Ask The Council

What will you ask Spirit?


Bob & Cynthia

Welcome to Ask The Council, a blog where you can ask a group of loving and wise spirit guides a question and get an answer, for free. You can also contact us for a paid private phone session with The Council, and you can read the questions other readers have asked and the answers they’ve received. Other posts contain quotations from The Council that we hope you find inspiring, uplifting, and educational.

Ask The Council a Question

If there’s a question you’ve been thinking about and you’re curious how The Council might answer it, we encourage you to either use the blog’s Comments feature to ask your question, or contact us for a private phone session. You can click here to go to the ‘Let us know what you think about this post, or ask The Council a question’ section of this Welcome post and type your question there or you can type your question in the same section at the bottom of any post that inspires you to ask a question or leave a comment.

Since the blog is currently a project we do in our spare time it can take a while for us to do a session with The Council on a question and then publish a post on the session. Depending on the question and the session it can sometimes take weeks after a question is asked to publish a post with The Council’s answer. Please be patient.

The Council

Cynthia is able to communicate with a group of five non-physical spirit guides in a manner similar to the way Esther Hicks communicates with and speaks for the spirit guides, Abraham, and Jane Roberts communicated and spoke for the spirit guide, Seth. I (Bob) basically interview The Council as they speak through Cynthia during what we refer to as a session. Sessions generally last 5-15 minutes and are usually audio recorded. During the session Cynthia is aware of what The Council is saying and she also receives visual impressions and other types of telepathic communication from them.

The Council’s Basic Guidance

Since we began these sessions with The Council around 2009 they consistently emphasize a few basic ideas that we attempt to summarize here:

1) You are an eternal spiritual being in a physical body.

You are the energy and vibration of continuously expanding love, intelligence, and joy.

Your physical experience in your physical body and your psychological experience of your personality is a small part of the totality of who you truly are.

Let yourself imagine from time to time what it might feel like to experience more of the wondrous totality of who you really are, and don’t be surprised if you are able to experience this more often.

2) You are the creator of all that you experience.

As you open to the possibility your true nature is greater than you ordinarily perceive, it becomes easier to consider the possibility that this expanded you is truly the creator of everything that you experience.

If you’re used to thinking of yourself in a more limited sense, the idea that you are the creator of your experience may be difficult to understand. Our post, What About This Idea That We Create Whatever We Desire, offers insights into this idea.

3) You are here to expand the love you are into physical reality.

You chose, as a spiritual being, to come into this physical reality to experience the joy of expanding the love you are as a spiritual being, into this physical reality. This is your purpose for being here.

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At the bottom of the left column on the Home page is a ‘Previous Entries’ link that will take you to a page with a list of earlier posts.

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The Navigation Bar at the top of each page contains a link to the blog Home page and links to the following additional pages:

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Questions & Answers: Use this link to display a list of introductions to our longer posts, most of which are responses to reader questions. This is an easy way to check out these more in-depth posts. They are listed in chronological order with the most recent post on top. Clicking on the post title will take you to the page where you can read the complete post.

Contact Us: The Contact Us page contains a contact form similar to the Comment form mentioned above. The difference between the Contact Us form and the Comment forms is that the Contact Us form is a private message to us (Cynthia and Bob). It is not posted on the blog. Comments appear on the post page where the comment is posted. The Contact Us form can be used for communicating with us about private sessions or other private matters you think aren’t appropriate for posting in a public Comment.

Bob & Cynthia


  1. thank you so much i woud greatly appreciate it, things have only gotten worse. i honestly thought about leaving my husband recently. i would really like to know if this man has the same feeling for me or not or is just player thanks

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by lisabayer | May 27, 2024

  2. Hello to the Council and to Bob and Cynthia,

    I have been looking for a new job for some time now, I came very close at one point and had a few interviews but none of them worked out. I am really struggling to stay positive and worry that I will just manifest more of what I’m feeling (trapped, bored, desperate, frustrated with colleagues, not doing impactful work) rather than what I want. I don’t doubt my abilities, but somehow I’m not finding the right opportunity- is it just a matter of time and patience? Does the Council have any ideas on how I can remain positive, patient, and in a vibration open to a new opportunity? thank you!

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Anonymous | May 24, 2024

  3. Hi, Lisa. We’ll be happy to ask The Council about this man in your life when we have time, and we’ll post an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s ready. Thanks for your question. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | May 21, 2024

  4. I meet a man who makes me smile and feel special. Being around him instantly raises my vibration and makes me happy. We’re drawn together like magnets.

    He has asked me out, but I’m married and won’t have an affair. But I want this person in my life as a friend because I feel like we bring each other up and can help each other, but I’m not sure exactly why the sun or universe brought him to me.

    Is he my twin flame or soul mate? Am I crazy and he is just a player, and I’m making this up because I want to feel loved?

    My husband does not know about him. If he did know about him I would never be allowed back to the park, even though we are just friends and only talk at the park.

    How should I handle this?


    Comment by lisabayer | May 13, 2024

  5. Hi, RA_reader. We’ll be happy to ask The Council if you pre-planned with any spirits to be your spouse and your children in your current lifetime when we have time, and we’ll post an audio recording of The Council’s response as soon as it’s ready. Thanks for your question. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | May 1, 2024

  6. Hi, Ellie. We’ll be happy to ask The Council about your two projects when we have time, and we’ll post an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s ready. Thanks for your question. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | May 1, 2024

  7. Dear Cynthia, Bob, and the Council: I so appreciate your work. I was wondering if I have planned meetings/contracts with a spouse and children for this lifetime, and anything else I might need to know with respect to this topic, such as timing and opportunity. Thanks so much!

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by RA_reader | April 28, 2024

  8. Hey there, I hope you’re all well. I’ve just read the last comment and have some questions about work too.

    I’ve been running two projects, one for eight years, another for five, that don’t seem to really get off the ground. First illness and its associated difficulties, then the pandemic, then colleagues dropped off, now post-pandemic the sector faces various issues, and so on. (Why did these setbacks happen?)

    A year ago someone advised me to move forward without colleagues, so I did. For project 1 I contacted hundreds of places that would (and in the past did) host my work, spent a great many days following up, but have absolutely no takers. For project 2, which I think does need people, I started reaching out to old colleagues and also meeting new people but again, no takers. I’ve lost the ability to visualise for my work now, I just get sad and it hurts.

    I’d be heartbroken to let them go, but is is this life’s way of telling me to stop these projects, stop this work, and change sectors? Would something like tech/AI be better for me to go into? What would happen if I did? Would I be happier? I can’t imagine it’s true, but if I’m still to keep with the projects how do I secure takers for project 1, and find people for project 2? 


    Comment by Ellie | April 22, 2024

  9. Hello,

    I love you Bob and Cynthia for your such helpful work for the community.

    I would like to seek a career guidance from council. My previous opportunity has ended and its very difficult for me to get equally good job, with good salary and benefits.

    I have been trying everything in my power to get to a good mental state, remain positive and reachout/apply. to job opportunities. Can the council please guide me if its possible for me to get equal/better paying job compared to my previous job or should I accept an inferior job?



    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Seeker | April 8, 2024

  10. Hi, Cristiana. We’ll be happy to ask The Council about overcoming your financial difficulty when we have time and we’ll post an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s ready. Thank you for your question. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | April 5, 2024

  11. Hello Bob, Cynthia and the Council,

    I would apreciate your thoughts and guidance on how to overcome the financial difficulty me and my husband are currently going through. What is the best course of action for me to take? I do have many business ideas, but I lack the resources, confidence and motivation to move on with them. Also, there is a lot of indecision at play. Which path will bring me the most success and fulfillment? Many thanks and deep gratitude to you all!

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Cristiana Felecan | April 4, 2024

  12. Hi, Om3ga. We’ll be happy to ask The Council about your pre-birth memories concerning blood type when we have time and we’ll post an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s ready. Thanks for your question. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | April 1, 2024

  13. Hello! I have pre-birth memories about planning my life, choosing my parents, etc. One of my memories is discussing compatibility with my chosen body, specifically about blood type. Is this because different blood types have different frequencies and depending on the spirit, some blood types may be more compatible?

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Om3ga | April 1, 2024

  14. Hi, Anonymous. We’ll be happy to ask The Council your questions about a romantic relationship when we have time, and we’ll post an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s ready. Thanks for your questions. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | March 28, 2024

  15. Hi, Anonymous. We’ll be happy to ask The Council your questions about ADHD and a job for you when we have time, and we’ll post an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s ready. Thanks for your question. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | March 28, 2024

  16. Hi Cynthia, Bob, and the Council – thank you for everything you do! In general in my life, I have a pattern of avoiding closeness/intimacy and feel easily constrained. I have never been in a romantic relationship, and especially when I was younger, felt considerable discomfort when approached in this respect. On the other hand, I don’t feel that I have had extremely strong desires or commitment to change in this area, but continuing as I have been also doesn’t feel right to me. What causes my blocks and how can I address/heal them? Or are they not blocks and this is an indication that I intended to live a solitary life and focus on other things? I try to visualize what I think each version of life could look like, but nothing feels like something I can commit to/settle into. Thank you!

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Anonymous | March 28, 2024

  17. Hello,

    I would like to ask a question about my kid and mine health condition. I have faced mental breakdown couple of weeks back, upon going through therapy sessions, I think I may have ADHD symtoms. Even though my kid is very good with studies, he seems to have focus issues as well.

    As he is still young and talented, I would like to ask the council if both of us indeed have ADHD, and if so, how can we improve our focus without taking any medicines for the same? Medicines have adverse side effects and I would like to make sure we can cure this or learn to live with ADHD, without using drugs.

    I am also in between jobs at the moment, can the council please guide me what of jobs will suite me and my son given we may have ADHD/attention span issues.

    Thank you and god bless you.

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Anonymous | March 27, 2024

  18. Hello Bob, Cynthia and Council,

    You are doing amazing work on this blog. Thanks for providing all the great guidance from council.

    I would like to ask a question about my relationship with my aunt. She has been my favorite aunt and she is almost like a second mother to me, every since childhood. We grew apart due to several family related conflicts and after I moved across country.

    I want to ask if we share a past life connection. I think she may be starseed like me, possibly from pleadeis or sirius. Can the council please guide me about what are the lessons we are to learn from each other and find together with physical distances and conflicts?

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Anonymous | March 22, 2024

  19. Hi, Anonymous. We’ll be happy to ask The Council your question about the person on your mind when we have time and we’ll post an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s ready. Thank you so much for your question. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | March 12, 2024

  20. Please help me understand why I am so attached to the person on my mind. I have many theories but I am at a point where I need a definitive answer from Spirit 🙏🏾 I hope that this is meant to be and the council can help me.

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Anonymous | March 12, 2024

  21. Thanks for your Comment, Bluestar Child. We’re very happy to be up and running again. So sorry you were upset by our being down. And thanks for your reminder that we are part of many readers lives. We are truly blessed. A big hug back at you. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | March 7, 2024

  22. I am very happy that you have recovered the page, I was upset, I thought that all your work had been lost, and also Bob, Cynthia and the Council are already part of the lives of those of us who have found you.

    A big hug to all

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Bluestar Child | March 7, 2024

  23. Hi, Anonymous. We’ll be happy to ask The Council your questions about your mood swings when we have time and we’ll post an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s ready. Thanks for your question. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | February 24, 2024

  24. Hi, E. We’ll be happy to ask The Council your questions about manifesting when we have time, and we’ll post an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s ready. Thanks for your question. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | February 24, 2024

  25. Hi Bob and Cynthia,

    Why do I get up and down mood swings all the time? It’s like I try so hard to see the magic in life but somehow I always get pulled back into the reality of things. When I get these low moods I feel heavy in my chest and can’t seem to enjoy life. I’ve tried meditation but it hasn’t really worked for me. What can I do to allow my default state to be joyful and happy? How can I consistently feel warmth in my heart especially during these low moods?

    Warm light


    Comment by Anonymous | February 23, 2024

  26. Hi Council. I love your blog! Thank you for what you do, it’s inspiring and helpful. I was hoping maybe you could kindly answer my query if or when you have the time.

    I have read your posts on free will and destiny and how we are the creator. But I’m just wondering.. I’m trying to manifest something specific. I keep imagining that I have it and feeling the joy that would come with it, but I keep getting mixed messages (I think they might be from my guides?) saying that some things are not meant to be or that they’re going to bring me something better than what I’m trying to manifest. Or messages that whatever’s in my destiny will come to me in divine timing and there are some things I can’t control.

    What does this mean? I feel like the thing I’m trying to manifest would be a good experience for me and doesn’t harm anyone else but can it not be manifested if it’s not “meant” for me? Why am I getting these messages?

    Thank you again, E.

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by E | February 20, 2024

  27. Hi, Anonymous. Rest assured we have your questions and we’ll answer them as soon as we are able. Please have patience. Thanks.


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | February 12, 2024

  28. Hi there I sent in a question on Jan 25th and I haven’t seen a response yet.. would be most grateful to see a response.. this was about my path forward and my husband’s issues .. thank you

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Anonymous | February 12, 2024

  29. Hello Dear Bob and Cynthia,

    I really appreciate you both and The Council for addressing my concerns and questions from my December 2023 comment. A few days after reading your wonderful response on January 16 and the great subsequent comments, I tried to contact you all using the form on the Contact Us page about a possible private session with you all and also had some payment-related questions. After hitting the Submit button, I got a message essentially indicating that my message got sent, but I still haven’t received a response from you. I tried resending the message again, I think a few days after I sent the first message, and the same thing happened and still have not received a response. I am wondering if you all even ever received my messages? I know you both and The Council are so busy kindly helping so many other people, so I understand if you all may not have had the chance to reply yet. If you have not received my private message, please let me know how I can send it to you all.

    Sending love, light and gratitude,

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by gaya3red | February 8, 2024

  30. Hi, Anonymous. We’ll be happy to ask The Council your question about your situation when we have time and we’ll post an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s ready. Thanks for your question. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | February 5, 2024

  31. Hello,

    Can the council please let me know if I am facing dark night of the soul. I am misunderstood by a lot of people in my life and its getting hard for me to continue with a lot of close relationships.

    I am starting to loose trust and confidence, which is impacting my health a lot. Following a fall out with my manager, I have also faced a job loss recently which has further amplified this issue. Can the council please guide me about how to come out of this despair, and if I had a history with my old manager. We used to have good relationship to begin with and then it deteriorated very fast which impacted my mental health a lot. I also have a on-off(mostly off) relationship with a husband with extreme ego who misunderstands me and justifies with his bad actions with reasons that exists in his head, possibly influenced by my in-laws. It feels like I am hitting a wall in all areas of life, this hurts my kid as well.

    I am trying to keep my thoughts positive but its like fighting an internal battle, every 10 mins and it gets exhausting. Please guide me, thanks a ton for great work you guys do!

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Anonymous | February 5, 2024

  32. Hi, Starfish. We’ll be happy to ask The Council your questions about your health and career when we have time, and we’ll post an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s ready. Thanks for your questions. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | January 30, 2024

  33. Hi, Anonymous. We’ll be happy to ask The Council your questions about your depression when we have time, and we’ll post an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s ready. Thanks for your question. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | January 30, 2024

  34. Hello Bob, Cynthia and the council,

    I have been a lot of health related issues – Anxiety, stress, pulmonary disorder and asthma. I think I may have ADHD that is making the situation worse. Can the council please guide me if I indeed have ADHD? I have been going to therapist for sessions to control my anxiety.

    The other situation is my reduced lung capacity, its currently reduced and operating only at 70%. Can the council please guide me if I should continue to work on software engineering field with this health limitations? If so, should I go for individual contributor kind of role or leadership role? I am truly confused at what to do in my career going forward.

    I need to be able to continue to do job but I am not able to compromise on health as I have faced extremely challenging time in last 1 year.

    Please guide me.

    Love, light

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Starfish | January 29, 2024

  35. Hi .. I am hoping for help I find that I am having a difficult time being part of this world. I understand that I should not be burdened by all the atrocities of this earth, but when I can’t unsee the things I have and continue to see it brings a sense of despair and sadness that I can’t shake. How can I battle these thoughts and continue to be positive when I am so depressed?

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Anonymous | January 28, 2024

  36. Hi, Anonymous. We’ll be happy to ask The Council your questions about your path and your husband when we have time, and we’ll post an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s ready. Thanks for your questions. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | January 25, 2024

  37. I am seeking guidance to understand my life’s purpose. I am a wife, mother and daughter. My sons are my utmost priority but I feel like the next phase of my life should be about service. Is there a path I should follow? I have a husband and inlaws family who are troublesome. My husband is a narcissist, only thinks of his needs, does not appreciate me for anything and life has to be about his needs and he has a secret porn addition I recently found out about. How do I handle this? do I bring it up or leave him to his karma?
    Most of all I want nothing more than to be at peace, with health and help those I can. I want to be financially independent and live this life in peace and leave this world to return to God and have no desire to be reborn. I seek divine guidance.

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Anonymous | January 25, 2024

  38. Hi, Anonymous. We’ll be happy to ask The Council your relationship questions when we have time and we’ll post an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s ready. Thanks for your questions. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | January 19, 2024

  39. Hi, Anonymous. We’ll be happy to ask The Council your question about Alzheimer’s and dementia when we have time and we’ll post an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s ready. Thanks for your question. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | January 19, 2024

  40. Hello… and happy new year! Thank you so much for all the incredible work you do. I hope you don’t mind, I have questions connected to this post: I think I had something similar but with a guy over social media, who I felt helplessly drawn to know. He happened to move to my city, we met, and it was wonderful. He pursues me romantically and it looks like we have feelings for each other… but he is polyamorous and has someone else as well who he’s marrying to bring into the country, which was a massive shock. When, as you say in your post, I think of all the good things that could come out of us being together I feel intensely happy, but the idea of him being with other women only partly feels ok to me. I was wondering what our souls planned in this lifetime? Did we say we’d just be friends, romantic partners, or in a polyamorous relationship? If we were just meant to be friends, how many more of these little scenarios with men have I lined up for myself before meeting the one? And how do I bypass them and get straight to him? 😀

    Another thing I was thinking connected to the post was: is it possible for the two of us, say, if we had contracted to marry other people, to choose to stay together and marry each other instead? Are there any consequences to doing this? And do the people we don’t end up marrying, that we maybe had a contract to marry, find other people to marry instead?

    Thank you! I’m a very curious soul and can’t wait to feel how the answers will expand my heart and my life.

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Anonymous | January 19, 2024

  41. What does the council want us to know about alzheimers and dementia? Specifically, caring for someone with the illness and the spiritual reason for the illness, if any.

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    Comment by Anonymous | January 17, 2024

  42. Hi, Anonymous. We’ll be happy to ask The Council your questions about your work situation when we have time, and we’ll post an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s ready. Thanks for your question. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | January 11, 2024

  43. Hello to the Council. Feeling stuck and overlooked at work. Any thoughts on how I can move ahead at this organization? Trying very hard to stay positive and engaged and I do think that I want to stay there but need to see (or create) a path forward. Any guidance on how to manifest a new opportunity there? Is something hold me back? I feel capable but invisible. Thanks for any guidance you have!

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Anonymous | January 11, 2024

  44. Hi, Anonymous. We’ll be happy to ask The Council what you can do to improve your relationship with your husband when we have time and we’ll post an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s ready. Thanks for your question. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | January 10, 2024

  45. Dear Bob and Cynthia, I have a question regarding me and my husband. We have an overall good relationship, we have many things in common, he supports and helps me in many ways. I am grateful to have an understanding partner and a best friend in him. However, our relationship as a couple feels stale and boring. I no longer feel attracted to him and no longer desire intimacy. This has been going on for the past couple of years (we’ve been together for five years). We both work from home and therefore, spend a lot of time in eachother’s company. Too much familiarity is one of the reasons for the lack of interest in my part. The lack of intimacy and desire is not an issue for me (on the contrary), but it is an issue for him, therefore, I cannot ignore it. This situation has started to stress me out because I don’t know what I can do about it. I sense my husband is unhappy, and at times even a bit depressed because of this. What should I do to improve our relationship? I would apreciate the Council’s guidance in this matter. Thank you so much!

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Anonymous | January 5, 2024

  46. Dear Council,
    I struggle with what I suppose I view as sexism in my environment and in friends and family who are dear to me. I would like guidance in how to mitigate this challenge with grace or remain undisturbed. I don’t know if I am too sensitive or if others are insensitive, I don’t know how to hear things that upset me so much and remain at peace.
    I feel disturbed when I hear men speak about women dismissively, or congratulating each other on sleeping with as many women as possible or “getting laid”, or exploiting a sexual encounter with demeaning accounts of their experience with a woman. I feel that it’s shallow, harmful, and self serving. I contemplate whether to speak up or try to change the part of myself that is offended. How is it that I have come to be so hurt by these things? I do not think women should regard men this way either. I don’t understand the nature of our attitudes toward sex on this planet, and what looks to me like ignoring that the other sex is a whole person rather than a useful subject to masturbate with. I would like to see more care and love employed in the way we relate to one another.
    Some input to help me understand myself and others would be so appreciated here.
    Thank you so much. ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Anonymous | December 29, 2023

  47. Hi, Anonymous. We’ll be happy to ask The Council your questions about your boss, past lives, and karma when we have time and we’ll post an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s ready. Thanks for your question. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | December 23, 2023

  48. Hi, Gayatri. We’ll be happy to ask The Council for guidance for you when we have time and we’ll post an audio recording of this guidance as soon as it’s ready. In the meantime, The Council asked us to recommend to you to begin practicing their chakra meditation every day, which can be found at this link. Thanks for your questions. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | December 23, 2023

  49. Hello Bob and Cynthia,
    I would like to ask the Council about whether there are past lives and karma and whether the current relationship with my former boss is something we had to experience due to learn and grow from.

    Little bit of context, when I was 23, I found a job which I really liked and wanted immensely (the only one I applied for just right after school) and on the interview I met my boss (let’s call him M.). He did leave an impact on me (in a neutral way, but I have very strong memories from that meeting) and I was accepted in this team. (the while process was super smooth and lucky for me) We worked together for three years, and had a neutral relationship most of the time, but I felt very loyal to him and didn’t want to disappoint him. After 3 years, I decided to move teams for s career growth, so for 1 year, I was in a difference company, but since I was unhappy, I searched for different jobs. When suddenly, I was approached by a recruiter and recruited in a new company to a dream made for me and then I also discovered, that my former boss M. (we weren’t in touch at all) will be joining that company as my new manager from the same date. I felt it was a really big coincidence and luck on my side I felt this is how things are meant to be.

    We worked together again for one year which was really intense (lot of ups and downs, both positive and negatives, with successes and failures), but I always believed in him. We had a lot of disagreements, but in the end we discovered we have a lot of in common and we strive for the same vision and values. However before we could start working on it, my boss M. was fired. I was heartbroken for a long time but then suddenly this experience made me evaluate my whole life, values and approach to life which is very positive. also i want to mend our relationship and since then I think about him a lot lately. currently for me, it’s difficult for me to find answers in my intuition how to do so.

    I wonder if this experience is something that was meant to be because for both of us it was very intense learning relationship and I wonder if there is more to it for us in the future.

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Anonymous | December 22, 2023

  50. Hello Bob and Cynthia,

    I just wrote a really long question to you both and talked about how desperate, fearful, disconnected and lost I felt. I meant to sign it with my name, Gayatri. Thank you and hope to hear from you very soon! Love and light to you both.

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Anonymous | December 22, 2023

  51. Please help me! I feel so lost and disconnected from the world and all other human beings in my life and human beings in general. This came upon me all of a sudden during the COVID pandemic and has gotten worse since then. I’ve always thought of myself as a caring and kind soul that sought to connect with Source/God and all other beings in the loving oneness that exists in the Universe. But, now, I feel like I can’t even think about or feel things or do things that most normal human beings can. I desperately want to be able to connect with the feeling of all forms of love and empathy and find that I can’t even love or take care of myself or anyone else. I can’t even trust how I process my world with my own body and mind. I really desperately need some answers soon as I don’t want to lose everyone I’ve held dear in my life (my dear husband, dad and family, husband’s family, friends). I’ve lost my health (can’t sense anything normally or trust what my body is feeling, my oral health and digestive system is awful and so is my nervous system and overall body health-have become terribly out of shape but can’t even feel the joy or concrete effects of any exercise, can’t feel pain, it goes on…), my job or my ability to even feel like I can do any sort of meaningful work/job again, my purpose, my will to take care of myself in any way and feel so distraught about not having feelings (empathy, love, truly feeling sad and crying, truly feeling joyful, laughing and authentically bonding with and relating to others) and not looking forward to or not being able to create all the wonderful experiences every human being seeks (romantic love, general love for humanity, traveling, cooking, laughing with and enjoying time with others, being supportive of others, etc.). I really love my amazing, wonderful husband who is like an angel (possibly a Pleiadian) but right now he is the only person I can even spend time with without feeling completely fearful, inadequate, and like some sort of strange monster that is reviled by others for being so different from them. I’ve isolated myself from so many people I love and care about. I also feel so bad and awful that I can’t connect deeply with my husband, even though I really, deeply want to, and that he has to live with this disconnected, lost energy from me. There’s really so much to describe but I’m overall very concerned about not being human and not being able to live a normal human life or authentically relate to other human beings. I feel so desperate, fearful, negative, manipulative and can’t recognize or stand the person I’ve become. Please, I feel so desperate and hopeless and really don’t want to fall into a life of despair wandering the Earth and beyond as a homeless, lost soul, terrified of living a dark and despairing existence. I can’t even attend my husband’s family’s upcoming Christmas Eve or Day celebrations without feeling extremely anxious and scared that I am not normal and can’t act normal around them. Please, please, I would appreciate any guidance you may have as soon as possible (hoping even before this upcoming Christmas Eve). Thank you for all the kind and caring guidance you have provided for others. Although I have read this guidance, I am really finding it difficult to focus on positive thoughts without the authentic deep feelings and emotions that normally come with these thoughts.

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Gayatri | December 22, 2023

  52. Hi Cynthia and Bob, I would greatly appreciate The Council’s insight on a friendship that I am having a hard time letting go with love. We have known each other for about 15 years and the last 5 have not been great. During this time I have felt the friendship to be somewhat toxic and one sided. There was a breaking point for me about 3 years ago but I still showed up to in group settings. I have since distanced myself more this past year declining gatherings if she would be present. I dream of her often which I find odd since we are not in each others lives currently. These past few years I have done a lot of self work and unwilling to allow people in my life that bring down my vibration or do not have good intentions. Do you know if this is a relationship from a past life? Or any advice on how I can be more at peace with the distance between us so I can honor the boundaries that I feel are needed?
    Many thanks for all of your guidance,

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Lindsey | December 3, 2023

  53. Dear Cynthia, Bob and beloved council,
    I have a question about my family and marriage.
    My husband is not very supportive and is very calculative in the relationship, I have lost my job for last few months and he has been not supporting financially. Verbally he supports me but when it comes to money, his attitude towards me is very calculative, I have been managing everything on my own.
    He is not this way with his parents and other friends. Off late, he is saying that he may not live long, I also have intuition being an empath that he may not be able to live beyond 2-3 years. Can the council please guide me if his soul has planned an ending, and what can I do to improve the relationship so I am truly happy for whatever time we have together.


    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Anonymous | November 25, 2023

  54. Hi, Lon. We’ll be happy to ask The Council about your relationship with your son when we have time and we’ll post an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s ready. Thanks for your question. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | November 16, 2023

  55. Hello dearest Cynthia and Bob – I’m so thankful people like you exist and are willing to share your talents.
    It’s taken me so long to ask this question because I wanted to ask it wisely, from an enlightened perspective.
    My beloved son (27) chooses to be estranged from me, and the only explanation I have is that his father “brainwashed” him against me, especially after our separation 10 years ago, (but I suspect he’d been doing it all during his life as I was often humiliated or invalidated by his father in his presence). I only learned two years ago there was such a thing as Parental Alienation.
    My son was my joy and fulfillment in life and we were truly bonded and always got on well. I thought by now after a bit of a break, and now that his father passed on two years ago, that he would reach out to me. He is now living in another country and I found out on social media he is married which broke my heart, that even that milestone did not cause him to think of me. The only means of contact I have is his email, and I don’t know if he blocks my regular loving emails.
    What caused me to bring this heart-break upon myself in this life?
    And what amends can I make for us to get back together in harmony?

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Lon | November 13, 2023

  56. Hi, Liz. We’ll be happy to ask The Council your question about why the word, Namato, appeared to you in your dream when we have time and we’ll post an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s ready. Thanks for your question. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | November 12, 2023

  57. Hi, Sophie. We’ll be happy to ask The Council your question about the “symbol” you saw when we have time and we’ll post an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s ready. Thanks for your question. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | November 12, 2023

  58. Hello! I stumbled upon your website by accident (or not??!) and I’m so glad I found you. Thank you for what you do. My question is around a word that appeared to me in a dream. The word is Namato. I am an English speaker and live in the US, but I do speak and read Japanese. The word appeared to me in Japanese and I remember in the dream I said the word out loud, and I pronounced it “nameto”, but then a voice in my dream gently corrected me, and said, “no, it’s ‘namato’”. I looked the word up the next morning and found that it has Sanskrit roots, but I cannot find a clear definition. I’m curious if The Council has anything to offer about why this word might have appeared to me and if there is anything I can learn from this message? Sending much gratitude for the opportunity to ask this question! -Liz

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    Comment by Liz | November 12, 2023

  59. Hi Cynthia & Bob! I would love to ask the Council if they could tell me about the “symbol” I saw last year. I was sitting on the sofa and felt called to look out of the window. I saw an almost teardrop (like that of paisley pattern) come slowly down from the sky and as it moved down it aligned with my line of vision. At first it looked silver with a blue section rather like the yin/yang symbol. The texture of the moving symbol was like rippling Mercury and it changed from the bottom of the teardrop turning blue until the smaller section at the top became silver. Then it disappeared. I was so transfixed I didn’t have time to take a video, I don’t even know how long I was looking at it for. I stood up to see if it was something to do with the construction workers opposite our house but when I stood up I realised that this “symbol”/visitor was definitely outside our house and not further way. It was hovering in front of my window. I find myself asking for assistance from Archangel Michael frequently and I was wondering if it is connected to him. Any insights are much appreciated! Many thanks & virtual hugs, from Sophie

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Sophie | November 12, 2023

  60. Hi, Anonymous. We’ll be happy to ask The Council if there are any past lives you need to know about when we have time and we’ll post an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s ready. Thanks for your question. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | November 10, 2023

  61. Hi, Anonymous. It’s curious that you question The Council’s suggestion that Jaelyn read Sylvia Browne. We had a similar question and we look forward to hearing what The Council has to say when we ask them. Thanks for your question. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | November 10, 2023

  62. Hello (: This is in regards to the recent post with Jaelyn about her psychic past life. I am wondering why The Council suggested reading up on Sylvia Browne. I have looked her up and it seems that, amongst other things, she has hurt many people with false claims. Jaelyn’s question, as well as the answer provided by The Council, resonated with me deeply. However, after researching Sylvia Browne, I feel doubtful of myself.

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Anonymous | November 8, 2023

  63. Hello 👋 is there any past lives that I need to know about? I feel like I’m getting feelings about new people I have met. Maybe it’s a lot of healing and transmutation. But it’s all new to me. Thank you 🙏

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Anonymous | November 8, 2023

  64. Hi, Anonymous. We’ll be happy to ask The Council your questions about lessons you’re currently learning and working when you move to Australia when we have time and we’ll post an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s ready. Thanks for your questions. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | November 6, 2023

  65. I feel stuck in my life at the moment.

    Last month, I was able to travel and I enjoyed that. But I ran of money & had to go home.

    Ever since I came back home, I felt like I’ve outgrown this place. I’m slowly going crazy because of the same environment and people (and food).
    What lessons am I learning at the moment?

    I’m moving to Australia next year. But I can’t imagine living in my house for 3 more months until then.

    I also don’t know how I’m going to make money, when I’m in Australia next year. I believe I will be able to.
    But it will be less stressful if I could find an online job before I move there.

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Anonymous | November 5, 2023

  66. Hi, Anonymous. We’ll be happy to ask The Council about the difficulties you’re having with your son when we have time and we’ll post an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s ready. Thanks for your question. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | September 24, 2023

  67. I am really struggling with my son and wondering if the Council has any advice or encouragement. Anything? Sometimes wonder if he’s on the autism spectrum but not sure if a diagnosis would get us anywhere. We have an ever growing rift between us- he’s rude, entitled, not cooperative, picks on his little brother, anxious….. nothing easy about this kid. I’ve read every parenting book. Still here struggling with him. He doesn’t make friends easily- I find myself really working to help him build and maintain friendships. It’s too much. I want to stop worrying about him but I also want him to just leave us all be. Stop fighting and causing problems within our family. I was nice and normal before he was born, now I feel like a raving lunatic much of the time. He constantly embarrasses me- with his behavior and my reaction to him. I can’t find any common ground with him- no shared interests or fun activities that we can enjoy. What do I do with this kid?? And yes, I recognize that he is very bright and talented- but surely he came into this life carrying too much from a past life fear? Can I help him release that?

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Anonymous | September 20, 2023

  68. Hi, Anonymous. We’ll be happy to ask The Council your question about other lives when we have time and we’ll post an audio recording of their response. Thanks for your question. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | September 18, 2023

  69. When thinking of other lifetimes, I get the impression of lifetimes in a more peaceful reality, one in perhaps Denmark born in the late 2000s, and multiple in a place called Bergen that have yet to manifest from my vantage point. What can I gain from connecting from these other lives?

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Anonymous | September 17, 2023

  70. Hi, Jaelyn. We’ll be happy to ask The Council your questions about career, low energy, and past lives when we have time and we’ll post an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s ready. Thanks for your questions. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | September 17, 2023

  71. Hello, I have a few questions for you 🙂

    1. What career field should I look into? I’ve been unemployed for almost 6 months now and have had some trouble figuring out what will make me happy and fulfilled. Any advice?

    2. I have felt very low energy and depressed especially within the last few years. I’ve dealt with it most of my life but I notice it now more than ever. I’ve been trying to maintain daily yoga/meditation but sometimes I’m so tired I can’t get myself out of bed. I’ve asked my spirit guides to help with this but I’d like to know is this just part of my physiology or is this an attachment of some sort? What should I do to help turn this around?

    3. Recently I have had a strong wanting to know about my past lives and ancestors. I feel like there’s this connection that I want to make but it’s blocked. Can you tell me anything about my past lives and my significance in this present life? I have this strong longing to know about myself and purpose

    Thank you so much! I’m so grateful for your time and insight

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Jaelyn Davis | September 12, 2023

  72. Hi, Shree. We’ll be happy to answer most or all of your questions for The Council when we have time and we’ll post an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s ready. Thanks for asking. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | September 5, 2023

  73. Hi Cynthia, Bob and Council,
    I have a few questions to ask.
    1. I had a stillborn last year,her name is Moksha. Will I have another baby? Is Moksha waiting for me to get pregnant? I feel she has moved on. Is there other souls waiting? Also, did I take my life after a stillborn in my previous life?
    2. Feeling lost most of the time. Not sure what I am supposed to do with life. When I want to do something, a task, I can’t seem to push myself into doing it. Is this ADHD? How do I fix this?
    3. I am so fatigued and tired. I have been getting night sweats for couple of years. Doctors are saying its my mental health and sleeping problems causing all this. Why do I feel there’s something more to it? Or is it all in my head? How am I to overcome this as its affecting my day to day life?
    4. Heartfulness meditation. I know I am supposed to meditate but again I can’t seem to push myself to do it.

    Looking forward to your guidance.
    Lots of love

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Shree Ganeshan | September 3, 2023

  74. Hi, Wannabe Beauty Queen. We’ll ask The Council your questions about your weight, hair, and looking younger when we have time and we’ll post an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s ready. Thanks for your questions. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | August 19, 2023

  75. Hello Council! Bob! Cynthia! I have some questions about health and beauty which I’d love some help with.

    I’ve had a deep and very upsetting problem with my weight that I just can’t seem to crack, and would like to know how I can permanently lose it, keep it off, and also build muscle/tone. I’ve tried many many things over the years but – seeing as I’m writing to you – nothing’s worked. What’s behind this and how do I resolve it? I’d so very much love the key to remedying this.

    Nowadays my hair also seems to grow slow and break at a certain length, it is also very dry. Why is this? Again, I’ve tried things to no avail, but would really love waist-length healthy-looking hair. Also, is it true that I can make my hair grow straight even through it’s curly? How do I go about doing this? How long would it take me?

    I also used to have a thing where people used to tell me how young I looked for my age all the time. What do I have to do to naturally look much younger than my years again? What did I have then, and how do I get it back? How do I be one who naturally defies aging?

    Thank you so much for all you do,
    Wannabe Beauty Queen 😀

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    Comment by Wannabe Beauty Queen | August 19, 2023

  76. Hi, Quantum. We’ll be happy to ask The Council your questions about your boyfriend when we have time and we’ll post an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s ready. Sorry you had to post so many versions, but the previous versions were way to long for our blog. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | August 12, 2023

  77. Is my new boyfriend my permanent partner, or is he just a person helping me with my transitional stage? What did we initially plan in our soul contract?
    I feel very strongly that I want to get married to this person (not now, but 10 years later).
    So how can I focus and manifest a more stable future for both of us? He said he wanted to be with me, but he also wanted to travel. I don’t want to be in a long-distance relationship. It’s very hard to plan our future together with this person, please give me some advice.
    Thank you ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Quantum | August 11, 2023

  78. Dear Council and Cynthia and Bob
    Thank you for answering my question!
    I have been interacting with a non-physical being for over two years now. It has been wonderful and still is, but we have limitations to how we communicate. I would dearly like to know more about this being and why this being has chosen to be in my life at this time?

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Liza | July 20, 2023

  79. Hi, Starfish. We’ll be happy to ask The Council your question about your Mom and your relationship when we have time and we’ll post an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s ready. Thank you so much for your question. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | July 5, 2023

  80. Hi, I want to ask about my relationship.

    I’m dating someone at the moment, but I have to keep this a secret from my family. The reason for this is because my mom is very strict, and I don’t want to deal with the pressure & stress she will puts on me if she knows.

    However, this secret is giving me major anxiety & guilt. How can I continue keeping my relationship hidden and in peace? Can you give me some advice on how to deal with my controlling mom?

    My relationship with my mom has always been very challenging, and I feel so frustrated with the limitations she puts on me. I can not live like this anymore. I want to move far away from her when I’m financial independent. Is there anyway to speed this manifestation up?

    How can I manifest more freedom in my life? (being able to go wherever I want, at whatever time I want, with whoever I want. Without reporting to my mom, or having her angry at me).

    How can I make her less controlling of me?

    Thank you for your guidance. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Starfish | July 5, 2023

  81. Hi, Bluestar Child. We’ll be happy to ask The Council your questions about which therapies you offer to help other people when we have time and we’ll post an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s ready. Thanks for your questions. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | June 14, 2023

  82. Hi again, I wrote to the Council a few months ago about career guidance and the Council recommended that I work with children, but I’ve been thinking about it and I have to admit to myself that I’m actually quite attracted to the ” alternative therapies”, but I have never considered dedicating myself to it professionally because I am afraid of 1) not being worth enough to carry out this work professionally 2) that others will reject me or see me as a weirdo if I dedicate myself to these topics openly and 3) not being able to earn a living financially doing this activity. But the Council has told me that I have already been a healer in several lifetimes. I would like to know if in the end I decided on this path, instead of working with children or doing both at the same time, and already having a Reiki master’s degree and an EFT tapping course, what therapies do you advise me that I should train for to be able to better help other people according to my abilities?
    All the guidance received has helped me a lot and I have also been practicing the meditations that you have given and they have gone well for me, thank you very much.

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Bluestar Child | June 14, 2023

  83. Hi, Uswearelegends. we’ll be glad to ask The Council about your career and basic laws when we have time and we’ll post an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s ready. Thanks for your questions. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | June 13, 2023

  84. Hi, Al. We’re glad you found our blog. We’ll be happy to ask The Council your questions about your guides, spirit, and past lives when we have time and we’ll post an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s ready. Thanks for your question. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | June 13, 2023

  85. Thank you Bob and Cynthia for continuing this work. I have much appreciation for it. I have been trying, trying and trying to make my career work. I could see the hard work done, when I review the documents. I just don’t know what to do anymore. It’s been two years since I last earned. Can you give me any insights on what can be done?

    I have one other question. I want to know my understanding of basic laws through the eyes of spirit, as in, how far have I come to understand it. And what can be improved or corrected?

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Uswearelegends | June 13, 2023

  86. Hello hope you are well
    I just stumbled across your site today, was wondering if council had any advice for me currently that could assist on my journey or anything to strengthen my connection with guides & spirit. Also any info on past lifes would be appreciated I have no clue about any of them.
    Thanks you!

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Al | June 11, 2023

  87. Hi, Maria. We’ll be happy to ask The Council your question about the direction of your life as soon as we have time and we’ll post an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s ready. Thanks for your question. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | May 20, 2023

  88. Hello! Thank you for this page. I have a question regarding my life path. I’ve been struggling for some years now, shedding a lot of trauma and living quite isolated from the world. Now I’m feeling very ready to reenter the world, but I’m not so clear on what I am supposed to do in this lifetime. Is there any way The Council could help me in the right direction? What am I here to do? What role am I supposed to play?

    Love, Maria

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Maria | May 18, 2023

  89. Hi, Rebekah. We’ll be happy to ask The Council your question about powerlessness when we have time and we’ll post an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s ready. Thanks for your question. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | May 16, 2023

  90. Hi Bob and Cynthia (: Thank you for sharing this space with us. I’ve been feeling a bit paranoid recently. I’m afraid of being powerless, I’m afraid of losing control of mind, and I’m also afraid of developing schizophrenia. My cousin has been diagnosed with it and I wish I could know how to help him. Anyway, I was diagnosed with ADHD a few years ago. The diagnosis makes sense to me. My therapist has said that I seem to currently be experiencing some kind of trauma response, but the trauma is unknown. I did shrooms for the first time on New Years Day this year and had a frightening experience of being a baby, feeling helpless and afraid. My boyfriend called my mum and she helped settle me down and reframe what I was experiencing, but I do wonder if that triggered me in some way. Because I started becoming paranoid and obsessed with doing the right thing and making the right decision for my higher self. My therapist has said that my adhd was making those intrusive thoughts 100x worse, because I would start overanalysing everything and struggled to snap out of it. I’m currently on anxiety meds that have helped a lot, but right now I feel myself slipping a bit, just feel a bit on edge (I had a bit of an energy drink today and also some wine last night so maybe there’s my answer lol). But yeah, I feel different and feel all this pressure to save the world. I feel powerless and powerful at the same time. I have so much restless energy and so many ideas, but no follow through. I’m so afraid of losing the people I love and something bad happening. I guess I’m just hoping for some guidance from the council. I’ve started a counselling course in an effort to have a career in something I enjoy, but I’m worried I won’t be able to handle it with my mindset. How do I become comfortable with powerlessness? I’m sorry that this is really muddled.

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Rebekah | May 15, 2023

  91. Hi, Starfish. We’ll be happy to ask The Council whether you planned to meet your ex again and we’ll post an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s ready. Thanks for your questions. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | April 21, 2023

  92. Hi, Bluestar Child. We’ll be happy to ask The Council your very interesting questions about your possible life or lives in Atlantis when we have time and we’ll post an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s ready. Thanks for your questions. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | April 21, 2023

  93. Hi Bob & Cynthia 💕,
    I was wondering if my ex and I will ever meet again.
    It was a very unique connection for me. Even though it’s been 2 years since we last talked, I still think of him dearly. There was so much love there.

    We never officially dated, despite having feelings for each other. The connection was too triggering for both of us, as we mirrored our childhood wounds so deeply. We weren’t ready for a relationship.

    I want to know, do my ex and I plan to meet again in the future, to wrap up this connection? Or this connection was just a lesson for me, to learn to not re-activate the same wounds with my future partner(s)?

    I really wish to see him again. I miss him as a dear friend and wonder if he’s doing alright. Does he feel the same about me too?
    (A long time ago, I asked him to block me so we couldn’t contact each other. He hasn’t unblocked me ever since.) Now I can’t contact him first :((
    Is there anything I can do? I’m willing to open my heart again this time. I regret pushing him away back then…

    If my ex & I don’t plan to meet again, does The Council see anyone important coming into my life soon?

    What can I do to manifest a new loving romantic connection? Are there still any inner wounds I need to be aware of? How can I work through these wounds?

    I’m grateful for the guidance ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Starfish | April 19, 2023

  94. Hello Council, Bob & Cynthia, I have some questions, I have always been attracted to Atlantis and I am concerned to know if I have had a life/lives in it. If the answer is “yes”, I would like to know:
    – What work I had in those lives.
    – I would also like to know if I lived in the final moments of that civilization, that is, when it sank and if so, what was my role in those moments?
    – If I incarnated with my twin flame in that civilization

    Thank you all so much for any guidance.

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Bluestar Child | April 19, 2023

  95. Hi, Tam. We’ll be happy to ask The Council about getting more stable in your physical reality when we have time and we’ll post an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s ready. Thanks for your questions. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | April 8, 2023

  96. Hi Bob and Cynthia,

    Thank you for what you’ve been doing, I really appreciate it. 🙂 The content you’ve been posting has been very helpful for me.
    I’ve been reading your blog for a month now. Today, I have a question for The Council.

    So, I’ve been trying the “7 Chakras Breathing” on your blog and have seen a development in my energy. I used to feel tired & drained all the time, especially after my Spiritual Awakening 2 years ago (in 2021).

    The awakening has affected my education dramatically (I’m in my second-year of college). When my Crown Chakra & Third Eye suddenly started opening in 2022, I became frightened of people. I hated crowds, even coming into a classroom of 30 people was too much for me. I have symptoms of anxiety whenever I go out: “heavy breathing” “and “sweating”, but I know it was not a normal mental illness.
    My grades suffered because of my lack of participation at school. I didn’t even have enough energy to do my homework & assignments.

    Luckily, I finally was able to pull myself together lately, and was able to enjoy and come to classes more often.

    However, my grades still suffered. And I don’t know why? I tried thinking more positively, had more joy doing school work, enjoying my classes. I don’t run on deadlines anymore and always plan out my work carefully. The process was looking great, but the result is still horrible. (I’m majoring in Design)

    I know when it comes to things like Art, there is no a definite “right” way to do something to guarantee you’d get a good grade. It’s not like normal testing, with right & wrong answers. My grades have been fluctuating from the highest to the lowest. It feels so random, I found no correlation. I don’t understand it. Sometimes, I feel bad and still get good grades. Other times, I thought I was doing well and I got the worst kind of grades.

    What’s the point of upgrading my energy, if I can’t figure out how to use it for good? And applying it in my practical life? My mental well-being has been upgraded, but my physical environment efforts yield the same horrible ending.

    I really needed answers from the Council. What am I missing here? Are there still blockages in my energy, or my mental thoughts? Or am I not taking enough action in the physical world?

    I really want to get better grades. I want to show myself how capable I am and be surprised by my own abilities. I just want my life to be more stable. The last 2 years have been so rough when my mood and energy just keep getting in my way of doing physical things. Now I finally got my energy back. Please tell me why I’m not seeing changes in my physical world yet? :<

    Thank You ❤


    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Hồ Huỳnh Minh Tâm | April 8, 2023

  97. Hello Bob and Cynthia. The council has helped me in the past and I am grateful. I am here yet again with another question.

    I am interested in someone at my work place and I really feel that he is interested in me as well. I asked him for coffee to which he agreed, but didn’t follow through. I do not want to ask him again since I was clear with my intention. I do feel there is attraction between us.

    He comes to the office twice a month so I don’t get to see him often. However, since I asked him for coffee he was texting me daily for one month, but the texts were lacking substance. I decided to take a step back and stopped interacting with him on a personal level and keep it very professional. He too has since stopped interacting with me as well.

    I am confused because I thought there was something between us. Did I misread the signs? Should I let go of this feeling or the thought of us getting to know each other? He’s been giving me mixed signals and I feel very confused.


    Comment by Confused | March 28, 2023

  98. Hello Bob and Cynthia. I hope you are doing well. I wanted to ask a question about a medical condition I’ve had since I was 5 years old.

    I have vitiligo and most of it has self healed throughout the years. I only have it on my hands, feet, and elbows. It tends to grow and heal and grow and heal but stays contained to these areas. I would like to ask the council what can I do on a spiritual level to help heal this condition? I know the science behind the reason for my loss of color but I want to know what am I doing in my life that’s preventing me from getting better? Should I be eating certain types of foods? Avoiding certain types of foods? Does this stem from lack of self love? Or from not speaking my truth? I am willing to do the inner work to help release the root cause of this condition. Thank you!


    Comment by Prayers for healing | March 27, 2023

  99. Hi, Wendy. We’ll be happy to ask The Council about getting financing for your dream business when we have time and we’ll post an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s ready. Thanks for your question. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | March 21, 2023

  100. Good evening. I have been guided and reassured by the council a handful of times and it seems I am in question, once again. This time it refers to a subject that is very new to me, which is the subject of creating my dream business. I have held onto this vision for 15+ years and it is finally moving in to fruition. Many times in my life I have begun something that excited me and quit before ever really getting started and I’m afraid of repeating that pattern and would like to know if the council sees this business becoming a reality. I am well in to the process of building this business and still every day, I catch myself turning to distractions and/or doing the minimum of what needs to be done. I am at the stage where I am in need of a large sum of money to really make this happen and I think the fear of not finding the funds is causing me to drag my feet. I deeply believe in this business/path and FEEL it’s success, yet I struggle to accept that I am capable and worthy or doing something so big. I have spoken with many logical brain professionals who tend to caution me against that of which I seek (specifically financial) and how much I can handle. I have never done anything like this before and yet I know this is my highest calling. I would love to ask how I can shift my mindset and what I might be able to do to call this business and the needed financing toward me. I would also like to know if the council is able to see if I’m meant to take a conventional route or seek out alternative funding. Any and all guidance is welcome! I thank you for your time and wish you all so well.

    In Gratitude,

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Wendy | March 20, 2023

  101. Hi, LDavis1978. We’ll be happy to ask The Council about your life purpose and creating freedom in your life when we have time and we’ll post an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s ready. Thanks for your question. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | March 17, 2023

  102. Hey Bob and Cynthia how are you? Could you please ask the council what is my purpose in life and how can I create a life of freedom. I live for my family but feel constrained by corporate life and the 9-5 grind. I would love to have time freedom to live my life as I please yet I also need security and stability of money to provide a roof and food for my family. How can I achieve this? Thanks

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by ldavis1978 | March 16, 2023

  103. Hi, Sophie. We’ll ask The Council about your relationship with your friend, Stephen, when we have time and we’ll post an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s ready. Thanks so much for your question. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | March 15, 2023

  104. Hi Bob and Cynthia, firstly thank you so much for this amazing service you are providing. Reading the posts brought me comfort as I could see how the gentle nudges from The Council were bringing others comfort. I wanted to ask about my friend Stephen. Our bond seems to be really strong, even when we don’t see or speak to each other for a long time. That makes me think we knew each other in a past life. Or perhaps it is more accurate to say that we must have planned to connect in this life. Could you shine some light on that? I had a dream that I was standing with an angel looking down at an altar where I could see myself and Stephen getting married in an incredibly bright golden light. Neither of us have any interest in marriage at the moment, but I was wondering if this was a message that we were married in a past life? Lastly, I find it difficult to cope with the idea of us moving on to separate romantic partners. How can I support myself to do this and also maintain a relationship of mutual respect with Stephen? Deep down in my heart I am just not ready to let go. Thank you in advance, Sophie

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Sophie | March 11, 2023

  105. Wow! Your posts lately have been incredible – thank you so much. To keep the conversation going, I have a question that ties in with both this post: “Coming From Your Heart, Connecting To Your Higher Self, And Feeling Good” and this one: What Are The Limits To Positive Thinking?

    I had a huge leap in my spiritual awareness around 2013 when I found Abraham’s Law of Attraction. I had this incredible experience of seemingly pulling things out of thin air! It was exhilarating. Some years later disaster struck & my entire life crashed around me; within a couple of months I found myself homeless, unwell, & without my beloved partner – the Abraham system didn’t work for me then. I don’t yet think I’ve understood why that happened, I usually ‘learn the lesson’ from an experience, but this one has consistently evaded me & I think I’m still scarred by it even though it was six years ago now. Since then I have found it almost impossible to ‘align’ to my highest timeline, or do the Abraham work, as when I do I remember what happened to me and think there is no point. Did I set this catastrophic time up as a test of faith?

    Around then, I started asking my higher self for guidance too, but I am not sure whether I can trust it. At the time I asked for and thought I saw signs that my partner was returning, but they never did. Since then I’ve asked for guidance about several other things and it was spot on. Most recently I have finally after all these years felt ready to be in another relationship, and really want to be married. I’ve asked my higher self if this new person in my life is The One and it’s continually and consistently sent me signs saying yes, yes, yes… but because I thought I saw these same signs about my ex, I’m doubting it. I also did this thing where for a long time I followed angel numbers and syncronicities thinking they must be my path, but most of the time I just landed in hot water by following them, or they were indicative that something bad was going to happen, which adds to the mistrust I now feel of the signs I receive. I’d love to know what happened there? How do I know if, and when, I can trust the signs I am being sent by my higher self?

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Anonymous Number 3 | February 27, 2023

  106. Hi, Lizzy. We’ll be happy to ask The Council about your partner’s prostate cancer when we have time and we’ll post an audio recording of their response as soon as we have time. Thanks for your question. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | February 17, 2023

  107. Hi Bob, Cynthia and the Council,

    My life partner was recently diagnosed with localized stage 4 prostate cancer, which was a huge shock for both of us because we didn’t expect anything like this. I have been interested in topics like pre-birth agreements for some time and I would like to ask, is this a disease my partner wanted to experience? Is there another reason why my partner has prostate cancer at such a young age? What message is this disease supposed to be telling him? We talk about this disease openly because I know he needs it and I try to be supportive.

    I am reading a lot on the internet about prostate cancer, looking for ways to help him even more. I’ve started helping by cooking healthier and lighter meals. I’ve read that cauliflower, broccoli and celery are good for the prostate. Am I on the right track? Are there any other superfoods that could help him to heal?

    In general, I try to stay positive because I know it’s important. But the more I think about it, I feel like I’m struggling because I don’t know what to do to help him to heal. Is there anything you would recommend? His urologist has recommended him having a surgery. That would mean we wouldn’t be able to have children we want so badly. Is there any other option? The only thing we could think of right now is sperm cryopreservation. Is that the path we should take? My life so far has taught me that every unpleasant situation has a hidden gift. Is there some gift for our relationship hidden in this disease? Is this disease meant to push us in a different direction in life?

    Thank you very much. Love and light, Lizzy

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Lizzy | February 16, 2023

  108. Hi, Angela. We’ll ask The Council how you can cope with your strong emotions about animal cruelty when we have time and we’ll post an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s ready. Thanks for your question. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | February 1, 2023

  109. Dear Bob and Cynthia, I can’t stand to see/hear/know that animals are suffering for the pleasure or hate of people. The torture and excruciating pain, oh my God… It hurts my soul so bad, I cry for days and sometimes take medication to calm down! Once I heard a story from a client about her rescued cat and had to tell her to stop, I wasn’t interested in imagining the scene and experience. Some things are just to much for my nervous system, honestly I just want to die not to feel the pain I experience at times. In my opinion, killing to eat (not in excess, try to be more vegetarian, balanced, etc), with respect and conditions for the animal, is very different from wanting to cause intentional harm to them and enjoy it. If I ever witnessed something cruel and had a gun in my hands, I can say for sure I would go blind and exterminate those people. It is practically impossible for me to feel compassion and understanding for these supposed humans, I just want them to disappear so they cause no more harm to these helpless and loving creatures. How can I cope with these overwhelming and violent emotions? I know there are loving people towards animals too, so why do I feel the negative so much, depressed and drained? I once spoke to a psychologist because I was having traumatic emotional responses to theses issues regarding animals. I would be very grateful if you could share some insight on this matter. I am sure I am not the only one feeling this way. Hope this message gets lucky and finds its way to you. Abundant Love and blessings from Portugal, Angela


    Comment by Angela | January 27, 2023

  110. Hi, Anonymous N. We’ll be happy to ask The Council your questions about your life purpose when we have time and we’ll post their response in an audio recording as soon as it’s ready. Thanks for your question. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | December 29, 2022

  111. Hi, Mindful Living. We’ll be happy to ask The Council your questions about your career path when we have time and we’ll post an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s ready. Thanks for your questions. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | December 29, 2022

  112. Hi Cynthia, Bob, and the Council – my primary question is: what is my purpose/goal(s) in this lifetime? In recent years, I have struggled with understanding if marriage/children are planned or “supported” for me in this life, but I have also felt that I am not sure how much of an interest I have had in these things, and what I should focus on otherwise. At the same time, I feel that I have cultivated a solitary life out of convenience and for comfort, but am not sure it is where it makes sense for me to remain. What do I need to know/hear right now, for any kind of direction? Thank you very much, and happy new year!

