Ask The Council

What will you ask Spirit?

How Can I Describe Kundalini Energy to Family & Friends

This post answers questions for The Council from a reader named Mariner2Mother, who’s experiencing a Kundalini awakening and would like help explaining the process to family and friends who don’t understand it.

The Council says Kundalini is a raising of energy in each chakra (or energy center in the body). It sits in the first chakra (or root chakra in the groin area) and through meditation, prayer, reading, and sometimes through no conscious effort on the part of the practitioner, slowly rises through each of the seven chakras along the spine.

Inside each chakra there are seven more chakras that correspond to the seven chakras in the body. The Council describes it as an awakening. It can take years for this energy to rise to the upper most chakra. This energy can heal fears, illness, and anything that keeps you from experiencing who you truly are. It helps you think differently and see things differently.

The Council says many people experience this rise of Kundalini energy and never know it. They just begin to feel better and have better thoughts because they are opening to energies that aren’t available when you’re worried, depressed, or your energy is heavy.

Many people say it’s a horrible experience to have your Kundalini open, and The Council says if you believe this, that is what you’ll experience.

The Council advises controlling Kundalini energy with your thoughts, know that it’s there, and if you’re interested in raising this energy you can do this slowly so that your body and your mind can handle it.

It’s a raising and expanding of energy so you can have deeper experiences while still in your human body.

Mariner2Mother says her Kundalini energy opened up in her somewhat spontaneously, but The Council says this isn’t the case. It’s happening because her higher self (spirit) is choosing to have this experience.

The Council says the simplest way to explain Kundalini is to describe the seven chakras and what each one does, and how you are learning there are seven more chakras inside each chakra. From deep inside you this energy slowly works it’s way up from one chakra to the next. The chakras gradually open and send out a much higher vibration and energy that you’re able to tap into.

The Council says raising your Kundalini is a normal process that can be very beautiful, and there’s nothing to be afraid of.

Mariner2Mother can pray on each chakra, learn the colors of each chakra, and meditate on the seven different chakra colors within each chakra; these seven chakras are the size of a pin head.

In response to Mariner2Mother describing her Kundalini process as challenging for her, The Council suggests asking her spirit (or higher self) to slow down this process so it’s not so exhausting. When she describes much of her experience as “Hell on Earth”, The Council says this experience of Hell on Earth isn’t necessary.

The Council finishes with guidance to send love to every chakra.

Listen to our entire 9-minute session with The Council to hear all their guidance for Mariner2Mother and the rest of us, and let us know how you feel about it.

January 18, 2018 - Posted by | Audio Content, Chakras, Channeling, Connecting With Spirit, Meditation, Questions & Answers, Spirit | , , , , , , , , , ,


  1. Hi, Luana. We’ll ask The Council your question about your Kundalini when we have time and we’ll post an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s ready. Thanks for your question. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | October 12, 2020

  2. I really want someone to tell me about my Kundalini. The electricity is real. You have to control all your emotions. Help me, please.

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Luana White | October 11, 2020

  3. Hang in there, Susan. Hope you enjoy the ride. Bob

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | January 21, 2018

  4. Thank you Bob and Cynthia and the Council. I very much appreciate the wisdom and advice. Lately, I’ve been asking my higher self to slow it down so I can function. I’m pretty sure it’s making a difference. This is without question the most challenging thing I’ve ever gone through.

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by mariner2mother | January 20, 2018

  5. Hi, Andrea. Try using The Council’s meditation and let us know how you make out. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | January 20, 2018

  6. Wow! I’m jealous. I wish my Kundalini energy would open.


    Comment by Andrea | January 19, 2018

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