Ask The Council

What will you ask Spirit?

Why Do I Feel So Disconnected From Spirit?

This post answers questions for The Council from a reader named, Kristi, who says  she’s searched and questioned her connection to spirit for years and is constantly looking for answers about her spirituality.

The Council says you’re always connected to spirit because you are spirit. Kristi needs to do the chakra alignment meditations and she needs to meditate every day going into her heart. That’s where spirit is easiest to find. Create a light in your heart, sit there with it, and you’ll feel a better connection to spirit.

Kristi says she feels she’s coming up short in her answers from spirit. I’ve been to psychics, had past life regression hypnotherapy, and taken mediumship classes, but I feel more disconnected than ever. I feel like all my attempts are futile, which is discouraging.

The Council says they see the path Kristi is on and she’s looking outside herself for her connection to spirit. You have to go within to feel this connection. Take at least 15 minutes a day to meditate on her heart, picturing beautiful green energy all around it. And within this green energy picture a white light the size of a pinhead and focus on this white light expanding until it reaches beyond your body and it’s all around you. When you do this every day you’ll start to feel more calm and you’ll begin to feel your connection to spirit.

Listen to the audio recording of our session with The Council to hear all their guidance for Kristi and the rest of us and let us know what you feel about it, or ask The Council your own question.

If you like this post please consider clicking the LIKE button in the section after the recording to let us and other readers know. Thanks.

October 10, 2019 Posted by | Audio Content, Chakras, Channeling, Connecting With Spirit, Meditation, Questions & Answers, Spirit | , , , , | 3 Comments

I’m Depressed and Nothing Feels Real

This post answers questions for The Council from a reader named, Harmony, who says she has a problem with the idea that each person creates their own reality, because this idea feels like nothing is real and everything is replaceable. Her questions are in response to our recent post, Learning About Spirituality, But Has Fears and Doubts, which attempts to answer Harmony’s earlier questions about being filled with fear, doubt, and questions about her spirituality, which replaced her feelings of joy and peace she previously felt from learning about spirit. (Note: Harmony apparently posted her original question using the name, Lola.)

The Council says everything is replaceable, and everything in this reality is real. When this reality comes to an end for Harmony, she’ll go back to being who she truly is as a spiritual being and the reality she was living is no longer real for her. The feeling Harmony has that things aren’t real is because she intuitively knows they’re only temporarily real.

The Council says Harmony has created everyone in her life. She’s created these people with the understanding from these souls who wish to be in her life. You have the power to bring in souls and lessons you wish to experience. No one is creating in your life but you.

The Council says while Harmony knows this reality doesn’t feel real, it would be wise to change her belief to: eventually she’ll become the spirit she truly is, and she’s created this reality to learn from it. This reality is something she wants to experience, but she’s in charge of who comes in and out of her life.

Meditate on the idea that you’re close to connecting and understanding your higher self. Your reality is temporary and you’re in it because you wish to be. You wish to go through these difficult thoughts so you can learn from them.

You are this intelligent soul that creates some realities to be light and easy, some realities where it’s difficult physically or mentally, and there are realities where you’re brought on a spiritual path you don’t understand and you need to ask questions and read about it and meditate. You need to listen to your ideas, whether they’re positive or negative, and see where these ideas bring you. Each step will guide you to questions and answers until you can connect with something you’re comfortable with.

Harmony asks if love is only a construct of belief and The Council says love is the only thing that really exists. Love is truth, love is reality, and love is who you are and we all are. Love allows you to have doubts. It allows you to create any kind of life you wish and to learn from it or not learn from it. Love has created everything that is. And if you’re not experiencing love, it’s not because there’s an absence of it. It’s because you’re not allowing love in.

Harmony asks if the people around her are created by her and change according to her beliefs? And The Council says that’s exactly how it is. Then Harmony adds that this idea scares her and makes her feel alone. She wants other  people to be real. The Council says the people around Harmony are as real as she allows them to be. There are souls that are in Harmony’s life to play whatever part she wishes them to play. And it’s because of the love we all have for each other that we come in to play these parts.

The Council advises Harmony to sit still and concentrate on her heart for as little as 10 minutes a day, look for a little light that shines there, and allow this light to grow more and more. Clarity will come.

Harmony closes by apologizing if others find these questions uncomfortable, and The Council says Harmony has created the uncomfortableness to learn from it.

Listen to the entire 7-minute audio recording of our session with The Council (below) to hear all their guidance for Harmony and the rest of us, and let us know what you feel about it.

If you like this session, please consider clicking the Like button in the section after the recording to let us and other readers know. Thanks.

September 15, 2018 Posted by | Audio Content, Beliefs, Channeling, Love, Meditation, Questions & Answers, Soul, Spirit, You Create Your Reality | , , , | 2 Comments

How Can I Have a Romantic Relationship?

This post answers a question for The Council from a reader named Nina, who read our post, Can I Have a Long-term Romantic Relationship?, and says she has the same question.

The Council begins by asking Nina why she holds herself back? They feel she’s not genuine with the men she wants a relationship with and there’s an almost unconscious fear of failure, which she then creates.

Nina must work on herself and not speak or think so much why she doesn’t have a relationship. Think instead about the good things she has to offer a relationship. Don’t compare herself to others. Know that one of her lessons in this lifetime is to feel confident about herself. She shouldn’t meekly think she’d be good in a relationship, but she should feel the power within her to be part of a couple.

The Council tells Nina that she closes off her energy when she’s on a date with someone for the first time. Despite wanting a relationship so badly, she withdraws her energy and her dates feel this either consciously or unconsciously. Her dates feel they can’t reach her and there’s a distance.

Nina says she feels isolated. She used to appreciate herself because she built her life from scratch and she’s proud of what she’s accomplished, but she doesn’t want to be alone and feels ashamed she’s never been in a short or long-term relationship.

The Council says that feeling of shame is one of the reasons she fails in these relationships and they recommend Nina do a heart meditation to help change the energy around her. Cover herself in a green energy, feel a little light in her chest that grows, say that she accepts and loves herself, and send this love out into the universe. The people that will connect with this vibration will come into her life.

The Council says Nina has to change her own energy before she can have a successful relationship. She is the one keeping herself alone. She created this aloneness so she would ask herself why she’s not in a relationship, find the answers, and change her circumstances for the better.

The Council says the answer Nina needs is to feel so good and so loving for herself, and as she recognizes this love, send it out to the universe. This love will become a magnet to bring the right people into her life, whether it be a friendship, a romantic relationship, or a work relationship.

The Council advises Nina not to worry when other people say they don’t understand why she isn’t in a relationship. These people aren’t here to understand Nina’s path. Nina needs to get on the path she created so she heals and grows, and by doing this she’ll create the life she desires.

In an extended closing The Council wishes blessings to all who write questions and are able to follow their guidance. They say this guidance will help many who have similar questions and they send blessings to all who find this guidance helpful.

The Council advises everyone on this path to share their knowledge and love, particularly of our planet, the animals, minerals, and plants. Send love to everything and your life has to change.

Listen to our entire 7-minute session with The Council to hear all their guidance for Nina and the rest of us, and let us know how you feel about this session.

January 29, 2018 Posted by | Audio Content, Channeling, Love, Meditation, Questions & Answers, Relationships, Spirit, You Create Your Reality | , , , , | 1 Comment