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Anonymous_N | December 29, 2022

  113. Hello Bob and Cynthia and beloved Council,
    I have been looking into starting my business along with the job I have, Can you please guide me if being real estate agent will be a good path for me? The other option is to open business which is Information technology related, I am not sure which way to go – any guidance will be greatly appreciated here. Thank yoU!

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Mindful_living | December 28, 2022

  114. Hi, Elizabeth. We’ll be happy to ask The Council your questions about your mood swings and anger when we have time and we’ll post an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s ready. Thanks for your question. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | December 22, 2022

  115. Ive gone through/am going through, a major shift in perception. I feel as though I am learning so much about life. Self healing work etc. However, while trying to heal, I have yet to understand my mood swings and the source of my anger and rage. I want to learn to control it and how to release it in a healthy way. I realize anger to be sadness; disguised. It seems so ingrained inside me and comes at times I don’t even understand. Is it loss of control? If so where did I learn the need to want it and the fear of losing it? If it’s childhood trauma, what is the event that I need to look at to understand and allow myself peace and grace? I know love is the answer. Yet, sometime the rage to consume me. Can you help?

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Elizabeth Lockard | December 18, 2022

  116. Hi, Bluestar Child. We’ll be happy to ask The Council about your dance-related issues when we have time and we’ll post an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s ready. Thanks for your question. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | December 17, 2022

  117. Hi Bob, Cynthia and The Council,
    I want to know why I am in a “TOXIC CIRCLE” for so many years with my hobby: the dance. I don’t know why I have so many emotional problems with her.
    All my life dancing has been my biggest hobby, it has made me feel happy, free and alive, (when I dance just for myself or with other students) and I’m not bad at all, but I stopped going to classes many times because I have “STAGE PHOBIA” and I hate dancing in front of an audience , it makes me anxious, I get mentally and emotionally blocked, my mind goes blank and I forget the choreography.
    – Do I have past lives that are affecting me to develop my hobby?
    – My problem comes from the lack of self-esteem (as a woman) from my childhood in this current life?
    – Although my teachers know about my problem (I have a hard time dancing in public), they ask me or pressure me to dance at galas, events, even if they have nothing to do with my classes, but always for free, they never want to pay me for this job and it seems to me that they abuse me and when I can I tell them “no” and that causes me some problems with them and with the other students. Is what I do correct or should I do it? (I’m stressed and I don’t know how to handle this situation that causes me suffering, and since I don’t know how to solve it in another way, in the end I always end up leaving classes to avoid having to dance in public).
    – I feel very attached in particular to Arabic Belly Dance and Egypt and I feel that I have already danced this dance in other live, I would like to know if this is the case or why I have this deep feeling since I learned about this dance.
    -I would like to know how I can approach ancestral Belly Dance for spiritual development, because I feel that I have a spiritual mission to fulfill with it, but I don’t know what or how.
    Thank you all for your guidance

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    Comment by Bluestar Child | December 13, 2022

  118. Hi, Frustrated Worker. We’ll be happy to ask The Council your questions about your difficulties with your colleague when we have time and we’ll post an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s ready. Thanks for your question. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | December 12, 2022

  119. Hello Council, Bob, and Cynthia. I hope you are all well. I love the work that you do here and have a question about a work scenario: I’ve had a special & intricate working relationship with a colleague for nearly a decade. While they’re of an anxious disposition, they were always supportive & followed through when it counted, but for the last few years they’ve really let me down – there’ve been delays after delays, they’ve continuously moved deadlines, put others’ work before mine, told little white lies, dismissed my feelings about the work being delayed, this sort of thing. It’s left me in a very tricky situation. I recently had to confront them; they took offense & it looks as though our working relationship may be over. Separating the work we’ve done together & the work I have planned for us will be like undressing a salad, and because the work they do is very excellent and idiosyncratic I can’t see who I’d replace them with. Can this relationship be saved or am I supposed to let this go? What would I have to do to save it? (Or how do I find their replacement – are there other souls lined up to take their place if they decide with their free will to leave? Also, why did this happen? Is there a higher purpose to why this has occurred? I’d really appreciate your insight as I feel I’m in complete limbo at the moment. Much love, from A Frustrated Worker

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    Comment by A Frustrated Worker | December 11, 2022

  120. We’ll be glad to ask The Council your questions about your running injuries when we have time and we’ll post an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s ready. Thanks for your question. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | November 28, 2022

  121. I have been plagued by running injuries lately. Running is critical to my mental and physical health. It’s also time spent with connecting with friends. Why does this keep happening? Knee, foot, it’s driving me crazy! I don’t have time or money for physical therapy and…. I don’t understand why it’s necessary. Aren’t our bodies meant to be in motion? I feel like my vibration is highest when I’m running often so I’m trying to understand where these barriers are coming from. I’ll take it easy, but then can I meditate myself back to a near daily run?

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Anonymous | November 28, 2022

  122. Hi, LovePeace. We’ll be happy to ask The Council your questions about health and happiness when we have time and we’ll post an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s ready. Thanks for your question. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | November 25, 2022

  123. Hello,

    My family is struggling with bad health ever since we moved to Atlanta. We are continuously getting sick, highly unusual for us. These also take long time to get better and it can affect our office, kids’school schedule.

    I have been having some issues with friends/family as well, I want to check if any of them has evil eye/bad intentions that contribute to our bad health. Please provide guidance on how can we keep healthy and happy.


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    Comment by LovePeace | November 18, 2022

  124. Hi, Janet. Sorry we haven’t gotten to your questions yet, but we have received them. It’s just taking us a while to get around to them. Please stay tuned for The Council’s response when we have time. Thanks.


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | October 17, 2022

  125. Question: I asked this about 6 weeks ago, didn’t get a reply, and hope it wasn’t lost. My 18-yr old cat is going outside of his litter box. Vet ruled out a medical issue and said he is trying to tell me something. What? I feel we are soul connected as well. How? JW
    (Sorry if you have been too busy to get to this before).

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Janet | October 17, 2022

  126. Hi, Anonymous. We’ll ask The Council about your temper with your child as soon as we can and we’ll post an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s ready. Thanks for your question. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | September 23, 2022

  127. Hi. I have been losing my temper lately, terribly with one of my children. It’s stressful for the whole family. Many of their behaviors trigger me and I can’t seem to regain my composure once I’ve lost it. I’m generally not a volatile person, just with this child. What can I do? Where does this come from? Things feel busy right now and I’m stretched thin (I’m often parenting alone, there are activities, school, work, visitors, neighborhood dramas) but it feels like an excuse to link my behavior to any of that. I guess I’m wondering how to be more resilient, more present, and less triggered. Very interested in the Council’s thoughts. Thank you.

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Anonymous | September 20, 2022

  128. Hi, Adrian. We’ll ask The Council about your relationship with this man you just met when we have time and we’ll post an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s ready. Thanks for your question. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | September 20, 2022

  129. I have met a man… and there are all these signs he may be someone very special to me.. (during our 1st kiss 2 dragonflies flew into his house!) I have not known him long (a week) and hate to prematurely jump in before really knowing him but there are all these strange signs.. they are almost bizarre in nature.. for instance I programmed his name into my phone, at first I only had his first name, Bobby, then once I put in his last name the phone decided to call him the “Abraham Group” all on its own… and it also decided to progrsm his email address as your email address We had a good laugh about that. Today I got curious and looked up your email address and found this site and could not believe that you talk about Abraham and Esther Hicks who’s work I am familiar with and that your site is connected to a galactic council! I am dumbfounded and awestruck all at the same time. Is this man as special to me as I think he may be based on all these signs? Can I really trust this? What does all of this mean? I’m getting divorced and I’ve asked for my romantic soul mate to come in at the right time. I only recently decided to date thinking that while not really ready (my divorce is still in its early stages) that it felt like time to meet someone nice for this moment but I honestly didn’t expect to meet my soulmate now. Is this man my romantic soul mate that I have been calling in? Can I trust this? I will say after 3 great dates now that I feel really good around him… he feels really familiar and comfortable to me, like home. Any guidance would be so greatly appreciated! I guess I am having a hard time believing the unbelievable at the moment.. lol. 😊


    Comment by Adrian Savya Tubero | September 20, 2022

  130. Hi, Vibrationally Aware. Sorry to hear about your mother’s passing. We’ll ask The Council your questions when we have time and we’ll post an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s ready. Thanks for your questions. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | September 12, 2022

  131. Hi Council,
    I just found out today my mother was found dead in a hotel room today. I am sad and want to know two things:
    Was it a “natural” death and does she have a message for me and my siblings?

    Much love,
    Vibrationally Aware

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Anonymous | September 11, 2022

  132. Hi, Bluestar Child. We’ll do our best to answer your questions for The Council about twin flames when we have time and we’ll post an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s ready. Thanks for your questions. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | September 9, 2022

  133. Hi, Janet. We’ll be happy to ask The Council your questions about your cat and your relationship to it when we have time and we’ll post an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s ready. Thanks for your questions. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | September 9, 2022

  134. My 18-yr old cat is going outside of his litter box. Vet ruled out a medical issue and said he is trying to tell me something. What? I feel we are soul connected as well. How? Thank-you. JW

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Janet | September 8, 2022

  135. Hi Bob and Cynthia, I would like to ask the Council:

    – Do I have a Twin Flame? (I don´t mean soulmate)
    – What spiritual contract did I have with Jorge, a boy I studied with at University? Was he my twin flame or was he just another soulmate in my life?
    – (If I´ve a twin flame but it´s not this boy) Is my twin flame incarnated on another planet (for example in the Pleiades where I come from) or dimension or is he in my current incarnation?
    – If he is incarnated now, have I met him or do I have to meet him even in this life?
    – In general: Is it necessary to unite with your twin flame to spiritually Ascend from 3ªD here on Earth, or is it an attachment of the ego that we need to let it go and actually have to unite with our own “multimensional selves” ? Are them our true twin flame?

    Sorry, for all this questions, but the Twin Flame´s teachings are very confusing and contradictory for me, here on Earth.
    Thanks to all for your work and wisdom


    Comment by Bluestar Child | September 8, 2022

  136. Hi, Tina. We’ll be happy to ask The Council if you’re 100% Pleiadian when we have time and we’ll post an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s ready. Thanks for your question. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | August 26, 2022

  137. Greetings, I sincerely appreciate your willingness to answer questions – I was recently told by a reputable individual that I am 100% Pleiadian, here on earth with the mission to assist with humanity’s highest evolution? Is that true?

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    Comment by Tina | August 23, 2022

  138. Hi, Star27. We’ll be happy to ask The Council your questions about your marriage, the relationship with the many who died, and your new relationship when we have time and we’ll post an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s ready. Thanks for your question. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | August 22, 2022

  139. Hello Cynthia, Bob and Council,
    I’m currently stuck in an unhappy marriage. I’m trying to keep the peace for the sake of my family. We have a young adult son still living with us.
    We’ve been talking about divorce for years now but we are still together. I do love my husband and care for him but I’ve been very sad because we argue every day and we are more like roommates that don’t get along. He has some addictions but I know he’s trying to fight them. And I know he loves me on his way too.

    I didn’t expect to meet someone very special a few years ago that I felt I knew from other lives. We could not help but fall in love with each other. Nothing happened other than some kissing and communication of love. This person died in terrible circumstances and I almost died too as a result. Through several mediums I’ve learned we’ve met at each and every incarnation since the time of Atlantis as we promised each other that we would do that. And we’ll meet again, I know that. I would love to know more about my relationship with this man. I got lots of communication from him and I know he’s now one of my guides and is helping me and protecting me (I feel so privileged…). Other mediums told me that he would help me find some other man if I move away from my husband.

    I also had a dream or visitation from my mom and she was like trying to prepare me for “a man that is coming… ” but I woke up before she could tell me more.

    As I’m trying to heal from the most difficult loss of my life (that man I fell In love with) and learn to live with my husband and all the health problems that I have I decided to try alternative medicine.

    Another big surprise from the universe: the person helping me with my health seems to be another soulmate. But this time he’s the one telling me this: he said we’ve been together in other lives helping each other, fighting on the same side of wars. It was immediate recognition. He used the word “buddies” but I don’t feel that type of connection like fighting wars together. What I feel is a more loving, comfortable and safe feeling. I feel like hugging him a lot but just like I love to hug my son. I also saw in my mind one of his spiritual guides. He said I described him to a “t”. I think he’s holding back telling me more about those lives and I’m doing something similar because I didn’t tell him what I think his guide was communicating to me: something like he was glad we finally met and then he smiled a lot and had an expression like “pass the popcorn, this is going to be interesting!”

    I would like to know more about those past lives with this new man and what I can expect from him now. Is he a soulmate with whom I could share my life? Or just a very good friend? Perhaps collaborator? I’ve suffered so much with my previous loss that now I’m not even allowing myself to dream of falling in love again.

    I’m still debating divorcing my husband… How can I find a way to live independently from my husband? My health is limiting how much I can work. I’m very creative and I’ve been thinking about writing a book and also singing. No one ever shines light on my singing…

    Thank you for your help.

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Maria | August 19, 2022

  140. Hi, Vertigo. We’ll be happy to ask The Council about your neck and shoulder pain when we have time and we’ll post an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s ready. Thanks for your question. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | August 5, 2022

  141. Hi,

    I’m wondering if the Council has any advice for my neck/shoulder pain. It started a couple of months ago and my entire right arm hurts and tingles throughout the day. Physical therapist says it’s a nerve compression issue but so far no actual therapy helps. The pain is only a 2 or 3 but it’s really bothersome and is a major distraction from the rest of life.



    Comment by Vertigo | July 30, 2022

  142. Hi, Kristine. We’ll be happy to ask The Council why your cat is so itchy and if they can recommend treatment when we have time, and we’ll post an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s ready. Thanks for your question. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | July 28, 2022

  143. Dear Cynthia, Bob and the council. I adopted a beautiful cat last year and she has been itching on the sides of her head, behind her ears and neck the whole time I’ve had her, which would have started prior. The vet thought she had a food allergy and put her on a hypo-allergenic diet, which she was on for atleast 5 months, and she continued to itch and bleed. Friends suggested fleas, but with treatment it did not work. I’ve kept her inside and stopped using any fragrances and perfumes, it has not worked. I’ve taken her to the vet four times and they want her on meds for the rest of her life, even though they have no idea what the cause is, and I will not do that to her. I am so horribly stressed and feel awful for her, but I don’t know what to do! Council, please, what can you see. Why is she itching all the time?
    I want her to have the best life with me. I adore her and I just want her to be happy. She’s all I have.
    Besides the scratching, is she happy I adopted her? Is there anything else I can do to make her feel loved and happy?
    Your guidance is beyond appreciated.
    Love and appreciation,

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Kristine | July 28, 2022

  144. Hi, Linda. We’ll be happy to ask The Council for your career guidance when we have time and we’ll post an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s ready. Thanks for your question. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | July 20, 2022

  145. Hi Bob and Cynthia and hello to the Council,

    I would like to ask the Council if they could guide me regarding my career calling.

    When I was a teenager I thought I knew exactly what university to go and what to study. Unfortunately, my plans were disrupted by physical and emotional abuse from my father and stepmother, and my plans to study suddenly stopped making sense. I started to feel lost in my life and many things stopped giving me joy. My family was always important to me and losing them caused me great pain and grief. Instead of focusing on my career choice, I was looking for answers to my questions. I wanted to know why I went through so much hardship as a child in so many ways. Now I know that it was a pre-birth agreement and that the purpose in my life is to help people. But I still don’t know how to help. Can you please help me and guide me on this?

    Thinking back on what I really loved, I found that I enjoyed finding answers to my challenges. I also enjoy helping children because I feel like I can connect to them well. Is the right path for me to become a child psychologist and start studying psychology? If not, is there a profession that is right for me that I would find fulfilling and help those who have been through something similar as me? When I look at the people around me, I feel like they all know what they are supposed to do in life. And I’m ashamed that I still don’t know what to do. Thank you so much for all the advice, insights and ideas. Love and light, Linda from Europe

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Linda | July 18, 2022

  146. Wonderful, thank you. yay! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Heather Rose | July 18, 2022

  147. Hi, Heather Rose. We’re glad you found our blog. We’ll be happy to ask The Council about your spiritual connection with your daughter, Mira, when we have time and we’ll post an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s ready. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | July 18, 2022

  148. I found this site last night in a sleepy haze and knew I was directed here. I want to ask the council about my and my middle child’s (Mira) connection. We both feel like we have made many contracts with each other before. She is only 11 but she has been saying this since she was little. I know she’s right but let’s face it, human beings love validation and verification.
    Thank you all for the endless love and light! Heather

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Heather Rose | July 5, 2022

  149. Hi, Christea17. We’ll be happy to ask The Council about your health when we have time and we’ll post an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s ready. Thanks for your questions. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | June 21, 2022

  150. Hi, Sonaliv27. We’ll be happy to ask The Council about what’s hanging around you or your children when we have time and we’ll post an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s ready. Thanks for your questions. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | June 21, 2022

  151. Hi Cynthia and Bob,

    I would like to ask the Council about my health. I have a long list of health issues, both physical and mental (depression, anxiety, OCD, ADD). My energy levels are very low most days and would like to know what causes this. It is getting harder and harder to live normal life, and work is very exhausting. I am only 30 but I feel like a 80 year old. What can I do to help improve my physical and mental condition? Thank you so much for taking the time to read and answer my question. Many blessings!

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by christea17 | June 20, 2022

  152. Hi, is there a spirit / something around me and or my children? Is it evil? How do I make it leave?

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by sonaliv27 | June 17, 2022

  153. Hi, LovePeace. We’ll be happy to ask The Council about your marriage and whether your next partner will come from your current workplace when we have time and we’ll post an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s ready. Thanks for your questions. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | May 31, 2022

  154. Hi, Janet. We’ll be happy to ask The Council about your ringing in your ears when we have time and we’ll post an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s ready. Thanks for your question. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | May 31, 2022

  155. Hello Bob, Cynthia and the council,

    Thanks for all that you do for us.

    I have been wanting a divorce from my abusive husband but he is reluctant for it. He is doing this on the premise of my son – because he does not want me to get married again. Can the council please guide me how can I come out of this situation, any suggestions will be welcome and appreciated, I would like to coparent with him but I do wish him to be my husband because since a long time, almost 10 years, our relationship has never been successful and I do not wish to continue living a lie anymore.

    At the same time, I also have another question about a suggestion council made sometime back for me. After moving to a different state, I met a person during my company gathering. We have not talked a whole lot but it seems to be that there is a connection. I would like to ask the council if my next partner will be from my current workplace or will he manifest later at my potential next workplace.

    Love Peace.

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by LovePeace | May 29, 2022

  156. This is a question…..Why am I having ringing in my ears? Is it from a viral source or is there something else going on?

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Janet | May 27, 2022

  157. Hi and thank you very much! I would love ti listenn thé audio recording. As I am hard or hearing and my english isn’t perfect, I guess I could miss some part if the council answers. World be wonderful if could be possible to have also a written version of it.

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by P | May 17, 2022

  158. Hi, P. We’ll be happy to ask The Council some of your questions when we have time and we’ll post an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s ready. Thanks for your questions. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | May 14, 2022

  159. Hi, I am glad I’ve found this website. I live traveling since 10 years, I wish to find my place/people where I feel home, I wish to heal myself and to find my way and mission so to live life fully a lightful, meaningful life and radiating love and light to others.
    I have many questions, all connected, please feel free to answer to one, or more, or all as you wish 🙏🏼

    How can I fully heal myself (psychologically, physically, emotionally, energetically)and my past traumas so to live fully this life? and how can I manifest my full potential and higher self in this lifetime? How to manage the darkish energies manifesting strongly in me sometime?
    What is my “mission” here and life purpose?
    Who was I before this lifetime?
    Am I connected to Pleiades or other constellation/stars/planets and in which way?
    How can I personally connect with the loving spiritual realms, the “invisible things”,
    spirit guides, angels etc. and have clear guidance and clear evidence of it, that are a prove for my rational mind?
    What is the name of my spirit guide?

    I wish you will answer me.
    Thank you very much for what you do and for caring about people

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by P. | May 14, 2022

  160. How lovely of you. Thank you x Anon

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Anonymous | April 27, 2022

  161. Hi, Anonymous. We’ll be happy to ask The Council your question about finding a lovely place to live on your own and get back to your music when we have time, and we’ll post an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s ready. Thanks for your question. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | April 25, 2022

  162. Dear Bob, Cynthia, & The Council.

    Thank you so much for all the work you do. I eagerly await each new post.

    I have a bit of an unusual & desperate scenario & am wondering if The Council could advise.

    The past two decades have been precarious & difficult. I’ve found it tough to get work, & therefore somewhere to live.

    I originally wanted to be a musician & have been trying to teach & write to create a secure foundation & accommodation from which to make music my main source of income, but the foundation, & therefore the music career, never came.

    The way my work is done changed after the ‘08 crash, & I find myself doing an awful lot of unpaid work applying & pitching for jobs, funding, gigs, practicing, self-promoting, & doing the mandatory unpaid work that comes with self employment. Renting has been unstable & I’ve lived in thirteen places these 20 years.

    At one point I got ill, was made homeless & ended up in subsidised accommodation – I’ve no family or partner & this has been the most security & stability I’ve ever had & I’ve been so grateful, it’s been wonderful. Sadly the building is being demolished & I’ll get notice to move out soon.

    I have tried to up my job search to earn enough to rent somewhere like this locally, but had to leave one job due to being physically attacked, and was bullied out of another. I should be putting in as many job applications as I can to ensure my security, but I’m drained & can’t face doing any more unpaid work.

    Rents have skyrocketed & I’m scared I’ll have to move away from my treasured local support network I spent my adult life cultivating, & the musicians, music, & culture of the city I’ve grown up in & love so much, which are my lifeline.

    I love my home so so much, & I am already grieving its loss. I’m scared I won’t find something this wonderful, secure, and affordable in this location where I can live on my own.

    I’d love to hear your advice. How can I break out of this cycle? Can spirit show me what happens next for me in terms of my accommodation? How do I find something as wonderful as where I am? How I can stay in my home town without flatsharing? I’m in my 40’s now & don’t think I can do that any more.

    With the precarity taking its toll, & I’ve also lost my love of practicing & writing music & I would love to know how I can get that back.

    Thank you for your time in reading this.

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Anonymous | April 21, 2022

  163. Hi, Heather. We’ll be happy to ask The Council your question about your latent abilities when we have time and we’ll post an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s ready. Thanks for your question. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | April 13, 2022

  164. Hi and many blessings to you. I have been recently having a revival of some latent abilities that I used to have as a child. I’m confused what is the purpose or reason is and what I am supposed to be doing with these talents and energy. Am I supposed to work on developing this further or is this not my path or purpose? Thank you for your time and attention to my question.


    Comment by Heather | April 10, 2022

  165. Hello,
    I have a question about how my husband’s and my marriage would end. I have been told by the council that after I move to new state, where my new job has led me to be, I will meet another person and that will be a perfect relationship for me and my son.
    My husband right now came with us in the hope that we can stay together but we are going through the exact same drama we have been living with last 10 years. We are just not perfect for each other. I have also been told that I would stay friendly with him, which I prefer considering the co-parenting I would like to do for my son.
    As I have been told, he will live far from us, and will teach me lesson about independence. I would like to ask – if he is planning to move to India after the marriage ends or will he stay in USA? Can the council please guide me if the end of the marriage would be the extra marital affair from either side?
    Also, he threatens that he will take his life and my life if I end the marriage so i would like to know can he do this for real or he is just using this as blackmail. I feel so alone and I am trying to find strength and happiness in this situation.

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by | March 23, 2022

  166. Hi, Jaden. We’ll be happy to ask The Council about your connection to Nordic countries, and other lifetimes related to your current life when we have time. We’ll post an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s ready. Thanks for your questions. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | March 13, 2022

  167. Hi, Vibrationally Aware. We’ll be happy to ask The Council your questions about the people at the job you recently left and your future prospects when we have time and we’ll post an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s ready. Thanks for your question. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | March 13, 2022

  168. I was once told by an intuitive that almost half of my past hundred lifetimes were in the Nordic countries. What is it about this part of the world that my soul finds so appealing? When I read about the culture a number of aspects such as sustainability, simplicity, and modesty seem appealing but I feel like there is something more than that. I was previously also told I had a Viking lifetime, are there other lifetimes here that are interesting to know about?


    Comment by Jaden | March 12, 2022

  169. Hello Bob, Cynthia and The Council, I would like to get some insight about a job I just quit and my future prospects. I was offered a job in 2021 by a friend/client. I worked there for over a year and the owner was exceptionally abusive. I finally couldn’t take it anymore and quit yesterday. I can’t understand why this owner was so abusive to me and why I would attract this. Do I have a past connection to the two women I worked for? I don’t have another job lined up. I am visualizing what I want, but I am concerned that I may be dragging some unfinished energy with me. I don’t want to repeat the same scenario in a new place. Is there an industry that I should pursue? Any insight would be much appreciated.

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Vibrationally Aware | March 12, 2022

  170. Hi, Anonymous. We’ll be happy to ask The Council your questions about bringing more friends to your family when we have time and we’ll post an audio recording of their response. Thanks for your question. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | March 12, 2022

  171. Can the Council advise on bringing more friends into my family’s life? I’m not lonely but I would love a stronger community and other families to share experiences and friendship with. Is manifesting a matter of meditation? Visualization? Can I manifest friends for my husband and children or is that not allowing them to be on their own paths?

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Anonymous | March 11, 2022

  172. Hi, Bluestar_child. We’ll be happy to ask The Council your questions about the Pleiades and mermaids when we have time and we’ll post an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s ready. Thanks for your question. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | March 6, 2022

  173. Hi Cynthia & Bob,
    Sorry for my mistakes in English because it is not my native language
    Ok, I have a couple of questions:
    1) I am very curious to know which star or stars of the Pleiades I come from.
    2) I want to know if there is any reason why I have been obsessed with mermaids since I was a child, so I would like to know if the mermaids are related to the cluster of the Pleiades or they are related to my past lives, because I feel that I miss living underwater very much, and recently in a dream someone called me “water princess” (I did not tell anyone about this dream) and a few days later someone in my family called me “sea princess”. I don’t know what to think, I don’t know if all this is just the product of a fantasy that I have created with my mind over the years or if it is a memory and the mermaids have something to do with me. I’m confused.
    Thanks in advance for the Council’s response. Peace and love to all.

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Bluestar_child | March 2, 2022

  174. Hi, Angie. We’ll be happy to ask The Council your questions about your relationship with Brent and with your husband when we have time and we’ll post an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s ready. Thank you so much for your question. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | February 27, 2022

  175. To: The Council
    Why do I feel so drawn to this person?
    I’ve been married for almost 24 years. For the past 10 years I’ve experienced a lot of personal growth in my education, my career, and how I take care of myself. However these changes came about, I’ve always been focused on my husband. One of my goals was to go back and finish my degree. When I finally decided to make my move, I knew it was time to do so. Several years before I graduated, I learned that this company opened an innovation center near where I live. At the moment that I saw the office building I knew I was going to work there. In my last year in college, I applied ONLY at this company and I got the job. I started in June 2016.
    In August 2017 I went to Michigan for work. I was introduced to our development team and it was nothing more than a hello. There was this one individual that I became curious about – I just wanted to know more about him. Who is he? I didn’t talk to him and besides he wasn’t on my project so there was no need to. His name is Brent and he had my attention.
    I went back home and didn’t think much of him. Later, I would hear his name from co-workers and I was all ears wanting to know what they had to say about him. Why would I want to know about someone that is 1400 miles away and that I didn’t have much of a conversation with? I did contact him for work related questions but that was the extent of our conversations.
    In 2018, I was assigned a project that he was also assigned to. I only worked with him temporarily and when we did talk it was only about the project. After planning, I was moved to another project so I didn’t talk to him that much after that.
    Then by 2019 I decided to focus more on myself. My husband has this pattern of saying things to me that do not feel good. Some of his actions weren’t so good either. I felt that it was time to redirect my focus towards what I need to do for myself and not worry about him as much. I told myself that I’m going to plan more time with my friends and do things that I enjoy.
    Later that year, I got to work with Brent again. We were able to work together more than last time which led to us talking more. We started to get to know each other and we clicked. We were realizing how much we had in common. I started to feel like Brent was my person. I wanted to know more about him and I just wanted to continue to talk to him. Was it meant for us to be put in each other’s paths?
    I definitely looked forward to talking to him every time I was at work. He had me laughing and the feeling was something I hadn’t had in a long while. All I wanted was to be with him and I couldn’t understand why. I was so drawn to him. I’ve never felt this way with anyone before. As we were getting to know each other I noticed that there were many parallels with our lives. We were just on different timelines and then eventually we caught up to each other.
    Now it’s 2022 and I’ve been trying to understand our connection and all of the emotions that comes with this. I try not to talk to him, to not want to be near him and I feel like I’m being torn apart. I definitely felt it in the middle of my chest. It’s become a regular feeling even when I’m trying to complete tasks for work. How can someone have such an effect on another person when all they’ve done is talked through work or on the phone? I want to try to understand the purpose and what it means to have Brent in my life. I truly feel that he and I were meant to meet since I’ve now taken on a more spiritual path and learning to be more present. If this is true, I just want to make sure I approach the situation appropriately and in the best way possible. Thank you for your guidance!


    Comment by Angie | February 26, 2022

  176. Hi, Jane. We’re so glad you enjoyed your phone session with The Council. Thanks for your kind words.

    We’ll ask The Council your question about what you’re seeing in your peripheral vision when we have time and we’ll post their response as soon as it’s ready. Thanks for your question. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | February 15, 2022

  177. First off, I wanted to thank you for the 30 minute reading a few weeks ago. So beautiful and meaningful. I appreciate you all do so much. I do have a quick question.

    I see quick flashes, lights, shadows in my peripheral vision. It happens in random places, inside or outside, and is becoming more common.

    Am I seeing “beyond the veil” or do I need to get my eyes (and mind) checked?

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Jane | February 13, 2022

  178. Hi, Anna. We’ll be happy to ask The Council your questions about your Ph.D. thesis when we have time and we’ll post an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s ready. Thanks for your questions. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | February 13, 2022

  179. Dear Bob, Cynthia, and The Council. Thank you so much for all the work you do.

    I was scouring the internet for answers about something that’s on my mind at the moment, and couldn’t find something that really hit the spot, so thought I’d ask and see if you would be happy to answer on my subject.

    I am a PhD student at the end of my studies. I passed a gruelling exam, which included one examiner relentlessly shouting at me for nearly two hours, and would be handed my degree subject to completing some corrections. I love the subject I wrote on and labored over my corrections over long days, weeks, months, and submitted them at the end of last year, but have heard nothing back.

    I have this feeling in the pit of my stomach, and had a dream, that these examiners will not pass my corrections. Once I realised I felt this I began using affirmations, visualisations, and praying for them to pass my corrections. Sometimes I am able to feel better about it and believe it, sometimes not. I also used tarot to see what the outcome would be, and received the same message, that my corrections wouldn’t pass…

    And so I’m wondering now: can I really change this outcome? Can I really change two people’s free will and decision about my work? It feels to me that to do this would be a miracle! But if I can create this miracle, am I going about it in the right way or is there something else I can do?

    I’m also wondering: did I attract this examiner’s behaviour in my exam? And am I attracting the delay in hearing my results from them? And how does my dream and tarot work in this situation? Are they just projections of how I’m feeling, or are they telling me what is now a set-in-stone outcome?

    In eager anticipation, and with deep respect and much love,

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Anna | February 9, 2022

  180. Hi, Janette. We’ll be happy to ask The Council your question about your stillbirth and your pregnancy when we have time and we’ll post an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s ready. Thanks for your questions. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | February 4, 2022

  181. Hi Cynthia, Bob and The Council,

    You have graciously answered a message from me before, years ago, regarding my daughter’s stillbirth. I am writing again with other questions that have recently been eating away at my thoughts.

    Last year, leading up to me turning 40, I was overcome with wanting to try for a baby. Our daughter was stillborn in 2014, our son who is now 6 was born in 2015. Well, since he was just a toddler, the name Haven started appearing to me everywhere. I’d come across this name so regularly that it was overwhelming and I knew I couldn’t deny that the universe was trying to tell me something. Between turning 40, and this name that I became convinced was speaking to me, we tried and immediately got pregnant. Being that Haven means “a safe place”, I had convinced myself that it was either our daughter reminding us that she is in a safe place in Heaven, or it could be another spirit baby trying to communicate that they want to come to us. I sure don’t know, but I absolutely do know that it means SOMETHING. So this little boy I’m pregnant with will be Haven💙What’s even more miraculous than me getting pregnant so fast at 40, is that this baby’s due date is when my daughters was (March 25th). I lost her at 33 1/2 weeks pregnant on February 7th, 2014 – when that day approaches this upcoming week, I will be exactly 33 1/2 weeks pregnant with Haven. What does this all mean???? That can’t be a coincidence, right? Would love The Councils thoughts on this…

    Also, because of the loss of our daughter, with my 6 year old son and now our little boy I’m pregnant with, they have done fetal monitoring on me. I go in 2 x’s/wk to have the babies heartbeat checked thoroughly which is reassuring. But this is VERY triggering for me. I sit there and question “what if they had done fetal monitoring with my daughter?” (who wasn’t very active) “Would she be here today?” “They would’ve noticed she didn’t move a lot if I would’ve just been monitored”. It haunts me quite frankly, almost 8 years later, that I could’ve done something to change the outcome. How did I not know she wasn’t moving? I was 33 1/2 weeks along with her pregnancy, and if they could’ve caught something with extra monitoring I feel like she could be here today. At 33 1/2 wks, she could’ve survived even if they had to have me deliver her at that point. I just make myself sick thinking about the “what if’s”.

    Still struggling to reach peace and would love to hear from you all,

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Janette | February 3, 2022

  182. Hi, Anonymous. We’ll be happy to ask The Council about your son’s anger when we have time and we’ll post an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s ready. Thanks for your question. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | January 31, 2022

  183. Hello, I have really been working on my relationship with my young son. In many ways it has improved and he seems to walk through the world with less anger. However, he still seems to have an enormous amount of anger (jealousy?) toward his younger brother. It is causing a ton of tension in our family and makes it hard to trust him.

    Will this ever go away? Is there anything that I can do to alleviate this anger? Where does this come from?

    In the past, the council suggested that I go to therapy- I have. It’s been ok but I honestly can’t seem to cultivate a sense of calm and peace in our family. My son is very resistant to any sort of calming technique- meditation, breathing, etc. He prefers to laugh maniacally and pick on his little brother endlessly.

    Very open to any perspective or suggestions from the council.

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Anonymous | January 30, 2022

  184. Thank you! I hope you are both well. I love this site so much. Every post has a pearl of wisdom in it & I’ve really grow through reading it.
    All the best,

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Eleanor | January 26, 2022

  185. Hi, Artist. Thanks for your kind words. We’ll be happy to ask The Council your questions about your relationship when we have time and we’ll post an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s ready. Thanks for your questions. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | January 25, 2022

  186. Hi, Eleanor. We’ll be happy to ask The Council your questions about abandonment in your love life and your professional life, and whether you can re-attract your colleague and your ex when we have time and we’ll post an audio recording of their response. Thank’s for your questions. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | January 25, 2022

  187. Dear Cynthia, Bob and Council,
    This is a follow-up question to my previous one on whether my past life caused present suffering and you replied that I was Polish in a concentration camp and decided to experience the camp inmates’ feelings on a personal level. I would assume their primary feeling would be fear but I don’t feel that, only sadness, feeling stuck, lonely, mostly hopeless, self pity and self doubt. I’ve been trying to actually follow Doctor DiLorenzo book Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself, I haven’t gotten to the main part because it takes so much time but I am meditating up to that point. I also read most of the spiritual books. You said I should have hope like I did in the last life, but did my life get better or that hope did nothing? Also, hypothetical question, if I were to escape this life, would I have to repeat the same or not, since I chose this experience? I would greatly appreciate your response.

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Mari | January 24, 2022

  188. This council is so helpful in bringing understanding to matters. I’m feeling emotionally wounded by a recent relationship that ended abruptly. We are working on being friends. It was very hurtful and I didn’t expect it. I would really like to understand him better. I am not sure where we are headed, except that I feel like knowing him is important. There is a lot to learn, and I am afraid of being surprised again. Trusting is difficult. We also have a mutual very close friend who we adore, there is a sort of trio energy that brings us together. I appreciate anything you can tell me.
    My heart is also heavy because I lost a friend and regret not trying harder to connect with him while he was alive. I wish that friend and I had more opportunity to visit while he was alive.
    I am so grateful for any of your input. Sending love and thanks to all.

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    Comment by TheArtist | January 23, 2022

  189. My question follows on from this one I had just over a year ago:

    I’d specifically like to know more about abandonment as I don’t feel I’ve really moved forward with this issue. Since your guidance I’ve seen just how many abandonments I’ve experienced; both in my love life and at work I’ve had everything from colleagues taking my ideas and becoming rich and famous, to more recently a colleague in a project I run ghosting me/the work (the fourth person to leave this project); love-wise it’s been a similar spectrum, from infidelity and abuse, to lovers putting deposits on homes with me then disappearing, and more recently the person I spoke of in my previous post.

    I’d like to know why this has been a running theme in my life? Is this something to do with some past lives I’ve had as well as my abusive neglectful upbringing? And is it something I chose to change in this lifetime?

    I’d also like to know what I need to do to heal this pattern as I’ve always wanted to have a permanent life-partner and the same colleagues to go forward with work-wise.

    I’m also wondering whether, if I do this work, I can re-attract the colleague that has just left and also my ex? Or is it that in healing this pattern I grow beyond this particular colleague and ex and attract a new (what I hope is permanent) colleague and boyfriend?

    Thank you for listening. Your advice would be so appreciated on my quest.
    With best wishes,

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Eleanor | January 21, 2022

  190. Hi, Mari. It’s our understanding that if we finish our current lifetime and still have unlearned lessons that we planned to learn, then we plan to learn these lessons in a future life. But we’ll ask The Council your question when we have time and we’ll post an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s ready. Thanks for your follow-up question. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | January 19, 2022

  191. Hi,
    This is a follow up on the question about whether my past lives caused my present one (you said I wanted to experience what the concentration camp Jewish prisoners went through. What happens if I exit this life, would I have to repeat this? Since I made a choice to do this? Thanks so much.

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Mari | January 18, 2022

  192. Hello Bob and Cynthia,
    I would like to ask The Council about my relationship with my mother.

    From a young age I experienced difficulties that were a great challenge for me. My mother always perceived me negatively and did not show me as much love as my two sisters. That deepened after my dad died. I would like to know why my mother doesn’t need me in her life? Why is she pushing me away? Did I hurt her in any way?

    In 2020 she had a stroke and in the first few months I felt like our relationship was getting better. That was until my youngest sister moved in with her. Since then our relationship has been tested again. She doesn’t respond to my messages and doesn’t want to talk to me when my youngest sister isn’t there. I suspect that my sister doesn’t want me to have a nice relationship with my mother and only wants to keep her to herself.

    Why is my youngest sister so manipulative? What can I do to improve my relationship with my mother? Is there any hope for me? Is there anything I should know right now?

    Thank you! Love and light, Ilona

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    Comment by Ilona | January 13, 2022

  193. I find myself getting aroused frequently and somewhat easily and am often thinking about making love. I get the feeling I have an abundance of lifetimes that emphasize romance and other physical pleasures and that my soul is rather fond of the physical. Is this assessment true? and if so can you tell about these lifetimes that are romance heavy?

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Tom | January 2, 2022

  194. Thanks Bob, Cynthia and of course, the wise Council.

    xoxo Chris

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Chris | December 29, 2021

  195. Hi, Chris. We believe we posted The Council’s response to your questions on Dec 16, 2021. Here’s a link. Hope this helps.


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | December 28, 2021

  196. Hi Bob,

    Not sure if the Council ever replied to my question back in November. Many thanks!

    Hope you and Cynthia are well!

    Best, Chris

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Chris | December 28, 2021

  197. Hi, LadyInLife. We’ll be happy to answer your questions for The Council about Loki energy and past life connections with the man you’re seeing, when we have time and we’ll post an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s ready. Thanks for your question. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | December 13, 2021

  198. Everything in my life is changing, I have a new relationship, a new job, my car just died for good, suddenly, and I’m moving into a new home. It feels a little chaotic, but exciting though there is a lot of pressure for me to succeed. A palm reader recently told me I have a lot of Loki energy around me. Can you tell me more about this entity/energy and how I can best work with it and honor it? Interestingly, the man I am seeing is really into Loki, and even has two tattoos dedicated to Loki. I am also wondering if you can tell me about past life connections with the man I’ve been seeing and tell me about how Loki is involved with us. The relationship is fairly new, but it feels as though it long lasting potential and hopefully remains a harmonious and beautiful thing.

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by LadyInLife | December 12, 2021

  199. Hi, Pursuing Dreams. We’ll be happy to ask The Council your questions about the course you’re thinking of taking and whether it will help you own your own company when we have time and we’ll post an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s ready. Thanks for your question. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | December 1, 2021

  200. Hello,

    I am a Computer Science professional. I want to get council’s opinion on taking up a new course I am thinking about taking since last couple of months now.

    This course is very different from my regular line of work and its also very challenging. I always wanted to study from Ivy League university, but due to financial constraints I was not able to do so earlier. Now I am in a situation where in I think I can take up this challenge.

    This is a big phase shift from what I am doing right now. Can the council please guide me if this thought of taking up a new course and pursuing Masters is something that I should go for. I also wanted to check if this course will help my career and eventually my own company as entrepreneur. Since this is going to be big endeavor for me, I would love to know Council’s guidance. ​

    Thanks for all you do!

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Pursuing Dreams | November 30, 2021

  201. Hi, Starseed_Lightworker. We’ll be happy to ask The Council your question about whether or not to stay with your husband when we have time and we’ll post an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s ready. Thanks for your question. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | November 20, 2021

  202. Dear Cynthia, Bob and the Council,

    I am at a crossroads in my life and would appreciate your help and guidance in the decision I want to make.

    My husband and I have had various issues since the beginning of marriage and it has been 10 years now. I was in abusive relationship for long time and then I have decided to love my self and be self dependent. I was in such a miserable situation earlier that I felt like committing suicide a couple of times during that phase but my love for my young kid kept me alive. By hard work and grace of god, now I am in a position to take care of my self and my kid.

    The thing is that my husband seems to have changed now since last 3 years but I cant forget what he and his family has done with me earlier.

    Going forward in my life my plan is to keep doing better work in office, study part-time in a university while doing work to support my self and my kid and eventually when my kid grows up, retire and travel and do more spiritual and teaching work. I do not want to be dependent on anyone for money, happiness and taking care of me – I want to do it all myself. I have began to find solace in loneliness now.

    I have got a very good job opportunity in a different state which is remote work right now but I can move if I want to move there which would be a fresh start for me and my kid and a different way of living life.

    The difficult decision I need to make is should I continue staying with my husband for the sake my kid having a father or should I move on and build a new life my self and my kid. At the current moment, I like my husband as a friend since he has changed from his abusive patterns but I have lost the love, I dont know if I can love him again considering the history. At the same time, I am also not sure if there will be love for me outside of this marriage.

    Can the council please guide me and provide me some inputs? I will forever be grateful for the knowledge that I have obtained from this blog.

    Love, light and peace!


    Comment by starseed_lightworker | November 20, 2021

  203. Hi, Christea17. We’ll be happy to ask The Council your question about your difficulty teaching your students when we have time and we’ll post an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s ready. Thanks for your question. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | November 19, 2021

  204. Greetings, Bob and Cynthia!
    I would appreciate the Council’ s advice on the following matter. I work as a teacher and I am having a lot of difficulties with my students. Some of them are very disrespectful and lack interest in learning. It is hard to teach them anything. Unfortunately, I feel like I lack the authority, strength and energy needed to change the atmosphere in my classes. I don’t know how to deal with unpleasant situations. I like teaching, but rarely do I feel like I can teach them something. Sometimes it is really despressing what goes on during my classes. I wish I knew how to deal with these situations better and how to interact more positively with my students.
    Thank you and the Council for the advice.
    All my best and many blessings!

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    Comment by christea17 | November 19, 2021

  205. Thankyou guys.

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    Comment by Peace05 | November 11, 2021

  206. Hi, PeaceLoveSirius. We’ll be happy to ask The Council your questions about your spirit guides when we have time and we’ll post their response in an audio recording as soon as it’s ready. Thanks so much for your question. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | November 8, 2021

  207. Hi, Chris. We’ll be happy to ask The Council about your love life when we have time and we’ll post an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s ready. Thanks for your question. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | November 5, 2021

  208. Hi Bob, Cynthia and Council,

    Last week, the Council mentioned that my issues were fear and success, but I really think it is about love. Since I was 29 years old I wanted to find my lifelong love companion. I stayed open, hopeful and always kept my eyes and heart open. I’m now 59 and can say the only ones who showed up were two amazing, lovely men who were not available. Both in unhappy marriages, separated or asked by their spouse for a divorce when I met them but neither left despite their “love” for me. The Council mentioned there is the person Ted, near me, who is one of the two men mentioned, or someone new in South America. I wish with all my heart Ted is the one with him saying “I do see us together, but it will take patience and time.” I am beginning to lose hope after decades or hopes and prayers OR was it just not the time until now? Love and gratitude. Chris

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    Comment by Chris | November 5, 2021

  209. Hello Bob, Cynthia and the Council,

    You have been my angels who have helped me tremendously in different areas of my life – family, work, jobs, etc. Your guidance has been very precious and life-changing for me.

    As I have been guided here before, I have been seeing and hearing things outside our conscious realm. I can hear vibrations at this point, when someone is angry I can hear not only the words but I can sense the vibration change. As far as seeing is concerned, I used to see shadows but I am beginning to sense presences, especially at night time. Also sometimes I see light figurines. For the first time in my life, I saw a light shape – it was probably like an animal. Just so that it’s clear – I do not consume alcohol at all or do not do any kind of drugs whatsoever that is making me hallucinate but these are all real genuine experiences.

    At this point, I think I am starting to open up and I would like a guide that can help me in this journey. There are a lot of unknowns here and I would sincerely welcome a guide that can help me develop further in this area and help me progress and serve humanity better.

    Can the council see any such kind of guide that will come into my life that can help me navigate this? If so, will the guide be from the spirit world or would they be in the physical world as a friend/mentor? If there is no such guide, what do I have to do to create it for me so that I have help navigating these new uncommon skills? Because of past life situations, I have fear in my mind that I am trying to overcome, which makes it more difficult to progress. That is why I would like to know if there is a spiritual guide for me in this lifetime.

    Thanks very much for all you do, it changes lives including mine.

    Wish you the best.

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    Comment by PeaceLoveSirius | November 5, 2021

  210. Hi, Curious Aquarius. We’ll be happy to ask The Council about these two mysterious childhood events when we have time and we’ll post an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s ready. Thanks for your question. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | October 27, 2021

  211. Dear Cynthia, Bob and the Council,
    When I was four I lived in a house on a farm. I was up late and my mum left me to stay up and watch tv. On my own I put myself to bed, but sensed this dark, scary presence over me. I was absolutely petrified and covered my entire body with the blankets until I fell asleep. It was absolutely petrifying and unforgettable. The next day I asked my mum if it was her and she said, no. Since that night until I was about 11 years old I had to sleep with the door open and a light on. Can you please tell me if it was real or was it just in my head? What was it if it was real?
    After we had moved, many tenants have rented that house with many leaving unexpectedly and abandoning all their belongings, even their pets, which is terrible. I know of at least one tenant asking my uncle if anyone had died in that house cause there are ghosts, and my uncle replied if they were on drugs, because my uncle is a non believer of everything.
    I did live in that house as a teenager, but nothing creepy ever happened again.
    At age 10 or so I lived at another address and I was standing outside in the garden with my mum, her friend and some of the other kids, where out of nowhere a boy on his knees was hovering and zoomed past and disappeared. My mums friend asked if anyone saw it, and I did, but it was so out of the blue. Any explanation about either event will be greatly appreciated.
    Love and light,
    Curious Aquarius xxx

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    Comment by Curious Aquarius | October 26, 2021

  212. Hi, Peace5. We’ll be happy to ask The Council your question about your brother when we have time and we’ll post an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s ready. Thanks for your question. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | October 24, 2021

  213. Hi Bob and Cynthia and of course the council. I hope you all are doing well during this pandemic and staying strong. I wanted to ask the council a question about my brother. He is almost 23 yrs old, but he has been very troublesome lately. I don’t know what’s gotten into him. Even though he has an incurable disease he stopped taking his medicine, he stopped taking care of himself, and he behaves very nasty with me and the whole family even my 6 year old son. He takes medical marijuana because of the disease he has but I think it’s harming him more than helping him. He isn’t interested in anything at all, he doesn’t even try to get a job. All he does is lay around all day long, sleeps, showers like 4 times a day even though he doesn’t go anywhere.He fights with us, curses at us for no apparent reason and he doesn’t want to speak with any of us.What is going on with him and is he ever going to change for the better? What can I do to help him get better physically and mentally? Thanks love and light.

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    Comment by Peace5 | October 23, 2021

  214. Hi, Denisa. We’ll be happy to ask The Council for guidance with your life partner relationship when we have time and we’ll post an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s ready. Thanks for your question. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | October 22, 2021

  215. Hi, Monica. We’ll be happy to ask The Council about what contributes to your block in intimacy when we have time and we’ll post an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s ready. Thanks for your question. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | October 22, 2021

  216. Hi Bob and Cynthia,
    If possible, I would so appreciate it if the Council could give me some guidance on my relationship with me and my life partner. We would love to start a family together, but still nothing happens. My life partner keeps talking about wanting to have children with me, but he also mentions that he would like my financial situation to be similar to his. I would like to, but I really don’t know what to do to improve my financial situation. It seems so hard for me at this moment. Is it really the reason why we don’t try to have children or is it something else? Have we agreed to have children together in this lifetime? What can I do to improve my financial situation? It seems to me that I don’t know which way to go. I’m thinking of writing a book about my childhood, what I’ve been through and what I’ve learned from it. Will my financial situation improve if I write a book? What can I do to improve my financial situation and have children with my life partner? Do my life partner and I share any past life that is related to our current lifetime? What is the main purpose of our relationship? Thank you so much for your help. Love and light, Denisa

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    Comment by Denisa | October 21, 2021

  217. Hello Bob and Cynthia,
    I would like to ask the Council about my block in intimacy. I’m ashamed and I feel uncomfortable. My husband is very upset because of it and I want him to be happy. I would like to know what causes my block in intimacy and how can I change it? Thank you very much for your help. Many blessings, Monica

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    Comment by Monica | October 21, 2021

  218. Interesting questions, Darla. We’ll ask The Council when we have time and we’ll post an audio recording of their response. Nice to see you’re blogging again. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | October 13, 2021

  219. Hello Bob and Cynthia! Thanks so much for helping so many people. My question is about reincarnation. Over the years I’ve read and heard hundreds of near death experiences. Some of these people say that when they’re on the other side, a voice gives them an option to stay or go back to their life on earth. Others say they begged to stay in such a blissful place full of love, but were “forced” to come back to their life. They suddenly end back up in their bodies. How much free will do we have once we cross over? Who is ultimately in charge of whether we come back to life on earth or not? Is it our higher self or a guide or God that makes this decision?

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by She's a Maineiac | October 13, 2021

  220. Hello Bob, Cynthia and the Council,

    I would so appreciate if the Council could give me some guidance on my purpose in this lifetime. Why am I here on earth? I feel like there’s nothing special about me and I don’t feel useful. I do a business in the field of fashion, and I try to achieve financial security but unfortunately, I always fail. I can’t fulfill my dreams and I don’t understand why. Is it related to any of my past lives? How can I improve my financial situation? What is the most important thing I should know and do right now? Thank you so much for your help and your guidance. Love, Monica

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Monica | October 4, 2021

  221. Hi, E-Diggity. We’ll be happy to ask The Council about your relationship with your daughter and the Arcturian’s when we have time and we’ll post an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s ready. Thanks so much for your question. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | September 18, 2021

  222. Hi, Momof3. We’ll be happy to ask The Council about this man who’s come into your life when we have time and we’ll post an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s ready. Thanks for your questions. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | September 18, 2021

  223. Hi, Pedro. Thank you so much for your appreciation. It means a lot to us. We’ll ask The Council about your situation as soon as we have time and we’ll post an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s ready. Hang in there. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | September 18, 2021

  224. Hi, Jolanda. Glad The Council’s guidance has been helpful in the past. As soon as we have time we’ll ask them about your daughter and we’ll post an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s ready. Love and light. Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | September 18, 2021

  225. Hey Bob and Cynthia hope you are well. I am on a journey of self awareness, manifestation and the universe. I know I want a freedom lifestyle, time freedom and being with family and the ones I love. I know I want
    To be my own boss, spend my time how I wish, doing something I love.

    However I am stuck with my purpose, how I can serve and add value (as obviously I still need money which I know is energy) can the council help me with my purpose in life? What are my skills I can use to serve and create the freedom lifestyle for myself and my familiy? I struggle to think of any skills I have, or what brings me joy, I have joined programmes where I meditate, journal, do the inner work, goal setting, visualisation. I can see the end result I understand my why (family) but I need guidance on my dharma, my purpose and the steps to take me there. Thank you so much


    Comment by ldavis1978 | September 16, 2021

  226. Hello,
    My daughter has come into a psychic ability and she has guides who work with her, who I believe are Arcturian. I would like to know more about her star connections, and the nature of my relationship to my daughter and these other beings, beyond this lifetime. I hope to help validate and help facilitate her expansion into these abilities, I want to invite this connection to these benevolent beings and do what we came here to do.
    My daughter and I would like to know more about our past together.
    Thank you for your time. 🙏🏼

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by E-Diggity | September 13, 2021

  227. Hello,
    Thank you for the opportunity to ask questions. I was curious about a man who has come into my life currently. I feel very comfortable and safe with him as if I have known him for years, but we just recently met. I also find myself wanting more in this relationship but im not sure if he feels the same which is unnerving. Also, i am surprised by my feelings, as I lost my husband last year, and I didn’t think i could feel anything for anyone else.
    Just wondering if this was preplanned. Or if i have had previous lives with this person. Also is this just a passing thing, because im grieving/vulnerable, or can it actually be mutually true feelings that we build on and find love again.
    Thank you in advance 💕

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    Comment by Momof3 | September 10, 2021

  228. Hi Cynthia and Bob. First I’d like to say how beautiful is the work you’re doing here with The Council.

    I’m 21 and I’m passing through a very strange time of my life. Sometimes I feel a strong loneliness, but I don’t feel comfortable with any other human being. I don’t want anyone to touch me, but I’m touch starving. I get irritated very easy and I also feel tired of living. I feel far away from home, even when I’m actually in my house. I’m always looking at the past with a sense of longing to get there, but I know that it’s impossible. And as if that isn’t enough, I’m on a heavy mixture of emotion that is tearing me up and getting me on a identity crisis.
    The worst thing is that I don’t have any planning or expectations for the future.
    I don’t have any friends, I don’t like my family, I don’t know what to do.
    My whole life seems like a bad travel that doesn’t ends.
    I want to know if The Council have any suggestions or advices to what should I do now.

    Thank you very much

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Pedro Lucas | September 10, 2021

  229. Dear Council, Bob and Cynthia

    I’ve written to you a few times over the years and your answers have really helped me. I’m hoping you can help me again because I’m finding myself in another painful dilemma.

    My question this time is: Why do i keep attracting abusive behaviour, no matter how hard i try to keep myself safe??? When i think I’ve closed the door on abuse in my life, it just finds me again in unexpected places and ways. Sorry this is a long letter… i need to explain what I’m going through.

    I’ve been through 3 abusive relationships in my life, and i ended the last (and worst) one in 2017. I’ve never had a healthy relationship with a kind and respectful man, and all i want in my life is to be able to settle down with someone nice. After the last one ended, i did so much work on myself to gain knowledge, strength, confidence and self worth to ensure i never got into another relationship like that again, plus spiritual work too. I vowed they my home would be a safe zone, free from abusive behaviour.

    I’ve been with a nice man who treats me well for 2 years now, but now even this relationship is in the verge of ending because he can’t cope with how my youngest child behaves. And i can’t cope with it either, and am so confused about why it’s happening.

    This time it’s my 8yo daughter who’s abusing me. She is an extremely lovely girl, but has mild autism spectrum disorder which means she has a lot of trouble with her emotions, especially anger. Her dad was my last abuser, and i feel she’s learned his behaviour… but when she’s angry actually treating me worse than he did!!

