Ask The Council

What will you ask Spirit?

Why Do Young People Get Cancer?

This post answers a question from a long-time follower of our blog named Susan, who also has her own WordPress blog: Life Is A Journey…Not A Guided Tour. Susan says she understands that diseases like cancer can be created from a lifetime of fear, but she wonders how someone very young can get cancer. She’s heard it can be to balance karmic energies or help another soul with a life lesson, and she asks The Council for their thoughts.

The Council says there’s a lot of talk about having to pay back karma or balance karma, and they say this isn’t the way karma works (unless that’s what you believe). They say it’s more like in one lifetime you experience good health and you see people who have poor health. And in another lifetime you wonder what it would be like to experience poor health and grow from this.

The Council wants to make clear that poor health is a conscious spiritual choice, not a punishment. They add that you sometimes choose poor health to help others deal with this, sometimes you choose poor health to learn compassion, and sometimes you choose poor health to become more loving and understanding.

While Susan seems to assume it takes a long lifetime of experiencing fear in order to develop cancer, The Council says you choose your family based on the experiences you desire. A child is able to experience fear while still in its mother’s womb and develop cancer within a very short period. Or it can plan to experience cancer because they want to leave this physical reality early, or to help the souls around them experience this. Whatever the case, The Council says it is always planned before coming into this physical reality.

The whole purpose of going through a life and death situation is to have the experience, to allow the souls around them to have the experience, and in some manner bring love into the situation.

The Council talks about what it’s like for a soul to choose cancer to help the other souls in it’s life learn from this. And then closes by saying when someone is experiencing poor health, the best thing you can do is send them love and remember they are spirit in a physical body choosing to experience this. And if they wish to live through this illness, you are supportive of this. And if they wish to leave this physical reality at this time, you’ll be supportive of this also.

Listen to the entire 18-minute session below to hear all The Council’s guidance on why young people might choose to get seriously ill.

August 4, 2015 Posted by | Agreement, Audio Content, Choice, Healing, Helping Others, Karma, Love, Pre-Incarnation Planning, Questions & Answers | , , , , , | 6 Comments