Ask The Council

What will you ask Spirit?

Should I Continue My Relationship With My Current Partner?

This post answers questions for The Council from a reader named, Lee, who has a follow up question on our post, Why Do I Feel So Drawn To This Man? that we published last month in response to Lee’s earlier questions.

Lee: I feel drawn to a man I recently started dating. The relationship is moving very fast and we’re even talking about marriage.

Council: Is this what you want? It’s all up to you. You can take the relationship and have it move slowly or quickly, but you have to decide if you’re comfortable with it moving quickly.

Lee: I feel very connected and comfortable with this man. It’s as if I’ve known him forever.

Council: How wonderful. You recognize the spirit within this person that you’ve known in other lifetimes. You both agreed in spirit that this person would come into your life. What is it that you want? Where do you see this relationship going?

Lee: I feel very connected to him spiritually, physically, and emotionally, but he comes with a lot of failed relationships and baggage. I’m afraid I may be ignoring red flags and making a mistake.

Council: It’s good to recognize there are red flags. There’s always a problem when you’re getting signs, but you ignore them. By taking your time with this relationship you can see more and more what this person is truly like. There’s no reason to rush. If this relationship is something you both want, you’ll both feel the trust and the love in it to make the relationship happen.

Lee: I’m a recent widow and I feel guilty. I wonder if I’m just vulnerable and lonely, and the relationship isn’t real.

Council: Of course you’re vulnerable and lonely. That’s part of the human condition when we love someone and lose them. There’s no reason to feel guilty. It’s perfectly fine to move on and have another relationship if that’s what you want. But again we tell you, it would be wise to slow this relationship down. If it’s real and something you both want, time won’t change it. You can work towards it.

Lee: I’m also worried about my son’s reaction to the relationship.

Council: This is another reason to take your time. Because this relationship is new, it’s up to you to take a good look at it, see how you feel, check out the red flags, and take time to see what this person is really like before you involve your son. We feel you know that rushing into this relationship isn’t wise. If you do rush into it, you’ll be faced with challenges more quickly than if you take your time.

You might not know the direction to go if you rush. You’ll get exactly where you need to be. Be in the relationship. Experience the good and the bad, and see what it is that you want.

Lee: Should I continue with this relationship or is it infatuation?

Council: Of course it’s infatuation. Should you continue with this relationship? It’s totally up to you. And that’s why we say: Be in it. See what this relationship is. Don’t rush it. Experience this person and see what baggage he has. Why were there failed relationships? All of this will give you clues about what you want to do.

Bob: You say that it’s infatuation, but it sounds like you may not be ascribing a negative connotation to the word.

Council: In infatutuation, people are taken with someone else. They feel so in love and so happy, and that could be the feeling now. But in time you’ll learn about this other person. You’ll learn about yourself and how you handle another person if you see a lot of characteristics you don’t like. It’s good to give the relationship time. It’s something you want to learn from, and that’s why the relationship was created the way it was.

Bob: Earlier in the session you said Lee and her partner have relationships from past lives.

Council: Yes, there were a few connections. We see the coming together now is something they planned in spirit because they worked together in other lifetimes. But there’s no particular lifetime that’s tied into their current life where they need to learn something, complete something, or heal something. It’s just two spirits that like working together.

Listen to the entire 6-minute audio recording (apologies for the sound quality) of our session with The Council (below) to hear all their guidance for Lee and the rest of us, and let us know what you feel about it. You can ask The Council your own question by typing it into a Comment box that appears at the bottom of most of our blog pages.

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April 9, 2022 Posted by | Agreement, Audio Content, Channeling, Other Lifetimes, Pre-Incarnation Planning, Questions & Answers, Relationships, Spirit | , , , , , | 2 Comments