    2021 has been the worst and hardest year of my life. Early in the year she told me that her dad and new stepmum were abusing her. So i took over her full custody, went through court to fight for her safety and eventually won. But during that time my daughter completely broke down emotionally, and her behaviour, which was already very bad, turned insanely bad. She viciously attacked me many times, she was very destructive too, and she could barely sleep at all due to long night terrors that lasted hours and hours and hours every night (she was also extremely violent during the night terrors). I thought i was going to lose my mind and that i might have to give her over to foster care to look after her. I called the police quite a few times too. Luckily, in the last 2 months she’s been pretty good and has calmed down a lot and stopped being violent and isn’t so aggressive. I’ve spoken to her about how this is a peaceful home where we don’t hurt, hit, kick, or punch each other and she says she understands, but she also says she can’t control herself when she gets angry.

    Unfortunately, in the last week she’s started getting aggressive and angry again and last night she attacked me again, this time kicking me in the face so hard that she injured my neck.

    I feel so dejected, disappointed, confused and let down by life… I’ve done everything i can to keep myself safe and to ensure i only have respectful and safe relationships in my life, and now it’s my own child who’s abusing me! Additionally, because I’m the only one who can protect her from the abuse of her dad, I’m trapped with her, protecting her, while she abuses me. This feels so unfair!

    And i just can’t understand why abuse keeps following me like a bad smell. I realise there must be some kind of lesson to learn, but i thought I’d learned it by strengthening myself and my boundaries. So when a child I’m obligated to protect starts abusing me, i wonder what the lesson must be now? I haven’t willingly invited this abuser into my life, she’s my child, and no-one chooses to have an abusive child, or a child with neurological and emotional problems.

    My second question about this is that I’m concerned for her future. If she behaves like this at 8 years old, unable to control her extreme rage, what will she be like as a teenager and an adult? Will she get herself into trouble, abusing and attacking others? I’m such a peace loving person, i don’t know how to deal with this problem in her and help her to change for the better. Obviously my peaceful ways haven’t had any positive influence on her over the years.

    Thirdly, I’m wondering where this is coming from within her? As I’d like to be able to help her. Has she learned this or inherited it from her father? Or is it her autism? Or both? Or something else?

    And finally, will i ever be able to keep a nice man and have a healthy relationship? I’m 45 now, and because I’m having this huge difficulty with my daughter, i feel like there’s not much hope left. My lovely man says it’s too much for him to deal with and that he doesn’t want these problems in his life. Just when i need my partner the most, he leaves me to deal with it on my own and distances himself from us, which hurts so much and breaks my heart.

    Thank you so much for listening to my story. I really hope you can shed some insight to help me and my family.
    Thank you

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    Comment by waimarama13 | September 4, 2021

  230. Hi, Christine. We’ll be happy to ask The Council about your son’s behavior when we have time and we’ll post an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s ready. Thanks for your question. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | August 25, 2021

  231. Hello Bob and Cynthia. Thank you for this opportunity to ask Council a question.
    I am concerned about my eldest son, who is 20 years old. He finished school 2 years ago and has done very little with his life since then. He spends most of his days smoking marijuana, from first thing in the morning until late at night. He also believes he has an alcohol addiction. When he was younger, he was very outgoing and appeared happy and enthusiastic about life. Now, he is often very aggressive and his reaction to a situation often appears way out of proportion, and he can be very nasty and domineering. When he is like this, it is impossible to talk rationally with him, and we are left feeling totally depleted. He can also be very lazy.
    Because he is my son, I feel like I am responsible in some way, but I don’t know what we did that made him grow up this way. I felt we were very loving and attentive parents, but I know we weren’t perfect. My other son is very different.
    I would appreciate some insight into his behaviour, and our relationship. Thank you.
    With love and gratitude, Concerned Mother.

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Christine | August 24, 2021

  232. Hi, Starfish. We’ll be happy to ask The Council your questions about your career when we have time and we’ll post an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s ready. Thanks for your question. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | August 18, 2021

  233. Hello Bob, Cynthia and the council,

    I have a question for you guys. I have received answers in the past which has been tremendously helpful. Thanks for the such selfless act of love you are doing by operating this web page.

    My question is related to my professional situation. Since childhood I have been very hardworking in the studies and later on in my profession but I think I am not receiving enough as per my skillset and hard-work. I come from very humble background and I have struggled a lot and fought with circumstances in more ways than one to be able to do well professionally. I am giving it my full effort.

    Is there reason I am not able to manifest my dream job or career. Can the council guide me if I should me doing something differently which can bring me closer to where I want to be professionally and financially. Also, along the same lines – I also have a question that should I continue doing job or the council sees entrepreneurship for me down the line, I wonder if doing setting up my own business or taking up further education is required to take me next level.

    Thanks so much!

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by | August 17, 2021

  234. I’m hoping to do some traveling to at least several countries (eventually) and I wanted to ask, are there any places (preferably in safer countries) that my soul is particularly fond of (countries or cities)? That includes places from other lifetimes.

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Mr Redd | August 15, 2021

  235. Hi, Leo. We’ll be happy to ask The Council your questions about tarot readings that take place in the past and we’ll post an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s ready. Thanks for your question. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | July 29, 2021

  236. Hi, Over The Wall. We’ll be happy to ask The Council your question about Palestine when we have time and we’ll post an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s ready. Thanks for your question. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | July 29, 2021

  237. Hi Bob and Cynthia. I have a question about tarot cards. Are tarot cards always accurate when answering questions about things that have happened in the past? I know they can only predict probabilities when asking about future events since we have the ability to change our thoughts and in turn change what we’re attracting but what about past events? I’ve had several readings on past events where I’ve received different answers to the same question and I want to know why this is. If I’m asking about a fixed event that happened in the past how could two different tarot readers give me two different answers to the same question? Tarot is something I’m really passionate about and have relied on quite heavily over the years but the experiences I have been having recently are making me question it’s legitimacy and whether or not they’re capable of giving out accurate information 100% of the time. Is it possible that my vibration or the vibration of the tarot reader is affecting the accuracy of the readings and causing the readings to give false answers a portion of the time?

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Leo Moon | July 29, 2021

  238. What is The Council’s take on the human rights abuses against Palestine(I know this situation isn’t exactly two-sided like the media portrays having studied it) such as the evictions, home demolitions and poisoning of crops? I’ve seen the situation brought up briefly in Brian Weiss’s and Neale Walsch’s books but not directly in any spiritual material. How does The Council see this situation playing out in the future decades to come as society transforms?

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Over The Wall | July 27, 2021

  239. Hi, Conner. We’ll be happy to ask The Council if your interpretation of your dream is correct and we’ll post an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s ready. Thanks for your question. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | July 24, 2021

  240. Hi, Mari. We’ll be happy to ask The Council your question about past lives influencing your suffering in your current life when we have time and we’ll post an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s ready. Thanks for your question. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | July 24, 2021

  241. Hello and thank you for your work. I would like some validations about a dream and some impressions I’ve had. I had been thinking about other lifetimes and I had a dream where I saw a woman named Rachel doing what appeared to be a slow dance or some sort of exercise. I was made aware during the dream by a voice that she is the mother of a lifetime of my soul that will overlap with my current lifetime. I was also made aware that this life would have many variations in various realities with different individuals and different settings which would allow me to explore many places and perspectives. Are my interpretations of the dream correct, and is there anything else I should know about this experience?

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by ConnorM | July 22, 2021

  242. Thanks for fast response. Sorry for asking so many questions, but when you have a chance could you tell me whether my past lives (and which) have influenced my suffering in this life, or I just decided to have this experience for learning purposes?


    Comment by Mari | July 22, 2021

  243. Hi, Marianna. We think what The Council is saying here is that the spiritual aspect of who you are wants you to experience your marriage and your job for their lesson learning opportunities in turning these situations around. Hope this helps.


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | July 19, 2021

  244. Hi Bob and Cynthia! Thanks so much for your response to my question. I have a follow-up. The Council says : “You think the marriage and the job isn’t what you want, but it is what you want.” I am wondering how can that be? Do you mean I should just accept what is and then that becomes what I want?

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Marianna | July 19, 2021

  245. Hi, Christea17. We’ll be happy to answer your question for The Council about the best way for you to connect spiritually when we have time and we’ll post an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s ready. Thanks so much for your question. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | July 17, 2021

  246. Hello again, Bob and Cynthia! This is Cristiana. You replied to my first question earlier in March and I want to thank you again for taking the time to answer it.
    I am writing my second question for you. Perhaps it will receive an answer too.
    I would like to know which are the best ways for me to connect spritually. I feel there are many ways to go about this and I want to know which are the ones best suited for me. I have been superficial in this regard and also a bit confused as to how to go about it. When I am faced with too many options I often choose none. I would like to start somewhere and have something I could practice regularly and with confidence. Lately I have felt an attraction towards Native American wisdom and spirituality. Is there a reason for this? Looking forward to receiving some guidance. Thank you!

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by christea17 | July 17, 2021

  247. Thank you! I did not see the June 28 response and will look for it now. Kindest regards to you and the amazing Council!

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Anonymous | July 9, 2021

  248. We believe the only question we received on May 17th of this year was from a person named, Chris, and we answered Chis’s question on June 28th. If you’re referring to another question please let us know.


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | July 7, 2021

  249. Hi Bob and Cynthia – just checking to see if The Council had a response to my question back on May 17th. Much love to you! Thank you!


    Comment by Anonymous | July 7, 2021

  250. Hi, Clare. We’ll be happy to ask The Council about your trust issues with women when we have time and we’ll post an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s ready. Thanks for your question. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | July 7, 2021

  251. Hi Bob, Cynthia and hello to the Council,

    I would like to ask the Council if they could help me with my trust issues with women. As far as I can remember, I never felt full trust in women in general as if I knew that they would betray me or hurt me. I had some close friends, but it always ended without any explanation. What happened that I can’t have closer and beautiful friendships with women? Does it have anything to do with my parents’ divorce when I was 6? Or did something happen in one of my past lives? I would like to understand that. Is there also something that I can learn? What can I do to have closer friendships in general? I am asking for advice because I would like to have good friendships. Thank you very much for your help. Love & light, Clare

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    Comment by Clare | July 6, 2021

  252. Thank you

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    Comment by Mari | June 15, 2021

  253. Hi, Mari. We’ll be happy to ask The Council for advice on your depression, employment, and marriage when we have time and we’ll post an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s ready. Thanks for your question. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | June 15, 2021

  254. Hello Bob and Cynthia,
    I am wondering why I would choose this life and how I can have hope. I’ve had a very unhappy childhood, I’ve been depressed all my life and discovered that I wasn’t able to practice a profession that I successfully studied for because apparently I have a slight cognitive impairment (which could be due to the long lasting depresdion). Currently working an unfulfilling job. I am on medication which is not working after trying many. I am unhappy and feel trapped in my current marriage. I don’t have many friends or support except for mental health professionals. Sometimes it just seems too much. Can you advise what to do? It just seems so hopeless.

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Mari | June 12, 2021

  255. Hi, PE. We’ll be happy to ask The Council how you can heal your relationship with your dead mother when we have time and we’ll post an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s ready.


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | June 12, 2021

  256. Hi, Darla. Good to hear from you. Congratulations on your experience of your higher self during hypnotherapy. For those who are unfamiliar with QHHT it stands for Quantuum Healing Hypnotherapy Technique. Excellent questions about future lives after one awakens to our true self, the end of reincarnation, transcending to higher states of consciousness, and your path moving forward. We’ll ask The Council these questions as soon as we have time and we’ll post an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s ready. Thank you so much for these extremely thoughtful questions. We look forward to hearing what The Council has to say about them. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | June 8, 2021

  257. Hi, PE. We’ll ask The Council about your relationship with your mother who’s passed when we have time and we’ll post an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s ready. Thanks for your question. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | June 8, 2021

  258. Hello Bob and Cynthia! It seems as if one of our main purposes is to have a spiritual awakening, to rediscover our true selves and realize just how powerful and divine we all are. During a QHHT hypnotherapy session, I had a profound experience of my higher self. I was expansive and gigantic–full of divine love, energy, and power. My council spoke through me and answered all of my questions. My question is: what happens for future lives after we do have an awakening to our true self? Do we have to reincarnate again, and therefore, “forget” who we really are again? Is there an end to reincarnation once we have fully awakening to our higher self on earth? Or at least do we transcend to higher states of consciousness? What is my path forward? Thank you, Darla

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by She's a Maineiac | June 8, 2021

  259. Hello to The Council, Cynthia and Bob. If possible, I would so appreciate it if the Council could give some guidance on my relationship with me and my mother. I have asked for guidance on this platform before and the Council did strongly indicate that our relationship was marked by a difficult past life. My mother passed away last year but I continue to often have troubling dreams about her. I feel guilty for not speaking to her the last few months of her life and for not always being compassionate to her. Just when I think I am making progress with healing our relationship, even after her death, it feels like I am taking a step backward or I feel stuck. I would appreciate any advise. Warm wishes

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by PE | June 6, 2021

  260. They don’t even have to be affecting necessarily but perhaps helpful in any way

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    Comment by Rob | June 4, 2021

  261. Hi, Rob. We’ll be happy to ask The Council about lifetimes that could be affecting your current income and health struggles when we have time and we’ll post an audio recording of it as soon as it’s ready. Thanks for your question. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | June 4, 2021

  262. Hi, I was wondering if the Council can briefly describe to me which 3 or 4 of my other lifetimes that would be most beneficial for me to try and connect with to help me succeed and deal with my income and health struggles?

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Rob | June 3, 2021

  263. Thank you so much for your kind words, Kaitlin. We’re glad you felt comfortable talking with us and for suggesting to readers they try a phone session if they’re thinking about it. Be well. Until the next time.


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | May 29, 2021

  264. Hi everyone! I am posting this on the blog to expand on the personal email that I sent to Cynthia and Bob as a thank you after a personal reading. I hope this will give insight to anyone wondering about what a personal session is like or maybe it will inspire someone to get one.

    I had my first phone reading for my 22nd birthday last week, and it was incredible! I had this beautiful 30-minute conversation with the council where I could ask any question that I wanted. It was highly personal, filled with so much love, care, and guidance. I did not expect so much to come through.
    I had prepared a list of questions, but I probably only got through the first few because so much guidance was given to me.

    The council is incredibly loving, funny, and they answered some questions that I had had for a long time. I feel so much clarity, purpose, and a sense of direction. I am in the beginning of a new journey; a path that I have wanted to go down for quite some time, but didn’t really know for sure if I could. The council basically told me that this path that I had been questioning, was what I had wanted to do in the first place before I even got here! So because of this, I feel so much support and validation.

    I feel excited for life, and after the reading I just felt so much joy in the air. Bob and Cynthia also have the most comforting voices, and it was such a pleasure to talk to such warm and loving people. If you are thinking of getting a reading, I highly recommend it, and I will for sure be back for another one, because I have many more questions! The other amazing thing is that they record the session and send it to you so you can listen to it as many times as you want to! Much love, and thank you so much again!!


    Comment by Kaitlin | May 26, 2021

  265. Thank you Bob and Cynthia so much.

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    Comment by Chris | May 18, 2021

  266. Hi, Chris. We’ll be happy to ask The Council your questions about your brother, his son, and being alone when we have time and we’ll post an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s ready. Thanks for your question. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | May 18, 2021

  267. Hello, I wanted to find the meaning in giving up three years of my life to help a brother who was ill, who eventually died, then his son taking his life in despair two days later. I was beyond devastated trying to pick up the pieces of my life following massive tragedy. My brothers wife, had sheltered him and their son for help and guidance from me and my sisters prior to their passing so there was no way to help. After one year I was recovering and ready to “get my life back”. I was still hoping for love. I attracted a wonderful man in a dead marriage and he was the most incredible man I had ever met through my work in his office. This alone surprised me I would meet someone in my late years. His wife unbeknownst to me had asked him for a divorce and we developed a very close, non physical deep friendship. I thought finally he was worth the wait, but no this too seems like it will go nowhere. I was hoping God was finally giving me a gift and if appears not to be. I feel hopeless to ever have someone of my own. Just wonder after decades of looking and being open to love, am I meant to be alone? I have given everything in love and service and feel completely empty.

    Thank you for direction. Basically are there things we ask for that we will never get?

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    Comment by Chris | May 17, 2021

  268. Hi, Live_Breathe. We’ll be happy to ask The Council your questions about the shadows you’ve been seeing and if there’s any relationship to developing clairvoyance. Thanks for your question. Love and light, Bob & Cynthai


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | May 13, 2021

  269. Dear Council and Bob/Cynthia,

    I am curious about seeing shadows from the corner of my eyes. Since a lot of years now, I see shadows from the corner of my eyes. I have not faced any negative consequences from it but I am curious about knowing what it is.

    At times, I almost feel like a shadow has walked in the room, only to realize later there was no one there. Can the council please guide me about what this shadows/presence is and what does it represent in my life.

    Does it mean by any chance that I am unconsciously developing my Clairvoyance. Also curious if I need any protection so to say from this shadows.

    Thanks and love


    Comment by Live_Breathe | May 11, 2021

  270. Hi, Lightworker. We’ll be happy to ask The Council your question about Covid and we’ll post an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s ready. Thanks for your question. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | May 10, 2021

  271. Hello Bob,Cynthia and the council,

    Thanks for the amazing work that you guys do. I have a question about Covid condition in India at present. Its getting worst day by day and millions of people are dying everyday.

    We have lost very close family members due to covid and almost every other day we hear someone we know passing away from corona – this includes very young members as well. As an empath, it affects me very deeply.

    I want to ask a question – can the council please give an insight about when do they see situation improving? I am very scared for my aged parents in India who are alone at present. And if possible – please give a guidance about how one can remain positive and stay protected from this virus.

    Thanks. Much love.

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Lightworker | May 10, 2021

  272. Hi, Anonymous. We’ll be happy to ask The Council your questions about your son when we have time and we’ll post their response as soon as it’s ready. Thanks for your question. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | May 8, 2021

  273. Hi, I am struggling watching my young son navigate this world. He’s a tricky kid, very bright and curious but competitive and insecure. And he seems that he just can’t get a break. His little brother is easy and seems to skate through. But my oldest- in our neighborhood and extended family, at his new school he often feels excluded. How can we help him feel loved, know close friendship. I often wonder what he carried into this life from other lives. If his journey is meant to be difficult I can’t change that but I’m curious if I can help him experience more peace and kindness along the way. He’s very resistant to any sort of meditation or mindfulness. Thank you!

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Anonymous | April 30, 2021

  274. Hi, Weston. We’ll be happy to ask The Council your question about the Pleiades when we have time and we’ll post an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s ready. Thanks for your question. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | April 25, 2021

  275. I have always been drawn to the Pleiades. Ever since I can remember. At night if the stars are visible, I feel that I have to see them before I can go indoors. Why? I also feel in my soul that this life is a punishment (maybe self imposed) for a previous failure. Who am I?

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Weston | April 23, 2021

  276. Hi, Amorist. We’ll be happy to ask The Council your questions about your husband and mother when we have time and we’ll post an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s ready. Thanks for your questions. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | April 20, 2021

  277. Hi, Lisa. Please have patience. Thanks.


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | April 14, 2021

  278. I never got a response 😔


    Comment by lisabayer | April 13, 2021

  279. I learn so much from reading responses from The Council and I want to thank you all so much for facilitating this service.
    In my life I feel that I’ve been coping with many relationships with overbearing individuals. I assume there is a purpose, but my ex-husband has been such a challenging person, who I think fits the description of a narcissist, empathy does not come easily to him and he has very toxic ways of dealing with others. What is my history with him beyond this lifetime? What are my children gaining from him? As a result his influence I have spent a great deal of time being incredibly concerned for the wellbeing of my children, things were so difficult for a long time. It was heartbreaking. Perhaps there is something you could tell me about this that would ease my anxiety or help me with my outlook. Similarly, my mother is someone who is a very emotionally reactive, controlling individual who I feel seeks out disappointment and problems. We are living with her now, and I’m really struggling with this situation. I want my own home so badly but I don’t see the path forward toward that goal. How will I make ends meet and find safe space for my children and I? Why am I dependent on my mother? I love her, but I feel sort of trapped and as though I don’t have space or privacy. I just want everyone to be happy and okay. Who am I in all of this? Thank you for your time.

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Amorist | April 12, 2021

  280. Hi, Loving Star. We’ll be happy to ask The Council about your relationship with your boyfriend and the new man in your life when we have time and we’ll post an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s ready. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | April 10, 2021

  281. Hi Bob and Cynthia and hello to the Council,

    I would like to ask the Council about my relationship with my boyfriend. We have been together for 10 years and our relationship is very loving. I know that he loves me very much, but I feel that I still miss something in our relationship. What was our pre-birth plan? Did we agree in spirit that we would stay together?

    I ask because I fell in love with another man who, as you said, was my father from my past life. I talk to the angels a lot and they told me that this man also likes me very much and is waiting for me to show him my love. I keep all my feelings for him back because I don’t want to hurt my boyfriend. On the other hand, I would like to show this man that I feel the same way he does. Is it okay to have these feelings? I feel very bad about that.

    What happens when I show my love to this man? I feel very confused about it, because I am feeling drawn to this man. I would like to know your view / insights / guidance on this situation. Thank you so much. Love and light to you all, Loving Star

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    Comment by Loving Star | April 8, 2021

  282. Hi, Lisa. We’ll be happy to ask The Council your question about what you need to know and unblock from your past lives as soon as we can and we’ll post an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s ready. Thanks for your questions. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | March 22, 2021

  283. Hi, I found this page after having another vivid dream about my past life in Atlantis. This one was different than my recurring dream. The dream I usually have is that I’m in a tower and I hear a bell go off as red-skinned people are charging down a hill to attack. The dream I had tonight was of a reincarnation pool where I laid into a pool to reincarnate and it was tied into my mother who I don’t get along with. I’ve also had dreams of being a woman pharaoh or empress in Egypt and was burned. I feel like my soul is always trying to teach me something, but I’m not fully awake. Who am I and what do I need to know and unblock from my past lives? Thanks a ton.

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    Comment by lisabayer | March 22, 2021

  284. Thank you, Cristiana. Blessings to you.


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | March 5, 2021

  285. Thank you so much, Bob and Cynthia, for the answers and the blessings!!! It was such a great surprise to read this post today. I wish you all the best and I thank you for the beautiful work that you do!

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    Comment by Cristiana | March 3, 2021

  286. Hi, Kristi. Thanks for your kind words and for following our blog. It means a lot to us that you look forward to each post.

    We’ll ask The Council your questions about your son’s future when we have time and we’ll post an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s ready. Thanks for your question. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | February 23, 2021

  287. Hi Cynthia, Bob & The Council,

    Thank you for the wonderful work you guys do & the clarity you provide to so many people. I’ve been a reader for a couple of years now and look forward to every post.

    I have some questions about my son that I’d like some insight on. My son is about to turn 18 and will graduate from high school in the next few months. He seems to be lacking motivation when it comes to school and planning his next steps after he graduates. College was always on the table as an option but due to his lack of efforts this school year, he won’t qualify for tuition assistance now unfortunately. We are not sure that this even concerns him. He has done nothing to prepare for college, he has not applied to any schools yet. He does have a job currently, but it is a low wage part-time job while he is in school. No matter what his father and I do to help prepare him for his next steps in his life, he seems uninterested. He is almost 18 so we try to step back and encourage him to take actions instead of us doing it for him. Here are my questions for The Council:
    1. What can his father & I do help him him in this next phase of his life?
    2. What direction do you see his future heading? Do you see that he goes to college?
    3. Should we be concerned about anything?

    Any other insights regarding our son and his future are much appreciated! We want him to successful and independent and happy. He has a heart of gold & is a great person overall…. he just lacks direction and motivation. Thank you so much!

    Kristi E.

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    Comment by Kristi | February 22, 2021

  288. Hi, LoveAndHealth. We’ll be happy to ask The Council your question about natural remedies for your father’s kidney condition when we have time and we’ll post an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s ready. Thanks for your question. Our prayers are with you and your father. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | February 12, 2021

  289. Dear Bob Cynthia and Council,

    I want to seek guidance regarding my dad. He has recently been diagnosed with a kidney condition. We found out that he has one kidney since birth similar to my aunt in the family.

    We also found out that we cant do anything for this condition from medical perspective. I want to request council’s guidance for my dad’s better health. Please let me know if there are any natural remedies/medicines/yoga/meditation that can be helpful for his health condition.

    Thank you!

    Loads of love!

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by LoveAndHealth | February 11, 2021

  290. Thank you Bob and Cynthia

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    Comment by She's a Maineiac | February 9, 2021

  291. Hi, Loving Star. Thank you for your kind words of appreciation. As soon as we have time we’ll ask The Council about your relationship with this man you work with and we’ll post an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s ready. Thank you for these questions. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | February 8, 2021

  292. Hi Bob and Cynthia, and hello to the Council!

    I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your answers. It helped me a lot!

    Now I would like to ask the Council if they could bring clarity to my situation. I was introduced to a man about 10 years ago, and from the first moment I feel a certain connection to him on a deeper level. Even though I feel his affection for me, I didn’t show mine because I was surprised by the connection itself. Why do I feel this connection? Did we share any past lives together? If so, what were our roles in those lives, and what happened between us?

    The reason I’m asking is that I started working in his law firm and I feel that my connection to him is much stronger than before. I feel like we were on a similar wave and I can’t explain why this is so, because I feel that this connection is mutual. Why did we meet in this life, and what did we agree on as spirits when we entered this life?

    I see that he is a person who cares about me and helps guide me in my career. Is that why we met? What other gifts can we pass on to each other? Is there anything important I should know about us, for example, whether we have agreed that a romantic relationship will develop between us?

    Thank you so much for any insights… Love & light

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    Comment by Loving Star | February 8, 2021

  293. Hi, Darla. Our condolences over you’re mother’s recent passing. Our thoughts are with you at this difficult time. We’ll be happy to ask The Council for the guidance you requested as soon as we can and we’ll post an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s ready. Thanks for your question. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | February 8, 2021

  294. Hi Bob and Cynthia,

    My mother recently passed from Alzheimer’s Disease. I cared for her at home up until her last two weeks at an assisted living facility. While the disease left her unable to eat or drink, her memory was still intact and she was able to talk to me almost until the very end.

    While I know she’s at peace now, she suffered tremendously the last few months, often lying down on the floor crying in pain. I felt helpless to get her better and it was torture seeing her suffer. I still feel the heavy weight of guilt in my heart as I chose to honor her wishes to die without any artificial means of sustaining her life.

    Can the Council shed some light on her passing or her last days on earth? Does she forgive me for not being able to help her? Are our relationship issues resolved from past lives?
    Thanks for any insight you can provide me.

    Peace and blessing to you, Darla

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by She's a Maineiac | February 8, 2021

  295. It looks like you successfully signed up for email notifications when we post a new blog, Wai. Thank you so much for following.


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | February 5, 2021

  296. Trying to subscribe, but I’m having trouble. I hope this works!


    Comment by waimarama13 | February 4, 2021

  297. Hi I’m just signing up so i can receive email notifications! 💗


    Comment by waimarama13 | February 4, 2021

  298. Hello, Thank you Bob and Cynthia and to the Council for all the wise and kind words that you provide us through this blog. I’ve learned so much from the Council. I am looking for a new professional opportunity and am curious how I can bring this about. I have been saying an abundance mantra (that’s new for me- I’m trying to create my own reality, as you often suggest!) and staying positive and grateful- is that enough? I’m thinking about contacting an old colleague but not sure if that is appropriate (or desperate? They offered me a position last year that I didn’t take, partially out of fear, but I’m ready to take it now- is that opportunity long gone? Do I just need to let it go? Can I recreate it?). Thank you!

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Anonymous | January 28, 2021

  299. Concerning 2020-04-01 Challenger – Coronavirus follow-up questions, why does The Council say, “Everyone here is so brave to be on this planet now going through this virus.”? If reality is the soul is eternal and the body finite, who is being brave? Emmanuel’s Book states we should see the physical body like a space suit. A chosen vehicle necessary to experience the physical. I like the example of disposable work gloves as that is more often the reality of our conscious experience.

    Like the chicken (eternal soul) and the pig’s (conscious body) commitment to breakfast, who is really being brave? The chicken has no fear in this process as it is the pig who suffers, bleeds, and dies in the end. Why is there so little conversation about the rights of pig to not be abused, tortured, and returned to the dust bin as the acceptable planned outcome? It is because, our physical bodies have no rights or advocates to defend against so-called higher-level planning by souls who have no fear of experiencing or dying because in the end, they get to go remotely and safely analyze and play with their Soul Groups while they figure it out. We will just whip up another body for you to abuse again next time you want to play – brave soul.

    Does the physical incarnation have no rights when faced with spiritual plans that hurt, harm, and destroy their existence? If not, we (those living in the conscious physical world) are in fact nothing more than disposable work gloves for those who never pay the ultimate price.

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by scobled | January 24, 2021

  300. In reviewing previous Covid-19 posts by The Council, I find the following comment revealing.

    “2020-09-06 Kristi – Questions about COVID-19 – “Bob asked The Council if they could say what country was involved in the slip-up. The Council says if we went into this it would create more chaos right now. What will be helpful is after there’s discussion and more information becomes available, we can let you know if this information is true.”

    I find it interesting that The Council chooses to serve as an inhibitor to revealing the known truth instead of a facilitator. How convenient to be able to sit on the sidelines and not take a position in advance that would be later validated or invalidated by emerging information. It appears The Council is part of the cover-up, not separate from it.


    Comment by Derek | January 24, 2021

  301. Hi, LearningToDiscern. Interesting questions. We’ll ask The Council when we have time and we’ll post an audio recording of our session when it’s ready. Thanks for asking. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | January 23, 2021

  302. Dear Bob, Cynthia, and Council guides

    Recently I have started learning about the Illuminati movement, the dark side of government, and CIA professionals from internet resources. I have also been reading about Mind control and Surveillance that we as a society are living under. I have seen proofs on the internet that establishes its connectivity to newly changed government.

    I read a lot of metaphysics books. The move towards transhumanism is I think the movement which will take us further from spirituality. Among all the things I have been reading – what disturbed me most was the use of children these evil forces use in their rituals. I want to ask the council if all this information is true. If so, How to live our life as an individual(and with kids) to be protected from all this and how to go closer to spirituality in this kind of atmosphere.

    Thanks so much!


    Comment by LearningToDiscern | January 23, 2021

  303. Thank you so much for your appreciation, SeekingGuidance. We’ll ask The Council your questions about your son when we have time and we’ll post an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s ready. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | January 17, 2021

  304. Hello Guys,

    Thanks so much for your wonderful life changing advises you have been giving on this platform. For me personally – those have been pretty helpful in the past.

    I have question about my kid. My son is 7 years old. He is amazingly wise and kind for his age. He asks questions at times which are so profound. I am very sure that he is sort of like an old soul who has come here to share the wisdom he has with the rest of the world.

    My question is that – Is he a starseed? I think he might be from my intuition. I have been told in the past I am Starseed and I have origins in Sirius. My question is that if my son is starseed? If so, what are his gifts and how can I help him enhance those? I think he has immense potential – I want to make sure I nurture his talents and support him in his mission/life goals. Please share any suggestions which will help me as a parent.


    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by SeekingGuidance | January 10, 2021

  305. Hi- thank you Bob and Cynthia and the Council for all the wonderful advice you provide! Here is my question- is loud, rock ‘n roll music ‘bad’? Bad for our souls, bad for kids? I’m serious. We don’t listen to much pop music in our house but my partner will let our kids listen to ‘hard’ rock. The lyrics are fine, even poetic, but I have a hard time believing it’s good for them- physiologically or spiritually. It’s loud and aggressive. The kids love it. Am I over reacting? What type of music does the council enjoy?

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Anonymous | December 28, 2020

  306. Hi, Christiana. We’ll be happy to ask The Council your question about what’s the appropriate path for you and we’ll past an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s ready. Thanks for your question. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | December 11, 2020

  307. Dear Cynthia and Bob,

    I am writing this because I need some guidance when it comes to the path I should pursue in this life. I have lots of skills and interests and therefore, many options (or so I think). I am also very scattered-brained and I feel my life is very fragmented, in a kaleidoscopic kind of way. My question is about which direction should I channel my energy and focus into. For a long time I have been dreaming about getting in touch with my artistic side but it is not the only calling I get. I feel a pull towards many activities. I wonder if artistic expression is something I should take seriously or if it is just a past time hobby. Is there some work from my past-lives that I am supposed to pursue, or something that I need to know from my past lives to help me understand my current one better? Thank you very much in advance. I know I’ve asked more than one question, but I would appreciate any answer given. Thank you for the help.

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Cristiana | December 11, 2020

  308. Hello Council and Bob/Cynthia, You guys are amazing team of angels doing such helpful work. I have been a admirer since a long time now. I have a question about my current professional life situation. Since last few months, I am loosing my motivation of working in my current job. I am very much interested to start my own private small investment firm and move to path of being investment banker. This field is very different from my present job of being a Software engineer but I feel strong calling to do this. I have had some good successes with my investments recently and that has given me more confidence to pursue this professionally. Also at this time in my life I think I would be happy being an entrepreneur, I have a gut feeling telling me its right thing for me to do.

    Can the council please guide me if taking this leap of faith of changing the profession entirely would help me finding my passion and would be a good move to make at this time/within a year? It doesnt make sense a lot from salary perspective since I am earning a good amount now but I am strongly feeling a calling do move to this profession. This is very exciting for me and I am enjoying it a lot.

    I would wait for council’s response on this since it would give me much needed blessing and confidence to go ahead and do it.

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by LightAndLove | December 9, 2020

  309. How exciting. Thank you!

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Eleanor | December 9, 2020

  310. Hello Cynthia and Bob
    I hope I am
    Not leaving a question in the wrong place but after reading this lady’s comment It prompted me to ask my own questions
    I have been working on myself and past and recent trauma and am open to a relationship now since the sudden death of my partner and childrens father 7 years ago
    However currently 2 Men are in my life as friends only . Both have major issues themselves and I have a tendency to rescue others
    Do I cut my losses and move on or is the connection I feel with them both a reason to stay and see what develops
    Like I said it’s purely friendship with both at the moment
    Thank you and hope I didn’t hate crash here
    I asked the council a message about 5 years ago now it was most helpful
    Thank you
    K xxx

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Kali | December 8, 2020

  311. We’re glad you found our blog, Eleanor. Hang in there. We’ll be happy to ask The Council your question when we have time and we’ll post an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s ready.


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | December 8, 2020

  312. Dear Cynthia, Bob, and The Council

    I hope this finds you well.

    I came across your site only yesterday while looking for information on soul contracts, and think the work you do here is amazing! So, I too, would like to ask The Council a question, if I may:

    I grew up in a severely abusive home, and began the long process of recovery as soon as I left. It’s been a journey of estrangement, homelessness, fragile mental health, and difficulty finding work, but I have come a very long way. Naturally, this journey’s included steep learning curves in relationships, and despite 26-years of ‘failed’ relationships, my heart that has always told me I actually have a soul-contracted life-partner/husband. Three 1/2 years ago, my then-partner abandoned me when I had cancer, & I vowed that I would work on myself so hard that my next relationship would be with that soul-contracted life-partner/husband.

    This summer a friend of a friend stepped forward. To my surprise, our lives mirrored, we had an awful lot in common, and the union was surrounded in synchronicity. Sadly, this person has (at least with me) a pattern of leaving and coming back, which takes an immense toll on me. We are currently separated and I am taking stock.

    So my question is this: I would like to know if this is my soul-contracted life-partner/husband, and if so, what I need to do or learn to handle the connection? If not, I would like to release this person and know what I need to do, change, or understand in order to bring my future life-partner/husband into my life, and also at what point in my life I can expect this person to appear?

    All the very best,

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Eleanor | December 8, 2020

  313. Thank you so much~

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Special K | December 1, 2020

  314. Hi, Special K. We’ll be happy to ask The Council your questions about your boyfriend who’s passed when we have time and we’ll post an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s ready. Thanks for your question. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | November 29, 2020

  315. I would like to ask the Council a question. My boyfriend passed away—we were on-again-off-again for the past 20 years (more on than off, thankfully during the last 5 years!). I began seeing signs of him around me almost immediately, feeling his touch on my feet/legs when I meditate, etc. My questions are these: Does he approve of our transdimensional relationship (or is it all my imagination), will we be reunited in the afterlife and exist eternally alongside each other even though near the very end several months before he passed we were separated? I love him, I want to spend my afterlife with him—and I pray he feels the same and wishes to continue our love as a couple now…inside my heart it feels like he does–but doubt can sometimes creep in.

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Special K | November 27, 2020

  316. Hello,

    I have a question about my mother’s health if the council can please help me with that. Recently my Aunt passed away unexpectedly, who was younger than my mom, and that has triggered a lot of concern in my mind regarding my health and my time with her.

    I live away from my home country and can only visit once a year or once every two years to my parents. I have been crying a lot ever since my aunt passed away worrying about my mother’s health. Since my job is better in this country, as per my current plan, I am planning to move back to my home country in next 5 years(by 2025). I want to make sure I spend some quality time with my parents and I am around when they need me.

    Being the only child, I am very much attached to my mother. I cant even stand the thought of her passing away, I have been feeling depressed and have spent many sleepless nights recently.

    Can the council please guide me if the plan to move to my home country in 5 years is okay and I would still have some years I will able to spend with my mom and my dad ? Even though, I know its up to an individual to create their life and their passing, any guidance regarding this will be appreciated. Also I wanted to check if there is any way I can increase my parents’ life by visualization and positive thoughts ? If I keep thinking positive thoughts, visualizations techniques – will that help to increase my parents life span and their health ?

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by LoveMyParents | November 16, 2020

  317. Hi, LovePeace. We’ll be happy to ask The Council your questions about your husband’s health as soon as we have time and we’ll post an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s ready. Thanks for asking. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | October 22, 2020

  318. Hi, Kenneth. We’ll be happy to ask The Council your question about “announcing dreams” and we’ll post an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s ready. Thanks for asking. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | October 22, 2020

  319. Hello Bob, Cynthia and the Council,

    I have a question about My husband’s health. He is having very high triglycerides and given the history of the heart attacks in his family – I am very much worried about him.

    Other than the medicines and the diet that the doctor is suggesting – can the council please guide if he can do any meditation to help him with his condition ? Also, since physical pains and ailments are associated with spiritual aspects – I wanted to check the reason of developing this and the issues his higher self is trying to address with this disease.

    Thanks so much!

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by LovePeace | October 19, 2020

  320. I would like to know what the purpose is of ‘Announcing Dreams’ in which a soul presents itself to living person, often declaring its intent to be reborn to them or even just engaging in random parent/child activities.

    Why do some souls in these situations choose to appear as children while others appear as an elderly prior incarnation? Why do some individuals have these dreams while they are still young themselves? And can souls who engage in this sort of communication declare their desire to individuals who they have had no prior incarnations with?

    Lastly, do I have any lifetimes where I as a spirit thought it was necessary or desirable engage in this type of action with a potential mother or father?

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Kenneth | October 19, 2020

  321. Hi, Mazy. Your question makes lots of sense. We’ll be happy to ask The Council about your not having experienced your spirit guides and the spirit of your deceased mother when we have time and we’ll post an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s ready. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | October 15, 2020

  322. Hi, Denisa. We’ll be happy to ask The Council what career path is right for you when we have time and we’ll post an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s ready. Thanks for your question. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | October 15, 2020

  323. Hi Bob and Cynthia,

    Thank you for all that you do to help others! I have a question if it’s ok? For quite some time now, I’ve not felt my guides or deceased mother around me. I have asked for them out loud and quietly in my mind. In the past, I was experiencing detailed lucid dreams with important symbolism and also experiencing astral projection/travel where I’ve met with a few guides and my deceased mother briefly. The dreams and astral projections/travels decreased in frequency and now I haven’t experienced either in about a year. I’ve found myself having doubts and wondering why they aren’t with me? I hope this all makes sense.

    Thank you again for all you do,

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Mazy | October 14, 2020

  324. Hello Bob and Cynthia,

    I would like to ask you, if the Council could guide me in my career. After moving abroad for my partner I had a great difficulty finding a good job. Ultimately I found a job and was able to gain a foothold in a new country, for which I am very grateful. However, I’m at the point where I want to move forward in my career and my life, but I’m feeling stuck, unsure and overwhelmed. I would love to know, what career path is actually right for my next step in life in Switzerland?

    In my home country I worked mostly as an accountant but now I would like to start working in human resources. Is the career in human resources the right direction for me now or is there another career path ready for me now? I would like to know if there is any special message or guidance for me regarding my career growth and if the Council see me in a new job later this year? Thank you so much. Many blessings. Denisa

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Denisa | October 14, 2020

  325. Hi, Keith. We’ll be happy to ask The Council your question about the Holy Spirit when we have time and we’ll post an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s ready. Thanks for your question. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | October 9, 2020

  326. Who or What is the Holy Spirit? When I was born again 20 years ago, I experienced miracles every day for about two weeks, and felt a buzz that my new Christian friends said meant that I was filled with the Holy Spirit. Lately I’ve gotten away from religion and am on a more direct spiritual path. And even though God and Christ come up in my readings and discussions, I’ve yet to find mention of the Holy Spirit.

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Keith Ruenheck | October 8, 2020

  327. Hi, MindfulLoving. We’ll ask The Council your questions about your job and entrepreneurship when we have time and we’ll post an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s ready. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | October 3, 2020

  328. Dear Bob/Cynthia,

    I want to ask for guidance regarding my job. I have started doing job about 5 years back to be independent and it has helped me a lot so far. However – due to this current COVID crisis, I have started having anxiety issues a lot due to job stress. I also feel restless and cant sleep at nights due to stress and anxiety – I am worried I will start having panic attacks if the situation continues. I have a young kid and I think I am unable to manage everything at present time. To cope with the stress – I have started reading books about meditation and mindfulness.

    I also read a lot about stocks trading and entrepreneurship. I do want to be financially independent and I have some savings but not a whole lot. Can the council please guide me if leaving my current job would be advisable for me ? It is a very difficult decision for me as I am on work visa and I think it would be difficult for me to get into another job if I leave my job and lose my visa status. Also – on the same note, can the council please guide me if the path of entrepreneurship is for me and I would succeed in that ? If so – what field should I choose to be in and when should I make that switch ?

    Thanks so much for showing light with a lot of love!

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by mindfulloving | September 27, 2020

  329. Hi, Denisa. We’ll be happy to answer your question about your life purpose when we have time and we’ll post an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s ready. Keep meditating. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | September 26, 2020

  330. Hi, Denisa. We’ll be happy to ask The Council your question about what may be holding you back from finding the employment you desire as soon as we have time and we’ll post an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s ready. Thanks for your question. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | September 26, 2020

  331. Dear Cynthia and Bob,
    I would like to ask you, if the Council would give me clarity about my life purpose in this lifetime. As a child, I went through emotional and physical abuse by my father and my step-mothers, which led me to search for the meaning of my life and my life purpose. This searching led me to spirituality and to angels, from whom I learned that my life purpose is to help people on their journey and show them the way. I am not entirely sure what this means. I would love, if the Council could provide more clarity, guidance, insight into this subject. I have also recently begun to meditate with my intention of connecting to my spiritual guides and allowing them to speak to me and through me. Am I on the right track? Is there anything that would help me be more open? Thank you so much, many blessings..

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Denisa | September 26, 2020

  332. Dear Bob and Cynthia,

    Can the Council provide a spiritual perspective on my struggle with finding good jobs? I don’t understand why I always have such great problems with it and why I’m especially afraid of interviews. I feel like an internal resistance to it and I don’t understand it at all.

    A few years ago, I moved to Switzerland to start living with my soul mate and create a life and family together. However, in order to have a nice life and create a family, I have to find a good job. Are any of my past lives holding me back? Are there any spiritual/life lessons I should learn from this?

    I appreciate any further guidance/insights on my journey. Thank you so much.

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Denisa | September 25, 2020

  333. Hi, Looking For Guidance. We’ll be happy to ask The Council your follow-up questions about your past life in Egypt when we have time and we’ll post an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s ready. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | September 20, 2020

  334. Hello Cynthia, Bob and the Council,

    Firstly – I would like to thank you guys for amazing work that you are doing. I have a follow up question about guidance I have received from council earlier about a past life in Egypt. It seems that I have gone through a initiation process in sarcophagus that has gone wrong in that life time and has created a lot of fear in my soul. I wanted to know if that was part of my pre-birth planning for that life time. As I am understanding a bit about pre-birth planning, I am learning that nothing happens by accident and whatever happens is always planned by spirit. I want to check why was this planned for my egypt life – if I was not ready to work with that amount energy, why was it planned that I will go through initiation process during that time – knowing it can cause damage in my soul and that would be very hard to repair.

    Does the council think that I will be able to get rid of all the fear in this lifetime and will move forward with the energy work I planned to do in that life time ? I feel stuck at times and even though I understand the fears are from past life time – its seems its very hard to get rid of those imprints and behavior patterns. I think the energy level in my body is rising and I do have glimpses of vision and audio sensations/dreams that is hard to understand at times and I believe once I can get rid of my fear – I can move forward with my spiritual progress and ascension – can the council please guide me regarding when this will happen and how do help with this ascension ? Please let me know how can I help my soul to ascend and move forward by erasing past karma. I would also like to know if there are any negative forces that I need to be protect my self from.

    Thank you!

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Looking for guidance | September 20, 2020

  335. Hi, Will. We’ll be happy to ask The Council your questions about locations for reincarnation when we have time and we’ll post an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s ready. Thanks for your question. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | August 31, 2020

  336. I have heard that many souls have an affinity for certain locations on earth that they keep coming back to in numerous incarnations. I would like to ask what general areas (such as countries and continents) that my soul likes to incarnate in? Also are there specific locales and cities in particular that I like? Lastly are there time periods that I like more than others?

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Will Nyl | August 31, 2020

  337. Hi, Anonymous. We’ll be happy to ask The Council your questions about your brother when we have time and we’ll post an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s ready. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | August 23, 2020

  338. Hello,
    I have never had a close relationship with one of my brothers- usually I tolerate him and try not to create drama. Last spring he crossed some lines while we were at a family gathering- disrespectful toward our dad, aggressive toward me, hurtful toward my kids. He never apologized. I haven’t spoken to him since. But nor have I spoken ill of him. I’ve tried hard to just quietly avoid him. I’ve said very little to my parents or other siblings, even my husband. So- I know he needs compassion. Can I give it to him from afar? It feels so good to be free of that toxic relationship! He could be so cruel and now I don’t have to pretend to be ok with all of that.
    Can I forgive him without having him in my life? I’m not stewing in anger but I don’t want to be around him. Do we have unfinished business? I worry that I will get stuck married to him in my next life. What do I need to do to finish this?

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Anonymous | August 21, 2020

  339. Hi, Looking For Advice. We’ll be happy to ask The Council your questions about your aunt’s depression when we have time and we’ll post an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s ready. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | August 19, 2020

  340. Thankyou! Looking forward to receiving the messages xx

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by curiouspisces | August 19, 2020

  341. Hello,

    I have a question about my aunt if the council can please share some insights on this – from last few years, she slipped in a sort of depression. She was very happy, lively woman before but ever since the depression happened – she lost essence of her self.

    My aunt’s family has tried all the doctors and tried praying to different gods but things are not going even close to her previous behavior. She has even gone to thyroid surgeries to make it little better but nothing seems to be helping. We think – she has gone through a lot of struggles in the past related to kids and family and all the emotions are bubbled up and causing this depression.

    My question for the council is to first understand the reason behind this depression and if there is anything we can do externally to help her aid in this and come out of this if its possible. At present, due to my aunt’s current mental situation – the family seems to be falling apart and there doesnt seem to be light at the end of the tunnel.

    Any guidance will be appreciated, Thank you so much!

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Looking for advise | August 19, 2020

  342. Hi, Chris. Congratulations on overcoming most of your addictive behaviors. We’ll be happy to ask The Council your question about your bulimia when we have time and we’ll post an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s ready. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | August 17, 2020

  343. Throughout my life, I have engaged in and overcome a number of OCD and addictive behaviors, including alcoholism. However, after 34 years (I’m now 46), I still suffer from bulimia. I have been in 4 in-patient centers and worked with several therapists and counselors and cannot figure out how to move beyond this (intellectually I understand, but to put new behaviors into practice seems more than what I am willing or capable of doing). I understand all about eating disorders, have significant conscious self-awareness, have worked with an energy healer and I’m just at a loss. Any insight/ideas/guidance would be helpful.

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Chris | August 17, 2020

  344. Hi, Laura. We’ll be happy to ask The Council about your relationship with Eric when we have time and we’ll post an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s ready. Thanks for your question. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | August 14, 2020

  345. Hello, I would like to all the council about a man I met a year ago named Eric. We have a special connection, but have both been going through very difficult times in our lives since we met. I believe one or both of us has been going through a dark night of the soul. Because of this, we see and talk to each other only occasionally. Why were we brought into each other’s lives, and will we be together someday?

    Thank you for any insight you can provide.

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Laura | August 14, 2020

  346. Hi, Feeling Empty. Have faith. We’ll be happy to ask The Council about your friend who’s recently departed when we have time and we’ll post an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s ready. Keep your eyes peeled for a sign and we’re pretty sure you’ll receive it. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | August 12, 2020

  347. Dear Cynthia, bob and the council,
    Last week I lost my beautiful friend to suicide. I am in complete disbelief and can’t accept he is physically not here. My mind can’t accept it because where I live we are in lock down , and can’t attend a funeral, which makes it real and believable. I am waiting for a sign to confirm this tragedy. Will he be there waiting for me when it is my turn and is he ok now? Was this in his contract? Does he know how much I care? I’m looking forward to your response because although I have been spiritual and believed in the after life my whole life, I am beginning to lose faith in all my beliefs. With love, feeling empty.

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    Comment by Feeling empty | August 11, 2020

  348. Hi, Mel. We’ll be happy to ask The Council your questions about your daughter’s confidence, weight loss, and any relationship to past lives when we have time and we’ll post an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s ready. Thanks for your question. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | August 10, 2020

  349. Hello. What is the best way to help my daughter feel more confident and boost her self esteem? I wonder if her past lives have prevented her from seeing the wonderful, smart amazing young woman she is. Maybe the interactions the two of us had in our past lives have prevented her in some way from feeling this confidence in this life. What about weight loss? Is being over weight a result of past lives? If so, how do we overcome this.

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Mel | August 10, 2020

  350. Hi, Irena. We’ll be happy to ask The Council your question about your husband when we have time and we’ll post an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s ready. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | August 1, 2020

  351. Hello. I just became aware that I am pregnant and in the meantime my ex husband divorced me. He said he does not want anything to do with the child or with me. I was completely blindsided by the divorce as I had no idea our marriage had issues. I would like to know if he regrets his decision to leave and if will come back to us. I still do love him but feel hurt for leaving the way he did.

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Irena | July 30, 2020

  352. Hi, JD. We’ll be happy to ask The Council your questions about your problems when we have time and we’ll post an audio recording of their response when it’s ready. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | July 27, 2020

  353. Hi, Looking For Advice. We’ll be happy to ask The Council your question how moving to India might affect your son’s education when we have time and we’ll post an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s ready. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | July 27, 2020

  354. I would like some help making sense of the problems in my life and how to move forward. I have (or display numerous symptoms of) inattentive ADHD, maladaptive daydreaming, and high social anxiety. I have always been a lot weaker than the vast majority of males and the right half of my body is noticeably weaker. When I was young I developed double vision, and in my mid teens I developed incontinence (possibly due to consuming significant liquid one day and something in my urinary system just kind of broke, I’ve never found an explanation for this online, but my urethra feels damaged since). In my early twenties I developed a persistent stye on my right eye and then a ringing in my right ear, and can’t really hear out of it and for this I can’t find explanation for either. I think sitting on the computer and using a mouse tired my right hand and arm out and the pain went all the way into my ear. Once again it feels like something inside me just broke. This is all especially concerning because I am not even 30 yet.

    My questions are 1. What exactly is the source of all this and is there is anything I can do about it? and 2) I have a family member who will be retiring soon and I only make around the minimum for where I live and would like to make around the average ($50 000) to compensate. However the above problems have resulted in me having little experience, skills, connections or education. I would like some advice on what I can do to achieve this. I think I might have to find an alternative to typical 9-5 jobs such as working from home due to my numerous problems but I have no idea what.

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by JD | July 26, 2020

  355. Thank you for the amazing work you guys have been doing – Bob, Cynthia and the council. I have asked for advises on the blog and those have been life changing for me – so I am deeply thankful for that.

    I have a question about the move that we are thinking of making – from USA to India in few years. I want to know how will be that move for my child who is 7 years old at the moment. Education system and life style in India is much different in India compared to USA – while I know I will be easily able to adjust in that atmosphere but my main concern point is my kid’s education and his future. Can the council please guide me if this move to India will be good move for him and his education or is it better to stay in USA for his education. Also – if we move back, if he plans to come later in USA for studies and for career, he would be able to adjust here without family.

    This will be a very crucial advise for our family as we are very concerned about his education and life in India and whether or not we should make this move considering him. He is very creative by nature and along with that he is also very good at Math and science. I feel at times that USA will be better for appreciating the creative talents he has of storytelling and coming up with new ideas.

    Please guide us and advise us on this from your wisdom.

    Thank you very much.

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Looking for advise | July 26, 2020

  356. Hi, CuriousPisces. We’ll be happy to ask The Council you question about possible shared past lives with your friend when we have time and we’ll post an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s ready. Thanks for asking. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | July 16, 2020

  357. Dear Cynthia, bob and the council,
    I would love to know if a friend and I have had any significant past lives together and what what were our roles, and how does it impact this current life?
    He asks me why someone like me has come into their life because he feels closer to me than others and feels feels there’s a spiritual connection.
    Thankyou for helping so many people and guiding them with answers.
    Love and light xxx

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Curiouspisces | July 11, 2020

  358. Hi, Ashley. We’ll be happy to ask The Council your questions about whether you have any unfinished business with this man as soon as we have time and we’ll post an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s ready. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | July 4, 2020

  359. Hi,
    For the last year or so I have been plagued with deep sentimental and nostalgic feelings for someone that I haven’t communicated with for about 7 years. I think it all started with him coming to me in a dream, out of nowhere. Since then I have carried our memories, probably too close, just burning this fire and having dreams often about him. I feel like he visits me, but then I think this is just wishful thinking, which I’m sure it is because he has moved on with life. To his knowledge, I have too and he is unaware of these feelings that I still hold onto.

    I want to let this go, as I am in a relationship myself, but I feel things have become clear to me over the last year, how much I have held onto him suppressing the continued feelings. It hit me one day that the person I am with now reminds me of him and for a long time I never connected that. I was with this guy the night his sister died 10 years ago. We were neighbors and best friends growing up, our moms were close. I miss this guy so much, but I also told him my feelings after we finally had a fling, 10 years ago, and he shut it down. I just realized one day how much he impacted my life and also how much my life continues to be impacted because he isn’t in it.

    I always have wondered if there were romantic feelings that he suppressed. He broke my heart and I still haven’t healed 10 years later, and we don’t speak. What should I do? Part of me says that we had a would contract and there is unfinished business, and the pessimistic side says I’m delusional. I feel like I’m not in a position to put myself out there to gain back anything, even friendship, as it would hurt too much to be turned down and I’m terrified of how he views me and I wish I knew. Will he come back in my life? Did we have a contract? Thank you so much for your time.


    Comment by Ashley | July 2, 2020

  360. Hi, Alethea. We’ll be glad to answer your question about what you should be doing, and where you should be doing it as soon as we have time and we’ll post an audio recording of The Council’s response as soon as it’s ready. Thanks for your question. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | July 2, 2020

  361. Hoping you can help me. I am looking for guidance on what I should be doing and where, because I never feel at peace, like I’m in the right place, or a sense of belonging. I feel homesick at home. I feel like there are important things I should be doing and I’m just going through the motions instead.

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    Comment by Alethea | July 1, 2020

  362. Thanks for the clarification, Brock.


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | June 23, 2020

  363. Hi, Jolanda. Sounds like a problem all right. We’ll be happy to ask The Council about it when we have time and we’ll post an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s ready. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | June 23, 2020

  364. Hi again Cynthia and Bob! The council is been really helpful in answering two of my questions in the past, so I’m hoping you can help with my latest dilemma 🙂

    My first ever question was about my relationship with an abuser. Going on your advice and the advice of others, including professionals, I ended the relationship 3 years ago and have been so much happier! Thank you!!

    After 2.5 years on my own and doing a lot of self development work, I was blessed to find an amazing new partner and we’ve been together for 10 months now. My question relates to him as I’m experiencing something very unusual with him. I’ve never had this problem before with another man.

    Ever since the first time we slept in the same bed together, I haven’t been able to sleep when we’re together. On my own, my sleep is great, no problems at all. But with him, my body feels like electricity is pumping through me and, no matter how exhausted I am, or how late it is, I can’t fall asleep or stay asleep. I’ve tried my herbal sleep formula which normally works on the odd occasion that I can’t sleep on my own. But when I’m with him, I can take 3 or more doses and still be wide awake. Eventually I usually fall asleep in the very early morning, close to dawn. There have only been 4 occasions with him when I’ve had a proper sleep in 10 months. 3 of those occasions we were sleeping outdoors (camping, or sleeping on the car at the beach with the doors open). I’ve tried many rituals to cleanse myself and him before bed: sage, visualisation, prayer, protection, deep breathing, and having showers just before bed. These sometimes help a little, but usually not a lot. I also must say that we’re normally making love before bed on most occasions (we don’t live together, so make the most of it when we do see each other!).

