Ask The Council

What will you ask Spirit?

How Can I See and Hear My Spirit Guides?

This post answers questions for The Council from a reader named, Susan, who says, During Covid I became very spiritual. I now practice meditation on a daily basis and read many books by ascended masters. I’m doing many things to raise my vibration, but I can’t seem to hear or see my guides or masters.

The Council begins by asking Susan to read the book, St. Germain, The Mystery of the Violet Flame, by Elizabeth Clare Prophet. Then they say that many people think as soon as they begin meditating and reading spiritual books, all the guides and masters will come right out in front of you and give you all the answers you want. It doesn’t work that way. It’s the discipline of quietly meditating, asking for peace, and being there when and if your guides decide to appear in your meditations. You can get all your answers from your guides without seeing or hearing them just by things happening that you wish to happen.

If you believe your guides aren’t communicating with you unless you can see and hear them you’ll be very disappointed. When you’re open to the information coming to you in any way that allows you to realize who you really are as a spiritual being and that you’re very much connected to spirit guides, magic begins to happen.

Susans says, I’ve asked many times for my guides and ascended masters to let their presence be known to me. The Council says if you’re so focused on seeing and hearing your guides, and asking why isn’t this happening when your guides could be showing themselves to you and giving you answers. If you’re only focused on seeing them one way, that won’t help this happen. What will help is the meditation on peace and connecting with the spirit you truly are.

Susan says, I’d love to know who my spirit guides are and make contact with them. The Council says when you do the things we’ve recommended your guides will make contact in whatever way is helpful for you to learn and grow. Be open because guidance can come in many different ways. Then the ways the guidance comes to you will advance and grow as you accept the little ways it comes to you in the beginning.

Susan asks, Is there anything The Council can suggest that my guides would want me to do to raise my vibration enough for me to see and hear them? The Council says laughing and playing will raise your vibration. Having good thoughts and doing fun things raises your vibration. If you do that, and in your meditation you ask for peace and love, and at the same time you connect with your heart and send out love to everyone in your reality, your whole life will begin to change for the better and you’ll connect with more of what you’re asking for. It all comes when the student is ready.

Listen to the entire 5-minute audio recording of our session with The Council (below) to hear all their guidance for Susan and the rest of us and let us know what you feel about it. Unfortunately the quality of this recording isn’t up to our usual standards and we apologize for that. If you’d like to ask The Council your own question, just type it into a Comment box that appears at the bottom of most of our blog pages.

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July 15, 2021 Posted by | Audio Content, Channeling, Connecting With Spirit, Meditation, Questions & Answers, Spirit | , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments