Ask The Council

What will you ask Spirit?

What’s the Purpose of Chronic Pain?

The post answers a question for The Council about the purpose of chronic pain from a reader who goes by the name, InDespair. InDespair says they’ve suffered from cervical stenosis and fibromyalgia for about 10 years. They’ve been on the same medication for years, which they’ve now built up a tolerance to, and they’re in terrible pain every day. InDespair says they’re reluctant to speak to their doctor about the pain because they’re afraid the doctor will think they’re abusing their medication.

The Council asks why InDespair refuses to help them self by talking to their doctor. The pain is here as a lesson, but InDespair needs relief from medication before they can learn the lesson the pain is trying to teach. Fear is the reason they aren’t asking for this help. Reach out to your physician and explain your situation. When you receive medication that eases the pain, then you’ll be able to ask what lessons the pain has to teach you.

The reason for pain is that you aren’t allowing your life force to flow through you. When your life force isn’t allowed to flow freely through your body, pain is caused wherever you resist the life force. Focus on the areas of pain, acknowledge the pain, and know that it’s part of your current circumstances. You’ve brought this pain in to change your beliefs.

You create this pain to stop you from your every day living so you give this pain the time it needs to be experienced and to learn from it.

Find somewhere in your body where you aren’t experiencing pain, where there’s a feeling of wellness. Imagine this feeling of wellness spreading to the area where there’s pain and watch as this feeling of wellness grows throughout the body. As you believe you don’t need to experience pain, punishment, and guilt, your life force will flow throughout your body.

You bring pain into your life to change your beliefs and you grow spiritually as you begin to recognize you’re light, love, and joy. The Council asks you to take time every day and find parts of your body that feel well.

InDespair says they’ve never abused their medication, but for some reason they worry their doctor will assume the worst. The Council says to tune in to who you truly are as a spiritual being. You deserve your doctor’s help and you should ask for it. Don’t assume you’ll be labeled unkindly.

InDespair asks, “Why in the world would we choose chronic pain as a lesson, and how can I get past my fears?” The Council says we choose chronic pain to heal beliefs from past lives that we bring into this lifetime. We choose chronic pain for the purpose of changing these beliefs so we can grow from them. The pain will subside as you focus on the areas of well-being to help yourself.

One of the areas of pain is your neck, which is the back of your throat. Is there something you’re avoiding talking about? Do you keep opinions to yourself? Are you afraid to speak your truth? This will affect the throat chakra, which includes the back of the neck. Or have you said unkind things to people? This also will affect the neck area. Work on the neck chakra and all your chakras to get the energy flowing and allow your life force to move through you. If you do this you’ll begin to see a lessening of the pain.

The Council closes by stressing the importance of speaking with your physician about new medication. They also emphasize learning about the chakras and finding places in your body that feel well and doing visualizations that bring this well-being to the parts that hurt. Know you are an eternal spiritual being in your physical body. When you can do these things you’ll begin to experience relief.

Listen to our entire 10-minute session with The Council (below) to hear all their guidance for InDespair and the rest of us, and let us know how you feel about it.

May 1, 2018 - Posted by | Audio Content, Beliefs, Chakras, Challenges, Channeling, Health, Other Lifetimes, Questions & Answers, Spirit | , , , , , , , , , , , ,


  1. Thank you very much. I am expecting, so I am worried that the medicine will have a negative impact on my unborn child, even though the doctor says it’s okay. But I am also worried that if if I stop taking the medicine, the symptoms of my allergy will affect the child, eg. that I wont get enough oxygen.
    I’m looking forward to your reply.

    Best wishes, Irene

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Irene | October 4, 2020

  2. Hi, Irene. We’ll be happy to ask The Council your question about your medication preventing learning and healing as soon as we can and we’ll post an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s ready. Thanks for your question. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | October 3, 2020

  3. Dear Bob, Cynthia and the Council
    I’m wondering if the answer above regarding chronic pain also applies to allergies? Both in terms of the lesson learned and the way to heal it.
    I have house dust mites allergy, and I am taking medicine, so I am not really bothered by it. But will this prevent me from from learning and healing, if I just suppress the allergy, or is the medicine also part of the plan?

    Best regards, Irene

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Irene | September 29, 2020

  4. Cynthia & Bob,

    Sorry for my lengthy response!

    Thank you for taking the time to address my question. Something you might find interesting: Before you posted, I ended up going to my Dr’s and discussing my situation. He was absolutely wonderful and very understanding. I have started a different medicine with better results. I think part of my fear had to do with the current drug epidemic (it IS scary). However, I need to remind myself that my pain is real and that I do have medical conditions that cause the pain.

    In your post, a line hit me deeply: “You deserve your Dr’s help…”. It’s so simple, but opened my mind in a big way.

    I have been told in the past that I need to work on my throat chakra. I do speak my truth and express my opinions, however, it was the way I spoke up that was the problem (tone of voice, my words, sometimes anger, etc). I have worked on this for sometime and though I’m not perfect, I know I’ve come a long way.

    I will work on your suggestion of focusing on area’s of wellness. Some days it is near impossible as the pain is felt literally from head to toe. Hopefully, those days will decrease.

    One question if it’s alright? You mentioned: “We choose chronic pain to heal beliefs from past lives that we bring into this lifetime.” What beliefs from a past life/lives would cause us to choose enduring chronic pain in this one? Does it depend on the individual’s past life/lives?

    I’m sorry to hear Cynthia also suffers from chronic pain. Again, thank you for taking the time to help me and so many others. It means more than any words I can say.

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by InDespair | May 12, 2018

  5. Hi, Jhendi. Good questions about people who are kept alive by artificial means. We’ll ask The Council when we have time and we’ll post a recording of their response when it’s ready.

    Thank you so much for sharing that you think this blog is making you a better person. It’s questions like yours that make our blog possible and we’re very happy it’s helping you grow.

    Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | May 3, 2018

  6. Dear Bob, Cynthia and The Council. I’m wondering if The Council could shed some light on people who are kept alive by artificial means. I have read about people who have suffered brain death who are kept on ventilators and fed by tubes for years. In these cases, are the souls still attached to the bodies? Can the souls reincarnate if the body is kept alive even when the mind isn’t? What types of lessons are learned in these situations? Thanking you very much for all you do. I think this blog is making me a better person!


    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Jhendi | May 3, 2018

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