    I used to be worried that it was a sign that he wasn’t right for me, but he is such a beautiful loving and kind man and we truly feel like soul mates/twin flames… I feel that we’re a match made in heaven! We often having psychic experiences together (eg. thinking/saying the same thing at the same time), so we’re very tuned into each other’s energy.

    I wonder if it’s a psychic connection, or something to do with our energy bodies which causes the problem. I also wonder if it’s some kind of message that I’m not receiving (I recently had an ancestor who seemed to interrupt my sleep every night for a week until i worked out the message she was trying to give me psychically).

    My new man sleeps perfectly fine and soundly when we’re together, so it’s just me that has this problem and it’s become a huge issue for me and makes me question how our future will look if i can’t resolve it. I hope The Council can help me understand what is happening and give me some solutions to fix this problem? Thank you so much again, many blessings, Jolanda

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    Comment by Jolanda | June 21, 2020

  365. Hi, Thomas. We’ll be happy to ask The Council your question about connecting to your inner guidance and we’ll post an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s ready, but we’re pretty sure you can do this with some practice. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | June 19, 2020

  366. This is awesome, I have just learned about this. Is it possible to meditate myself and discover my council for future life guidance and my past lives?

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Thomas Fleenor | June 18, 2020

  367. I was basically wondering if it was easy to get the souls we want to be with to participate in creating of the new experiences I mentioned in the first question. From what I heard, it is seems rather easy.

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    Comment by Brock Boe | June 18, 2020

  368. Hi, Brock. We’ll be happy to ask The Council your question about creating new lifetimes in the historical past as soon as we have time and we’ll post an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s ready. Regarding your second question, it’s a little unclear to us what you’re asking. We can try asking The Council, but if you can clarify your question for us in another post it would be appreciated. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | June 18, 2020

  369. Hi, Kaitlin. Thanks for shortening your questions. We’ll ask The Council as soon as we have time and we’ll post an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s ready. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | June 18, 2020

  370. Regarding reincarnation and non-linear time, I would like to have some clarification on the ways we can create new lifetimes that are set in what we consider to be the historical past when everything already exists in the now. Is it that when I create a life in the past, I am creating a new timeline where the would be parents had an additional child? Or perhaps am I creating a new timeline where they had different children and families (assuming all involved are willing to create that additional experience)?

    And this somewhat relates to the previous assumption, but do spirits tend to be willing to create these additional experiences for us when we all have our own desires? I am asking this because I’ve read some experiences about people who, in altered states such as lucid dreaming, managed to set up new lifetimes with great ease with very specific experiences at very specific times during these lives.

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Brock Boe | June 18, 2020

  371. My two questions are: 1) What is my higher self doing while I am currently focused in this life, because I am not aware of it while I am here.
    2) How do I communicate with my higher self and listen to my own guidance to know what I really want?

    Thank you so much again!

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Kaitlin | June 17, 2020

  372. Oh okay thank you so much! I’ll post a new comment on the most recent post and also think about doing a private session! Love and light!


    Comment by Kaitlin | June 17, 2020

  373. Hi, Kaitlin. Good to hear from you. Our blog is only for people with one or two questions. You have the option to have a private one-hour phone reading with The Council for $100. Otherwise please post a new comment with one or two questions and we’ll answer your questions as soon as we have time. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | June 17, 2020

  374. Hi The Council, Cynthia, and Bob! Hopefully it’s alright to ask more questions. If so, I have a second new set of questions!

    1) What is my higher self doing while I am currently focused in this life?
    – as a follow up to that, how does it work exactly? How is there a larger part of me in spirit (who I really am), while there is a small part focused here – yet I am not aware of this larger part and what it is doing? It frustrates me to not be able to remember!

    2) How do I communicate with my higher self and listen to my own guidance to know what my higher self really wants?

    3) Since I am eternal, how did it all start? Before matter there was only consciousness, but how did consciousness even start?? Where did conciseness come from?

    4) What does spirit and the light council do all “day”? How do you spend your “time”? Besides answering the questions whenever Bob and Cynthia communicate with you.

    I have more questions written down, but I’ll leave it at that for now! Aside from these questions and future ones, maybe on a different post I would love to know how your (Bob and Cynthia) journey started! How Cynthia started communicating with the light council and how this whole blog began! Was it a surprise? Did you always know you could channel? I know you were familiar with Abraham; did they inspire you to want to do something similar?

    Thank you so much, and I hope you are all doing well!

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    Comment by Kaitlin | June 16, 2020

  375. Hi, Amazed. Good questions. It seems The Council is able to know about most of us by tuning into their vibration. We’ll be happy to ask them your question as soon as we have time and we’ll post an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s ready. Thanks for your question. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | June 10, 2020

  376. Hi Bob and Cynthia,
    I have a question or two for the council. How do they know who is asking the question without knowing anything about us. Also i am curious to know exactly when and how does a spirit enter a humans body when it is in a mothers womb.

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    Comment by Amazed | June 10, 2020

  377. Hi, Peace Peace-Peace. We’ll be happy to answer your questions about your shortness of breath and it’s relationship to a spiritual perspective as soon as we have time and we’ll post an audio recording of The Council’s response on our blog. Thanks for your question. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | May 24, 2020

  378. Hello Bob, Cynthia and the Council,

    Thank you for your guidance and showing us light. I want to ask the council about my health. I have recently started having shortness of breath which seems to be related to lung issues. I have been having this problem before Corona Virus situation as well so it does not seem to be related to Covid situation only.

    Can the council please guide me with any particular meditation/medicines that can be helpful. I will also get doctor’s opinion and I am going to get the tests done as well but wanted to take guidance from the council as I deeply believe the physical ailments are often symptoms of inner work and issues that you need to work upon from spiritual perspective.

    Please guide me about what can I do to get better and what are the issues that I need to look into from spiritual perspective that can accelerate my healing. Also, please suggest if this condition is associated with any of my past lives that I need to heal.

    Thank you so much.

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by peace peace-peace | May 23, 2020

  379. Hi, Wendy. We’ll be happy to ask The Council your questions as soon as we have time and we’ll post an audio recording of their reply as soon as it’s ready. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | May 17, 2020

  380. Hi, Keith. We’re not sure the soul, higher self, or oversoul is unchanging throughout all incarnations, but we’ll be happy to ask The Council your question about spirits meeting in heaven as soon as we have time and we’ll post an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s ready. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | May 17, 2020

  381. I have a colleague (and friend?) who recently began excluding me from work projects I had expected to be a part of. Is she someone that I can still trust? Should I be looking for a new job? (tough times, I know) I received an offer recently but didn’t take it. I am having second thoughts.

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Anonymous | May 15, 2020

  382. Hello all,

    I have dealt with many of the same struggles for a number of years and am looking for some clarity. I have lived with debilitating anxiety along with a fear of illness and death, for as long as I can remember. I have made a great deal of progress on my path and yet, things linger. I have a host of physical symptoms that I deal with, almost daily. Because of my history with anxiety, I have difficult determining which of these symptoms are truly physical and how to heal them. It feels like my nervous system is shot. I get shaky, palpitations, headaches, nauseous, and exhausted. I often feel feverish and achy. I miss my vitality and excitement. I am in the process of bringing a long time vision to fruition and feel scared that I won’t be able to accomplish my goals because I always feel “off”. I am tired of feeling this way and wonder if I have signed up for a lifetime of feeling or being unwell. All tests come back normal but I do not feel “normal”. I would like to know how to heal these bodies and how to find confidence and persistence while taking on this next chapter. I would like to know how I can feel and be my best and what lessons are directly impacting the energies at hand. I am so close and so, so overwhelmed. Please send me messages of healing and guidance on how to do so. I so deeply appreciate the gifts and wisdom you as a team, provide.

    And so I thank you. 😉


    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Wendy | May 14, 2020

  383. Using Bob Olson’s terminology, where the spirit resides in our physical bodies, and crosses into the light upon ‘death’. And the soul is the higher self (aka over soul), unchanging throughout all incarnations, can one spirit meet another spirit in heaven? For instance, can Tom Petty (the musician) locate Jimmy Hendrix (the musician) and start jamming?

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Keith Ruenheck | May 11, 2020

  384. Hi, John. We’ll be happy to ask The Council your questions about soul groups when we have time and we’ll post an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s ready. Thanks for your question. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | April 25, 2020

  385. Hello, I would like to ask some questions related to soul groups. Are there any pros and cons to incarnating with individuals (close friends and family) outside one’s soul group? Do I have any lifetimes where my family consisted of people outside of my soul group that would be beneficial for me to know about? Is this action of incarnating with souls outside of ones own group typical for me? Because I’ve always thought having many lifetimes is a good way to interact and learn from many different individuals rather than being with the same individuals over and over again.

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    Comment by JohnT | April 25, 2020

  386. Hi, SoulSeekingNirvana. We’ll be happy to answer your questions for The Council on psychic protection when we have time and we’ll post an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s ready. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | April 16, 2020

  387. Interesting questions, Over The Wall. We’ll ask The Council as soon as we have time and we’ll post an audio recording of their reply as soon as it’s ready. Thanks for asking. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | April 15, 2020

  388. I have some questions about some of the things I’ve been reading on this blog. It seems that in spirit travel is instantaneous, but is it also possible to be in multiple locations at once? For example, could I take up residence in both the astral counterparts of both London and Paris at the same time?

    Another thing I would like to ask is our abilities in spirit about life selection. I hear stories about souls being shown many different options when planning a life (I am specifically referring to sets of parents and locations souls are offered), but would it also be possible simply to say ‘yes’ to all if we are multidimensional?

    Lastly, this relates to the previous question, but since there are different timelines playing out, do we select incarnating into different timelines at once as well? For example, would someone incarnating in 1945 select multiple timelines where the outcomes of World War 2 are different so they could experience multiple situations, or would they just pick one outcome to incarnate into?

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    Comment by Over The Wall | April 15, 2020

  389. Hello Bob, Cynthia, and the council,

    I have a question about my psychic protection. I have begun taking a lot of interest in spirituality and I feel I am going through a spiritual enlightenment process.

    I have a question about if there is any negative energy around me at times – I am asking this due to two experiences I have had. When I am doing a lot of reading about spirituality – I feel like my energy is expanding. I have also begun to hear and feel a presence. Mostly it’s positive but at times I get worried when it happens at night. Twice it happened that I got random calls exactly at 3:33 and as a believer of synchronicity – that got me worried. I rely on my feelings and it didn’t feel a very peaceful presence around night time.

    I understand that fear is holding me back in some capacity in my spiritual journey. Can the council please let me know if there is any negative energy around me in any form? If so, how do I protect my self and my family psychically? I want to feel peace and love when I am doing my research or meditation.


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    Comment by SoulSeekingNirvana | April 14, 2020

  390. Hi, Mr Wheeler. We’ll be happy to answerer your interesting questions about other lifetimes as soon as we have time and we’ll post an audio recording of their reply as soon as it’s ready. Thanks for asking. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | March 22, 2020

  391. I would like to ask some questions about lifetimes and other ways we as spirits gain experiences. Since we are all connected, I’ve heard that spirits can gain experiences from the lifetimes of other souls by “downloading” or “imprinting” their lifetimes on to their own soul. Is this something that requires permission from the soul lending the experiences (as it sounds intrusive)?

    I would also like to have some confirmations about impressions I’ve been having about my own lifetimes. I feel like I have a lifetime that takes place in the earlier part of the 20th century perhaps in America. I also feel that I have a life (or multiple lives) around what is called Scandinavia that takes place roughly around the latter two-thirds of this century. Are these impressions accurate and could I get a few details on these lives if so?

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Mr Wheeler | March 22, 2020

  392. Hi, Wonder. When we have time we’ll ask The Council your questions about souls and will post an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s ready. Thanks for your questions. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | March 14, 2020

  393. Hi Bob and Cynthia
    I have a few questions about souls. What happens when a soul learns all the lessons that are there to learn. Do they have to repeat any lessons even if they have learned it. Do souls ever quarrel over anything in the spirit world or are they always about showing love, no matter what.

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    Comment by Wonder | March 14, 2020

  394. Hi, Jay. When we have time we’ll ask The Council about your tinnitus and we’ll post an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s ready. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | March 3, 2020

  395. Hello Council!

    I am struggling with a problem that I have been unable to solve myself: I have bouts of very debilitating tinnitus. I am a person who can appreciate silence, but there is no silence in my experience now, just very high pitch tones, like feedback. When I have these episodes, it is so distracting that I literally feel unable to use my brain. How can I address this problem? It’s really wearing me out emotionally, leaving me feeling hopeless.

    I thank you so much for considering my question.

    Yours In The Light,


    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Jay | March 1, 2020

  396. Hi, Rob. Interesting question. We’ll ask The Council as soon as we have time and we’ll post an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s available. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | February 23, 2020

  397. I have a question that I have heard different responses to in regards to our other selves’ experiences upon transitioning to spirit. For example, suppose when a person is young their parents have the option of moving to at least two different places, and as a result there is a branching off where multiple selves are created. These selves end up with different friends, occupations and so forth. With noticeably different experiences, could these selves upon transition experience different life reviews, be greeted by different people and create different afterlife conditions for themselves based on their individual desires and experiences or do all the individual selves merge together? Or is it that each self creates its own afterlife and then after merges with the greater part of them later?

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Rob | February 23, 2020

  398. Hi, AustinMat. We’ll be happy to ask The Council about your dreams when we have time and we’ll post an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s ready. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | February 7, 2020

  399. Hi, I have some questions about snippets of dreams I’ve had over the years, and I would love to have some insight into their significance. Many of these dreams take place at what look like educational facilities, mostly mundane although at least one occasion I think I saw a prestigious flight of spiral stairs in a grand place.

    I don’t remember much of what takes places during these dreams except briefly seeing people I have known or perhaps wanted to get to know. In the most recent one I can remember, I appeared to be a student back at an elementary school where I believe I saw a person I will call LH, who I don’t know very well. Why did I see her there?

    And while I do think about my time in school every now and then, and even furthering my education occasionally, I want to ask if these dreams have any other significance that I don’t realize?

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    Comment by AustinMat | February 6, 2020

  400. Hi N. We’d be glad to ask The Council your question about why you’re having difficulty attracting the kind of partner you desire as soon as we have time and we’ll post an audio recording or their reply on this site as soon as it’s ready. From our experience it’s not a numbers game. If you’re looking for one man, you can find him in a small town as easily as a big city if your intentions are there. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia

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    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | January 29, 2020

  401. Hi Council. I am wondering if you could give me some help. Since I was a kid, many mediums have told me that I came to Earth to have a mission with Education. And indeed… despite me not trying very much and just begrudgingly going with the flow my entire life… I just landed a very competitive, permanent job in higher education. I even met “A”, whom I had a very strong connection with and I feel like we are supposed to build good research together (and clearly have a past life connection). However, this job is in a really small town and for me, a perpetually single woman, it is very statistically unlikely that I will meet my ideal partner there. I have been dreaming, envisioning, praying for, trying to find a partner for the best part of the last decade, with zero success, not even a single relationship happened. And this is killing me inside, to the point I don’t care about this “mission” anymore. I was wondering…why was I able to create something that I didn’t want or care about at all (I really didn’t care about the science or the education), but the one thing I want the most, which is to find someone who loves, desires, and chooses me, fails completely?? It feels like a punishment! Anyway, thank you so much in advance for any guidance you can give me.

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    Comment by N | January 26, 2020

  402. Hi, Frankie. We’ve just done a session with The Council to answer your questions. As soons as it’s ready we’ll post an audio recording of their response. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | January 23, 2020

  403. Hi, Brock. We’ll be happy to ask The Council your questions on Atlantis when we have time. We’ll post an audio recording of their response on our blog as soon as it’s ready. Thanks for asking these questions. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | January 16, 2020

  404. Greetings. I would like to ask a few questions on Atlantis. 1) Do I have any noteworthy lifetimes associated with this place. 2) I’ve been trying to find info on Atlantis from various sources in the spiritual community (e.g. hypnosis sessions, channelings) and I have noticed some different and contradictory information come through, particularly in regards to when Atlantis began (some say thousands of years ago, others say millions) what exactly is was (some say it was an actual continent that existed in our timeline, some say that the place in question refers to a bleed through from another dimension) and what the technology was like (some say they had airships for example, others say they used levitation). Would the Council like to give their take on these matters and why such disagreements about it in the spiritual community exist?

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Brock Boe | January 13, 2020

  405. Hi, LookingForGuidance. We’ll be happy to ask The Council about your parents’ health when we have time and we’ll post an audio recording of their response when it’s ready. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | January 12, 2020

  406. Hello,

    Thanks for the amazing work you are doing – Bob, Cynthia and the Council. I want to take your guidance on my parents’ health. My mom and dad are living far from me and I have recently learned that they are having health issues.

    My mom has arthritis pain in the shoulders area and knees at times and is unable to move her hands. She has been doing Yoga recently along with medicines. My dad has had an accident post which he has severe shoulder injuries.

    Can the council please guide me how can my dad and mom get better? I would appreciate if the council can suggest any meditation or any other thing which can help them recover faster.

    My mom and dad are highly spiritual people, I have observed a lot of times physical pains are a manifestation of spiritual learnings. Please suggest whats best for them, being away their health and happiness worries me a lot.

    Thanks a lot.

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by LookingForGuidance | January 10, 2020

  407. Hi, T. We’ll ask The Council if they see anything you might be doing that’s blocking your allowing abundance when we have time and we’ll post an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s ready. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | January 2, 2020

  408. Hello Bob, Cynthia and The Council,
    I hope everyone is well! The last I spoke with you all, things really seemed on the upswing with my career. Shortly afterward though, it steadily went downhill. I know I attract everything that comes to me and I’m trying to softly focus on the career and compensation that is in my Vortex of Creation. Do you have any advice? Is there something specific that I’m doing to block my allowing? There are a couple of good things in the works, so I try to focus on that, and I am very grateful, but the reality that I need money now to pay the bills really has my attention. I believe things will improve, I guess I could just use some encouragement from Spirit and my Inner Being.

    Thanks so much!

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by T | January 2, 2020

  409. Hi, SoulPeace. We’ll be happy to ask The Council your questions about moving back to your country of origin and about changing careers when we have time. We’ll post an audio recording of The Council’s response as soon as it’s ready. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | January 1, 2020

  410. Hello,

    Thank you Bob, Cynthia and the Council. I have a question about a big change I am thinking about regarding my life, As its an important decision I love to get your guidance on the same.

    I am thinking about moving closer to my parents which means moving back to my country from USA. Will it be a positive change for my life and my family’s life? I am also thinking about retiring from my current IT job and start in the other profession such as investment banking/stock market as that may give me more time to be around my kid and my family.

    I also know that I need to meditate more and move forward towards my soul’s progress.

    I want to take council’s opnion on the same question regarding moving back and changing my profession? And if the council sees it will be positive for me, can they guide me on the time frame when I should be moving ahead with that decision?

    Thanks for the love and light you have always shown. Merry Christmas and have a happy new year!

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by soulpeace191689339 | December 26, 2019

  411. Hi Bob, Cynthia and the Council:

    I am wishing you all the best.

    I am writing with three different but very related things in mind:
    1) I deeply feel that I am on the path to be a “shaman/shamanic
    2) I’m a social worker/therapist full time feel that I am taking on the trauma and pain of the families I work with
    3) I am spiritually working through family-based/inherited trauma and painful emotions.

    I believe they are connected because I am experiencing a new spiritual awareness where I see my capacity to help others to spiritually heal, but while I see that I also feel that I’m in a liminal space. I feel myself connected to my spiritual path, but also feel overwhelmed by the pain and trauma of my clients and of my very own family. I also am processing and reintegrating my own pain.
    In other words, I feel myself spiritually and emotionally carrying what is mine, but also what is not mine (i.e. what I’m experiencing from clients, family, friends), and I feel anxious, sometimes heavy, and sad, but I don’t always know why.

    I feel this is all an indication of where my spiritual path is taking me, as a healer/shaman, but at times I feel like I’m on a path that hasn’t been revealed, while experiencing and feeling things that I can’t explain or control. For instance, I’ve also had more and more intuitive dreams and insights that have come true.

    My questions are:
    1) How should I consider finding assistance with understanding the shaman’s path? Should I meditate more, or find a teacher, or do a vision quest of some kind?
    2) How can I begin to get a handle on releasing other people’s emotions, and differentiating between these feelings and my own?

    Thank you and with very much gratitude.


    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Frankie | December 13, 2019

  412. Hello! Earlier this year, you helped me understand a unsettling connection (karmic) with my boss. I’m still working with him, still trying to navigate those feelings. It’s hard feeling a soul connection and keeping my distance. I’m considering looking for another job just to get away from it.

    I’m also getting hit from other sides. My mother died recently, and we are moving dad. I am getting frequent headaches, feeling family stresses, and seeing cracks in my marriage. It has been a growth year. Ha!

    I feel isolated. I have deep feelings for a man who isn’t mine. I have a good partnership with my husband, but we are really different people and there are limits to the connection. I love my family, but feel burdened. Right now, everything feels heavy and takes work.

    What do I need to do/learn to get out of this canyon? I’m beat!

    Happy holidays to you both!

    With love and appreciation,

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Anon | December 13, 2019

  413. Hello Bob, Cynthia, and The Council,

    Recently I have been having more dreams. I dream of places I’ve been to but I’m the dream they are quite different from the real places. They are often located in different places as well. These places do not exist like this in this reality. The dreams are not necessarily pleasant either. However the dreams are very really. Sometimes I have multiple dreams about various locations. Why am I having these dreams? Is it escapist mentality even though the dreams are scary? Or am I seeing other realities where my spirit is or has been?

    Ever grateful for you

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Andrea | December 9, 2019

  414. Hi, Teri. We suspect you chose to experience life long depression and anxiety in order to overcome it. We doubt your soul wanted you to hate your life. We’ll ask The Council your questions when we have time and we’ll post their response on our blog as soon as it’s ready. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | November 28, 2019

  415. Hello to the Council! My question relates to why I and my higher self would chose to experience chronic life long depression & anxiety in this physical body.

    Despite working very hard to be happier, to love myself, and to find meaning & purpose in my existence, I mostly feel ambivalent about being here. I have never felt like I was living a life that suits me; life feels like just surviving; my big dreams & desires are a constant source of longing and suffering (because they will likely never come true).

    I have spent 30+ years trying to Live by spiritual principles – focusing on and feeling ease & joy, trying to change self-limiting/negative beliefs; trying to manifest my dreams, practicing appreciation; and being of service to others. But it hasn’t changed the fact that underneath I still feel depressed & disappointed with myself & the life I am living. It’s like there is a clear limit to my potential down here.

    Is it possible that my soul simply wanted to have the particular experience of hating her life?

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Teri | November 22, 2019

  416. Good question, Trisha. We’ll ask The Council as soon as we have time and we’ll post an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s ready. Thanks for asking. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | November 21, 2019

  417. I have a question inspired by what I read in ‘Journey of the Souls’ where under regression an individual mentioned that in the spirit world souls can have private conversations which can’t be picked up by others if they are very close together. This has me wondering about how much privacy one can have in general when we return to spirit. Can we create private spaces such as a house or even island where we don’t have to worry about others randomly intruding or coming near? And how would that work if there is no separation in spirit?

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Trisha | November 21, 2019

  418. Hi, Carl. Thanks for your questions for The Council. We’ll ask them about your mental and physical health, your vitality, and your purpose as soon as we have time and we’ll post an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s ready. Hang in there. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | November 8, 2019

  419. Hi, Heartbroken. We’ll ask The Council your follow-up questions as soon as we have time and we’ll post an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s ready. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | November 8, 2019

  420. Hello, I’m wondering why I’m increasingly having problems with mental and physical health and vitality despite feeling more aware of God. Why is this happening, and for how much longer? I feel I have a big purpose. How will the world come to know me? What am I doing to perpetuate this struggle?

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Carl | November 7, 2019

  421. Hi, Heartbroken. We’re not sure how much information The Council will give you on your husband’s lessons, but we’ll try to find out if the situation with the other woman was pre-planned, it’s purpose, and whether there’s a possibility she or another woman may come into your husband’s life. Thanks for your follow-up question. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | November 6, 2019

  422. Hi, Matt. We’ll be happy to ask The Council your very good questions about vibrational reality as soon as we have time and post an audio recording of their reply as soon as it’s ready. Thank you so much for these question. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | November 6, 2019

  423. Hi Bob, Cynthia and the council. Thank you so much for taking the time to answer my questions. I really appreciate what you are doing for us.

    After the council’s advice I understand that my lesson is to understand, forgive, and commitment. But to better understand my situation I had some other questions for the council.

    My marriage was falling apart because my husband was involved with another woman recently and I tried to understand why he did what he did. I always loved him and I don’t know what on my part might have caused him to do that. So what was he possibly trying to learn or experience from all this? Was it pre-planned by us in spirit? What was the purpose of this woman coming into our lives? Did we have any past life relations with her that might have caused her to come between us?

    Right now my husband does not want to be with her. He wants to save our marriage. I am willing to forgive him even though it is hard. Is there any possibility of her or any other woman coming back into his life.

    Again thank you for your love and support.

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Heartbroken | November 6, 2019

  424. Hi. I’ve seen the term “vibrational reality” used quite a bit but I’d like some help to better understand what they are.

    When I desire something and create a vibrational reality as a result, I would like to know what the part of me in that vibrational reality actually experiences. Even though it is not physical from my perspective, would it look, sound, and feel physical to the part of me and anybody else who occupies that reality, or would it be different?

    Also, if I were to imagine the Earth as I would like it to be for example, would the people I imagine in that vibrational reality just be projections and not real, or would they be actual selves of other people, or something else? I’m not sure what has been created in these situations. Thank you.

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by AustinMat | October 31, 2019

  425. Hi, Audrey. We’ll be happy to ask The Council your questions about the Akashic Field when we have time and we’ll post an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s ready. Thanks for your question. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | October 25, 2019

  426. Dear Bob, Cynthia, and the Council,

    What is the Akashic Field? How can it be accessed?

    Thank you always,


    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Audrey | October 24, 2019

  427. Hi, Heartbroken. We’ll ask The Council what lessons you’re supposed to learn from your difficulties in your marriage as soon as we have time and maybe they’ll have some suggestions for you about what you can do. We’ll post an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s ready. Thanks for your question. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | October 22, 2019

  428. Hi Bob, Cynthia and the council l need some advice again. My marriage is in shambles right now because of an individual. I want to separate from my husband but he wants to come back and I dont know what lessons am I supposed to learn from this and I dont know what to do.

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Heartbroken | October 17, 2019

  429. Hi, Sara Jane. We’ll ask The Council your question about whether you’ll find meaningful work in this lifetime in addition to being a mother when we have time and we’ll post an audio recording of our session with them as soon as it’s available. Hang in there. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | October 10, 2019

  430. Hello, Dear Council! I’m in a huge transition phase of life and I feel like I’m on the brink of something new. While it is exciting, it also comes with a lot of anxiety, as I’m the mother of 3 young children and dependent on my husband, financially.

    I’ve never felt like I had a calling, career-wise (outside of being a mom, which is a great job but pays nothing:-), but lately I feel something beyond mothering calling to me. The problem is I cannot figure out what it is! I feel a spiritual pull toward something and know in my gut I’m on the brink of change, but am unsure as to what that is or even what direction to look in. I’ve tried meditating and going within to “hear” my inner being and its guidance, but haven’t felt any clarity.

    Am I going to find meaningful work in this lifetime? IS my main purpose in this lifetime to be a mother?

    I feel stuck on the edge of a cliff and since part of this transition likely includes me moving out of my marriage, I’m anxious to know if I’ll be self sufficient AND happy creating a life for myself and my children someday.

    (FYI my husband is a good man and father and we are committed to co-parenting our children despite our marriage becoming a platonic friendship that will likely move towards separation in the near future).

    Thank you for any insight!!!
    Sara Jane

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    Comment by Sara Jane | October 9, 2019

  431. Hi, Eden. Thank you for your questions about soul contracts. We’ve already done a session with The Council on your questions and we’ll post an audio recording of it as soon as it’s ready. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | September 30, 2019

  432. Hi, Hubert. Very interesting questions. We’ll ask The Council when we have time and we’ll publish the audio recording of our session as soon as it’s ready. Thanks for asking.


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | September 23, 2019

  433. I would like to a question about generating probable selves. It pertains to this quote in the Seth Material;

    “In two probable realities, your mother, for example, did not have children. In some she married but not the man you know as your father. In some probable systems, you and your mother would both exist, do both exist, but as complete strangers”

    It seems that we generate probable selves not just during the crossroads we encounter in life, but also prior to entry into the physical. How do we generate these probable selves that have one or two different parents? Would the selves where one or both parents are different select families in the same geographic location and ethnicity or could these and other choices they make be entirely different?

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Hubert02 | September 22, 2019

  434. Hi, Utah. Interesting question. We’ll ask The Council about the fires in the Amazon Rainforest when we have time and we’ll post an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s ready. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | August 30, 2019

  435. Hello Bob, Cynthia and The Council,

    I’m so sad about the fires burning in the Amazon Rainforest. The thought of the plants and animals suffering and dying is tearing me up- not to mention the effects the loss of Rainforest will have on the people of the world. I’m not exactly sure what to ask. Can The Council give a spiritual perspective?
    Thank you so much!

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Utah | August 27, 2019

  436. Hi Bob and Cynthia,

    Thank you for your work with The Council, I find the answers very insightful and applicable for many areas of my life. I have the following question for The Council please:

    Could you please explain soul contracts and how, as humans, our free will allows us to walk away from a soul contract that was decided upon before birth. I’m confused about how humans are able to walk away from soul contracts, wouldn’t this be going against the wisdom of their soul? What are the implications for both souls involved in a contract that has been walked away from?

    For context I am referring to a romantic soul contract where two people made a pre-birth plan to be life partners and one person walked away from this contract.

    Thank you so much!

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by eden | August 19, 2019

  437. Hello Bob and Cynthia and the lovely council,

    I want to ask the council’s opinion on one of my major life decision. I have had various issues with my husband in the past and we have tried being together in spite of all those issues. Presently he has changed from his past behaviors but I cant seem to forget the issues and instances when I needed him the most and he was at his worst in those times.

    I am thinking about living independently with my son from quite sometime now, but I am worried about my kid not getting his father around him anymore.

    I have two options going forward now: 1. Live as I am living presently and try to forget the past.
    2. Live independently with my kid in which case my kid wont have his dad around.

    I want to ask the council’s opinion on which way I should go and what aligns with the things I am here to learn this life time. Also, since its not my decision alone and also my kid’s what would be best for him?

    If at all I decide to live independently, should I live on my own or should I move in with my parents because I can get help with my kid with my parents around.


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    Comment by SoulSeekingNirvana | August 9, 2019

  438. Hi, I had a strange experience over the weekend and wonder if the Council can provide clarity. I went camping with my husband and small kids at a designated but unstaffed campsite (in a national forest). Partway through the night my husband got cold (we didn’t bring enough blankets) and returned to the car. I fell asleep, woke up to some rain in the night….. then saw a flash light outside the tent, figured it was husband checking on things…. saw t the flashlight again a while later…. then a really loud jarring noise at the bottom of the tent, almost like someone hitting it. This happened three times over a pretty long stretch. I know I wasn’t dreaming because it woke up my son. It felt close enough to my daughter’s head that I scooped her up and had her sleep in my arms. It was terrifying.
    In the morning my husband said he had been in the car all night. There were no signs of anything around the tent. WHAT HAPPENED? I cannot come up with a reasonable earthly explanation. We love the site and go a few times a year- was someone or something trying to tell us it’s no longer safe?

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Anonymous | August 5, 2019

  439. Interesting question, Keith. We’ll ask The Council when we have time and we’ll publish an audio recording of our session as soon as it’s ready.


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | August 5, 2019

  440. Good question, GoodLife4Always. We’ve done a session on it and we’ll publish a post with the recording as soon as it’s ready.


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | August 5, 2019

  441. Good question, Darla. We’ve done a session to answer it and we’ll publish a post on it as soon as it’s ready.


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | August 5, 2019

  442. Hi, Peace. We’ve done a session to answer your questions about your brother and as soon as it’s ready we’ll post it. Shouldn’t be long now.


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | August 5, 2019

  443. There appear to be rules about communicating with Spirit. For instance, they can’t tell us winning lottery numbers. Who made those rules, and why?

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    Comment by Keith Ruenheck | August 1, 2019

  444. Dear Bob and Cynthia and the Council,
    I have a strong connection with a person that I’ve been talking to. When we first met, they were not interested in socializing or even laying an eye on me. That since changed and we’ve connected quickly this year! They’ve shared and opened up about their past, pains, family, beliefs, and God with me. I’ve start to fallen in love. I care and want to be in their life. I want to see my future with them. I’ve expressed my feeling. In the back of my mind now I think I rushed because I anxiously wanted an answer. The reply I got was a sad no… I’m sorry. They’ve asked to stay as friends and for me not to leave them. I still feel that they care and does have feelings, I guess I’m being crazy. Can you please let me know why this person came in my life? What are our past life connections? How should I move forward? I do see them every week and I’m lost and torn. Thank you for your guidance and healing.

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by goodlife4always | July 22, 2019

  445. Hello again Bob and Cynthia! It’s Darla. I have a question about a past life. I’ve had two separate past life regression experiences which were life-changing in so many ways. However, during these sessions I didn’t revisit any past lives. (I only briefly touched on one where I was a child who was physically unable to walk.) I mainly had my council speak through me about other questions, not any past lives. Would you ask the council what past life had the most impact on my current life and why? Thank you for helping me and so many people through this blog. Peace and blessing to you!

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by She's a Maineiac | July 21, 2019

  446. Hi Bob and Cynthia. Thankyou for helping us through the blog. My question for the council is about my brother. My brother seems like he has some unfinished business from past lives. I say that because he behaves very rudely sometimes with me and my parents. Right now he is at a point where he doesnt hate me but hates his parents. What is the reason for his anger towards my parents and sometimes me. Did I know him any past lives and I am supposed to support him in this life as a loving sister. Also he has an incurable disease in this life. Why did he create this and will he get over it. Also since he has such a short temper I am worried about the person he will marry, or is he ever even going to find a suitable wife for himself and be able to stay in that relationship for long. If so do you know around when he will find his soulmate and get married. Sorry for all the questions but I really want my brother to become a better person because he is so hard headed and filled with anger. Thankyou.

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Peace | July 20, 2019

  447. Hi, Frances. Very interesting questions. We’ll be happy to ask The Council when we have time and we’ll publish a post with an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s reade. In the meantime, enjoy the love. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | July 7, 2019

  448. Greetings Cynthia, Bob and the Council,

    I am writing because three and a half months ago I entered into a relationship with someone that I am falling in love with. He represents a lot of what I have prayed for. He treats me well, is incredibly loving, and is helping me to see myself in new ways. I feel like this is a deep soul connection, and to be honest, a part of me is terrified.

    I’m used to being independent, and have created a life for myself that feels stable and his presence in my life is throwing me off kilter. What if I lose myself? I have purpose related life goals that I fear will get derailed. Also, he and I have a number of differences – he’s very Christian while I define myself as incredible spiritual but not Christian, we both come from different cultures, and his values are more conservative than mine. But I love him.

    My questions are, how can I overcome my fears of getting lost in this person/relationship? How am I meant to grow from this? Is it possible to create a life/family with this man without losing sight of what I want to accomplish professionally/purposefully? Why is it that I fell for someone so different from me?

    Thank you for your insight into this!

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Frances | July 7, 2019

  449. Hi Bob and Cynthia. I would like to ask the council why I have such a negative relationship with my stepmother. It seems like she is always filled with anger and negative energy towards everyone and I always feel fear when I am around her. I think she herself needs some sort of healing.

    Did I know her from a past life? What lessons are we meant to learn from each other? How can I change our relationship into a better one? Did I do something bad to her in her past life to deserve this? Even though I try to get away from these negative feelings I am unable to. Please help shed some light. Thankyou.


    Comment by Distressed | June 15, 2019

  450. Hi Bob and cynthia thankyou so much for doing this. The question I am about to ask is a little awkward and embarrassing but i really need to know about this situation. I think due to malnutrition my body did not develop right during puberty and by that I mean womanly assests like breasts. I have tried a lot of things to make them grow but nothing seems to work and it really takes a toll on my self esteem and confidence. I am trying some home remedies but to no avail
    Can you suggest why this happened and how I can cure this? Greatly appreciated. Thankyou.

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Depressed05 | June 14, 2019

  451. Hello Bob, Cynthia and the council,

    I have a question about my feelings of home. A lot of times I feel like I want to go back home even when I am home. I think I am missing something and I feel I don’t belong where I am a lot of times.

    Although it may seem an awkward question, but the feeling that I have is not going away and I think it’s getting stronger. Even when things are going great, I have a strong feeling of going back home with my Mom. I used to think it’s about my physical home, but I was surprised to have the same feeling even when I have visited and stayed at home for couple of months.

    Can the council please guide me regarding this feeling of going home and belongingness? Does it have a connection to the Pleiades and my life over there? If yes, can I do anything to contact my family over there?

    It would be great to know my purpose in life. I think if I do what I am meant to do be doing this feeling will reduce in its intensity.

    Thanks so much.

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by soulpeace191689339 | June 5, 2019

  452. Hello to the Council and Bob and Cynthia, I have a question- why am I so sensitive to the sun? It seems like it’s getting worse rather than better and I truly dread the summer now. I want to enjoy this physical reality and pass on a love of nature to my kids. Why did I create this sensitivity in my skin and can I do anything to mitigate it?

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Anonymous | May 31, 2019

  453. Good day to all. I have received life changing advice from the council before and I’m in desperate need of their advice, once again. I have a long history of anxiety/panic disorder. One which I have worked very closely with and have managed to grow and heal a great deal, from. There is a lot of fear behind my anxiety and when it turns to a panic attack, it get very ugly, very quick. I am unable to function. I shake, become nauseous, pace for hours and become absolutely terrified that I’m going to die. I feel completely out of control. Family/maternal responsibilities are a huge trigger. Which saddens me deeply because there’s nothing more important to me than being joyfully present with my children. I’m in the middle of a very anxious period, where I’m going to bed and waking up with anxiety. And where I battle it throughout the entire day. I know it’s time to shed another layer, to get closer to my highest truth…but I feel completely stuck and don’t know where to start. I only know that I do not want to lose another moment with my children, to this feeling. It feels like it mostly lives in my heart and solar plexus and has been very intense, for several days now. I would very much like to know how to best move through this and which lifetime is affecting my sense of security, the most. Or, where should I focus my healing?

    Thank you for listening and providing such selfless support to those of us in need. May you feel love and support in return.

    Many blessings,

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Wendy Aronsson | May 19, 2019

  454. For a long time I’ve had an interest in Northern European history and myths (e.g. stone henge, Norse myths etc.). I would like to ask if I had lifetimes associated with this geographic area and where?


    Comment by Rob | May 1, 2019

  455. Hi, Mystery. We’ll ask The Council for clarification on your missing bangle earrings and money when we have time and we’ll post an audio recording of of their response on our blog as soon as it’s ready. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | April 18, 2019

  456. Hi, SoulPeace. We’ll be happy to ask The Council your questions about your son’s low weight and his poor health when we have time and we’ll post an audio recording of their response on our blog as soon as it’s ready. Good luck with your son. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | April 18, 2019

  457. Hello Bob,Cynthia and the Council,

    Thanks for always showing us light and enlightening us on the spiritual journey. I am deeply grateful for your love and guidance for us all.

    I have a question regarding my son. My son will be 6 years old next month and I have a question regarding his health and weight. When I was pregnant with him and even when he was younger – we have been going through some issues as family. Pregnancy, in particular, has been very difficult and I think because of that – his health got impacted.

    He has low weight compared to other kids of his age. Also, since childhood, his immunity is very low and he gets sick very often. He has allergies and high sensitivity to climate and food. He is a very picky eater and even the food that he likes, he eats very little. He is also a hyperactive kid and burns calories faster.

    Can the council please guide me if this was something he has preplanned while in spirit and what is his or our learning lesson from this situation. Also, the main important question that worries me the most is – going forward how can I help him to be more healthy and improve his weight.

    I would really appreciate if the council can give me some advice which can help me as a parent in understanding my kid’s spiritual learnings better.



    Comment by soulpeace191689339 | April 15, 2019

  458. Hi, Bob and Cynthia. I had talked the council before about my lost golden bangles. They told they were in an old purse but now I realized those were my mothers in the house. She has 4 altogether. So can you please ask the council if they see what happened to mine, and there was also money missing with it which was in an envelope.


    Comment by Mystery | April 14, 2019

  459. Hi, Curious. We’ll be happy to ask The Council about your marriage and the possibility of having more children when we have time and we’ll post an audio recording of their reply on this blog when it’s ready. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | April 10, 2019

  460. Hi Bob and Cynthia thankyou so much for doing this. I wanted to ask did I marry the right man and did we preplan this marriage? I am asking this because when we got married we went through not so happy times. Though right now everything seems to be fine I sometimes think that something out of nowhere will pop in and we will be going through bad times again. Do you see us having a long happy married life. Also are we meant to have any more children?

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by curious | April 9, 2019

  461. I love your blog. Thank you for taking the time out to channel and answer questions. I have a question that has been bothering me, and I have been guided to your site, so who knows, maybe the universe was suggesting I ask you! I am a twin flame, and recently I messaged my twin and I feel I may have been too hasty with my choice of words. In short I told him that I am stepping away from him if he does not want to open up to me more, but that if he changes his mind, I will always be here for him. He has not replied and it has been several weeks. He may have misunderstood my intentions, or he may not want to get any closer to me at this time. I am feeling the disconnection and it worries me. My question is did I make the wrong choice? or What can I do to help him open up to me more so we can connect in the 3D?

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Grale Irithe | March 10, 2019

  462. There are cases where living people have claimed that a soul has communicated with them asking if they would be that soul’s parent. I was wondering why these cases exist if everything of this matter is planned in spirit beforehand?


    Comment by Jaden Lom | March 7, 2019

  463. Hi, Jaden. We’re a little confused about your question and are hoping you can provide some clarification. We don’t understand what you mean when you say,

    “…why are there so many stories about souls asking (or even declaring) individuals to be their parents via dreams (or even appearing in the physical as orbs or the person they were in a previous life)? Are these souls simply asking for the potential parent to engage in something that wasn’t previously planned…”

    If you can ask your question a different way so we might be able to understand it better, we’d appreciate it. Thanks. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | March 7, 2019

  464. Hi I would like to ask a question about prebirth communication between parents and the souls of incoming children. If things are planned in spirit beforehand, why are there so many stories about souls asking (or even declaring) individuals to be their parents via dreams (or even appearing in the physical as orbs or the person they were in a previous life)? Are these souls simply asking for the potential parent to engage in something that wasn’t previously planned (as individuals can change course during their physical incarnation)?


    Comment by Jaden Lom | March 4, 2019

  465. Hi, Seeking Truth. We like your meditation question. Until we’re able to do a session with The Council on this question you may want to check out our recent post, Meditations to Balance and Align Your Chakras, if you haven’t already. Cynthia suggests doing the meditations for all the chakras one time and then on a weekly basis doing the meditation just for the Crown chakra. This may help you until we get further guidance from The Council. We also look forward to asking The Council your question about employment. Thank you for your questions. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | February 18, 2019

  466. Hello Bob, Cynthia and the council,

    Thank you so much for being there with me as a guiding person in my spiritual journey. I have a question about meditation. Whenever I go deep in meditation, I see colors. I also see a third eye opening up during my meditation which is when I see different colors(its mostly blue/indigo and sometimes yellow).

    From the meditation center I visit, they tell me that it would be hard to reach the self-realisation stage if you are stuck at your third eye stage. It looks like your energy is trying to connect with the divine through that point rather than reaching until the seventh chakra.

    Can the council please guide me how can I pass this stage in meditation and if you can share some suggestions which can help me that would be wonderful.

    The other question I have is regarding my job. I am getting good job offers but I am hesitant to take those up because of my young kid. Can the council please guide me if I should change my job or stay at my current job where I am being paid less but there is more flexibility?

    Thanks so much!

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Seeking truth | February 18, 2019

  467. Thank you!

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Anon | February 17, 2019

  468. Hi, Anon. Sounds like a challenging situation. We’ll ask The Council about your relationship with your boss as soon as we have time and we’ll publish an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s ready. Thank you for your question. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | February 10, 2019

  469. I’m faithfully married with children, and recently started a new job. My boss took my breath away when I met him. It was instant recognition and desire. I could tell he was shaken also. Both of us are committed to our spouses, and we work well together otherwise. I believe we were married in a past life. I also think he was a soldier.

    Why have we come together in this life when we are both unable/unwilling to be together? It’s intense and can be challenging to navigate in a professional setting.

    Thank you!

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Anon | February 10, 2019

  470. Hello,

    Thanks for the amazing work you are doing – Bob, Cynthia and the council.

    From past few days sometimes I hear wind whispers in my left ear. Can the council please guide me if I have any message in this experience.

    Also, I have extreme phobia of dark and being alone. Can the council please guide me how can I heal this phobia.

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by SoulSeekingpeace | February 2, 2019

  471. Dear Council, Cynthia and Bob,

    I’m hoping The Council can help me get to the root (literally) of a physical issue I’ve dealt with for most of my life. I have dermatitis and have used every treatment imaginable–from homeopathic to prescription. I’m aware that beliefs are the underlying cause of all physical ailments, so, I would like The Council to tell me which belief I’m holding on to and how I may think differently so that I can move past this malady. Further, this issue seems to be common in my family. My mother had it, my son has it, and I discovered several of my nieces and nephews have it as well. Is this a case of inherited beliefs? And if the explicit belief in having dermatitis is not expressed, meaning, we don’t say to each other: “Well you can expect to have this issue because it runs in our family,” is the transmission of this belief among family members one of a vibrational or psychic nature?

    Love and Light

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Vibrationally Aware | February 2, 2019

  472. Thank you for your appreciation for our blog, Fuschia. We’ll ask The Council for ways you can contact your guide or guides when we have time and we’ll post an audio recording of their response when it’s ready. We hope their answer helps with your sense of isolation and despair. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | January 27, 2019

  473. Thank you both for addressing my questions on your blog.I appreciate the work put into it and that there was some back and forth dialogue. The theme of hopelessness is not one I had thought of on my own and the advice given is valuable but not always easy to follow.

    Not being able to identify or directly communicate with my primary guide team is a source of frustration and fits in with the overall sense of isolation and despair. I have tried various techniques and am not making any progress. This issue was not really directly addressed in the reading so I am asking for how to access my team and any other information about them that would be for the highest good.

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Fuschia | January 27, 2019

  474. Dear Bob, Cynthia and The Council,

    It’s been nearly three years since my abortion. I have been through therapy and I take a very high dosage of antidepressants. I try to communicate with the baby butbInam unseuccessful. I tell myself daily the the abortion was an agreement and we are humans having a spiritual experience, but I cannot move forward. Before the abortion I was pretty happy. Now I am full of sadness, anger, and blame. I’m afraid I will live another 50 years feeling this way. Can The Council tell me what my purpose is in this life? I am lost.

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by importantornotblog | January 24, 2019

  475. Hi, Jaden. Thanks for your questions. We’ll be happy to ask The Council when we have time and we’ll post an audio recording of their response when it’s ready. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | January 17, 2019

  476. Hi, I would love to have some insight on what my past lives were and how they are impacting me now and why I chose/agreed to live this life.

    I would like to know if I could get suggestions about some mental issues I might be going through.

    I would like to ask if they can give me insight into my next life. There is a particular person I feel drawn to and I feel is meant to be my mother in the next life and I would love to hear if it is possible.

    And I would also like to know where my next life will be (assuming I do have one). There is a particular country I have in mind.

    I am male, Jaden is a pseudonym.

    Thank You.

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Jaden Lom | December 28, 2018

  477. Hi, Fuschia. We’ll be happy to ask The Council about any past life or between life agreements you may have made or any spiritual reasons that might be interfering with your forward movement when we have time. We’ll post an audio recording of our session on our website when it’s ready. Hang in there. Love and light. Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | December 26, 2018

  478. I follow your blog and enjoy your readings very much. I have felt a pull many times to contact you.

    I have been unable to succeed in most sectors of my life for at least 6 years, maybe more. I have lost relationships, financial security jobs and excitement for life. My health has also become affected lately and the symptoms make it even harder to keep starting over and over again. This inability to manifest has resulted in depression and confusion about my journey in this incarnation. I typically work on myself spiritually and holistically and yet, all this healing and heightened awareness has not appeared to shift my situation.

    Are there past life issues or between life agreements that are interfering with my forward movement? Or is this perhaps caused in part by the Ascension process or some other spiritual reason? I have sought internal guidance and have come up empty. While I am gifted with many ways to communicate with Spirit, I have never had direct connection with my actual guides. This adds to my feelings of isolation.

    Thank you for hearing me out. Please let me know if you will be taking up my question with the Council. blessings to you both. ❤


    Comment by Fuschia | December 26, 2018

  479. Hi Council, Cynthia and Bob,

    I want to ask The Council about a lovely experience I attracted. I recently hiked to the top of Cathedral Rock in Sedona where I discovered a Najavo spirit healer performing a meditation/ceremony. I was very moved by his singing and suddenly became overwhelmed with emotion and started to cry. After he finished, he was surprised to see me and my friend. Again, when I expressed gratitude at having been present and how powerful the experience was, I nearly started crying uncontrollably. What’s up with the crying? Are Vortexes real? And what happened?

    He went on his way down the mountain ahead of us and in a wonderful moment of Law of Attraction, just as my friend was talking about him at the bottom of the mountain, we suddenly saw him ahead of us. To make a long story short, he invited us to come with him to a Spiritual Cleansing ceremony he was conducting at a nearby river. Excited by the opportunity, we went and it was a lovely experience. As part of the ceremony, we smoked a Peace Pipe (no drugs involved). However, I did feel the mild elevated feeling I experience in a great meditation. Can you offer any guidance about the greater meaning of this experience?

    Love and gratitude

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Vibrationally Aware | December 11, 2018

  480. I left a 25 year marriage 2 1/2 years agoto a man who I believe is a narcissistic sociopath. I strived for fairness and spent over a year and a half investigating our finances and his financial wrongdoings in preparation of our settlement. The mediator would not hear details. Emotionally, I broke down and settled to it I later realized it was at a large financial cost to me. At the time I believed in my mantra light triumphs dark and continued to believe that truth prevails on the universe. However now I feel lost, financially scared, and despite all the horrible things he’s done, I miss him because I’m afraid of living a life alone, unloved and unable to do things that once may have been possible in our marriage , Like travel. I am confused because I have low motivation and don’t have direction on what to do next. I’m 57 years old and feel like time is passing me by… And I know stress is taking it’s toll on my previously healthy body. I’m confused why I have suffered rather than gotten to a better place because of this divorce. I have had a strong intuition in the past but it’s not strong anymore. I used to achieve things but now I struggle to get out of bed. I’ve been given the lessonlesson that life is not fair… But still want to believe light triumphs dark. ( i’ve been called an earth angel in the past). I don’t know what I’m supposed to be doing. I even think about going back despite all the horrible things he has done to me including discrediting my character, lies, financial abuse, verbal and emotional abuse. I am empathetic to that hurt little boy inside of him rather than the horrible things he’s done. I am looking for guidance as to what the universe has in store for me. I would be very grateful to any insights to help me get on the path to happiness, fulfilment and being able to give back again. I hope to hear from you. thank you.

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Laurie | December 3, 2018

  481. Hi Cynthia and Bob, thank you so much for all of this great content and value you put other there with this service for everyone I really appreciate it! If you would please be so kind as to answer the following questions I would be very greatful and it would be much appreciated. I am a male aged 34 coming on the cusp of a new 7 year cycle and was wondering the following:

    1. My whole working life I have been in corporate IT however in April this year my path led me into some trainings offering work which helps and coaches people and I learnt some modalities of an energetic and spiritual nature. I am attempting to start a business in all of this, it can get quite overwhelming at times though and I was wondering if the council can shed any light into whether this is a great path and vocation for me?

    2. Also after many years single I finally found the one I thought was it after all of my studies mentioned above. She seemed to match all of my criteria and energically I seemed to feel a very magnetic enegy towards her even though we had only spent a few days in each others company. She lived in another country and the pull was so strong so i packed up where i was and moved to the country which was also my home town anyway and to my dismay she had found somebody else. I am wondering if the council can shed any light if this was a karmic issue or whether I am projecting limiting beliefs in the area of relationships from my unconscious? This was the closest I had ever come to drawing towards me a relationship that I whole heartedly could see myself being with as there was always a hint of hesitance with others in my past.

    Many thanks and lots of love to you both

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Roshan Dahya | November 4, 2018

  482. Hi, Sanni. Good questions for The Council. We’ll ask them when we have time and we’ll post an audio recording of their response on our blog when it’s ready. Thanks for your question. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | November 3, 2018

  483. Hello Council. Can you help me? About two years ago I was told by my spiritual therapist that she saw a man as my future mate. I really laughed because I only want to be with women. But I was told later by other two intuitives exactly the same thing, they are friends with my family for over 15 years, I trust them. I looked for trusted tarot readers and they say exactly the same. But I don’t want this to happen, I don’t care how good this can be for me. But I also fear that I don’t have the strength to stand up for my ideals if I actually meet this man because I am very lonely, and because something inside of me is also pushing me to do it, even though I don’t want it. In a way I assume that I planned to be in this situation (it sounds like something I would do, to give me no escape), and I know it is supposed to be for healing for past lives where I was abused by men but I don’t want it to happen no matter what. I enter a state of panic only by thinking about it and it really damages me to feel like that. I don’t want to betray my gay community too. I want the love of my life to be a woman and I want to form a family with her. But I have prayed for my angels, talked to them, and this still shows up in readings. What’s worse is that I feel pushed to do it, like I don’t have any option. I was wondering if the Council could comment on my situation and help me to change my life to what I want it to be, to have a meaningful life with a woman with whom I can have a family. Regards from Finland

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Sanni | November 2, 2018

  484. Wonderful, I’m looking forward to it! Thank you!

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Mona | October 29, 2018

  485. Hello again. I have a question about a recent past life regression therapy session I had last summer. To say it was mind-blowing is an understatement. It truly transformed my entire perspective on life and death.

    Under hypnosis, instead of reliving some of my past lives, I went to another realm or dimension that I assume was between lives. I felt like I was floating in vast space, but it was incredibly peaceful and full of love and light. I felt truly my spirit expanding and all-encompassing, like I was near Source. This was a place I didn’t want to leave and remained there for a good 45 minutes during the session!

    I briefly talked about a past life where I was crippled and my grandmother carried me around. But I had no desire to talk about any other lives or who this grandmother is in my current life. Soon my spirit guides or higher spirits spoke through me, giving me advice. My questions for the council is, who were these beings? Were they just my “higher self” speaking? And why didn’t I go to any past lives instead? Do they see if I’m heading down the right path in life or if I’m stuck? And what is this place or dimension I went to during the session? Thank you for any insight!

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by She's a Maineiac | October 22, 2018

  486. Hi, Audrey. Interesting question. We’re also interested in hearing what The Council has to say about the spiritual perspective of the Trump presidency and its effect on the world. We’ll ask as soon as we can and we’ll post an audio recording of their response on our blog as soon as it’s ready. Thanks for your question. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | October 20, 2018

  487. Hi, Mona. We’ll be happy to ask The Council about your past lives, particularly the ones that relate to your current lifetime, and we’ll post an audio recording of their response on our blog as soon as it’s ready. Thanks for your question. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | October 20, 2018

  488. Hello Bob, Cynthia, and Thr Council,

    I kept saying That I wasn’t going to ask, but I just can’t make sense of what is happening. Can The Council be so bold as to provide a spiritual perspective on the Trump presidency and its effect on the United States and the rest of the world?

    Peace and Love Always,

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Audrey | October 20, 2018

  489. First, thank you for all the help and insight you provide for so many people. I’m hoping you can help me too.

    I’ve been fascinated by the thought of reincarnation and past lives for many years. I would love to learn any information in regards to who I was in a past life/lives.

    Thanks again for your help, I hope you are having a wonderful day!

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Mona | October 20, 2018

  490. Hi, LearningSoulSite. Thank you for your question. We’ll answer your questions about your son’s gifts, the past lives he’s shared with you or other family members, and your role in his lesson learning as soon as we have time and we’ll post an audio recording of The Council’s response as soon as it’s ready. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | October 8, 2018

  491. Hello Bob,Cynthia and the council,

    I have a question regarding my 5 year old son. It would be great if the council can please guide me what are his gifts and what can I do as a mother to help him achieve his learnings for this reincarnation. I feel sometimes its tough job as a parent to identify the kid’s gifts – which can add so much happiness if I help him through his journey of life.

