Ask The Council

What will you ask Spirit?

A Past Is Life Affecting The Health Of Your Current Life

This post answers questions for The Council from a reader named, Shree.

Shree: I had a stillborn child last year. Her name is Moksha. Will I have another baby?

Council: Yes, we can see you are creating where you will have a child. And we’d like to ask you, when you think of the child you lost, is it hitting on any memories? Is it giving you any scenes that don’t seem to make any sense to you now? But we’d say to stay with the feeling and see what you bring forward from this. And this spirit just came along to give you this particular experience.

Shree: Is Moksha waiting for me to get pregnant? I feel that she’s moved on.

Council: No. We see that you will get pregnant, but this particular soul has now moved on.

Shree: Are there other souls waiting?

Council: Yes there are, but we’ll tell you about your health and what you’re going through now. You were in human form in 1918 during the Spanish influenza. You lived through this pandemic for a year. During this time you helped many people and nursed many people through this – pregnant women that died, children that died – and you wanted to be of help and support, and try to make them better.

That whole year you worked without much rest. You were fatigued beyond what the human body could endure at that time, and yet you wanted to help. Finally, after one year you came down with influenza and were very sick. You had fevers, and you were sweating, and you were freezing, and you had pains in your whole body, and then finally you exited that particular life.

And so in your current lifetime you have carried these subconscious memories with you. It’s just to show you that past lives are very real and you can, at this present time, go through it again to learn from it and to change what you do in your present life. Your time here now is to focus on this present life.

Shree: Also, did I take my life after a stillborn pregnancy in a previous life.

Council: No, we don’t see that, but you were very traumatized by seeing many young children and babies die from this influenza.

Shree: I’m feeling lost most of the time. I’m not sure what I’m supposed to do with my life. When I want to do something, I can’t seem to push myself into doing it.

Council: Yes. The fatigue is still there.

Bob: From the life with the Spanish flu?

Council: Yes.

Shree: Is this ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder), and how do I fix this?

Council: You fix it by acknowledging that what you’re going through now comes from another lifetime, and that in your current lifetime you’re supposed to do everything to take care of yourself, which you didn’t do in that other lifetime. You gave, and gave, and gave. And so in your current lifetime it’s your desire to give to yourself and take good care of yourself.

And when you get this fatigue, it’s just part of that life coming forward. So when you get fatigued, we advise you to rest and listen to your body, but know that there’s nothing medically wrong. It’s just a past life that you’re trying to heal by finally taking care of yourself.

And meditation – the chakra meditation or the advanced meditation where you start with your toes – feel your toes and tell them they’re healthy. And now move to your feet and concentrate on your feet and send them love, and tell your feet they’re healthy. And then your legs, and then your stomach, and you go all through your body every day, feeling good, acknowledging your body is different and is no longer living in that past life.

Bob: It sounds like you’re saying that her symptoms don’t fit the definition of ADHD.

Council: No, not at all. This is a very big memory that’s brought forth in her body.

Shree: I’m so fatigued and tired, and I’ve been getting night sweats for a couple years.

Council: Ah, there’s that past life again.

Shree: Doctors are telling me it’s my mental health and sleeping problems are causing all this.

Council: It’s your past life that’s causing all this.

Shree: Why do I feel there’s something more to this?

Council: Because you need to recognize that you are safe and healthy, and to acknowledge from this information that you were of great help to many, many people. You did wonderful work attending to other people and helping them pass over, and it was exhausting. And so you brought this into your current life so that you could turn it around, and now be supportive and helpful to yourself, and acknowledge what a wonderful job you did in that other lifetime.

Shree: Or is all this in my head?

Council: (Laughing) Well, it’s in your head. That’s where your memory is, but it’s very real. Your mind recognizes it, your body recognizes it, so now you need to connect the dots and say, “That was then, this is now. I’m not going through that, but I’m bringing it forth to help me take care of myself, and acknowledge that as a spirit, in other lives I was very helpful, and now I need to take care of me.”

Shree: How can I overcome this, as it’s affecting my day-to-day life?

Council: With the meditation and perhaps with reading about the Spanish flu, and it might bring forth more memories where you can visualize you, and what you did, and what was going on, and just know that this is a memory.

