Ask The Council

What will you ask Spirit?

How Can I Develop My Psychic Sense?

This post answers questions from a reader who goes by the name, LearningSoulSite, who says she was advised in an earlier session with The Council that her soul would like her to develop psychic abilities and she’s not sure what will be a good starting point. She asks how she’ll understand her psychic gifts and how she should develop them. And finally she asks if there’s anything she should be careful about or protect herself from while working on her psychic sense.

The Council starts by saying that before LearningSoulSite begins developing her psychic ability she should protect herself from her own thoughts and beliefs. Because if you believe there’s something out there that’ll grab you when you meditate and you’re not protected, somehow you’ll create this. And if you believe there’s evil lurking about that you need to be protected from, you’ll create this.

The Council advises LearningSoulSite to work on who she truly is, which is love and light. That is what everything is made of. Within this realm of love, light, and pure energy she can begin to allow herself to connect with the spirit world, and with past lives and future lives. It’s important to know she’s in control of everything that happens and her beliefs will play a part in this.

The Council suggests meditation is the best way to start developing your psychic abilities, even if you sit quietly for 5-10 minutes a day.

But if you want to connect with spirit, a simple way to do this is by concentrating on beauty. When you eat, imagine what you’re eating is filled with love and light and ask yourself how it feels going into your body. When you’re around animals, look for their souls. When you’re in the garden, look with beauty and love at the flowers and connect with the belief you’re one with these flowers.

As you begin to connect with everything you’ve created in your reality, you now begin to open chakras you’ve never worked with before. Know there’s so much more within you and around you. As you accept this belief and it becomes true to you, you’ll automatically open to different energies and different visions. You’ll hear things you can’t hear right now.

Most of this lifetime there’s been a lot of confusion. So when you meditate, concentrate on the third eye center to receive the clarity you’re looking to experience. With this clarity you’ll find it’ll become easier to make decisions. You’ll have a better understanding of the people around you. This is what you wanted to accomplish in your current lifetime. And when you receive this clarity and understanding, you’ll find people will begin speaking to you about what’s going on in their lives, and you’ll know how to help these people.

Listen to our entire 6-minute session with The Council (below) to hear all their guidance for LearningSoulSite and the rest of us, and let us know how you feel about it.

May 11, 2018 - Posted by | Audio Content, Beliefs, Chakras, Channeling, Connecting With Spirit, Helping Others, Love, Psychic Ability, Questions & Answers, Soul, You Create Your Reality | , , , ,

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