    If we had past lives together with me or some of my family members and if they are trying work somethings out – how can I ease the things out for him and them?

    I would appreciate any kind of suggestions and the inputs from council that will help me understand my role in his learnings and what are things I can take care of that will help him the best.

    Thanks so much,
    Love and light!

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by learningsoulsite | October 7, 2018

  492. Hi, Wendy. We think it’s nice that you encourage you 8 year old son to practice meditation and manifestation. When we have time we’ll ask The Council your questions and post an audio recording of their response as soon as it’s ready. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | September 5, 2018

  493. Hi, cmw787. We apologize for not answering yet the similar question you posted on our website on Aug 16. We understand you’re in a difficult situation and you’d like a response. Please understand we have many questions to answer and we’ll answer your questions as time permits. Please be patient. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | September 5, 2018

  494. Well hello again. May this find you well after a busy summer! I now have two sons. One of which is nearly 8 and incredibly interested in what “gifts” he has in this lifetime. I encourage him to practice meditation and to manifest whatever it is that peaks his interest, but I would love to have some knowledge about who he is and what he’s come here to do. I would also like to know the same thing for the baby. I have been told that I myself, derive from a Goddess realm and have heard tales of many past lives, and this information (may it be true or not) has helped me immensely in my process. I would like something similar to gift my children with and any tips on how to help them achieve what they’ve come here to do! Thank you so much.

    With love and gratitude,

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Wendy Aronsson | September 4, 2018

  495. I’m hoping you guys can help me. My life has been on a downward trajectory for at least five years now and it just does not stop no matter what I do& no matter what I try. In the last 2 years some unexplainable things started happening that I can’t talk about with most people because their response is that I’m insane. I’m trying to figure out what’s going on. What is My Soul Purpose &why am I constantly stuck in negative situations regardless of my attitude or what I do. I’m just at the end of my rope given I truly have nothing left to lose at this point and it’s a little scary. Thanks for any and all help it’s much appreciated.

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by cmw787 | September 4, 2018

  496. Thank you so much, I look forward to any insight.

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Curious | August 30, 2018

  497. Hi, Jolanda. Sorry to hear you’re feeling so poorly. We’ll ask The Council for possible reasons you’re feeling this way when we have time and post the audio recording of their response when it’s ready. Hang on. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | August 26, 2018

  498. Dear Council, Cynthia and Bob,
    Hello again! I’ve really appreciated your help in the past and I hope you can help me again.

    18 months ago I ended an 8 year relationship with my husband, who was verbally and emotionally abusive to myself and my 13yo son (not his child). Although we’re apart, we also have a child together, so we see each other or communicate almost every day, which makes it hard to heal, and gives him many opportunities to continue to manipulate my emotions.

    I’ve had 2 other failed longterm relationships, but only this one has been difficult. I’ve found it completely emotionally devastating. I’m struggling so much with the constant emotional pain, despite being in weekly counselling for 2 years (since before the breakup).

    I feel such a strong and deep, unconditionally loving connection to him, despite his juvenile, abusive behaviour and continued dishonesty and betrayal. He has not earned my respect and hasn’t made any efforts to repair our relationship or get me back (apart from constantly telling me he wants me back). He does not deserve to have me in his life, yet somehow I just can’t let go.

    This week I was tortured by the likelihood that he has a new woman in his life (although he’s been saying he can’t be with anyone but me). He hasn’t admitted it yet but the obvious signs are there, and our child has told me bits and pieces about meeting her. I can’t deal with and don’t understand the pain I feel, it makes no sense to myself, or my family & friends to still have these intense feelings for him. They’re aren’t going away, even though it makes no logical sense to be in a terrible, harmful relationship with him anymore.

    Now that I’ve learned about his new woman I’m completely distraught. I feel like I can’t function, can’t work, can barely get through my days, and feel worthless and betrayed. I feel our marriage was meaningless to him, because we only agreed 3 weeks ago that we weren’t going to get back together at all. And I feel betrayed that he constantly said he wanted me back, and that he could never be with anyone else, and now suddenly he’s moved on. I’m soul destroyed, my heart feels like it’s permanently crushed. I’m SO devastatingly lonely and pining for the love we had, wishing for someone else to love but feeling like I’ll never love anyone but him. I feel our marriage was a divine bond, that we’re deeply connected at soul level. I love him so much and would do anything to have a healthy relationship with him, but he has been unwilling to take the necessary steps, and seems to prefer inertia and to just give up than to get help or counselling for himself.

    I’m hoping you can shed some light on the cause of my intense feelings and hopefully offer some advice please? I feel desperate, anxious, worthless, alone, and like a failure. Thank you again, with much love, Jolanda

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Jolanda | August 26, 2018

  499. Thank you for letting me know. I appreciate it. :0)


    Comment by cmw787 | August 26, 2018

  500. Hi, cmw787. We apologize for not responding to your earlier comment. We like to answer questions in the order they’re received, but often their selected based on what seems appropriate at that time. Know that we’ve received your question and it will eventually get asked, answered, and posted on our website, but it could take a while. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | August 25, 2018

  501. I’m sorry to put another comment I am confused about how this works. Do you guys answer all the questions or do you only answer certain ones? I was sandwiched between two other questions and you guys responded to the other two saying that you were going to ask the council but you just liked mine and it wasn’t commented on.


    Comment by cmw787 | August 25, 2018

  502. Hi, Curious. You raise a good question. We’ll ask The Council about your prospects for getting married to your partner and post an audio recording of their response when it’s ready. Stay tuned. Love and light, Bob and Cynthia.


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | August 17, 2018

  503. Hello,

    I have a question on marriage. I have been with my significant other for about 12 years. We are both 39. I have been married twice before, my boyfriend has never been married.

    In the early years of our relationship, I did not want to get married again (for obvious reasons), and would lightly joke about not wanting marriage (not often though). About 3 years ago, my thoughts and feelings changed regarding marriage and I finally brought it up to my partner in a ‘no pressure way’, basically saying “I know I wasn’t interested before, but I am now. I don’t want to pressure you and just thought I’d put it out there, so you can think about it.” He basically said ok, this was in January.

    A month ago, someone introduced him as my husband and he made the comment “No, just boyfriend”, laughing about it. This hurt my feelings, but I didn’t say anything, nor have I brought up the topic since January because I haven’t wanted to pressure him.

    I truly feel we were and are meant to be together. We are best friends, lovers, partners… You name it. I have no doubts, he is a very good man and I know he loves me very much.

    Are we meant to take our relationship to the next level? Is he interested in marriage?

    Thank you so much.

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Curious | August 17, 2018

  504. I was hoping I could get assistance please. My life is on a downward trajectory and has been for years. I’m doing everything in my power to fix it and I cannot do it. It feels as if everyday will surely be worse than the previous .I’m living everyday in 100% misery praying for death. I’m sick of being lectured on the law of attraction. I practiced it&practiced it correctly. I lived it and it has yet to be effective not even in the slightest. I’ve tried to be a good person my whole life. I’ve always given more than I take and I always try to help out people. I don’t understand why this is happening to me or how to fix it. And about 2 years ago through a series of Random events, I was contacted by the pleiadians. And it’s been ongoing ever since but I cannot truly understand what they’re wanting for me or how I can help. I know they got angry with me at the beginning because I kept asking questions about myself. They literally said “it won’t work, she only wants to know about herself”.I have deciphered(from them) that I have significant purpose I was supposed to fulfill. They said something about being the only Oracle left on Earth(they said the other 7 were on Venus)which doesn’t make sense to me because the internet shows thousands and thousands of “oracles”. Case in point aren’t you considered an oracle?
    I realize I kind of rambled and apologize if it’s hard to follow. I’m genuinely grateful for any help you can and thank you for doing this for people. I’d imagine it’s extremely helpful for many people.

    Liked by 2 people

    Comment by cmw787 | August 16, 2018

  505. Interesting questions, Brooke. We’ll ask The Council when we have time and we’ll post an audio recording of their response when it’s ready. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | August 1, 2018

  506. Thanks for allowing questions. My question is about twin flames. I believe absolutely that I am in a relationship with my twin flame, and have seen the universe confirm this over and over. My twin was diagnosed as bipolar around the age of 11. He had a spiritual awakening after we met and has believed since then that he is not bipolar. I would like to ask if strong emotions can reflect in a twin before you have even met them. This explanation of events is something that popped into my head almost on it’s own (the universe?). Have you ever heard of this happening? Could he have been experiencing my traumatic childhood, and I his through our twin connection, long before we met. Thanks for your consideration.

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Brooke | August 1, 2018

  507. Hello Bob,Cynthia and the Council,

    I am looking for a advice from The Council regarding the marks on my face that have been increasing a lot of late. Although it doesn’t hurt in anyway, it looks very bad. It started with one or two marks, but it has been spreading all over my face on my cheeks. I have even visited the doctor for it and he said there is no medicine to reduce the marks.

    Can The Council please guide me if there is any other ointment or natural product which will be useful for me in reducing the marks and making sure they don’t come up as much. I am big believer that all the body related pains/issues are trying to tell us something, but in this case I am not able to understand the issue.

    Love and Light!

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by LookingForAdvice | July 26, 2018

  508. Hi, Darla. We understand the difficulties of being very sensitive to the spirit world. We’ll be happy to ask The Council your questions about protecting yourself from other people’s feelings and figuring out which emotions are yours and which are other people’s when we have time. We’ll post an audio recording of our session when it’s ready. Thanks for your question. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | July 6, 2018

  509. Hello Bob and Cynthia, it’s Darla again. My question is about empaths.

    I’ve known from an early age I was hypersensitive (especially to the spirit world). Because of this, I’ve had lifelong anxiety and became very introverted. Being extremely compassionate in this world is painful, to say the least.

    Recently, I’ve struggled with how to protect myself from absorbing other people’s emotions/feelings, while still remaining true to myself. Especially difficult for me is figuring out which emotions are actually mine and which are other people’s. Does the council have any advice for me? Or reasons why I chose this trait for this lifetime? Thank you!

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by truthjournal | July 6, 2018

  510. Thankyou. Looking forward to the recording. Much love, C.

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Christine | July 5, 2018

  511. Hi, Christine. Our condolences on the passing of Caesar. It sounds like you two had a very special relationship. From the information we’ve received from The Council, we’d say your fur babies will all be there happily waiting to greet you when it’s your turn to pass. Thinking about the good times you had with Caesar might help you get over the shock of his passing. When we have time we’ll ask The Council all your questions and post an audio recording of their response when it’s ready. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | July 1, 2018

  512. Dear Cynthia, Bob and the Council,
    My beautiful cat, Caesar, died out of the blue on Wednesday. He was not sick, ate his food and ran around that day. When I came home for work, I noticed he did not greet me. I looked over and saw him lying still on the lounge room floor. I knew straight away he had passed. I am still in great shock. I still cannot believe it. I had only returned from a great holiday and picked him up from his sitters house on the Monday. On Tuesday night he walked up to me and I thought I should give him lots of attention. I told him how much I loved him and how much he meant to me and how one day we would all be together will the other pets, he and I, once lived with. The next day he was gone. Will my fur babies be there to greet me when it’s my time and did he know he was going to pass? When I picked him up we both felt detached, which was odd, because we were extremely close every minute we could possibly have. Are our deceased fur babies with us and how do we know? Do our pets have a soul contract with us? I am still numb with shock. Love and light, Christine

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Christine | July 1, 2018

  513. Hi, Anonymous. Interesting situation. We’ll ask The Council about your relationship with your boss, and how to get your own answers in the future when we have time and we’ll post an audio recording of their response on our blog when it’s ready. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | June 22, 2018

  514. Hello Bob, Cynthia and The Council. Thank you as always for your insight and commitment to helping us all out! I have questions on a couple of topics…

    First, I would like to know more about my connection with my boss. I’ve had a tumultuous relationship with this person to say the least. Do I have a past life connection that I am trying to work through? This person often uses words to say that they are supportive, but their actions are the opposite.

    Why do they insist on giving me more work while I’m on vacation?

    I’ve employed the use of a pendulum for answers, but sometimes the answers don’t seem to be accurate. Is this a valid way of getting insight? Am I consciously influencing the answers? Is there a better way to go inward to receive reliable clarity?

    Much love xx

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Anonymous | June 22, 2018

  515. Dear Council, Hello again! I have a general question which has come about listening to all of your insightful answers. Science tells us that the universe is constantly growing. The population is also growing. Is spirit constantly growing as well? Is that why we have new souls being created? If there are old souls with more wisdom, are newer souls more likely to have chosen more difficult life situations? Does an innate sense of morality and love stay with us and grow with us through lifetimes? Or could an “old soul” decide to be an evil person in a lifetime to direct others to a more righteous life? Thank you for all you do for the world, Mary

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Mary | June 20, 2018

  516. Thank you for your questions, LearningSoulSite. It seems likely we’ll answer your questions in separate sessions when we have time and post an audio recording of The Council’s response when it’s ready. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | June 19, 2018

  517. Hello Bob,Cynthia and the council,

    Thanks for all the help and your support. I have a question about two things – one is for me and one is for my best friend.

    1) My grandfather passed away sometime back. Sometimes in the middle of the night I wake up and I have all this memories that I had with at my grandparent’s house. The grief that I have becomes to severe that I feel like I have anxiety attack(I cant even seem to breath properly) and I cant seem to sleep for sometime after that. Since I live apart from parents, I also get worried of losing them sometimes. Can the counsil please guide me if my grandparents are trying to tell me something by reminding me of those memories – Although consciously I dont miss them as much, sometimes the pain becomes severe during sleep/dreams.

    2) I want to be able to help my very good friend. She is trying to look for a partner in marriage and she cant seem to find someone suitable for her. She had a bad experience with a guy whom she deeply loved and although she is trying hard, its hard for her to like someone. She also has thyroid issues that is getting serious from sometime may be due to ongoing stress with parents. Can the council please guide me how can I help her?

    Thanks so much

    Love and light

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    Comment by learningsoulsite | June 18, 2018

  518. Good question, Michelle. We imagine many readers have been in a similar situation and would also be interested in The Council’s guidance on this subject. We’ll ask them when we have time and post an audio recording of the session when it’s ready. Please be patient. We’re a little backed up. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | June 13, 2018

  519. I would like to try a question if it is possible. I am thinking of making a very serious change in my life and ending a long term relationship. I just question whether I have learned everything I was meant to from this relationship- I have learned a lot, or if there is more to learn. The thought of continuing this relationship is exhausting, yet I just can’t seem to bring myself to end it. Is my need to “hang in there” spiritual or human? would probably be the best way of putting it. Thanks in Advance!!

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by ~Michelle | June 13, 2018

  520. You have a great blog. Would you like to share your story on “What You Blog About”
    what motivated you to start this blog ?

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Whatyoublogabout | June 7, 2018

  521. Hi Cynthia, bob and the council ,
    Thankyou for all that you do for others!
    i have had feelings for someone I’m close to for about a year and a half and I’m too afraid to tell him. I know he’s attracted to me, but I don’t know if he has actual romantic feelings towards me. He confuses me, sometimes I think he cares and sometimes I think he doesn’t. I know sometimes he purposely says things to hurt me, and I don’t know why his behaviour is so confusing. He asks to see me all the time, but I refuse because I’m scared he’s using me. I feel there’s a deeper connection going on. What past life of ours affects this current life the most do I can gain a greater understanding of the situation. Are we ever going to be together?
    Love and light, A.

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Anonymous | May 30, 2018

  522. Hi, Bea Jay. We’re glad you found our blog and that this post brought you comfort. We’ll be happy to ask The Council your question when we have time about artificial insemination at some point in your future and ask their opinion on whether it’s likely to interfere or help with the things you’re meant to accomplish. We’ll publish The Council’s response in a post when it’s ready. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | May 27, 2018

  523. Hi Bob, Cynthia, and the Council,

    I first came across this page when I was seeking guidance and comfort regarding an abortion I had almost two years ago. I felt very comforted by the Council’s insight, and feel that I made the absolute right decision. I was told at the time that the lesson of the pregnancy was awareness, and I can definitely see how that circumstance changed my life and made me become more aware of the pain I was hiding from, and ways I can continue to grow into my gifts. I am thankful to the spirit of the unborn child for bringing me to that space.

    However, I still think about motherhood, and wonder if that is an experience that I could have.

    However, I feel that I am meant to accomplish immense things, but wonder if a child would help or hinder my greater life purpose. I am not in a relationship now, but have begun to consider the idea of sperm donation at some point in the distant future if having a child is still a desire, but wonder if that is an idea that is causing me to get to ahead of myself instead of living in the present moment.

    Any insight would be greatly valued and appreciated.

    Thank you!
    Bea Jay

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    Comment by Bea Jay | May 26, 2018

  524. Sorry, I know I tend to ramble.


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    Comment by Audrey | May 26, 2018

  525. Hi, Audrey. It sounds like you’re having a difficult time. We’ll be happy to ask The Council your questions when we have time and post their response in a blog when it’s ready. Hang in there. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | May 26, 2018

  526. Hello Bob, Cynthia and The Council,

    I have a question about choices and consequences.

    In the physical reality in which we live, we have many opportunities to make a variety of life-changing choices. However, once the decision is made, the consequences can be difficult and long-lasting. Examples can range from marrying the “wrong” person, to taking a crappy job, or just saying the wrong thing (even if the wrong thing is the truth and the surrounding people choose to deal only in fiction.)

    What I don’t like, is that pain/hardship/difficulty from our choices can last for years in some instances. I keep hearing from this blog that these experiences are for learning and soul-growth but that is hard for me to accept.

    I have tried to make the right choices in life and with hindsight these choices now seem wrong and I wonder what life would have been like if I had made different choices. Also, I don’t like that I have made so many “bad” choices. Let’s say I have learned my lesson from these choices, but in this lifetime, I cannot apply those lessons again because I am not faced with the same opportunities.

    I don’t like any of it. I want to know why we can’t just plan a peaceful simple life where everything falls into place.


    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Audrey | May 25, 2018

  527. Hi, LearningSoulSite. When we have time we’ll ask The Council for advice on developing your psychic sense and we’ll post a recording of their reply on our blog when it’s ready. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | May 4, 2018

  528. Hello Bob,Cynthia and Council,

    Thanks for the wonderful work and guidance.

    I have a question for the council, I am looking for a way to develop my psychic sense. I am told by counsil in a earlier question that my soul would like to develop a psychic sense, I am not sure what will be a good starting point.

    How will I know and understand what are my gifts and how can I develop that. If there are anythings that I should be careful about or I should protect myself from while working on my psychic sense please let me know.

    Thanks much!

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by learningsoulsite | May 3, 2018

  529. Hi, In Despair. Cynthia has some experience with long lasting pain and she’s still working on this. We look forward to The Council’s response to your question and and we’ll post the audio recording of their reply as soon as it’s ready. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | April 23, 2018

  530. Hi Cynthia and Bob,

    First, thank you so much for the help and guidance you provide. I hope you can help me too. I am wondering what the purpose of chronic pain is? I’ve suffered from Cervical Stenosis and Fibromyalgia for about 10 years now. I refused pain medication for awhile, but finally reached a point about 6 years ago where it was impossible to function. Now, I’m at the point where I’ve built up a tolerance (I’ve been on the same medicine for years) to the medication and the pain has increased significantly. I am in horrible pain everyday. However, I’m reluctant to speak with my Dr. about this due to the “drug addict” stigma and current drug epidemic. I have NEVER abused my medication, but for some reason, I worry my Dr. will assume the worst, even though he is absolutely kind and understanding.

    I think it’s because I dread being labeled a “druggie” and think it makes me a bad person. Why in the world would we choose chronic pain as a lesson and how can I get past my fears? I’m so tired of being in pain everyday. I feel so hopeless and helpless. Please help. Thank you so much.

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by InDespair | April 23, 2018

  531. Good questions, Juan. We’ll ask The Council as soon as we can and publish a recording of their reply in a blog post as soon as it’s ready. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | April 15, 2018

  532. Were the spirits that occupied the bodies of the German Nazi holocaust victims aware that they were agreed to be worked, tortured, and starved to death?

    If they were party of agreeing to such horrors, what would have been the purpose? Was it due to a karma debt? What was it suppose to accomplish?

    What possible benefit could come from such atrocities?

    What is the purpose of coming to this material dimension to suffer pain, anguish, or agony?

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Juan E. Ramirez | April 15, 2018

  533. Hi, Anonymous. We’ll ask The Council about your son’s anger and what you are here to teach each other as soon as we have time, and we’ll post a recording of their response when it’s ready. Good luck and hang in there. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | April 4, 2018

  534. Hi Bob and Cynthia,
    How can I improve my relationship with my son? He is five and quick to anger. I have no idea what he is so angry about- from my perspective his life is stable and full of love.

    I try to meet his anger with patience and love but I am burning out. At times I meet his unkindness with my own. He is unkind to his little brother, too, as well as classmates, sometimes. Of course, some of this is just age appropriate but I see other kids his age and there seems to be something else going on.

    What are we here to teach each other in this lifetime? Is he scared of something? I know that everyone’s kids ‘drive them crazy’ but I feel like there is something he needs that I am not giving him. I have begun to think of him as ‘mean’ and I know that is unfair and unhelpful but have less and less evidence to suggest otherwise. Does the Council have any thoughts about what he needs to feel safe and loved or how I can help him learn empathy and kindness? He creates a lot of strife and stress in our family.

    Thank you.

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Anonymous | April 4, 2018

  535. Hi, SoulPeace. We’ll ask The Council about your marriage when we have time and post a recording of their response on our blog when it’s ready. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | April 2, 2018

  536. Hi, Anthony. We’ll ask The Council about your career when we have time and post a recording of their reply on our blog when it’s ready. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | April 2, 2018

  537. Hello Council,

    Thanks for Cynthia and Bob for helping with the questions- answers and providing a guiding light.

    I am in the cross roads of my life where I need choose between two things – whether to stay in a marriage which is not working out well and try to make it better – or be brave enough and walk out with our kid. I have always been somewhat scared of living on my own and taking all the responsibilities of my kid on my own.

    I feel that whatever we have been going through the last few years, when I look deep inside, I don’t feel the love for my husband any more. I feel like I am sticking only because its more traditional option and being scared of living on my own.

    I feel its hard for me to forget about things which happened in the past. He doesnt want to make an effort to correct the things/wrong doings of past.

    Can the council please guide me if I Should I still forget him and let the past go [even though things can be corrected which he doesn’t want to do] OR start a new life for me and my kid without him. I feel like I am coming back to the same point over and over. I do want a closure to this and move ahead in any direction which is best suited for me and my kid.

    I deeply appreciate your help!

    Thank you!


    Comment by soulpeace191689339 | April 1, 2018

  538. Hello again! Often I’ve heard that the reason we are here on this earth is to raise our energy vibrations, to become more like the Source or Creator. My question is this: if we originally came from the source, why is it that we’re not already at that higher level? I’m lost as to the point of all of these lives and lessons. Will we ever reach a point of not returning for more lives? Thank you for any insight.

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Darla | March 27, 2018

  539. Dear Bob, Cynthia and the Council:

    I have a question about my job and I’m hoping The Council has some insight. My regular job duties include dealing with death and the prevention of death and violence. However, after leading an intense response to a major crisis event that was felt across the country (and perhaps, the world,) I feel bored with my regular duties. Does The Council see if I will move on to a larger role in emergency/crisis response activities, or perhaps something else?

    Thank you!

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Anthony | March 21, 2018

  540. Hi, Audrey. Interesting questions. We suspect there’s not a 1:1 ratio of humans to souls, but we’ll be happy to ask The Council and post a recording of their reply. We’ll also ask about animals become extinct will they return as other animals. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | March 13, 2018

  541. Hi Bob, Cynthia and The Council, your blog is inspiring! I have a question. I am unsure if something like this has already been answered. So apparently around the year 1800, the population of the Earth was around 1 billion people. Now the population exceeds 7 billion. So where do all these additional souls come from? Also, as human population increases, and wild animal population decreases, what happens to the souls of those animals? For example, if rhinos become extinct, will the souls of the rhinos return as other animals? Do they have the option not to reincarnate?

    Thanking you always,


    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Audrey | March 13, 2018

  542. Hi, Lavender. Thank you for your appreciation of our blog. When we have time we’ll ask The Council about your son’s anger, how to best guide him, what’s going on with your son from a spiritual perspective, and whether your son is spiritually intuitive. We look forward to The Council’s reply and we’ll post a recording on our blog. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | March 12, 2018

  543. Hello Bob, Cynthia and The Council! I always appreciate the wonderful advise given, both to myself and the questions of others who’s answers simultaneously benefit me.

    My question today is inspired by a previous question of another, about her son’s anger. I have an 8 year old boy that has been troubled and difficult, well, always. He has trouble showing affection, despite affection being offered to him. I know I’ve made mistakes so far, not knowing how to handle such a headstrong child. I just wonder why he feels the way he does.

    I want him to care that he is loved and care to love other people. He is always quick to aggression with parental figures, teachers and his younger siblings. The kind of deep anger he carries is not something that I can remember him witnessing from anyone else. Though I know he’s been around for a fight or two with his dad.

    I had him at a young age and was much less seasoned in my growth journey, so I’m sure there will always be a little bit of guilt there on my part, learning through trial and error. I was hoping the council would give me advice on how to best guide him. Punishment for example, of any form, which personally I feel is needed when aggression and disrespect is the main language he speaks, leaves him with an attitude of nonchalance. “I don’t care”, “I didn’t want that anyway”, or on the reverse, he throws unacceptable tantrums (hitting, stomping, screaming and when we say this behavior can’t go on, and put him in time out, he will cry and feel sorry for himself, but is completely blinded by his actions hurting other people, and why he ended up in the situation that he was in to begin with.

    I worry he lacks empathy for others. He lies a lot as well, I’ve put him in therapy, and he’s made progress, but from a spiritual perspective, what’s going on? I recognize, to a smaller extent, the same internal struggles I felt that I went through as a child. I was, and in my own way still am, very resistant to authority, and it’s a confusing juggle between the ego, and what I consider my own higher truth, and learning when to go against the grain.

    I have attempted to teach him the law of attraction and self empowerment, the chakras and meditation, but with that he becomes a fantastic story teller. Once he had me believing he could astrally project and that he went to a place with dimensions to doors, but someone was there telling him which ones he could and couldn’t get back from. It all seemed so advanced, that surely there was something to it. Then he stopped wanting to talk about it and later told me that he made it all up. Did he?

    He also used to talk about seeing colors that weren’t supposed to be there. (I took him to the eye doctor, everything was fine.) Is he spiritually intuitive? And if so, why does he harbor such anger and compulsions to break every rule possibly given. (I exaggerate, but only very little, he really is the ultimate tester.)

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Lavender | March 12, 2018

  544. Hi, Kim. We’ll ask The Council about your daughter’s fear of choking and whether it’s connected to a past life. We’ll publish a recording of the session on our blog when it’s ready. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | March 5, 2018

  545. Hi Cynthia, Bob and the council,
    My 10 year old daughter has developed a fear of choking. This seems to have come out of no where. This has affected her eating and weight lose. I have taking her to different doctors for help. I wanted to know if this fear is related to a past life. Also any advice on how to help her overcome this.
    Thank you, Kim

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Kim | March 5, 2018

  546. Hi Bob & Cynthia,

    I have suffered a stillbirth very recent. I miss my baby boy. I keep on imagining what it would be like for our family to him, our third child in the family. I want to know why did this happen? When I find out I was pregnant it was a surprise but We was ready to welcome him in to life. I want to know more about this soul and why he isn’t here with us? If I planned to concieve would his soul return or would it be a different soul? Thank you for your time, your gift that you share and your guidance.

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Thuy | February 19, 2018

  547. Hi, Thuy. Thank you for your questions related to your stillbirth last year and your gratitude. When we have time we’ll ask The Council about your situation and post a recording of their response on our website. Hang in there. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | February 16, 2018

  548. Hi Bob & Cynthia,

    I have a stillbirth in November 2017. I am devastated and didn’t even know that stillbirth can happened. Though I have two children to keep me going, I miss my angel baby dearly. I don’t have an answer to why medically why I loss my baby boy. I feel lost and confused. I want to know why spiritually why my son didn’t make it to this lifetime with us. After this event I don’t feel good about anything. My husband is trying to sell his business because of an indifference with his partner. I am worry about our financial future. I would like to ask the council for guidance. I used to know what I want to do next, but now I am not sure what will make me happy. Where do I come from here? What is my life purpose? Why did we have to experience this stillbirth? I thank you both for your time and your special gift that you share with us all. With Gratitude – Thuy


    Comment by Thuy | February 15, 2018

  549. Hi, Anonymous. Depression is a big lesson. We’ll ask The Council about your case and publish a recording of their reply in a post when we have time. Hang in there. Love & light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | February 14, 2018

  550. Hello,
    I would like The Council’s take on depression. I have been working so hard for many years to shake this awful pattern and try as I may (meditation, gratitude journals, therapy, medicine) I just can’t seem to shake it. I can be ok for a bit (primarily when I am really busy) and other times like now, it’s just unbearable. I intellectually understand that my negative emotions are what is creating this, but can’t seem to consistently stay positive. How can I allow all the good that I have created for myself to come in? I have been trying so hard for so long.

    Looking for the Light

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    Comment by Anonymous | February 14, 2018

  551. Hi, Wendy. Congratulations on your pregnancy. We’ll be happy to ask The Council for advice for you, and whether your baby is the same soul as before. We’ll post a recording of their answer as soon as we have time. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | January 25, 2018

  552. A happy hello to all of you wonderful beings! I wrote a couple of times, months ago and your collective commitment and advice brought me to the very wonderful place I’m at today. Thank you.

    I am currently six months pregnant, with what I believe to be the same soul that tried to enter over two years ago. This has brought an unbelievable amount of joy into my life and the lives of my sweet little family. And you know what…? I created it! THANK YOU!

    Now, I’m wondering about another area of life. I have had the privilege of working with an Ayurvedic coach and really loved everything I learned during that time. Since then, I have been digging deeper and enjoying many types of healing arts. I keep feeling like I’m meant to be in this field, in some way, but I’m not sure how.

    I have recently enrolled into an Ayurvedic Practitioners course. Part of me is insanely excited and anxious to see where it takes me. The other part is just telling me I’m insane!

    I have a good amount of fear surrounding anything new that I dare to take on. Mostly because historically speaking, I haven’t gone through with many commitments and have found myself self sabotaging and finding excuses as to why it won’t work.

    Does the council have any advice for me? Do they see me being successful in this field and if so what can I do to break old patterns, have confidence and take this all the way? Especially with a 7yr old and a new babe on the way!

    And if you wouldn’t mind, I would love to know if this baby is in the fact the same soul as before! Just for fun. It will be crazy loved either way!

    A million thanks, and a billion blessings.

    With great love and gratitude,


    Comment by Wendy Aronsson | January 25, 2018

  553. Hi, Soul Seeking Knowledge. It will be our pleasure to ask The Council for you about any past life connection to pyramids or Atlantis when we have time. We’ll also ask for guidance on how you can continue with your meditations without fear of darkness or evil or hearing strange things. We’ll post a recording of their response as soon as it’s ready. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | January 14, 2018

  554. Hello Bob and Cynthia,

    I have a question for the Council. From childhood I am very drawn to Pyramids and Egypt. From last few months, I am immensely drawen to Spiritual and Metha physical books and quest of knowledge is becoming very severe.

    Can the council please tell me if I had any past life connection with Pyramids or Atlantis – I feel like I have a purpose in there that I am not understanding yet.

    I also have one other question regarding the meditation that I do. Sometimes I have a fear of darkness/evil while I am meditating or hear strange things. Can you please show me how can I help myself and continue and progress in the meditation ~ I have had some good experiences in meditation and I dont want to stop it for the fear which is unexplained.

    Thanks so much for showing us the light.

    Looking forward for the answer


    Comment by Soul_Seeking_Knowledge | January 12, 2018

  555. That would be wonderful, thank you so very much!

    Liked by 2 people

    Comment by Dee | December 27, 2017

  556. Hi, Dee. We’re glad you enjoy our website. We’ll be happy to ask The Council about connection with spirit, your astral travel, and your intentions for communicating with spirit when we have a chance, and post a recording of our session on our website. Interesting questions. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | December 26, 2017

  557. Hi, SoulPeace. Interesting questions about spirituality and enlightenment. We’ll ask The Council when we have time and post a recording of our session with them on your answers. Please stay tuned. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | December 26, 2017

  558. I’m so happy I came across your site! It’s very informative and uplifting. I’m hoping you can help me too. I started to notice my connection with spirit about 3 years ago. It began as small coincidences (or synchronicity), then evolved into dream visitations, “feeling spirit” around me, and eventually astral traveling (which started spontaneously). I went through a period of time where I was going out of body (on purpose) fairly regularly and meeting with my deceased mother and what I believe are my spirit guides. I’ve also had dreams of people who feel familiar in the dream state, but are strangers in waking life. In the last 6-8 months, the astral traveling has become quite infrequent. I don’t know why. However, I’ve always wondered why it started in the first place as it happened so abruptly? Also, I think I’ve had a meeting with my council in a dream state (although I know it’s real regardless of being a “dream”). Am I meant to communicate with spirit (not just for myself, but for others)? I’ve been so confused about all of this. I would be so very grateful for any insight, thank you!

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Dee | December 26, 2017

  559. Hello Bob,Cynthia and Council,

    Thanks for the amazing work that you guys have been doing. I have a question regarding the spiritual enlightenment. I have been reading a lot about Buddhist culture now a days. For some reason I am very much drawn to spiritual progress and finally knowing the truth behind us taking different incarnations and learning more and more lessons – may be creating more karma and desires for the next incarnations.

    Can you please let me know if we can learn about the lessons we have to learn without taking births on earth ?

    Also, I want to know how can one achieve the freedom of taking incarnations on the earth – and achieve “moksha”/Nirvana.

    I am trying to find peace for myself and would like to know where should I begin in order to achieve that ?

    Thanks much!

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by soulpeace191689339 | December 23, 2017

  560. That’s quite a few separate questions, LearningSoulSite, but we’ll try to answer them as soon as we can and well post The Council’s response on our website. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | December 16, 2017

  561. Excellent questions, Jolanda. As soon as we have time to answer and post them, we will. We look forward to what The Council has to say about this. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | December 16, 2017

  562. Hello Bob, Cynthia and the council,

    I would like to thank you immensely for the guidance that you have been providing me. You guys are doing an amazing job by giving people guidance, support and ray of hope.

    I have a concern about my child so I thought to ask the council for their opinion on the same. I have seen many times, specially when he is at home, he has anger issues. He gets angry on things and its hard to control him at that time. If we say anything, he starts crying mostly always.

    Can the council please guide me what are his learning lessons in his life and how can I help him. I have a feeling that it has something to do with my husband’s learnings too since I see the similarities often. Would like to know more of council’s words of wisdom on this.

    Also, it would be good to know what are our lessons with each other and what kind of previous lives three of us had previously with each other?

    The other question I had is about the Job. I understand one of my major lesson is to be independent in this life. Due to visa related issues, I may lose my job in the near future. Can the council please guide me which way should I go? should I stay in the same engineering field or try to take up writing or some other thing in which I dont have any experience as of now. Also, we have to move to some other country if I need to continue working – would that be advisable at this point in time or should be kept for later.

    Thanks much for love and light,

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by learningsoulsite | December 14, 2017

  563. Dear Bob, Cynthia and The Council, last time I was here asking questions was a year or more ago and I have found your answers very helpful. My question today is about child cancer.

    Unfortunately a beautiful young soul, very close to my heart (a young boy in my family), was diagnosed with cancer 2 days ago. As we are a very health-conscious family, we are all in shock. It’s the last thing we would have expected to happen.

    Can you please shed some light on the spiritual aspect of cancer, especially childhood cancer? Why does it happen, what are the patients and their families needing to learn? And if there’s anything in particular you can say to enlighten us about regarding my young relative, I would be most appreciative. Thank you ❤


    Comment by Jolanda | December 10, 2017

  564. Hi Cynthia, Bob and the Council,

    Recently, I had three vivid dreams of someone I had a significant crush on several years ago. I decided to do an internet search on his name and discovered that he lives a short distance away from me. In fact, I believe we practically live on the same street. This was astounding to me as we knew each other in high school, in a town thousands of miles away. We have not been in contact since high school, but something in me wonders if I wanted to create an experience of being in contact with this person and seeing what happens from there. I feel it is not coincidence that we live close to each other. However, I am incredibly nervous and do not entirely feel confident that contacting him out of the blue is the right thing to do, especially since I do not know him any more, and he may not remember me. Thinking about it makes me feel like a teenager all over again. My questions are 1) is this situation a coincidence, or is my spirit drawings me to have a particular experience 2) Does this person symbolize something in my life in which I need to develop awareness?


    Comment by Jayden | December 8, 2017

  565. Thank you Cynthia & Bob. I look forward to hearing what they have to say.


    Comment by Kristi Louise | November 28, 2017

  566. Dear Cynthia, Bob and the Council

    Like all readers of your blog, I’m very grateful for the guidance you provide with such generosity. I’m hoping you can provide insight and guidance on an extremely personal and humiliating problem I’ve had for years. I’m a 34 year old female and have never been able to have intercourse. Despite having real physical desire for men my body seems to freeze and doesn’t allow anyone in and I become deeply paralyzed by fear. This happened even when I was deeply in love with someone wonderful a few years ago. It’s made it difficult to be involved with someone even if I am strongly attracted to them. I feel so lonely and abnormal and it’s heartbreaking. I really would appreciate any guidance you have to help me heal. Thank you so much.


    Comment by Anonymous | November 21, 2017

  567. Noted, Lavender. Stay tuned for The Council’s response.


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | November 17, 2017

  568. Great! That’s exciting, I’d like to add that it was sitting draped over his neck, more like a pet vs. him being constricted by it, that detail might also be important.

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Lavender | November 16, 2017

  569. Interesting dream, Lavender. This may be The Council’s first question about dream interpretation. We’ll ask when we have time and post the recording of our session. Stay tuned. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | November 16, 2017

  570. Hi, a few days ago I had a detailed dream about a man with negative energy, his intentions were not specifically known but left me with that feeling. I was supposed to be setting up a play date with this little girl that lived at this man’s house for my daughter, but he didn’t want us there when I arrived. I’m not really sure if these details matter, but the one significant aspect seemed to be that he had a large black snake around his neck the snake was mostly covered in bees. Any ideas to what my subconscious might be trying to tell me? The dream gets more and more vague after that. Thank you again for this opportunity.

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Lavender | November 16, 2017

  571. Good questions Kristi. When we have a chance we’ll ask The Council and see what they have to say, and we’ll post their reply when it’s ready. Stay tuned. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | November 13, 2017

  572. Hi Cynthia, Bob & The Council,

    Thank you for sharing your amazing gifts and your valuable time to help other people. Your blog is very informative and I enjoy reading it.

    I would like to ask Spirit a personal question about myself and the spiritual journey I am on. I started my awakening several years ago, and since then, my thirst for knowledge has been insatiable. It’s almost like I have this constant magnetic pull to the Spirit realm. It is constantly on my mind, and when I try to distance myself from it (spirit), I end up right back at it. I guess my question is, why? Why is the pull to Spirit so strong? And what am I supposed to be doing with it? What is my purpose in all of this? I guess I need a little direction. I obviously want to serve God and my Higher Purpose and acheive my goals for this lifetime, but I’m not clear on what they are. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated!

    Thank you so much! Much love.

    Kristi Louise


    Comment by Kristi Louise | November 13, 2017

  573. Hi, Brennan. We’re glad you liked The Council’s response to your previous question and that you’re asking more. We’ll ask The Council when we have time and post their response on our blog. In the meantime, think uplifting thoughts about your Dad’s surgery tomorrow. We are. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | October 29, 2017

  574. Hi, Maria. We’ll be happy to ask The Council your questions when we have time. We’ll post their reply when it’s ready. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | October 29, 2017

  575. Hello Bob and Cynthia. I asked a few questions a few months ago. I loved the response y’all and the Council gave me. You confirmed what I was thinking all along. I do have a couple more questions. If you don’t mind.

    My best friend lives in California. I have such strong feelings for her. I feel as though she is my soul mate. We both know that we are in each other’s soul group. My question is, will I ever be able to be with her? What do I need to do to help her talk to me again?

    Our relationship got a little messed up when I forgot to put the most important word in the text. I love her so much. How can I fix it?

    My parents still do not like that I am transgender. My dad and I have agreed to disagree. No big deal. My mom is still having the hardest time with it. Will she ever get off my back about being transgender? She believes that I am not supposed to be transgender. She thinks I chose to be this way. Why is she giving me such a hard time?

    My dad is having heart surgery on the 30th of this month. So, on Monday. I’m worried that he isn’t going to be the same after the surgery. Honestly I’m worried that he isn’t going to make it through the surgery. We just lost a family friend of ours. They say things come in threes. Will I be able to handle what ever happens to my dad?

    Thank you for listening to me. I thank you for all the things you and the council do for everyone.


    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Brennan | October 27, 2017

  576. Hello Bob, Cynthia and the council,
    Thank you so much for this opportunity to ask you and the guides some questions! I would like some clarification on my future please. Do you see a move for me? What do you see career wise? Anything for my children and husband? Thank you so much for your time.
    Love and Light, Maria

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Maria | October 27, 2017

  577. Hello Bob, Cynthia and the council,

    I want to thank you for all the guidance that you have been giving me with the help of the council. I always try to read and re-read it when I am stuck with something.

    Me and my son have moved back with my husband a week back. Although everything is going well so far, I am not feeling happy deep inside. Th happiness is superficial and is not coming from heart. I feel my inner self is not that happy, may be I am finding it hard to forget what happened in the past.

    I will start meditating on it. Can you please guide me what can I do to help my self to have more loving thoughts and be in more positive state of mind. I feel like my inner self is trying to tell me something I can’t hear in meditation/intuition. Can you please guide me if this is the case.

    Immensely thankful,


    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by learningsoulsite | October 5, 2017

  578. Hi, Kimberly. We’ll try to get some answers for you about a love relationship in your life. We’ll post a response as soon as it’s ready. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | September 25, 2017

  579. Hello , I am still single at 34 and have heart failure and I worry about running out of time to find love. I have never once found love. I feel like god has forgotten me. Please let me know if and when I will find love and a description of him. I would like a partner to share my life with. Thanks

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Kimberly | September 19, 2017

  580. Good evening,
    I’m looking for some guidance and insight into a struggling romantic relationship, and my own self worth.

    I wrote to the council about 9 months ago and I’m happy to report that my son, although still has a tick disorder, is doing much better and happier! Thank you!

    I however am still stuck in this cycle with Ty, and don’t know how to let him go or create a loving supportive relationship. I was wondering if you had any insight as to our soul agreement for this lifetime and/or on our past lives together?

    Even though friends and family have told me to let him go, I don’t want to give up. I see past his masks and into his heart and I love him. I feel a very strong connection with him and love that I can’t seem to sever even though he has expressed not being ready for this relationship right now. I don’t want to let him go. I’ve found myself terrified of being alone, jealous and like I’m being abandoned by him. Even though he says he’s not ready, he still spends majority of his time with me and my son. This week, I lost control of myself and was not kind. I embarrassed him and he is taking his space from me. I believe in love and that we can make it through anything, but he is very prideful and even though he won’t admit it, sensitive.

    How do I fix this relationship?Can I heal these wounds I’ve inflicted? Are we bound to repeat this cycle again/ what are we supposed to learn from this? I feel very lost, so any direction on my path would be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you for your time and guidance. Love and light to you!

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Kelly | September 10, 2017

  581. So glad to hear, thank you, and i will be patient. Love & Blessings x

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Just Me Again | August 21, 2017

  582. Interesting questions about your cat and Cambodia. We’ve already recorded a session with The Council on it, but it may take a while to post it. Please be patient. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | August 21, 2017

  583. Hi, Arvinda. We’re so glad Vacha has recommended our blog to you. As soon as we get a chance we’ll ask The Council about your lessons and the lessons of Yogesh in this lifetime and post their response. Please stay tuned. It may take a while since there are several questions ahead of yours. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | August 21, 2017

  584. Hello Bob,Cynthia and the Council –

    Hope you are well. I came to know about the website from my daughter. My Name is Arvinda and My husband’s name is Yogesh.

    We live in India. I have been hearing about the Soul and its learning in this life. I want to understand what is my are my learning lessons in this life.

    Also I would really appreciate if you can also tell me what are my husband’s learning lessons in life.

    When I look back at my life, I have always done so much for my life and haven’t quite received the same amount of love from them. Now I am close to 60 years old and my husband is 62 years old.

    If you can please help us to acknowledge it with my learning lessons and my husband’s learning lessons – I would be deeply grateful.

    Arvinda and Yogesh

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Arvinda Dave | August 21, 2017

  585. Dear Cynthia, Bob & Council

    I am planning to move to Cambodia early next year to fulfill my dream and to do the work I feel I am guided to do. I have to leave my cat behind as she cannot travel with me. I have found somebody that is willing to take her in when I leave for Cambodia, but I would like to ask a few questions to the council that I would like to have clarity on.

    1. Is this person the correct one to look after her?
    2. I understand why she came into my life (my healer and support in very difficult times), but what did I agree to offer her in this lifetime and did I do that for her? I feel sad and guilty to leave her behind, while she was so good to and for me. Did we agree that I would leave her behind?
    3. Can the Council tell me about previous lifetimes, as I feel we shared more than this?
    4. Does she understand why I have to leave her behind and is she ready to move on?
    5. Did I have a previous lifetime in Cambodia (I feel an intense need to go back since I was there for a holiday 5 years ago) and is it the right move/time for me to go?
    6. An old Cambodian woman who did a reading for me believe that I was her doctor in a previous life. Does the Council have anything for me about this?
    7. I feel guided to produce a specific synergetic transformational essence blend, do transformational retreats for tourists, some healing work at a wellness centre in Cambodia and whatever else I feel guided to when I am there. Does the Council have anything for me about this?

    Once again, I am very appreciative of the work you do and the opportunity to be able to get clarity on the questions I have.

    Much love and appreciation
    Just Me Again

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    Comment by Just Me Again | August 15, 2017

  586. Two good questions, LearningSoulSite. We’re glad your meditations are bringing you peace and helping your grow. We’ll ask The Council how you can improve your meditations, and your question about soul mates when we have time, and we’ll post their response. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | August 9, 2017

  587. Hello Bob, Cynthia and the council,

    Hope you guys are doing good. I am trying to do meditation as much as I can, as the Council suggested — to reach the answers of the questions that I have myself. It does give me peace and seems like it’s helping me to grow in a way. Thank you council for that.

    I do feel something special few times during meditation, but I can’t seem to reach to the answer or intuition by myself during meditation. Can the council please guide me where I am going wrong or what can I improve upon in the meditation that I am doing. I usually do guided meditation and the color meditation(Imagining a color green/white and letting it flow through my body).

    I did have one experience of seeing white light and hearing voices which I could remember after waking up before 5 years in a dream at night(after praying for a long time), but I can’t seem to reach to that state again.

    One more thing I want to ask the council is that I have been reading Michael Newton – Journey of souls and destiny of souls – In that book its written that we have a primary soul mate and a soul group in which we frequently incarnate. I do understand the concept of a soul mate that they can be a friend, sister/brother, husband or any other relationship.

    The relationship with a soul mate is different from what I understand, they help each other to grow and be of support/ there is an inherent feeling of “coming home” with a soul mate.

    I feel that all the romantic relationships I had till now, I never connected with anyone at that level that I can feel they are my soul mate. I do have friends, relatives with whom I feel deep connection but in terms of romantic relationships, I don’t think I have reached that feeling of sharing a deeper connection.

    As the Council suggested before, the lesson to be learned from this life was to be very independent. It may mean that I need to be emotionally independent and not rely on anyone. Can the council please guide me if the learnings that I have is a reason that I haven’t come across to my soulmate yet. I am not sure if there is a possibility in the future to meet a person who is/has been my primary soul mate/spouse in my past lives.

    Thanks so much.

    Loads of love.

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by learningsoulsite | August 9, 2017

  588. Hi Bob, Cynthia, and The Council,

    I feel quite shy asking this question, but curiosity has gotten the better of me so here it goes… Earlier this year, a psychic told me that I am a “channel” much like Cynthia. While I have had sensory experiences–smelling phantom scents and occasionally feel like I’m having a conversation in my head, I’ve certainly never had an experience where I can do any automatic writing, feel like I know the future, or channel spirit. Can you offer some feedback on this?

    Much love and gratitude to you all.

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Anonymous | August 4, 2017

  589. Hi, Casey. Try and hold on. We did a session with The Council today to answer your question. We understand an abortion can be a difficult time and we’ll try to get their reply to you shortly. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | July 30, 2017

  590. Hello Council,
    I had an abortion. Now I want to die. I am told I took a life and now I don’t want to live anymore. I have two kids and a husband but I have no desire to live. I was shy of five weeks. I try and communicate with the soul. I’ve read every book regarding past life regressions and aborted spirits returning to the same mother but nothing makes me feel better. I feel shunned. Scared. And fear divine retribution.
    My life feels as if it is over. What can the council offer?


    Comment by Casey | July 27, 2017

  591. Hi, EG. We haven’t had many or any questions specifically about autism. We’ll be happy to ask The Council your question and post their response when it’s ready. Thank you for your question. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | July 22, 2017

  592. Hello Bob and Cynthia and The Council! I have a question about people with Autism. I understand that people with Autism think differently than “typical” people. Working with this population shows that people with Autism can lack empathy or ability to read facial expressions and body language. They often perseverate on items or concepts and communication can be difficult. My question is, if we plan our lives in advance, why would so many people choose to be born with Autism?


    Comment by EG | July 21, 2017

  593. Thank you! Im very much looking forward to the response!!


    Comment by Lavender | July 21, 2017

  594. Good question, Lavender. When we get a chance we’ll ask The Council your question and post their response. Stay turned. Love & light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | July 11, 2017

  595. Hello, my question is about whether or not I should be sexually intimate with my best friend. Does the council see this becoming an issue later on, or could it remain light and fun, which is what it’s meant to be? Im also wondering if we were connected from a past life or if this is a fresh feeling and new intention/relationship?


    Comment by Lavender | July 11, 2017

  596. Happy summer! And such a happy summer it is, greatly in part to the healing I’ve received from the council. I am moving in the direction of love and working everyday to create expansion within myself and my family. I feel stronger as each week passes and my confidence is larger than it has ever been before.

    I am certain that I am able to invite the very soul that I love so much into this family and even though I sometimes get anxious about exactly when this will happen, I have been able to call my energy back to me and re-focus relatively easily. My gratitude for this gift goes beyond words or the physical. Thank you.

    I have two questions now that I feel can help me even further. The first is this: Is there any advice for my partner on helping me to create this pregnancy? We have started trying, but he is still unsure if this is a possibility due to a report form the doctor that he received years ago. I’ve told him that our thoughts create our reality and I believe this with my whole heart, but I’m also wondering if there’s anything he can do with his physical body to help promote fertility? Is it strictly mind over matter? Anything I can send his way is much appreciated!

    My second question is one about my son. He is an amazing little boy who has taught me SO much and continuously pushes me to be my best self. I would like some advice on how to help him through some things he seemed to come into this life with. (I’m sure I’ve also partially created, during times of struggle where I have been less than perfect as his mama.)

    He’s a perfectionist. He wants very much to please and even more than that, he always wants to be on top. I know to some extent this is normal for all children, but I worry that he will be untrue to himself by being so concerned with having to be so perfect all the time. I want him to know that my love is unconditional and I want him to feel secure in making decisions that feel good to him as opposed to what he might think others want, from him.

    He is such a special little boy, smart beyond his years and SO easy to love. He has difficulty opening up and allowing himself to love my partner. Sometimes this bothers me and I know he holds back his true feelings surrounding the situation because he doesn’t want to upset me. I want to encourage communication and honesty while making sure he feels loved and secure, especially as this family grows. I want to provide him with tools that he will use for the rest of his life, tools that will make his journey more joyful and spiritual.

    Please tell me what I can do to help him and I will implement it immediately! And just out of curiosity, could you sneak in a little info about any past lives I’ve shared with both my little boy and my partner? I’m just SO darn curious!!! Thank you. Always and eternally.

    With all the LOVE,


    Comment by Wendy Aronsson | July 2, 2017

  597. Hi Bob, Cynthia and the council,

    We have a spiritual leader/Guruji that we go to for guidance mostly related to family issues or gaining more spiritual knowledge. He says he can also talk to spirit world and gives us guidance based on that and on Astrology.

    Sometimes he says it is because of Astrology and he suggests us some chants, rituals of “pooja” that gets performed by priests. Most of the rituals include praying god and asking for wellness through interacting number of sanskrit shlokas.
    Sometimes that does have an effect and the other times it has positive effects but lasts temporarily.

    The more I read consunil’s guidance and read about spirituality – I have a question about the authenticity and the actual impact of such kind of rituals performed. One thought I have is it might work because we “believe” in it and it doesn’t if we dont “believe”. But I am not sure on this part.

    As the counsil say – We need to learn our lessons in order for our soul to grow and we “choose” this “difficult” experiences before taking birth. However, when we are born we sometimes feel its too much to handle and resort to such kind of activities. What I wanted to ask is that – does this sort of rituals have any effect or can postpone learning the lessons.

    The other question I have is regarding two of my friends – Pragna and Priayanka. I feel I share a connection from past lives with both of them. Both of them always love and give me support when I was going through difficult time. Can the council please tell me about the past lives we have shared and what is the pre birth plan for me with both my friends. I particularly love my friend Pragna who is in USA and I miss her a lot. She helps a lot in staying positive and sort of keeping me happy.
    I wish I can be toeghether with Pragna in future. Can the counsil see that happening ? or we were just meant to be together physically for a short amount of time and we need to live in separate countries now.

    Thanks for showing love and light – Bob,Cythia and the counsil
    Loads of love.


    Comment by learningsoulsite | June 30, 2017

  598. Hi, Anonymous. Good questions. We’ll ask The Council when we have time and post their response. Stay turned. Love and light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | June 28, 2017

  599. Hello, I have a question for The Council. I feel like there is so much more that I have to accomplish and get depressed when things don’t work out. I’m convinced that I have the ability to live the life I want to lead, but seem to be frustrated quite often–meaning things seem like they might happen then don’t. Also, I have a bit of difficulty with people. Any advice? Anything from a previous life that I am trying to rectify? Which career at this point would I be most successful?



    Comment by Anonymous | June 28, 2017

  600. Hi Bob and Cynthia,
    I asked a question of the council a few months ago and was grateful for your thoughtful response- I had recently had an abortion and was really feeling sad and guilty about it (In my previous question I wondered if the aborted soul would return o our family). I’ve tried to work through my negative feelings around the abortion these past few months- saw a few therapists, have done some reading, tried communicating with the aborted soul…. and while I do feel more functional, I feel there is still so much more work to do. Can the Council provide any guidance as to how I can truly work through this experience in a healthy way and learn to forgive myself?


    Comment by Anonymous | June 5, 2017

  601. Thank you!
    I am looking forward to ypur response.


    Comment by LostSoul | May 23, 2017

  602. Hello Bob,Cynthia and Counsel,

    Hope you guys are doing good. From the last couple of days I have been thinking about a question, which is in regards to my marriage.
    For a long time almost for 5 months, my husband was not calling me and we were still going over the issues the two times we talked in that time. Now, from last week he called and he claims that he is changed and he understood my issues and willing to work on those. He sounds very changed but I am little bit skeptical since this is not his usual behavior with me. I am more keen on settling in India and he is saying he would need like 2 more years to do that.

    The question that keep me unsure is that – if he is actually changed or he wants me just for the sack of money and the home loan that we have. When I go there, I am pretty much alone without a family and I need to go through a lot if those issues happen again.

    I also think about the counsel’s guidance from last time and it was said that in the pre birth plan, the issues between my husband and me were suppose to be resolved once I learn to be independent. I also think about our son and feel that if things to workout, it would be good for him and me for our future life together.

    If I think about it positively and move ahead and possibly reconcile, Is this a good time to do that or should I wait for some more time. Can the counsel please guide me as in what changes I should see in him and may be in me too in order to this relationship to workout.

    Thanks so much.



    Comment by learningsoulsite | May 22, 2017

  603. Hi, Lost Soul. We’ll ask The Council your questions when we have time and post their response. Love and Light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | May 10, 2017

  604. I have decided to write in today, as my mom has often pointed The Council out to me and has even written about a difficult situation I had to go through (a second time again) to you and showed me the response.
    I have three main holes in me that I need help healing.

    First, it is my relationship. I will be 25 years old in a few months. I am dating (and staying with) a 21 year old man. Although I have great confusion around this, I am almost sure I love him for the right reasons. We have been together for two years (then broken up for, not sure, but could be 6 months – because I decided to pursue a love-less ego boost relationship with someone I could never pursue a life with). And by some “miracle” I got back with the 21 year old man. It was as of we were never apart. And for a few months it was amazing. I suppose I felt ‘home’ again.

