Ask The Council

What will you ask Spirit?

Questions About Spiritual Enlightenment

This post answers questions about spiritual enlightenment from a reader named SoulPeace. SoulPeace has been reading about Buddhist culture lately and is drawn to the subjects of spiritual growth, human reincarnation, and lesson learning.

The Council says this is a big step in itself because SoulPeace has opened to enlightenment and knowledge that will help them move forward in their current lifetime and on an easier path.

SoulPeace asks The Council if we’re able to learn our lessons without being born on the Earth path? The Council says we need an Earth body to learn what we desire to learn when we choose to be born in a physical body. We come to Earth to learn about emotions.

There are other realities besides Earth where you experience only the energy shifts within you. You learn with your thoughts: both positive and negative. You don’t need a physical body.

The main reason we come to Earth is there is so much we desire to learn where we need a physical body to learn it. In other realities we can exist only as energy or thought forms and we are also able to learn in these non-physical realities.

When you’re back home in spirit, that is another reality. And many choose while in spirit to help people who choose to live in the Earth reality, and this is another place where you learn. You’re able to learn lessons without being born into a physical body, but these lessons are different from the ones you learn when you’ve chosen to be born in a physical body.

SoulPeace asked The Council how we can achieve freedom from being born into an Earth body and achieve moksha or nirvana (freedom from death and rebirth). The Council says every time you finish an incarnation it’s always your choice whether to come back in an Earth body or remain in spirit and not come back.

The Council says in spirit we always have the desire to come back and learn something on the Earth path. There’s always a new goal; something else that wants to be experienced.

If you decide not to come back, you’d remain in spirit and you’d learn through the experience of others who do come back. You’ll tap into their thoughts and feelings and continue learning that way. And sometimes by doing this, it strikes a chord in you where you think about trying the Earth path again.

SoulPeace closes by saying they’re trying to find peace for themselves and wants to know where to begin in order to experience this. The Council says you begin by knowing you are a spirit within your physical body that you’ve created. They say to see the things you’ve created in this life that helps you experience love and joy, and to follow that feeling and do more of these things.

As you experience one joy and it leads you to another and another, you will find what you planned to experience when you were in spirit before being born into your physical body. Know that your job is to experience love and joy and compassion for others, and the rest will all fall into place.

Listen to our entire 6-minute session with The Council (below) to hear all their guidance for SoulPeace and the rest of us, and let us know how you feel about it.

January 25, 2018 - Posted by | Audio Content, Channeling, Choice, Emotions, Love, Questions & Answers, Reincarnation, Spirit, You Create Your Reality | , , , , , , , , , , , ,


  1. Hi, Trying To Learn. It’s nice to hear you enjoy our blog. Interesting question about what happens to the soul of people who do “bad” things while here on Earth when they pass over. We’ll ask The Council when we have time and post a recording of their reply. Love and light, Bob & Cynthai


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | March 19, 2018

  2. Hi Bob, Cynthia, and The Council, I really enjoy your work. I have a question about people who do bad/evil things on Earth…serial killers, mass shooters, dictators who commit genocide etc. What happens to their souls when they pass away and leave the physical realm? Do they interact with the spirits of those whose death they facilitated? Do they receive some sort of punishment? Do they have a choice to reincarnate and if so, will their punishment be on a Earth? Or is there no punishment?

    Ever greatful for your wisdom.

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Trying To Learn | March 13, 2018

Let us know what you think about this post, or ask The Council a question