Shree: On the subject of heartfulness meditation, I know I’m supposed to meditate, but again I can’t seem to push myself to do it.

Council: Start with the chakras, or if that’s to difficult, begin with the toes and work your way through your body, telling it to relax and telling it you are healthy this lifetime.

Shree: Looking forward to your guidance. Lots of love, Shree.

Council: This guidance will work if you follow it. And so even if you are exhausted and you can only do Step 1 of the chakra breathing, that’s fine. Do Step 1. Maybe for several days you just do Step 1, but then go to Step 2. You will bring yourself through this

Bob: Are you suggesting that after Shree’s done Step 1 for a while and then she goes to Step 2, does she do Step 1 and Step 2?

Council: Yes. And the change will become very clear in her body.

And so we’ve enjoyed this again, and we send you all blessings, and love, and happiness. And enjoy what you’ve created. And if you don’t like what you’ve created, then change it. Change it with your thoughts and how you think. You are a great spirit that’s here to learn many, many different things. And you’ve all created this time to come in knowing it would be difficult, knowing there would be a lot of chaos, but you came in to hold the beautiful light, to love no matter what, and you will see your lives change.

Listen to the entire 11-minute audio recording of our session with The Council (below) to hear all their guidance for Shree and the rest of us, and let us know what you feel about it.

You can also ask The Council your own free question by typing it into one of the Comment boxes that appear at the bottom of most of our blog pages and we’ll answer it as soon as we have time.

You can also pay $60 to have a live, half-hour telephone conversation with The Council by clicking on this link. Once we receive your payment we’ll contact you by email to arrange a mutually convenient day and time for your phone call.

If you like this post, please click the LIKE button in the section following the recording to let us and other readers know. Thanks.

October 28, 2023 Posted by | Audio Content, Challenges, Channeling, Healing, Health, Helping Others, Meditation, Other Lifetimes, Pregnancy, Questions & Answers, Soul, Spirit, You Create Your Reality | , , , , , , | 6 Comments

Can The Council Help Me Overcome My Insomnia?

This post answers questions for The Council from a reader named, Violet.

Violet: My question is about my insomnia. It’s been a chronic problem for years and no medications or natural supplements seem to be helping me anymore, taking a toll on my life.

Council: We see this.

Violet: What could be the reason for this insomnia?

Council: Well we’d say in your reality what you’re living now makes a lot of sense. In a past life it was very dangerous for you to go to sleep. You belonged to one of the so-called gangs on the street in France in the early 1800s, and you committed a crime and were thrown in jail.

Now back at that time what happened when you were thrown in jail was that you were automatically going to have your head cut off or be hung, but you never knew when because the guards would sneak into the cell in the middle of the night and drag out whoever was picked to be killed. So living that way you and many others were afraid to go to sleep because you didn’t know once you fell asleep if they would come in and grab you and take you out and execute you.

So that memory is still with you, And what’s needed now is to make this connection that the fear of sleeping and keeps you awake is a memory that you brought in with you. So when you start to, what we call connect the dots, you can realize that’s why this is happening. It should begin with understanding to lighten up and eventually go away.

So we’d say the best thing for you to do would be to meditate on this past life. And read up on how prisoners were treated in French prisons and you’ll know, you’ll get a feeling when you read about these things, of what you went through. And so when you relive that life through reading something or watching something, the connection is made and the insomnia will begin to go away.

So meditate. When you go to sleep, many people put white light around them and ask to have a peaceful night. And for you, it would always be to tell yourself that you are safe. That was then, this is now, and it’s just something that you brought in. You wanted to remember this past life and wanted to know you could have the control and the safety of sleeping and feeling good. And that’s what you’re trying to heal at this time.

Violet: Can The Council orient me as to how to overcome this huge challenge and live normally?

Council: Just make the connection to this past life. And at this time it’s important for you when you make the connection to know that was then, and yes I was executed, but look at this, I’m a spirit, I’m back, I’m fine, and I’m living this life because I wanted to discover this past life and know that now I have the choice of making it heal, and making it go away, and mainly making it safe for yourself. That’s what is needed at this time.