    It’s been a little over a year again, being together, and a lot has changed. He can be the most amazing guy, and then at times make choices that damages me emotionally and to the point where I feel physically sick. Although he is not an alcoholic at all – these bad choices always involves his friends and alcohol. He has made the same mistake numerous of times. Always apologizes, and then he does it again. We are currently at a point where I have told him to stop drinking completely or we need to end this. (Of course everything in me had hoped that he would choose the ‘quit drinking’ issue – which he did).

    The concern I have now though, is. 1. Am I molding this person into someone I want and am I forcing him to face personal issues, he is not ready for? Or could this be a positive thing? 2. I feel haunted by the moments where he has hurt me, yet I want to be in this relationship. Is there a soulmate in this person whom I can pursue a life with? Has he come to a realisation? Is there hope for us? Or have I learnt the necessary lessons and do I need to be strong and let go? What if that will be the biggest mistake ever?

    Another thing I could really use some guidance with is my “career”. I have been an au pair for quite some time. I do this with no passion, in fact, I do it with a heavy heart. This is not my calling. I am more. Yet, I stay stuck, as I can not get a admin job, due to the fact that I have no experience. Also, I can not do it in the “live your life and leave the job that makes you unhappy” way as I have to still survive financially. Where does my heart want to take me? I said ‘admin’ as I feel it is probably the best I can find with only childcare experience.

    Last thing. I have come to the realisation lately that I am utterly unhappy. It is as if my eyes open and my soul told me “Wake up. You need to start loving yourself.” I feel like a have been doing a little bit better, but not with the passion I should be grabbing this new life that awaits me. Maybe just a little guidance on this?

    I want to have a relationship with myself. A joyful, beautiful one. I want to feel free.

    I would appreciate any guidance you offer and await it with a open mind and open heart.

    Thank you.


    Comment by LostSoul | May 8, 2017

  605. Hi, Anon. Maybe there’s a past life connection with your phobia of vomiting. We’ll ask The Council about your phobia and publish a post on their reply. Hang in there. Love & Light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | April 27, 2017

  606. Thank you. I can’t wait to hear what the council has to say


    Comment by Brennan | April 27, 2017

  607. Hi bob and Cynthia

    Thank you so so much for your time and help. You kindly answered my questions around my new baby and losing my job and also about my fear of being sick.

    Council mentioned that kids get sick and doesn’t mean I should get sick and I shouldnt live in the fear. I’d like to expand on this as this fear is a phobia of myself vomiting and since having kids it’s getting worse and worse. I am so scared of kids catching a stomach bug and I know it’s going to happen one day and I am petrified of catching it. I feel like I would rather die than vomit and it’s taking over my thoughts every day of whether we will catch it. How can I overcome this fear? I know of other people
    With this phobia and no amount of therapy seems to help. I don’t see anyone who has got over it.

    Can anyone help with how I can overcome this? It’s taking over my life and I know one day it will happen. It’s ruining my time as a parent as I am so scared I will not cope!

    I am fine with other illness like colds measles chicken pox – it’s only vomiting 😦

    I would be so grateful for advice as I cannot live like this!

    Many thanks and blessings x


    Comment by Anon | April 27, 2017

  608. Good question, Brennan. We’ll ask The Council as soon as we can a post their response. Love and Light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | April 25, 2017

  609. I’ve been learning a little about pre-birth planning. I’m curious to see if y’all can help me with this. My birth name is Sheala. I am changing my name to Brennan. I’m going to be going through the change soon. I’m going from female to male. I’m wondering if I planned in my pre-birth planning to be transgender. If so why did I plan this? It’s hard to even be gay/lesbian in this day and age. Transgender is extremely hard for some to understand. On top of that I have mental illness. What is the purpose for me to have all these things that are “shunned” upon? What is the reason for me in this lifetime?


    Comment by Brennan | April 24, 2017

  610. I am sorry bob and cynthia. I would ask new questions later.


    Comment by learningsoulsite | April 22, 2017

  611. Hi, Vacha. Please try and wait until we’ve answered your more recently posted questions before posting new questions. This will help us keep track of them. Love and Light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | April 21, 2017

  612. Hello Bob, cynthia and council,

    I have one more question which I have been thinking from sometime. It is regarding the pre birth plan that I have with my son . Since I dont know yet which way my marriage would go, I am not sure about the future that lies for my son And me with respect to family .
    I was just wondering did my son came to this life knowing that this would happen and what could be his pre birth plan with me and his learnings out of this whole experience of getting born in unstable family.

    Thanks again for helping like you always do,
    Deeply grateful ,


    Comment by learningsoulsite | April 21, 2017

  613. Hi, Diana. We’ll ask The Council how you can find a loving and financially secure husband and post their response as soon as we have time. Love, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | April 20, 2017

  614. Hi, Diana. We’ll ask The Council about how you can find more satisfying work and post their response when we have time. Love, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | April 20, 2017

  615. Hi, Fernanda. We’ll ask The Council your questions about relationships and career, and post a response as soon as we have time. Love, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | April 20, 2017

  616. Hi, Vacha. We’ll ask The Council your question about spiritual realms and post a response as soon as it’s ready. Love, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | April 20, 2017

  617. Hello, I would love to meet my Soulmate Husband (the soulmate I will marry) soon, someone who I connect with deeply on all levels, and there is huge mutual love. Do The Council have any insights on this please? Is there anything I can do to speed up the process? Are they able to see him at all?

    I understand that I will attract the same vibration as myself… however I struggle with lack/ poverty issues, and would love to meet someone who does NOT struggle with poverty issues, so that I feel safe and secure. Do you have any insights? Many thanks and much gratitude, Diana


    Comment by dianawalles | April 20, 2017

  618. Hello, I’m 42 years old, and for over 20 years have been trapped in meaningless, unfulfilling office jobs. I’d love to focus more on my creativity and art, and also to develop healing work and group skills.

    I’ve been in despair for many years – not knowing how to fulfill my potential, because I work in a meaningless, badly paid, full-time job – and have: a) no money to use for trainings b) I’m exhausted all the time c) I have very little spare time to develop my art, healing skills etc. I feel trapped.

    Is there any hope for me still to break out of this cycle, and somehow survive financially? Will I ever get any support from anywhere? I want to feel like I’ve lived, before I die. I hope to thrive one day, to use my potential, and break free from struggle 😦


    Comment by Diana | April 20, 2017

  619. I want to ask for your help. I’m 42 years old and a single woman. In my life I’ve never done anything important. For me it´s very difficult to have any kind of relationship or employment. I’m very worried because I feel the time is running and I don´t have a real life. I feel I’m died on life.

    Also I want to know why all that I’ve wanted had become impossible, especially if it’s about a relationship. All my love relationships became impossible and platonic. I usually got obsessed with this man. I really spent a lot of years trying to forget and moved on every relationship.

    In my career I don’t know what to do. I studied something but now I lost interest in this and I’d like to find other things, but this looks impossible too. So I feel very worried for my financial situation and I don’t know what to do to survive now.

    Thank you for all the help you can give.


    Comment by fernanda wu | April 19, 2017

  620. Hello Bob,Cynthia and Counsil,

    Thanks for guiding and inspiring us with all the wonderful answers. Last few days I have been reading few books by Dr.Brian Weiss and Khorshed Bhavnagari’s books about Spirit world. I am also reading Abraham and Hick’s books.

    The question I had is for Spiritual Realms. I have read that each reincarnation that we have is for learning things and we expand in the spirit world. From the books knowledge, there are 7 realms and we grow and eventually become one with source after 7th realm.

    If there are indeed realms, I just wanted to know which level(If there are 7) of realm my spirit belonged to when I took birth in this lifetime and what is the main learning that I intend of having in this life time. From the book, I came to know that depending upon the life we live,based on Karma – we can either expand or we can come down in the realm.

    Can the council please guide us if this is true. If this is not true, how do we exactly expand the learning experiences in this life time?

    Thanks again – loads of respect –


    Comment by learningsoulsite | April 18, 2017

  621. Please explain the buffer of time in regards to manifestation.
    thank you


    Comment by Juan Ramirez | April 8, 2017

  622. I would like to ask the council a question: I have two young children (suffered one miscarriage in between them). I was recently pregnant and my husband and I decided to end the pregnancy. It was not an easy decision and I have been devastated. Feeling guilty but also just missing the baby. And feeling a bit like a bad mom- I did the opposite that I was supposed to. I didn’t protect my baby. Friends have said things like ‘you did what was best for your family’ but I came to realize that the baby was part of our family. But oddly, I didn’t feel connected to the baby at all while I was pregnant, not at all. I can’t figure that out. It was only after the abortion that I really felt connected. I would like to try again- is this soul still with me? Is there any way I can call her back?I have this silly notion of convincing her that I am a good mom (I am!), but ultimately it seems that I need to win her trust back, so she can trust me to keep her safe.

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Anonymous | March 27, 2017

  623. Hello Council and best wishes your way………I have a question about my health if possible…..I understand it is connected to our emotions and our attitudes….And we actually cause our own illnesses……If this is true then how should I and what could I do to be healed back to normal besides just changing our thoughts and attitudes…..Is it even possible ? I’m told I have a throat tumor that must come out. But I have had a prophetic word said to me that it is not a right prognoses at all…….Not knowing what to do I wonder if there is a way of truth to return to health ? This might sound like a crazy silly question but I truly don’t know which way to turn and just wonder if there is truth I can follow to return to my health….Thankyou. Linda


    Comment by Linda | March 15, 2017

  624. Hello Cynthia and Bob and Council,
    Hope you guys are doing good.

    As I read more and more about other people questions, previous life and multiple realities,

    *What profession would be best suited for me depending on the skills I had in my previous life times. I would like to pursue that profession going forward as I think I have that choice now.
    * What kind of previous life times I had and how does it affect me as a person now. Sometimes there are unfinished things that we need to take care of.

    I am getting this questions because one of our “Guruji” – spiritual leader we believe in, told that my life would be very different after 50. I don’t quite understand that how it would be different. Off late after the abortion and issues with my husband, I feel like I am growing spiritually and reading about spiritual and reincarnations a lot.

    When you get a chance , can you please ask this question to the council.

    Thanks for helping Bob and Cynthia as you always do to show me love and light.

    Thanks and blessings,

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by learningsoulsite | March 15, 2017

  625. Good questions, Marie. We’ll ask The Council and post their response. Love and Light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | March 13, 2017

  626. Many people today are learning the Reiki practice and charging quite a lot for their services. I would be interested to know if the Council feels that the Reiki practice is of true validity. Can they explain why symbols are used and how do they work? If one is to practice Reiki healing on others, how proficient should they be? Also, I believe that the energy changes we are experiencing are having an effect on how the practice should be taught and the formality can be relaxed or changed somehow. I would be very interested in any guidance from the Council on this subject. As always, much gratitude to Cynthia, Bob and the Council for this wonderful opportunity to hear words “from on high”.

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Marie | March 12, 2017

  627. Hi, Anon. We’ve been having some technical difficulties with our recording equipment lately, but we’re close to solving the problem and posting responses to questions. When we get to your question we’ll post The Council’s response. Hang in there in the mean time. Love & light, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | March 11, 2017

  628. Hi Bob and Cynthia

    I contacted last year when I was pregnant with my second child and unsure if it was what I wanted. Our little girl has just been born and I love her to pieces. However I have also recently been made redundant and life feels very unknown and I feel (I can’t explain very well) but uneasy and unsure where I am going in life. Is this the start of a new phase with a new baby and having to find a new job after maternity. Do the council have any advice on what direction my life is going as I feel very out of sorts and in no mans land.

    Also I have a massive phobia of being sick and this massively impacts my life since having children. I constantly worry about catching bugs and kids getting ill and how I will cope and it takes the joy from parenting. Do they have any advice.

    I think all in all am feeling a bit lost and stuck with all this change and wondering what is next.

    Thanks so much for helping again

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Anon | March 11, 2017

  629. Thank you, wai. We’ll try to make it worth your while. Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | February 19, 2017

  630. following this post!

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by wai | February 18, 2017

  631. Hello, again, it’s Darla. I have a question about the concept of soul mates. What are The Council’s thoughts on this? Do we all have a certain soul we are deeply connected to throughout many lifetimes? If so, can we have more than one soul mate? Or do we have a “soul family” that we reincarnate with more often? I’ve been told by a psychic friend that my own mother was my mother-in-law in a past life, and that my husband was my daughter in the past. Thanks for any information!

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by truthjournal | February 16, 2017

  632. Hello Bob and Cynthia,

    This is vacha again. I am actually going through a life changing crisis right now. I would appreciate counsil’s guidance and light on this subject.

    As I have previously mentioned, I have on going issues with my husband and in laws. The marriage has been a physically abusive from begining. With time, it has only grown and right now I have reached a stage where I couldn’t continue the marriage further for the sake of my safety and my son’s.

    I have moved back to India with my parents. I thinking to get separated from my husband. The question I has for the counsil is that, this is my second marriage. In both of my marriages, I have ended up being with physically abusive husbands. I have given 5 years to my second marriage, and the situation only gets worse because of my husband’s anger and my in law’s interference. At a times, I feel suicidal but thinking of my son, I have decided not to take such extreme step. I think I might have to set some karmic accounts with both my husbands. Is that true from counsil perspective.

    My son is only person in my life who keeps me going. If we decide to separate, will my son be staying with me. Also, going forward, will there ever be a good relationship I would have.

    Career wise also I have to start from fresh here and all my last 5 years have gone to bring up my son and taking care of him.

    Is there a chance I would have planned to face such abusive relationships before coming in to this world. I read your posts for multiple realities, and the thought that you can’t change some things which you wanted to experience before coming in to this world. Is my failed marriages one of those things that I cant change.

    Thanks again for helping as you always do Bob and Cynthia. Loads of love from india.



    Comment by learningsoulsite | February 5, 2017

  633. Hi, Wendy. We’ll ask The Council your questions and post their response when it’s ready. Love, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | January 26, 2017

  634. Hello Bob and Cynthia,

    It’s Wendy again. I first want to thank you both (and the council too!) for the wonderful sense of relief that I was provided with after receiving my message from the council. I have since worked very hard to see things differently and make changes to create the life I desire. I’m experiencing more joy with Siggy and in the little things everyday. I feel like I’m waking up!

    I do have a couple of questions for the council that I feel could help me even further. I would like to know if they see me doing this inner work and if I’m on the most beneficial path at the moment. I want to know if I’m doing well with my son. I am consciously working to invite more joy into my life and my relationships, though it isn’t always easy for me. I struggle with anxiety and often wonder if I’m going to get where I want to go. And if I do get here, will I have moved beyond the people and relationships I have now and love so much? This sometimes leads to self sabotage. I’m very afraid to move along my own path in fear that I will leave my current relationship behind.

    Since my last post, I took the council’s advice and spoke with my partner regarding my desire to have a child. He has put a lot of thought into it and has taken on a greater role with my 6 yr old, which quite obviously overjoys me. He says that he can see us having a child and would like to do so with me, but that he would like to wait until his current business ventures settle down a bit. Perhaps in a couple of years.

    I feel anxious to expand my family, to have a baby, to finally meet the soul who has already taught me so much. Perhaps I feel anxious to have a baby with Adam right away because of the fear I have of losing him. The council had suggested not to rush in or out of the relationship, but I wonder if time plays a role in whether or not that same soul will make its return.

    I also wonder if the council suggests waiting a bit myself? I am on a divine mission and very much know what I want to do with my life. How can keep my negative or fearful thoughts away while I manifest the joy, love and success that we all want and deserve? Is it possible to forge my own path and still grow with someone who’s path may differ from mine?

    Thank you again. From the very core of my heart.


    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Wendy Aronsson | January 25, 2017

  635. Hi, Vacha. Thank you for your questions. We’ll ask The Council and post their response on our blog. Love, Bob & Cynthia

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | January 25, 2017

  636. Hey Bob/Cynthia,

    It’s Vacha. I have a question for the council and I would greatly appreciate if you please discuss it with them. I am going through a life-changing crisis and would appreciate council’s guidance in that.

    I have numerous problems in my marriage. Nowadays the issues are getting worse – at every level – that it is impossible to stay in the relationship.

    As this is my second marriage and I have a young kid, I really wanted this to work out. I am not really sure if this was a pre birth plan of my spirit to always land up with abusive marriages. I am feeling so depressed and stressed about my marriage.

    I am thinking of going to India soon. I am also very much worried about my career. I need to find new job there. It is going to be a difficult time to manage social pressure of failed marriages, a kid and a job. I also have a big regret that I never end up with a loving companion. I also feel suicidal at times but then I think of my kid and my responsibilities towards him, which keeps me going.

    Evaluating all my options and my life with him over here, I am thinking going to India is the only option I have. Can The Council see happiness in my life – marriage wise, career wise – or do I have so many tough lessons to learn in this lifetime.

    I really appreciate your time and effort. Please get back to me on this question – I would really appreciate the council’s view point in the events of life and the reason behind it continuously happening to me.



    Comment by learningsoulsite | January 24, 2017

  637. Hello Bob and Cynthia and the Council, its Audrey again. I want to thank you for what you do.

    I have a couple of questions in regard the The Book of Mormon. I have two friends in the LDS church who perform temple work where they act as stand-ins for posthumous baptisms of the dead. They also have stated they will baptize me after I die which I think is very loving of them.

    Anyway, I have tried to learn more about their religion. I really hope I don’t offend anyone – I am just curious.

    I read the first half of The Book of Mormon and found it difficult to follow so I read more on the founder, Joseph Smith. Was Joseph Smith visited by the Angel Moroni? Who is/was the Angel Moroni? And so Joseph Smith translated The Book of Mormon from gold plates using the Urim and Thummim. Did he actually have the Urim and Thummim? Did these gold plates really exist? How was he able to do this translation? If so, were the gold plates translated correctly? It seems that translating something like that would be a very difficult task. Did the events in the Book of Mormon actually take place? Did they take place in this reality or a different one? Is The Book of Mormon a reality that exists only in spirit? Or is it a work of fiction? What was the spiritual purpose behind the creation of the Book of Mormon?


    Comment by Audrey | January 24, 2017

  638. Thank you both so much!

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Kate | January 18, 2017

  639. Hi, Kate. We’re glad you found our website and that it’s brought you peace and answered many questions. We’ll ask The Council about the challenges you desire to overcome and post they’re reply when it’s ready. Love, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | January 18, 2017

  640. Hi, Diana. We’ll ask The Council your question about your relationship and post their reply when it’s ready. Love, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | January 18, 2017

  641. Hello Cynthia and Bob

    I stumbled upon this website and I can’t begin to tell you want peace it has brought me regarding my two abortions and the passing of my beloved dog. Thank you for the work you do, you have answered so many questions and put my soul at rest on this matter.

    I would like to ask the council a question though, I have no idea what my purpose on earth is, I feel like a spectator a lot of the time, my days are like a loop. It almost doesn’t feel real. I suffer with anxiety and it plagues my mind, I can’t seem to relax and enjoy being here. I am fairly poor at doing well at a job, I feel like I have made the incorrect choices in life and that I have very little future as I cannot escape my bad habits and faults. I see the posibilities in life but I don’t have the courage or self discipline to peruse them. I think I also over think things and this dissuades me. I also have a big issue with authority and constructed systems in the workplace. How can I over come these challenges so I can be more. I live in fear of my own life, and I am failing horribly at it.

    Many thanks, Kate

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Kate | January 17, 2017

  642. Hello, I’ve been in a relationship now for 6 months and am very torn about whether to continue or not. I’m keen to settle down now as I’m 42 years old. On one hand, we have a lovely, deep, authentic connection, and compatibility on many, many levels, and feel very good together. On the other hand, I find my partner’s life choices, circumstances, and struggle to cope with the daily practicalities of life very unsettling. Including irresponsible financial and work decisions – he seems stuck in life. I feel that perhaps I do not respect him enough. I feel he is not stepping into his masculinity enough (for me), so I end up feeling slightly resentful that I can’t relax and feel like a protected woman. I do however have compassion for his own childhood wounds. The thought of ending it feels almost unbearable, and yet I feel totally stuck with moving forwards (i.e. moving in with him or marrying him in the future)… Do the spirit guides have any insight on this matter please? Many thanks and best wishes, Diana x

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by dianawalles | January 14, 2017

  643. Thank you so very much. You have made me smile and appreciate my life even more. Many blessings to you! Mary

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Mary | January 4, 2017

  644. Hi, Mary. Good question. We’ll ask The Council as soon as we get a chance and post their response. Stay tuned. Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | December 22, 2016

  645. Dear Council,

    I’ve only just found you, yet you resonate with me deeply. Let me preface my question with the fact that I have a wonderful life and family whom I appreciate immensely. I was born into a vastly different situation, but somehow I worked through it. Luckily, I came into the world with some emotional intelligence and learned from many teachers along the way.

    I’m not unhappy, yet I feel like the professional life that I thought I would have isn’t happening. I sense that there are many friends and family who feel the same way for me. The irony is that I’m happier now than I was when my professional life was progressing “as planned” so to speak. I’m a nicer and better person as well. I could chalk it up to “life turns out for the best,” though I still feel like I’m missing something or that I’m failing to do something I’d always thought I was destined to be.

    Is that feeling just a vestige of a past life and past expectations?

    Thank you for all you do for the world,

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Mary | December 22, 2016

  646. Hi, Jim. We’ll ask The Council about your anxiety and your purpose in life, and we’ll post their response on this website when it’s done. Good questions. Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | December 17, 2016

  647. Good questions, Frankie. We’ll ask The Council as soon as we have time, and post the session on our website. Stay tuned. Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | December 17, 2016

  648. Hi Cynthia and Bob,

    I am experiencing issues related to developing romantic relationships. I have been involved in long term relationships with men who ultimately do not want to develop partnership and commitment with me.

    Currently I am friends with someone who I fell in love with several years ago, but our romantic relationship didn’t work out because we could not seem to land on the same page. He is currently in a relationship with someone else that he intends to marry. As a result I have experienced feelings of anger, sadness, resentment and confusion. I see him showing love and a willingness to commit to his girlfriend that he never showed to me and it hurts. My friends tell me I should stop being friends with him.

    I have also been in other relationships where the men I’m involved with show little interest in developing a relationship with me, and I wonder where this pattern originated. The questions I have are:

    1. What did I come into this lifetime seeking to learn about love.
    2. Why do I still feel a connection to my friend (like, did we know each other in a past life).
    3. How do I break this pattern of becoming involved with men that do not want to build a romantic relationship with me?

    I would so appreciate any insight you and the council provides.

    Blessings to you.

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Frankie | December 10, 2016

  649. I almost forgot. Several nights after that, I woke up and Joe was laying on his back, eyes open, and talking. He said, “ok, I understand.” I thought he was talking to me. I asked him, “what do you understand?” He continued to stare forward and said, “I see it. It’s green and had a tail.” And that was all.

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Audrey | December 5, 2016

  650. Hello. My name is Jim, I’m a married father of two young children. I’ve struggled with obsessive-compulsive disorder most of my life and wonder how I can get better. How can I not worry so much or have so much anxiety? Is there a reason behind this disorder?

    I’ve also struggled with finding my true purpose in this lifetime. I’m currently working at a memory loss center as a maintenance supervisor and I feel confused as to what path to take career-wise. I hope The Council can help guide me in the right direction. Thanks for your time.

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Jim | December 5, 2016

  651. Thank you. My boyfriend is very well educated and has a good job. He is very conservative. So this event struck me as quite odd. He talked for at least a half hour. He also talked about seeing dogs from his past on “Dog Star.” I just kept talking to him. He almost sounded autistic when he was speaking.

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Audrey | December 4, 2016

  652. Hi, Audrey. Very interesting conversation with your boyfriend while he was sleeping. This is new information for us. We’ll ask The Council what they think of it and post their answer on our blog as soon as we can. Thanks for asking your question.


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | December 4, 2016

  653. Hi, Linda. We imagine it’s difficult feeling down after you’ve had an energy healing. We’ll be happy to ask The Council what you can do to get unstuck and re-establish your sense of joy. Hang in there.


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | December 4, 2016

  654. Hi Cynthia and Bob,

    I’m wondering if you can ask the council about an experience I had a few months ago.

    My partner Joe started talking in his sleep. His voice was slightly changed from his normal speech. I started a conversation with him as he slept. I asked him what he was talking about and he said, “Dog Star.” I asked him where he was and he said, “Dogstar .” I asked what is dogstar and he said that it’s where all dogs are and people go there to get their dogs.

    I asked if there is “cat star.” He said that yes there is catstar. He said “I don’t really like it there, I mean, they’re nice to look at but they get on top of everything.”

    We talked about dog star a bit more and then I asked, “who am I talking to right now?” He said “Joe. Not Joe-person.” I asked what is the difference between Joe and Joe-person. He said that “usually you talk to Joe-person. But now you’re talking to Joe.” I asked where Joe is and he said “person-star.”

    So Cynthia and Bob, do you think the council could shed some light on any of this? It was an interesting and strange conversation.

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Audrey | November 29, 2016

  655. Good morning…..I have a question concerning distant energy healings…..I recently had a distant energy healing done to clear my aura of anything negative……since then I have felt down, not much joy and seem to have lost my flow in life ….. will this pass or is there something I can do to reastablish my joy, luck, and to get unstuck of where I am right now ……I was in a flow before and seem to be disconnected now in some ways….what direction should I take ? I feel so closed in many areas and thought the energy healing could help clear my path…….thank-you for anything that could help ….Linda


    Comment by Linda | November 28, 2016

  656. Hi, Carmela. We’ll be happy to ask The Council about your eyelid spasms and if they have any recommendations for returning your eyes to normal. We’ll post our response when it’s ready. Thanks for your question. Love, Bob & Cynthia.


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | November 12, 2016

  657. HELLO,
    I was hoping you could help me. I have had noticeable eyelid spasms since early June. I have been to a few eye doctors who could not help me. I am a healthy woman and can’t understand why this is happening. What can I do to make them go away.

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Carmela | November 12, 2016

  658. Hi, Megan. As soon as we get a chance we’ll ask The Council your question about bullying and post their response as soon as it’s ready. Love, Bob & Cynthia.


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | November 10, 2016

  659. Hi, Marie. We were able to ask The Council your question last night and as soon as the recording is ready we’ll post it on our website. Hang in there. Love, Bob & Cynthia.


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | November 10, 2016

  660. Hi, Lynn. We’re glad to hear your daughter was born healthy. We were able to ask The Council your question last night and we’ll publish a post on it as soon as the recording and post are ready. Love, Bob & Cynthia.


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | November 10, 2016

  661. Hi, Jolanda. We did a session with The Council last night and asked them your question. When the recording is ready we’ll publish a post on this question. Love, Bob & Cynthia.


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | November 10, 2016

  662. Dear Cynthia and Bob,

    In high school I got bullied for many years. I have all these painful memories of being disliked by SO MANY people, many times for no reason at all. I felt as if there was something wrong with me.

    I never understood why I attract so much hate from others. It seems that people either really genuinely like me or they dislike me. I am tired of triggering people. I realized that the bullying made me distrustful towards others and even to this day I find it hard to believe that someone would love me and accept me for who I am.

    Right when the bullying started, I used to be very avoidant and really closed myself to others with the fear of rejection (social phobia), but fortunately now I have changed that. Now I have my friends and even a boyfriend, but I always fear they will leave me or that they will finally realize that I am not enough.

    Before the bullying took place, I used to believe I was a very likable person. After the bullying, I thought everyone would end up hating and rejecting me.

    Why did I get bullied in the first place? Did my soul learn anything from it? Did my bullies learn anything? Sometimes I believe that they never felt any guilt and right now many of them are super successful people who probably don’t even care that they mentally and emotionally tortured me for years.

    I don’t want revenge, but where is the justice? I’ve been insulted, spat on, even physically assaulted. But none of these people ever apologized. Did I have a contract with them? How can I remove the shame of having been bullied? I still feel a bit inferior to others and I know my self-esteem should be very high.
    Thanks so much,


    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Megan | November 10, 2016

  663. Hi Cynthia and Bob,
    I would like to understand why I often get stuck at the same point all the time.

    I´m a 36-year old woman, but only few times I’ve worked even though I have a master degree. Usually I get a job for few months in another subject different from what I studied. My parents give me money and I work like a housewife for them.

    Also, I haven’t had any romantic relationship in my life. I only had one for few months and obviously when everything broke up I was devastated.

    I used to feel that I don´t want to be alive because for me everything is really so difficult. It is not suicidal thinking, it is more that I have the feeling that I don´t belong to this dimension.

    Sometimes I feel that I’m a kind of autistic person… or I’m just a kind of plant that breaths and eats. I have been with many therapists, but in the end I return to stay in the same place.

    Thank you if you can help me.

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Marie | November 9, 2016

  664. Bob, Cynthia and The Council,
    I’ve followed your blog for a time and have a question that I haven’t fully been able to work out in my head. During my last pregnancy, I developed fairly severe OCD, which presented itself as Germaphobia. I’ve battled with OCD compulsions in the past, but they usually revolve more around holding on to feelings of guilt or general worry of my own health. This time it went to an unprecedented level of stress and exhaustion.

    I thought several times a day, every day, up until I had my daughter, that I had contracted a germ that would silently kill her in the womb, all while I was unaware. Nearly daily situations would arise; either by accidentally having “dirty” water splash in my eye, eating food that just so happened to be undercooked, etcetera that could possibly cause this bacteria to claim my daughter’s life without me being made aware until it was too late. I was convinced that I would be one of the unlucky people that would experience such a loss, and all because I wasn’t careful enough, hence the ritualistic and obsessive steps I would take to avoid the possibility.

    I’ve since overcome my condition, but the idea I can’t seem to connect in regards to thoughts having the power to physically manifest and create, either good or bad, then why did I have a healthy baby girl?

    Now don’t get me wrong, I couldn’t be more happy and thankful that my daughter is thriving and healthy (it’s all I ever wanted). But, I know all too well how much effort and energy I put into these fearful thoughts, and it really stole ALL of my joy and affected those close to me dramatically. I just don’t understanding how it didn’t create the negative outcomes that I feared.

    I feel like I felt that feeling of loss with every fiber of my being (when I go through an episode, I get this warped idea that if I prepare myself for the worst, then when it actually happens it won’t be as bad). But I felt it in just the way you say to feel for and imagine having the things you want to bring into your reality; to manifest.

    So while I’m thankful beyond belief that this is not the case for me and my daughter, and these negative ideas did not come into my reality…what does that mean for the opposite positive thoughts, feelings and focus…I have no doubts that I put much energy and effort into my fear, so if the law of attraction is impartial and acts off of thought and vibration…why didn’t I manifest my worst fears, and what does that mean about my ability to manifest my desires?


    Comment by Lynn | November 8, 2016

  665. Thank you Bob, Cynthia, and The Council, I highly appreciate this. <3.


    Comment by Amber Choisella | November 4, 2016

  666. Dear Bob, Cynthia and the Council,
    I few months back I wrote to you about my husband who is much beloved but emotionally abusive. Your advice to me was that he wouldn’t change, and I needed to protect my children by leaving him if I couldn’t do it for myself.

    I’ve spent months pondering your response and attempting to find a better solution, but am now beginning to see that he is most likely incapable of change. I haven’t 100% given up, but am 99% there. Which is very sad for me.

    My 2 previous relationships (1 was a marriage) were superficial, born out of my insecurity, and ended fairly easily once I realised my error. But this time I married for love, and truly believed (as he says he did) that I was marrying for life. We have a lovely daughter together and I can barely imagine a life without my much adored husband. My heart fills with joy and love just thinking of him. Unfortunately now, it also fills with anger and pain, and we have only been married 4 years.

    My question is: I feel leaving him is probably my only option, but I can barely think about it as my heart feels like it’s being ripped from my chest and violently smashed, day after day after day when I think of my future, and lost hopes and dreams. I don’t know how I’m going to bear the pain and disappointment. Just thinking of it is unbearable. I’m not into drugs or alcohol, but at the moment drinking is looking very appealing, and I’ve even considered antidepressants, something I’m very against. I don’t have any skills to deal with the crushing pain of heartbreak, and don’t know where to go for help. I’m having counselling, and try to talk to my friends often, but nothing seems to ease the deep cutting pain and despair that I feel inside.

    I’ve been in a deep hole of depression once before and really don’t want to go there again. But I also don’t want to numb myself. Can you help me please? I’m terrified to take the next step. I feel like it entails consciously jumping into an abyss, which is counter-intuitive to me.

    With loving gratitude,

    P.S.: I’m also very worried about how I will cope financially and whether he will allow me to stay in our house. I want to stay here for my children and my work, but fear that he will want to punish me and will try to hurt me by making me sell it, leaving us homeless and jobless, and taking away the security I had before I married him. Legally, he would be entitled to do that. Do you have any advice? This is another reason I’m hesitating to leave. Thank you.

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    Comment by Jolanda | November 4, 2016

  667. Hi, Amber. We’ll be happy to ask The Council if you’re on the right track with your spiritual readings, and if you can eventually make this a full time career. We’ll post your answer as soon as it’s ready.


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | October 29, 2016

  668. Hello Cynthia and Bob,

    Please ask the Council on my behalf if I’m on the right track of the direction I’m currently taking with doing my spiritual readings. I want to know if I can eventually make this a full time career.

    Thank you and Blessings to you both,
    Amber Choisella

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    Comment by Amber Choisella | October 28, 2016

  669. Thanks for narrowing down your questions, Ashley. We’ll get The Council’s answers as soon as we can and we’ll post them in a blog.


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | October 26, 2016

  670. Well if I had to narrow it down to what I really want to hear the most from the council, it would probably lean more towards my own personal “story” of past lives and the one I have now, about my abortion and that soul and possibly my relationship with my boyfriend now.

    And how everything plays out into what I’m really supposed to do in life…where do my talents lie and why am I having trouble finding them?

    I have many philosophical questions, (I’ve come up with even more today), but maybe they will have a place in the comments box.

    Mostly I’d love some detail that could help me feel more sure that there is something to it all…then by default maybe I would have less philosophical questions…

    The only thing that I would like to add to this or switch if needed, would be chakras and what that may have to do with some of the issues that I have dealt with in my past or may be dealing with now.

    I really appreciate the effort that both of you put into the blog! Thank you so much. I feel very grateful to have the opportunity to even ask such questions. I got very caught up in my ramblings and really need you to know that! I hope I’ve narrowed it down in a way that the questions might easily transition onto the next while still being fairly concise. If not just pick what either of you might intuitively feel would benefit!

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    Comment by Ashley | October 24, 2016

  671. Hi, Ashley. Thank you very much for your questions. We’re glad you took time to review other people’s questions and The Council’s answers. And we’re glad these questions and answers helped you with your own questions and has given you more specific questions.

    For the purpose of this blog, it would help us help you if you could narrow your questions down to a specific area, ask just a few questions, and keep your comment as brief as possible while still making your questions understood. We understand you’re curious about religion, how thoughts can affect your reality, extrasensory perception, and your abortion. We suggest taking some time to think about your most pressing current question for The Council and trying to ask it as succinctly as possible. You’re welcome to ask follow up questions at a latter date, or questions on another topic. We expect to be around for a while.

    Thanks in advance. If it’s too difficult to relate your question to a specific area, consider making an appointment for a paying phone session where you’d be able to ask your questions directly to The Council and get their response. We look forward to hearing from you.


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | October 23, 2016

  672. Bob, Cynthia, and The Council, thank you for all of the wisdom and guidance you give people. You’ve been a tremendous help to me in the past, and I would love some more guidance. My thirteen year old son is extremely sensitive to energy, and he also experiences anxiety. I believe at least some of the anxiety is because he picks up on energies that his brain doesn’t understand, so his brain creates anxiety. Do you see this too? Going to middle school became so anxiety provoking and overwhelming last year that he ended up having such severe panic attacks that I pulled him out of school and am homeschooling. We’ve been working with a naturopathic doctor who is also an intuitive healer, to help my son, and although he is somewhat better, but still struggles with anxiety. What can you tell me about my son’s pre-birth planning around his struggling with anxiety? We thought it was all because of being in school, and yet, since we’ve pulled him out, it’s still very much here, and causing a lot of grief. I guess I’m looking for reassurance that things won’t always be this hard for my son, and that he’ll grow up able to be independent, hold a job, etc.- all the things a parent wants for their child. I try to hold in my heart and mind that he’ll be fine, but it’s hard when right now, he’s not.

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    Comment by mariner2mother | October 23, 2016

  673. Hi Cynthia and Bob!
    A couple days ago I posted a question about the spiritual path that I should be walking and questions on how to get there, what religion is right, which is wrong (with a little of my background story). I was able to find previous questions that helped me with my own question, though now I have more specified questions.

    I gather that religion is more like a catalyst to the source, and there are many ways to tap in? And if I am to be under the impression that we create our own reality, wouldn’t that mean all religions are in fact valid, because people believe them? Is that the only reason why? Or are these enlightened or holy people just hanging around somewhere independent of our beliefs on their reality? Basically, is their reality different than what people believe it to be?

    Who makes up the council? What beliefs do they hold that make their reality real if that’s the case. And what of people that don’t believe that they’re real? Does that make them not real? I’m guessing not, so I’m hoping the council can explain!!! (Not intending for this particular question to be disrespectful to the council at all, it just aids in getting my main question across!)

    Am I real only because I believe I am? What keeps little children from flying when they jump off a roof truly believing that they can? What stops the chaos from ensuing if everyone’s thoughts can literally be reality? There must be something that we can collectively deem true that governs the reality that we are creating, both in physical and spiritual. Otherwise, person 1 could truly believe person 2 was a sinner destined for hell, while person 2 believes that they are to reincarnate and become a tree? Which is true? Does the tree become hell, and if so, hell for whom? How could they both be true?

    I’m hoping you’ll bear with me. I know I’ve asked a lot of questions, but I’m just making sure you’re getting my central theme. There must be some foundation on which to build, right? What about the third eye and the chakras. I feel like this would be what was being used during the spiritual experiences that people have (you guys may not think that at all), but some believe that you can’t even begin to attain these abilities unless you decalcify your pineal gland and open your chakras in a certain way to receive the energy. And yet others eat junk food and drink and bathe in fluoridated water and even have negative outlooks on life and still claim to have these extra-sensory or spiritual abilities. Which is it? It can’t be both can it? And if it can, then how does that tie in to my centrally themed question above? It seems vague, and I just want clarity.

    I don’t want to work so hard in tuning in to a frequency that I can’t because I bathe in fluoridated water and eat like an average American at least half the week. Do I need to change my life that drastically? Is this ability elusive and difficult to come by? A road laid with rules and restrictions? I’ve tried to see auras, to listen for clues, to believe things, but it’s hard to couple it with an analytical mind. For me nothing solid ever comes through.

    If I were you Cynthia, I feel I’d know for sure because of that first-hand experience, and it would be so hard for me to stray when people didn’t share my beliefs because I heard/saw them before my very eyes (eye?). Surely this would expand my consciousness and awareness in this lifetime and so be available to me? How can I make this my reality? Or did I already choose my reality…Or am I always choosing and therefore changing it? Ohh my. I am sorry haha, what a ramble.

    Please, please don’t take these contemplations the wrong way, I mean no offense and want with all my heart and soul to believe that I’m headed in the right direction, which I feel is why I’ve been drawn here in the first place and have the opportunity to ask the very questions that could give me the boost that I need.

    I had a personal question in my post from before about the abortion I had in 2014. I mentioned I was vague in hopes that some detail could be provided, as I have noticed the precise detail some people have been given in their responses and I’d be lying if I didn’t have some high hopes haha. I’ve always wondered about my past life and how it affects my desires, aversions and decision making now, if at all as well. I have trust that the council will know precisely what to say to ease or sway my little rambling heart haha. Thank you so much in advance for entertaining my curious self!
    With love, Ashley


    Comment by Ashley | October 18, 2016

  674. Hi, Nacole. We’re glad you found our website. Thanks for the background and the story of your abortion. It sounds like you’re experiencing the love that The Council says is always available to us, particularly from the soul you aborted. It sounds like the desire for change that you’re experiencing is all for good things.

    We’ll ask The Council your questions as soon as we have a chance, and post their answer when it’s ready. Please be patient. We have several questions to answer and it sometimes can take many weeks before we’re able to post your response. Keep focusing on the love and peace you’re feeling. Love and light, Cynthia and Bob


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | October 9, 2016

  675. Hi, Darla. We’ll be happy to ask The Council your question about past lives and were you psychic in any of them. We’ll also try to get at the root of your fear. We’ll post The Council’s response when it’s ready. Love Cynthia and Bob

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    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | October 9, 2016

  676. Hello,

    My name is Nacole. I had an abortion today. My whole life I had read the Bible. I have prayed over everything. Honestly, up until today I despised people who had abortions. I thought it was selfish. I was very judgmental. So here I am today laying in bed in complete peace. Let me explain.

    I have had a total of 5 pregnancies. 1 whom was still born around 7 months. His name Edward. His father and I were best friends until the pregnancy happened. Then I became evil and only wanted to ruin his life. He insisted I abort him in 2007. I refused. I told him if he is meant to be here he would be here. If he was not then God would take him.

    My oldest, who is now 17, was a preemie born at 1 pound in 1998.

    My other one who is 16 was a struggle to get here, but she was born on time just low birth weight.

    And lastly my baby, who is 2, was born a little small but okay. I had a great team of doctors. However her father also left me in my 7th month.

    I was devastated by the demise of that relationship. All of the men in my life seemed to move on once a bigger commitment was introduced. Often times leaving me in an extreme amount of pain and loneliness.

    So now, today, I found myself in an abortion clinic. I was shaking and crying and praying for forgiveness. I thought I would become suicidal. I thought I would have extreme anxiety. I already different [sic] from PTSD from a history of abuse.

    The baby I aborted was a product of an affair. I am not in a committed, monogamous relationship but he is.

    This last relationship I felt happened because of the severe lack of love in my life. The loneliness was unbearable. The heartbreak immeasurable as I was sure my last baby’s father was my “soul partner” but he moved on.

    I clung to this man because he had a pulse. I felt pretty again. It was never my intention to take him from his current relationship, but to just stop the loneliness for a moment.

    Well he would say things like, “You are going to have my baby,” and “Her name will be Brooklyn.” Then of course when I presented him with pregnancy he fled, which I expected.

    Because of the low birth weights and loss of my son I just couldn’t go through it alone. I develop hyperemesis (constant vomiting) every time. Severe anxiety. Placenta previa. Severe headaches and constipation. My last pregnancy I had visiting nurses.

    So I decided because he was not interested in becoming a father and I couldn’t be sick alone. I aborted.

    This is where the odd part happens.

    I sit in the room waiting for the doctor. I am flooded with emotions. He asks me if I am sure. I say I have to be sure. I cannot raise a baby alone, and getting through the pregnancy alone would cause a lot of stress and medical issues.

    After the procedure I am loopy. I come home and my beloved friend is caring for me. Buying me food, picking up prescriptions, and buying heating pads for the severe cramping and bleeding that was supposed to occur. I was preparing myself for battle suicidal thoughts and extreme fatigue.

    That has not happened. When my mother called to check on me I told her…”I feel peaceful. I feel like my little girl will be back.” I also said, “More than guilt or pain, I feel love.” It is hard to explain.

    She must think I’m losing my mind. In addition, I have almost no bleeding at all. I do not have cramping. I have been laying in bed thinking about the baby and all I can do is smile at the thought of her.

    Today I have felt an immense amount of need for change. Change to stop smoking. Change to lighten up on my drinking. Change to lose weight. Change to stop letting people stay in my life who treat me so poorly. Change to move homes and even jobs. It is so odd that I would have an abortion and start thinking of these things. But it is truly what I have been thinking about.

    So much so I typed in Google, “I feel at peace with my abortion.” And “Why would my abortion make me want to change my life,” which brought me here.

    I must say, I sat on my couch with my jaw hanging reading the stories of abortion on here. The advice and the meanings, it is like you were reading my mind.

    I guess the only questions I have are….

    1. How difficult will the process of changing my life become?

    2. What if I fail at it?

    3. Will I ever get past my two year old’s father, in order to find someone again?

    4. How is this termination changing my thoughts and beliefs so rapidly?

    5. Why do I not feel guilty?

    6. Will she come back to me?

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    Comment by Nacole | October 8, 2016

  677. Hello again, it’s Darla. I’ve had psychic experiences all my life. I’ve always felt deeply connected with the spiritual. Still, I’ve struggled with the anxiety this can bring. I feel like I have this deep-rooted fear buried deep in my psyche. My question is what were some of my past lives like and did I have this ability before? Thank you for any help.

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    Comment by truthjournal | October 7, 2016

  678. Hi, Delfos. We’re glad to hear you’re feeling better about the abortion you had around a year ago.

    We’ll ask The Council about the information you received from this medium and post a response as soon as we can. It sounds to us like this medium was more interested in scheduling more sessions with you than she was in providing the kind of spiritual guidance we hear from The Council.


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | October 2, 2016

  679. Hi, Vacha. We’ve done a session with The Council on these questions and we’ll get it posted as soon as we can. We can tell you now that The Council says don’t be in a hurry to move back to India.


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | October 2, 2016

  680. Dear Cynthia and Bob,

    I had an abortion around a year ago and just recently I am starting to feel so much better and clear in my mind of what has happened. I cried so much that I let go of the emotions and feel free again.

    However, 2 days ago I went for a medium consultation and feel very anxious and scared of what this medium told me. The medium said to me that my aborted child was a girl who is now very angry and sad from not being able to be born.

    I told the medium that before the abortion I prayed to my aborted soul and asked it for forgiveness and that all I felt from this soul was pure love and acceptance. I also felt it was going to be a boy, not a girl. Then the medium said “how would you feel if I had to kill you now?”. She seemed to try to make me feel guilty and then said that I needed her help in further sessions to release that soul, “because it is not at peace and it is attached to you in a negative way”.

    She then said that if I do not solve this situation with her, I will not be able to get pregnant or that my future child will be a very angry “fucked up” one. Also she said that I had personality problems that I must change or I will be a crazy woman and that my grandmother is my guardian angel and she is worried about me.

    I know my baby is in heaven right now, not with me anymore and that it was a boy, not a girl. Please tell me whether this medium was right because I do not know what I can do with that information,

    Thank you for your help,


    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Delfos | October 1, 2016

  681. Hey Bob/Cynthia,
    Hope you guys are going good. This is Vacha.

    Thanks much for the answer for the question I had on abortion. I am starting to think what was suggested by Counsel – the reason why the pregnancy occurred in the first place.I am thinking a lot about what I want to next in my life – the kind of work, the place I want to settle down eventually etc.

    I want to actually eventually want to move to India. The issue with that is – I have loads of issues with my in-laws and I move to India, it can be a big problem for me. It may even drift my husband and me apart to the point of separation.

    This is my second marriage for me and my husband. I actually want this marriage to work for the sake of my son. and Although I want to move to India eventually – I have a fear that My husband and I may be separated because of the family issues that we will have there.

    My own family is in India and I will get a good support from them if I move there. As I am the only child that they have, it will be good if I move there for them. I miss them so much here and they miss me too.

    Career wise, it will be better if I stay here – it will be tough to find a job in India with the experience that I have in my domain. That’s what I think as of now.

    I am very confused about this. After this pregnancy and abortion happened – it is sort of a wake up call for what I want to do next.

    This is not a urgent question. When ever you and the counsel have some time, Can you please suggest me what is my learning lessons spiritually – with respect to the relationships I share with my husband and my mother in law and other family members ? Will it be a good move if I go to India or is it better to stay here and do the job that I am doing and kind of going ahead with the flow.

    I am thinking about the purpose of my life and the lessons that I have learn. My life had many ups and downs from past few years. It seems to a constant struggle. My relationship is my husband is sometimes good and sometimes very bad. I am really not sure what the future holds with respect to that. Is there anything I can do to make the relationships among my husband, myself, my parents and his parents better.

    Thanks so much for the answers that the Counsel gave me. Thanks to Bob and Cynthia for taking a time to help people. I am deeply grateful for that.


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    Comment by learningsoulsite | September 23, 2016

  682. Hi Counsil,
    My name is Vacha Dave and I am from India. I presently live in Virginia with my husband and my son.
    I am very religious person by faith and I strongly feel that god directed me to your website to seek some guidance regarding my very complicated situation I am in.

    I am two months pregnant and I am thinking of having an abortion because my health condition, any additional support and the Job that I started recently which is necessary for me and my son in the future too. In case even if I want to go ahead with this pregnancy , my health and my condition is not helping this without any additional support.

    Although I never really planned this pregnancy, I feel extremely guilty for the fact that I would be killing my baby. Although I don’t really know the gender of the baby – I think I have seen him in many of my vivid imaginations playing with my younger son – I call him Monu – A chubby,foodie younger son – who unfortunately will never happen in reality. My health is not permitting this – I have extreme Nausea and vomiting – same which happened for the first pregnancy. It was very difficult because of ongoing issues with my husband – it was very trying time for me and my family.

    I have nevery purposefully hurt anybody my whole life of 30 years. I have always loved and morally lived a very correct life. This is the biggest decision I had to take because because of my health and my conditions. It seems correct to me but this guilt of killing my own baby – and not giving him chance to live is trubling me a lot.

    I have gone through various posts you have online. I have tried talking to baby, Crying, asking for forgiveness, asking god in meditation – but I somehow want forgiveness from my baby. I think he is not getting the treatment he deserves from me, and If I can ask for Monu’s forgiveness and I want god to take him to heaven.

    I will chant and pray to god as much as I can for him. Can you please help me with this ?

    I have read many of the online articles from this site, and the fact that it could be a plan between my spirit and baby’s spirit and I will eventually meet him – helps me to deal with it in a better way

    Thanks a ton in advance for helping millions like me to fight depression and guilt that we have from having abortion.

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    Comment by learningsoulsite | September 20, 2016

  683. Hi, Janice. We’ll ask The Council about your relationship and post their response as soon as we can.


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | September 20, 2016

  684. I am compelled to ask The Council a question. I felt love and a soul connection to my partner, but he has pulled away. He betrayed our relationship with another. Can you please tell me what is going on and whether we might reconciling? Thank you.

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    Comment by Janice | September 19, 2016

  685. Hi,

    A year ago I had an abortion which made me clinically depressed. The sadness faded away greatly but I still have problems with depression. I feel like I have a chemical imbalance in my brain as a result of the trauma and I am not quite sure how to fix it. I am scared that I will start having depression for the rest of my life. But I am not comfortable with taking antidepressants. Please give me an idea on how to get back to normal and avoid relapses. How can I have a regular sleep pattern?

    Since the abortion I go to sleep everyday at 4 in the morning and wake up at 2 pm. Then I have no energy to do anything and have a constant headache all day. I cry every day and feel like I am living way under my potential. This abortion destroyed my mind and I want my self back. The abortion itself was not that traumatic, but the experience at the abortion clinic still brings me to an anxiety attack. I want to let go of those dark moments and move on but don’t know how to. And I still feel like that baby wanted to live as my child. Will he ever return to me?

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Sarah | September 3, 2016

  686. Hi again! I hope I’m not bothering you and I don’t mean to be impatient, but I have another question to add. If not this soul, then will there be another? I’m really wondering about a baby in my future, and I’m wondering about my agreement with Adam. Because I’ve been quite insecure with him, since this whole thing. Although, I want more than anything to have a real chance with this man. Which is a first for me. I’ve always had a partner but never one that I really wanted to create a LIFE with. And because of this, I’m scared silly. I’m also scared to bring up the fact that I really do wish to become a mother again someday in the near-ish future. Please tell me if I’m meant to walk the parental/life partner walk with this man. And what I can do to ensure that I’m being my most loving and supportive self, to myself and to Adam? Thank you!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Wendy Aronsson | September 2, 2016

  687. Our pleasure, Laura.


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | August 28, 2016

  688. Ahh thank you 🙂 so sorry I wonder why I never found it before. I’ve had a good read and listen and am going to try and meditate and work on my mind being fear based. I hope I get to the end of this and wonder why I was so worried.

    Thanks so much

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Laura | August 28, 2016

  689. Hi, Laura. We did reply to your earlier question in our post, “Is My Pregnancy a Mistake?“. Have a look.


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | August 28, 2016

  690. Hi,

    I posted a while back but never received a reply 😦 I am pregnant with number 2 and just feel completely anxious and scared about it. I fell pregnant back in 2014 and instantly regretted it and then miscarried. After the miscarriage I decided I didn’t want my daughter to be alone and it’s taken 18 months to fall again. Ever since finding out I feel the same regret and have wanted to miscarry. I feel awful as I should feel lucky after all my fertility issues but I have a massive phobia of being sick and anything medical and scared of c section again (which I think I will do)

    Why do I feel such regret and fear over something I wanted. I’m so scared of ruining our lovely life and starting all over again. Can the council tell me this is the right thing for us as a family and shed any light. Will I get through this? Will I regret this baby if it turns our life upside down?

    I hate feeling this way and praying for something to go wrong but I’m so scared of doing it all again to the point it’s all consuming.

    Thanks so much

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Laura | August 28, 2016

  691. Hi there. I’m writing after endlessly searching for spiritual advice on abortions. I found you all through a Google search, on “spiritual healing after an abortion”. I found that you’ve discussed the matter before and you were able to answer a lot of my questions, but I have one very specific question. Am I able to invite that same soul back to us?

    I’m not sure why I got pregnant when I did. I’m not sure HOW I chose to terminate the pregnancy, and I’m not sure when I’ll move on. But I’ve suffered terribly, with guilt and sadness since.

    I have a five yr old son, have miscarried once and have had two abortions. The first was during my teenage years. A decision I’ve always felt secure with. But this past year, at the age of 32, recently separated and in a new relationship with a man who “has” a 1% chance of getting anyone pregnant…I in fact became pregnant. I made the decision based on everyone else. Especially the father. I didn’t want to trap him in any way. I didn’t want to hurt my son or my ex husband, but I wanted that baby. And yet I still sent him back to God.

    I believe deeply in soul agreements and the lessons that come from them. I’m certain God was with me during that time, but I’m still so very sad about it. I’m afraid we’ll never have that chance again to be parents to that child or any other. And since the termination, I’ve felt a great need to become a mother again.

    Please. I would very much like to know if that soul will make a return to Adam and me. I’ve looked to source for the answer myself, but I’m too clouded with sadness and confusion. Thank you. What a gift you’re able to give. Thank you!


    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Wendy Aronsson | August 26, 2016

  692. Hello, Bob and Cynthia!

    First off — thank you for all you do in helping people on this site. I would be forever grateful if you could ask The Council about my current job/career issues. I’ve been a stay-at-home mom for 14 years. My kids are the lights of my life, and I love them dearly. Being a mom was a dream of mine that came true.

    Now I want to re-enter the workforce. However, I have huge anxieties and insecurities about exactly what type of job I would be suited for, one that would bring me a little peace knowing I’m making a real difference in this life. I have a good sense of what my talents are, but not sure how to make this a reality. Like most people, I want to know what my main purpose is in this life. I feel like I’m lost and not traveling down the right road toward genuine fulfillment. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated. Thanks so much for your time!

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Dar | August 4, 2016

  693. Oh yes please post the answer…that is what I meant ! ….I just wanted to make sure I could read the reply somewhere….thank-you so very much…… may never know how much this answer will change my life either way…bless you for this site and all involved in helping people like me who would never get an answer from any other way…thank-you from my heart……blessings your way……..Linda

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Linda | August 2, 2016

  694. Hi, Linda. We’ll ask The Council your questions, but we won’t send you an email. We’ll post their response like we do the other questions on our site. Let us know if you’d rather we don’t answer your questions.


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | August 1, 2016

  695. Please send me an answer to my question as I forgot to hit the button below to send it to my email at [email blocked]. thankyou Linda


    Comment by Linda | August 1, 2016

  696. I am asking a question as can a person with psychic abilities see a person’s past forever ? Before I found God and before I came into the Light I was involved with some occult rituals……the amazing “Chris” occult I believe….he did a sexual energy ritual on me that has forever devastated me……people with psychic abilities see this and tell me that I make them sick!!!!!!I do not have any part of that life anymore as I am on my spiritual journey with God but cannot seem to elevate this from my being !! I have forgiven him and myself but it seems to lay on me for all to judge ! Can it be removed from me so I can go forward as it seems to be a block for many areas of my life including relationships with people……will that dark area ever leave my past….will people ever stop seeing my past ??? What can I do ?? Can you help me to remove this from my energetic field ?? Desperate for answers …….please !!!

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Linda | August 1, 2016

  697. Hi, Tracy. Based on The Council’s previous guidance, we expect how you think and feel about your abortion next week will create whether it affects your son. Stay in loving thoughts about all souls involved in this abortion. When we get a chance we’ll ask The Council your question and post a recording of their response.


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | July 22, 2016

  698. Hi There,

    I am pregnant maybe two months now. I am scheduled to have an abortion next week. After reading Beth’s story on abortion on your page I am enlightened and feel at ease. I had a good cry last night wondering if this was right or if karma was going to get me bad later on in life for me or for my one year old son.

