Ask The Council

What will you ask Spirit?

How is It Possible There is No Separation Between Spirit and Human?

Jose’s Comments and Questions

Several months ago after reading one of our blog posts about how every human being – as a spiritual being in a human body – creates every aspect of their human experience (pleasant and unpleasant, wanted and unwanted), a thoughtful reader named Jose asked The Council whether humans have the free will and power to create a better-feeling human reality when we feel spirit is creating a reality we’d rather not experience. Jose also asked some additional questions about the nature of spiritual reality and it’s relationship to our human experience.

In response to his questions we did a session with The Council and published 5 separate posts describing The Council’s information and guidance for Jose and other readers interested in this information (links to these sessions at the end of this post). Recently Jose posted a comment expressing appreciation for the information in those 5 posts and how they opened his mind to some new questions. This post is the first in a series that describes two new sessions with The Council on Jose’s recent questions. This post was originally published on July 5, 2013 and has been revised several times as our understanding of these sessions evolved.

Feeling Separate From Spirit

Jose says The Council’s teaching that spirit sometimes creates challenging or difficult human experiences leaves him feeling like a slave or a pet; and spirit seems like an uncaring master who creates negative human experiences (like pain, loneliness, fear, lack, desperation, etc) to satisfy a selfish desire for spiritual expansion. Jose compares spirit to a matador who enters the bullfighting ring for the adrenalin rush, but has no compassion for the bull (which he equates with his body/mind/ego) that is physically hurt, humiliated, and is ultimately killed in the process. Jose concludes, “the mind/body has no choice but to follow blindly and painfully without knowing what the lesson or purpose was, is, or will be” in physical reality.

Jose also asks 3 questions related to these comments: one about why spirit would chose to be born as a child without limbs, one about why a buffer of time is needed between our human desire and our manifestation of what is wanted, and a question about whether it’s possible for spirit and its mind/body/ego to both simultaneously have free will to do what is wanted. Jose politely ends his comment with an apology if his questions sound too harsh, “but would love to know The Council’s opinion on the matter.”


The two sessions on Jose’s questions generated a lot of thought-provoking information and guidance from The Council – too much to comfortably include in one post. In this first post of the series, we focus on The Council’s advice regarding Jose’s feelings that spirit doesn’t care about the difficulties humans experience, and we address aspects of his question about a child born without arms and without legs.

We plan to follow this post with additional posts on Jose’s questions, and in each post we’ll focus on how you and Jose can feel more connected to spirit’s unconditional love when you feel like spirit, or something else out there, is giving you a hard time.

Praise for Jose’s Questions

Although Jose’s question may seem harsh, The Council offered the following praise for Jose:

“And we applaud him for his thinking, and how he is trying to explore different ideas. And so we hope, as he comes to the reading of this material, that he will begin to let [in] the feelings that will come with the words.”

Mind/Body/Ego is One with Spirit

If you’re looking for some uplifting spiritual reading and you’re not particularly sympathetic to Jose’s point of view, you may be wondering if you made a wrong turn with this post. But The Council says that from the point of view of who you are as an eternal spiritual being, there are no wrong turns in your human experience, only opportunities to use your free will and power of choice to find better-feeling ways of focusing your attention, and allowing more of the feeling of love you are in spirit into your human experience. And that’s a big part of what this post is about.

Continue reading

July 5, 2013 Posted by | Beliefs, Challenges, Connecting With Spirit, Exercise, Helping Others, Love, New Guidance, Part of a Series, Questions & Answers, You Create Your Reality | , , , , , , , , , | 8 Comments

March 22, 2011 Daily Thought

Each challenge in your life
Is an opportunity to reach for love;
An opportunity to change your perception
And allow more love into your experience.

—The Council

March 22, 2011 Posted by | Thought for the Day | , , , , , , | Leave a comment

What is Karma and How Does it Work?

This post is inspired by a question from Oksana who was confused about the subject of karma and wanted to know what The Council has to say about it.

Council Comments on the Meaning of Karma

“We like this question very much – the subject of karma… how one’s thinking creates their own reality. For many centuries this idea of karma has been elusive. In the beginning it was thought that the deeds you do in this life, you would pay for in the afterlife, such as heaven if you did many good deeds, and hell if you did many bad, hurtful, horrible things – you would pay for it in the afterlife.

“And then it evolved that if you were truly bad enough in many of your lifetimes, you not only had to wait until you went back to non-physical, but you would begin to pay for it in the physical body.

“So again, you would experience many challenging situations in your life. And many people who, not understanding where this came from, would begin to think: This is my karma. I know I’m not a bad person now. I must be paying for it from another lifetime.

“And we can only tell you that you create your own reality. And by believing there is a judgmental God that will cast these horrible situations onto you – we are here to tell you this is not how it works.”

—The Council

This is an introduction to this post. Click here to read the full post→

August 15, 2010 Posted by | Karma, Questions & Answers, You Create Your Reality | , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment