abandonment and loneliness and in his current lifetime he projects these feelings onto objects around him.

The Council says every object has an energy and Rob taps into this energy, but with thoughts of sadness rather than the love that created these objects. There is no sadness in these objects. They don’t think and feel the way humans think and feel. As Rob sees objects that may be discarded and he feels they’re unwanted, remember it is he who feels unwanted from these other lifetimes he’s lived. The purpose of these objects is to be helpful and loving.

One of Rob’s goals in this lifetime is to remember the joy of these objects and that they are here to serve and bring love. The Council says it’s how Rob perceives these objects that matters and they suggest looking for the joy and the love in them rather than the sadness.

For now The Council feels the medication Rob is taking can be helpful, but if he has the discipline to work with what they recommend, his feelings and understanding will change, he’ll tap into the vibration of joy and love, and the medication won’t be necessary any longer.

The Council says it’s a wonderful path Rob is on where he’s so open to thoughts and feelings for objects around him and he cares about them. But the caring shouldn’t be one of sadness, it should be one of joy and wonder that the object is doing it’s job or has completed it’s job and now is free to go on to another job. Everything around Rob is working to bring love and beauty to his eyes and make him smile. As he begins to look at the world this way he’ll start to feel better.

Listen to this very interesting 14-minute session with The Council (below) to hear all their guidance for Rob and the rest of us, and let us know what you think.

July 4, 2017 Posted by | Audio Content, Beliefs, Channeling, Emotions, Feelings, Love, Other Lifetimes, Questions & Answers | , , , , | 2 Comments