    My question is, will this abortion affect my son sooner or later?

    I am 27 and this is my 3rd abortion. I had my first when I was 17 and one again when I was 18. I always wondered about these souls and if they came back to me someway, somehow…maybe a niece or nephew and maybe even my son. I struggle with my spirituality a lot and would love some advice or clarification. Thank you. ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Tracy | July 21, 2016

  699. Hi Bob and Cynthia,

    I have been trying for a baby for 18 months and have recently found out I’m pregnant. Ever since I found out I am filled with fear and dread that is a mistake. This also happened 18 months ago but I miscarried. I would never abort but keeping asking the soul to leave as I’m afraid of upsetting our lovely life and that it’s not right for us as a family . I have a gorgeous daughter and wanted another for a sibling for her but now I am so scared and feel I want to rewind. Can you ask council if this soul will leave and why when I tried for so long and wanted it so bad I then feel fear and regret. I am so confused how I change from wanting it to then regretting it. I hope it’s not a long wait as my minds in some turmoil not knowing. Thank you so much for helping

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Anon | July 7, 2016

  700. Thankyou so much for taking the time to read this!

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by maria gerhardy | July 5, 2016

  701. Hi, Maria. As soon as we have a chance we’ll ask The Council about your past lives, whether they see you doing healing work as a career, and whether you’ll develop any other senses.


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | July 4, 2016

  702. Hi, Laura. Good questions. We’ll ask The Council when we have time and publish the session on the blog.


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | July 4, 2016

  703. Hi Cynthia and Bob, I am interested in knowing about my past lives. If there is anything you can tell me, that would be fantastic! Also I need some guidance with my spiritual path. I have been advised by a psychic that I am a healer with empathic ability. Do you see me doing this as a career in Adelaide and will I develop any other senses? Thank you for your consideration. Blessings to you both.

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by maria | July 3, 2016

  704. Hello,
    I wonder whether I made the right choice of aborting my pregnancy (since I got pressured by others). Will that soul come back as my future child? I find myself obsessing about how he would look like and that he would have preferred to be alive now, not dead. Is the latter true? How do I remove those thoughts of regret? They are tormenting me. Will I be able to have a living child in the future? That also worries me.

    Thank you,



    Comment by Anonymous | June 30, 2016

  705. What if the path that your soul “chose” in order to achieve spiritual growth is actually inhibiting it? Is there any way to break the contract once incarnation has begun? I am in my mid-thirties, have tried everything to resolve my situation, and think about killing myself every day. This body/life is harmful to my soul. How do I get out without killing myself? My “higher self”/”spirit guide”/”God”/”whatever” does not seem to care about me or my suffering.

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Cait | June 26, 2016

  706. Thank you so much for your answers. I most appreciate your loving responses. I didn’t mention in my questions that I have been listening a lot to Abraham’s advice on relationships, which is what led me to ask you these questions.

    Prior to listening to Abraham, I was certain that leaving this relationship was the only choice I had. But I heard Abraham say over and over again the following: (to paraphrase) “Don’t get out of a relationship until you can be strong and happy within yourself, no matter what is going on around you. If someone makes you go out of the Vortex, just get back in. Don’t let someone upset your ability to be happy and be in the Vortex.”

    That resonated with me so much, and I realised that my problem is really myself (unable to be happy when others are not). Abraham cautions that if we don’t get ourselves right before leaving a relationship, we’ll just get into the same type of relationship again and again, until we learn our lesson.

    I would love to know your opinion on this, considering my own situation? Your answers were fairly certain that I had learned all I need to learn. But I know I haven’t learned how to be happy while others are unhappy, which is why I feel that my husband is the absolute best partner I could possibly have at this time. Because he’s in my face every day, being unhappy with me, and pushing my buttons. What better way to learn to get happy no matter what is going on around me?

    Regarding our children, if I stay with him AND succeed in being happy no matter what, won’t they learn from my example?

    As you can hear from my response, leaving him will tear my heart out. I have already given up on 2 other relationships, and given one child a broken home. I really don’t want to give up this time. I want to be able to give my children a happy home with their natural father (and step father), if that is at all possible? What do you think?

    Thanks again ❤


    Comment by Jolanda | May 23, 2016

  707. Hi, Jolanda. We received an answer to your questions from The Council this past Saturday. Your questions were #3 of 3. Please allow us some time to answer these other questions, then we’ll post your session and our comments.


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | May 16, 2016

  708. Hi, Sujata. We did a session with The Council this past Saturday and received an answer to your question and two others. As soon as we can we’ll post the session and our response. We’re working on the questions in the order we received them. Yours is second. Thanks for your excellent question.


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | May 16, 2016

  709. Hi! I’m excited to have found your website, and am loving listening to The Council’s interesting answers to people’s questions. I’m hoping maybe you could help answer my question? It’s been upsetting me for a very long time.

    My beloved husband and the father/step-father of my children is verbally and emotionally abusive towards me (and towards his step-children). It’s taken me a very long time to realise that this is the problem in our relationship – that he is a very unhappy, angry man, who doesn’t know how to be in a relationship, doesn’t know how to be loving and kind, and doesn’t know unconditional love. (previously I believed him when he said there was something wrong with me and that I was the cause of our problems and the cause of his unhappiness and anger).

    I’ve come to the point where most women are told to leave, as it’s not healthy for me or my children to be exposed to abuse, especially on a doaily basis. I’m scared of him and scared to be myself. But I have a very strong feeling that we are meant to be together, and that being with him is exactly the place I need to be, in order to grow as a person. I have low self worth, am terrified of conflict, and find it impossible to be happy if others aren’t happy with me. I believe I’m with the right person to find a way to be happy in myself no matter how he feels, and to find my own happiness and strength in the face of his anger, depression and bullying.

    My questions are: 1. Am I right to stay with him? 2. Is it ok to allow my children to live in this environment, while I learn my lessons of strength?
    And most importantly! 3. How do I get through this and help my children get through it? What I mean is this… living with this man is a daily struggle because I’m not yet in a place where I can be happy when he’s not. It’s so hard being yelled at, snapped at, blamed, ignored, criticised, and devalued by someone who means the world to me.

    No matter how he treats me, I feel unconditional love and adoration for him. I need to get to the place where I don’t care whether he feels the same about me or not, and to not feel the need to change him into the loving supportive husband I wish he was, and feel I deserve.

    I want to be able to enjoy being around someone I adore, instead of allowing his hateful words to pierce my soul, torture me, and deplete my self worth.

    Can you help me please?


    Comment by Jolanda | May 13, 2016

  710. As per Anita Moorjani, we should love ourselves. This is the only recommonded thing. But, she denies about forced positive thinking by suppressing negative thoughts. Now my question is how to practice to love self (Naturally, not forcefully) ?


    Comment by Sujata | May 10, 2016

  711. Hi Bob and Cynthia and the council. Thank you for the Private Phone hook up; it gave me great insight into a past relationship. I have listened to my recording many times, but this has also brought more questions to the surface.

    You described a not letting go and a wanting to understand, and a great need to heal this on both parts. I have a constant sense of urgency about this in agreement on both parties.

    These two past lives you described before I said anything about the fact I had seen them. One of us coming and going as I worked away and in a village life around the days of knights and Dames our life was a simple village life and the other life where we practiced the dark arts, and this woman’s mistrust of me cost me my life. What did I do for her to act in such a way?

    In both these lives you described a great love between us, but the coming and going is what caused the mistrust and the fear of being able to feel the love. You say there were many more past lives. Can you tell me any more to bring understanding?

    After sometime in this relationship in this lifetime I started to have dreams and visions of this woman wanting to spiritually harm me and I felt unsafe. I did not share with her all of them and on one occasion she told me she felt like something was dark inside her and it increased my fear. I started to protect myself spiritually and became very wary. Am I correct in saying we were connecting with that past life?

    I do understand that the Third Party Male, an ex-boyfriend best friend role, was to to bring this mistrust and fear by manipulation. I was constantly defending intentions that were perceived wrongly. I now believe he brought this in to heal our mistrust of the past lives and does this with others she is around.

    This coming and going and not knowing what was going on as well as so much confusion left both of us in a state of anxiety. We had a lot of laughter and fun at times and seemed to have telepathy, and 11:11 would come up everywhere. One day I opened my front door to greet her and it was like I was hit in the heart with a small electric shock. I spoke to a medium about this and all she said that is amazing you can even feel that.

    And the day I told her I loved her and meant it, she appeared to physically retracted like the words went into her or she couldn’t accept them. What do you make of this?

    I was sitting out the front and my phone was in the bedroom and she called me and said you just tried to ring. I said no I didn’t. My phone is in the bedroom. When I went in to look, sure enough on my phone was a record of it calling her and I wasn’t anywhere near it. I did ask another medium this and they said it was spirit letting you know you are connected. What do you think and why is this connection so strong between us.

    She also said we were supposed to heal this in this lifetime. I’ve been to cut cords and have barb hooks removed by some of the best that work in this field for some relief for a couple of weeks. Then its back like something is pushing for a mutual understanding of it all. That’s what I keep getting. And if it comes we are just going to have a greater awareness and understanding about us individually and our connection. Is this true?

    Through this I have gained a greater understanding of my part and a willingness to admit, some things I could have handled in a more loving way. I don’t know if I could have communicated better, but I was confused at the time by all the events that transpired and became disconnected with how I felt and shut down emotionally.

    I have desire to bring healing and love to the situation. This was the bomb I needed under me at the time to bring humility and shift me to a more humbled being as the more I know the less I feel I really know. Thanks with much Love and respect. D


    Comment by Aquarius 4 | May 2, 2016

  712. Hi, Guadalupe. It sounds like you’ve managed to turn your life around. Congratulations. As soon as we get a chance we’ll ask The Council your questions and publish the answers in a post.


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | March 2, 2016

  713. Hi Cynthia and Bob,

    I have always felt like I never belonged to this earth. One spiritual healer once told me I have not reincarnated on earth previously, and that I am a volunteer soul who comes to help others earth. Also she told me I am half Crystal half Indigo. All what she told me resonates with me, but I am not too sure about it.

    I have a strong connection to Germany and whenever I visited I feel like I have been born there plenty of times. Is the latter true?

    My mother also had 2 miscarriages before I was born and I strongly feel I was the soul who wanted to incarnate. My mother and I have a very strong connection. She once read I am her soul mate and that I am here so she learns from me. Is the latter also precise?

    Throughout my life I suffered immensely, but also felt incredible happiness because I overcome my problems. I never understood why the following things happened to me, and it hurts me that other people had such stable lives and loving families.

    In Argentina (where I come from), as my parents and whole family were fighting on a daily basis, I developed really bad OCD and depression. My sister was physically and emotionally abusive beyond measure and I was a witness of her anorexia and and emotional instability (borderline personality disorder). When I was 12, my parents decided that we had move to Spain due to the financial crisis in Argentina. When we arrived in Spain, life got unbearably painful. I suffered from severe bullying for almost 10 years in a row in school.

    The first years in Spain were absolute hell. My parents were emotionally neglectful and very depressed as well. My father started to travel and I did not see him for 4 years. We all felt like he abandoned us. Every time he came back home he shouted at us and told us that we did not deserve to live.

    I started developing suicidal thoughts at the age of 14 and although my older brother (who was 10 years older) saw me taking knives to my room in order to take my own life, he never tried to help me or even talked about it. My older sister saw me getting heavily bullied and never stood up for me. My father once beat me up when I was home an hour late. I was so hurt that I could not talk to him for a year.

    I failed all my courses in high school and my life was an absolute turmoil. Even teachers disliked me because I was a foreigner in a very conservative Spanish neighborhood. People called me names and I developed intense social phobia. My siblings were way older, but they never ever tried to help me. They seemed to reject me as a sister. I only wanted to die so I could find my real family in heaven and not be just an outsider. All I wanted was a family who accepted me and protected me. I was so fragile, yet no one really cared…

    One day, at the age of 15 I said, “This is it,” and started to overcome everything on my own. I quit the antidepressants that I took for 4 months, which were making me emotionally numb. I actively stood up against my bullies and they stopped torturing me psychologically. I studied so much and got the best grades in my class at the age of 15. Teachers could not believe it. I was that student who failed and never attended school. My parents finally divorced so there were no more fights at home. I healed my OCD on my own. I developed a business at the age of 19 which now supports my mother (she does not have a job and without these business she would be homeless).

    My mother and I became business partners and got really connected. I started to exercise and got over my depression. I started to run and get really athletic. I even saw a bully at the gym and he could not believe that I was running so fast on the treadmill, since I was the slow and fragile loser. I learnt English on my own and then got accepted for a University in Holland, which is in the world’s top 100 universities.

    I finished my Bachelor’s degree a year ago (at age of 22) and got a very good GPA. Now I am studying my Master program in Holland. In Holland I got over my social phobia, became quite proficient in English and learnt a bit of Dutch and German. I got an 8 on my thesis and sent it my English high school teacher who said to me that I would never succeed in life. I made so many friends and there are people who truly love me and accept me for who I am. None of them would ever imagine that I was a suicidal person who had almost severe OCD, was bullied for 10 years and belonged to a highly dysfunctional family. I am able to say that I am extremely proud of myself because I have overcome SO MUCH.

    I still feel really resentful at those people who had a much easier life and things just work fine for them. I gained so much wisdom because of the pain I have suffered and the lessons I learnt as a result. I feel like I have been put in such hardships because I have many lessons to teach to OTHERS, especially my bullies and my relatives. I forgave my bullies and believe they were as broken as I was. My father said that when he suffers, he remembers that I overcome so many things so he can as well.

    I don’t want to suffer so much anymore. I want to know whether my spirit guides know how much I achieved or whether there is anyone who is proud of me in the spiritual world. The relationship with my siblings and parents is almost healed, but I still resent them from having abandoned me as a child and teenager. I had to be extremely strong and do everything on my own, otherwise I would probably not be here on earth. My mother did not care whether I went to school or not, or whether I studied or not. No one really cared about me.

    I know I have come to this earth to help others, but I am so extremely sensitive. I want to achieve my purpose in this planet, but I don’t know how to do that anymore. I still feel like I have become emotionally unstable as a result of past traumas. How do I get more stable so I can help others?

    Thank you a lot!
    I send you my love,


    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Delfos | February 29, 2016

  714. Hi, Guadalupe. The Council tells us all of what happens to us in our physical life is pre-planned by our spiritual part. They’ve also said there isn’t any disappointment on the part of the soul being aborted. We’ll be happy to ask The Council your questions and post their reply when it’s ready.


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | February 4, 2016

  715. Hi, A. We’ll be glad to ask The Council about your past lives and whether you’re an old soul. We’ll post a response after we’ve done the session.


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | February 3, 2016

  716. Hello,

    I had an abortion 3 months ago and it is really haunting me. I want to know whether it was pre-planned and whether the soul of that embryo I aborted is my spirit guide and close to me when I think of him. After the abortion I started to see number sequences everywhere, like 11:11, 12:12, 14:14. What do they mean? Does that soul love me and plan to return to me? Were they disappointed that I aborted him? Is he doing well now? I miss him and ir hurts me so much that I will never get to meet him. How could I contact him? I want him to know that I love him forever and that I am sorry. Which lessons did I have to learn as a result of the abortion?

    Thanks in advance!
    Lots of love,


    Comment by Guadalupe | February 2, 2016

  717. Dear Cynthia, Bob and the Council,
    I have had a pretty hard run in life from being abandoned and abused by my parents, homelessness, people coming in and out of my life including boyfriends, financial hardship ect. I am curious to know if my last life was any different and roughly how many lives have I had? Am I an old soul? Many thanks, A.


    Comment by Anonymous | January 31, 2016

  718. Hi, Sarah. Thank you for your kind words.

    Congratulations on your recent choices that led to a deeper appreciation for love. You’re right – it is huge and all encompassing. Spiritual things and intimate love often appear confusing, particularly when it’s a little new to us.

    Your questions about twin flames, soulmates, a significant other, and creation are likely to help many others in addition to yourself.

    We find life is often a combination of creation, sitting back and appreciating what we’ve created, and then creating more based on what we’ve learned.

    Thank you so much for your questions. We look forward to doing a session with The Council to answer them and posting the session on our website. In the meantime, know that The Council has told us many times there isn’t a “right” way to do things, and choice is our most powerful tool. If we don’t like the way things are going, we always have the choice to do something different.


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | January 28, 2016

  719. Hi there!

    I absolutely love your page. Thank you for all that you do, for starters.

    I am a 23 year old female, fairly new to all things “spiritual”. I am finding myself confused frequently, and would just like to have a little clarity on the nature of things I suppose, as well as my ever-confusing path to intimate love.

    I have recently made choices in life that have led me to a place of deep(er) understanding and appreciation for self-love, and ultimately, love in general as it is a huge, all-encompassing thing. In this, I have found myself questioning the meaning of many things-do twin-flames exist? Are soulmates simply other souls who are meant to help us along-but not necessarily be our significant other? Am I truly able to create either individual in my life, or it is more like, whichever one I need will appear?

    I have a very good friend in my life that has been there for it all. We have identical personalities, tastes in nearly everything, lifestyles, outlooks, goals, spiritual beliefs, everything. However, I don’t feel that draw to him, like I want to be with him. We have explored angel numbers together, marveling at how the signs match up with numbers on license plates, documents, signs, etc. It seems to me that he is meant to be something big in my life, based off of these signs. Is he a twin flame, a soulmate, etc?

    Ultimately, I feel like I need to know whether or not to try and “create” this person, or sit back because he’s that person. How much of the “draw” is based off of science-like pheromones and primal knowledge of procreation with an individual, and how much is divine? How much is predetermined, and how much do we control in our human form? So confusing!

    I feel as though I may know the answers-but am I successfully communicating…and with whom or what? So many synchronicities have appeared to me-in the form of angel numbers, shooting stars when I’ve asked, articles on my facebook feed that are thoroughly relevant…ultimately, am I doing this whole thing correctly? 🙂

    Thank you so much for your time, I appreciate this more than I can put into words.

    Love to you both,



    Comment by Anonymous | January 27, 2016

  720. Hi, Sunshine. We don’t think you’re being punished for terminating the 2 pregnancies. We’ll ask The Council your question about having a child and a family, and we’ll publish a blog about it when it’s ready. Thanks for your question.


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | November 11, 2015

  721. Hi Bob and Cyntia,
    I found your blog very interesting and was wondering if you can ask the Council about me. I am 43 years old & single, however with a strong desire to have a child for the last few years. All the attempts were unfortunately unsuccessful and I am trying to come to terms that maybe I will never become a mother. This has been difficult, especially in light of the fact that 20 years ago I choose to terminate two pregnancies. I was given the chance twice to experience the birth of a child and twice I terminated it. I am often wondering if I am being punished for it now and if I would ever have a child and a family. Thank you for your time!!!


    Comment by Sunshine | November 8, 2015

  722. Interesting question. We’ll ask The Council and post their response.


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | November 5, 2015

  723. Why do we need a human vessel, aka a mother’s womb, to re-incarnate?


    Comment by Anonymous | November 4, 2015

  724. Hi, S. Thanks for your question. Feeling so comforted recently by your decision to leave the relationship you were in, love yourself, and create a whole person for a future partner and family sounds like it’s a good sign it was the right decision. We’ll ask The Council why you became pregnant at this time and what your spirit’s intention is for this pregnancy. If you’ve read or listened to some of our other posts on the subject of abortion and karma you may receive the impression that you can’t karmically destroy yourself or anyone else. We’ll post The Council’s response when it’s ready, and we’ll try to do this before your appointment.


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | October 16, 2015

  725. Hi, Asher. Our blog is real, but sometimes a question gets lost in the shuffle. Thanks for bringing yours about why the soul goes through hardships to grow, to our attention. We’ll ask The Council as soon as we can and post a response. Our apologies for the delay.


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | October 13, 2015

  726. I asked my question about 9-10 months ago…..and nothing.
    Is this real??????


    Comment by Asher | October 10, 2015

  727. Only you can choose what is best for you. I don’t think any spiritualist can tell you abortion is bad (although yes we know the reality of what we are doing)..sometimes I believe, you are faced with difficult choices to help others. If you decide to abort, tell the little being you love it with all your heart, but cannot give you a good life at this time. Thank it for coming to you and send it on with love. Sometimes it is the fetus who also needs to learn the karmic lesson. God Bless You.


    Comment by c | October 9, 2015

  728. Hi Bob and Cynthia.

    It seems as though you have quite a few questions to address regularly! I hope that my adding to the pile isn’t burdensome.

    I discovered 3 days ago that I am roughly 3 weeks pregnant. I have always wanted children, my love and admiration for them incredibly strong. I have been responsible, determined to never have a child suffer through poverty and unhappy circumstances within the parental unit like my siblings and I did.

    I left my significant other the day before I found out. I cannot be with him as he is suffering through mental illness, addiction, and other life issues that cause for a very abusive relationship. I also have PTSD, severe anxiety…no career. I’m in school. Shortly before I left him, I had been told by my doctor that it would be difficult for me to get and stay pregnant due to endometriosis.

    I’m very confused. I’m gaining my footing in the spiritual world. Other spiritualists have said that abortion is bad, unless it’s with loving intention. I want my child to have a healthy mother and father. I know it isn’t possible right now. I feel as though I nee to accomplish a stable career. Literally days before I found out, I felt so conforted by my recebt choice to finally leave, comforted by the ability to future myself for the first time in my life, to love myself and create a whole person for a future partner and family.

    Why am I pregnant now? It seems so planned…like the worst possible time, but I know there are lessons hidden in times like this. Is this an opportunity for me to practice self-love, choosing to permanently break away from someone who has hurt me deeply…should I abort? Was that the plan all along?

    Thank you for any response. I have an appointment in 2 weeks….I’m not sure what to choose. If I’m meant to have this child I don’t want to karmically destroy myself and another soul I agreed to bring into this world under these circumstances. I would love to have it return to me, in a time where I can offer a beautiful life with a beautiful other soul.


    Comment by S. | October 8, 2015

  729. Hi, Barry. We’ll ask The Council and post a response as soon as we can.


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | May 18, 2015

  730. Last weekend I awoke with severe chest pains. Had to go to hospital. Cardiac problem was ruled out. I’d like to know what physically caused the situation, why my higher self created it and how to make sure it never happens again. Many thanks. Blessings. Barry Plaxen


    Comment by Barry Plaxen | May 14, 2015

  731. I love your site; immediately pulled in. No specific question, just wish to hear what my soul, heart, and ego need. Thx


    Comment by Margaret walczykowski | April 20, 2015

  732. Hi, Janette. It’s good that you’re looking for spiritual reasons for your daughter’s still birth. You ask a lot of questions and we’ll do our best to answer each of them as soon as possible. Stay tuned.


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | March 11, 2015

  733. Hi, Ali. Thanks for your questions. We’ll ask The Council as soon as we can and get answers posted.


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | March 11, 2015

  734. Hi there,

    My name is Janette. After a year of researching and researching since February 2014 when our daughter was stillborn at almost full-term, I’m just seeking some peace in my heart.

    I stopped researching the medical reasons this could have happened (I may have had an infection and our daughter’s cord was wrapped…that’s all the doctors gave us as possible reasons), and began looking for the spiritual reason when I came across website after website on pre-birth soul contracts, life plans, etc. Most recently, I’ve been researching a lot about our Higher Selves.

    I am just seeking clarification and your intuitive thoughts on why this may have happened? My husband and I had just gotten married, and we were SO beyond ready and excited to welcome our first child. Did my soul need to experience this? I have had so much loss in my life that it is hard to believe (my Dad at age 2 to many other close family members). Did my Higher Self and my daughters know exactly what was going to happen the day her heart stopped? I have so much guilt and blame (even when I try and try to think about it positively and tell myself “our daughter fulfilled her life’s purpose in a very short time here”…”I know I did everything in my power to have a healthy pregnancy”, and things like that). I still just feel like I should’ve rushed to the doctor…I should’ve known I wasn’t feel her moving the same. I truly can’t bare the thought of this happening due to a “freak accident” in the pregnancy. If we would’ve rushed right to the hospital, would that have saved my daughter, or was this going to happen no matter what I did or didn’t do. Do you think accidents happen? Even if an infection or cord issue played a role, was that all pre-chosen by my daughter’s soul (I’ve been told that that was just how my daughter’s soul “engineered” what happened to happen). Could my daughter’s soul have known to manifest the cord being wrapped or for my body to come down with an infection? I was definitely nervous/anxious during my pregnancy, as any other 1st time mom-to-be, I hope our daughter didn’t sense any negativity/worries from me. We were just so so excited.

    Another question I have is…what if her soul knew something about her body was not developing properly, something that we just don’t know. Would a soul withdraw because of that? And then try to come again in a new body? Did she, my husband and I all know this would happen and agree to it on a higher level before it actually happened. We felt so blindsided here on Earth, but were our Higher Selves looking down on all this knowing exactly how it would take place?
    My mind and heart want so badly to know that this was not a freak accident, and that it happened for a spiritual reason. The thought of it being an accident just debilitates me.

    I also read somewhere that it is ALWAYS the soul that choses when to cross back over to the spirit world, and the soul plans the time and the manner for doing so. It’s just so difficult to believe our daughter didn’t want to stay. This happened 5 days after my beautiful baby shower.

    Thank you so much for your time…any thoughts are so VERY appreciated.

    Take care,
    Janette Shaw


    Comment by Janette Shaw | March 10, 2015

  735. Hi again. I am back with more questions (and sub-questions 🙂
    1. (a)In a general sense, is there a way to know the difference between worry and intuition? When I feel that loving source / well-being, I know everything is okay from a spiritual perspective, however, I still worry about possible physical events. (This mainly has to do with my child.) How do I know when to ignore this or accept it as guidance?
    (b)Does my chronic worrying affect my child’s point of attraction / vibration even when I don’t express it aloud?
    For example, I have much concern and fear around the issue of vaccines, but want to do the “right” thing. For that reason, I delayed my daughter’s first vaccine until 2 weeks ago. She is now experiencing a bit of a late reaction involving the leg in which the vaccine was given. It is relatively minor, called Transient Synovitis, but she was not able to walk on that leg for a few days. Did my worry attract this situation, or was it my intuition causing me to use caution and be selective and wait on vaccinating?

    2. (a)Does being a vegetarian raise one’s vibration as proposed by some belief systems?
    (b) I understand that the animals born into the food industry agreed to that on a spiritual level. However, once we as humans see their suffering (even if they themselves do not realize that they are suffering), do we have an obligation to stop participating in the perpetuation of that suffering by not purchasing and consuming them? (I am not currently vegetarian, but feel a lot of heaviness/guilt when purchasing and preparing meat.)

    3. I used to be talented in art, but have not kept it up out of perfectionism and fear of failure which manifests as procrastination and apathy. Someone once told me we have some sort of an obligation to use our gifts in this life, so if there’s something we have a natural talent for, we should use it. Is there any truth in this?

    And again, thank you for your insights. I always feel better after listening to your posts.


    Comment by Ali | March 10, 2015

  736. Hi Cynthia and Bob,
    I have been reading your blog since it’s very beginning years ago, I have learned a lot from it. Many times I wanted to ask a question but I kept waiting to see what would happen next in my life. And finally as I can’t see the light at the end of tunnel, it’s finally time to ask.

    All my life I have always believed that true love is the answer to everything and is the most important thing in one’s life. And for most of my life I have been on a quest to find it. Fate, destiny or whatever you would like to call it, keeps bringing the wrong people into my life, and year after year I suffer and find great pain (whether it’s family or personal relationships).

    I do not understand why my soul would chose to come into this present reality. I do not understand why my soul would want to experience so much pain and suffering in this lifetime. And why would life bring me into contact with those who will only hurt me? If I indeed chose this path and made an agreement before coming into this life, then what can I do to change it? I’m so exhausted of living and I’ve lost the will to do anything. It’s been so many years of loss and pain, that I can’t even imagine a different life. I can’t even seem to go on for my own child.

    In other words…I can’t see any light at the end of tunnel. This reality is not what I want…and I don’t know how to change it. What is the point of continuing to live in this reality if you’re never going to find what you seek?



    Comment by Anonymous | February 27, 2015

  737. Hi, Jan. This is the first we’ve heard of Andara crystals so we’re also interested in what The Council has to say about them. We’ll post their response as soon as we’re able. Love your blog.

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | February 4, 2015

  738. Good question, Asher. It doesn’t seem necessary to go through pain in order to grow, but it’s a popular way. We look forward to hearing how The Council answers your question and we’ll post it when they do.


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | February 4, 2015

  739. Hi Cynthia and Bob.
    It’s a long time since I asked The Council any questions, but there’s something I’d like to know more about. A few years ago, The Council told me I had a past life in Atlantis, in which I and another person worked with crystals. I feel very drawn to crystals and have quite a few, as well as several books on the subject. However I’d really value some advice on what would be a beneficial way to ‘work’ with crystals, and what this would involve. I’m particularly interested in some glass-like Andara Crystals which I’ve recently obtained.
    Many thanks and very best wishes to you all,
    Jan x


    Comment by janonlife | February 3, 2015

  740. Dear Bob,Cynthia and the Council -Thank you for bringing your wisdom and perspective to answer questions.

    Taking a deep breath:
    Why, why it is necessary to go thru hardships, troubles, accidents, pain, loss and more in order to have our soul grow?

    I wish we could “enroll” a cosmic school where an individual spiritual growth is achieved thru a positive experience.
    I also feel sad that the individual human is not capable benefit the spiritual lessons but only his soul

    I send my love


    Comment by Asher | February 1, 2015

  741. Thank you so very much. It certainly feels very universal.


    Comment by mariner2mother | January 27, 2015

  742. Hi Susan. A difficult question that mothers have been battling with for generations. As soon as we have a chance to ask The Council we’ll post a response. Love, Bob & Cynthia.


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | January 27, 2015

  743. Oops! Forgot to sign my name, Susan. Thanks again. (There must be some life lesson stuff around this because it keeps coming up for us.)


    Comment by mariner2mother | January 26, 2015

  744. Bob and Cynthia. Thank you for bringing through the Council! I have a question that is specific to my situation, but might be of benefit to others as well. Today brought a very challenging Monday morning. My son who is 12 and in sixth grade is very energetically sensitive and presently has a head cold. What becomes a problem is when his anxiety around school (he has dyslexia, ADHD and sensory issues) rears its ugly head as it did this morning. I’ve noticed that when he has a head cold, it makes it more difficult for him to think clearly and be in the classroom environment. My son missed school on Friday due to a stomach ache (that I’m not sure, but might have been brought on by anxiety around having a very challenging day ahead).

    When he got up this morning, he was feeling well, except for the congestion, and was in pretty good spirits. Then 15 minutes before I was going to take him to school, all of a sudden, he said his stomach hurt a lot. He began to disintegrate. Good mood went down the toilet. Anxiety came back up. He layed on the sofa. This is where I go back and forth, as a mother, between coaxing and pushing him to try to go to school, even though he doesn’t feel well, and letting him stay home. I suspected his stomach ache would subside with a good bowl movement- and I believe it did somewhat. But at that point, my son was emotionally unable to handle going to school late, or even trying to go for part of the day. He misses a lot when he misses a Monday.

    I become pushed and pulled inside. Part of me is concerned that if I “give in” and allow him to stay home, I’m contributing to his anxiety ruling him. I want him to see that he can make it to the other side of his fears. Never mind the work he’ll have to make up. I don’t want him to grow up and not be able to keep a job because of this (which I see as a real possibility). And the other part of me doesn’t want to traumatize him by pushing him so hard he breaks down and cracks. When I push him, his anxiety increases to the point at times, that he talks about not wanting to be here (in a physical body). I don’t want to mess him up.

    The Council talks about bringing love into situations. Is it more loving to let my son stay home? Or to force him to try to walk through his anxiety? As a parent, I usually know when to push and when to lay off, but this situation is difficult for me. Thank you.


    Comment by mariner2mother | January 26, 2015

  745. Hi,
    I am a bit unsure about this, but I thought I might give it a try, as I am facing new challenges in my life that are becoming very disruptive, yet again. I am wondering if you could tell me a bit about them, and about why they are occurring, and of course, if it makes sense to keep fighting to maintain my personal situation the way it is. Lastly, will I be bipolar again?


    Comment by Ana | January 21, 2015

  746. Hi Cynthia, Bob (and the Council…) – I have been getting messages about this, being pointed in the direction of, as well as my astrological chart placing me in this alignment of “spiritual warrior”…what exactly does that mean to the council, please? How may I use this gift to continue to help others? The warrior role feels like it has been for lifetimes and I am looking for another way, but that seems unnatural at this point in time. Please ask the council their thoughts and thank you.


    Comment by Gail | November 9, 2014

  747. Hi, N. The Council’s advice to you and others having difficulty choosing between two or more options is to imagine your options in whatever way you can and then pay attention to the way you feel as you imagine these options. Your emotions are your guidance from the spiritual part of you. The better an option feels when you think about it, the more in harmony it is with the larger spiritual part of you. And The Council emphasizes there are never any wrong decisions. The Council reminds you that you always have the option to choose again, and again, and again. It’s not so much the path or specific direction you choose that fulfills you soul’s purpose. What fulfills your soul’s purpose is your moment to moment choice to allow the love you are as a spiritual being, to accompany you down whatever path you find yourself on. We did this session while we were out of town and we don’t have a recording to make available to you. We hope this helps. Love, Bob & Cynthia.


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | August 8, 2014

  748. My gratitude is endless – Love and light to you both!


    Comment by N | August 5, 2014

  749. Hi, N. We’ll do our best to have some guidance from The Council for you soon. Stay tuned.


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | August 1, 2014

  750. In need of guidance…
    I’ve reached out to the spirits, my guide, my family, but I cannot seem to gain a clear answer. So I’m turning once again to you wonderful people… My heart is torn, and I’m not sure which path to go down. I have an opportunity to change my life, completely, but it’s scary. I don’t know HOW to make the decision. Either path is acceptable, and both will be good, life is what you make it.. but which will fulfill my soul’s purpose this time around? If you can gain some sort of insight at your convenience I’d appreciate it.
    Thank you for all that you both do!


    Comment by N | July 30, 2014

  751. Hello once more! I wanted to thank you again for the two sessions you made for my questions about mental health. It did help me.

    What stood out the most in The Council’s answers was the idea that any kind of significant challenge is experienced to find a way of still loving yourself allthough you created something ‘unwanted’, an accident or an illness. Everybody strifes to be successful in life but it is easy to love yourself for doing well and much more challenging to do so when ‘failing’.

    I could say, well, it was a chemical unbalance in my brain related to thyroid problems, in short: a biological disfunction that I just unluckily happened to have genetically or developed over the time (which doesn’t go along well with ‘creating your own reality’). But I am unsatisfied with such an answer (allthough I come from a strict scientific background) thats why I did turn to your site and asked The Council.

    I had to smile about their comment ‘whom does she think she is asking her question to?’ concerning my doubts if spirituality is a real part of life or merely something invented by creative human minds.
    Upon experiencing the loss of rationality due to psychosis I clinged to a very rational worldview for some time afterwards (and was forced to it by medication and my surroundings because any talking about a spiritual meaning was frowned on).
    It really made me depressed because if everything happens without any deeper sense this world is really a Darwinian game of being lucky with your genes and with the place and family born into. Whereas spiritual meaning equals learning and growing opportunities. Thus even so called ‘negative’ things have value if the lesson is understood.

    I still have to understand what The Council ment in ‘my psychotic reality was as real as my normal one’.
    The creation of reality is a fascinating topic. What is consensus reality, what are dreams, parallel lifes and realities… When is something only real for myself and when is it shared with others. What happens if some people hold opposite views. One of your posts touched on that topic regarding a relationship wanted by one unwanted by another.

    Thank you for offering this interesting blog!


    Comment by Stephanie | July 7, 2014

  752. Hello again dear Bob & Cynthia & The Council!

    Thank you very much for doing these two sessions on my questions, that’s very kind of you! I appreciate it a lot that you took your time to help me deal with my challenging situation.

    It is interesting for me that The Council repeatedly emphasized that only I myself am the creator of my experience. As I was looking for information about Psychosis and Schizophrenia around the net I also sometimes found ideas that went along the idea of ‘possession’ or influence from thought forms etc. – People do hear voices (I also had some quite ‘interesting’ inner conversations, never frightening, often humourous but also weird) and have hallucinations, thats why some interpret it as some sort of possession.

    I don’t like the idea of it and never gave it much thought though. I only think that my mind probably was in a more open state and thus subtle energies that it normally cannot detect were heard?

    Still for me it was much more like big parts of my subconscious coming up into daylight without any filtering and administering. Like I was ‘mentally throwing up’ because my subconscious was full of different (and opposing) opinions, feelings, ideas, impressions…

    About the creating of reality – well, The Council said, my psychotic reality was real too, but it was more like a phantasy world happening in my head and taking advantage of the things happening around me. For some days I somehow thought Mafia members would be watching my block and I sort of confirmed my belief with interpreting normal things in that direction (like Italian and Russian speaking people passing my house..). So I made my reality look like the one I had in mind instead of objectively interpreting it. But also something ‘funny’ happened, because exactly when I held that Mafia belief I went to go shopping and found a dead cat lying in front of my door downstairs?! So of course that fitted perfectly in my movie-like world of Mafia and I thought ‘aha, they are warning me not to be too curious about their activities’. 🙂 poor cat

    Another thing The Council said was to feel compassion and love for what I have come through as a human being. That is indeed not easy for me.

    Anyways, I will listen to the recordings and if something else comes to my mind, I will write another comment.

    Thank you again and enjoy the weekend!


    Comment by Stephanie | July 5, 2014

  753. Hi Stephanie. Thank you for your additional comments. They help clarify your questions for The Council. We actually did two separate sessions with The Council on your questions. If you’re interested in hearing the complete audio recordings of the 2 sessions, please include an email address in the form that appears when you reply to this comment. Other readers will not see this email address, but can use it to send you a link to the recordings. Here are some of the highlights of what The Council said during the sessions.

    1. The Council’s perspective on mental illness turns out to be very similar to their perspective on disease in general. They see these experiences as opportunities to expand the love you are in spirit, into this physical reality, and in the process transform physical reality into a more loving, spiritual reality.
    2. As a spiritual being before you came into what you think of as your current human reality, it was your desire to experience a significant challenge that would give you a significant opportunity to bring love from spirit into physical reality. The details of the challenge were not chosen prior to your incarnation, but the options were a physically life threatening disease like cancer, a disability like the loss of your legs, or a mental illness like the psychosis you experienced.
    3. The Council repeatedly emphasized that you and only you are the creator of what you experience. This is one of their fundamental teachings. If you’re not able to accept that you created the experience you described, The Council suggests that you concentrate on feeling compassion and love for what you have come through as a human being.
    4. The more you can focus on better-feeling thoughts rather than focusing on the stress, confusion, fear, and pain of the experience you describe and the experiences that led up to it, the more you will begin to feel reconnected in a grounded and safe way to the love you are as a spiritual being in a human body having physical reality experiences.
    5. The doubt, uncertainty, mistrust, shattered self esteem, and feeling silly thinking about spiritually are all things you intended to experience so you could transform them with the love you are as a spiritual being.
    6. The reality you experienced is every bit as real as the reality you describe as normal. The important distinctions are how desirable one is compared to the other. Since the realities you experience are created by you based on what you choose to give your attention to, if you want to experience better-feeling realities you need to choose better-feeling focuses of your attention.
    7. Sit twice a day and contemplate the idea you are a powerful spiritual being who came to this physical reality to bring love into the realities you experience.
    8. Eventually you will experience more clarity and knowledge about the experience you describe as psychosis and you will teach others how to connect to who they are as spiritual beings and how to bring the love they are into similar unpleasant experiences.

    After the 2 sessions It occurred to us you might be interested in reading the following books that describe some of the challenging physical reality experiences other people have created and how these challenges have helped them transform their life by connecting more powerfully with who they are as a spiritual being and were able to bring more love into their life.

    Thank you, Stephanie, for your great questions. When we have time we hope to publish a post on the 2 sessions we did on these questions. We think it could help a lot of people who’ve experienced a challenge along the lines you describe. We hope you find this additional information helpful. We’d love to know what you think, and other readers probably would like to know also. Love Bob & Cynthia (and The Council).


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | July 4, 2014

  754. Hello again Bob & Cynthia! I just wanted to thank you for your quick reply and your very nice and comforting words. You are right, it’s not easy to talk about mental illness in our society and I was a bit unsure at first to ask this question. But since I was confronted with this form of disease myself, I started to wonder a lot about why it happens and what it means and thought that there will for sure be others interested in this topic as well. As I told you, since being very little I have been familiar with spiritual concepts (I always felt deep knowledge in my heart and many spiritual ideas just popped up without hearing or reading them being a child) and do understand with one part of my being that illnesses have a spiritual background as reality is sort of a reflection from the state of our inner being. Thus disease is a way to learn and grow as is any kind of suffering. At least I hope this to be true and not just something that merely came into existence because human minds needed explanations and nice stories for something they couldn’t fathom and therefore feared – as materialists like to argue. I am a trained scientist with a degree in geophysics, thus I was in a way always between two ways of interpreting life: having this strong sense of spirituality and on the other side being educated in logical, fact-orientated natural science. My psychosis somehow took away the so very strong lifelong feeling of connectedness and had me turn completely to the scientific view of life for some time. Yes, the medication also had to do with it as it cuts most of your feelings and makes you go zombie-like. Good for me that I found a supporting doctor who already made me go back to a very little dosis. 🙂 But I now know what severe depression feels like. It has to do with loosing all meaning and sense in life. And loosing love and appreciation for yourself. Something I very much had before due to the spiritual way of interpreting reality. I never thought that I would be able to get that lost. I was always convinced that I was guided from within and then suddenly this guidence from within let me go crazy… Like you said, lost in a not ending dream state while being awake with somewhat child-like behaviour and inadequate unreflected beliefs and insights (which felt like deep philosophical truths and came in rapid and huge pieces) and the feeling of being able to telepathically communicate, etc. It had spiritual content in the way that I felt like finally this would be ‘it’, the ultimate understanding of everything and the ultimativ changing of my life into sheer happiness and bliss… It was exaggerated though, too shiny and not the simple humble content and practical feeling of spirituality that I normally had. It lacked the warm and simple beauty but was overwhelming instead. Now I have the craving to get back my original assuredness concerning spiritual matters along with the connectedness it beared but I lost trust and after psychosis felt silly for the way I think. And it made me feel guilty and small because in the weeks with psychosis I failed to cope with normal daily life issues although I used to be so convinced to ‘understand’ life and felt so much ‘old wisdom’ from soul level all my life before… Also I am ashamed for all this Ego filled self-centered reality I drifted into. Psychosis makes you turn completely into your own world. It is a very self-absorbed condition. Now I see myself as being unimportant (I punish myself with that) with a malfunctioning mind, dangerously dellusive and somehow devoid of god. Abandoned even by the spirit world that – if it exists at all. Like I did something wrong (invented inner conversations or listened to wrong inner voices instead of the ‘real’ thing) and through turning into my own world drove all true spirit companions and gods love out. It’s like failing a test severely. And having taken away one’s credibility and now being isolated. But thats just my inner feelings. On the outside I got my life back in order. It’s just the original spiritual connectedness with everything and the feeling of being on a meaningful life path that I am missing. Instead I feel like I am just someone who happens to be alive, living an ordinary life, doing her daily tasks, but without much greater meaning. Sorry for the additional long comment, but I felt the need to specify some points. I’ll be happy to read some insights of The Council if you – and them – find time. Meanwhile thank you a lot already for answering and lots of love and blessings to you two!


    Comment by Stephanie | July 2, 2014

  755. Hi Stephanie. Very good questions. We look forward to hearing what The Council has to say about them. In the meantime here’s our point of view, based on our understanding of what The Council has said in other sessions.

    Your description of your psychosis episode as temporarily drifting into your own world sounds like something that happens every day to most of us when we sleep. In your case we’re guessing a big difference was that you had difficulty orienting yourself to a comfortable physical reality experience when you weren’t sleeping.

    After that kind of experience it’s understandable you might want to avoid thinking about spiritual things if this feels like it might lead to another drifting into a world that’s difficult to get back from. We imagine it took a lot of courage to even think about asking the questions you’re asking and the eloquence of your questions suggests to us you’re making excellent progress orienting to a comfortable physical reality.

    It’s our impression most medical professionals define health as the absence of disease, but from what we like to think of as a spiritual point of view, heath is more like the level of spiritual life force you allow into your physical experience in any moment.

    As you become more confident in your orientation to physical reality, we like to think you will also regain the confidence you previously had in experiencing spiritual reality and you will learn how it can enhance your physical reality experience without having what mental health professionals call a psychosis.

    We like to think that more and more mental health professionals are finding ways to integrate their understanding of mental health with an awareness of spirituality. Until this becomes more prevalent the self-esteem issues you describe can be an undesirable side effect of mental health treatment. Fortunately, like most other side effects, you can expect them to wear off as your health improves and the treatments that contribute to these side effects become less needed.

    We look forward to hearing what insights The Council is able to offer about your experiences in your own world. We like to think these insights will offer you to a much more satisfying way of thinking about that experience.

    Thanks again for your questions, Stephanie. It’s not uncommon for people who are opening to the awareness of who they are as a spiritual being, to experience an unfamiliar and sometimes uncomfortable disorientation from their ordinary physical reality. We imagine The Council’s insights on this subject will help many others in addition to yourself.

    Love, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | July 2, 2014

  756. Hi Cynthia and Bob! If you find time could you ask The Council about mental health? I suffered from an episode of psychosis where I temporarily drifted into my own world. It was a very strange experience and since that I kind of distrust all spiritual things as I am afraid of ‘loosing normal reality’ again. Before I never had any problems of that sort. I always held spiritual interest but at the same time was very grounded. There was some hardship in my life that might have triggered this mental illness due to high levels of stress. Still I would love to get an answer from the spirit world how they interpret illnesses like psychosis or (if that condition gets chronical) schizophrenia. What lesson can be learned? And how can I heal? I am ‘back to normal’ already but the humilating treatment in psychiatry and the experience of dellusion and loosing the ability to tell whats real and whats not left me highly shattered in my self esteem. Maybe The Council has some advice? Thank you!


    Comment by Stephanie | July 1, 2014

  757. Hi Cynthia and Bob – hope you are both well.
    Just following up from this earlier question.

    Thank you,


    Comment by Anonymous | May 19, 2014

  758. Hi, Natalie. We were able to do a session with The Council a few days ago and got answers to your question and several others. The Council believes the decision you’re referring to will be a very good move for you and your children. They say it’s perfect for right now and it will lead to many new experiences, which will eventually lead to new decisions, because you are always moving forward. They suggest you relax and enjoy living in the moment of these decisions. This will help you be in touch with the guidance that is always with you. Hope this helps. As soon as we have time we’ll make the audio recording available to you so you can hear the guidance in The Council’s words. Love, Bob & Cynthia.


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | February 16, 2014

  759. Cynthia & Bob,
    Any chance you’ve been able to do a session with the council recently?
    Love and light – Nat.


    Comment by Natalie | February 13, 2014

  760. Hi, Lee Ann. Interesting question. Until we get a chance to ask about the specifics, we can tell you The Council says everyone’s purpose for incarnating into physical reality is to experience the joy of expanding the love you are as a spiritual being into physical reality. From this point of view if you believe you made a spiritual agreement that has something to do with experiencing the emotional pain of others, we would say the healthiest way for you to do this is to first find ways to connect with the love you are. Then feel the joy of expanding your love into the emotional pain. Remembering you are the love and not the emotional pain is the best advice we can think of at this time. We’ll let you know what The Council says about your question after we’ve had a chance to ask. Thank you for this question, Lee Ann. Love, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | February 10, 2014

  761. Hi! I was recently told that one of my soul contracts / agreements is to take on others emotional pain. What is the best way for me to fulfill this in a way that is healthy?
    Thank you for any guidance.


    Comment by Lee Ann | February 10, 2014

  762. Thanks! I look forward to hearing from you!


    Comment by Anonymous | January 29, 2014

  763. Hi, Natalie. Thanks for your clarification. As soon as we have some guidance for you from The Council we’ll let you know here.


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | January 20, 2014

  764. Hi, Jan. Thanks for your heart-warming words. We’re equally grateful to have readers of this blog like you, and Kali, and others who are interested in The Council’s guidance and messages. Knowing there are readers out there like you is an inspiration for us to do the best we can.


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | January 20, 2014

  765. Thank you so much for your appreciation, Kali. It means a lot. It’s very satisfying hearing we’ve been able to be some help.


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | January 20, 2014

  766. Bob and Cynthia, after re-reading my post I must correct my typo – I’ve recently made a life altering decision, and would like the council’s input on whether or not I’ve made a decision that will lead to a better, brighter future for myself and my children. Please, at your convenience, let me know if some guidance is available. Thank you so very much for all of your time and efforts – It truly makes a difference in this very challenging spiritual journey!


    Comment by Natalie | January 20, 2014

  767. I’d like to add my good wishes and gratitude to what Kali has said here, Cynthia and Bob. I find your dedication to passing on The Council’s messages truly awe-inspiring and very heart-warming. You have brought such inspiration and love to the hearts of so many blog readers, as well as your personal clients. All this as well as holding down a day job!!
    Thank you so much for being there. It’s very easy to see why The Council would choose you two to pass on their incredible message.
    Love, Jan xx


    Comment by janonlife | January 20, 2014

  768. Happy New Year Cynthia and Bob
    Just reading your Blog, I personally want to thank you for what you did for me, and urge other people who ask for your help to be patient and humble, you dedicate your life to helping others without charging a heavy fee like some do, I just want to show respect and gratitude for what you do , much love Kali xxxx


    Comment by Anonymous | January 20, 2014

  769. Hi, Anne.We haven’t gotten around to asking The Council your question. When we do we’ll reply here and give you a heads up with an email. Best wishes for a healthy, prosperous, and loving New Year.


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | January 20, 2014

  770. Well, here it is January 16, and still no reply to my answer! Do you have an answer as of yet???


    Comment by Anne | January 16, 2014

  771. Hi Bob and Cynthia – I’ve commented previously and you supplied a well thought out and descriptive answer. I did my best to use your guidance, and believe it is bringing my spirit closer achieving peace. I’ve recently just made a like altering decision and I need to know that this change is going to be beneficial for me and my loved ones. Please, offer guidance once again!!
    – NV


    Comment by Natalie | January 16, 2014

  772. Hi, Robert. We live in New York City.


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | January 13, 2014

  773. I found you guys on the web. Thank you for all that you do.
    Where are you located?
    Much love


    Comment by Robert | January 12, 2014

  774. Hi Chris,
    We love that you love reading our posts. Thank you for the love. As soon as we can we’ll ask The Council if they have any insight into a special someone coming into your life. We’ll let you know what we find out. Love, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | January 6, 2014

  775. Hi Cynthina and Bob,
    I LOVE reading the Council posts and thank you verymuch for the wisdom provided.
    My question is how do I know if I am meant to be with someone? I am 51 yrs old am still single and want to finally stop waiting, working toward or wondering if I am MEANT to be with anyone. I was in two long term relationships before, one of which I wanted to work out, but didn’t. Then I learned to be ok and fine alone, happy and, rarely longing for someone. But now I feel more alone and was wondering if “my time” was finally coming or I am just not dealing with my reality.

    Thank you very much!


    Comment by Chris | January 6, 2014

  776. Hi Kali,
    We were able to do a session with The Council today to get guidance you asked for concerning the passing of your husband recently from physical form. It may be a while before we transcribe the recording of the session and publish a post about it, but we thought you’d like to hear the recording as quickly as possible so we emailed you a link to a copy in our Dropbox. We hope The Council’s guidance helps you find some relief. Please feel free to let us and our readers know. Love, Bob & Cynthia


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | November 24, 2013

  777. Thank you so much ITS am trying hard to do so, I look forward to your response thank you again x


    Comment by kali | November 22, 2013

  778. Hi Kali,
    Glad you found our blog, even if it was inspired by what feels like desperate circumstances. Until we have time to do a session with The Council on your situation and let you know their guidance, perhaps you can open to the experience of your partner still being lovingly in your life, but not in the physical way you are used to. We realize this can be a big adjustment. Connecting with who you are as an unconditionally loving spiritual being in a physical body is the best way we can think of for you to feel more connected to the love of your partner now that he isn’t present in his physical body. As soon as we can we’ll reply here with The Council’s guidance for you. Love, Cynthia & Bob.


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | November 21, 2013

  779. Hello Cynthia and Bob
    found you while desperately searching for help, My partner was killed in a car accident 10.09.2013 .I have a 6 year old boy and a now 5 month old boy who was 12 weeks old the day his dad died, I am desperately trying to develop myself spiritually to connect with the love of my life, the pain is unbearable and I can not accept that he is gone, any help and guidance would be greatly appreciated


    Comment by kali | November 21, 2013

  780. Hello Bob and Cynthia,

    Thank you for the recording of what The Council had to say about what’s been going on with me. They confirmed/ validated that I have had some experiences through several lifetimes, and that I wish to be done with them. I have been doing a lot of personal work toward that end, and I see that it has come to fruition. Specifically, an inability to move forward in my life is gone. I know that this not only affect me, but also my family and soul family. I’ve immediately seen this affecting my 10 year old son. He has had a host of challenges in his life, and over the past few months, I clearly see that he is changed. He used to have a horrible time with being able to do school work. No more. He is able to do his work at home and at school, with an ease that I’ve never seen. Yes, he still has learning challenges, but he is very changed in a fantastic way. Specifically, anxiety about a lot of things is gone.

    I am still taking it very easy with my foot, as it is still healing. The Council told me to not rush this healing, and I am not. They also said they saw a move for me in the next two years, with our home or my work. I would be very surprised if we move our home, but I am already shifting my work quite a bit. I am excited to see where I’ll be regarding work, in two years.

    Thank you Bob, for expanding on my question, asking for ideas of how I can continue to move forward. The council mentioned acupuncture, which I will definitely pursue. In fact, the day before I broke my foot, my doctor gave me business cards for 3 different acupuncturists. The Council also recommended my using Tai Chi to facilitate being able to feel energy. I bought a basic Tai Chi DVD a while ago, and when I am more healed, I will use it!

    The Council said I wish to bring new experiences into my life now. And that going to different places and meeting new people, would help bring this into my experience. It will be very interesting to see how my life unfolds over the next few years. Thanks again so very much for this information.


    Comment by mariner2mother | September 23, 2013

  781. Hi Natalie,
    Thank you for your appreciation. We think it’s a good idea to review The Council’s guidance more than once. Often we will get a deeper understanding and appreciation for what The Council is saying after listening to a recording of a session several times.

    Until we get a chance to ask The Council for more details on their suggestion to get involved with energy healing, we suggest reading about different types of energy healing and maybe talking to people you know that may have some experience in this area. Let your feelings guide you to what you feel attracted to. Don’t feel like you have to stick with something if it doesn’t feel like it’s helping you feel more connected to who you are as a spiritual being of love and light.

    In Cynthia’s private sessions with clients it’s very common for the client to respond to guidance about their future the way you feel puzzled about The Council’s guidance regarding travel. Cynthia’s advice to her clients is always to put the guidance in the back of their minds if they have difficulty relating to it, and one day it may make much more sense. More often than not these clients contact Cynthia months or even years later to tell her the information that made no sense and was impossible to believe, happened just like The Council said it would. So put the idea about travel in the back of your mind and see how things play out.


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | September 23, 2013

  782. Bob& Cynthia, Thanks so very much for your time and incredibly generous efforts. I have reviewed your response several times in an attempt to truly understand what the council had said, and also allow myself to fully absorb the meaning, and try to put their guidance to good use. I am quite certain that they’ve hit the nail on the head with their descriptions of what is” right for this physical experience.especially the energy healing.i have felt the pull towards that specialty for quite some time, although I’m unsure how to begin that part of my journey. I would definitely be interested in possibly having the council guide me a bit more. The travelling experiences are a bit of a puzzle for me right now. To say thanks again, please allow me to comment about how much this post has helped me! Your kindness and thoroughness with this site has provided a wealth of knowledge insight and inspiration!


    Comment by Natalie | September 22, 2013

  783. Hi Deborah,
    We apologize for not responding sooner to your questions about the best use of your talents regarding a career, and about a man you met online. We’ve been very busy this Summer moving our residence and this has prevented us from giving as much attention to the blog as we would ordinarily.

    We did do a session with The Council shortly after you asked your questions, but it may be a while before we are able to publish a post on your session. In the meantime, we’ll be contacting you by email to provide you with a link that will enable you to download an audio recording of the session. We hope you find it helpful. We encourage you to provide feedback in a follow up comment on the blog so that other readers can know the whether you found The Council’s guidance helpful.


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | September 21, 2013

  784. Hi Susan,
    We apologize for taking so long to reply to your questions about how injuring your foot might be a way for you to take a break from what you’d ordinarily be doing, and for you to experience healing on many levels. We actually did a session with The Council within a few days of when you posted your question, but we’ve been so focused since then on moving from an apartment we’ve been living in over 20 years, that we haven’t found time to focus on the blog.