Listen to the entire 4-minute audio recording of our session with The Council (below) to hear all their guidance for Violet and the rest of us, and let us know what you feel about it. You can also ask The Council your own question by typing it into one of the Comment boxes that appear at the bottom of most of our blog pages.

If you like this post, please click the LIKE button in the section following the recording to let us and other readers know. Thanks.

March 23, 2023 Posted by | Audio Content, Channeling, Healing, Other Lifetimes, Questions & Answers, Spirit | , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Dream Interpretation

This post answers a question from a reader named Lavender, who asks The Council to interpret her dream about a man who she felt had negative energy. In the dream she was setting up a play date for her daughter and a little girl who lived in this man’s house, but he didn’t want Lavender and her daughter there when they arrived.

The Council suggests Lavender look into her childhood for a person or persons she felt had negative energy and didn’t like being around them? The Council feels this dream represents a memory Lavender is ready to bring into her conscious mind.

The Council says in this dream Lavender had a child she wasn’t sure she wanted in this man’s company and they ask Lavender to think back. Is there something familiar about this? There’s an emotion she’s ready to release about one or more people she didn’t feel safe around.

Lavender says in this dream the man had a large black snake covered in bees around his neck. The Council asks Lavender what blackness means to her, what does a snake mean to her, and what do bees mean? What do they feel like? Answering this question will give her clues to how this dream relates to her subconscious.

The Council says as Lavender examines this dream and the memories it brings, perhaps remembering something she hasn’t remembered before, she can remind herself she’ll always be protected going forward. See what emotions come up. If it’s fear or confusion Lavender can understand it’s from her past and she’s ready to let go of these emotions she has hidden within her.

The Council closes by suggesting that dreams will teach us if we follow them.

Listen to our entire 3-minute session with The Council to hear all their guidance for Lavender and the rest of us, and let us know how you feel about it.

December 4, 2017 Posted by | Audio Content, Channeling, Emotions, Questions & Answers, Spirit | , , , | 1 Comment

Feeling Your Way to Manifesting What You Desire

The following is a message The Council delivered to a small group on July 19, 2011 prior to taking questions from participants. Before the session with The Council the group had been discussing the subject of manifesting desires. Headings have been added for emphasis.

“And so we notice tonight the topic was all of the desires that each of us have. And we would just like to tell you that before you came into this physical reality, you knew you had the ability to create anything you desired. If you have the desire, it’s there for you.

Feel Your Way There

“What we always wish to let you know is that you are so much more than a physical body. You are spirit on this journey in a physical world. You are very powerful, and the way to create, to manifest your desires, is to feel your way there.

“It is wonderful to see it, to imagine it, but what brings it in is that feeling. Every part of your body, every cell in your body understands, and as you have those desires and feel your way there, the universe will line up all the opportunities to help you create whatever it is that you want – and we do say – whatever it is that you want.

Continue reading

June 13, 2013 Posted by | Desire, Expansion, Feelings, Imagination, Vibration, You Create Your Reality | , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

2011-06-04 Thought for the Day

You have asked what happens
To those who do not believe
In eternal life.

They will have to wait
Until they are back in spirit
To remember.

—The Council

June 4, 2011 Posted by | Thought for the Day | , , , | Leave a comment

A Broken Sacred Contract and How to Move On

This post is inspired by a question for The Council from Chris who asks how to move on when someone she feels she was meant to spend her life with broke a sacred contract by leaving. She also asks if it’s possible to find another partner under the circumstances.

Sacred Contracts

The Council observes that souls frequently agree to come into physical bodies during the same lifetime and help each other in their physical lives, but the Council isn’t inclined to understand these agreements as binding sacred contracts, as implied by Chris’s question. The Council believes the idea of an unchangeable binding sacred contract goes against one of the most important principles in all of creation: the free will that all humans, all souls, all spirit is given by our creator to choose, in any moment, from an infinite variety of possibilities. The Council’s idea of a sacred contract is the agreement each soul makes to unconditionally love the part of itself that comes to experience life in a physical body.

This is an introduction to this post. Click here to read the full post→

July 11, 2010 Posted by | Karma, Questions & Answers, Relationships | , , , , , , , , , , , , | 23 Comments