Ask The Council

What will you ask Spirit?

What Can I Do About My Obsessive Thoughts?

This post answers questions for The Council from a reader named, DivineMaha.

DivineMaha: I have a question about thoughts that go through my head and how it affects me a lot. I feel like the peace I’m having is temporary and I’m always feeling I’m in survival mode, and separated from others at times.

Council: Just thinking like that will help you feel nervous, upset, and tired – almost waiting for the other shoe to fall.

DivineMaha: I’m not sure if it’s my self-worth, my anxiety, or my deep-seated beliefs about myself. I also feel I can’t hear my higher self. Whenever I want to meditate I always worry if my energy would affect the people around me in negative ways because I’m feeling negative or in resistance mode.

Council: Everyone around you has their own energy and what they allow to come into them or not come into them isn’t your problem.

When you are negative you are to take care of yourself. Sit and meditate. If you can’t meditate, listen to music that soothes you. Think good thoughts. When you begin to meditate for yourself, the people that are around you, when they’re on the same level as you and wanting to grow, wanting to feel better, they will feel that peaceful feeling that you get from meditation.

When you truly meditate, you will not have negative feelings. If you think that by sitting here and meditating, you can get negative and people will feel that, you will create that.

Everyone at this time in this reality is here to learn the discipline that needs to be worked on and needs to be controlled some more so that you can be more positive. But anything that you think or that you meditate for will not affect another person unless they’re at a very low level and picks up negativity, or they are at a very high level and pick up the happiness, the peace, and the feeling good from meditation.

What you feel is around you, but what you attract to yourself only has to do with your thoughts and where you are.

DivineMaha: I’m saying this because I’m aware of what’s happening in my surroundings and the people around me. I always make sure I radiate good energy or just be neutral, but sometimes my thoughts are overpowering me and I’m the type of person that pays attention to details.

Council: And so this is normal. And when you get these negative thoughts, just acknowledge them. “Oh, there it is again, but I don’t want to think like this.” So then you use the discipline and the strength you have to change your thoughts.

DivineMaha: Every little thing matters, so it easily affects me, and I’d be in judgment mode and start remembering all the past things that get heavier.

Council: And of course that will bring your energy down. And so, again, recognize it. Look what you’re thinking of. Look what you’re remembering. Well that’s gone. You’re here right now. How do you focus? How do you take the power you have in the present? Do you want to stay thinking about the past and things that upset you, or think of the future and how you’re creating thoughts to make you feel better?

DivineMaha: The thoughts will always be in a loop, over and over. I feel trapped in my thoughts every day, non-stop obsessively thinking.

Council: You are not trapped. As a spirit you came in, and one of the greatest tools you have is choice. So it’s to learn what’s going on, be aware of it, and then you have the choice. Change your thought, or go around, and around, and around. Only you can do this.

DivineMaha: I always had to come up with a solution for each problem thought that pops up each time, and it’s too tiring.

Council: Of course it is.

DivineMaha: Am I controlling?

Council: You just aren’t using your thoughts the way it’s meant for you to use them. You’re not supposed to concentrate on something to try and find the solution. You’ll never find the solution while you are worried, while your energy is down, and there’s nothing but chaos and confusion. The way you find the solution to a problem is to change your thought. Get yourself in a higher vibration, feel loving feelings, and just know that the answers will come.

DivineMaha: I’ve watched a lot of near-death experience stories. I do feel I want to have that glimpse of that pure unconditional love, even for just a minute so I can remember this pure love in this lifetime of mine, that it stays clear within me, and that nothing in this world could shake me. I feel so low right now.

Thank you, Bob, Cynthia, and The Council for everything you do. It means the world to me. Thank you for being there, Bob and Cynthia, to share The Council’s message.

Council: We’d like to say to you here that you don’t need a near-death experience to feel the love, and the joy, and the happiness that is felt by the people that have had this near-death experience. Begin to sit and ask to feel love. What does love feel like? Let me feel peace. What does peace feel like? And imagine, just stretch your imagination, what will they feel like? And you will be surprised by the feelings that come up. It will be wonderful.

Listen to the audio recording of our entire session with The Council (below) to hear all their guidance for DivineMaha and the rest of us, and let us know what you feel about it. You can also ask The Council your own question by typing it into one of the Comment boxes that appear at the bottom of most of our blog pages.

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June 13, 2023 - Posted by | Audio Content, Channeling, Choice, Imagination, Meditation, Questions & Answers, Spirit, You Create Your Reality | , , , , , , , , , ,

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