    It may be a while before we get around to publishing a post about the session on your questions, but very soon we’ll email you a link that’ll let you listen to a 12 minute recording of the session. We hope you find the session as interesting as we did. After you’ve had a chance to listen to the recording, we’d love it if you’d use this Comment section to share your impressions with readers of this blog.


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | September 19, 2013

  785. Hi Anne,
    Thank you for writing again. We apologize for not replying to your original question about a loving relationship with a man in your life. Sometimes a question gets overlooked. We’ve been very busy this Summer moving from a residence of over 20 years, and this has made it a challenge to keep as focused on this blog as we’d like. Now that we’re moved (but not unpacked :-)) we hope to be giving more attention to the blog, your question, and questions from other readers.


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | September 17, 2013

  786. Do you have an answer to my question yet? I wrote to you in June 25 and did not receive a reply as of yet. My question is Do you see me in a loving relationship with a man coming into my life. I have created the space and I am open to be with an amazing man. I am a friend of Priscilla Contino, for over 20 years.


    Comment by Anne | September 13, 2013

  787. I just started to do the chakras meditation and am trying to get all of them into balance. one day I was meditating and I felt as though I was pushing something out vaginally, is this normal? What was happening?


    Comment by Heather | September 13, 2013

  788. Hi Cynthia & Bob
    I’m looking for insight in two areas, much like others…:)
    One is career or financial freedom tracks – what’s the best use of my talents and what are they. Second is any insight into a man I’ve met & communicated with online – anything for my highest and best…and all others concerned.
    Thanks for your consideration and Council’s help.


    Comment by Deborah | August 19, 2013

  789. Thank you!


    Comment by mariner2mother | August 19, 2013

  790. Hi Sue,
    Glad you like our blog. We appreciate your appreciation :-). Also glad to hear you’ve been experiencing a lot of healing the past few years.

    I think I understand what your intuitive friend means about your creating an injured foot to slow you down for some reason. I experienced this recently with some automotive difficulties that put our car in the shop for two weeks. And over the years I’ve created what seemed to be accidents that necessitated the kind of slowing down you seem to be talking about.

    As soon as we get a chance we’ll ask The Council if they can shed any light on your situation and get back to you here in a comment.

    Love & Light, Bob


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | August 18, 2013

  791. Greetings Bob and Cynthia. It is so wonderful to have discovered your blog through Jan Stone. Right now, I am in a resting and healing phase. I have been doing a lot of healing work for myself over the past few years, and had some big healings happen during hypnotherapy sessions this past spring. I have an intuitive friend who helped me to see that injuring my right foot in late June and having surgery on it this summer, thus, requiring me to do a lot of nothing, was the universe’s way of bringing me to a full stop, so that lots of healing could go on.

    I would love it if the council could expand on this idea of needing to fully stop so that healing (not only physical, but otherwise), could happen. And what is actually happening, as I sit and rest, and sit more. I guess, because I can’t sense or feel spirit energies and I’m not conscious of non physical changes, I have to take this whole idea on faith right now.


    Comment by mariner2mother | August 16, 2013

  792. Thank you Council, Cynthia and Bob and my apologies for the late reply. The answered provided has helped put me on a clearer direction and more confidence about what to do. It makes sense and FEELS right what was suggested.

    Thank you again!


    Comment by Anonymous | August 6, 2013

  793. Hi Chris,
    Thank you for your appreciation. We love when readers benefit from these posts. We’ll do our best to live up to your expectations with this answer to your question about moving back to the Midwest. We did a session with The Council last night to answer this question and here’s what they said.

    As long as your feelings continue to be mixed about leaving a place you love in order to move back to the Midwest and be nearer the love of your family, The Council suggests you take advantage of the love both places offer by arranging extended visits to the Midwest.

    Short visits often feel special because they are out of the ordinary. An extended visit will allow you to experience day-to-day living around the people you’re considering living near long-term, and this will give you more clarity about whether to move back indefinitely. Living in both locations for extended periods will help you become more clear where you want to be at this time in your life.

    The Council recommends making arrangements for a visit of at least one month and they see great possibilities for you there. The benefits include an improvement in your moods and emotions, which you would continue to benefit from even when you come back to where you currently live most of the time. Periodic extended visits will help you become more clear about whether you can create a feeling of love living near your family that surpasses the love you experience for the place you now live.

    Thank you for your question, Chris. We hope you’ve benefited from the answer at least as much as we feel we’ve benefited helping you get the answer. Please consider letting other readers know your impressions of this guidance from The Council, and updating us after you’ve spent a longer period staying in the Midwest.


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | August 3, 2013

  794. Hi Natalie,
    Last night we did a session with The Council to answer your questions and here’s what they said.

    On the Right Path
    “We are amazed at how many people ask the question, ‘Am I on the right path?’ Your path is constantly changing and you create it as you go. So there is no set ‘have-to’ while you are here in the physical, experiencing many different situations.”

    The Council mentioned two things it is your intention as a spiritual being to experience during this human incarnation. The first is an intention to physically travel to different parts of the planet, and the feeling you describe of not being on your path comes from not currently living out this intention in your physical life.

    The second spiritual intention The Council mentioned is: “a wish to evolve quickly and experience many situations that give the human part of you proof that the physical existence isn’t the only type of existence available.” In this area The Council mentioned two types of experience that will be a great benefit to you and give you an increased feeling you are on your intended path.

    Past Life Regressions
    The Council says the “traveling” experience you described was an experience of other physical lifetimes your spirit has also experienced. Each different lifetime felt like a different vibration or energy, which you described as feeling like different stations on a radio. The more you read about experiencing these other lifetimes and actually experience other lifetimes through guided ‘past’ life regressions, the more you will experience the proof you desire.

    The Council says that until the end of your current physical lifetime you can count on returning to what you consider your “normal physical state” from any connection you make with other lifetimes, out of body experiences in your current lifetime, or experiences of other dimensions. Guided ‘past’ life regressions will help you learn to relax your mind and safely expand beyond your normal physical state when this is desired. They also said these experiences will be instrumental in helping you decide where in the would you would like to travel.

    Energy Healing
    Any sort of work with others in the area of healing energies is the second thing The Council says will help you feel there’s more to reality than this one existence. Meditations that work with energy also fall into this category. These types of experiences will help you feel more in touch with the non-physical, vibrational aspect of your being.

    The Council says that as spiritual beings we come into a physical incarnation with the intention of helping and being there for others. They say that even though you feel unsuccessful in your attempts to help guide a certain person in your life toward love and life, knowledge is beginning to take place in this person and a feeling of failure is not necessary. The Council says it’s your spirit’s intention to be helpful to this person and as you move along your path and experience your own expansion, you will see this person differently and notice little changes beginning to happen.

    In Conclusion
    Thank you, Natalie, for your questions. We don’t expect to publish a separate post any time soon to answer these questions, which is why we included as much detail in this reply as was discussed in the session. We hope you benefit from The Council’s answers as much as we benefited from getting them for you. We encourage you to reply to this comment letting other readers know if this guidance has been helpful for you.


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | August 3, 2013

  795. Hi Cynthia and Bob – thank you for your wonderful insights from the Council! Always leave me feeling better.
    My question is “Is it finally time for me to move back to the Midwest?” I am having mixed feelings about leaving a place I love for being in a place where love of my family is. Thank you!! CAB


    Comment by Chris | August 1, 2013

  796. I believe that I am a highly intuitive individual; one who truly values life and each experience, no matter how small. I am troubled though by not being able to recognize my path. At times I feel as though I’ve got it all wrong , and that I am not succeeding in the way that I had originally designed for myself. Part of me believes I’m destined for much more, the other part of me believes that my soul created this life in order to help a very misguided soul in my life, one who does not recognize life, and love. But, I have not been successful with this. So maybe this isn’t my life’s plan? I need spiritual guidance. I believe that I have been able to communicate in the past with a loved one, by either my spirit leaving my physical body, or having the feeling as though I have “traveled” , it’s hard to describe really. I felt as though I was flying through a radio, and going through different channels, or frequencies, each holding a different setting. I try to repeat it, but my subconscious will not allow me to “let go”, obviously to one who has experienced this type of a deep trance it can be quite overwhelming, and so a part of me is scared that I won’t “return” to my normal physical state. Any suggestions on whether I should continue to do this, and how to let go? I would love to experience this again and learn from it possibly? My question for the council really boils down to this: What have I designed for myself this time around? Am I on the right path? If so, how can I better attain my goals? I am a positive thinker, usually, as I said I have been unsuccessful with attempting to guide this person in my life towards love and life. Please, help.


    Comment by Natalie | August 1, 2013

  797. Hi Anne,
    Thank you for your question. As soon as we can we’ll ask The Council if they see an amazing man coming into your life and we’ll reply here with the highlights of what The Council has to say.


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | June 25, 2013

  798. My question is do you see me in a loving relationship with a special man coming into my life? I am creating the space and am being open to an amazing man.


    Comment by Anne | June 25, 2013

  799. Hi Shivannah,
    Thank you for your question. As soon as we can we’ll ask The Council for their perspective on your family’s situation and future prospects. After the session we’ll post another reply here with the highlights of The Council’s response. -Cynthia & Bob


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | June 25, 2013

  800. We have had a lot of bad things happen to our family lately, from our house being robbed, jewelry and family heirlooms being stolen, my uncle taking my 3 cousins away from us and moving down to florida after my aunts passing, my dad’s car breaking down, and our land in Georgia not being sold, and a lot of extra expenses. I just want to know if this path will get better and what we can expect in the future. Also we are good friends of your cousin Priscilla who referred us to you!


    Comment by Shivannah | June 24, 2013

  801. Hi Lydia,
    Thank you for your question about the spirit of your deceased mother and her relationship to your spiritual journey. Our apologies for not replying to your comment sooner.

    The exercises you describe sound like they can be very helpful. As soon as we can we will ask The Council your question about additional ways you can keep your mother involved in your life and journey, and we’ll post the highlights of their answer here in another reply.

    Love, Cynthia & Bob


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | June 19, 2013

  802. I was told that my deceased mother is part of my spiritual journey. I was given some exercises to help facilitate that. 1) Ask a question and then write down what I think her answer would be. 2) Ask a question and then imagine what her answer would be. 3) Ask a question and then listen to hear the answer as a distinct and separate ‘voice’ in my mind. My question to the Council is: Are there other ways (in addition to those already given) available to help me manifest this experience in my life so that I can take steps into this journey. I understand that belief is a great part of it. Thank you and the Council for any insight you are able to provide. Love and light to you all.


    Comment by lydialawrence | May 30, 2013

  803. Hi Colombe,
    We’re glad you found The Council’s guidance helpful and we understand your feeling of loyalty to your company because they gave you start. And we understand feeling guilty about leaving the company and the new employee in difficulty, but you can learn to accept responsibility for the challenges in your own life and you can allow others to be responsible for the challenges in their lives.

    We agree it’s a good idea to look for the answers to your questions in your own heart. If you didn’t feel quiet enough to do this when you wrote the comment above, perhaps you feel closer to being able to do this when you read this. Every day is a new day. Every moment is a new moment with new possibilities.

    Remember what The Council said about getting in touch with the feeling of love that you are as a spiritual being and look for ways to bring this love into you day-to-day experience. Eventually you will sort out your feelings about wh

    If you think there’s a lot of negativity in your workplace, then most likely you will experience a lot of negativity in your workplace. The more you can find things to feel good about in your workplace, rather than negative, the more likely you are to feel better about your workplace as long as you decide to be there.


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | May 14, 2013

  804. Dear Cynthia, dear Bob,
    A few days ago, I received an answer from you to my question. I was pleased to read you and your answer particularly: I am not at this place to repair something I had made in the past. I think that I stay at this place because they gave me a chance to start ! And because I thought I would help to save the company !!!
    There is a lot of negativity at my workplace. It’s true. I work there since one year and I have tried hard to get along with one particular colleague but somehow it just didn’t really work. She will be leaving the company at the end of the month… A new young lady started yesterday.
    I heard today, that another company is looking for a secretary and I intend to send my CV. But I feel a kind of guilt to let the company and the new young woman in difficulty. I will participate to a workshop this week-end in England and I hope to find the answer in me.
    And I don’t know if it was right to write to you. I think I should look for the answer on my own in my heart. But I’m not quiet enough now.
    I wish you a nice evening and thank you for your time!
    P.S. I write you this mail without asking my friend to correct the mistakes.

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Anonymous | May 14, 2013

  805. Happy Birthday, Colombe, and thank you so much for your uplifting feedback. We look forward to when we can publish the post on the session for your question.


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | May 9, 2013

  806. Hi Cynthia, Hi Bob!

    First of all, I thank you and The Council very very much for those answers!

    I feel blessed to receive this gift at my birthday!

    I stand up half an hour ago, with the sun in my heart. It is raining outside but it feels good to be here now.

    I read you answer and wrote to one of my best friend to say thank you for formulating the situation for me. And now I sit here and feel gratitude and love in my heart.

    I look forward to read the details when it is time for you to write them.

    Have a very beautiful day!


    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Anonymous | May 9, 2013

  807. Hi Colombe,

    Here are the highlights of the session with The Council to answer your questions.

    1. The Council doesn’t feel what you describe as a history of fighting in the area of your workplace is contributing to the present problems.
    2. You can help heal divisions in the workplace by connecting with the feeling of love you are as a spiritual being and bringing this love into your workplace. This is your mission in your workplace and everywhere else in your life; this is the spiritual mission of all human beings.
    3. You are not there to fix anything you’ve done in another lifetime.
    4. Think about why you choose to stay at your place of employment and consider looking for more satisfying employment.
    5. Within a year you will find that the best employment opportunities for you will be in another country.
    6. Eventually it will be good to have employment where you can be outside an office, have freedom of movement, and travel.

    We hope this helps. The Council said it will help many people who are in a similar employment situation where they feel a lot of negativity. We look forward to publishing a post on the details of this session as soon as the answers to earlier reader questions have been published.



    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | May 8, 2013

  808. I thank you for this long answer! I do appreciate this opportunity you give us to know more about a particular situation. Thanks a lot for the time you need for it.

    Have a beautiful evening!


    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Anonymous | May 5, 2013

  809. Dear Colombe,
    Sorry not to get back to you sooner. We understand the importance of this question for you and many other people who find themselves in a challenging workplace situation and want a better understanding of why this situation is in their life, and how to handle the challenge in harmony with spirit’s intentions.

    In general The Council says that everything we experience in our human realities is for the purpose of expanding the love we are as spiritual beings into these physical realities. So the general guidance is to do what you can through some sort of meditation or other focus of your attention to feel your connection to the love you truly are. Then ask the question, “How can I bring more of this love into my workplace situation?” and be open to the guidance that spirit is continually offering you. Be patient with yourself in this. Although The Council says spirit is continually offering the guidance we seek, if we’re not in the habit of receiving this guidance it can take some practice.

    Generalities aside, as soon as we have time we will ask The Council for as much specific guidance as they are willing to provide in answer to you question about your mission. Whether or not we eventually publish a post on The Council’s answer, we will post a reply in this Comment section as soon as possible that included the highlights of The Council’s answer to your question.

    If you’re not already subscribed to the Comments for this particular post, you can click in the Leave a Reply text box where it says “Leave your comment here” and you should see an additional text box for your email address (never made public) and a check box below that saying, “Notify me of follow-up comments via email.” If you enter your email address and check that check box, you will automatically receive an email notification each time a new comment is added to this post and you will receive our reply comment as soon as it’s posted. Otherwise you can check in periodically for our reply. You can unsubscribe to these email notifications at any time.


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | May 5, 2013

  810. Dear Cynthia and Bob,

    A very good friend of mine did help me to formulate the message sent on May 3.

    I was so excited that I even forgot to greet you.

    The situation I live at my workplace takes a lot of space in my life. I thought you might help me understanding my mission.

    But please, feel free to say “Sorry, we can’t help you in this matter” if you want to!

    I wish you a wonderful sunny day!


    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Anonymous | May 5, 2013

  811. Oooh,

    I forgot to say first hello to you both, Cynthia and Bob !

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Anonymous | May 3, 2013

  812. I work for a company in their office in central Europe. I find the energies at my workplace very difficult to deal with. There is a great deal of conflict and the business is in danger of failing. I find that the building is above a place which was the site of battles between Romans and Celts many centuries ago.

    I’m not sure about my mission at this place. I may be here to fix something I have done in another life. I tried to clean the place and release energies, asking Archangel Michael for help.

    Do The Council feel this history of fighting has some bearing on the present problems? Can they suggest a way in which I can help to heal the divisions?’

    Thank you very much!

    Best regards,


    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Anonymous | May 3, 2013

  813. Hi Cynthia and Bob, Thanks you are very kind. Love and Light, Peter and Kay

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Peter Ashley | April 24, 2013

  814. Hi Peter & Kay,
    Thank you so much for your appreciation for this blog. We appreciate your similar efforts at and thank the two of you for this work. Of course it’s okay for Kay to include messages from The Council in her church newsletter. We are flattered and honored by your request. Thank you so much for asking.


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | April 21, 2013

  815. Hi Cynthia and Bob, We love what comes thru from The Council. Would it be ok to include some of your channelled messages in the quarterly newsletter that Kay prepares for our local Spiritualist Church. We would include an acknowledgement and a link to your website. Thank you for the work that you do.

    Love and Light
    Peter and Kay

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Peter Ashley | April 21, 2013

  816. Hi Dawn,

    We had a chance to do a session with The Council today on your questions. It may be a while before we’re able to publish a post on the session, but we thought you’d like to know the following:

    1. Eye irritation is a personal matter, not a dimensional shift or something on a larger scale.
    2. Your black framed glasses are close by. Practice feeling the way you imagine you’ll feel when you find them and you will be more likely to come across them.
    3. Eye exam doesn’t appear necessary at this time.
    4. Do what you can to bring uplifting energy into your 5th, 6th, and 7th chakras and you should notice less eye problems.
    5. The coincidence of many others in your experience having eye issues related to the law of attraction. When your attention is preoccupied with your eye problems, your attention is more likely to be drawn to similar problems in others. Practice focusing your attention on things that feel better to you.

    Hope this helps.


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | April 7, 2013

  817. Hi Dawn,

    Thanks for your questions. It may be a while before we have time to do a session on your questions and publish a post, but if we get any information for you we’ll pass it along in one of these comments.


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | April 6, 2013

  818. I’m very excited to make contact here. My question relates to physical shifts occurring within us at this time. Specifically related to the eyes . I developed an inflammation in my eye about a year and a half ago. Tests revealed nothing specific and this continued to plague me recurring for well over a year. I took notice of similar problems related to the eyes happening with friends, co-workers and even animals in my sphere. Could this somehow be related to the way we may be viewing things in a dimensional shift or if its simply a personal matter related to a specific condition ? Also I have misplaced my glasses which I need very much instead of contact lenses. I noticed the contacts bothered my eyes. I thought they may be the problem. Now I’ve gone and lost the glasses . Was it to send me for an exam ? Are the black framed eye glasses still near me? It took me well over a year to find ones that fit my very small face and to have lost them is distressing. All I want to do is see ! Yet it seems for some reason my ” eyes ” keep getting taken ! Wondering if there is something happening on a larger scale related to viewing things ? Just due to the coincidence of so many others having an eye condition as well.

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Dawn Anderson | April 6, 2013

  819. Hi Deborah,

    Sounds like you’re asking if a post has been published answering the question you asked as D in a comment on March 29, 2013. If that’s what you’re asking, the answer is no, we haven’t published a post answering that question yet, but as we mentioned in a comment on to you on March 30, we did do a session with The Council to answer your question, along with questions from Jose and Michelle, and earlier today we published our first post (Every Question is Important) on that session. You were briefly mentioned in that post. We are currently working on posts to answer four questions from Jose. Then we’ll be working on a post on the answer to Michelle’s question. Then we’ll be working on a post on your question about where to live. We hope that answers your question.


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | April 6, 2013

  820. has this been posted?


    Comment by Deborah Baker | April 6, 2013

  821. Dear D,

    We did a session with The Council today and received guidance on your question. It may take a while to publish a post on the part of the session about your question, but we thought you’d like to know The Council suggests that you identify something that you love to do and then find a way to share this with others as a sort of volunteer. They said this will lead to the type of expansion you’re looking for. We hope this helps. We’ll publish a post with additional details on your question as soon as we can.


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | March 30, 2013

  822. Hi Michelle,

    We did a session with The Council today and received guidance for your question about a move. It may take us a while to publish the post on the session because other readers’ questions were also answered, but we thought you’d like to know some highlights of what The Council said:

    “We also see that if you do move forward and go to Devonshire, not only will your daughter love it, but you will also because there will be other opportunities and a different way of life.”

    “In either direction there is happiness if she chooses [happiness], but with a little clue here, the house that is waiting for her, or even another house if this [first house] is not what she wants, in Devonshire, will have many, many wonderful surprises.”

    There’s more that we think you’ll find interesting, including another lifetime in Glastonbury, but we thought you’d like a preview. We hope this helps. We’ll publish a post on the session with more details as soon as we can.


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | March 30, 2013

  823. Hi D,

    Thank you for your interesting question. We’re particularly looking forward to The Council’s suggestions for fine tuning your creativity using your meditations. Stay tuned.


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | March 30, 2013

  824. Hi Michelle,

    We’ll see if we can get some guidance for you from The Council. If it feels like the guidance might also benefit other readers we’ll publish a post about the session. If the guidance is of a more personal nature that’s likely to be mostly of interest to you, maybe we’ll let you know what The Council says in a reply to your comment like this one. If you haven’t already signed up for email notifications of new comments on the Welcome page, you may want to try this.


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | March 30, 2013

  825. Question: I’ve been divorced for two years now and financial issues are clouded. It appears that the ability to generate more income has aluded me. I’m considering looking for a new position, yet this unstable economy and age (62) seem to be factors that inhibit. I’ve created in meditation many times increased wealth with no avail. What am I not doing that can help me out of this situation. Is there something specific I can do – or guidance in a certain field….D

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by D | March 29, 2013

  826. Hello Cynthia and Bob,
    I wondered if the Council could guide me on which path I should take. My options are to move to Barnstaple, Devon where my 13 year old daughter wants to live and where we have secured house to rent. There are many activities there for my daughter with the beaches, cycle tracks etc. The house we have is large enough for me to work from but has only a small concert garden and is a terrace house, which will be a big change from living in the country as I do now, as a nature lover I’m not sure if this will be such a good thing in the long term. My other option is to find a place to rent in Glastonbury, my daughter is not keen and her dad says there will not be enough for her to do there. For me though it will feel like going home! And I have always wanted the experience of working and living there. I feel that one day I will get to Glastonbury, so for now I wondered am I supposed to go there yet? Should I go toward what feels right and lifting for me, or what feels right and lifting for my daughter? If I don’t decide soon I could lose the house in Barnstaple and so far nothing has come up for me in Glastonbury. But I would be very willling to let go of the house in Barnstaple and wait for a place in Glastonbury if I knew it was the right path. Thankyou.

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Michelle Wolfe-Emery | March 29, 2013

  827. Thanks for your encouraging feedback, Peter. I look forward to exploring the work you and Kay have put on your blog. Thank you for that.



    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | February 21, 2013

  828. Hi Cynthia and Bob

    First of all thank you for your kind comments on our blog. What is posted there is what we are given from spirit, which they have asked us to spread widely in order to further their objectives for Earth and humanity. Unlike you we do not ask many questions, but we may do so in the future.

    I love what you are doing with you webiste. I resonate with what you have written in the many of your posts that I have read so far. I look forward to reading more. Thank you for the work that you are doing.

    Love and Light
    Peter (and Kay)

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Peter Ashley | February 21, 2013

  829. Thank you for your comments, they are helpful
    . If we create a future self to inhabit now: Is it possible to leave a ghost dna trace energetically that changes the matrix to a new existence in the altered body now.

    Then, As spirit we could inhabit other bodies and return to our body. we connect energetically, to anything, anyone, do we leave a dna ghost pattern that could enhance that connection as well as our self; both are better for the connection whether it is dna, consciousness, exchange. If my brain in evolved and I contact a brain in the past (1600’s), gather their genius thoughts, do they have a trace of my advanced brain and/or vice-versa.
    I’ve had an experience of being someone else and knowing their thoughts, how they think, how they interact in life. When I returned to my body, there is some residue of that person … Thanks for any clarity.

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Deborah | September 9, 2012

  830. Hi Deborah,
    Thank you for your question. We’re having some difficulty understanding what you are asking and we’re hoping to get some clarification from you before doing a session with The Council to answer your questions.

    In order to get The Council’s opinion on whether you are correct when you say you “have reincarnated in this same body several times, which appears to be seamless…,” it would help if we had a clearer understanding of what you’re asking.

    It’s our understanding from The Council that every breath we take is literally an inspiration of who we are as a spiritual being into our physical body. From a certain point of view we suppose it can be said that each breath is an individual seamless incarnation of spirit into the same body in the same lifetime, but we’re not sure if you’re talking about something like this or something entirely different.

    In the example you describe about living the life of Da Vinci for a time to learn painting and then coming back to your life as Deborah in 2012: Our current understanding of The Council suggests that if you believe that you and Da Vinci are a unified consciousness (which The Council teaches that you are from a spiritual point of view), then it is theoretically possible for you to be aware of the part of you that is also Da Vinci, and learn what you know as Da Vinci, and bring that awareness back to your awareness of who you are as Deborah.

    Our familiarity with the term ‘dna ghost’ is limited to a Google search after reading your question and it’s not clear to us how to use this term in a meaningful way. If you’re asking whether Da Vinci is aware of you being aware of him, our guess is The Council would say that from a spiritual point of view all spiritual beings are aware of all other spiritual beings and that would include Da Vinci’s awareness of you. Let us know if you’re talking about something else. And let us know if you are specifically interested in asking The Council about the subject of dna ghosts and we will see what we can find out.

    We expect The Council will agree that what you perceive as back and forth has at least something to do with dimensions. They have said many times that from our spiritual point of view there is no time and that many lifetimes can be perceived as being lived in a single moment.

    Based on this feedback, please do what you can to clarify the points you are most interested in The Council responding to. This will help us make the best use of a discussion with them.

    Cynthia & Bob


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | September 9, 2012

  831. Question to Council
    I’m trying to understand multiple reincarnations in the same lifetime. I, Deborah, 2012 – have reincarnated in this same body several times, which appears to be seamless. Yet, at times, like living a dream, while awake. It seems to happen automatically when I am working on a particlular issue. Is this correct, even though a poor, watered down version of words to explain an unknown.

    Also, how can one reincarnate in other bodies for a time, vacate that body and return to original body without the dna ghost in both bodies or is that inevitable. Example, to live the life of DaVinci for a time to learn painting technique, then back to your own life in 2012 enhanced. Does DaVinci then have my dna ghost or residue and vice versa. And it is possible that what I perceive as back and forth is a dimenional thing. Example: life in this body in 2012 is a slower frequency than living in a fifth dimensional body — that a whole life time can be lived in moments, then return to this lifetime enhanced by the experience?

    I’m getting glimpses of all this and would like to understand the wholeness of it.
    Deborah, Washington, United States

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Deborah | September 5, 2012

  832. Hi Rachael. We love that you love our blog. Thank you for your question about the purpose of life and reincarnation. The questions, “Why are we here?” “Why am I here?” and “What is my purpose?” are important philosophical questions that have been asked throughout recorded history. The related question, “Why do I keep coming back (lifetime after lifetime)?” may not be quite as popular a question, but in our opinion it’s just as important.

    Many popular answers have to do with the idea of “leaning lessons”. We look forward to hearing what The Council has to say about these important questions and whether learning lessons in an important part of the answer.


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | April 14, 2012

  833. Thank you for your two excellent questions, Bari.

    As students of Abraham’s teachings, Cynthia and I have also wondered about Abraham’s comments that appear to considerably minimize the importance and influence of “past lives” on what we think of as our “current life”. Cynthia and I currently feel more comfortable with a teaching that acknowledges an influence of past lives and emphasizes that our current experience doesn’t need to be controlled by past experiences, whether in this lifetime or a past lifetime. We hope The Council can shed some light on this.

    The reason I use quotation marks around “past lives” and “current life” is that part of The Council’s teaching (and Abraham’s [I think] and other spiritual teachers like Seth) is that the perception of time as having a past, present, and future is part of a physical experience. Although our physical experience often appears to be the larger part of our experience, we are taught that the larger part of who we truly are is non-physical (i.e., spirit). And we are taught that from our non-physical point of view there is not a perception of time and past, present, and future. Cynthia and I hope we can shed more light on this fascinating and complex topic in future posts.

    We look forward to hearing what The Council has to say in response to your second wonderful question. We have high hopes the answer can benefit many people who find themselves in a similar situation and are finding it a challenge to apply the teachings of conscious creation to their day to day lives.


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | April 14, 2012

  834. Hello, Cynthia and Bob…and The Council. I love your site. I just read the last entry about reincarnation and I have a question to pose, if I may. While I am open to the idea that we, souls, return to earth many times, I continue to wonder, why? Why are we all here? More specifically, why am I here…again? Is it that we intend to learn lessons and perhaps we simply don’t finish those lessons in other life times? Or, do we finish those lessons and move on to other lessons? What is the purpose of being here? I realize that these are rather large questions, but I thought as long as The Council will be addressing reincarnation, they may touch on the purpose of coming back, or for being here at all.
    I look forward to learning more…

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Bari | April 13, 2012

  835. Hi Cynthia and Bob,

    I love that you have created a space for people like myself to ask The Council questions and have the opportunity to learn together from their teachings.

    My question today is two-part;

    1. I believe in reincarnation and past lives. This belief has both assisted me in learning more about myself in this life and helping to show me why I may continue certain relationships, patterns, habits, that may not otherwise make sense to me. I do, however, wonder how The Council views this topic. Being familiar with Abraham’s teachings, I remember Esther/Abraham stating that past lives do not impact our current human existence. I found this odd as I would have thought that Abraham would have stated that while past life issues do not have to control our current lives, they do have some impact. So, if The Council can clarify their view(s) of past lives and how those many experiences impact us in our present existence, I would find that very valuable.

    2. On a different note, but also related to my explorations about Abraham’s teachings, I am interested in having The Council comment about the following;
    How much energetic impact do my thoughts and feelings have on another person, specifically the person I am in a relationship with at this time? To be more specific to my situation; While I believe I work hard to help my boyfriend better himself and his situation (something he has wanted help doing as his life had all but fallen apart when we met four years ago), I find it very hard to continue to “create” positive, higher vibrational thoughts when he continues to repeat old patterns. I know that I have the option of imagining/observing things as they are, or as I want them to be, but…I find that the more times these old patterns are repeated the harder time I have believing myself as I try to “create” these better feeling thoughts. So, my question is both how to work on this for myself and how much of an effect/impact do my thoughts/feelings have on what he ends up creating?

    Again, I thank you both, and The Council for this opportunity to grow and learn.


    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Bari | April 12, 2012

  836. Hi Sky. Thank you for your appreciation and your question for The Council. Cynthia and I look forward to hearing The Council’s answer and sharing it with you and other readers of this blog. We hope to schedule a session with The Council on your question within a week. Sometimes writing the post can take a few weeks. Please be patient and be on the lookout during this time for vibrational intuitions from your higher self that come to you and support your desire for more self-trust, more love, more joy and excitement, increased harmony, balance, and connection in your relationship, a healthy home, and spiritual growth.


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | March 27, 2012

  837. What a cool way to contact higher guides. I really appreciate the time and energy you guys put forth to create such a great way to share information freely from the higher realms. THANK YOU!!

    Okay, my question 😉

    Beloved Council,
    Thank you for your willingness to guide us from your higher ways at this time. Currently, I have embarked on a new journey with a partner. It has been the most intense, beautiful time of my life, a true twin-flame or soul connection. Most of all its revealing more of myself, and reflecting back how much more I need to trust and love myself! HA!

    I am seeking the highest and most loving way to create harmony and balance in my new relationship. Are there daily practices or meditations for us to do, or special words and affirmations we can invoke together that will help deepen our bond, and create more trust and connection?

    Last week a lot of really intense paralyzing, limiting emotions came up for me, jealousy, fear of being alone, abandonment and rejection. None of this was because of my partner, I take responsibility that I am in charge of how I feel, but it was a difficult time, and I’d like to make our relationship more about JOY, and EXCITEMENT, rather than any kinds of fears….or assumptions. I want to understand how to bring more balance into our energy.

    I want more than anything, to use this time I have on the planet to release my old programming and limiting beliefs (DETOX) and spend my life building a healthy home and family with the one I love, in total freedom, balance and real soul growth.

    Thank you for any light you can shed, and your wise council. 😀

    All My Love,

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Sky Sheridan | March 27, 2012

  838. Hi Lurette,
    We apologize for the delay posting your comment, but for some reason it was diverted to a spam folder and we have just read it for the first time.

    Thank you for letting us know that The Council’s guidance resonates with you and for your appreciation of the blog. It’s also nice to hear you say that you’ve been inspired by reader comments and our replies.

    Regarding the difficulty you describe in moving on from a relationship, and your desire to make sense of it, have you read the post, A Broken Sacred Contract and How to Move On? This post is in response to a very similar question. You may find The Council’s guidance in this post helps find some of the answers you are asking.

    Regarding your comment that “it seems that there is still something that is unfinished,” you may want to consider the possibility that nothing is ever really finished, and maybe you don’t need to actually be back in a relationship with “someone that is not in [y]our best interest” in order to experience you are moving on in a way that allows you to have the kind of experiences you hope for in your life.

    You can also scroll down to the Categories section under the Welcome post on the right side of most pages and click on the Relationships link to see other posts on this subject.

    Let us know if this has been helpful.


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | June 3, 2011

  839. Hi Lynn,
    It’s nice to hear you enjoy The Council’s wisdom. Thank you for your question.

    When you ask if all the people who are passionately desiring and working toward a goal together have to be free of resistance “in order for the outcome to be released”, we’re imagining you mean: in order for the outcome to manifest in physical reality. If that’s not what you mean, please post a follow-up comment to clarify.

    Until we have a chance to ask The Council and post a response, here’s some feedback on your question (as we currently understand it), based on what we’re learning from The Council and other law of attraction teachers.

    1. What you believe about the idea of an outcome being “released” seems worth looking at. We (Cynthia & Bob) are taught that outcomes are things we create with our thoughts and attract into our physical reality with the vibration of our emotions and feelings.
    2. You will know you are free of resistance to a passionately desired outcome by your experience of the reality of the outcome. Your attention to resistance, even if it’s with the intention of determining how free you are of it, seems like it will attract to you the very resistance you seek to be free of. The law of attraction will attract to you matching vibrations to what you focus your attention on.
    3. Thinking of an outcome as something that’s released seems to imply released by or released from someone or something. This seems to suggest someone or something other than yourself is responsible for the reality you experience. The Council teaches that each of us is totally responsible for the reality we experience.
    4. When you know what you don’t want, it helps you know what you do want. If you don’t want resistance to a goal, then maybe what you do want is an experience of allowing the law of attraction to manifest your vibrational creation in your physical reality.
    5. Lastly (and this could just be our ‘stuff’) – if Cynthia and I are thinking about whether one or more in a group project are free of resistance to a desired outcome, there’s a good chance we’re looking to make someone other than ourselves responsible that the desired outcome not manifesting in our reality. As we said, we are taught that each of us is responsible for the reality we attract into our experience.

    Hope this helps. Let us know if you think we misunderstood your question. Most likely we’ll shoot you an email when we post The Council’s answer to your question.


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | January 12, 2011

  840. Hello, I so enjoy the wisdom of the Council. I have a question to ask. If multiple people are passionately desiring and working towards a goal together, do all involved have to be free of resistance in order for the outcome to be released? Any information is appreciated in advance. Thank you.


    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Lynn | January 11, 2011

  841. Once a comment is posted, the only way we know of to edit or delete it is to contact us and request that we either edit your comment according to revised content that you provide, or let us know you’d like us to delete your comment. You can contact us by using the contact form on the Contact Us page (accessible using the Contact Us link in the navigation bar toward the top of most pages on our blog site).


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | December 28, 2010

  842. Hi Fe,

    Interesting question. Women do seem to have a reputation for being more interested than men in being part of a committed relationship, and Cynthia’s experience as a professional psychic counselor seems to support this perception. I’m not familiar with comments from Abraham (Abraham-Hicks) on the subject.

    Men may “appear far less attached in these situations” (relationships), but perhaps attachment manifests itself differently with men and women. This goes along with your observation that “women and men want a different type of intimate relationship with each other.”

    Your observation that “many women appear desperate and often feel incomplete and a lack of validity or value without being in an intimate ongoing relationship with a man” may have some validity, but it’s my sense that contemporary women have made noticeable progress in this area during my lifetime.

    We’re also curious to hear what The Council has to say about your question and we’ll do our best to post a blog entry on it when we can. Thank you for your interest in this blog and for your question.


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | December 28, 2010

  843. Hey Bob,

    How does one edit or delete their post?


    Comment by Anonymous | December 27, 2010

  844. Hi Bob, I have a question for The Council.

    I notice that women VERY OFTEN ask non-physical entities about having a relationship with a man and want to know if, when and how it will happen, etc. It is seldom that men ask such questions regarding a relationship. Abe-Hicks has also commented on the frequency of this situation with women in particular.

    Many women appear desperate and often feel incomplete and a lack of validity or value without being in an intimate ongoing relationship with a man. They frequently submit to humiliation and abuse in various ways just to be or stay with him. (Check out Judge Judy.) On the other hand in general, men appear far less attached in these situations. It seems that women and men want a different type of intimate relationship with each other.

    My question is when “All That Is” conceived of and created our species for this physical reality, what was the intended nature of each gender, of their roles and of their intimate relationship? How was it intended for them to interact, relate and cohabitate with each other, appose to what we have been taught?

    For example, from culture to culture through out the ages, many would have us believe that the male was created to be superior, and the female was created for his service and benefit. Hence, her feeling of incompleteness because she was created for him and to be with him–NOT vice versa or as his equal. They came to this physical reality to create and manifest–his desires and those of her own that served him.

    Thanks Bob and Cynthia, for your time. I’ve elaborated a bit just to give you a better idea of what I’m referring to. I look forward to reading the Council response.


    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Fe | December 27, 2010

  845. Hi Cynthia! It’s me, Dorothy, from Atlanta. Happy Holidays! I have a question – how can I tell if the person I met right after I saw you over Labor Day weekend is “the one” you described? The man I received the sun card on? He fits the description you gave me but I feel uneasy. I can’t tell if I’m wary due to experiences or I should genuinely doubt his intentions. Much love, Dorothy

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Dorothy | December 14, 2010

  846. Lola,
    We’re glad to hear our reply to your previous comment was helpful. We often surprise ourselves with new insights when we revisit posts we’ve published months earlier. The Council’s point of view on how bad feeling human experiences are experienced quite differently from our spirit’s point of view has been a major help for us in making peace with events often considered tragic from a human perspective. We look forward to more guidance from The Council on this topic in the future. And blessings to you for your lightwork.


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | November 4, 2010

  847. Cynthia and Bob,
    Thank you for your perceptive response. I had read the posts you mentioned previously, but re-read them again which expanded my understanding in greater depth. This gave me another “piece” of insight, that the experiences that bring us grief, hurt or sadness are a stepping stone to focus more on what we do desire, which I believe is a premise of the council’s suggestion, as well as that our spirit’s desire to continue to expand our experiences. It has been very helpful to read over your posts as they have such knowledge and depth and contain more inspiration each time. Blessings to you for your lightwork.

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by LOLA | November 4, 2010

  848. Hi Lola,
    Thank you for your appreciation of this blog and the guidance it offers. The willingness of people like you to ask questions is an important part of what makes this blog what it is. Until we have time to ask The Council about the situation you describe and write something about it, here are a few suggestions based on our understanding of the guidance we’ve received.

    Regarding your question about getting over the hurdle of clinging to someone when it doesn’t seem like it’s in your best interest: if you haven’t read our post titled A Broken Sacred Contract and How to Move On, you may find it helpful. This post was inspired by a similar question from a woman named Chris who was looking for advice on how to move on from a relationship with a powerful connection that stopped feeling like it was in her best interest.

    And if you haven’t read our post titled: What is Karma and How Does it Work? you may also find this helpful. It might help you understand how you, as spirit, may have chosen this hurdle for the purpose of your spirit’s expansion.

    What keeps you focused on a relationship that might not feel so good any more could be a number of things. You may be confusing the good feelings you once felt in relationship to this person with the good feelings that your spirit is continually offering you. On some level you may suspect this person was more responsible for your good feelings than you were. If this is the case, you may be afraid if you distance yourself from this person you’ll be distancing yourself from the possibility of feeling the good feelings you once felt in this relationship.

    One of the lessons in the How to Move On post seems to be that other people can help us feel the unconditional love that our spirit has for us, but love from other people isn’t meant to be a long-term substitute for love from and for our self. No matter how powerful your connection is to this person, imagine a more powerful connection with your spirit?

    When you allow the good feelings your spirit always offers you, others who are experiencing similar good feelings will be attracted to you and you to them. Maybe this person you once felt a powerful connection with will be one of these people. As the creator of your reality, determine what you desire, focus on it, feel what it feels like as often as possible, and merely consider the possibility from time to time you can allow it to manifest in your physical experience. If you haven’t read the post titled What About This Idea That We Create Whatever We Desire? it might help you with this.

    Good luck. Let us know if you have other questions.


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | November 4, 2010

  849. I resonate with the wisdom offered by the the Council and thank you for your blog and guidance. I’ve also found that spirit seems to speak to us indirectly, and repeats things til we “get them”, so seeing some of your comments and responses have felt like they were directed toward me for which I am grateful and feel inspired by them.
    For a while my biggest challenge and hurdle has been a relationship of sorts that I have been unable to move past from. Not to belabor the details or issues, but just as a general topic, as a being that requires answers or logic to make sense of things, how can we get over the hurdle of clinging to someone that is not in our best interest, but was once someone that was a powerful connection. I know there was a lesson involved, possibly for both of us, but it seems that there is still something that is unfinished and I wonder if that is what is holding me onto this hope, or whatever it is.
    Thank you for any insight you can offer.
    Blessings and peace.

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by LOLA | November 3, 2010

  850. Hi Oksana,
    Thank you for your question about Karma. If you’ve read Diana’s recent comment you’ll know that your question and the answer it inspired are already benefiting others.

    It’s our impression that The Council would use the words soul and spirit interchangeably. The Council is fond of reminding us that we are all one. Having said that, we’re a little curious ourselves whether there is any benefit to making distinctions between the idea of soul and the idea of spirit. I’m guessing they’ll say there isn’t anything that’s detrimental to our soul. I’m pretty sure I’ve heard them say as much about spirit. We look forward to hearing what The Council has to say on this subject. Thank you very much for this question. We’ll post a reply as soon as we can.


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | August 24, 2010

  851. Hi Cynthia and Bob.
    Thank you so much for answering the questing about karma.
    I hear a lot of word spirit in our conversations. “You are the spirit” etc. But would it be possible to find out more about what is Soul. Can we do things that can be detrimental to our soul?
    thank you so much.
    Many blessings.

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by oksana | August 22, 2010

  852. Hi Diana,
    Thanks for your question. The subject of creating what we desire is a fascinating one and not necessarily easy to understand, as your question illustrates. We had a session with The Council this morning on your question and to say it was illuminating may be an understatement.

    We’re in the process of writing a post in response to a recent question from Oksana on karma. As soon as that post is published we’ll get to work on transcribing our session on your question and publishing a post in response. Since it can often take us several weeks after a session to publish a post, we thought you might appreciate a bit of information and advice from the session that you might be able to work with now.

    Think of what you create with your thoughts as being vibrationally and energetically very real, but not necessarily immediately available in physical reality. Once a desire is vibrationally created with your thoughts, if you want this creation to manifest physically you need to cooperate with the law of attraction to let it deliver your creation physically. The Council suggests using your emotions, feelings, and senses to experience as fully as possible the vibrational reality of the desire you have created. If you haven’t read this earlier post on our blog, also about a relationship disappointment, it might be helpful.

    When your attention is focused on not having in your physical reality what you desire, the law of attraction brings to you more of not having what you desire. If you find yourself focused on the lack of what you desire, practice finding ways to let your attention shift to the details of what your desired creation feels like, looks like, sounds like, etc. as the law of attraction brings it closer and closer. The more you can find ways to feel appreciation for what you’ve created vibrationally before it manifests physically, the easier it will be for the law of attraction to deliver it into your physical reality.

    With your thoughts you have created a vibrational reality where you are already with the person you want to be with. When you focus your attention on thoughts that this person doesn’t want to be with you, it’s like you’re sending a message to the law of attraction to put a hold on delivery of your desired creation and to bring you more of ‘this person doesn’t want to be with me.’

    It may help to contemplate the idea that you create with your thoughts, and your desire helps deliver what you created. If you think you create whatever you desire, as you mentioned in your comment, it may become easy to overlook how you’re creating the opposite of what you desire every time you think the person you want to be with doesn’t want to be with you.

    We hope this helps and we hope you like the post on your question when it’s published. Stay tuned.


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | August 14, 2010

  853. Hi Bob and Cynthia. My question is related to relationships. I have read a lot on the subject of “we create whatever we desire”. If you focus all your energy on a specific person and you want to be with them, but this person focus all their energy on the opposite and does not want to be with you; than what happens? How can they both get what they desire if their desires are exact opposites? I guess this question applies to other aspects of life as well and not just relationships.
    Thank you very much for this opportunity.

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Diana | August 12, 2010

  854. Thank you for your question on the meaning of karma, Oksana. We are also interested to hear what The Council has to say on this subject. We’ll post their response as soon as we can.


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | August 6, 2010

  855. HI Cynthia. In my last reading with you the word karma came up. And I must admit that after reading a lot on this subject I’am really confused with how exactly it works. WHat it is? You have mentioned before there is no good and no bad then where does the karma come into play?I would really be interested to hear what the Council has to say about it. As I find it really confusing. THank you so much for this website.

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by oksana | July 31, 2010

  856. Chris,
    Please clarify what you mean in the last part of the last sentence of your comment: “…as I never felt a connection of any depth upon meeting this person.” We understand about not being able to forget the person you believe you have a sacred contract with. We understand you’re having difficulty going on with life without having this person you met years ago. The last part of the last sentence sounds like you’re saying you never felt any sort of deep connection when you met the person you believe you have the sacred contract with. If that’s what you’re saying, can you describe how you believe this is relevant. If that’s not what you’re saying, perhaps you can use different language to make your point a little more clear. Thanks.


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | May 23, 2010

  857. Thank you very much for the admiration. It feels wonderful. We look forward to giving you, your children, and other readers many more opportunities to experience admiration, particularly for yourselves. I think that’s one of the things The Council is hoping to remind us: that we deserve to admire and appreciate ourselves and each other as often as we can – mostly just because it feels good. Thumbs up to you for your considerate comment. (It looks like your comment got picked up by our blog’s automatic spam filter for some reason and we’re just seeing it for the first time a little over a week after you posted it.) Feel free to ask The Council a question if you feel inspired to. We look forward to hearing from you again.


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | May 20, 2010

  858. Hi Chris,
    It’s taken one month to the day to post The Council’s answer to your question. The post is titled Believing in a Loving and Benevolent God When Life Sucks. We learned a lot from answering this question. Sorry it took so long. It was a challenge to write. Thank you for asking. We hope you find the answers satisfying. And thanks for your new question. Cynthia is confident the subject of spiritual contracts in relationships is one that will interest many readers.


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | May 19, 2010

  859. Hello,
    My question involves the breaking of what I believe was a sacred contract. I am sure that I had met someone years ago who I was supposed to spend the rest of my life with. I feel this more strongly than anyone or any event in my life. I am 48 yrs old. Since this did not happen, how does one move on and is there a “second” choice when someone breaks a contract with you? I have not been able to forget this person and go on since this happened as I never felt a connection of any depth upon meeting this person. Thank you.

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Chris | May 18, 2010

  860. I look forward to your respone to my question yesterday. Thank you very much!

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Chris | April 20, 2010

  861. Chris,
    This is an excellent question and one that many others can probably relate to. We look forward to hearing The Council’s response and making it available.

    It seems to be taking longer for us to post responses than we originally anticipated. Please be patient and know we are working on this. If you haven’t already checked the box at the bottom of the welcome page to be notified by email when there’s a new post or comment, this will help keep you informed. Thank you, Chris, for your question. It is much appreciated.


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | April 19, 2010

  862. Hello,
    I wanted to ask how to believe again that there is a God who does love us and hears us and want the best for us when faith evaporates due to life conditions. How can I learn to believe and know that I am heard and important when no such evidence is clear to me?

    Thank you,

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Chris | April 19, 2010

  863. Oksana,
    It’s taken a while, but we finally posted a response to your questions about religion and fitting in. It’s titled What is the Meaning of Religion? We learned quite a bit about religion and humanity’s relationship with God during this session. We hope it answers your questions and others find this information helpful. Thank you again for asking.


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | April 18, 2010

  864. Hi, Bob and Cynthia:

    Thanks so much for setting up a blog devoted to introducing people to their own spiritual natures–much needed work these days!

    It is also good that Cynthia is able to communicate with spirit guides on the other side, as not all of us on the path have that ability or the extended sensory perception which facilitates it.

    Keep up the great work!

    Mike Bear

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Mike Bear | April 11, 2010

  865. Hi Sandy,
    We’re glad you find the site interesting. When we get a chance we’ll ask The Council for guidance that might help your situation. Being in between jobs, feeling like something new is desired, and questioning whether it’s better to stick with what’s familiar are situations Cynthia and I can relate to from our own experience. We expect many others can relate to your situation also and might benefit from The Council’s advice.

    While waiting for a response from The Council you might want to check out the meditation for opening and energizing the Crown chakra and Heart chakra. This meditation was given in response to Gayle’s question about how to strengthen her connection to the guidance available to her from spirit. Thanks for your question.


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | April 10, 2010

  866. Hi Cynthia and Bob!
    I just came across your website and found it interesting. I actually don’t know too much about The Council but thought I’d give this a shot anyway: I am at a point in my life where I feel like I need something new. Like many people, I am in between jobs and I wonder whether I should be sticking to my usual field or trying something completely outside of the box. I have always been more of a math and science person but I like the idea of moving into the arts. Is there anyway I can get a point in the right direction from The Council?



    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Sandy | April 8, 2010

  867. William,
    Congratulations on your recent return to meditation and your experience connecting with spirit. In a recent comment Robyn also asked us about the possibility that she has connected with The Council. Given your added interest in this question it occurred to us that others might also be interested in the answer and we became more curious ourselves. We asked The Council and they were kind enough to reply. The short answer for both you and Robyn is yes. Instead of elaborating in this reply to your comment, it seems like a better idea to put it in a post where it’ll be more accessible to readers.

    Thank you for your question William and your question Robyn. Cynthia and I find The Council’s point of view on this subject quite illuminating and we hope you do also. I’m not sure how soon the post will be available, but it’s our intention to make it our next post.


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | April 7, 2010

  868. Recently I have started meditating again, and a group of beings started talking to me. Mostly just putting my mind to ease and telling me ‘I am one with all and all is one with me’. This group said they were “The Council”. Is this the same council or am I just imagining things.


    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by William | April 7, 2010

  869. oksana,
    We glad you love the idea of this blog and you’re able to relate to the questions others have asked and the answers we’ve posted. We’re particularly excited to hear that you tried a meditation The Council suggested and that you had a magical experience.

    Thank you for your questions about religion. We look forward to hearing The Council’s point of view on this subject and we’ll post their response as soon as we can.

    I can relate to struggling with the idea of becoming part of a group and feeling a little like an outsider as a result. I imagine there are other readers who’ve also had similar feelings. I wouldn’t be surprised of The Council offers some guidance on this issue.



    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | April 5, 2010

  870. First thank you guys for this blog. I love the idea of it. Im finding I can relate to the question other”s are asking myself. It is fascinating to read the answers. I even tried the meditation you recommended and had a magical experience. So thank you so much !!!!! I went to the church as it was Easter today and I felt I had to ask the question about religion. What are the meaning of religions to the humanity, why are so many people choose to commit to a particular one, to the point of killing each other, and secondary why am I never was able to embrace the religion (in my case christianity)? Looking deeper at myself Im actually straggling with becoming a part of any group. It bothers me because it makes me feel a bit of an outsider. Many thanks

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by oksana | April 5, 2010

  871. Hi Robyn,
    We’re so glad to hear you experienced what felt like a healing on the day we did a session with The Council about your questions.

    One of the things that’s making it difficult to post the results of this session is finding words to convey what we experienced. For the first 18 minutes of the 53 minute session The Council addressed you as if you were sitting with us in our living room. Cynthia and I were more like observers or witnesses to something that was taking place between The Council and you. (I have a feeling we’ll be posting a transcript of this part of the session during the next few days.)

    After a while it felt like we were someplace other than our living room even though it still looked like our living room. It was a little like a dream, but without being asleep. Our surroundings looked one way, but we were having a definite feeling experience of being somewhere else. And what we felt was very much like what can be described as a healing – not just for you, but for us and many others.

    Thank you so much for sharing your experience (speaking your truth) of your energy shift last Saturday. It has inspired us to find a way to speak our truth about this session and share with others. Thank you for your patience. And thanks again for speaking the truth of your original quesitons and comments. They are the inspiration for a powerful session with The Council that has the potential to benefit many.



    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | April 2, 2010

  872. Hi Bob and Cynthia, thank you so much for bringing this to The Council. And Raymond…so glad that hopefully the reply from Council will be helpful for you and others as well. Bob and Cynthia, on Saturday I experienced a huge shift in my energy. Is it possible that I received a healing when you asked The Council? The feeling I had was similar to that of when I have received healings in the past…I just chalked it up to Full Moon or possibly that I had set intentions for the Spring Equinox and I had begun feeling those effects, but now that I see that is the day you asked The Council, I am wondering if what I was experiencing was related?

    Blessings and many thanks,


    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Robyn | April 2, 2010

  873. Hi Raymond,
    No, you didn’t miss The Council’s response to Robyn’s questions. Thanks for asking. We had a 50 minute session with The Council last Saturday on Robyn’s questions and we’re still feeling our way to the post.

    The main theme of the session is the importance of understanding and experiencing that who we truly are is pure spirit in a physical body – something it’s easy to forget when so much emphasis is placed on limiting our perception of reality to what can be perceived with only our physical senses. The Council also offers another meditation. This one focuses on energizing the Heart chakra and the First chakra using pure white light. It seems likely it will take us several posts to describe this session.

    One of the more interesting pieces of information that may come as a surprise to Robyn and others has to do with the people we’re most concerned will reject us if we have the courage to be ourselves. The Council says these people are souls we’ve likely known in many lifetimes who we choose in this lifetime to challenge us to move toward the pure spirit we truly are. This is a point of view we’ve also come across in books on the teachings of other spirit guides we’ve learned from.

    Our apologies for the delay in posting the results of our session. It’s turned out to be an unexpected challenge for us to put into words what we experienced during the session. As Robyn seems to understand, speaking our truth is a challenge. We look forward to sharing the truth of our experience with The Council as it becomes clear to us. We hope it will be helpful to you, Robyn, and others. Thanks for your patience, Raymond. We appreciate your comment.


    Comment by Cynthia & Bob | April 2, 2010

  874. Hello
    I have similar issues regarding Robyn’s question.
    Did I miss the answer? Haven’t been on. If so, could you be so kind as to repost?

    Thanks R.

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    Comment by Raymond | April 1, 2010

  875. Thank you for your request, Robyn. It’s one I relate to on a personal level and is close to my heart. It’s my hope that many readers will benefit from The Council’s guidance on how we can feel safer and more confident about being ourselves, particularly if we’re concerned we might be rejected by others. I imagine there is a widespread desire for useful guidance on this subject and we look forward to making this guidance available to you and other readers.


    Comment by bob@askthecouncil | March 26, 2010

  876. Hi Cynthia,

    I have spent the majority of my life running away from myself and trying to be basically anyone but who I am. I have always tried to make myself more like others who I have admired. In the process, I never got to know who I genuinely am…likely out of fear that I still won’t be able to love and accept myself. I would please like to ask The Council for guidance on how can I get passed feeling that it is not safe or not okay to be me and how to cease believing that I will be rejected if I express my true feelings. I want to transcend and be able to speak and live my truth…I am tired of pretending…at this point the only one I am fooling is myself. Any support or guidance would be tremendously appreciated.

    Thank you,


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    Comment by Robyn | March 25, 2010

  877. Thanks for your question, Gayle. Cynthia and I will ask The Council and when we get an answer we’ll post it.


    Comment by askthecouncil | March 18, 2010

  878. i often feel informed by the paths of my ancesters. i would like to deepen this understanding for my own spiritual development. i would like to graciously ask the council how to best tap into this sense.
    thank you kindly,

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    Comment by gayle stacher | March 18, 2010

Let us know what you think about this post, or ask The Council a question